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Kiss Me #2

Pocałunki w Paryżu

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Ten przedświąteczny weekend w Paryżu miał wyglądać zupełnie inaczej!

Serena miała spędzić go z mamą i siostrą, wędrując śladami swoich rodziców, którzy dwadzieścia pięć lat temu wybrali się do tego miasta w podróż poślubną i przeżyli w nim magiczne chwile. Wszystko jednak potoczyło się nie tak jak trzeba i nagle dziewczyna znalazła się w wielkiej metropolii bez rodziny, za to z nieznajomym chłopakiem, Jean-Lukiem, który od razu zaczął działać jej na nerwy...

Okazuje się jednak, że Serena i Jean-Luc są sobie nawzajem potrzebni. Wyruszają więc razem na ulice tętniącego przedświątecznym gwarem Paryża. Czy pośród sprzeczek narodzi się między nimi coś więcej? Czy zimna grudniowa noc rozgrzeje ich serca?

224 pages, Paperback

First published October 2, 2017

About the author

Catherine Rider

7 books63 followers
A pseudonym based on the dual effort of authors James Noble and Stephanie Elliott.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 327 reviews
Profile Image for Mel (Epic Reading).
997 reviews309 followers
November 13, 2018
What I wanted to read was a sweet, cute romantic story set in Paris. What I got was an annoying set of characters who are all very selfish and fairly ridiculous.

The Lead Characters
Considering how few characters are actually in Kiss Me in Paris it’s surprising how much I manage to hate all of them. Our lead man has potential but seems to be too hyper focused on a grade for a class project than on the people and life around him.
That said, next to our leading lady the lead man looks amazing. Not only is our lead gal really annoying, she’s hyper sensitive to everything and anything. Now some will tell me I’m not being fair and that many people handle grief differently... and I will say ok. And then I’ll intervene with a but and explain that there is being organized and having a goal and then there is just flat out neurotic. I wanted to send our lead girl to some major counselling almost every single page.

There are a lot of little details that bugged me during Kiss Me in Paris‘ story. Let’s start with, who goes to a city they’ve never been for only a day and a half?! Seriously she thought she’d hit like 10 major spots in Paris in just over a day? This is so outrageous it borders on comedic. I realize that is part of the point being made but it went way too far.
The sporadic use of French and only sometimes translating or paraphrasing bugged me. Now this could be because I’m bilingual (English & French). However, I think even if it had been a language I didn’t know the random drop of words would have bothered me. In particular I cannot believe that the narrative of our lead gal thinks to herself things like ‘street, or rue as they call it here’. Like what even is that? No one thinks like that. I wouldn’t think about going to the bathroom in London and on the way say to myself “going to the bathroom, or the loo as they call it”. It’s absurd.

The best part of Kiss me in Paris are the descriptions of the city that Catherine Rider has researched and/o experienced herself. While I’ve not yet been to Paris I can say that it’s easy to verify things like: what other paintings are in the Mona Lisa room, what’s across the street from Moulin Rouge and what type of light shows happen at the Eiffel Tour in December. All of these places and events are accurately portrayed in the story and really make me want to go to Paris! As if I didn’t already want to go there. I felt as though I was walking the streets at some points and for this sole reason I have raised my rating to 2 stars. I’ll give Rider credit for not making up locations or sights and for keeping them in their appropriate locations.

This really didn’t hit the romantic sweet spot I was hoping for. Maybe because I judge romance books harshly, as they are always all the same; or maybe because it was just not my kind of people as the lead characters. Regardless I’d say, unless you’re dying to read a book set in Paris, there are other better tourism romances out there.

For this and more of my reviews please visit my blog at: Epic Reading

Please note: I received an eARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. This is an honest and unbiased review.
Profile Image for Kalina Mincheva.
455 reviews96 followers
February 20, 2018
Сладка, нежна, романтична и френска - какво повече да иска човек от една "Целувка в Париж" през месеца на любовта :)
Profile Image for zeilen.vertraeumt.
965 reviews11 followers
December 7, 2020
Ganz nett für Zwischendurch, mehr aber auch nicht.

