Book Giveaway For Don't Let the Forest In

  • Don't Let the Forest In by C.G. Drews
    Don't Let the Forest In

    Release date: Oct 29, 2024
    Enter for a chance to win an advance copy of DON'T LET THE FOREST IN by C.G. Drews!
    Once upon a time, Andrew had cut out his heart and given it to this boy, and he was very sure Thomas had no idea that Andrew would do anything for him ...more

    Format: Print book

    Availability: 10 copies available, 19789 people requesting

    Giveaway dates: Jun 12 - Jul 09, 2024

    Countries available: U.S.

  • 17252061
    CG Drews is the author of The Boy Who Steals Houses, nominated for the 2020 CILIP Carnegie Medal and winner of the 2020 CBCA Honour Award. CG’s upcoming YA horror is Don’t Let The Forest In, out October 29th, 2024 from Feiwel & Friends, with adult horror debut, You Did Nothing Wrong, to follow in 2025. CG lives in Australia under a pile of unread books. Find on Instagram as @paperfury and TikTok a ...more
    More about C.G. Drews...


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