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Our Tribal Future: How to Channel Our Foundational Human Instincts into a Force for Good

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An astounding and inspiring look at the science behind tribalism, and how we can learn to harness it to improve the world around us.

What do you think of when you hear the word “tribalism?” For many, it conjures images of bigotry, xenophobia, and sectarian violence. Others may envision their own family, friends, and the bonds of loyalty that keep them together. Tribalism is one of the most complex and ancient evolutionary forces; it gave us the capacity for cooperation and competition, and allowed us to navigate increasingly complex social landscapes. It is so powerful that it can predict our behavior even better than race, class, gender, or religion. But in our vast modern world, has this blessing become a curse?

Our Tribal Future explores a central paradox of our how altruism, community, kindness, and genocide are all driven by the same core adaptation. Evolutionary anthropologist David R. Samson engages with cutting-edge science and philosophy, as well as his own field research with small-scale societies and wild chimpanzees, to explain the science, ethics, and history of tribalism in compelling and accessible terms.

This bold and brilliant book reveals provocative truths about our nature. Readers will discover that tribalism cannot, and should not, be eliminated entirely―to do so would be to destroy what makes us human. But is it possible to channel the best of this instinct to enrich our lives while containing the worst of its dangers?

432 pages, Hardcover

First published May 30, 2023

About the author

David R. Samson

1 book22 followers
DAVID R. SAMSON is an associate professor of Biological Anthropology at the University of Toronto. An interdisciplinary scholar investigating major behavioral and physiological transitions in human evolution, he has worked with a range of primate species and studied sleep in different types of human societies. Samson’s research has been internationally profiled in venues such as BBC, Time, the New York Times, The Smithsonian, CBC, NPR, and National Geographic. He is the Author of "OUR TRIBAL FUTURE: How to Channel Our Foundational Human Instincts into a Force for Good." In his spare time, Samson is a practitioner of a medieval martial art in the Society of Creative Anachronism.

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Profile Image for Will Byrnes.
1,332 reviews121k followers
July 7, 2024
Tribalism is governed by a force so motivationally powerful that it predicts more of your behavior than your race, class, nationality, or religion. The formal analysis of this incredible phenomenon has only just begun, but the emerging science reveals that these factors are mere subjugates to our primal instinct to be a member of a tribe. This “Tribe Drive” is an ancient adaptation that has been a prerequisite for survival for 99.9 percent of our species’ evolutionary history. It is a critical piece of cognitive machinery—honed by millions of years of evolution—that gave us the ability to navigate, both cooperatively and competitively, increasingly complex social landscapes. But now that our species spans billions across the globe, does this adaptation continue to serve us, or is it mismatched to its environment? In other words, what happens when humans become either tribeless or destructively consumed by tribalism?
So next time you hear a raving demagogue counseling hatred for other, slightly different groups of humans, for a moment at least see if you can understand his problem: He is heeding an ancient call that—however dangerous, obsolete, and maladaptive it may be today—once benefited our species. — CARL SAGAN AND ANN DRUYAN, 1993
There is a reason birds of a feather stick together, that fish swim in schools, and that gnus migrate in large herds. It increases the survival chances for the group, if not necessarily the individuals within it. So it is with people. We do not have the canines of the saber-tooth, the bulk and muscle of the bear, the speed of the leopard, the poison of the snake or many of the other tools available to creatures eager to dine on the special meat. Even our relatively advanced gray cells were not enough to consistently keep us off the dinner menu. But getting together helped, big-time. E pluribus unum, baby. And grouping together allowed us to hunt in packs, which was much more effective than hunting individually. So, how did we shift from independent contractors to company people?

