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Forbidden Desires #1

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Emma Bell, prześliczna ciemnowłosa dziewczyna, wiodła spokojne życie bibliotekarki i dochodziła do siebie po naprawdę paskudnych czasach. Nathan, jej były, miał zły charakter i ciężką rękę. Bił. Udało się jej go zostawić. Była cała. Mogła już być sobą. Trafiła na dobrego terapeutę, a rodzina przyjęła jej powrót z radością. Tylko że zamiast cieszyć się odzyskanym spokojem, tomikiem poezji i każdym miłym dniem, Emma zainteresowała się mężczyzną. Był niepokojący. Był mroczny. Był najbardziej tajemniczym i przystojnym facetem, jakiego kiedykolwiek spotkała. Gavin Kingsley dostrzegł tę niesamowitą, seksowną piękność już dawno. Właściwie przychodził do tej kafejki tylko po to, aby na nią popatrzeć. Rzucał w jej stronę ukradkowe spojrzenie i wracał do pracy. Wraz z braćmi prowadził coś, co trochę przypominało perwersyjny serwis randkowy. Klientami byli majętni prezesi, gwiazdy sportu i celebryci o wygórowanych wymaganiach. Firma dysponowała najwyższej klasy dziewczynami do towarzystwa. Gavin nigdy nie pozwalał, aby kobiety wzbudzały w nim emocje. To byłoby zbyt niebezpieczne. Przy tej jednak tracił nad sobą kontrolę. Tym razem Emma postanowiła działać. Zdawała sobie sprawę, że dużo ryzykuje. Że ten mroczny, niepokojący mężczyzna o twardym, przenikliwym spojrzeniu nie jest miłym chłopakiem z sąsiedztwa. Fascynował ją i pociągał jak nikt inny, choć nawet nie zamienili ze sobą jednego zdania. Poszła do jego biura w błyszczącym wieżowcu. I stało się. Był tam Gavin i jego brat, Cooper. Mieli dla niej propozycję. Dość ryzykowną. A cena ryzyka czasami okazuje się zbyt wysoka. Tylko ich troje. Tych pragnień nie wolno wyjawiać!

218 pages, Paperback

First published September 14, 2017

About the author

Kendall Ryan

116 books17.8k followers
A New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author of more than two dozen titles, Kendall Ryan has sold over 3 million books and her books have been translated into several languages in countries around the world. Her books have also appeared on the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists more than three dozen times. Ryan has been featured in such publications as USA Today, Newsweek, and InTouch Magazine. She lives in Texas with her husband and two sons.





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Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,676 followers
October 3, 2017
***I received a complimentary ARC of this book in exchange for honest feedback.***

This was one intense and sexy read! I laughed, teared up and even melted. It was angsty and emotional. I enjoyed every minute.

Emma Bell is a librarian, who dreams of the sexy man that she sees every morning at the coffee shop. Of course, she knows that he is way out of her league and never dares to approach him. Then, one morning, after exchanging a few words, the man of her dreams leaves his business card where he knows she'll see it.

Sure that he wants her to see the card, Emma takes it and looks up his company. His name is Gavin Kingsley and he is a CEO for an exclusive escort agency. After mulling it over, she decides to make a bold move.

Emma decides to go see him at his workplace. Looking sexy as hell, she soon gets pulled in for an interview and her visit goes in a very unexpected direction. Faced with Gavin's intensity, she finds herself agreeing to date him and his brother, Cooper, exclusively.

Emma knows that she's flirting with danger right from the start. She wants to turn away from these men, but the money is too tempting. She is desperate for the money to fix up the brownstone left to her by her grandmother. So, despite her misgivings, she stays the course.

It doesn't take long for Emma to develop feelings for both brothers. Gavin, who shares some very obvious similarities to another well-known billionaire, captivates her. Even as his aloof demeanor keeps her at a distance, he is irresistible. The push and pull between the two was addicting.

Cooper, is the polar opposite of his emotionally distant brother. He's sweet and fun-loving. He is the guy that she "should" want, if only she could make her heart listen to her head.

As both brothers fall for Emma, things get more complicated. She is stuck in the middle and jealousies abound. What begins as a friendly arrangement heats up quickly.

Although this story was predictable, it was highly enjoyable. It wasn't the type of "cry your eyes out" love triangle that you'd expect. Given the situation, I thought that this was an incredibly captivating read.

Not surprisingly, this book did end with a big cliffhanger. Gavin's secrets and his past comes back to haunt them. Everything is left up in the air and we'll have to wait for the next book to see where things go.

Needless to say, I will be waiting impatient for the next book in this series. I'm hooked now. There is no going back for me.

Check out more of my reviews at www.bookaddicthaven.com
Profile Image for Kendall Ryan.
Author 116 books17.8k followers
September 14, 2017
Book 1 in the HIGHLY ANTICIPATED Forbidden Desires series is NOW LIVE!! EEEKK!!!
"A decadent push and pull between two heart-stopping men and a secret you'd never expect." - New York Times Bestselling Author, Alessandra Torre

"It's wicked. It's sexy. Consider me obsessed with the Kingsley men!" —New York Times Bestselling Author Lisa Renee Jones

"Kendall delivers not just one drool-worthy hero but two in Dirty Little Secret. It was dirty. It was sinful. It was delicious. I can't decide who I loved more...can I just have both? 5 Stars." - Pepper Winters, New York Times Bestselling Author

"Kendall Ryan's BEST BOOK YET!!! An intensely captivating cat-and-mouse game that is molten-hot and messy. I could not devour it fast enough!!!" -Bookalicious Babes Blog

"Cover to cover, this was truly a provocative treat!" - Shayna's Spicy Reads

A demanding alpha with dominant tendencies and a HUGE *ahem* stubborn streak.

One handsome stranger with a tragic past.
A lonely librarian desperate to experience the kind of passion she’s only read about in her favorite literary classics.

DIRTY LITTLE SECRET begins an erotic adventure about three alpha billionaire brothers who own an escort agency called Forbidden Desires.

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2smkXw4
iBooks: https://goo.gl/E1dHDZ
Nook: https://goo.gl/h6Lgnq
Kobo: https://goo.gl/sPTNVF
Profile Image for Cristiina♡Reads.
581 reviews3,447 followers
October 9, 2017
➳Secrets can be kept, but sooner or later, they come out in the open and Kendall Ryan knows how enticing dark secrets are for her readers..

➳A story filled with passion, dark secrets, and fulfilling angst that keeps you on your toes, Kendall Ryan has brought the suspense romance that I have been missing. Ever since I read the Filthy Beautiful Lies: The Series, I knew that Kendall is capable of the kind of romance that applies suspense and graceful chemistry. Gavin Kingsley is a man that possess an abundance of power, along side with his two brothers, Quinn and Cooper. The three of them own a company that acquires desire for those who seek it and can comply to it. That’s where Emma Bell comes in the picture… well, sort of. Though her and Gavin “met” at a coffee shop, and have caught glances at each other through the days they both get coffee, there is something intriguing about Gavin that Emma wants to know about. However, she is an individual with the whole cliche aspect of a librarian: shy, modest, and curious about life even though she does not endure it. After an “incident” that leads her to Gavin’s office and her finding out what kind of business he is involved with, she is curious on what he can “show” her.

