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Nobelio literatūros premija 2022

1963-iaisiais, būdama dvidešimt trejų ir netekėjusi, Ani pasijunta nėščia. Tačiau kūdikio ji pasilikti negali. Prancūzijoje, kur tuo metu abortai draudžiami, ji mezgimo virbalu nesėkmingai bando nutraukti nėštumą. Paskui, apimta nevilties ir baimės, suranda nelegaliai abortus atliekančią moterį. Bet galiausiai, vos mirtinai nenukraujavusi, atsiduria ligoninėje.

Šis tekstas užrašytas praėjus beveik keturiasdešimčiai metų nuo jame aprašomo įvykio. Tai atsiminimais ir dienoraščio fragmentais paremtas pasakojimas apie traumą, Annie Ernaux nešiotą visus tuos metus. Ji atkakliai, su atida ir stojišku pasiryžimu išrašo savo patirtį, be gailesčio ją fiksuodama tarsi krištolas permatomais, taupiais sakiniais. Nelyg restauratorė ji sluoksnis po sluoksnio atidengia giliausias savo atminties kertes ir taip bando susitaikyti su vienu asmeniškiausių ir labiausiai sukrėtusių gyvenimo įvykių.

„Universalus, pirmapradis ir drąsus, „Įvykis" yra įnirtingai trikdantis, nepaprastai svarbus kūrinys – tiek meno, tiek ir gyvenimo." – Catherine Taylor

„Įvykio" skaitymas prikausto ir tampa skausmingai neišvengiamas. Per Ani vienišumą su ja pajutau bendrystę. Jos išmintis, glaustas pasakojimas, pasišventimas rašyti apie mirtį ir gyvenimą verti padėkos." – Daisy Hildyard

Annie Ernaux (Ani Ernò, gim. 1940) – prancūzų rašytoja, autofikcinės, autobiografinės ir feministinės literatūros vėliavnešė. Studijavo Ruano, Bordo universitetuose. 1971 m. baigė šiuolaikinės literatūros pedagogiką ir iki 2000-ųjų dirbo mokytoja. Parašė per 20 kūrinių, pagal kai kuriuos jų (pvz., „Įvykis", „Paprasta aistra") pastatyti kino filmai. 2022-aisiais A. Ernaux apdovanota Nobelio literatūros premija. „Įvykis" – pirmas autorės kūrinys, pasirodantis Lietuvoje beveik po trisdešimties metų pertraukos (po knygos „Sustingusi moteris", Žaltvykslė, 1994).

96 pages, Hardcover

First published March 14, 2000

About the author

Annie Ernaux

67 books7,173 followers
The author of some twenty works of fiction and memoir, Annie Ernaux is considered by many to be France’s most important writer. In 2022, she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. She has also won the Prix Renaudot for A Man's Place and the Marguerite Yourcenar Prize for her body of work. More recently she received the International Strega Prize, the Prix Formentor, the French-American Translation Prize, and the Warwick Prize for Women in Translation for The Years, which was also shortlisted for the Man Booker International Prize in 2019. Her other works include Exteriors, A Girl's Story, A Woman's Story, The Possession, Simple Passion, Happening, I Remain in Darkness, Shame, A Frozen Woman, and A Man's Place.

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Profile Image for Federico DN.
747 reviews2,336 followers
March 26, 2024
Not for me.

France, 1963. Annie Duchesne, university student, 23, suddenly realizes she’s pregnant. What follows is a desperate quest for a place and someone to perform an abortion, in a country where it’s illegal, and the chances of infection and other health risks very high. A harrowing little memoir about the dangers of clandestine abortion, in a time when such topic was only whispered with fear and secrecy.

I’m probably not the right audience for this type of book, I generally dislike memoirs; and I suppose Ernaux is a great author, being the receiver of the 2022 Nobel in Literature; however, I can’t say I enjoyed this at all. Some good quotes and very powerful paragraphs here and there, but hardly worth it when you have to endure so much rambling and being utterly dull when she tries to convey some supposedly deep insight.

I really tried to sympathize with her situation, but it’s very hard to like a person when she makes so many merits to greatly dislike her . Points for treading a touchy subject with honesty and moderate grace, and a gruesome depiction of clandestine abortion and after effects; still, far from easy to read, and not recommendable, unless you happen to be very interested in the subject.

*** The movie (2021) is a great adaptation, vastly superior to the book imo. No artificially profound insights, and an Annie not exactly endearing, but most of what made her unlikable gone. Some small and big changes regarding the plot, but nothing that felt out of place, except maybe the shower scenes. Unlike the book, the movie has a lot of heart, you can connect with the character, and share her pain. Some very nice moments, and gruesome ones. Recommendable, maybe very. Forget the book, watch the movie.

[2000] [130p] [Memoir] [2.5] [Conditional Recommendable] [Reminiscence of “4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days”]

No es para mí.

Francia, 1963. Annie Duchesne, estudiante universitaria, 23, de repente se da cuenta que está embarazada. Lo que sigue es una desesperada búsqueda por un lugar y alguien que realice un aborto, en un país donde es ilegal, y las chances de una infección y otros riesgos para la salud muy altos. Una estresante pequeña memoria sobre los peligros del aborto clandestino, en una época donde ese tópico era sólo murmurado con miedo y secreto.

Probablemente no soy la audiencia correcta para este tipo de libro, generalmente no me gustan las memorias; y supongo que Ernaux es una gran escritora, siendo receptora del Nobel de Literatura de 2022; sin embargo, no puedo decir que disfruté esto en absoluto. Algunas citas interesantes y párrafos muy poderosos aquí y allá, pero que difícilmente valen la pena cuando tenés que soportarla divagar tanto y siendo extremadamente tediosa cuando intenta transmitir algún pensamiento supuestamente profundo.

Realmente traté de empatizar con su situación, pero es muy difícil que te agrade una persona cuando hace grandes méritos para ser tremendamente desagradable . Puntos por tratar un tema sensible con honestidad y moderada elegancia, y una horrorífica representación del aborto clandestino y sus efectos posteriores; aun así, lejos de ser fácil de leer, y no recomendable, a no ser que por casualidad te interese mucho el tema.

*** La película (2021) es una genial adaptación, vastamente superior al libro creo. Sin artificialmente profundas declaraciones, y con una Annie no exactamente entrañable, pero con la mayor parte de lo que la hacía desagradable ausente. Algunos pequeños y grandes cambios con respecto a la trama, pero nada que pareciera fuera de lugar, excepto tal vez las escenas de las duchas. A diferencia del libro, la película tiene mucho corazón, es posible conectar con el personaje, y compartir su dolor. Algunos momentos muy lindos, y otros no tanto. Recomendable, tal vez mucho. Olvidate del libro, mirá la película.

[2000] [130p] [Memoria] [2.5] [Recomendable Condicional] [Reminescencia de “4 Meses, 3 Semanas, 2 Días”]
Profile Image for julieta.
1,226 reviews30.6k followers
December 13, 2020
Buenísimo. Con mucha sencillez cuenta un aborto clandestino que tuvo cuando era estudiante. Es un tema super difícil de tratar, pero es buenísimo como lo describe, no se corta con nada. Para ser leído y discutido, ya que siendo el aborto todavía ilegal en tantos países de Latinoamérica, es algo enmudecido después de haber sucedido, por lo cual no se puede ni discutir desde el punto de vista de las mujeres. Me hace pensar en toda la gente que está en contra de la despenalización del aborto. ¿Creen realmente que pueden controlar el destino de todas las vidas?

"La ley, que casi siempre se considera justa, cae en la paradoja de obligar a antiguas víctimas a callarse porque <>, haciendo que lo que sucedió continúe oculto bajo el mismo silencio de entonces".

