Authors and Advertisers
NEWS Jun 06
"Books have always been launched like rockets. The publisher commits maximum firepower to getting them off the ground. Most crash to earth. Some go into orbit." Michael Shatzkin, The Idea Logical... Read more
NEWS May 27
Calling The Library at Mount Char Scott Hawkins’ first book is technically not accurate–his Goodreads Author profile shows several computer reference books he wrote before then. However,... Read more
NEWS May 17
What's the secret to successful book marketing? Getting in front of the largest number of readers who are most likely to be interested in your titles! With the launch of Goodreads Deals in the... Read more
NEWS May 03
Last year, Goodreads helped authors and publishers give away more than 300,000 print books in our popular Giveaways program! Thanks to this success, authors and publishers have been... Read more
NEWS Apr 20
More than 3,000 romance authors and readers attended the Romantic Times Convention,... Read more
NEWS Apr 11
Approximately 38 plays and 154 sonnets as attributed to Shakespeare, as well as a variety of other poems—in total, his complete works consist of a whopping 884,647 words (written by hand, not on... Read more
NEWS Mar 16
There are many places to interact with readers on Goodreads, including Ask the Author, in the newsfeed where readers post their reading updates, in book reviews, and in group discussions. Every... Read more
NEWS Feb 22
Goodreads is the world's largest site for book discovery, and savvy authors know to claim their author profile, run a giveaway, and enable Ask the Author. But a Goodreads author profile is not... Read more
NEWS Jan 22
Running a giveaway is one of the most important things you can do in your book promotion. You can set up a giveaway on Goodreads for the print edition of your book here . But before you do that,... Read more
NEWS Jan 22
If you do just one thing when promoting your book on Goodreads, run a giveaway. The benefits of running giveaways have been proven time and time again: they increase the overall exposure of your... Read more