➳After doing the final introductions, and meeting another Kingsley brother, Emma is more intrigued on their “proposal” and wants to be a part of it just get closer to Gavin, even though Cooper is somewhat getting interested in what Emma has to offer. She is a light into the darkness that Gavin needs, especially with the past that he has had before. Cooper wants in on what she has to offer, and somewhat Emma finds his affections as a friendly demeanor. To him though, it’s different. Gavin on the other hand, wants to act as if he is not affected by Emma’s emotional frontier, however, she has the power to make his knees weak and fall to her worship and power. He is hard to please and also very hard to let his guard down.

➳After rehashing each other’s feelings towards each other, and Gavin admitting it, Emma finds the truth about his past. Something that has her questioning whether she should be with him or not. Gavin, being the man in control, is conflicted about the things he feels for her, but deep down he knows he needs to have her in every essence;
"She was all wrong for me. Innocent where I was hardened, and sweet where I was rough. She’d want a tender lover, someone who was gentle and took his time warming her up, not some asshole who’d shove al nine inches in just to watch her gasp and struggle for breath…”

➳Emma can be described as someone who has a two personality life. During the day, she becomes the shy librarian that everyone seems to respect. But at night, she becomes the seductress that makes every man kneel at her feet, though she does not know the kind of will power she possess with her beauty. To her eyes, Gavin is the saint that no one can seem to touch, not even his brothers can decipher him.
"I was a doe and he was a lion, stalking toward me with determined strides that made my knees go weak, even as I sat in my chair…”

➳Knowing of Gavin’s past, Emma runs to the other brother that welcomes Emma with open arms. This is not a menage a trois story that will have you undecided on who the female character will pick. This is a story that has confrontation and compassion towards one human being to another, something that Kendall Ryan does an incredible job at describing. It is no news that there is a cliffhanger in this book because the second book has a description on what is to come, and honestly? I am TOO anxious to find out what happens. Kendall Ryan has done yet again a marvelous job at bringing back the angst in romance we have all been looking for, and myself, have been missing!

➳The Forbidden Series:
Dirty Little SecretDirty Little PromiseTorrid Little AffairTempting Little TeaseNaughty Little Scandal

➳ARC kindly provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review...

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Profile Image for Melanie.
1,236 reviews101k followers
September 30, 2017
ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

“It started out as a dirty little secret, something to amuse myself with. I lived a boring existence—work, home, bed . . . and Gavin was a distraction. Maybe I should have left it there, but I hadn’t.”

First off, how do I get my hands on the second book of this series immediately? Because that cliffhanger was just cruel, yet makes me want to beg Kendall Ryan for an ARC of book two this very instant. This was my first Kendall Ryan book, and I think she just made a fan for life. I loved this.

Trigger warnings for stalking and depictions of past physical abuse.

The premise is one that any sappy, book loving, kinky, yet hopeless romantic (like me) would love. Our main protagonist, Emma, is a twenty-nine-year-old head librarian who doesn’t have a lot of money, but spends what she does have on fixing up her the old house her grandmother has left for her in the city. On her way to the library every morning she stops at a local coffee shop, where she orders a tea and can’t help but stare at a man that catches her attention every day while he orders his coffee.

“And every morning, promptly at ten to eight, Mr. Tall, Dark, and Sinful strolled inside and ordered a double shot of espresso to go.”

These two constantly come into this coffee shop at the same time, every day, for the past ten months, but they’ve only interacted once. That is, until one September day the sexy mystery man leaves his business card that only says:

“Gavin Kingsley
Forbidden Desires”

Gavin and his two brothers, Cooper and Quinn, have a business that is a little on the unusual side, but you will find out the career path they chose to take is very near and dear to their hearts. Forbidden Desires is a company that hires, but also protects, escorts that go on dates with very rich, powerful, and successful people. The escorts are paid very well, and their only job is to go on a date with the men; they are never required to have sex or do anything they feel uncomfortable with.

Gavin is also struggling with something pretty dark and sad, which makes him feel like he is unable to get into another relationship. Once Emma follows up on the business card and meets with Gavin, they strike up a business proposition where she will be Gavin and his younger brother's escort to high profile events.

“In that moment, I knew this wouldn’t be casual, knew I wouldn’t walk away from this in one piece.”

Obviously, a bunch of tension develops between Emma, Gavin, and Cooper, but it never feels like a love triangle. Emma has been Gavin’s ever since that first day in the coffee shop, even if they both are too stubborn to realize it. And I guess that’s why I’m giving this four stars, because I love Cooper. Like, what a sweet little cinnamon roll angel! I wish that he wasn’t part of the equation, even though I know he was just acting with his heart and trying to heal Gavin’s wounds, while also opening his eyes.

My favorite thing about this book was… Okay, well it was the romance and the sex scenes, let’s be real, but my second favorite thing about this book is that it is super sex positive! Like, this is one of the few books I’ve read that really puts sex workers in a positive light, and never shames them. There are also mini discussions about the importance to donate to campaigns that are trying to end human trafficking and I really appreciated it.

And I’d bet my bottom dollar that this series is going to not only tell all the brother’s stories, but also is going to make us fall a little in love with all of them.

Also, because I know most of you follow me for my fantasy reviews, I always feel it necessary to state that I rate erotic books differently than other books! I know many of the relationships are toxic and problematic and I completely understand that they wouldn’t be the healthiest and/or most ideal of starts for people in real life, but I love steamy reads and I rate them purely off my enjoyment. And Dirty Little Secret was nothing short of pure enjoyment!

I really, really enjoyed this book. And like I said above, I can’t wait to read more from Kendall Ryan now! If you guys are looking for a new steamy read, I completely recommend the start of this amazing series!

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The quote above was taken from an ARC and is subject to change upon publication.
Profile Image for ⊱✿⊰ Alicia ⊱✿⊰ .
612 reviews451 followers
October 12, 2017
4.5 Not So 'Dirty' Little Secret, Stars
Dirty secrets. We all have them. We guard them fiercely, protecting them like a mother does a precious newborn infant, cradled to her chest, away from the world's prying eyes. Yet those dark, forbidden desires we crave won't stay hidden for long. They have a way of coming out-usually at the most inopportune time.

10 months ago Emma left an abusive relationship and thinks she is now ready to start living again. Emma has been crushing on a tall dark handsome man she sees every day at her local coffee shop. One day she does something a little desperate and silly which will change everything. I liked Emma from the start, I mean this woman has a set of balls or just no shame.

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Gavin Kingsley is President of Forbidden Desires a high end escort service, it seems to be good for Gavin as he is raking in the money and living the high life. When Gavin and Emma meet it's instant fireworks!! Yes Gavin is an arrogant ass but Emma gives as good as she gets.