"He acabado de poner en palabras lo que se me revela como una experiencia humana total de la vida y de la muerte, del tiempo, de la moral, y de lo prohibido, de la ley, una experiencia vivida desde el principio hasta el final a través del cuerpo."
Profile Image for s.penkevich.
1,265 reviews10.1k followers
November 22, 2023
Memory becomes a literary playground in the works of Nobel Prize winning author Annie Ernaux, who’s succinct and poetically precise prose ‘helps to convey that precise moment when I feel I have bonded with my former life, the one that has gone for ever,’ and navigate the reader through intensely tactile experiences of emotions and painful reminiscence. I have been consistently blown away by her openness and insights, and in Happening Ernaux bravely and directly examines her abortion in 1963 when she was a young college student. While Ernaux writes that she had to ‘guard against lyrical outbursts such as anger or pain’ and removes much of the emotion, the reader is nonetheless threaded along on the emotional currents of fear and socially-induced shame that had undeniably engulfed her during this time. This is a quick read and although it is short in page length at just 93pgs—typical for Ernaux—it looms large in depth and impact: to read Ernaux books is like microdosing emotional devastation and I cannot get enough. Happening is a very heavy book that deals with a highly polarizing subject that, in the US, is once again a very timely subject 20 years after it was written and 60 years after the events within when France still had not legalized women’s reproductive rights. I am in awe of Ernaux for confronting her memories with such grace and openness, dissecting how the ban in the 60s didn’t reduce instances and only made them more dangerous as well as created a social stigma that exponentially piled shame and ostracization on already suffering and terrified women as the ‘sheer experience of life and death gave way to exposure and judgment.’. Ernaux has once again destroyed me with her words.

I shall have no more power over my text, exposed to the public just like my body was exposed at the Hôtel-Dieu Hospital.

What always impresses me most with Ernaux is how in her act of writing her memories, be they intended as memoir or thinly disguised as fiction, they reproduce and investigate the social and emotional contexts of the time period in order to better convey the depicted events. Ernaux is also conscious of how the act of writing informs upon ideas of memoir, each book feeling like those clear models of cars that show the engine running within and remind you how each element is consciously tuned and coordinated for the full effect. ‘After all, imagining and remembering are the very essence of writing,’ she writes and elegantly weds the two. But this is important in a book that is so open and bluntly honest, one she knows will receive as much judgment as the act she recounts and she writes to capture that.
Above all I wished to capture the steady flow of unhappiness…The distress I experience on recalling certain images and on hearing certain words is beyond comparison with what I felt at the time: these are merely literary emotions; in other words they generate the act of writing and justify its veracity.

She tells us she is not writing from a place of regret and has always stood by her decisions as being the right one for her at the time, even stating ‘I know that this ordeal and this sacrifice were necessary for me to want to have children,’ which she would later in life. What is most important is that she adds her voice, one she says is important because once something is legalized ‘former victims tend to remain silent on the grounds that “now it’s all over,”’ and become ‘surrounded by the same veil of secrecy as before.’ She says she can avoid writing as an act of capturing rebellion and ‘face the reality of this unforgettable event,’ but also I believe this act of writing adds her to the list of women who showed empathy, comfort and aid to her during this time and allows her to be that comfort to another who may be reading this because ‘knowing that hundreds of other women had been through the same thing was a comfort to me.’ Many people across the world need that just as much today as ever.

As was often the case, you couldn’t tell whether abortion was banned because it was wrong or wrong because it was banned. People judged according to the law, they didn’t judge the law.

What resonates so urgently in Happening is the social stigmas, shame and danger women face when reproductive rights are denied to them, a right that Simone de Beauvoir claims is essential to women’s liberation in The Second Sex. Potential readers be aware this may be an uncomfortable read for many reasons (inevitably this review as well), and Ernaux addresses that directly:
I realize this account may exasperate or repel some readers; it may also be branded as distasteful. I believe that any experience, whatever its nature, has the inalienable right to be chronicled. There is no such thing as a lesser truth. Moreover, if I failed to go through with this undertaking, I would be guilty of silencing the lives of women and condoning a world governed by male supremacy.

At the time I read this, the United States was less than a week away from an election where in my state reproductive rights were the primary battleground just months after the US Supreme Court overturned Row vs. Wade. This book certainly hit hard, as the dangers and stigmas Ernaux elucidates are becoming a reality in many states. Luckily most states here have shown up in support of reproductive rights, with total bans proving extremely unpopular and losing most elections. Yet, without being codified into the constitution this is still an issue that is always looming.

In my diary I wrote: “I am pregnant. It’s a nightmare.”

Ernaux writes ‘the thing growing inside me I saw as the stigma of social failure,’ and as a college student who wishes to pursue academic arts, she writes that it would deny her access into that world and return her to the working class. Similarly, her pregnancy would be viewed as just another ‘inescapable fatality of the working-class—the legacy of poverty—embodied by both the pregnant girl and the alcoholic.’ She writes that ‘I had stopped being “an intellectual.” I don’t know whether this feeling is widespread. It causes indescribable pain,’ and finds that she had ‘become an emotional outcast.’ The class aspects are interesting, as she knows there are avenues available but her social and financial status are massive barriers to them. Doctors won’t risk helping her (one even prescribed her medicine that prevents miscarriages while giving the impression he is helping), friend’s judge, and men seem to approach her with a sick fascination that unsettles her except ‘the only person who failed to show an interest was the boy who had gotten me pregnant.’ She notes, however, that for all the social ostracization of those who choose to abort, the same, if not worse, is heaped on single mothers that either chose or were forced to carry to term. Remembering the cruel dismissal of a single mother in the hospital by the nursing staff, Ernaux notes ‘Girls who abort and unwed mothers from working-class Rouen were handed the same treatment. In fact, they probably despised her even more.’ We see how either choice ends in a justification for society to devalue anyone who gets pregnant. Most writers on the subject will also mention this only gets worse with each marginalized intersectional identity.

So, by all means, don’t have an abortion, if you’re personally opposed to them. But the state policing of pregnant bodies is a form of misogynistic control, one whose effects will be most deeply felt by the most vulnerable girls and women. And this, in my book, is simply indefensible.
- Kate Manne, Entitled

The worst is that, without safe options, Ernaux must enter into dangerous procedures. Her first attempt on her own lands her in the hospital where she is judged by doctors. The procedure she has done on her also ends up with her near death in the hospital, being in complete fear for her life and being shouted at by a doctor so much that ‘I believed he might actually let me die.’ Ernaux does not shirk from directly presenting the events, noting that rarely in fiction does an abortion actually get described. ‘It’s an indescribable scene, life and death in the same breath. A sacrificial scene,’ she says. To write so bluntly and openly, I believe, is Ernaux’s way of being true to herself but also an attempt to pick away at the stigma. She briefly compares those who illegally perform abortions in 1960’s France to those who smuggle refugees across borders in the present day. ‘No one questions the laws and world order that condone their existence,’ she says, but wonders if for both there is ‘a sense of honor.’ For the record, France legalized abortion in 1975.

In my student bathroom, I had given birth to both life and death.

This is an intense read, but one that is courageously and beautifully written. I can’t stop thinking about the divide between those who showed cruelty and those who showed compassion to college-aged Ernaux during this time, and how much the aid of others meant so much to her 30 years later as she wrote the book. This is an excellent examination of memory along with the story, the way she finds what she remembers most shows that ‘true memory has to be material,’ and the way memory swaps in other’s faces on key people who we cannot remember much about. Ernaux continues to amaze me and I am awed at her handling of such a difficult subject in her own life while also allowing her story to shed light on society at large. Nobel committee, you sure picked a good one.