Zur Geschichte:

Leider hat mich dieses Buch ziemlich enttäuscht. Ich hatte mir davon eine schöne romantische Liebesgeschichte mit winterlichem Flair erhofft, stattdessen bekam ich eine oberflächliche und nicht nachvollziehbare "Liebesgeschichte" mit oberflächlichen Charakteren.

Die Geschichte wird als "Winter Romance" bezeichnet, aber es gibt weder Romantik noch eine schöne winterliche Atmosphäre. Das Buch spielt zwar im Dezember kurz vor Weihnachten, aber das war es dann auch schon. Hätte es nicht dabeigestanden, hätte ich das vermutlich nicht einmal gemerkt, weil einfach nichts Weihnachtliches beschrieben wird. Zumindest kamen bei mir keine weihnachtlichen und winterlichen Vibes an und dafür sind Geschichten wie diese doch letzten Endes da, oder?

Die Geschichte ist nicht einmal annähernd so romantisch wie Cover und Klappentext suggerieren. Ich habe die gefühlvollen und berührenden Momente vermisst. Es kamen keinerlei Emotionen bei mir an, da die Gefühle der Charaktere für mich weder greifbar noch nachvollziehbar waren. Die Geschehnisse ließen mich komplett kalt und das obwohl die Lebensgeschichten der beiden Protagonisten durchaus Potenzial für mehr Tiefe und Gefühl hatten.

Eine Liebesgeschichte ist im Grunde gar nicht vorhanden, wie sollte sich diese auch an nur einem Tag entwickeln? Natürlich gibt es Liebe auf den ersten Blick, aber um solche Geschichten glaubhaft rüberzubringen bedarf es nun einmal starker Emotionen und Romantik und diese fehlten hier. Die "Liebesgeschichte" ist unrealistisch und gefühlsarm und wirkt alles andere als echt und authentisch.

Handlungstechnisch passiert in diesem Buch nicht viel, aber da es im Grunde nur an einem einzigen Tag spielt, ist das auch nicht weiter verwunderlich. Meiner Meinung nach hat sich das Autorenduo damit auch keinen Gefallen getan. Es ist sehr schwer, an einem Tag auf rund 250 Seiten eine glaubwürdige Liebesgeschichte zu Papier zu bringen.

Die Grundidee hat mir gut gefallen, aber ihre Umsetzung lässt zu wünschen übrig. Die Geschichte ist oberflächlich und hat keine Tiefe. Letzteres wäre noch tolerabel, aber da es der Geschichte ebenfalls an Romantik, Humor und Gefühl mangelt, bin ich im Gesamten mehr als enttäuscht. Lediglich das Reisen durch Paris hat mir gut gefallen, da es sich hierbei um meine absolute Lieblingsstadt handelt.

Das Buch ist weniger schlimm als es jetzt vielleicht klingen mag. Zeitweise hat es mich sogar recht gut unterhalten, empfehlen kann ich es aber leider trotzdem nicht.

Zu den Charakteren:

Die Geschichte wird abwechselnd aus Serena's und Jean-Luc's Sicht in der ersten Person Singular erzählt.

Ich konnte leider keine Bindung zu den Protagonisten aufbauen. Sie sind eindimensional, blass und oberflächlich. Ich konnte mich in keinen der beiden hineinversetzen oder gar mit ihnen identifizieren. Ihr Verhalten war für mich oft überhaupt nicht nachvollziehbar. Insbesondere Serena war mir stellenweise wirklich wahnsinnig unsympathisch.

Serena ist stur, engstirnig und nahezu verbissen. Sie will um jeden Preis ihren festen Plan abarbeiten und nimmt sich dabei überhaupt keine Zeit, um die Schönheit der Stadt zu genießen oder auf ihren hilfsbereiten Begleiter einzugehen. Stattdessen wurde sie immer launischer und zickiger und hatte permanent etwas zu meckern. An Jean-Luc's Stelle hätte ich sie einfach stehen lassen, sie hat mich schon beim Lesen tierisch genervt, nicht auszumalen wie das in der Realität sein muss. Ich glaube durch Serena's verkrampfte und routinierte Art ging sehr viel vom Pariser Flair und dem Zauber dieser wunderschönen Stadt verloren.

