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Edge of Collapse #7

Edge of Valor

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The final battle for Fall Creek looms......and not everyone will make it out alive.

With enemies closing in on every side, the survivors of Fall Creek find themselves facing impossible odds.

Do they flee for their lives? Or do they defend their town and risk losing it all? Some things are worth fighting for, dying for.

This may be their last stand.

388 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 28, 2021

About the author

Kyla Stone

61 books1,180 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 538 reviews
Profile Image for RedRedtheycallmeRed.
1,801 reviews44 followers
September 4, 2021
Though I feel this series was twice as many books as it needed to be, this installment tied up things pretty well. There's a lot of action in this one, the majority of it is spent fighting or preparing to fight. The General (whom I automatically picture as the little cartoon guy from those insurance commercials) wants both Liam's blood and his great-granddaughter. There's also the other big bad, Poe, though he was drawn vague enough to make me think he shouldn't have been part of the story at all. The General's storyline came to a very satisfying conclusion.

Liam's heart definitely grew a few sizes, finally realizing he has a family of sorts in Fall Creek. His nearly inhuman tolerance to physical pain got old pretty fast, really a body can only take so much.

The ending wasn't exactly happy, but rather hopeful, which I thought was fitting.
Profile Image for Chris.
732 reviews15 followers
April 9, 2021
The final chapter in this series.

I think I just got so tired at this point of the corrupt gangs/organizations and the corrupt government officials. They were a constant threat in most of these stories. But in this book, it was a knock down, bang out fight to the end. Lots of drama, lots of subterfuge. As if just trying to survive wasn’t enough, you had to worry about being attacked on a daily basis.

All our main characters are heroes in one way or another and finally now there is promise, healing and hope for the future.

Profile Image for Sara.
413 reviews
October 6, 2022
I had to read SEVEN books for a freaking kiss! 😭
Profile Image for Donna.
4,184 reviews119 followers
March 4, 2023
Genres: Dystopia/Sci-fi

I have completely enjoyed this series. However with that said, this one, which is the last one in this series, was probably my least favorite. I still liked the story and the characters but there was definitely some sporadic eye rolling.

What I loved the most about this author's writing is the way she incorporates the action. Things are always in motion which builds up the suspense. It keeps me hanging on to see where it is going.

Another thing that I like is the way she lets her characters grow and progress. Nothing and no one is stagnant.....ever. I love that. She's also not squeamish about killing them off.

Overall, this was a fun series but I only have 3 stars for this one. All the others were 4 and 5 stars.
Profile Image for Teresa.
Author 2 books63 followers
May 31, 2021
What a series! I never got dragged down in details, the action was nearly non-stop, laced with tension. The characters were well fleshed out. I was invested in the outcome by page 2. Truly enjoyed this series. A nice contrast to a 9 book series I recently read up to book 8 and didn't care if I finished it. Kyla Stone did everything right. If you're reading this series, sign up for her email. The free extra chapters you get are icing on the cake!
171 reviews1 follower
June 10, 2022
I love post apocalyptic stories and this one had a good hook with the Hannah story, but overall this series was not good. I had to finish the books to find out what happened, but won't be reading more by this author.  The writing was so awful in points.  How many times can you say the exact same things?  With a real editor, these books could have been condensed to about 4 or 5.  It got so tedious to read through the exact same descriptions of characters AND military terms AND adrenaline dumps over and over again.  There were nuggets of goodness like the story of Hannah versus Pike.  I also enjoyed Quinn and Liam, but this could have been such a better reading experience if the books had been fewer in number and better edited.  
March 23, 2021
This book is at least a 4 bags of doritos. I knew going into it this would be fantastic, but Kyla blew it out of the park!!! Thank you Kyla!!!
The ending was perfect. I had a good cry after.
It is an emotional rollercoaster and so gripping...I couldn't put it down.
The characters are so easily loved. I was on the edge through it all.
I cried in several places, screamed in frustration, got scared for the people, even mourned with them.
This whole series is absolutely phenomenal- it's one for my bug out bag.
Every situation was well blended and described like you are standing in the room . From book one to this one you felt the emotions, fear, love, doubt, and even realization.
Profile Image for Maria Vargas.
231 reviews38 followers
March 24, 2024
I feel the series could had been better with less books but I'm not an author 🤷🏽‍♀️.