Cooper is Gavin's brother who also falls for Emma straight away, comes up with a plan to keep her around. Emma needs money to save her grandmother's home so it's a win, win. I liked Cooper but he was a little too sweet for my taste. But what will happen now both brothers obviously like this sweet, sexy librarian.
"May the best man win."

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As the agreement begins it is clear this is going to end in a giant mess of emotions and heartache but just like a car accident you drive past and know you shouldn't look, but you can't take your eye's of it.

So this was me through the first 60%............................

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I couldn't put this book down, it had a great plot and could have been taken in so many directions.

At first Gavin was all 'standoffish', acting like he didn't care then all of a sudden he was all in. I would have liked a little more of the chase or even a little more of Cooper.

This was me by the end of the book:

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Still looking for the 'DIRTY' that unfortunately wasn't there. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed this book a lot but it was lacking in the bedroom department which was a bummer. I just get a little miffed when I expect certain things out of a book but its just not there. For example Gavin talks about how good a submissive Emma is and he wants to own her, so I'm thinking we are in for some hot scene's maybe even some light BDSM but alas the scenes we got were a little underwhelming and sparse.

Cliffhanger alert, Emma finds out Gavin's secret at the end and it was kind of a shock to me how she took it.

I am looking forward to seeing what happens in the next installment 'Dirty Little Promise'.

〰️ Reviewed on behalf of the 1-Click Addict Support Group 〰️
September 18, 2017
***2.5 STARS***

This wasn't a bad book but it also wasn't very good either. I went into this book not knowing anything about it. I've heard so many wonderful things about the author and I was excited to pop my Kendall Ryan cherry.

I needed a few days to write this review because I got a little bit busy and the worst thing is - I forgot what it was even about. The story just didn't stick with me. It's kind of like waking up the next morning after drinking too much and someone telling you what happened and it starts to come back to you. I had to go back and check out other reviews for flashbacks .

I found Emma's character to be cute. She was a doll.

I found Gavin to be a simple man trying to be complicated.

I had a hard time understanding the connection between the two, it seemed very forced.

The love triangle thing was odd because their never really was one. Again, it was forced.

Nothing flowed. Everything was just there. . .just words on a paper without any merit to them.

Towards the end of the book I started to forget why I was reading it in the first place. I couldn't care less about either one of them.

There are two other brothers in the story whom I'm sure will have their own book soon and I feel like they may be better than this one. This one should have been book 3 instead of book 1 because now I have no interest in any of them.

I'm not going to give up on all of Kendall Ryan's books, I'll try another one in the future.

The cover is cute, so there's a point.
Profile Image for Maria✦❋Steamy Reads Blog❋✦.
662 reviews2,719 followers
November 6, 2017

➦A sexy and a bit stalkerish librarian chick finds herself in a dating arrangement with two brothers... one very nice and sweet and one, well, not so much. Which one intrigues her more?

➦You guessed it! The assholes, they are always so... le mysterious, right...? Anyways, I'm not reviewing this, just a quick note: this ends on a slight cliffy and book two in this series is a continuation of the story. And those of you who are scared of super angsty love triangles - this isn't one of those books. I don't even know if I could call it a love triangle, really.

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Profile Image for Shannon.
469 reviews149 followers
August 30, 2017
I need to start this by saying that this isn't a bad book, it's just not the book for me. You know how everyone has their preferences while reading, likes, dislikes, things they can't stand, etc? Well BDSM is that for me. Or more specifically, the Dom/submissive type of relationship. Personally, it doesn't tickle my fancy. In certain circumstances I will bend that self imposed rule, but it has to be done in a very specific way to catch me and this one unfortunately didn't do that.

Reading the blurb though, I also need to point something out: when I first heard of this book and stated an interest in reading an ARC, what is currently posted as the blurb was NOT what I was given regarding this story. You actually need to open it up and look at the "about the book" page at the beginning. That is what I knew about this book and what grabbed my attention initially. If I had read the current blurb, with it alluding to the hero being a dominant and absolutely needing control of the heroine, I more than likely would've skipped this series. Just pointing that out. My intent was not to intentionally read a book that knew I wouldn't like.

I didn't look at this hero as simply a powerful alpha, no no, he was more along the lines of a typical alphahole. If I could describe him in one word, it was be arrogant. <-- and not in a cocky, hot, "I run things" kind of way. No, he was downright rude, degrading and disrespectful. Every cliche that you can come up with for CEO romances, basically cram those all together to create Gavin. Personally, I'm not a fan.

I was doing okay for the first half of the book, I thought it was interesting enough, though I didn't really know where the story was going. There wasn't anything terribly exciting or major to really catch my attention, I was more so reading it to just pass the time. To me, it had an overall "meh" type of feel to it. Though the farther I got, the more turned off I became towards the entire novel. In my mind, romance or not (my opinion, I know a lot of others actually like this. No judgements), a character, especially a female, does not get to be treated like she is less than, or equivalent to an object or animal. The heroes remarks about "Where's my toy?" when asking the heroine where she is or "Hands behind your back, pet.", "on your knees, pet", when "giving her direction" are completely uncalled for in my mind. Or the fact that he swatted the heroine's hands away from him at one point because -- AND I QUOTE -- “Touching me is a privilege you have to earn.”

I'm sorry, but that is something that I just have zero interest in reading. By about 70%, I honestly contemplated just putting this in the DNF pile because I just didn't care what happened with these two moving forward. I never connected with the characters or story in the first place, and then instances like this just turned me away even farther.

All in all, I also didn't find this to be a believable love story. Sure, there was some minimal effort thrown in for the romance department closer to the end, but I didn't see the characters fall for each other. There was an infatuation from the beginning because they had known of each other for several months and had small interactions in the past. I think that Emma had a lust/infatuation with wanting the powerful and intense man she had watched for the past ten months, and I think Gavin was initially drawn to Emma because she looked like the dead ringer of a girl from his past. Other than that, I didn't find the connection.

This is also sort of portrayed as a love triangle, but that's another angle I didn't really see. It was pretty clear that Emma was never interested in Cooper the same way she was interested in Gavin. Simple as that. I under no circumstances actually believe that she would choose the brother over the man she had been obsessed with for almost an entire year before she even truly met him.

Is there also really a point to splitting this into two books, other than a marketing ploy? This is short enough and it easily could've been doubled in length and not be too unreasonably large. I don't see the point, and frankly, with not loving the first part, the cliffhanger wasn't even grand enough to interest me in reading the second part of this series. I mean, really? The little blurb at the end tooting that she could go to Cooper and find love with him because of Gavin's *wait for it* dirty little secret... that boggles my mind. If you actually read this book, you know that'll never happen. I just see that as a way to try and lure people in. Though this will be the end of the road for me, I'm afraid.

*An ARC was received in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,111 followers
September 16, 2017
****4.5 stars! ****

I really enjoyed this book, and I devoured it within a day! There is a cliffhanger, but I did notice that the next installment is on October 9th! I've already pre-ordered my copy as this series I am totally on board with!