Profile Image for Pakinam Mahmoud.
946 reviews4,336 followers
May 1, 2024
الحدث..نوفيلا من ١٠٠ صفحة للكاتبة الفرنسية آني إرنو التي فازت بجائزة نوبل للأدب منذ أيام قليلة..

تروي الكاتبة في الكاتب عن تجربتها المؤلمة أثناء محاولتها أن تجهض نفسها وكادت أن تفقد حياتها عندما كانت طالبة في الجامعة في ستينات القرن الماضي و كان الإجهاض في فرنسا في ذلك الوقت غير قانوني ...

الرواية صغيرة الحجم ولكنها مكثفة جداً و إستطاعت الكاتبة في صفحات ��ليلة أن تروي تفاصيل مؤلمة عاشتها وأن تعبر عن مشاعرها خلال هذه الفترة ببراعة وإتقان..

"الزمن صار شيئاً عديم الشكل.. يتقدم في أعماقي شيئاً وجب تدميره بأي شكل كان.."

ستقرأ في هذا الكتاب كما تقول الكاتبة تجربة إنسانية كاملة ..تجربة الحياة والموت.. تجربة الأخلاق والممنوع والقانون ..تجربة عاشتها الكاتبة عبر جسدها وعبرت عنها بإبداع من خلال كلمات قليلة..

الترجمة كانت متوسطة ولكنه في النهاية كتاب رائع و مستحيل حعرف أنسي تفاصيله..
للأسف كنت أول مرة أسمع عن الكاتبة بعد أن فازت بنوبل و لقيت لها أعمال مترجمة كتير متوفرة في المكتبات أو علي تليجرام...
صحيح كنت متوقعة موراكامي هو الذي سيفوز هذا العام بس معلش بقي يا هاروكي..حتاخدها أكيد يوماً ما :)
Profile Image for Elyse Walters.
4,010 reviews11.4k followers
July 31, 2022
Wow….this book couldn’t be more timely. A reminder of why a women’s right to choose is vital…..
My god …. it’s such an extremely personal human experience….. influencing life, death, time, law, ethics and taboo.

A woman, in France, (1963) writes about her an illicit abortion before abortions were legal.
…. this is an autobiographical- story.

Annie Ernaux’s writing is as courageous as any memoir could possibly be. Powerful — devastating— gripping — real — poignant!

“After examining me with a two-finger stall, he informed me that I was most certainly pregnant. I hadn’t the courage to ask him to perform the abortion, I simply begged him to make the bleeding come back, at any cost”.

“Girls like me were a waste of time for doctors. With no money and no connections— otherwise we wouldn’t accidentally end up on their doorstep—we were a constant reminder of the law that could send them to jail and close down their practice for good. They would never tell us the truth, that they weren’t prepared to sacrifice their career for some sweet chick foolish enough to get knocked up”.

“As was often the case, you couldn’t tell whether abortion was banned because it was wrong or wrong because it was banned. People judged according to the law, they didn’t judge the law”.

“Thousands of girls have climbed up stairs and knocked on a door answered by a woman who is a complete stranger, to whom they are about to entrust their stomach and their womb. And that woman, the only person who can rid them of their misfortune, would open the door, and in apron and patterned slippers, clutching a dish towel, and inquire, ‘Yes, Miss, can I help you?’”

“Later on, when I recalled her blinking eyes, her habit of chewing on her lower lip and that slightly haunted expression, it occurred to me that she too might have been afraid. Nothing, however, would have stopped her from doing what she did, just like nothing would’ve stopped me from having the abortion. Clearly, money was a strong motive but she may also have felt she was helping women”.

“As I am writing this, I learned that a bunch of Kosovar refugees are trying to enter Britain illegally via Calais. The smugglers are charging vast sums of money and some of them disappear before the crossing. Yet nothing will stop the Kosovars or any other poverty-stricken emigrants from fleeing their native country: it’s their soul means of survival. Today smugglers are vilified and pursued like abortionists were thirty years ago. No one questions the laws and world order that condone their existence. Yet surely, among those who trade in refugees, as among those who traded in foetuses, there must be some sense of honor”.

“I couldn’t have imagined—as I can today— that he would be sweating behind his desk, suddenly overcome with panic on hearing a young girl tell him she’d been walking around with a probe up her womb for the past three days. Faced with a terrible dilemma. If he agreed to see her, he would be forced by law to remove the device and let the unwanted pregnancy follow its course. On the other hand, if he refused to see her, she might very well die. It was the lesser of two evils and he was on his own. So he prescribed Masogynestril”.

“On another afternoon I entered Saint Patrice’s Church just off the Boulevard de la Marne to tell a priest that I had an abortion. I immediately realized this was a mistake. I felt bath in a hallow of light and for him I was a criminal. Leaving the church, I realized that I was through with religion”.

This book was soooo beautifully written — with compassion, truth, BRAVERY and humanity.

I’m feeling a growing draw to want to read every book that Annie Ernaux has written.

Profile Image for Gabril.
856 reviews193 followers
November 26, 2022
Ho letto “L’evento” senza riuscire a smettere e ho pianto. Perché è un racconto di una potenza indescrivibile: la scrittura va dritta nel profondo, di qualsiasi sostanza il profondo sia fatto.
Rimuove le protezioni, scardina le difese, colpisce, incide.

“L’evento” testimonia ciò che Annie Ernaux ha realizzato scrivendo, esprime il significato e il senso del suo lavoro e del suo talento: “che il mio corpo, le mie sensazioni e i miei pensieri diventino scrittura, qualcosa di intellegibile e di generale, la mia esistenza completamente dissolta nella testa e nella vita degli altri.” Obiettivo raggiunto. Meraviglioso.

Non si tratta soltanto del racconto mirabile di una esperienza devastante, di un quadro preciso e desolante della realtà sociale maschilista e classista della Francia degli anni 60, del potere e del controllo sul corpo femminile, e infine della trasfigurazione del dettaglio quando entra nell’universo di significazione individuale, ma anche di una elaborazione originale dell’esperienza personale nella scrittura, in modo che diventi patrimonio esistenziale e culturale di chiunque voglia accedere, leggendo, al luminoso ripensamento del mondo nella letteratura.

In estrema sintesi, come afferma Donatella Di Pietrantonio, si tratta di “un’altissima, universale dichiarazione d’amore per la scrittura, quasi un manifesto della sua necessità.”
Profile Image for Lisa.
1,074 reviews3,310 followers
October 19, 2022
Should be required reading for all those hypocrites who make decisions regarding women's rights without ever having to deal with the reality of unwanted pregnancies.