David R. Samson - image from his Facebook pages

It is obvious to any observer that we are a tribal species today. Samson looks at the elements that make up this trait. He wrestles with the lion of the issue, why are we the way we are?
And how what he calls our innate tribal drive, which may have served us well on the savannah, serves us less well in the modern world.
The core of the mismatch is that modern society has made us more physically isolated by decreasing our social support; all the while it has made us more mentally unstable by increasing social pressure, tricking us into thinking that low grade online and institutional social interaction is good enough to live a healthy and fulfilling life. In this sense, the people who dwelled in the first tribes were not challenged as much as we are today. Their units were glued together in a common struggle for survival, not the weak ideological grounds many use as the foundation to their tribal social identities today.
Samson begins by looking at how our tribal drive causes more trouble than it solves. Then heads off into the history of how human organization evolved. For example, before there could be tribes there had to be camps. (The People’s Front of Judea?) This material is fascinating, as he builds up the structure of prehistoric human grouping. There are organizational layers that needed to develop and join together in order to make up early human tribes. He goes into what early human needs were, the reason for being of groups, the need for food, shelter, and avoidance of incest. And beyond that, there was a need to cope with ill fortune. Stuff happens, and your group can survive such stuff more robustly if it is larger. Thus tribes, which still carry within them the need for assurance about who is trustworthy. This leads to a need for some sort of recognition mechanism. When a group gets beyond the magical Dunbar number, how do we know if someone is safe? If they are one of us and not one of a potentially threatening them.
The figure of 150 seems to represent the maximum number of individuals with whom we can have a genuinely social relationship. . . . Putting it another way, it’s the number of people you would not feel embarrassed about joining uninvited for a drink if you happened to bump into them in a bar. — ROBIN DUNBAR, 1996
Well, you can see how this might be endlessly fascinating. And it is. Tribalism is what allowed us to survive as a species. When the going got tough, the tough formed tribes.

He traces the steps that were needed to achieve tribe-dom, and looks at how they functioned once established. He offers considerable intel on how tribalism changed over time, how it developed diverse forms, how we developed ways to tell tribal friend from foe without knowing them personally. Great stuff. I worked my poor mouse and keyboard down to bare metal copying passages from this book.

Part 2 (of two) refocuses on the contemporary. How our need for tribal connection impacts our lives. He talks about how increasing class separation has resulted in the well-to-do being able to buy the social support they need, while us plebes have had to scramble to make do with our declining slices of the national pie. He offers sundry ways in which we can mitigate the impact the world has had on us, how it has deprived us of our tribal needs, primarily of personal contact with a trusted bunch. Samson looks at ways in which we can find a better balance, offering some real-world examples.

There were several times, I was pulled up short by Samson’s social analysis. He quotes Robert Putnam on a decline in family togetherness over the ten year period between 1985 and 1994. Yet he does not seem to consider it worth noting that this corresponds roughly with the Age of Reagan, and a turn away from community and toward the individual. He also does not include any significant discussion on the general decline in religious affiliation, which surely would be relevant to stresses on tribal identification.

A particularly egregious example of both-siderism entails looking at the different responses to a handwriting expert’s analysis of Donald Trump’s signature. The entirety of that can be found under a spoiler tag in EXTRA STUFF, so you can see for yourself. In focusing on how different groups reacted to the analysis, he does zero follow-up to look at whether one group or another turned out, based on observable real-world facts, to have had a better handle on things. That did not kill the book for me, but it was a red flag.

It is often the case that social scientists do a decent job of examining society, ferreting out specific elements that might be causing this or that bad result. But it is just as often the case that the solutions that are proposed fail the political sniff test. Not political as in party affiliation, but political in the sense that any social change has to be applied in a medium that is comprised of human beings. On the other hand, there are myriad nuggets of information in Our Tribal Future that enrich the reading experience, like his look at the basis of ethics, and a dive on how The Dunbar Number came to be.

For many, these days, much of our political discourse appears to be driven more by tribal identity than by rational consideration of policy merits or disbenefits. I was able to glean some significant bits of wisdom to apply to this from Samson’s discussion of tribal psychology, but I had hoped he would have done more with it. Where he does go is to examine some ways of social organization that offer opportunities for improving our lot.

He is wise in noting that community-level engagement is the best way to not only effect direct change, but to gain links to other nearby people, creating or reinforcing social cohesion, and mental health. But then he ignores what might be done for national issues like abortion, national tax policy, national defense and health care coverage and availability. It is a narrower focus, which is certainly Samson’s right, but there seems to be a pretense that local arrangements exist in a bubble, unimpacted by the larger world.