"Forbidden Desires" is an escort agency run by three brothers. They are extremely successful now; but they grew up in poverty with their single mom. This first installment is about Gavin, he is an "alphahole!!" He really is hard to take at times...well....most of the time if I'm being honest!!! But even though he has a huge chip on his shoulder....something inside of him begins to crack when he meets a sexy librarian. These two crackle with major sparks for one another, but can Gavin open up and let his "pet" in?? Oh, and let us not forget that there are secrets that Gavin has, and I'm not sure he wants to reveal them to anyone...

This has been my first read of a Kendall Ryan book; but it surely won't be my last! I love her style, and I want to go back and try out way more of her books!!! In the mean time, I will be sitting here chewing my nails until October 9th comes around!!! I'm dying to get my hands on the next installment!!! I highly recommend for romance lovers to check this series out! It promises to be a successful, and very entertaining series!
Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,669 reviews1,368 followers
September 10, 2017
Dirty. Filthy. And oh so very sexy. I’m all in with the Kingsley men!!

I LOVED the latest book from Kendall Ryan, Dirty Little Secret. As soon as I cracked this baby open, I was eager to find out just what this secret was. But then I got sidetracked because I immediately became consumed by the passion that erupted between the main characters, Emma Bell and Gavin Kingsley. Not to mention the machinations of Gavin’s brother, Cooper, who I’m excited to see get his own happiness when his book, Torrid Little Affair, comes out.

Said to be along the same vein as her Filthy Beautiful Lies series, I would have to agree. Both characters were broken and had pasts that haunted their every step while their connection, at first physical, was erotically explored and then seemed to turn into something more intimate. Gavin ran hot and cold and trying to keep up with his moods was a bit like trying to juggle two balls when you can't even catch one. He was brooding, dark, somber, intense, uber dominant, and sexy as hell. Emma was a sensually naive mystery that I still don’t have a complete grasp of but I’m enjoying the heck out of discovering more. Am I emotionally invested in these characters? Not yet, but I can see the possibility. I do think they need to be fleshed out more to seem realistic, especially Emma. She was a little too dumb for words. That stalking routine and the subsequent forced meeting were ridiculous. Also... I'm not a fan of people who expect to the know the beginning, middle and end of someone else within a day. I've had friends for decades who don't know every little nitty gritty of my life. So I found her expectations to be unsettling on behalf of Gavin. I'm just saying. Coupled with her insecurity, unrealistic perceptions, and stalking tendencies, it wasn't a good look. But their intimacy was hot, so I let a lot slide ;)

The secret’s been revealed (kinda) and I can’t wait to see how the author shapes the turn of events in Dirty Little Promise. Will Gavin be able to say his piece? Will Emma accept whatever he has to say? Will her love be unconditional (flaws and all)? Will these two shout their love for one another from the rooftop? And will Cooper’s friendship be true and will he help these two lovebirds find their happy beginning? I guess I’ll find my answers when the next book releases on January 26, 2018.

Release Date: Sept. 14, 2017
Genre: Erotica
POV: Multiple - 1st person
Heat: 4 out of 5
Type: Book 1 of the Forbidden Desires series

Profile Image for Dali.
1,961 reviews554 followers
October 3, 2017
A gripping sexy adventure of a demur librarian who's bold enough to explore the her hidden desires. This love triangle is absolutely hooking and a great start to Kendall Ryan’s new Forbidden Desires series.

Dirty Little Secret centers around Emma Bell, a librarian who’s been secretly lusting after the dangerously handsome, impossible to ignore man in a suit that comes in to the same coffee place she does. They’ve never exchanged words, their eyes haven’t even crossed paths so the day he leaves his business card behind she doesn’t hesitate to learn more about the mystery man.
"She was all wrong for me. Innocent where I was hardened, and sweet where I was rough…”

After looking him up and finding out that he and his brothers own Forbidden Desires, a company that discreetly provides companionship for those who are willing to pay for their fees, she probably should have left the information and him to rest in peace. But being curious comes naturally to her and so she wonders not only into Gavin Kingsley’s life but into his brother’s, Cooper, as well by accepting to work for both of them.

Will Cooper’s ploy to help his brother out backfire? How will Emma be able to choose between the brooding Gavin that mesmerizes her and the charming Cooper who’s thoughtfulness is so endearing?
"If he wanted me, he would have me, and I would be powerless to stop him. I was a doe and he was a lion, stalking toward me with determined strides that made my knees go weak.”

The chemistry between Emma and Gavin is off the charts but the camaraderie between her and Cooper is easy and natural. There’s more to Gavin that meets the eye though, and I can’t wait to see what Kendall Ryan has up her sleeve regarding his character and the gripping cliffhanger with which she left us.
“I think you want to feel desired and experience passion, but you’re afraid to ask for it. You want a man to take control, to make you feel wanted, and you want to feel pleasure like you’ve never imagined.”

I started reading Kendall’s romantic comedy series Roommates and got hooked on her lighthearted, fun and easy reads but was very much intrigued by the romantic suspense side of her writing and she certainly delivered an enticing, sparks flying read.
“The desire to ravage Emma was almost overwhelming. I didn’t know what kind of spell this demure little thing in my lap had put me under.”

I’ve already decided which team I’m in as I’m sure Emma has but is a bit overwhelmed by so much sexy testosterone and the Dirty Little Secret she discovered. I think there’s never really been a choice for her. There’s only one Kingsley brother for her, something within both of them calls to the other. So just to be super clear, this is not a ménage.

Dirty Little Secret is the first book in the Forbidden Desires series by Kendall Ryan. It is a delicious contemporary romance escape brimming with sexiness and anticipation. Told from several points of view and ends with a cliffhanger.

* I was given an ARC of this book courtesy of the author via InkSlinger. The excerpts taken are from that copy. *

Amazon -> http://amzn.to/2ezlvVW

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Profile Image for Beatrice.
1,172 reviews1,717 followers
May 31, 2018
The story was quite intriguing and suspenseful. The audiobook was narrated by Zachary Webber and Megan Tusing. Both did a good job on the narration but I wish it's narrated by three voice actors so I can distinguish Gavin and Cooper. Also, I wasn't feeling Megan's narration. It's my first time listening to her. I don't know if it's just me, sometimes she's monotone. It ended with a cliffhanger when things got intense about Gavin's darkest secret regarding his past relationship. He has a lot of explaining to do. Overall, it was good except for the love triangle. It was completely unnecessary and Cooper Kingsley deserves more than being the second best.

Final rating: 3.5 / 5 stars
Profile Image for Geri Reads.
1,232 reviews2,119 followers
August 20, 2017
2.5 stars!

I requested the ARC for this book because the blurb looked intriguing and interesting only to be underwhelmed with the story and its characters.

Gavin Kingsley is a mysterious man that Emma sees daily in a coffee shop. She develops a crush on him while he seemed to not notice her. Of course, we find out that that's the case at all because Gavin does notice her. He's just good at pretending not to. They were strangers until the day they weren't and the story picks up from there.

Like I said, the story is intriguing. Gavin is mysterious and Emma is described in the book as feisty. Unfortunately, to me at least, they're just bland. Emma has no personality aside from being the innocent bombshell who doesn't know how attractive she is. Despite being uninteresting, she has two men obsessing over her.

