Dana Stabenow's Reviews > A New Hope

A New Hope by Robyn Carr
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I like the way Carr interweaves the continuing stories of characters occupying the same setting in a series, as in the Virgin River series and here in the Thunder Point series. Mostly, Carr's characters are ordinary, decent people who work for a living, a high school teacher, a florist, a farmer, a woman who lost a child to SIDS. These books are like peanuts; you can't stop with just one because the characters are always relatable and capable and attractive, and because Carr always plays fair and lets you know the rest of their story in subsequent books.

In the last book she introduced her first wealthy character, whose unimaginable wealth played havoc with the hero's head, although no question it's better to have money if you have ALS. That character is the center of one of the main plot lines here, along with the usual introduction of new characters to carry the series forward. There's a very attractive young man named Charlie I'd like to see more of.

My one caveat with this series is the many, many (one per book, even) accidental pregnancies, that almost invariably end in marriage and HEA. After a while there is a feeling of bumping up pretty hard against reality.
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