You may have heard of the uncanny valley. The expression refers to the creeped-out feeling one gets when seeing/interacting with an animation or robot that is intended to be very human-like, but is not quite there. (Ron DeSantis?) Likewise, David Samson’s Our Tribal Future tries to be an accessible, pop-science look at a very significant element of contemporary life, particularly in the political sphere. He mostly succeeds when writing about our deep history. But there is some drift into a more academic presentation that shifts towards the science and a bit too far away from the pop. It is when he tries to look past what is to what could be, that the Philistines of reality swarm him. So, if you are academically inclined, by all means, dive in. There is much of value here. But if the hint of textbook makes your blood run cold, you may want to explore elsewhere. A compromise might be to take in Samson’s wonderful presentation on human historical self-organization, then see how you feel moving forward. But if you are looking for a fully accessible pop-science read, you may find yourself in an uncanny valley.
When we grow, develop, and live in a world where everything is geared toward the individual, how can we help but view the world with a more narcissistic lens? When we live with other people, share resources within the environment, and work through problems together, the outcome is an individual that is less self-centered and more psychologically flexible.

Review posted - 08/18/23

Publication date – 05/30/23

I received an ARE of Our Trtibal Future from St. Martin’s Press in return for a fair review, and becoming a member of their group. Thanks, folks, and thanks to NetGalley for facilitating.

This review will soon be cross-posted on my site, Coot’s Reviews. Stop by and say Hi!

=============================EXTRA STUFF

Links to the Samson’s personal, Instagram, and Twitter pages

-----Toronto Star - Creating a better future: How to take our instinct to belong to a group and turn it into a force for good By Brian Bethune’
-----The Power of Us - INTERVIEW: David Samson on OUR TRIBAL FUTURE by Dominic Packer and Jay van Bavel
-----The Gray Area - The Future of Tribalism with Sean Illing – podcast – 51:08

Item of Interest from the author
-----CBC Radio - Political tribalism is 'the greatest threat of our species in the 21st century': evolutionary biologist

Items of Interest
-----The People’s Front of Judea?
-----Wikipedia - Uncanny Valley
-----Handwriting Analysis
1 review
January 30, 2023
Outstanding read! Great anecdotes, interesting annotations, and consistently timely yet topical links to the history of the human species. A surprisingly positive path forward for humanity!
1 review
March 27, 2023
Like it or not, we are biologically tilted toward tribalism. This is evident in our unceasing patterns of self-segregation, whether it be by ethnicity, nationality, or political beliefs. Rather than suppressing and condemning our biological predilections, Dr. Samson has suggested a courageous and perhaps controversial alternative of integrating our ancestral norms in a socially constructive way. In the connected world of the digital age, we can ironically find ourselves feeling more lonely and directionless than any generation in human history. We will inexorably search for and be drawn into a group dynamic, whose intentions may or may not serve the common good. It would be wise to attend the cautionary message in Our Tribal Future, to channel our faculties in our own way, lest we allow the more insidious facets of our society to do it for us.
Profile Image for Chris Boutté.
Author 8 books224 followers
June 19, 2023
This was a super interesting book. I’m always looking for new books that explain tribalism because it’s become such an issue in the last decade, but it’s also part of human nature for many positive reasons. David R. Samson wrote a book that’s basically the one-stop shop for everything you need to know about why we evolved to be tribal. If you’re like me and have read a ton of books on the topic, the first half will be a lot of repeat information, but there was a lot of new, solid stuff that I loved from the second half when it started talking about solutions.
2 reviews
February 1, 2023
An incredibly thorough and thoughtful snapshot of what tribalism has done for us, and what it CAN do for us in the future. It also looks at pitfalls, but also the massive benefits that can be achieved as a species. A truly fresh take on a complicated subject that was a joy to read.
Profile Image for Vahid Askarpour.
90 reviews8 followers
August 3, 2023
بنیادین‌ترین اشتباه نویسنده همین بس که قبیله را امر انتزاعی می‌داند، حال آنکه هر دانش‌آموز انسان‌شناسی نیک می‌داند قبیله یک پدیدهٔ قلمروی-سرزمینی است و اتفاقا حلقهٔ پیوند کلان‌ها در آن نه نمادین است و نه انتخابی-قراردادی. حتی پادشاهی هم انتزاعی نیست! امپراتوری و جمهوری که به قول دیوید گرابر هم‌ریشه‌اند چرا؛ آنها همانطور که راجر ماتیوس باستان‌شناس هم گفته، حاصل حس تعلق‌های انتزاعی هستند.
بیشتر یک کتاب تبلیغاتی دموکرات است؛ خود نویسنده کم نمی‌گذارد از تأکید مداوم بر تعلق سیاسی خویش!
هر کتابی یک پاراگراف طلایی دارد که اگر آن را کشف کنیم، انگار است که کل کتاب را خوانده‌ایم. پاراگراف طلایی او هم کورش کبیر ایرانی و ضرب واژهٔ ابرقبیله برای توصیف نخستین شاهنشاه هخامنشی است. هر چند در اینکه کورش با حضور خویش حیات متکثر قبایل مختلف را در کنار یکدیگر تحکیم کرد با او همدلم، اما مفهوم ابرقبیله‌سازی را که به وی نسبت داده به همان اندازهٔ دید کلی غالب بر تفکر نویسندهٔ کتاب ناپخته و عجولانه می‌دانم. به گمانم بیشتر از صرف وقت برای خواندن کلاسیک‌ها، برای میتینگ‌های سیاسی وقت و انرژی گذاشته که حاصلش شده قبیله‌سازی پروگرسیو-تکنولوژیک آینده‌نگرانه!
از خواندنش سردرد گرفتم، اما به نوع زاویهٔ نگاه خلاقانه‌اش سه ستاره هم دادم!!
1 review
March 22, 2024
In "Our Tribal Future," David R. Samson masterfully unveils the complexities of tribalism, an innate human instinct that has shaped our existence throughout evolutionary history. With an enlightening approach, Samson, an evolutionary anthropologist, delves into the dual nature of tribalism—how it has fueled both the noblest and darkest aspects of human behavior. This book stands as a bridge between the scientific exploration of our past and the philosophical debate on our future societal structures.

