Authors and Advertisers
NEWS Nov 04
Gail Carriger, best-selling author of the steampunk romance series Parasol Protectorate and Finishing School, recently stopped by the Goodreads offices (with the photo to prove it!) and shared... Read more
NEWS Oct 24
Blurbs from other authors have a long tradition in publishing, although you may be... Read more
NEWS Oct 06
In celebration of all things Indie this month, we pulled some quotes from... Read more
NEWS Oct 03
The self-publishing landscape has changed. Ask any indie author who has been at... Read more
NEWS Sep 12
The holy grail of book discovery is to get your book in front of the readers most... Read more
NEWS Sep 06
At Goodreads, we’re committed to being on the forefront of book discovery and brand advertising solutions for publishers and authors. Among our most anticipated new ad products this year has been... Read more
NEWS Aug 22
Getting attention for a new book is always challenging, but breaking out a new... Read more
NEWS Aug 02
Wondering about the difference between friends and followers on Goodreads? We’re here to set the record straight:... Read more
NEWS Jul 27
It's everybody's favorite part of bookstore events, lecture series, and... Read more
NEWS Jun 27
Whether you’re traditionally published or self-published, as an author today you’re expected to participate in your book marketing campaigns. You are the linchpin! Nobody knows your books as... Read more