Gavin is the same. He's supposed to be this super rich guy that's hiding his dark past but again, like Emma, he's so bland and uninteresting. Both their POVs could put an insomniac to sleep.

Dirty Little Secret ended on a cliffhanger. Unfortunately, this book was a slog to read that I'm not going to waste my time on the next one. Come to think of it. I've been trying to get excited about this author's books for a long time. I tried to like her books but after 7 low-rated books, I think it's time to give up on this author altogether. :(

ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,943 reviews1,516 followers
November 23, 2017
Dirty Little Secret is different from what Kendall Ryan has been writing lately. I feel like the author is going back to her roots and it’s a nice change. Don’t get me wrong I love her light, fast and fluffy reads, but Dirty Little Secret took me in a different direction. Of course the author still sticks to the heart of her writing style. Dirty Little Secret is a good story between Emma and Gavin.

I don’t want to give you the summary of the book because I read it blindly, but I will say this book wasn’t as light as her usual, but it wasn’t dark. It was a story about two people, one guarded and one a little open about trying something different and new.

I enjoyed both characters. I found Emma likable and her interactions with the characters entertaining. Gavin is the kind of Hero I enjoy to read in Kendall Ryan’s books. He’s dominate, successful and driven. I love the way he interacts with Emma. Every time Emma and Gavin interacts you never know what’s going to happen.

The secondary characters of the book are the brothers and I really enjoyed reading them. I also love the additional POV’s. I hope Kendall continues to write with multiple POV’s.

Dirty Little Secret had a happy balance of steam, tension and mild angst. I will of course be finishing the series.

An ARC was provided

Dirty Little Secret #1 http://amzn.to/2vwNOOh
Dirty Little Promise #2

Profile Image for Olga therebelreader.
890 reviews755 followers
September 3, 2017
A really fun romance. I stayed interested throughout, but I wasn't totally addicted. The storyline and characters were nice, but I guess parts could have had more depth. Nevertheless I had a good time reading most of it.

In short:
Hero 3/5 | Heroine 3/5 | Plot (Point, Originality) 3/5 | Writing Style 3/5 | Steam 4/5 | Romance 3/5 | Angst-Suspense 2/5 | Darkness 1/5 | Humor 3/5 | Secondary Characters 3/5 | Drama-Conflict 3/5 | Mystery 0/5 | Twists 2/5 | Pacing Steady | Action 2/5

***ARC kindly provided via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.***
Profile Image for TJ *Book Twins Reviews*.
1,106 reviews2,556 followers
August 19, 2017
4.5 Stars

Wow! I love this side of Kendall Ryan! It was all the things! Emotional, sexy, dramatic, and hot as hell. Trust me, you want to get your grabby hands on this one as soon as it releases!

Here’s the breakdown: A lonely librarian develops a secret crush on the businessman she sees in the coffee shop daily. Emma, is the quintessential stereotype of a librarian. She meek, quiet, and submissive. In an attempt to fill an emotional and sexual void in her life, she decides to take make a bold move and approach her crush. What she finds when she makes the visit to his offices changes her life in ways she never anticipated. It’s a dirty, sexy, and thrilling ride. Strap in folks!

Here’s what I loved: The storyline is naughty and fun. Sexy librarian meets sexier business mogul. Yep, I’m all for that hotness! Throw in a side of mystery, intrigue, and unexpected competition and you have a winner folks. The sheer fact that it’s so far outside of Emma’s expectation, made this a very entertaining read. She thought she’d breeze into Gavin’s office and find out more information about him, but ends up having to make a totally unexpected decision if she wants to remain close to him.

The characters, both main and secondary are beyond intriguing. Gavin and his brothers Cooper and Quinn are sexy, mysterious, and demand attention. They have my undivided attention!

The writing and setup is PERFECT! This story took me back to me very first Kendall Ryan read. I’ve loved her lighter books, but the dark and mysterious vibe of this one sings to me. It’s amazing and I’ve been suck into this universe I don’t want to leave. Once you meet Gavin, Cooper, and Quinn, you’ll be sucked in too.

Overall, this sexy little book features an enigmatic alpha-hole that will make you weak in the knees. He’s my kinda guy. I loved every minute and CANNOT wait for more. Two huge thumbs up!

For more of my reviews:
My Blog: Book Twins Reviews
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Profile Image for Melanie (mells_view).
1,799 reviews372 followers
September 14, 2017
Gavin Kingsley is a man with secrets. Dirty little secrets. Emma Bell is a reserved librarian fresh off of a terrible relationship. When she sees Gavin Kingsley the obsession begins. Does Gavin see her though?

I really enjoyed this romance. How these two meet is actually very sweet, even though it may come off a bit stalker-y. Haha. Kendall Ryan did a great job making this story a bit unpredictable. A third player is thrown in the mix, to make sort of a triangle. If you don't like triangles I would still highly recommend this one to you. Ryan handles this instance very well in my opinion. This is also a LIGHT dominate/submissive relationship. LIGHT. The story itself has some darker themes. Do I think they are triggering, absolutely not. I don't want to say too much and ruin things, so I won't. What I will say is that there is a "To Be Continued" ending, but as someone who sometimes dislikes cliffhangers I would say this one is worth reading ASAP.

All in all a great read. If you like contemporary with some dark themes, and a not so simple relationship... this is it!

https://instagram.com/p/BYB9RIXAdXc/ <--- check out a pretty fan teaser on Instagram.

*ARC provided by NetGalley.*
Profile Image for  Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕.
993 reviews1,155 followers
September 14, 2017

⭐⭐⭐3 Stars ⭐⭐⭐

“Dirty little Secret is a well written story about what happens when you fall a brooding powerful CEO and the consequences of being a part of his world.

Emma Bell is a quiet librarian. Her job is the most important thing to her and everything else comes second and unfortunately that includes her love life. But there’s one thing that seems to brighten her day if only for a moment and that’s getting a glimpse of the sexy suit wearing handsome man that gets his coffee from her regular coffee shop. No talking is necessary and for Emma, just seeing his face everyday is enough for her. But fate has a different plan and Emma is about to go into the unknown world of Gavin Kingsley and his brother.

Gavin Kingsley has it all. Money, women, more money, aaaand…. More women. Life is pretty damn good for the unattainable bachelor and he wouldn’t have it any other way. Seeing the shy brunette everyday while he get his morning coffee has been an indulgence that he can’t seem to shake no matter how hard he tries. She’s temptation in every way but dragging her into his world would be a disaster. But you know what they say about temptation: it’s a b*tch and eventually you will give in. How long will Gavin try to keep Emma away from his secret dark world?

I’m going to be honest here: I truly enjoyed the beginning of the story and I liked that Emma’s character was a little bit different but somewhere along the line, I lost interest in these characters. What was supposed to be a possible love triangle didn’t feel like one and I became disinterested in Gavin and Emma’s relationship. Maybe it was just me and what I was feeling at the time but I thought this was going to be a dark read but that didn’t happen and everything that I supposed to feel for Gavin and Emma wasn’t there.