Samson’s narrative is richly informed by both his cutting-edge research and extensive fieldwork among small-scale societies and wild chimpanzees. He skillfully navigates through the science, ethics, and history of tribalism, presenting his findings in a manner that is not only compelling but also remarkably accessible. His work is a testament to the power of tribalism in predicting our behaviors—surpassing other social constructs like race, class, gender, or religion.

What makes "Our Tribal Future" particularly astounding is its balanced view on tribalism. The book doesn’t shy away from the harsh realities of how tribal instincts can lead to bigotry, xenophobia, and even genocide. Yet, it also celebrates the beauty of tribalism in fostering altruism, community, and kindness. Samson's central paradox—that the same core adaptation drives such contrasting outcomes—is a provocative truth that challenges readers to rethink their perceptions of human nature.

The author's bold assertion that eliminating tribalism would mean erasing a fundamental part of what makes us human sparks a crucial conversation on the future of societal development. He argues convincingly that the key lies not in eradicating tribal instincts but in harnessing them to enhance the quality of our lives while mitigating their potential harm.

"Our Tribal Future" is not just a book; it's a call to action. It urges us to embrace the best aspects of our tribal nature and to work towards a world where those instincts contribute positively to our global community. Samson’s visionary outlook, combined with his scholarly rigor, makes this book a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the complex forces that have shaped human society and will continue to shape our collective future.

In conclusion, "Our Tribal Future" is a brilliantly crafted work that offers profound insights into one of humanity’s most ingrained instincts. David R. Samson has given us a book that is both thought-provoking and hopeful, a rare gem that enlightens and inspires. This is a seminal work for our times, offering a roadmap for navigating the complexities of our tribal past and future with wisdom, compassion, and foresight.
Profile Image for Steve Brock.
584 reviews54 followers
May 30, 2023
As Stevo’s Novel Ideas, I am a long-time book reviewer, member of the media, an Influencer, and a content provider. I received this book as a free review copy from either the publisher, a publicist, or the author, and have not been otherwise compensated for reviewing or recommending it. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

This book is Stevo's Business Book of the Week for the week of 5/28. An astounding and inspiring look at the science behind tribalism, and how we can learn to harness it to improve the world around us.