Zu Jean-Luc kann ich kaum etwas sagen, da man ihn in diesem Buch leider nicht kennenlernt. Er ist verschlossen, photographiert gerne und gibt sich ungerechtfertigterweise die Schuld an Serena's Missmut. Anfangs mochte ich ihn nicht sonderlich, mit der Zeit wurde es besser und dann tat er mir einfach nur noch leid. Im Gesamten bleibt seine Figur aber wirklich sehr blass.

Zwischen Serena und Jean-Luc herrschten keine Harmonie und Symbiose, weswegen mich ihre Liebesgeschichte auch nicht berühren konnte.

Zum Schreibstil:

Der Schreibstil ist locker-leicht und lässt sich angenehm und flüssig lesen. Stellenweise ist Catherine Rider's Schreibstil humorvoll und unterhaltsam, aber es fehlt ihm leider durchweg an Gefühl. Im Gesamten ist ihr Schreibstil einfach nichts Besonderes.


Ich hatte keine hohen Erwartungen an dieses Buch und wurde dennoch schwer enttäuscht. Die Geschichte hält nichts von dem, was sie verspricht. Sie ist weder romantisch noch schafft sie eine schöne winterliche Atmosphäre. Die Liebesgeschichte kann man in meinen Augen nicht als solche bezeichnen, da es ihr stark an Gefühl, Romantik und Glaubwürdigkeit mangelt und auch ansonsten ist diese Geschichte sehr oberflächlich und gleichgültig. Ich kann diesem Buch, so leid es mir auch tut, nur einen Stern geben und an dieser Stelle leider keine Leseempfehlung aussprechen.

1/ 5 Sterne ⭐️
Profile Image for Samantha (WLABB).
3,803 reviews274 followers
August 20, 2018
Rating: 3.5 Stars

Rider took us on another whirlwind romance, this time, we visited The City of Light. We might have been in a different city, but we were still treated to all the charm of her previous book.

• Pro: We were in Paris! I thought Paris was a really beautiful city, and it's always nice taking a trip there via a book.

• Pro: Charlotte and Anthony made a few appearance. I didn't realize that Rider was going to connect this book to Kiss Me in New York, but I was so happy to get a little bit of an update on those two.

• Pro: I wasn't totally sold on Jean-Luc, but I did buy into him a lot more, when he let down his armor and we got to see HIM a little more.

• Pro: This romantic tour was not all it was cracked up to be. I really wanted Serena to accomplish what she set out for, but I also wanted her to find her own way. It was a pretty complicated personal journey for Serena, however, she learned a lot and worked through some of her issues, as did Jean Luc. I found I did care about the characters, and that's always important for me.

• Pro/Con: There were some fun scenes between Serena and Jean Luc, and some really sweet and tender ones too. I just wish there had been more, because I feel like we didn't get to spend enough time with just them. The other love interests added to the story and helped clarify some things about Serena and Jean-Luc's, but they also took time away from the central romance.

• Pro: The ending convinced me to give it the extra half star. It was fun and cute and all that, but the epilogue really delighted me. I always want to know more about where things are going, and Rider gave me that, AND I loved the direction she was pointing all the characters in too.

Overall: This was a very sweet, all-in-one-day romance, which was filled with Parisian hijinks, old friends, and quite a few feels.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Grace {Rebel Mommy Book Blog}.
475 reviews175 followers
August 30, 2018
I really enjoyed Kiss Me in New York last year. Cute book with a fun romance with good chemistry and a great setting. Kiss Me in Paris just didn’t live up to its predecessor. There was a serious lack of chemistry between Serena and Jean-Luc until the very end and still, I was completely sold. I will say I loved all the Paris talk. The setting was everything I wanted it to be. While I didn’t love this one I would totally read another book in this series if there are more.