A powerful, powerful story, both individual and universal!
Profile Image for Maria Bikaki.
835 reviews459 followers
June 8, 2022
Το «γεγονός» είναι από εκείνες τις περιπτώσεις βιβλίων που απλά μπαίνεις στο βιβλιοπωλείο το βλέπεις μικρούλι, γλυκούλι βλέπεις και την προσιτή τιμή και το τσιμπάς αναφωνόντας φέρτο μωρέ τι ψυχούλα έχει, ούτε χώρο δε σου πιάνει. Τελικά καταλήγει σαν την γνωστή παροιμία για τα καλά αρώματα που μπαίνουν σε μικρό μπουκαλάκι. Μέσα σε τόσο λίγες σελίδες, η συγγραφέας καταφέρνει να μας παρουσιάσει ένα σπουδαίο βιβλίο, ένα βιβλίο τολμηρό και σκληρό. Τον τελευταίο καιρό μετά λύπης μου και εν έτη 2022 κιόλας παρατηρώ χώρες ανά τον κόσμο να αμφισβητούν το δικαίωμα της γυναίκας στην άμβλωση. Πιο επίκαιρη από ποτέ λοιπόν η Ερνό, μας εξιστορεί την δική της περιπέτεια όταν κάποια χρόνια πριν έμεινε έγκυος και προκειμένου να μη γεννήσει το παιδί που κυοφορούσε και με την έκτρωση τότε στη Γαλλία να θεωρείται καθ΄όλα παράνομη, αναγκάζεται να καταφύγει σε παράνομες πρακτικές που θα θέσουν σε κίνδυνο τη ζωή της. Να σου πω κάτι; Δεν είμαι περήφανη που το λέω αλλά ούσα νεότερη και υποθέτω επηρεασμένη από τις συντηρητικές απόψεις της κοινωνίας μας και εγώ η ίδια είχα υπάρξει αντίθετη στην πράξη της άμβλωσης μέχρι που γνώρισα τον κόσμο καλύτερα και τότε συνειδητοποίησα την αναγκαιότητα η γυναίκα να μπορεί να επιλέγει τι θα κάνει με το σώμα της. Είναι τρομακτικό ότι στις μέρες μας η γυναίκα εξακολουθεί σε ορισμένες χώρες να μην έχει καν το δικαίωμα στην επιλογή. Επιστρέφοντας όμως στο βιβλίο αυτό κάθε αυτό, η Ερνό λοιπόν μέσα από την προσωπική της εμπειρί�� μιλάει γι αυτό το θέμα. Και ξέρεις τι νομίζω είναι ίσως και το μόνο βιβλίο που έχω διαβάσει πάνω σε αυτό. Συνήθως η κουβέντα ή η ταινία σταματάει στο σημείο που η ηρωίδα έρχεται στο δίλημμα ή αφού η πράξη έχει ήδη ολοκληρωθεί. Κανείς μέχρι τώρα, έστω που εγώ να έχω διαβάσει δεν περιέγραψε με τέτοια παραστικότητα και αλήθεια όλα όσα εκείνα συμβαίνουν στο μυαλό και το σώμα μιας γυναίκας κατά τη διάρκεια μιας τόσο επώδυνης εμπειρίας και επιλογής. Και εκεί νομίζω ως αναγνώστης έρχεσαι και σοκάρεσαι. Γιατι σοκάρεσαι, όχι με την εκτρωση αυτή κάθε αυτή ως πράξη, αλλά με το γεγονός ότι μια γυναίκα δεν έχει το δικαίωμα να επιλέξει το τι θα κάνει με το σώμα της ούτε τότε ούτε και τώρα και όχι μόνο αυτό αλλά ολόκληρες κοινωνίες θέτουν τις ζωές μας σε κίνδυνο και σε διαδικασία εξεύρεσης παράνομων και καθόλου υγιεινών διαδικασιών ενώ θα μπορούσε η διαδικασία να είναι νόμιμη και κάτω από απόλυτα υγιεινές συνθήκες. Η ηρωίδα του βιβλίου ακριβώς βρίσκεται αντιμέτωπη με αυτόν τον εφιάλτη στη Γαλλία του 60 που η διακοπή κύησης θεωρούνταν παράνομη, θα βιώσει την αγωνία για την ίδια της τη ζωή, θα βιώσει τον κοινωνικό ρατσισμό μιας κοινωνίας ανώριμης ν’ αποδεχτεί, μιας κοινωνίας που κρίνει, που ζλευάζει, που εκμεταλλεύεται. Μέσα από τη γραφή της η Ερνό θα προσπαθήσει χρόνια μετά να ξορκίσει τους δαίμονες της χωρίς να κάνει επίκληση του συναισθήματος. Εξιστορεί τα γεγονότα και μέσα από την αυτοβιογραφική της αφήγηση με τρόπο πειστικό και τολμηρό αφήνει το δικό της κοινωνικό σχόλιο.
Τελειώνοντας το βιβλίο σκέφτηκα ότι πάντα οι άνθρωποι κρίνουμε με βάση τους νόμους τους οποίους βέβαια εφαρμόζουμε όταν μας συμφέρει. Στο ειδικό κομμάτι που αφορά τις νομιμοποιήσεις των αμβλώσεων ανά τον κόσμο αλήθεια θα κρίνει ποτέ κανείς τους ίδιους τους νόμους; Θα κρίνει άραγε ποτέ κανείς όλους εκείνους που με θράσος πολιτικοποιούν ένα θέμα τόσο προσωπικό, θα μιλήσει ποτέ κανείς για το δικαίωμα της γυναίκας στην επιλογή ν’ αποφασίζει για το δικό της σώμα; Όχι κανείς δε θα μιλήσει γιατί μπορεί να πετάξαμε τις μάσκες λόγω κοβιντ αλλά κάποιοι εξακολουθούν να φορούν αυτές της τάχα μου δήθεν ηθικολογίας και αδικαιολόγητου συντηρητισμού με το πρόσχημα της ενάρετης και τάχα μου δήθεν βαθυτατης θρησκευτικής πίστης που απαγορεύει στη γυναίκα να επιλεξει αν θέλει να φέρει ένα παιδί στον κόσμο και την κρίνει αν το «σκοτώσει» αλλά την ίδια ώρα τη «σκοτώνει» και την εξευτελίζει κάνοντας τις ζωές πολλών γυναικών να μοιάζουν μια ατελείωτη καθημερινή πρόκληση. Ευτυχώς θα υπάρχει πάντα μια Ερνό εκεί έξω να μιλάει, ν’ αντιδρά απέναντι στον παραλογισμό των οπισθοδρομικών κοινωνιών.
Profile Image for Josu Diamond.
Author 9 books33.4k followers
January 12, 2024
Una novela corta sobre el trauma y la despersonalización de un evento cubierto de capas.

El acontecimiento que nos narra Annie es duro, complicado y oscuro, pero al mismo tiempo, nace de algo que parece sencillo a ojos actuales. En una época donde el aborto era un crimen terrible e ilegal, Annie nos narra su batalla contra el sistema y contra sí misma. Sobre todo, contra los demonios de su cabeza.

Es descorazonador leer las sensaciones que sintió, pero sobre todo es un torrente de emociones sin pausa que desde el primer momento atrapan por la crudeza de la narración. A destacar, la manera en la que es capaz de condensar en simples frases las sensaciones de despersonalización y disforia, que calan y emocionan.

Sin duda, un relato duro pero con un rayo de esperanza. El hecho de que Annie Ernaux haya necesitado purgarse de este acontecimiento conecta con el lector y hace que nos demos cuenta de que el dolor es más dolor si no se comparte.
Profile Image for Sweet Jane.
123 reviews225 followers
March 29, 2024
Δεκαπέντε σχεδόν χρόνια ενεργή αναγνώστρια και αν με ρωτήσει ποτέ κανείς γιατί διαβάζουμε, δεν θα ξέρω να του πω.
Για να μορφωθούμε, για να μάθουμε, για να επικοινωνήσουμε, για να θυμηθούμε και να ξεχάσουμε. Υπάρχουν πολλοί λόγοι. Για το συγκεκριμένο βιβλίο ισχύουν όλοι οι παραπάνω και άλλοι τόσοι.

Chapeau κυρία Ernaux μου.
Profile Image for Dave Schaafsma.
Author 6 books31.8k followers
October 7, 2022
Nobel Prize in Literature 2022, Annie Ernaux!

A very short memoir Annie Ernaux published at age 60 about three months of her life in 1963, when she was 23 and living in a student dorm in Rouen. She had had, as many college students do, a couple sexual experiences, including one with another student, after which she realizes she is pregnant. Abortion was illegal in France at this time, and she has few options. Her life in ruins? No doctors can legally perform the end of this pregnancy, but a friend helps her find a woman who will do it. But it is clearly unsafe, and traumatizing on so many levels, of course.