❄️ Hannah finally showed her true colors, she cares for the town but leans a bit too much on faith and God, those things don't help on post-apocalyptic times. She can definitely ask Bishop about that.
❄️ Please give Quinn a break, the poor girl had to grew up so damn fast in a just a couple of months. No wonder is hard to trust people, talk about how she feels instead of bottling it up. Poor Milo had to suffer the consequences; the poor boy just needed a friend.
❄️ I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive the author for killing someone very important to me at the end. I'm still hurt about it.
❄️ Liam super soldier body finally said 'dude, give me a break' and actually I'm not mad about it. It just gave me anxiety because I was going to riot if he actually died.
❄️ There was a lot of time spent getting ready for the attacks Fall Creek was going to get. It felt like this small-town of normal people with the super soldier Liam were going to fight World War III and IV at the same time.
❄️ I didn't like The General but again he was also part of the Sinclair clan, another one bites the dust. My mental picture of him is living in Texas and owning a gun shop for the 'I want to feel military' aficionados or maybe he has a Ford dealership selling F-150 Texas edition 🤔.
❄️ I'm not sure about this Poe guy, besides been told all the time the guy was bad news... everything was very vague to make him feel to have any value to the story.

The ending wasn't the traditional everyone is happy, but from the situation and circumstances everyone in the small town of Fall Creek is going through, it was a fitting one.
Profile Image for Dorothy.
398 reviews5 followers
May 26, 2024
Read all 7, reviewing in a lump.

I hate villains and their monologues. Blah blah I am amazing and will rule all. Whatever. Just once I want a book hero to shoot the bad guy in the middle of a speech.

Figured out the twist early. Got tired of repeated phrases like adrenaline dump. This one felt sloppy.

Profile Image for Lonni Koger.
32 reviews1 follower
April 9, 2024
I would give this series 3.5-4 stars. Liked the characters and how they developed. Felt like bad things just kept coming but I guess what can you expect with what they were battling. Good storyline just felt long at times. I liked how it wrapped up overall. I better up my post apocalyptic game or I’ll die for sure😆 O yes, I also will need a dog.
Profile Image for ♰denise♰.
264 reviews40 followers
July 14, 2024
This quote encapsulates everything that is this series-friendship, love, hardship, companionship, found family, and it makes me bawl my eyes out..

“There’s something about the moments after your first battle that they fail to tell you.

You’ve won. The bad guys are defeated. You should feel thrilled, elated, joyous. Everyone around you weak with relief as they lower their weapons, cheering and jubilant.

You stand there, rifle hanging at your side, arms limp, dust caking your face, your mouth, grit in your eyes. Your muscles trembling with exhaustion and nerves. You can’t hear over the ringing inside your head.

Relieved, yes. And more than a little sick.

You lived. God rolled the dice, and you made it. A thousand bullets fired at you, and not one stuck its landing.

The town that you love still stands. The buildings, the roads, the house you grew up in. Still here.
But something is missing.

The adrenaline dump leaves you dizzy, your stomach queasy, and you sink down right there on the curb, blinking up at the sky that you can still see, the clouds and the sun and same old trees, with the breeze that you can still feel.

Because you’re alive. Because you made it.

You search through the crowd and see the people you love and care for, but not the one you most want to see.

Because they’re gone forever.

Because they’re dead.

No matter how much you long for it or how often you dream it. No matter how many times you squeeze that trigger or how many bad guys you put in the ground.

They’re gone, and you can’t bring them back.

There will be other fights. Other battles.

You will lose more people that you love.

That is the truth that roots you in place, that pulses in beat with your heart. No matter how strong you are, no matter what you do.

You can’t stop it.

The Earth spins round and round, and the Sun rises and the Sun sets. And even now there are evil men who plot to tear down everything you will ever build.

It never ends. It’s never over.

And you know, sitting there, dirty and sweaty and spent, that you will not let that fact stop you from trying.

You stood when it was time to stand and you fought when it was time to fight. You were scared to death, but you showed up.

And when your friends need you again, you’ll be there. Every time, you will stand. And you will fight. Even knowing that you may lose everything and everyone.

Because you are a warrior.

It has changed you. Broken you and remade you. You are scarred but not defeated. Wounded but not irreparable.

This you still believe. You must believe.

Through the swirling smoke and dust a figure appears, almost recognizable through the soot and grime on his face, his blond hair gray with dust, his eyes still so blue.

A flash of white teeth as he smiles. Shell-shocked but moving, on his feet.

You know him, this boy. Your friend. Maybe more than that.

Coming toward you. Coming to find you. To bring you back.

You can still go home.

You will live with the nightmares, haunted by blood and the screams of the dying. Both diminished and more than you are, a part of something larger and greater.

You can still go home, warrior.

He holds out his hand.