Seeing that this is the first book in the series, I’m actually looking forward to seeing how everything is going to play out. If you love a hot, alpha that knows how to dominate well in the bedroom, then this one is for you .

Profile Image for 1-Click Addict Support Group.
3,749 reviews482 followers
September 14, 2017
What.The.Heck with that ending?!?!

Gavin Kingsley, mysterious, intriguing as right down dirty. Emma Bell, sweet, sexy and an adventurer. They say opposites attract and boy do they!!

Gavin has a mysterious side that I kept trying to figure it out yet I could not. But the more I read the more I realized that I was not going to like what I would discover.

Gavin & Emma's "so called relationship" had me getting whiplash, one moment yes the next no! I wanted to smack Gavin so many times because of his idiotic self he was going to end up loosing Emma.

When he shot me a smile—complete with straight white teeth, blue eyes, and a dimple—my knees went weak. They were all beautiful. Tall. Handsome. Deadly to the libido.

There's plenty of scorching heat between Gavin & Emma that I needed to seek out relief to cool me down! But there are also secrets that where left hidden and when they come out it's like bombs were dropped. Ms Ryan, that ending, just not right!! Patiently waiting for Dirty Little Secrets!!! ~Kara, 5 Stars

4.5 Not So 'Dirty' Little Secret, Stars
Dirty secrets. We all have them. We guard them fiercely, protecting them like a mother does a precious newborn infant, cradled to her chest, away from the world's prying eyes. Yet those dark, forbidden desires we crave won't stay hidden for long. They have a way of coming out-usually at the most inopportune time.

10 months ago Emma left an abusive relationship and thinks she is now ready to start living again. Emma has been crushing on a tall dark handsome man she sees every day at her local coffee shop. One day she does something a little desperate and silly which will change everything. I liked Emma from the start, I mean this woman has a set of balls or just no shame.

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Gavin Kingsley is President of Forbidden Desires a high end escort service, it seems to be good for Gavin as he is raking in the money and living the high life. When Gavin and Emma meet it's instant fireworks!! Yes Gavin is an arrogant ass but Emma gives as good as she gets.

Cooper is Gavin's brother who also falls for Emma straight away, comes up with a plan to keep her around. Emma needs money to save her grandmother's home so it's a win, win. I liked Cooper but he was a little too sweet for my taste. But what will happen now both brothers obviously like this sweet, sexy librarian.
"May the best man win."

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As the agreement begins it is clear this is going to end in a giant mess of emotions and heartache but just like a car accident you drive past and know you shouldn't look, but you can't take your eye's of it.

So this was me through the first 60%............................

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I couldn't put this book down, it had a great plot and could have been taken in so many directions.

At first Gavin was all 'standoffish', acting like he didn't care then all of a sudden he was all in. I would have liked a little more of the chase or even a little more of Cooper.

This was me by the end of the book:

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Still looking for the 'DIRTY' that unfortunately wasn't there. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed this book a lot but it was lacking in the bedroom department which was a bummer. I just get a little miffed when I expect certain things out of a book but its just not there. For example Gavin talks about how good a submissive Emma is and he wants to own her, so I'm thinking we are in for some hot scene's maybe even some light BDSM but alas the scenes we got were a little underwhelming and sparse.

Cliffhanger alert, Emma finds out Gavin's secret at the end and it was kind of a shock to me how she took it.

I am looking forward to seeing what happens in the next installment 'Dirty Little Promise'.
-Alicia, 4.5 Stars
Profile Image for Bonita.
51 reviews
September 20, 2017

I'm so over this Fifty Shades of Grey, dominant man treating a woman like she's physical and emotional garbage and somehow it's supposed to be sexy. Enough with the damaged hero who just needs the love of some sweet, virginal, innocent doe eyed slip of a girl to heal him. It's not healthy to promote this. It's not sexy. Enough already.

I hated the heroine. I know hate is a strong word, but it fits. What is her appeal? The character felt very one dimensional and flat. I don't understand why so many men are drawn to her. I assume the author thought it would be clever to use the trope of the brothers turning their mother's personal tragedy into something positive. Yeah, about that.... that's a hell no. In fact, there is no shades of gray when it comes to escorts and prostitution. There's no such thing as a pimp with a good heart. All three brothers are high end pimps. Pure and simple. I understand what the characters feel justified in what they are doing. Their call girls/escorts are in a classy and 'safe' environment where the johns are carefully vetted. There is no safe way to prostitute women.
Instead of ending the practice, they perpetuate it? They are possibly doing the same harm to some child as they endured.

Let's talk about the creepy relationship between the heroine, Brother 1 and the hero. Brother wants to force hero to admit his interest in heroine by flirting with her? That was when I should have stopped reading. As I've previously stated, my Mama didn't raise a quitter and I wanted to this the author the benefit of the doubt. Yet, I was seriously bothered by the brother aspect of this book. For a lack of a better word, it's kinda gross.

I understand that I can't suspend my highly critical expectations of romance writers. I also don't understand how this book got anything over a 2 star rating. Am I that picky? Am I missing something?

I once enjoyed reading Ms. Ryan's books, but her last three have been very disappointing. This is definitely the 3rd Strike. This book had such great potential. Yet with all the intended provocative aspects, it got convoluted and diluted. This is a definite no for me.
Profile Image for Zain Otoom.
130 reviews208 followers
December 20, 2017
Another fucking DNF. This time though, it’s my slump’s fault. Nothing particular about this book that really really bothered me to not finish it. I’m just bored and I can’t seem to find the right book to read.
Profile Image for Shayna.
1,813 reviews615 followers
September 10, 2017
This is the start of something TRULY GREAT!!! Dirty Little Secret is unlike anything I've ever read from Kendall Ryan, and all I can say is, I WANT MORE! It was dirty, seductive, and sexy as hell, and I couldn't, for the life of me, take my eyes away from the pages. Cover to cover, this was a truly provocative treat, an enticing adventure, and an all-around delectable beginning to a HIGHLY SEDUCTIVE tale!

"Do I frighten you?” he asked, amused.

"Of course not,” I lied.

"Good, because you terrify me.”

Kendall Ryan will forever be a GO TO AUTHOR for me, and you will see why once you read DIRTY LITTLE SECRET. This is the type of erotic romance that will make you shiver with anticipation. It’s the type of romance that will completely consume you, and for those hours that you’re entranced in this world, nothing else will matter. It’s the type of story that you will want to lose yourself in. It’s the type of tale that will fill you will complete joy and utter frustration. I’m not giving anything away in this review, folks. I’ll tell you one thing...if you are a true romance junkie, you would be a fool to miss out on the greatness that comes from Ms. Ryan’s words.

”This isn’t one of your storybooks. I never promised you a happy ending.”

If you are used to more of a tame romance, get ready for one hell of an erotic encounter. Your boundaries will be pushed to the max. Your heart will plummet on multiple occasions, and your head will be filled with questions that you will demand answers for. This author does gorgeous, demanding alpha’s like no other, and I can wait for you to meet the players in this game.


