Fran's Reviews > World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War

World War Z by Max Brooks
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: currently-reading

This book was not high on my read list UNTIL the NYTIMES interviewed Max Brooks.. then I decided to try it.. even at that point I was ambivalent..
After one page.. HOOKED.. the writing style and the use of words just draws the reader in.Nothing at all like I expected..this is NOT about Zombies.. this is about how we live and who we are.Our fears and dreams and how we react.It happens to use Zombies as a backdrop..

Brooks is a master story teller; understanding how to weave an entire book out of vignettes ; bringing them together into a cohesive form Using different voices and making them one. All the while, the suspense builds to a crescendo.Every character is believable.. every scenario is real in this unreal book.Once you pick it up, be prepared not to put it down..

WWZ will cause you to think about the future and yourself.. your place in society.. are you "useful"? what would you do in the case of the ultimate catastrophy??Are the survivalists on to something??

Lock your doors..and get a Lobo...

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Reading Progress

Started Reading
July 26, 2013 – Finished Reading
July 27, 2013 – Shelved

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