Emily (Books with Emily Fox on Youtube)'s Reviews > The Stand

The Stand by Stephen King
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Want to catch the flu? Read The Stand.

I caught it twice in the month it took me to read this book. Twice! I'm rarely sick so it's clearly a thing.

Post-apocalyptic book where most people die from a super flu. That part was my favorite.

It then becomes a battle between Good and Evil. Some fantasy elements were included. This part was still solid. I liked how we got to follow the characters and get to know them. I felt some similarities to Station Eleven so if you like The Stand I would give this one a shot too!
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Reading Progress

December 27, 2016 – Shelved (Paperback Edition)
October 19, 2018 – Started Reading
October 19, 2018 – Shelved
October 28, 2018 –
November 17, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-21 of 21 (21 new)

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OnlySheStandsThere A lot of people say that Stephen King has difficulty with endings. How did you think it held up (no spoilers)?

message 2: by Emily (new) - added it

Emily (Books with Emily Fox on Youtube) OnlySheStandsThere wrote: "A lot of people say that Stephen King has difficulty with endings. How did you think it held up (no spoilers)?"

It was okay. It wasn't as bad as most of his other endings but it wasn't... Brandon Sanderson level of ending :P

OnlySheStandsThere To be fair, nothing is. Sanderson is on his own level.

message 4: by Emily (new) - added it

Emily (Books with Emily Fox on Youtube) OnlySheStandsThere wrote: "To be fair, nothing is. Sanderson is on his own level."

Oh for sure! Not sure which King's books you have read but I would say, for me, it would be kinda like "Pet Semetary". I don't love the ending but it's perfectly fine!

OnlySheStandsThere Good to know. Thanks!

message 6: by Brianne (new) - added it

Brianne Glad to hear you still have this a high rating! I’m having a hard time finishing it (mentioned on your YouTube that I felt weird with the fantasy elements). I’m just going to have to push through!

message 7: by Christina (new) - added it

Christina Alexander I've been wondering about this one, definitely I'm going to pick it up next time I go to the library

C.  (Comment, never msg). I remember most episodes of this TV movie. I own the hefty hardcover and will read it sometime.

message 9: by Laura (new) - added it

Laura Smith Currently reading this! Nick is 100% my favorite character

Manny I enjoyed most of the book. I did feel some type of way about that ending though.

Callie I read it in the summer time so I wouldn't get the flu.

message 12: by Toby (new) - rated it 5 stars

Toby Spackman This is my favourite book. Possibly because I feel it is an achievement in itself just to finish it! Glad you got around to reading it. Where do you rank it with other King novels?

message 13: by April (new) - added it

April Slowly getting through the The Stand but I also read Station Eleven a while back and loved that!

C.  (Comment, never msg). I liked the multi-part film on Canadian television when I was a young girl. The survivors playing the 45 song on a record player, "Don't Dream It's Over" by Crowded House, stays in my mind.

Amber This is one of my favorite Stephen King books. Its a pretty good read.

Bobbi i got weirdly sick during it too lol it took me two weeks to read it but i got the flu during the first part when he is describing all those deaths.

message 17: by Jason (new)

Jason Williams I don’t feel he is bad with endings... I feel he is a mad genius and wants to invoke nightmares.... lmao

Maranda I just started this Friday.. Yesterday I started feeling sick. Today, full blown flu. Creepy.

Sidney Hildebrandt This scares me! I’m almost finished rn and suffering from a very bad cold 🤩😂 made the book even more real for me!

message 20: by irfan (new)

irfan ahmed hiper

message 21: by irfan (new)

irfan wowww

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