I received this book for free from Publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.This review was originally posted on Rebel Mommy Book Blog
Profile Image for chloe ♡.
401 reviews267 followers
July 1, 2019
this was so adorable! rtc
(also wow i read three books today :O)
Profile Image for Jennifer.
344 reviews30 followers
August 18, 2018
This was such a fun and light read! I love how this book made me feel like I'm actually in the streets of Paris while having a cute tour guide with me! Ha! If you loved Love & Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch then you might want to check this out too! Thanks to Net Galley and Kids Can Press for providing me a copy of this in exchange for an honest review.

"How will you remember what you have seen, if you are always running?"

"I've seen the blank stares of people lost in huge crowds, constantly surrounded by others while being totally alone at the same time. Some people just end up alone. Because life is not kind to everybody."

"Honey, people are perfect fits only when they're in the movies. In real life, relationships require effort. When it's right, it's worth it."

Soundtrack: Thinking Bout Love by Nathan Hartono
March 17, 2018
As I mentioned in my reading updates, I really didn't like the main characters in this book which makes it about a million times more difficult to enjoy the story itself. It often felt like the characters were much younger than they are supposed to be in the way they acted and talked.

I also didn't enjoy the fact that this book's events all happened within the timespan of a single day and the characters ended up falling in love with each other by the end of the day... it just seems really unrealistic to me.
Profile Image for Il confine dei libri.
4,616 reviews148 followers
December 6, 2018

Buongiorno, readers.
Oggi ho concluso la mia prima lettura natalizia, finalmente mi sono sentita con la vena adatta.
Con “Baciami sotto il cielo di Parigi” di Catherine Byber, edito Newton Compton editori, diamo il via al mio Natale.

Serena è americana e vola a Parigi dalla sorella per il suo progetto: il Romance Tour. Vuole rivivere tutto il viaggio di nozze dei genitori per poter fare un regalo alla madre per Natale, data la prematura morte del padre. Il viaggio inizialmente prevedeva la presenza della madre e della sorella, ma alla fine si ritrova sola a girare per la città con unico alloggio: uno studentato da dividere con un franco-americano un po' strano. Jean-luc studia fotografia, ma non riesce a portare a termine il suo progetto perché mancano persone vere nelle sue foto. Decide così di accodarsi a Serena per provare a vedere la città con occhi nuovi. I due però hanno modi diversi di "vedere" le cose e non è facile farli coincidere. Riusciranno a portare a termine questi due progetti, che sembrano diversi ma sono invece molto simili?

