dogo's Reviews > Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky

Understanding Power by Noam Chomsky
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's review

it was amazing

See, there's an experiment going on. The experiment is:

Can you marginalize a large part of the population, regard them as superfluous, because they're not helping you make those dazzling profits and can you set-up a world in which a production is carried out by most oppressed people with the fewest rights in the most flexible labor markets for the happiness of the rich people of the world?

Can you do that?

Can you get women in China work locked into factories where they're burned to death in fires producing toys that are sold in stores in New York and Boston so the rich people can buy them for their children at Christmas?

Can you have an economy where everything works like that?

Production by the most impoverished and exploited for the richest and most privileged internationally. And with large parts of the general population just marginalized because they don't contribute to this system. In Columbia - murdered, in New York - locked up in prison.

Can you do that? Well, nobody knows the answer to that question.


See, the idea behind royalty was that there's this other species of individuals who are beyond the norm and who the people are not supposed to understand. That's the standard way you cloak and protect power - you make it look mysterious and secret - above the ordinary person. Otherwise, why should anybody accept it?<...>
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Reading Progress

February 4, 2020 – Started Reading
February 4, 2020 – Shelved
February 21, 2020 – Finished Reading

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