When we are born, we are helpless and utterly dependent on those around us to feed, clothe, and house us. As we begin to recognize those who help us, we begin to trust that they will continue to do so. This group of helpers, which usually becomes identified as our family, is our first tribe. As we grow, we are introduced to and become members of new tribes such as friends and neighbors. As we become more dependent on the members of these tribes, we also begin to trust that they will continue to act on our behalf. Being cared for by your various tribes has its drawbacks, however, as members of other tribes are seen as competitors. At its worst, we try to kill them and take what they have. The instinct that makes us altruistic also incites us to commit genocide.

In "Our Tribal Future," David R. Samson, associate professor at the University of Toronto, combines biological anthropology, philosophy, and sociology to describe this primal instinct, show how it affects our current global relationships, and propose ways we can create tribes of scale that focus on engagement instead of confrontation.

Looking to the future, Samson envisions a Network State (also called a "Metatribe"), where any belief can be changed in light of evidence, containing the following pillars: decentralized communication, decentralized law and restorative justice, decentralized production, and decentralized finance.

Samson gets a bit murky with some of his future scenarios, such as his reliance on unproven cryptographic technologies such as Bitcoin and Etherium, but it's refreshing to hear that it can be discarded when something better becomes evident. The ability to make changes quickly is our current society's biggest need, and many elements of Samson's tribalism have potential to increase the survival rate of our species. "The arc of the tribal universe is long," Samson says, "but it bends toward oneness."

Find more Business Books of the Week on my Goodreads Listopia page at https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/9..., and find many more reviewed and recommended books and products by searching for me on Google.
Profile Image for Lance.
126 reviews
August 3, 2023
I think, at some point, I'm going to need to read this book again. The author, in my opinion, took a long time leading up to his point, and then based his point on a lot of questionable comprehension of human behavior. I'm not saying he's necessarily wrong in his conclusions (many people have a vision of the future others don't recognize for many years), but his belief that we will ultimately end up in a network-state (as opposed to the current nation-state system) seems far fetched at the moment.

I base my credulousness on Samson's rather fantastical notion that, "Bootstrapped by the technologies of trust [here he refers to bitcoin and other technologies], we are now free to sacrifice all tribes, whether they be national, civil, ethnic, or any other mutant tribal existence fashioned by the evolutionary algorithm upon the alter of the one, single human tribe (Samson, location 6466 of 9246, 78% on Kindle).

I think his notion that the nation-state is going to just allow itself to be supplanted is, at best, unlikely. In the years before the publication of this book (2023) certain types of bitcoin have already failed, and many a nation-state, including the United States, are giving serious thought to creating their own coins supplanting the independent coins already in existence. Once that happens, any coin that is not backed by the full faith and credit of a nation-state will become worthless.

Similarly, the belief that the nation-state will become obsolete in favor of some planet-wide network of people vaguely calling itself a nation, rather like everyone on Amazon Prime declaring themselves citizens of Amazon or something, doesn't give due credit to the reality that the nation state can shut this sort of thing down in a heartbeat.

No, at this point I think Samson has created the opening plot to an interesting Utopian science fiction novel, but I just don't see the current order rolling over and dying or morphing into some vaguely comprehensible online pseudo-state.

