Will Once's Reviews > The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed by Jack the Ripper

The Five by Hallie Rubenhold
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it was amazing

This is a stunning book - easily the best (and most important) book I read all year. Hallie Rubenhold tells the stories of the five women killed by Jack the Ripper. This is as close as we will probably get to hearing them tell their stories in their own world.

It's not perfect. Hallie spends too long for me on whether the five were sex workers or not. It really does not matter. It may have been an issue at the time of the murders, but not any more.

There is also a lot of conjecture due to the limited sources of information. In a way, that does not matter either. Hallie had to work with the information that is available.

All told, a fabulous book. It's hard to read but well worth the effort.

An easy five stars, and thank you.
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