Profile Image for Karen Mc .
1,011 reviews757 followers
September 14, 2017

Before I began this story, I had to say...Gasp! My name is Karen and I've never met the Filthy Beautiful Liesseries by Kendall Ryan. Let's put it this way: I've only met Kendall's rom-coms so I really had no idea to expect from this other delicious side of Kendall.

I dove into Dirty Little Secret, a story about as far away from a rom-com as you could get, and relished my dive into dark territory. I closed out my world and opened up the Dirty Little Secret world where I quickly fell captive to words that made me their prisoner from the first page.

My first thought after inhaling the Prologue:

WHOA!!! Is this the same author who writes those fun and flirty romances?!? I like the dark and dirtier writer Kendall even better. Dark and dirty romance writing fits Kendall Ryan like a glove: oh so perfectly.

From the first page, Dirty Little Secret is a RUSH, a fervor of smolder and smoothness that strikes hard. Pulse-pounding, breath-bating, mind-mesmerizing, heart-hitting, and soul-searing, this STORY STOLE EVERY SENSE and SEDUCED EVERY OUNCE OF ME. Dirty Little Secret pounds hard with a paralyzing intensity, a HEADY and HOT hit of adrenaline straight to the core that POSSESSES ALL THE WAY!!!

With a burst of fate, a hero and heroine collide, embarking on an intensely captivating cat-and-mouse game that is molten-hot and messy.

All ALPHA Gavin Kingsley is gorgeous, commanding, controlled, and oh-so-sexy. He has an animal magnetism that radiates pure power. I did not want to like this mysterious man, but I could not help but fall hard and fast for this bad boy…scorching HOT in every way. Gavin is a god who will OWN EVERY OUNCE OF YOU!!!

Gavin wasn't a fantasy. He was a nightmare.

Gavin lives for control that is tested when he collides with a beautiful librarian. I LOVED this smart, sexy, and sassy gal who is done being meek and ready to be bold.

"You want a man to take control, to make you feel wanted, and you want to feel pleasure like you've never imagined."

Gavin is both sinner and saint, and I could not get enough of this delicious man!!! He exudes sex and sin. I MELTED at his touch through his dominant words.

"Ride my fingers. Make yourself come."

This story is SMOLDER and SIN, and I couldn't SOAK IN THESE SEDUCTIVE WORDS enough. My thighs could not help but clench. My body could not help but blaze. My heart could not help but bleed for this broken and beautiful man. Gavin's sinfully sexy spell bound me to him where I was helpless to let go.

"Do I frighten you?" he asked, amused.

"Of course not," I lied.

"Good, because you terrify me, he murmured."

The connection between this hero and heroine is INTENSE where I felt it through my bones—a shiver through me—a bond with strength in spades. Fire fused with fate. The push and pull had me panting…wanting…needing more.

If he'd asked, I would have given it to him. Everything.

I was ON EDGE, the energy coursed through me like lighting, fast and furiously. I was POSSESSED. Dirty Little Secret was the predator and I was the prey. Being owned never felt so good!!!

"I never promised you a happy ending."

Heart-stopping sexy meets seductive suspense in Dirty Little Secret... Kendall Ryan's BEST BOOK YET!!! Dirty Little Secret is an edge-of-your seat EXPERIENCE, one I could not devour fast enough!!! Kendall Ryan has seriously WOWED ME with her words!!! The plot is possessive and powerful with an invigorating storyline of twists and turns. The characters are captivating with a strong hero and heroine who are combustible together. The writing is intense and incredible, flowing with a heady mix of feels and fire. This romance is SHEER BRILLIANCE from beginning to end!!!

Dirty Little Secret is DELICIOUSLY DOMINANT and SINFULLY SEXY!!! Oh did Dirty Little Secret dominate me!!! This book blazes the body and seduces the senses with an UNPARALLELED INTENSITY felt everywhere. You can't help but REVEL in the PASSION and POWER that flows from Dirty Little Secret. I can still feel this Dirty Little Secret whispering to me, caressing me everywhere. Dirty Little Secret UNRAVELED ME, this firestorm in words my FUEL. I can't wait to feel more!!!

I knew this wouldn't be casual, knew I wouldn't walk away from this in one piece.

💋💋💋💋💋 sinfully sexy and seductive kisses


>>>> http://amzn.to/2vEZ3oK <<<<

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Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,353 followers
September 15, 2017
ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review


Dirty Little Secret by Kendall Ryan is officially my newest obsession and addiction of 2017!!! Sinful, intoxicating, erotic, and seductive are a few words that can be used to describe this magnetic and consuming read. All I can say, Kendall Ryan has readers like myself going crazy for the Kingsley brothers.


Emma Bell is a meek librarian, who wants to explore her sexuality. And so when she takes a chance and decides to reach out the man that has infiltrated her fantasies, she is in for a surprise.

0eced2f1e8e27649deb2464f437f8c She was a classic next-door-type. A walking wet-dream. Something I had no right to desire, but I wanted all the same.”

Gavin Kingsley is part owner of Forbidden Desires, an exclusive escort service that he co-owns with his two brothers. Everything about Gavin screams power, money, danger, control and sex. And so when he sees Emma Bell at his office, he is a bit shocked that she even had the guts to be standing in front of him and at the same time turned on.

0eced2f1e8e27649deb2464f437f8c Gavin made himself clear from the first second his mouth met mine. He took. This was a far cry from an exploratory first kiss. He had total control, pulling me close.”

Emma is a like a siren calling out to Gavin. He keeps her on a leash. He wants her and yet doesn’t know how to voice out he does. The reason for that is partly due to his past and the secrets he kept hidden. And so when Emma challenges him, he wants more. But how much more can Gavin give her before exposing his dirty little secret? And all the while Emma feels for Gavin, she wonders if he can truly give his heart to her? And should Emma turn to Gavin’s brother, Cooper, who has nothing been sweet and kind to her?


0eced2f1e8e27649deb2464f437f8c He smelled of peppermint and leather, and tasted faintly of whiskey. It was an intoxicating combination, and like a lightning flash through the darkness, I was undone.”

Dirty Little Secret was a sexy blend of eroticism, lust, secrets, and desires packed into one consuming read. If there is ever a book series to get addicted to, this right here might be it. I loved everything about this book. From the opening pages to the end, Ryan held me hostage with her intoxicating prose. All I can say, this book is what erotic romance fans crave!!! It was sinful, enticing, and dangerously addicting. A must read!!!

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Profile Image for Mg ♥ The Bookishmedialite.
1,211 reviews322 followers
September 4, 2017
2.5 Stars!

Ok. Here's the thing. The last book I read by Kendall Ryan wasn't a winner for me, so I wasn't sure if I wanted to read this one. But then...

I started seeing some amazing reviews. And then I read the blurb and got all tingly. I know some people think that the Dom-Billionaire Trope needs to die but I'm not one of them. I love this trope, so after reading the blurb I was expecting that and a little bit more.

Unfortunately, I barely made myself finish it.

