Jason's Reviews > In Search of Lost Time: The Complete Masterpiece

In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust
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Initially published in French between 1913 and 1927, Marcel Proust’s seven-part work In Search of Lost Time (also called Remembrance of Things Past) has undergone a befuddling series of translations. The “Moncrieff–Kilmartin–Enright” version, made available for this Modern Library publication, is essentially the original C. K. Scott Moncrieff translation with further revisions by Terence Kilmartin in 1984 (based on the 1954 definitive French text) and D. J. Enright in 1992.

As I finish each volume, I will rate and review it individually. All seven volumes of In Search of Lost Time can be found on my À-la-recherche-du-temps-perdu shelf. They are also listed here:

          In Search of Lost Time
1. Swann’s Waymy review (★★★★★)
2. Within a Budding Grovemy review (★★★★☆)
3. The Guermantes Waymy review (currently reading)
4. Sodom and Gomorrahmy review (☆☆☆☆☆)
5. The Captive¹ – my review (☆☆☆☆☆)
6. The Fugitive¹ – my review (☆☆☆☆☆)
7. Time Regained² – my review (☆☆☆☆☆)

¹In the Modern Library edition, The Captive and The Fugitive are combined into a single volume, but I will rate/review them separately.

²The Kilmartin–Enright revision of Time Regained is based on an English translation by Andreas Mayor, as Scott Moncrieff died in 1930.
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Reading Progress

August 16, 2012 – Shelved
August 16, 2012 – Shelved as: à-la-recherche-du-temps-perdu
December 18, 2012 – Shelved as: for-kindle
December 24, 2012 – Shelved as: reviewed
January 1, 2013 –
0.0% "Starting Swann's Way."
February 16, 2013 –
14.0% "Finished Swann's Way."
July 22, 2013 –
14.0% "Starting Within a Budding Grove."
March 29, 2014 –
31.0% "Finished Within a Budding Grove."

Comments Showing 1-34 of 34 (34 new)

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

I have also joined the reading group and I look forward to it eagerly. I'm also reading Marcel Proust's Search for Lost Time: A Reader's Guide to The Remembrance of Things Past.

message 2: by Adam (new)

Adam Floridia Good for you! Enjoy the journey--it's one I'm not ready to take yet, so I look forward to your reviews.

message 3: by David (new)

David Wow. You're really a vote whore, Morais. You're gonna milk this Proust thing until you've squeezed every possible vote out of it, aren't you?

message 4: by Jason (new) - added it

Jason That's the idea.

message 5: by Mark (new)

Mark Well i am most impressed Jason. My planning to read all the Famous Fives in 2013 pales into insignificance. Best of luck. i shall look forward to, as David so beautifully puts it, helping you in your whoring by a vote or two.

message 6: by David (new)

David Best of luck. i shall look forward to, as David so beautifully puts it, helping you in your whoring by a vote or two.

Don't feed the whores, Mark.

message 7: by Mark (new)

Mark why do they bite ?

message 8: by David (new)

David Because they sense your vulnerability...

message 9: by Mark (new)

Mark That is the problem with my lack of punctuation. I meant to say 'Why. Do they bite?' And now i have been publicly revealed as vulnerable....curse my faulty grammatical education.

message 10: by Jason (new) - added it

Jason But I am so huuungry.

message 11: by David (last edited Jan 08, 2013 01:39PM) (new)

David Jason wrote: "But I am so huuungry."

I've seen your recent vote counts. You ain't starvin'. In fact, in terms of votes, you're morbidly obese—immobile, even.

message 12: by Jason (new) - added it

Jason You calling me fat?

message 13: by David (new)

David Jason wrote: "You calling me fat?"

If the muumuu fits, shorty...

message 14: by Gary (new)

Gary  the Bookworm Jason is 5'11! It's his gourd that's short.

message 15: by Zhanitah (new) - added it

Zhanitah Hope fell well

message 16: by Sarah (new)

Sarah No update since February?

message 17: by Jason (new) - added it

Jason I know; I was just thinking about that this morning. I'm actually going to get back into it this weekend. No, starting Monday!

Sunny You've convinced me to try... maybe. But, I'm cheap, so I'm not shelling out $50 --- I bought the $3.99 version from Lulu.com on the B&N site.

message 19: by Jason (new) - added it

Jason Which version is that? Can you send me the link?

Sunny Oh, it's probably a horrible version or translation, but, again, I have no problem with spending $3.99 on it. :)


message 21: by Jason (new) - added it

Jason Hm. I have no idea which translation that would be. It doesn't say!

Sunny Yeah, I know. Which is kind of a bummer, but even if you navigate to the Lulu.com site directly, it just says the copyright is held by James Books. Nevertheless, the price was, as they say, right.


Sunny Are you still actively reading Within a Budding Grove? I'm considering getting started on these books in January... but wanted to know if you've been delayed for a particular reason?

message 24: by Jason (new) - added it

Jason I pick it up and then put it down. I read a little bit every day, then forget about it for a few weeks. It's a weird relationship.

I do really like it, but I also like having the time and mental acuity to enjoy it and I don't have that right now. Hopefully things will settle down in a few weeks and I'll be able to pick it back up again.

For the record, though, I do like it.

Sunny That's cool. I had a similar relationship with Infinite Jest, which I absolutely loved!

message 26: by Tracey (new)

Tracey Go Jason, Go.

message 27: by Jason (new) - added it

Jason Thanks, Moon. My goal is to finish Volume II fairly soon. I've been sort of lagging, through no fault of Proust's. =)

Sunny Ugh. The Guermantes Way. I damn near threw in the towel over that volume. But, the following volume - Sodom & Gomorrah (or Cities of the Plain) made it all worth it!!!

message 29: by Jason (new) - added it

Jason Oh noes! The Guermantes Way is my next-in-line. Hopefully I have a better experience with it than you did. Have you already finished the whole series??

Sunny No. I'm only just starting volume 5 - The Captive. The group I'm reading with is scheduled to finish the whole series by the end of the year.

message 31: by Philip (new)

Philip Just passing through.

message 32: by Jason (new) - added it

Jason Hello, passer!

Martha Based on the Moncrieff, but with the benefit of translating the entire Lost Time sequence (Moncrieff's translation was largely contemporary) and with finer French than the Kilmartin +, is the Yale series translated by William Carter. Superb notes as well. Check it out.

Reader in Upstate NY I'll be interested in your thoughts after reading this. I will begin my journey with Proust in May. I have a lengthy biography and 4 volumes of this masterpiece. I love deep dives into the work of special authors. Loved your review of Maguire's "Wicked." I bought it, but then had second thoughts about spending time with it. I think I'll move on to my next Steinbeck and pass on the Maguire books. Meanwhile, had a good chuckle at your review.

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