Cindy Rollins's Reviews > My India

My India by Jim Corbett
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it was amazing
bookshelves: 2024

This book entered my life many years ago, perhaps 40. I am sure it came via a library sale and always felt like the next book in the TBR pile and yet, years went by and still I hadn’t read it. I often purge my library but for some reason I could not purge this book even though it had never been recommended and I don’t know why I wanted it. About 5 years ago I moved it to drawer in the living room. And then while searching for something else I ran across it again and decided to give it a trial run. I was so fascinated after the first chapter I continued picking it up each morning. And finally I have finished it.

My India is a book by Jim Corbett, a lifelong Anglo-Indian and man-eating tiger hunter. It is a vivid picture of life during the Raj written by a man who greatly loved and respected the people he lived among. Most interesting is the way the Muslims and Hindus live in peace before agitators came along.

Did you know there is a Jim Corbett National Park in India!

I plan on using excerpts of it for my narration classes because it is so well written.
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Started Reading
June 25, 2024 – Shelved
June 25, 2024 – Shelved as: 2024
June 25, 2024 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Grace (new)

Grace Rich Cindy would you put this down as an appropriate substitute for Kim by Kipling? Or completely different genre?

Cindy Rollins This is a memoir but for older teens it is quite interesting and perfect for slow CM style reading.

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