Serena è una giovane ragazza che non riesce ad elaborare il lutto per la perdita del padre. Pensa che rivivendo il viaggio di nozze dei suoi genitori possa fare un regalo gradito alla madre, ma ciò che non ammette è che ha bisogno di sentirlo un po' più vicino, così eviterà di "dimenticarlo". Le cose però non vanno come lei vorrebbe, perché la sua famiglia sembra averla abbandonata. Questo però non la ferma. È una ragazza forte, intelligente e vorrebbe trovare lo stesso amore che avevano i genitori. Pensa che il Romance Tour potrà anche farle capire e portarla all'amore vero. Quello che non sa, è che non saranno le tappe del Romance Tour a farle capire l'amore, quanto la compagnia.
Jean-Luc è alquanto avverso nei confronti degli Americani. Serena non è proprio una manna dal cielo per lui, ma quando la vede come un'opportunità per chiudere il suo progetto non esita a seguirla, nonostante lei non abbia bisogno del suo aiuto. Prova in tutti i modi a far capire a Serena di vedere la città con i suoi occhi e di non seguire un itinerario, ma a quanto pare l'Americana è testarda. È proprio attraverso lei che riesce a cogliere i sentimenti di cui ha bisogno per il suo progetto.
La storia si svolge nell'arco temporale di un solo giorno dall'arrivo di Serena. Tutto gira intorno alla necessità di Serena di compiere il viaggio di nozze dei genitori. Vuole ricordare ad ogni costo, fino a quando si rende conto che non ha bisogno di alcune foto per ricordare, sarà proprio lo strano francese a farle capire che i ricordi sono sempre in lei.
Lo stile è incalzante e le avventure e i sentimenti di questi due protagonisti mi hanno tenuta impegnata fino alla fine, grazie anche ai flussi di coscienza alternati.
È una storia dolce e di riflessione per chi ha perduto una persona amata e non sa come andare avanti nel modo giusto. Nonostante il tema delicato, l'autrice non ci permette di intristirci ma solo di riflettere. Vi consiglio davvero questo libro per chi ha voglia di passare qualche ora sul divano sotto il tepore di un plaid. Buona lettura.
Profile Image for Ella.
1,044 reviews30 followers
December 18, 2018
Loni (nebo možná letos?) jsem četla Polibek v New Yorku, který mě moc neohromil, takže jsem vůči Paříži byla trošku skeptická, ale nakonec musím říct, že se mi to líbilo. Rozhodně lepší než předchozí kniha, sympatické postavy, hlavně Jean-Luc (možná za to může představa toho francouzského přízvuku?) a samozřejmě pozadí Paříže, která i tady zněla naprosto kouzelně. Sice jsem to čekala víc zimně-vánoční, ale nevadí. A dokonce mi tady ani nevadila ta insta-love, čemuž se docela divím.
Profile Image for Maria.
131 reviews9 followers
January 1, 2024
Ця книжечка така простенька і солоденька, що шоколадку до чаю можна не брати)
Profile Image for Iliana Simeonova.
361 reviews48 followers
April 13, 2018
Интересна и много приятна книга, която ни разказва за едно момиче и момче в най-романтичния град на света, невероятния Париж.
Profile Image for ضحى الحداد.
Author 3 books633 followers
September 24, 2018
2.5 stars
So that was really disappointing, after reading ( Kiss Me in New York ) and waiting for this book almost a year and we are met with .. this !!
so in this book we follow Serena Charlotte's roommate and her adventures in Paris where she tries to recreate the steps of her parents honeymoon only to be met with John-Luc .. the most obnoxious guy you'll ever meet ( and not in a good way ) .. so together they will bicker non stop while supposedly seeing Paris
I couldn't connect with either of the character as they were so annoying and there chemistry is non existent but they were trying to force it all along, I did like Ethan and did not appreciate how he was treated by Serena and hope he gets his own book soon
overall I am really sad that I did not like this book
Profile Image for Hadia.
347 reviews9 followers
June 27, 2022
I received an arc of this book from netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

This is a cute and fast paced read. The book is only one day long. Serena, the female main lead is on a visit to Paris for a day. She wants to visit all the places her parents visited on their honeymoon and make a scrapbook for her mother. Her dad has passed away so she wants her mother to re-live the experience of their honeymoon because their 25th anniversary is approaching.

I really liked the premise of this book and did enjoy it but still something felt off. I think the book is too short for so many things to happen so fast. Overall if you want to read something light and refreshing then I'll definitely recommend picking this book up.
Profile Image for Alina.
508 reviews4 followers
September 6, 2018
I do love romance novels, but I just can't handle sappy romance books. And when I opened this book I thought, here we go, I'm stuck with a gooey novel. But, luckily, I am a type of person that ALWAYS finishes the book, so I continued to read the story. And boy, what a great decision I've made.

The story starts with a young girl, Serena, who plans "Romance Tour" in the city of light and love with her older sister and mom. The purpose of the tour is to refresh the memory and honor her father, who has tragically passed away two years prior. However all Serena's plans start to crash from the very beginning. ''Kiss me in Paris'' is a very delightful and humorous novel that is full of Serena's 24-hour adventure in Paris that she ends up sharing (and enjoying) with a complete stranger.

I know, I know... eye roll. You have read this type of story before or seen in on TV. However, the moral of the story caught my attention and made me appreciate this lovely novel. Never chase the past. It's already gone. And it's ok to move on and create new happy memories, and this does not mean that you stop loving someone just because they are no longer here.

