Emily (Books with Emily Fox on Youtube)'s Reviews > Good Behavior

Good Behavior by Blake Crouch
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Well shit this comes as a shock...

I LOVED Dark Matter and Wayward Pines. Heck I'm always raving about them. I even decided to read as many Blake Crouch's books as I can get my hands on. However this was a big let down for me. I didn't really care for the stories (the first one was the best out of the three), didn't really care about the characters and wasn't surprised by the twists.

I'll watch the TV series and update you on it!
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March 5, 2018 – Shelved
March 30, 2018 – Started Reading
March 31, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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message 1: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Aranda Sorry this book disappointed you Emily. Hopefully the tv series is better.

message 2: by Jummai (new)

Jummai The TV series is good though.

message 3: by April (new)

April Can you read Run by Blake Crouch and do a review? I am also a big Blake Crouch fan and I really disliked Run.

Alice Maravilla For me..Blake Crouch was a one hit wonder. I absolutely LOVED Dark matter but so far I tried a couple of his other works and didn't like a single one if them....

message 5: by Kristin (new)

Kristin Shaak I love the TV series!

message 6: by Bailey (new) - added it

Bailey Anderson Without knowing this was a book, I started with the TV series. I really like Michelle Dockery, from her Downton Abbey days. I have enjoyed the contrast between these two characters she has played. Please give the show a try, a few episodes at least! I haven't started my kindle version of this and Wayward Pines, (unfortunately started with the TV series too!) I plan to read them both soon. How did I not know they were books first!? I've been devouring your booktube videos, they are so enjoyable.
*P.S. I saw that you accidentally listened to End of Watch by S. King. Even though you have already experienced the conclusion, the other two are worth reading. Mr. Mercedes in particular. They do stand on their own, but they are interesting connected together.
Thank you for sharing your great content!

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