Emily (Books with Emily Fox on Youtube)'s Reviews > Run

Run by Blake Crouch
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Well that was painful…

I loved Dark Matter and the Wayward Pines series so I might be extra salty here but, if I hadn’t read these books before this one, I would have DNFed it after a few pages.

The premise was intriguing. People that saw an aurora borealis go crazy and kill people. Okay. I like post-apocalyptic books… But the premise was the only good thing here. That and the fact that the author is good keeping you at the edge of your seat but… The writing, the characters, the dialogues… were just straight up bad.

I'm not a violent person and I would never wish harm to anyone... but I was hoping the children here would die. There were insufferable.

The ending was not satisfying at all. I wouldn’t recommend this to my worst enemy.

I think I’ll stick to reading his newer books from now on because they were much better.
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Reading Progress

March 11, 2018 – Shelved (Paperback Edition)
May 11, 2018 – Started Reading
May 11, 2018 – Shelved
May 13, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-25 of 25 (25 new)

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Patricija - aparecium_libri 1 star.😮😮 Can't wait for the wrap up then. I already got the book after your haul. Its so frustrating that I can ony see your reviews on the books when i click on the book since I follow your reviews but I don't have you as a friend. Can't wait for the new vid

message 2: by Emily (new) - added it

Emily (Books with Emily Fox on Youtube) TheBookHamster wrote: "1 star.😮😮 Can't wait for the wrap up then. I already got the book after your haul. Its so frustrating that I can ony see your reviews on the books when i click on the book since I follow your revie..."

Is that a thing they changed recently? I feel like I used to be able to see the rating at least before clicking on a book before :S

Patricija - aparecium_libri I can't see your ratings or current read unless I'm on your page here or reviews on the book when I open the book page. When you have someone for a friend it shows you their reviews not only on the book page but also in the update feed, as well as what they are currently reading. Since I don't have you for a friend I have to have your page opened all the time 😂 happy you replied and can't wait for new vids! Turns out, ony your recommendations are the perfect fit for me! So thank you! Wont be reading Run then from Blake C. 😀😀

message 4: by Linda (new)

Linda Seems like Blake's books are a hit or miss. You either hate or love them, there's no between :D I've read Pines since 2016 and I have the last book yet to read. Too bad I remember hardly anything from the previous books.. also I can see Emily's reviews and stuff on my update feed and I'm also just following her?

Patricija - aparecium_libri I have no idea why then I can not see it. I'll just keep having the page opened 😀😀😀

message 6: by Himanshu (new)

Himanshu Saliya I guess I am Lucky because I was going to order this online but looks like no need. Thanks Emily.

Lexie ❤️‍ This belongs in 1 star plz make it stop then. 😂😂

message 8: by Emily (new) - added it

Emily (Books with Emily Fox on Youtube) ajreads wrote: "This belongs in 1 star plz make it stop then. 😂😂"

Thanks for reminding me 😂

message 9: by Brightness (new)

Brightness That's such a shame, I'm a huge fan of Dark Matter and because you mentioned them, Wayward Pines. He must have had a literary growth spurt.

message 10: by Natasha (new)

Natasha Oh dear 😩 knowing how much you love Blake Crouch that must have been painful.

message 11: by Caroline (new)

Caroline That's too bad - but I just found the Wayward Pines series on Kindle for 1.99 each book! I'm so excited to read that!

message 12: by Ashley (new)

Ashley Thanks Caroline! Just bought the trilogy myself on Kindle for $1.99 each!

message 13: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Aranda At least you know that Crouch got better the more he wrote. Not a lot of authors do that as they tend to stay terrible or go from great to bad.

message 14: by Cara (new)

Cara Omg, I tried listening to this on Audible last year, had to DNF it because it was bad!! I would recommend checking out JA Konrath, great author.

Matthew I am sorry to hear you didn't like this. It seems like this book is either you love it or you hate it from the reviews I have read. I am in the love it camp and I know I pushed it in the comments on your videos a few times. Sorry to lead you astray!

message 16: by Ryan (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ryan Matthew You’re very critical of a lot of books based on your reviews. Don’t forget books of this genre are for entertainment, they’re not meant to be great literary achievements. I found it thrilling all the way through the end, much more so than Dark Matter which was thrilling in a different way.

max Agree. Dark Matter and Recursion are amazing. His earlier works, not so much. Looking forward to his next release.

April This review cracked me up! I also thought the children and wife were insufferable. The number of times they questioned their parents was unbelievable and astounding. And his wife wanting him to map out a plan?!? Girl bye. I can’t even. Lol!!!

I gave this three stars mostly because it was at least a page turner. Ending was silly.

Chris Gray “I wouldn’t recommend it to my worst enemy”. A little dramatic choice of words don’t you think?

message 20: by Jim (new)

Jim Lorigan I wanted to see the lights so i would have an excuse to kill the kids! Otherwise not a bad book

message 21: by CM (new)

CM Not his best, but it wasn't horrible either. My biggest gripe was the timing of so many unlikely events. It became very predictable what was going to happen, no matter how far-fetched it seemed.

message 22: by David (new) - added it

David Agreed that the premise was the best part of the story. Shame that there wasn't much done with it.

I was cool with everything until about halfway through (let's say, after we leave the cabin), at which point things became "wake up, hope for breakfast, walk a long ways, bellyache about it, repeat" for quite a while. I can understand that that's kind of the nature of the situation the characters have gotten themselves into, though, so I can deal with some of that. What really killed it for me by the end was a plot that absolutely hinged on too many major coincidences/contrivances.

Andreea Visanoiu I’ve found myself not able to put the book down. I’ve “ran” through it pretty much. I felt that Crouch set the pace well and thus books made me high on adrenaline. Interesting that others didn’t find it as compelling. I put this one Must Read after the Dark Matter. I can’t take it out my head either.

Connor Moriarty You don't have kids, do you? lol the dialogue was perfect. It was completely realistic, and every word out of the kids mouth is exactly how kids would act in this scenario.

message 25: by C (new) - rated it 2 stars

C Baker WOW

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