But she says at one point succinctly that she did not write this because of any lingering feelings of shame or regret; she saw it as the right choice for her at the time, and still thinks that. She had two children later when she was married and prepared to be a mother. It should be obvious that the brief relationship with the boy would not have come to marriage; he wanted nothing to do with the process, or with her, as she went through the procedure, and recovery.

Ernaux works hard to take the emotion out of her story as much as possible, intending to just describe things as they were for her then. Though clearly this is a powerful emotional experience for her in many ways. And not surprisingly, she remembers this event very clearly. And it is difficult, and anguishing. Of course it is almost too obviously connected in 2022 for me (and I am sure many others) to the US Supreme Court (and those of Texas, and so many other states) and decisions they will almost certainly make this year.

I understand that a film adaptation of it won the Golden Lion (the top award) at the 2021 Venice Film Festival, so I will definitely see it when I can. Here’s a clip:

Profile Image for Pavel Nedelcu.
403 reviews122 followers
November 5, 2022

Credo sia necessario, in un periodo di buio medievale come quello che stiamo vivendo ora a livello globale, quando l'aborto viene sempre più ostacolato da governi conservatori e non si ha la minima coscienza di quello che vuol dire vietarlo legalmente, leggere questo romanzo. Capire davvero che cosa una donna provi a livello psichico e fisico in situazioni simili.

Ernaux indaga sull'evento, cruciale nella sua biografia, dell'aborto compiuto all'inizio degli anni '60, quando la pratica, in Francia, era vietata per legge. Nello stesso tempo, prova a dare una definizione di "letteratura", prova cioè a descrivere l'indescrivibile in parole che possano comunicare ciò che è successo, perché "aver vissuto una cosa, qualsiasi cosa, conferisce il diritto inalienabile di scriverla".

Il testo è schietto, certe volte si limita a registrare il corso degli eventi, anche le situazioni più difficili da descrivere. Per "restare più vicina possibile alla sensazione di un corso stagnante di infelicità", la prosa riproduce le sensazioni della protagonista, la spersonalizzazione risentita durante la disperata ricerca d'aiuto e in ogni fase dell'atroce esperienza subita.

"Perché il turbamento che provo nel rivedere alcune immagini, riascoltare alcune parole, non ha niente a che vedere con quello che sentivo allora, è soltanto un’emozione di scrittura. Voglio dire: che permette la scrittura e ne costituisce il segno di verità".
Profile Image for Banu Yıldıran Genç.
Author 1 book1,090 followers
July 4, 2023
ve “olay”la birlikte türkçedeki annie ernaux’ları şimdilik bitirdim.
ilk edisyonlarında bu kitabı “kürtaj” adıyla basan errrrkek yayıncıları da kınım kınım kınıyorum. halbuki annie ernaux kendisi zaten olay diye bahsetmiş ve kitap boyunca niçin bu olayı tekrar anımsadığını ve geçmişteki bu olayı nasıl aşabileceğini didikleyip duruyor.
bir kere ahlakçı bir anlatı değil. kürtaj karşıtları okumasın :)) kadın gayet güzel gençliğinde yaptığı hatayı düzeltmiş. belki kürtaj olamasa bugün annie ernaux olamayacaktı. çünkü istenmeyen çocuk öyle etkiler hayatı.
bu konuda yıllardır tv’lerde, sadece bizde değil abd ve türk dizilerinde gösterildiği gibi travmatik düşünmüyorum. kadınlar pratik canlılardır. ayılmadan bayılmadan kendileri için ne gerekiyorsa onu yaparlar. 70-80’lerde maalesef annem ve arkadaşları için kürtaj doğum kontrolü gibi kullanılmış. ben bir komşumuzun kürtajına götürüldüğümü (çünkü beni bırakacak yer yoktu) ve annemin o komşuya kızkardeşlik yaptığını hayal meyal hatırlıyorum. kimse de travmalara girip günah modlarında dolanmıyordu. hayat onu gerektiriyordu.
allahın belası fransa’nın 60’larda hala geçerli olan yasaları yüzünden korkunç bir kürtaj bu anlatıda yaşanan. buna rağmen ernaux hazır olunca iki tane doğurmuş. çünkü biz kadınlar öyleyizdir.
neyse ben errrrkek devlete, errrrkek hukuka, errrrkek jinekologlara ve errrkek akademisyenlere bol bol küfrettim. ilk gittiği doktorun verdiği ilaçların fetüsün daha iyi tutunması için olduğunu okuduğumda hele. biliyorsunuz bizde de kalp atışı dinletiyorlar rıza almadan, duy da etkilen ve aldırma diye. çünkü evet. bildiniz şerrefsiz erkekler.
neyse bu edebi yorumumu burada bitireyim. diğer kitaplara göre daha bireysel ama elbette yine önemli bir annie ernaux anlatısı. ve siren idemen çevirisi ❤️ ben.
Profile Image for Tawfek.
2,930 reviews2,227 followers
November 18, 2023
My Body My Choice

جسدي إختياري..

يعني هي حرة في جسمها.
إعقلوا الكلمة.

أنا عارف إن الكثيرين هيكون ده تفكيرهم بعد قراءة الجملتين دول، و مش رجالة بس، لا كمان ستات، لأن المجتمع بتاعنا الكثيرات معمولهم غسيل دماغ لدرجة انهم ذكوريين أكثر من الذكور نفسهم.
الرواية أحداثها في أواخر 1963 لأوائل 1964 أول مؤشر لده هو إغتيال الرئيس جون كينيدي.
أسلوب آني آرنو للوهلة الأولي يبدو عادي، بس الحقيقة هو عادي فعلا، في معظم أجزاءه علي الأقل، في بعض الأجزاء بنلاقي أسلوبها قوي، هي ببساطة مختارة تكتب بهذا الأسلوب.
الغريب بقي فنها الروائي نفسه حبكتها، دي مش رواية، دي مش مذكرات، دي حاجة جمعت بين الاتنين بطريقة سهلة ممتنعة، و انا سعيد الحقيقة اني أدركت ده سريعاً لأن كنت ممكن أبقي متذمر علي أسلوبها لوحده و أحكم عليها بالعامل الوحيد ده، و أتجاهل ما حققته من تجديد.
بتتكلم آني عن طلب المجتمع و السلطات عن السكوت عن الحقبات المظلمة في تاريخهم.
القوانين اتغيرت الإجهاض بقي بيتم في إطار قانوني، يبقي خلاص نسكت عن ما مضي و ضحاياه، و اللي ماتوا أو حبسوا أو أو.
مغنية سمراء أمريكية كانت عامله أغنية عن قتل جماعات من البيض لافراد سود فيما يعرف ب
Lynching Billie Holiday-Strange fruit
و طوردت من الحكومة كثيرًا و تم مسائلتها كثيرًا و تم طلب منها عدم غناء الأغنية مرة تانية كثيرًا.
القوانين اتغيرت فخلاص نسكت عن حبس المثليين و إضطهادهم المجتمعي و غيره و غيره الحقبة المظلمة انتهت.
و لكن أنا متفق مع آني أرنو تغير القوانين لا يمحي الماضي.
في نقطة في الرواية، آني بتقول لواحد عارفه انه في جمعية لحق منع الحمل، و اللي كان برضه غير قانوني بس الجمعية بتساعد المتزوجين علي الإجهاض، مع اني بفكر مين أولي بالمساعدة، بس ده كان عصر النظرة العنصرية مسيطرة عليه زي ما هنشوف كثير في الرواية
ده مكنش عصر نسويات خالص لسه، ده كان من العصور المظلمة اللي النساء بيساعدوا بعض فيه علي حل مشاكلهم في الخفاء و مؤازرة بعضهم كانهم بيعملوا جريمة!
في لحظتها شافها علي أنها عاهرة، و مش بس كده عايز ينام معاها من ورا مراته.
هي قالت الحدث ده مكنش مهم بالنسبة لحالتها، بس الحقيقة الحدث مهم جدا زيه زي حالتها بالظبط.
المخ الذكوري انه يقفز لاستنتاج بتقولي عشان تنام معايا، مش بتقولي عشان متوسمه فيا اني اقدر اساعدها، و انا شغال في الموضوع، و المفروض بساعد اللي زيها!
حكاية الراهبة (إبتسامة) محزنه، نظام الرهبنه يخلق العديد من النساء الساذجات، حد الموت، كلمة واحدة لم تكن تعرف معناها، جعلتها منبوذة من نظامها الديني بدلاً من إحتواءها، و حياة بعد خروجها منه، تخيل من متدين واهب نفسك إلي الله، إلي منبوذ من أسرتك الدينية في الدير، إلي كحولية يعذبها التفكير في الخطيئة، إلي مثلية يعذبها التفكير في خطيئة أكبر من وجهة نظرها الدينية السابقة، من المؤكد انها كانت مليئة بالتعاسة حتي تنتهي بالإنتحار.
نحن نحكم علي شئ من وجهة نظر القانون، ولا نحكم علي القانون ذاته!