You hesitate. And then you take it.”
Profile Image for Elle.
71 reviews1 follower
April 28, 2022
Good ending to the series. After 7 books I was more than ready to be done. 4 books would have been more than enough. The last 2 books with the General were just unnecessary. He wasn’t as interesting of a villian as his daughter. I also don’t know why Poe was brought into this, unless Kyla Stone is planning to write a future series where he is the bad guy.

The ending was predictable, but I was happy with it.

My biggest pet peeve with the series was Noah’s ending. I said much of the same on my review of the last book, but they can’t give that poor guy a break. Even in the beginning of this book he was their straw man. Hannah says that he let the militia come in… he was just a police officer at the time, the same as Reynoso and Perez. He didn’t stop it, but neither did they. In earlier books I wanted Noah to end up adopting Quinn. I still say he was a better parent to Milo than Hannah (and Liam). All he thought about was Milo and Milo’s medicine, when it was only mentioned one time in this entire book. I’m also still mad that Hannah let Noah think Milo died in that fire. His mental state at the end was directly caused by Milo’s supposed death, but oh well Liam and Hannah survived so that’s all that matters to this author.
1 review
May 20, 2022

Finally made it to Book 7 Edge of Valor. Truth be told, I became tired of the characters and could not proceed beyond page 46. The self righteousness and smugness was getting to be too much. Hannah's callous attitude towards Luther grated me and Liam's machine like death count appears as nothing but the work of a murderous bully by this point. The series was riveting at first, but as of now... I've had enough.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
365 reviews2 followers
April 10, 2021
Hate to be the Debbie Downer but this series could have been five books. The repetitiveness just was getting to me at the end. Overall I liked the characters which kept me reading to the end.
Profile Image for Donna (BookDragonGirl).
1,166 reviews9 followers
March 28, 2024
A Post-Apocalyptic Thriller With Heart!!

I really enjoyed this series, although emotionally it was draining. I became so invested in these resilient characters that my emotions were all over the place. I felt horrified, heartbroken, scared, inspired, frustrated, angry and heartwarming at what they went through and who they became. They were courageous and wouldn’t give up on their home and their family and found family.

I’m sad and glad it’s over. I’m glad because personally I don’t think I could handle anymore aching sadness or total panic. But I’m sad to say goodbye to my friends…these amazing and special characters. This was a wonderfully vivid post-apocalyptic thriller, along with inspiring acts of kindness, heroism and love! I highly recommend this lushly crafted story and would recommend not missing out on it!
Profile Image for Donna.
1,343 reviews29 followers
March 28, 2021
I just finished this 7th and final book in the Collapse series by Kyla Stone.

"If this is Fall Creek's last stand, let it never be said we didn't go down without one freaking hell of a fight!" Quinn

This one touched my heart and had me on the edge my bed too! I was crying in some parts from sorrow and at other parts from relief.
Falls Creek is still in deep danger from competing hostile forces that want to claim power.
Hannah and Liam are good together and Quinn really finds her groove too.
The city has to come together to fight for survival.
Not everyone survives.

I absolutely loved the growth of these characters. Especially Quinn and Liam.

How bleak and unfair life could be. And yet, so fierce and wonderful and spectacularly beautiful. How much he would miss. Liam.

This series is full of action and bravery. Bravery is facing the danger in spite of fear. It's when you want to protect the ones you love without a thought for yourself.
This is an unforgettable read.
Profile Image for Dave.
217 reviews3 followers
January 26, 2024
Very good conclusion

This was a gripping and good conclusion to a series that really holds the attention of the reader. My wife and I read it at the same time, but she gave up after saying it was unrealistic because so much happened in so little time (e.g. Liam not given time to heal from one traumatic injury before he suffers another, etc.). I hadn't really paid attention to the timeline until then, though the dates are listed frequently. After finishing the book I suppose I have to agree with my wife. Initially it seemed like way more time had passed, but looking over the dates it becomes hard to suspend your disbelief surrounding how fast things move. On the other hand, the author was trying to illustrate how resilient the town folk and Liam were and probably also trying to wrap things up before having to deal with another Michigan winter. Maybe in a few years there will be a spin off series showing what a 20 something warrior Quinn is up to - that would be really great.
1,040 reviews10 followers
March 30, 2021
Title: Edge of Valor
Author: Kyla Stone
Publisher: Paper Moon Press
Buy Link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08...
Reviewer: Teresa Fallen Angel
Edge of Collapse 7
The final battle for Fall Creek looms...not everyone will make it out alive.

With enemies closing in on every side, the survivors of Fall Creek find themselves facing impossible odds. Do they flee for their lives? Or do they defend their town and risk losing it all? 
Some things are worth fighting for, even dying for. 
This may be their last stand. 
Grab the epic conclusion to the Collapse survival series now!
When the country goes dark, ordinary people find themselves facing the end of the world as they know it. With society collapsing before their eyes, they'll have to risk everything to protect their home and the people they love.