Profile Image for Chris.
1,997 reviews76 followers
May 15, 2024
A fascinating book that incorporates a vast amount of information from biology, anthropology, neuroscience, sociology, and other fields devoted to the study of human nature from many diverse perspectives, all as they consider our innate coalitionary instinct to form cooperative in-groups in opposition to competing out-groups. This is what Samson calls the Tribe Drive. He shares a deep, nuanced understand of this core human feature and its ramifications as both a blessing and a curse: being part of tribes makes us healthier and more whole, but at the cost of perceiving other tribes as enemies.
The reason the curse came with the blessing is because humans have the strange cognitive property of being able to be manipulated into feeling more or less related to someone than we objectively are. When it’s the former--scientists call this pseudokinship--we are overcome with empathy and perform amazing acts of altruism by donating to, advocating for, adopting, and loving humans that are not related to us; when it’s the latter--scientists call this pseudospeciation--we can be convinced that these same non-related humans are akin to vermin, cockroaches, pathogens, and other various animals we consider nasty. This is the playground of the propagandist ideologue that uses the power of the cursed bug in our hardware to drum up xenophobic hatred of the out-group.
Samson proposes many ways to maximize the blessing of our tribal instincts to better our lives and to counter the curse by minimizing conflict between tribes. For all the knowledge and information he offers, though, I found the pragmatic sections disappointing. He's too literal in his desire to restructure society as a collection of tribes, delving into group cohabitation arrangements and communes, and too naively idealistic and utopian in his answers to international conflict. Nevertheless, the tools he provides for understanding our Tribe Drive make this a book well worth reading. Definitely recommended.
Profile Image for Jeff.
1,457 reviews133 followers
April 1, 2023
Contempt Is The Dissolver Of Unions. Yes, that is a particularly memorable line from the book - and a warning. Here, Samson discusses the history, biology, and sociology of our "Tribe Drive" - ongoing and apparently bleeding edge research in all three fields - and shows how it has brought us to where we are... and how we can better utilize it to achieve a more peaceable and prosperous future for all. Yes, some of this book is a touch... out there... for some, such as Samson's admitting to basing some of his thinking of this topic on his use of psychedelic mushrooms, peyote, and similar compounds. And yes, there are things here that partisans left and right will likely complain about - some legitimately, some less so. And yes, in ultimately recommending a form of at minimum confederation of federated governments - if not outright anarchism, which he discusses without ever using the term, yet never precludes that the groups he discusses could become official "governments" - perhaps Samson is even a touch idealistic. And yet, the documentation is solid at around 20% of the text (not counting footnote discussions at the end of each chapter, which may bump that to around 22-25% of the text). Further, the book lays bare in scientific terms that which I've largely understood and have been advocating at various points for the last 15 years or so, through my own active political activism days and into my efforts to promote reading and literacy now.

Overall an intriguing, thought out book and one that adds greatly to the overall conversation around groups, governments, coalitions, and politics, and thus one that anyone who seeks to truly understand and use these concepts truly needs to read and understand. Very much recommended.
Profile Image for AnnieM.
467 reviews22 followers
May 31, 2023
This is an incredibly well-researched book about society and community. I was intrigued by this book in the context of the political polarization happening in the U.S. and after reading this book, I feel like I have a better understanding why we form "in-groups" and "out-groups" and the grounding in this from evolution as well as anthropology. I gained a new perspective on Leavitt Town - suburbs as a way to deal with (white) men returning from war by keeping them in a "controllable" space to contain the population. He also talks about loneliness by isolation and the negative physical and mental health impacts of this "disease" - which the Surgeon General is now writing extensively about. What I love about this book is he does not just lay out the challenges - he also identifies solutions and reflections that each of us can take to reduce social isolation (from co-housing and other ideas). Another part of the book I valued is about self-determination theory - there are three foundational elements to finding meaning at work -- 1) we want to feel competent in the work we are doing 2) that our life is being lived authentically and 3) that we feel socially connected. This is helpful advice to give to all of us and particularly for the generation just entering the workforce or graduating from college. The author also shares personal stories throughout that add depth and meaning to the content he is covering. I recommend this book. A very interesting read!

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for an ARC and I left this honest review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
1,389 reviews35 followers
March 6, 2023
Our Tribal Future informs us about the human nature of forming groups and how this need influences our behavior.  The word tribalism often brings about a bad connotation.  However, tribalism is a successful survival mechanism that is part of human evolution.  Samson explains our instinct to band together in tribes has brought humans together in remarkable ways.  With a complicated subject, Samson has broken down this complex subject into simpler sections with plenty of examples.  I was very intrigued by the guiding question of " How do we trust people who aren't family?"  When we feel like we are in a group with a commonality, humans can accomplish amazing things, but what brings us together as a group can also make us feel differently about other groups and can lead to hatred of anyone perceived as an other or outsider.  With this revelation, Samson also gives us the tools to look into ourselves to see our affiliations and how they are affecting our perceptions.  I enjoyed the  information on building your own tribe and the benefits of living in a tribe.  