و أحب أقول كمان يا آني اننا بنحكم علي كل شئ من وجهة نظر الدين ولا نحاكم الدين نفسه.
لأننا بنعتبر العنصرية و الرجعية وحشة جدًا و قبيحة، و لكن لو عنصرية و رجعية مغلفة بغلاف ديني جميل بفيونكه من فوق يبقي يا حبذا و كثرلي منها.
قراء كثير مفكرين ان العنصرية أبيض و أسود فقط، فيه أنواع كثير من العنصرية، و لو برئ من بعضهم، بس بتمارس البعض الآخر، لا يفرق الكثير بينك و بين العنصري نسبة للون او عرق.
إن لم أذهب إلي أقصى علاقاتي بهذه التجربة، فأنا أساهم بذلك في تعتيم واقع النساء و أصطف إلي جانب هيمنة العالم الذكورية

آني حققت المعادلة دي و بقوة، خدت صف كل النساء، كتبت عن التجربة بكل صراحة و بكل شفافية و بكل ما فيها من قبح، آني في الرواية بتذكر أن في كل الكتب اللي حاولت تقرأها عن الإجهاض في هذه المرحلة الفتاة تحمل الفتاة تجهض، بين الجملتين فراغ كبير لا يمكن ملؤه، آني ملأت هذا الفراغ بالحقيقة القبيحة.
كانت الفتاة المجهضة و الأم العزباء في أحياء روان الفقيرة تعاملان بنفس الطريقة، أو لعلهم كانوا يحتقرونها أكثر مني.

تاني عصور مظلمة يدوب فات عليها 60 سنة، حتي اللي إحتفظت بالجنين بتعامل بإحتقار، يعني ولا هنرحمك ولا هنخلي رحمة أي حد تنزل.
فيه مقولة تانية نسيت أحتفظ بيها، بتبين ان المجتمع كان عنصري بيفرق بين صاحب الشهادة العالية و العامل، و قد ايه الطبيب كان حزين، انه عاملها بعنصرية، لما اكتشف انها طالبه جامعية!
يعني ببساطة لو مكنتش طالبة جامعية كان هيبقي ايه المشكلة.
بعد ما تخلص المائة صفحة دول إفتكر أنهم نجوا و برضه اتكلموا بعد النجاة.
شايف بشاعة الإجهاض؟ في بلدك نفسها الإجهاض بنفس البشاعة، الناس بتلاقي أجنة مرميين علي أكوام الزبالة.
في بلدك الإجهاض لسه غير قانوني، مع ان ايه حجتك، هما دينهم علي حسب علمي مفيهوش فتاوي تبيحه، و انت دينك فيه فتاوي بتبيحه طالما عمر الجنين مزادش عن أربع شهور.
بس بلاش نتكلم عن الدين، لأن الأراء المتشدده المتعفنة فيه، أكثر من الأراء الوسطية، و هي السائدة، لدرجة ان طفل الزنا في دينك لا ينسب لأبوه أصلًا، تخيل مغتصب زمان، بعد ما ياخد عقوبته يقولوله تمام امشي انت بقي، أهلها هيتكفلوا بالطفل وهيتكتب بإسمهم و هيصرفوا عليه، برافو عليك انت انك خلفت و مروح.
هما بره نجوا بس هنا ما زال هناك من يعانوا من هذا.
مدعي الفضيلة بقي، اللي بيتكلموا عن إنها كذبت علي أهلها و ده شفته في ريفيو إنجليزي، هل أنت شايف ان كان فيه مساحة لقول الحقيقة مع أهل بيفتشوا وراء بنتهم في ملابسها الداخلية علي آثار الدم؟
انتوا بتحطوا القوانين و تطلبون من الجميع الصراحة، حتي لو سيؤدي ذلك لتدمير مستقبلهم، أو قتلهم بسبب شيخ يوتيوب أهبل قاعد يكفر الناس و يبيح دمها.
النساء تحملوا كثيرًا ضياع مستقبل، من أجل شركاء هم من الخسة أقرب من أي شئ آخر، لو آني كانت كملت كان الطفل اتولد، مخلصتش تعليمها الجامعي لأنها لازم تربيه و تصرف عليه، أهلها هيقاطعوها فهتبقي وحيدة، لكن شريكها كان هيكمل مستقبله هيخلص جامعته، هيشتغل شغلانة مرموقه، هيتجوز غيرها و يخلف و الجميع ينظر له إلي أبد الآبدين علي أنه شخص يحتذي به.

إحنا عندنا لبس فظيع في الحرية، مفكرين أن الحرية تعني حرية خطاب الكراهية، أو حرية العنصرية، أو حرية تجريم الآخر، أو حرية تكفير الآخر.
أتمني انه يختفي يوماً ما.
Profile Image for Santiago González.
298 reviews192 followers
October 6, 2022
Un acontecimiento ordinario que no volverá a suceder

Este breve libro cuenta cómo la autora abortó en los años 60, cuando aun estaba prohibido en Francia. Lo cuenta desde su adultez, cuando le sucedió media vida y, especialmente, cuando el aborto ya es legal.

Su potencia es que cuenta de manera extraordinaria un hecho, digamos, ordinario, por aquellos días. Un aborto con apenas complicaciones en un proceso clandestino por el que pasaban muchas mujeres. Clandestino pero del que todo el mundo sabía a dónde acudir, cuánto se cobraba y qué había que hacer en algunos casos.

Me recordó a la película rumana "4 meses, 3 semanas, 2 días", una de las mejores que vi en mi vida (creo que ganó la Palma de Oro en Cannes). En ese caso habla de un aborto en tiempos de Ceaucescu. Y también me remitió a uno que leí hace poco, "El consentimiento" sobre una chica de 14 años que tenía relaciones con un famoso escritor de 50 ante la anuencia de su madre; en ambos está el radical cambio de perspectiva en el lapso de una generación. Una marca del largo camino recorrido por el feminismo y un faro a la vez de lo que resta por recorrer hacia una igualdad total de género. También, como escribí en la reseña de aquel libro, en este me da cosa andar puntuando con estrellitas el relato de una experiencia tremenda por la que pasaron las autoras.