The hero wasn't a sexy Dom, he was just an alphahole. And the heroine and her stalking tendencies coupled with her naivete were a total let down. And I'm not going to talk about Cooper. He was a babe. And as much as the author tried to portray their relationship as a love triangle, it wasn't there. It was pretty clear from the beginning that Emma wanted Gavin. So, why?

Let's say that Dirty Little Secret was okay, but it didn't blow me away. My non-existent connection with the characters and that I found some details a little bit similar to another book, kept me from enjoying this read. It could have been my first DNF, but I'm a warrior so I finished it. Well, that and the fact that I really wanted to know the Dirty Little Secret.

Will I read the next book in the series? Probably. Though I don't think I'll be rushing to read it as soon as it releases.


You can find me here: FB PAGE | INSTAGRAM
Profile Image for aNneMarLi - Chatterbooks Book Blog.
416 reviews293 followers
August 25, 2017

Gah! Dirty Little Secret made me crave for more Gavin and Emma! Lawd have mercy, but Kendall Ryan slayed this one! I was on the edge with the angst, my reader was so hot and I felt like I was burning inside. I was teased to no end, my throat was so parched, I couldn't quench my thirst and I am starved, I needed more!

There's a reason why I always rooted all things Kendall Ryan. Her works were kind of drug to me. No matter how short it is graced with insta love and insta-lust, I always go back to her works. I mean, I sort of knew it's how her works roll, but no matter I'm still in awe of her talent. It's addicting and is easy to connect with. But more than that, I love her words and I always rooted for it because I know in the end she'll left me with satisfaction.

Dirty Little Secret is no different. When I read the Prologue I couldn't help myself to keep on turning the pages. I sort of planned to read just few chapters, but I finished it in one sitting. It was soooo good but there's no way I will spoil you or give you any details because this book needs to be read blind. The blurb will give you a stronng foundation of the story already. It might be vague but start with it. It's intersting AF as it is and when you started it, know that you'll immediately get lost to the bubble they created. It's sexy AF, it's captivating yet will tease you and will ignite that fire within you. Lawd! I have been swearing because it kept me on the edge. Other than that, I love the charcacters too. Emma, She was a classic girl-next-door type. A walking wet dream... - was just perfect to the commanding yet broken Gavin Kingsley. As Emma puts it, Gavin wasn’t a fantasy. He was a nightmare. With Kendall's fantastic writing, these character's just came to life. I was dead! So dead! I love it and I enjoyed the flow of the story. It's just really good.Swear you'll be in for a great treat!

Overall, I highly recommend this book. It's well paced and will keep you hooked. The characters portrayal was excellent and I love how each have unique individualities that'll make you fall in love with them with every turn of the pages. It's sexy, it's hot yet fun to read. As I go along with my journey with them, I was entranced with the how the story felt. It's erotic, intriguing yet bound with mystery I so wanted to unfold. I love it too much and I can't wait for the next book.

Profile Image for book bruin.
1,324 reviews341 followers
August 27, 2017
4.5 stars

Oh man. This was just DELICIOUS!


What a way to start a new series! This sexy alpha billionaire romance hooked me right from the start and was a great change of pace from the rom coms I've been reading lately. Don't get me wrong. I love a good laugh, but sometimes, you need to get a little dirty ;)


Gavin and Emma both have some major emotional baggage and their experiences have left some pretty significant scars. There's a lot of push and pull between them, but once their histories come to light, it's easier to understand why. I loved that we got to be inside each of their heads (as well as Cooper's) because it really helps to understand the fears, insecurities, hopes, and desires waging battle in our character's minds. Did I agree with all the decisions our characters made? No, not at all, but that's what makes these characters so relatable. They are flawed individuals who make mistakes. When secrets are discovered, will the connection between Emma and Gavin be enough or will it rip them apart? This was a fantastic angsty read and I can't wait for the next book, Dirty Little Promise.

*I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this book*
Profile Image for A. Cook.
402 reviews23 followers
October 3, 2017
So, this was okay. Didn't really care for Gavin as a lead because the reader really doesn't get to know him much. Typical alpha male lead with money, good looks and damage in his past. But as you're reading you never really get to know what the "Dirty Little Secret" really is. I expected more of a love triangle or at least the heroine tackling several brothers at once. At least, that's what the story seemed to be leading up (at least at one point). Overall, this is a good start to a series and hopefully future installments will actually show the character's true personalities.
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September 14, 2017
'Dirty Little Secret' by Kendall Ryan is the First Book in the New Series called "Forbidden Desires". This is the story of Emma Bell and Gavin Kingsley and there story doesn't end with this book. It continues into book Two "Dirty Little Promise" So there will be a cliffhanger at the end of this book.
Emma is a Librarian who is just getting back her life after after about a year ago she got away from her controlling and abusive boyfriend. In that time she has been going to a coffee shop were Gavin too is going. They have never spoken and this goes on for several months. Gavin has turned into Emma's dream about boyfriend. When she thinks he leaves her his business card in the tip jar she starts to research him and that leads her to his company. Gavin runs a Expensive Escort Service. There she meets Cooper who is Gavin's younger brother and Quinn the older brother Cooper is friendly and outgoing where Gavin isn't. Cooper talks Emma in being a face of their business by going to social scene with him and Gavin. So she goes out with each guy to whatever social scene they have to help promote the business. Emma's attraction for Gavin is just growing. While Gavin is finding it harder to ignore Emma. But Emma looks like an old Girlfriend that ended up dying. In addition, what Cooper thought he would get with this ideal was to bring Gavin back to who he used to be....but Cooper is finding himself starting to have feelings for Emma.
Loved this book and cannot wait for the next book!!!!
"My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read."

Merged review:

Book Review For: Dirty Little Secret Kendall Ryan 'Dirty Little Secret' by Kendall Ryan is the First Book in the New Series called "Forbidden Desires". This is the story of Emma Bell and Gavin Kingsley and there story doesn't end with this book. It continues into book Two "Dirty Little Promise" So there will be a cliffhanger at the end of this book. Emma is a Librarian who is just getting back her life after after about a year ago she got away from her controlling and abusive boyfriend. In that time she has been going to a coffee shop were Gavin too is going. They have never spoken and this goes on for several months. Gavin has turned into Emma's dream about boyfriend. When she thinks he leaves her his business card in the tip jar she starts to research him and that leads her to his company. Gavin runs a Expensive Escort Service. There she meets Cooper who is Gavin's younger brother and Quinn the older brother Cooper is friendly and outgoing where Gavin isn't. Cooper talks Emma in being a face of their business by going to social scene with him and Gavin. So she goes out with each guy to whatever social scene they have to help promote the business. Emma's attraction for Gavin is just growing. While Gavin is finding it harder to ignore Emma. But Emma looks like an old Girlfriend that ended up dying. In addition, what Cooper thought he would get with this ideal was to bring Gavin back to who he used to be....but Cooper is finding himself starting to have feelings for Emma. Loved this book and cannot wait for the next book!!!!"My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read."https://www.amazon.com/gp/profile/A2H... https://twitter.com/soapsrus68 https://www.facebook.com/RomanceBookR... http://booklikes.com/bloghttps://roma... https://www.tumblr.com/blog/romancebo...
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