MischaS_'s Reviews > Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers

Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers by J.K. Rowling
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: francais, books-i-own, bookshelf-in-my-flat, amazing-cover
Read 2 times. Last read June 28, 2016 to July 30, 2016.

This was so much fun reading this in French! I was a bit anxious from at first if I would be able to understand everything, but it turned out fine.


And the funny thing is that after all these years I find it extremely stupid how Gryffindor (or Gryffondor) won in the end.

I loved how some things were called differently in French, very interesting!
Here are few to mention.
Madame Guipure
Drago Malefoy
Neville Londubat
Severus Rogue
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Reading Progress

Finished Reading (Hardcover Edition)
September 13, 2012 – Shelved (Hardcover Edition)
January 28, 2016 – Shelved (Hardcover Edition)
June 28, 2016 – Started Reading
June 28, 2016 – Shelved
July 10, 2016 –
page 40
July 11, 2016 –
page 48
July 11, 2016 –
page 69
July 13, 2016 –
page 112
July 14, 2016 –
page 152
July 17, 2016 –
page 200
July 22, 2016 –
page 220
July 25, 2016 –
page 232
July 28, 2016 –
page 250
July 29, 2016 –
page 266
July 29, 2016 –
page 290
July 30, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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message 1: by Karin (new)

Karin A Respect! Reading in French. I love the books. Never actually read them, I listened to the audiobooks 💚

Marine Baron Congrats! I'm french, I know how it is difficult to read our language and find the equivalences ^^
#TeamSerpentard 🐍💚

message 3: by Iza (new) - rated it 4 stars

Iza Brekilien That's funny, I'm French and read this book this year in English for the first time ;)

message 4: by MischaS_ (new) - added it

MischaS_ Karin wrote: "Respect! Reading in French. I love the books. Never actually read them, I listened to the audiobooks 💚"

Oh, thank you so much. Yes, French is a lovely language but very difficult.
I never did... I only heard a couple of chapters my friend had on Cassette tapes.

message 5: by MischaS_ (new) - added it

MischaS_ Marine wrote: "Congrats! I'm french, I know how it is difficult to read our language and find the equivalences ^^
#TeamSerpentard 🐍💚"

Oh, thank you so much! French is lovely but very challenging. 🤦‍♀️

#TeamSerpentard 🐍💚toujours💚 #TeamZmijozel (Zmijozel is Slytherin/Serpentard in Czech)

message 6: by MischaS_ (new) - added it

MischaS_ Iza wrote: "That's funny, I'm French and read this book this year in English for the first time ;)"

Oh, and how did you like it compared to the French version?

I'm totally amazed by all the wonderful translators who created new word and names to cope with the Harry Potter world. It's so fascinating. And it also makes it that every time you read HP in a new language there is a whole new aspect to it.

I read it in Czech, English. Now, I'm reading it in French and I'm planning on reading Slovak and Italian versions. And it's so fascinating!

Sumit RK Slytherins got robbed by Gryffindor in the end. :D

message 8: by MischaS_ (new) - added it

MischaS_ Sumit wrote: "Slytherins got robbed by Gryffindor in the end. :D"

Thank you! Like what was that? Really annoying to be honest.

message 9: by MischaS_ (new) - added it

MischaS_ Swaroop wrote: "Severus Rogue! hehehe"

I know! It's fascinating how names were changed in different translations. 😂

Rebecca the cover is so beautiful

message 11: by MischaS_ (new) - added it

MischaS_ Rebecca wrote: "the cover is so beautiful"

Totally! I find these French editions so pretty. My favourite to be honest.

message 12: by Laurie –Read Between The Skylines– (last edited Apr 27, 2020 03:40PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Laurie –Read Between The Skylines– Congrats! I've read them both in French then English and I had to keep my french book close to understand some special names ^^ Like Rusard and Miss Teigne being Filch & Mrs Norris haha. BTW who's Madame Guipure, I don't remember her in either languages

message 13: by MischaS_ (new) - added it

MischaS_ Laurie –A Court of Books– wrote: "Congrats! I've read them both in French then English and I had to keep my french book close to understand some special names ^^ Like Rusard and Miss Teigne being Filch & Mrs Norris haha. BTW who's ..."

I get it! I first read HP in Czech, so, switching to English was so confusing. Especially the names. Like Dumbledore is Brumbál. Hogwarts is Bradavice.
A lot was changed, so, it was hard at first to connect the names with those I knew in Czech.

Madame Guipure is Madam Malkin, she sells robes in Diagon Alley.

Laurie –Read Between The Skylines– How wow I totally forgot that name haha 😂 Weird that they even changed Dumbledore’s name in Czech 😯

message 15: by MischaS_ (new) - added it

MischaS_ Laurie –A Court of Books– wrote: "How wow I totally forgot that name haha 😂 Weird that they even changed Dumbledore’s name in Czech 😯"

I know, Dumbledore's name is usually not translated but I read somewhere that Dumbledore is like an archaic name for a bumblebee and Brumbál would be the archaic world for a bumblebee in Czech. 😂

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