Total Score: 5/5

Reviewer: Teresa Fallen Angel

Hannah, Quinn, Liam and the rest of Fall Creek continue to struggle to survive in a world that seems to be pitted against them. Quinn is still dealing with the violence that has been forced upon her and how her own actions may have endangered those she loves.

Hannah has much on her plate with caring for Milo and her baby Charlotte while working to create ways to keep their community alive.

Liam has always fought to protect his country and now he is determined to protect Fall Creek from the surrounding dangers. Outside of town, the opposing forces seem determined take everything they can without regard for those that are killed.

The General is amassing forces with support of the governor, but what his true goal is yet to be revealed.

This is the conclusion of an intricate and fast paced series. The characters have undergone dangers that challenged them to overcome what many have failed and failure means death. The challenge of what you would do if the world went mad was answered by those who endured this danger. Some took the easy way out while others chose to stand by their values in spite the danger at hand. The plot brought up many things that people fear could happen. The survival techniques that the people of Falls Creek use to stay alive are ones that anyone could use if there was a power loss or worse.

I recommend this series to anyone who wishes to look into the possibilities and hopefully ways to overcome those unbelievable dangers.
Profile Image for Nith *ೃ༄.
109 reviews
November 15, 2023
I made it! I finished the last book of one of my most favourite series. I do realize there’s a bonus epilogue book… but I feel like posting a review here would fit the most.

Where can I start? I don’t even know. I want to rant about this series to someone. But I’m out of words. That’s how good “Edge of Collapse” was. It stole away all of my words because words can’t even come close to describing how GOOD this was. I’ve never finished a series this quick. Book after book, the ending kept me intrigued enough that it pushed me into reading the next book. And here I am, tears flowing down my eyes and I swear, I’VE NEVER CRIED THIS MUCH WHILE READING A BOOK/S. EVER! I’m just so glad I found this amazing author and her series. I’m so excited to read the other works! But I’ll admit it, I’m going to miss Hannah, Liam, Quinn, Milo, Baby Charlotte and literally every character in this book so much. Great, now I’m crying even more (They’re good tears, I promise). I’m pretty sure I’ll be back to re-read this series very soon. Thank you so much, Kyla Stone for writing such an amazing book series <33
Profile Image for Dianne.
15 reviews1 follower
March 16, 2023
I just finished this series in about 5 days. (We have had a lot of rain here!) I am a great fan of dystopian fiction, and I thoroughly enjoyed all the characters in this series. Plus there were so many great ideas for what to do in emergency situations...we can never be too prepared! I like the way the series focuses on different characters in the first few books, so we really get to know them better. There are all several characters in these stories, each with their own background, but as in real life their actions during the end of times are complicated and surprising. I'm looking forward to reading more from this author.
Profile Image for Ronda  Tutt.
861 reviews52 followers
March 7, 2023
Excellent Ending

Powerful, thrilling excitement, war, revenge, power, politics, leadership, faith, death, destruction, brutal, savagery, forgiveness, love, satisfaction, winning, empowered, renewed, and hope for a bright future describes everything in this book. An EMP can destroy one thing we have come to rely on but one thing that it or anyone will not destroy is the human will to survive in the harshest times.

Excellent Read! If you really pay attention to the example of this world scenario you will relate it to what we are possibly facing with China and Russia. Times are scary and this book is a fine example of what could really happen.

Kyle Stone you are an awesome writer. I look forward to reading more of your work.
Profile Image for Taffylovestoread .
107 reviews1 follower
March 28, 2024
This whole series was amazing, full of emotions. A true roller coaster. Anger, worry, sadness, happiness. I absolutely loved this series. A great post - apocalyptical story. Adventure, found family, love, surviving. The main character, Liam is just... I adore. As the story begins in book one so many characters I was so angry at. Some i thought were a little ignorant. The only negative thing was that the author would repeat things in every book, which I found a bit repetitive. If your reading the whole series you already know these things. Reading any of these as a stand alone you would not understand the story. Highly recommend this series.
Profile Image for Darcy.
13.4k reviews516 followers
April 12, 2021
This one brought things to a close in a good way. There were some big battles, but the little town pulled together to protect their own. Along the way people were lost, some hurt more than others, some people were hurt and you weren't sure if they were going to make it and some you weren't sure what side they were fighting on. In the end though our core crew still stood, battered and bruised in so many ways, but now they have the future to look forward to, hopefully in peace.
Profile Image for Mel.
56 reviews
April 7, 2022
Amazing ending to a great series, I was terrified that the ending would be a let down but Mrs Stone wrapped it up nicely.

