Book Giveaway For Killer House Party

  • Killer House Party by Lily  Anderson
    Killer House Party

    Release date: Oct 01, 2024
    Enter for a chance to win an advance copy of KILLER HOUSE PARTY by Lily Anderson!

    From Printz Honor winning author Lily Anderson comes a young adult horror that follows Arden and her three best friends as their graduation party at a ...more

    Format: Print book

    Availability: 10 copies available, 17551 people requesting

    Giveaway dates: Jun 11 - Jul 09, 2024

    Countries available: U.S.

  • 14250439
    Lily Anderson is the author of THE ONLY THING WORSE THAN ME IS YOU, NOT NOW NOT EVER, and UNDEAD GIRL GANG. A former school librarian, she is deeply devoted to Shakespeare, fairy tales, and podcasts. Somewhere in Northern California, she is having strong opinions on musical theater. Find her online at ...more
    More about Lily Anderson...


    Kelly Kay Erwin, Jenny, Kimberlee Rivera, Jessica, Olivia, Madison, Mandy Trudeau, Breanne, Jackie, Heather Cordin

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