Paul Bryant's Reviews > Crome Yellow

Crome Yellow by Aldous Huxley
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In the middle of this delightful ultra-English country house satire written in 1921, I got a jolt. One of the pompous old geezers is lecturing our limp-as-a-lettuce-leaf young Denis the would-be poet about what the world is really like (they do this quite a lot) :

People are quite ready to listen to the philosophers for a little amusement as they would listen to a fiddler or a mountebank. But as to acting on the advice of the men of reason – never. Wherever the choice has had to be made between the man of reason and the madman, the world has unhesitatingly followed the madman. For the madman appeals to what is fundamental, to passion and the instincts…

At that exact moment, in 1921, there was a guy just starting his political career in an obscure minuscule laughably unpopular political party over in Germany. Of course, he was Hitler, and he was a madman. It gave me a shudder.

That was an unintentional serious note - this is a sweet, funny book. When you start it you might groan and think hasn’t this eccentric aristocratic and artistic types all lined up to be executed by gentle mockery been done to death? And it has. But this young man Aldous Huxley could really turn out lovely sentences, unexpected anecdotes and lashings of charm.

Such a nice novel to end the year with. 3.5 stars.
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December 15, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read-novels
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December 23, 2023 – Shelved as: novels
December 23, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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message 1: by Rob (new)

Rob Thompson Your insightful review of "Crome Yellow" by Aldous Huxley provides a thoughtful exploration of its themes and characters. It's evident that Huxley's satirical portrayal of society resonates with you, and your analysis of the characters' complexities adds depth to the understanding of the novel. Your articulate review encourages readers to delve into the layers of social commentary and individual introspection woven into the narrative. Well-crafted reviews like yours contribute to a richer appreciation of literary works. Thank you for sharing your perspective on "Crome Yellow."

message 2: by Linda (new) - added it

Linda This book in now on my Want to Read list thanks to you!

message 3: by Edmund (new)

Edmund Roughpuppy Another excellent review, Paul. I read this a long time ago and parts stay with me. It comes from an especially fertile time in English literature.

message 4: by Quo (new) - rated it 4 stars

Quo Paul: I enjoyed your review of Huxley's 1st novel, Crome Yellow, having just reread the book ages after a 1st reading. I found it better than I expected after the passage of time and seemed to notice that the author imbues most of his characters with a sense of humanity, even as he appears to lampoon them, the character pattered after Huxley very much included. Not every author can be so self-effacing. Bill

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