This book was received for free in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for Keith Kernes.
161 reviews1 follower
June 22, 2023
This book is a weird mix of fantastic and frustrating but is such an eye-0pener that I've chosen to give it 4 stars. And I'll likely re-read it within the next 6 months. I think this is a book that requires a bit of reflection and possibly discussion. I like the pace, and I like the arrangement. I occasionally find that the author hasn't departed as much as he'd like to believe from his left-leaning approach to the world. That being said, I think his points are solid, and the conclusions are interesting.
This book is great because it takes a step up the hierarchical ladder and discusses how to improve the self not by pushing "self-help" tactics but by focusing on how people fit in a larger societal context and how some of the similarities we share and the frustration we feel with each other come from the very same places regardless of your "tribe."
Well worth a read for people interested in being mindful in their existence.
Profile Image for Jim Witkins.
384 reviews14 followers
July 13, 2023
Starts off with a look at multiple studies and evolutionary takes on how humans expanded their trust models from kin to camps to bands to tribes. Straight forward. Covers some well worn ground. About half way, through, there’s a somewhat strange switch to thoughts on forming your own community (tribe) or living arrangement. If you’re following the housing crisis or looking for new ways to organize communities to face 21st century challenges this might be an interesting section, but it’s more anecdotal. Then there’s some final commentary on how to evaluate and overcome tribe bias via evidence. Is it a satisfying book when it’s all said and done? There’s probably enough food for thought, if a little disjointed.
Profile Image for Nancy.
1 review19 followers
June 1, 2023
Honestly this book is inspiring, it has made me re-consider the lens I see the world through and not only re-evaluate my kith and kin group, but treasure the ones I have. The book dives into the science behind tribalism and evolutionary roots of human behaviour - why we are propelled to do what we do. Fascinating when applied to the current polarized positions in the world, I've always thought "with everything going on, why would I want to bring a life into this world"? However this book has given me hope. The thought that perhaps if we understand ourselves and the force, maybe we can redirect it to something good. To also understand that what is important, is not politics or agreeing with those I don't know - but focusing on those around me and building a life of meaning.
Profile Image for Fiona.
948 reviews9 followers
March 19, 2023
For anyone who has studied psychology and sociology, the concepts in this book are old news. Game theory, identity politics, the trust paradox, etc. are covered in depth and mingled with examples from both research and the author's own life. The writing is academic in tone and I found myself drifting off any time I read more than a couple pages. Ultimately, I was not engaged by this but it isn't unreadable, just boring.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press for the free review copy (and for helping me fall asleep every night as I tried to finish the book. :)
Author 1 book
September 19, 2023
Wow! This is powerful stuff-- Samson calls it "applied evolutionary anthropology." It explains a lot of the bizarre behavior of devoted political tribe members denying reality due to the power of core tribal beliefs. The book gets pretty technical at times and can be confusing, and the author sometimes seems to go off on tangents. But it's worth reading if you have the motivation and stamina.
1 review
June 5, 2023
This book provides a framework for how to utilize our early human programming to make positive change in the 21st century. It's inspiring and explains so well how we got from where we started to where we are today.

So many of us spend most of our time isolated from our friends and family. This is not the way we were meant to live. Isolation is a poison and Our Tribal Future is the antidote.
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428 reviews12 followers
June 18, 2023
As someone with an anthropology degree why we do the things we do always fascinates me. Samson takes a look at how and why we are geared towards tribalism and the pros and cons of it in society today. Then presents a way for us to use that for the good for the future. It's an interesting read for sure.
1 review
February 4, 2023
The word "tribalism" has gotten a lot of bad press in recent years. The image of close-minded groups of people spouting bigotry and hatred may come to mind. However, underneath that false veneer is simply the biological need to connect with others. Dr. Samson expertly delves into the history of tribalism, both the good and the bad, and how it can benefit everyone in modern day society. A society where loneliness is a global pandemic and Our Tribal Future is a much needed vaccine.
39 reviews
June 21, 2023
Very interesting and thought provoking.
Profile Image for Amanda.
32 reviews
August 20, 2023
4.5 stars rounded up. The last chapter nearly lost me with the crypto based decentralized network state stuff but I loved the rest of it. Maybe I'm just too much of a monke to understand though.
November 11, 2023
The book is supposed to talk about unity and goodness to your fellow man, but it's politically divisive and building walls. Can't recommend it.
Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 reviews

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