Me pregunto si habrá un libro similar en la Argentina. Alguno que cuente cómo fue abortar en el país antes de la aprobación de la ley. Me acuerdo de una nota de Ana Correa que en su momento me conmovió.


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Gracias, te espero

Profile Image for Ken.
Author 3 books1,084 followers
June 24, 2023
From a perch of forty year's distance, Annie Ernaux chronicles the time when she was a 23-year-old student who went through the hell that is an illegal abortion. It doesn't matter if you are pro-life or pro-choice (both so nice sounding, aren't they?), as a reader you will read this one-sitting, 95-pager, and say, "That was hell."

New to me, Ernaux is one of those straight shooters. Simple writing style. Free flowing. Nice use of white space as most of the book consists of one and two-paragraph bullets. If you have any writing aspirations, she's the type of author that inspires by dint of the fact that it looks easy. Of course, in writing, looks are deceiving.

Also of interest is Ernaux's use of images. You won't forget the hairbrush in the room where the abortion is performed. I also did not know that, in Catholic France of the 60s, abortion was illegal. Then again, beyond DeGaulle who had this thing for Jackie Kennedy, there's not much I DO know about France in the 60s.

In the final analysis, getting pregnant and feeling lonely due to a (now) disinterested man and ambivalent friends is a worthy topic, no matter how ordinary your language.
Profile Image for Roman Clodia.
2,647 reviews3,703 followers
June 27, 2021
... les choses me sont arrivées pour que j'en rende compte. Et le véritable but de ma vie est peut-être seulement celui-ci: que mons corps, mes sensations, et mes pensées deviennent de l'écriture.

... these things happened to me so that I might account for/realise them. And the true purpose of my life is perhaps only this: that my body, my feelings and my thoughts become writing.

Make no mistake, this is an unflinching account by Ernaux of a pivotal and horrific experience: as a twenty-three year old student in 1963 she found herself pregnant from a fleeting relationship, in a France where abortion was illegal and a criminal act. Anyone squeamish needs to be warned that Ernaux, with her usual unwavering and fearless gaze, doesn't shy away from the physical details of knitting needles, probes, induced miscarriage and the bloody results.

But none of this is either prurient or sensationalist. As the quotation above indicates, Ernaux has appointed herself the witness and creator of testimony for generations of women whose experiences have been secret, made to feel shameful, hidden and not acknowledged, perhaps sometimes, for various reasons, even by themselves.

One of the key points made here is how isolated Ernaux was during this desperate experience, forced into hiding it from her parents, with medical practitioners wary of the illegal status of her actions, and even being shouted at by a surgeon when rushed into hospital haemorrhaging.

So while this is a personal and subjective testimony, it also looks forward to Ernaux's The Years, a kind of group or generational biography that switches between the individual and the social. In some ways, Ernaux is speaking for women as a multiple, and is self-conscious of the circulation of gendered power in this story as overwhelmingly male lawmakers and physicians are gatekeepers to the experiences undergone by female bodies.

As always, Ernaux's writing is lucid and precise, and marked by its almost pellucid quality (so much so that I've switched to reading her in French). I can't put my finger on the particular alchemy of Ernaux's vision and prose but despite a significant age gap between us (she was born in 1940), she manages to hold up a mirror to women's lives and we see ourselves there.
Profile Image for Paula Mota.
1,246 reviews406 followers
October 12, 2022
Although abortion was mentioned in many novels, no details were given about what actually took place. There was a sort of void between the moment the girl learns she is pregnant and the moment it's all over.

Annie Ernaux é uma memorialista extremamente audaciosa. Fala do seu passado sem pudores, quer seja para exorcizar a morte do pai e a doença de Alzheimer da mãe, nomeadamente no livro “Um Lugar ao Sol / Uma Mulher”, quer seja para relatar um caso amoroso, como em “Uma Paixão Simples”. Em “Happening”, ao ir levantar umas análises de despiste do HIV, lembra-se de outro episódio ainda mais angustiante, quando tinha 23 anos e teve de fazer um aborto clandestino, ainda nos anos 60, quando a interrupção voluntária da gravidez e a contracepção ainda eram crime em França.
O relato é tanto um libelo como a purga de um trauma, mas por mais duro e arrepiante que se torne em certos momentos, Ernaux doseia bem o teor confessional com o tom factual.

I realize this account may exasperate or repel some readers; it also may be branded as distasteful. I believe any experience, whatever its nature, has the alienable right to be chronicled. There’s no such thing as a lesser truth. Moreover if I failed to go through with this undertaking I would be guilty of silencing the lives of women and condoning a world governed by male supremacy.
Profile Image for Sandra.
940 reviews283 followers
February 26, 2022
Asettico ma disturbante. Stile freddo ma dolore che trasuda soprattutto dagli incisi. Nel punto centrale agghiacciante, il sangue ti si gela nelle vene.

Ha avuto cuore e coraggio, la Ernaux, a scrivere questo memoir. L'ha fatto per sè stessa ("E forse il vero scopo della mia vita è soltanto questo: che il mio corpo, le mie sensazioni e i miei pensieri diventino scrittura, qualcosa di intellegibile e di generale, la mia esistenza completamente dissolta nella testa e nella vita degli altri" . "Aver vissuto una cosa, qualsiasi cosa, conferisce il diritto inalienabile di scriverla") e per le donne di oggi e di domani ("E se non andassi fino in fondo nel riferire questa esperienza contribuirei ad oscurare la realtà delle donne, schierandomi dalla parte della dominazione maschile del mondo").

Chapeau madame Ernaux
Profile Image for Emmanuel Kostakis.
78 reviews115 followers
June 25, 2023
A difficult subject to write about ...."an indescribable scene, life and death in the same breath. A sacrificial scene...an abberation, an inexplicable moment of chaos...a bomb or a granade erupting, the bung of a casket popping."

Annie Ernaux - exposed as an emotional outcast...a chastised paragon. The psychological pain- the despair - the social shame - the human putrefaction. A silent downfall - an emotional collapse: a dark sinister wave embracing the soul. Longing to regain the power of reasoning. Craving for compassion.

An emotional diatribe of the stigma and social failure...."people judged according to the law, they didn't judge the law."

Profile Image for Lucinda Garza.
226 reviews750 followers
November 11, 2022
(Mi Ernaux #8 del año).

"He acabado de poner en palabras lo que se me revela como una experiencia humana total de la vida y de la muerte, del tiempo, de la moral y de lo prohibido, de la ley, una experiencia vivida desde el principio al final a través del cuerpo".

Un aborto clandestino, el de Ernaux y el de tantas, atravesado por la profunda misoginia de una sociedad conservadora y por las marcas que deja la clase social. Es una lectura tan brutal y estremecedora como necesaria.
Profile Image for Pauline.
Author 8 books1,267 followers
May 15, 2021
Ce récit est d’une importance primordiale et d’une écriture limpide, primaire, qui retranscrit avec une justesse et une honnêteté rare un vécu intime. Quand je pense que des critiques disent d’Ernaux qu’elle est racoleuse, j’ai envie de les encastrer. Bref, inspirant.
Profile Image for Eylül Görmüş.
550 reviews3,067 followers
April 17, 2023
Annie Ernaux bildiğimiz gibi valla: yani muhteşem. 💜 Normalde kitabı okumadan filmini izlemeyi tercih etmem ama bu kitaptan Audrey Diwan'ın uyarladığı Kürtaj filmi geçtiğimiz yıl Filmekimi'ne gelince kaçırmayayım demiştim, bence iyi de etmişim, film de harikaydı ve kitabın lezzetinden bir şey eksilttiğini düşünmüyorum. Bu arada bu kitap yıllar önce yine "Kürtaj" adıyla çevrilmişti maalesef, bu kez isminin aslına uygun olarak değiştirilmesine çok sevindim.