I must say I don’t think I’ve ever shed a tear reading a book the way I did at Chapter 47, I was that invested in each characters life that it hurt, job well done to Mrs Stone.
Profile Image for Wonda.
1,142 reviews8 followers
June 12, 2024
It's definitely a better ending to a series than the last one by KS I read! I'm really going to miss Quinn. I would've loved more of just her! And still, Liam is my favorite here. He had me head screaming the entire novel! Will eventually try out more from KS!
Profile Image for Mary.
77 reviews
March 23, 2021
I received an ARC of this book.

What a wild ride. It's going to take a while for my heart rate to slow down. I don't want to give anything away, but this book was worth the wait. It's an emotional roller-coaster.
Profile Image for Joanna N.
23 reviews1 follower
May 11, 2022
This is a riveting series. While I may not like everything in its pages, the story line kept my rapt attention. An incredible story of a resilient group of people.
10 reviews
January 4, 2024
These books are 100% plot, mostly related to battles of increasing scale, with extremely light romantic subplot. They have an interesting and compelling story that kept me reading through all 8 books (1 - 7 plus the prequel), but they were somewhat poorly written.

I felt like I was a teenager reading Twilight again, with Edward's features constantly being referred to as cold and chiselled as though from marble, every other page. Every single time Hannah experienced anxiety, blood rushed in her ears, her vision would narrow, she'd look desperately around the room for something, anything, to count, and she'd slowly come back to herself. We'd get the same word-for-word schpiel every time. When characters experience pain, pain "exploded" in their ___. Why is the pain always exploding? Liam was always described as "ruggedly handsome". After reading the same description for the 100th time, you start to ask yourself whether an editor ever looked at it. Liam has striking gray blue eyes. I get it. We get it. We know. Yes, Milo loves peanut butter. Does he have ANY other traits? Do the people in this story know a single thing about this child other than a single food he likes to eat? Does he eat citrus and vegetables? Are you going to give this boy scurvy? Did you know that everyone loves classic rock? Do you? Do you? Do you wanna hear Black Bird again? Have we mentioned the song Black Bird by the Beatles?

Probably because so much of the material is re-explaining what happened in the prior books, and copying and pasting the exact same descriptions of pain, fear, anticipation, anxiety, and the major characters, this 8-book-long-series feels like it drags on and should have been abridged into one longer novel.

Throughout the first books, it also transformed from what appeared to be a slow-burn romance set during the apocalypse to a play-by-play military fiction with the slightest hint of romantic undertones. If you're reading it for the romance aspect, I wouldn't. It was weirdly sanitized and slightly religious, without any hints of anything remotely sexual, and without any swearing of any kind. One climactic moment is completely ruined by calling the evil-doer "jerkface" like it's some extremely insulting gotcha. I've read some criticisms that say, "You really think that a battle-hardened 30-something man would never say 'shit' or something similar?" I honestly find that more believable than the idea that a teenage girl with blue hair and piercings is going to unironically call someone a jerkface.

It's not all bad. Some characters had some interesting character development, like Noah. I loved the character of Quinn. Most people fail to write teenage girls with any sense of humanity, whereas Quinn was extremely interesting, complex, and subverted expectations. That said, other characters -notably, Liam and Hannah, the main protagonists - don't seem to grow all that much and were pretty one dimensional. I enjoyed the multiple perspectives, especially since it was some of the "minor" characters were the most interesting. I also enjoy it when they give perspectives of the "villains" of the story, though most of the villains were fairly one dimensional, pure-evil people. I noted that there were people of every background and nationality included in the story, without leaning into any tropes. They were just written like any people would be written. I like that approach, it makes for more believable people.

I read this in audiobook format and the narrator was great. One of my pet peeves with narration is when someone tries to transform their voice into another age, gender or regional accent that they can't accomplish, and it completely takes you out of the book. Think, a man suddenly reading in an extremely light and airy voice like he's trying to be a little girl, or a woman suddenly talking in an extremely low and gruff voice like she's trying to be a huge burly man. She changed her voice slightly to make it clear that it was a new character, and it was always clear that it was, but not in a way that took you out of the story. There's also quite a lot of shooting and carrying on, and she even made that interesting, reading out each "boom" "bang" and "pop" in a way that actually sounded pretty accurate and didn't make me physically cringe. I think the narrator saved the writing a lot of the time, honestly.

All in all, I read this series because my mom said they were her favourites and while I feel like I'll never get that time in my life back, I also can't give it less than 3 stars, because to sit through 8 books of anything says they must have been at least entertaining.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 538 reviews

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