Baba's Reviews > Marvel Comics: The Untold Story

Marvel Comics by Sean Howe
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: history-never-forget

Jam-packed with direct quotes and recollections from over 150 people involved or previously involved with or against Marvel Comics, this is an in depth expose almost from the birth, through the rise and fall, and rise and fall again, and latest rise of Marvel Comics from the Golden Age, through the mass sackings of the 1950s, the birth of the Fantastic Four, the Bullpen years, the losses of Jack Kirby and Steve Dikto, the Jim Shooter reign and Secret Wars, the takeover battles, the Uncanny X-Men's rise, the Image affair, and much much more... loved it! A must read for any comic book aficionados! 10 out of 12. Five Star Read
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Reading Progress

April 23, 2014 – Started Reading
May 12, 2014 – Finished Reading
June 11, 2020 – Shelved
June 11, 2020 – Shelved as: history-never-forget

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Rumi Bossche Started this now, amazing so far. Uncanny almost😄

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