1963 yılında, Fransa'da kürtaj halen yasal değilken yaşadığı kürtaj deneyimini anlatıyor Ernaux Olay'da. Bu kusursuz küçük kitabın sonunda söylediği şeyi sanırım Ernaux okurken hep aklımızda tutmamız lazım, o nedenle buraya almak istiyorum: "Yaşadıklarıma dair bulabildiğim tüm toplumsal ve psikolojik nedenlerin ötesinde, hepsinden daha fazla emin olduğum bir şey var: Yaşadıklarım, onlarla hesaplaşabilmem, onları açıklayıp anlatmam için başıma geldi. Ve belki de hayatımın gerçek amacı sadece şudur: Bedenimin, hislerimin ve düşüncelerimin yazıya dönüşmesi, yani kavranabilir ve genel bir şeye dönüşmesi, varlığımın başkalarının zihninde ve hayatlarında tamamen erimesi."

Ernaux, hep yaptığı gibi çırılçıplak soyunuyor karşımızda ve ben kendisine bir kez daha hayran kalıyorum. Bu nasıl bir dürüstlükle yazmaktır, mahremin pekala toplumsal olana dair bir şey söylediğinin kabulü ve bundan aldığı cesaretle nasıl bir kendini ortaya koymaktır ya? Üstelik bu kez 23 yaşında bir genç kadın için son derece ağır olabilecek bir illegal kürtaj hikayesi mevzubahis. Ernaux olayı anlatırken, tam 33 sene sonradan bakan bir göz olarak aralara parantezler açıp yetişkin halinin anlatıyı çerçevelemesine de izin veriyor ve bu bölümlerle iyice tamamlanıyor metin.

Çok yeri içime çok dokundu ama sanırım en çok şurası; hamileliği boyunca konuya dair konuşmamaya çalışan insanların, sonrasında onu övmesi, tebrik etmesi, "iyi sıyrıldığını" söylemelerine dair yazdığı şu cümle: "maruz kaldığım şiddeti bireysel bir zafere dönüştürmem için teşvik ediyorlardı beni." Ah! Bu ne kadar, ne kadar tanıdık bir duygu - hele bizim gibi Orta Doğu'da dünyaya gelmiş kadınlar için!

Enfes bir kitap Olay. Gerçekten enfes.
Profile Image for Coos Burton.
841 reviews1,422 followers
December 29, 2020
Otro libro que me resultó difícil de leer. Mucho dolor, una realidad terrible, una crónica del horror al que se enfrentan muchas mujeres. No puedo decir que lo disfruté, no es algo que genere eso. Pero agradezco que haya mujeres como Annie para visibilizarlo.
Profile Image for Mrs.Martos .
154 reviews7 followers
May 27, 2023
"Hoy se que debía pasar por esa prueba y ese sacrificio para desear tener niños. Para aceptar la violencia de la reproducción dentro de mi cuerpo y convertirme, a mi vez, en lugar de paso para las generaciones futuras.

He acabado de poner estas palabras lo que me revela como una experiencia humana total de vida y de muerte, del tiempo, de la moral y de lo prohibido, de la ley, una experiencia vivida desde el principio al final a través del cuerpo."
Profile Image for . . . _ _ _ . . ..
292 reviews190 followers
December 30, 2022
Η Ρουλα Κακλαμανακη είχε γράψει το "Άμβλωση στο Β Τριμελές" το μακρινό 1987 για την ίδια μάλλον περίοδο, αλλά για την Ελλάδα αντί για την Γαλλία. Βέβαια κανείς δεν έγραψε τίποτα για το ελληνικό (το οποιο βρηκα σε ενα παλαιοβιβλιοπωλειο), αντίθετα ύμνοι για το γαλλικό: εντάξει, έχει μάλλον καλύτερη γραφή, αλλά αν μπορούσε να πουλήσει λιγότερο φεμινισμο from the box (θα μου πεις πως αλλιώς) θα μου άρεσε περισσότερο, όταν το ελληνικό αντίστοιχο πουλούσε ίσως περισσότερη πολιτική (μπα και το γαλλικό το ίδιο). Δεν ξέρω, αν δεν μου το μοστραραν ΝΑ ΤΟ ΝΌΜΠΕΛ, θα έλεγα οκ,κακό δεν ήταν, τώρα ζε νε σε κουα. Προφανώς και είναι καλό,αλλά είναι το memoir μιας κοπέλας που έκανε μια παρανομη-τοτε-εκτρωση. Ως εκει. Και όπως είπε η Φλωρά στα Εγκλήματα όταν ο Αλέκος την ρώτησε μετά το σεξ αν της άρεσε "Εντάξει μωρέ, δεν τρελαθηκα".
Κάπου ανάμεσα στο 3 και 4, και ενώ δεν μου άρεσε αυτή η "φιλολογε" στάση της κοπελιάς, if you know what I mean, αυτή η ψυχρή και η απρόσωπη αφήγηση ήταν ταιριαστή για ένα αφήγημα για μια κοπέλα που πήρε το τρενο/οτοστόπ για να της χωσουν έναν καθετήρα σε μια φτωχικη κουζίνα σε μια πάροδο του Παρισιού. Απλά να, έχω και κάπου θέμα με το autofiction, σε άλλο η συγγραφευς γράφει για τον νεαροτερο γκομενο της,σε άλλο για τον αγρότη πατέρα της, σε άλλο δεν ξέρω τι από την ζωή της, να πάρε ένα νόμπελ (και σε κουβά, όποιος αναγνωρίσει το ρεφερανς να μου κάνει λαικ).
Στο μεταξύ πλήρωσα 11 ευρώ για 100 σελιδουλες, τις διάβασα σε λίγες ώρες κοιλοπονωντας κ εγώ (και τωρα που γράφω αυτές τις γραμμες) όλη μέρα από κάτι παλιούς ξηρούς καρπούς που έφαγα το πρωί.
Εντάξει μανταμ, θα σου βάλω 4 (3 ακτιουαλυ, αλλα προς τα πανω, στην Άμβλωση στο Β Τριμελές εδωσα σκετο 3), αλλά όπως έχω ξανααναρωτηθει διαβαζοντας διάφορα memoirs (όπως αναμνήσεις από το ΕΑΤ ΕΣΑ ή ενός γιατρού που πεθαίνει από καρκίνο) το μεγάλο θέμα κάνει το μεγάλο βιβλίο;
Profile Image for Marc.
3,230 reviews1,557 followers
October 31, 2022
This short novel (English: The Event, the translation title 'Happening' is a miscast) is, of course, first and foremost the shocking story of a female student, in 1963 France, who becomes unintentionally pregnant and has to search for a clandestine abortion. Apparently, this is autobiographical and that makes it even more terrifying. Ernaux's style is clinically precise, very descriptive and recording (in fact, rather remembering). Because it is told in the first person it also resonates much more than her award-winning Les Années from so much later that in most part uses the impersonal third person. But this booklet is at least as interesting as a form of memoir. Ernaux wrote it 37 years after her own experience. And she also deliberately presents it as an attempt at reconstruction, based on her diary at the time. To her dismay, she finds that in her active memory she only retains memories of material things, not of feelings or moods. And so she has to reconstruct that emotional aspect herself so many years after date. That is not obvious. Moreover, there is also the question of why she is now writing this, after 37 years. It is a question that she goes into several times in this novel, and that she ultimately answers: “that my body, my sensations and my thoughts become writing, something intelligible and general, my existence completely dissolved in the heads and lives of others. » In other words: sharing with others, women in the first place. It is perhaps the motto that can be placed on Ernaux's entire oeuvre.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 6,545 reviews

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