Wonderful writing. I loved writer's description of Paris in December. Great storyline. This is an easy read, perfect for chilly fall/winter evenings under a warm blanket and a cup of hot cocoa or tea.
Profile Image for Steffi.
3,133 reviews178 followers
December 26, 2019
Kiss me in Paris wird auch wie Kiss me in New York als Winter romance bezeichnet, aber in beiden Romanen mag kaum eine winterliche Atmosphäre entstehen. Es fehlt an winterlichen Beschreibungen und auch die Stimmung ist sehr neutral.

Wir begleiten Serena nach Paris, wo sie eigentlich ihre Schwester besuchen will, aber diese ist für das Wochenende mit ihrem Freund verreist, so dass sie im Wohnheim bei Jean-Luc, einem Freund der beiden unterkommt. Außerdem will Serena die Orte abklappern, die ihre Eltern auf ihrer Hochzeitsreise besucht haben.

Dabei hat sie nur ihren Plan für das Erinnerungsbuch vor Augen und hat kaum Zeit Paris zu genießen. Ich fand dies an Serena ein wenig anstrengend und bin daher nicht so richtig warm geworden. Insgesamt fand ich die Geschichte auch ein wenig oberflächlich und sie konnte mich nicht so mitreißen.

Zum Teil war die Geschichte ganz süß und Paris war ein tolles Setting, aber insgesamt wird die Geschichte mir vermutlich nicht lange in Erinnerung bleiben.
Profile Image for Katherine.
147 reviews9 followers
December 16, 2019
Fun read to get in that Christmas mood and it was nice to travel Paris again (well not a lot but at least smth), but unfortunately the characters were pretty annoying and the whole story is... a bit weird. So more of a 2 star read but hey it's Christmas! 🎄
Profile Image for ellipsonka.
152 reviews11 followers
December 11, 2023
Krótka książka, ot taka zimowa historia na jeden raz. Trochę można było się dowiedzieć o miejscach w Paryżu. Bohaterowie mnie trochę denerwowali, ale patrząc na to, że mają po 19 lat, to faktycznie ich zachowanie nie było jakieś dziwne. Czytało się całkiem dobrze, ale cała historia mnie jakoś nie przekonała.
Profile Image for diana:).
84 reviews14 followers
December 11, 2021
czytając ta książkę czułam się jakbym zwiedzała paryż - miasto które od zawsze chciałam zwiedzić. książka była bardzo urocza, jednak totalnie nie czułam klimatu świąt
Profile Image for Olga Rudnitska.
258 reviews10 followers
December 28, 2022
Шось в цій історії є.
"Не треба бігти за чужими спогадами, треба створювати свої"
Profile Image for _jaszczurka__.
24 reviews
June 29, 2021
Strasznie zdenerwowała mnie ta książka szczerze powiedziawszy- nawet nie fabuła, ale główni bohaterzy, którzy byli strasznie zapatrzeni w siebie. Główna bohaterka, Serena, chyba mnie najbardziej denerwowała. Czytając opowieść odczuwałam jej działania za usilnie spełnienie swoich postanowień, co bardzo mnie denerwowało. Ciągłe nieporozumienia Sereny z Jean- Luciem były uciążliwe, a znajomy Sereny to była jakaś porażka. Jednak ostatnie 20/ 30 stron książki były najciekawsze i bohaterowie nie byli tak denerujący jak wcześniej. Ogółem fabuła, jak i sama książka nie jest zła, nie zasługuje na tylko 1 gwiazdkę, bo jednak fajny pomysł miała autorka na fabułę i te ostatnie strony całą książkę uratowały.
Profile Image for Brianna.
285 reviews
June 3, 2018
*Received an ARC*
Did not finish at about 80% complete.

I wanted to like this so much as I'm a sucker for a good romance, but this felt like a chore to read. Neither character was all that interesting. And a small thing that really annoyed me was how Jean-Luc lived in american till he was 14, and was now 19, but somehow forgot most English and what Americans are like - come on. If he grew up there for 14 years, you just don't outgrow it in a matter of 5 years. Nit picky, but it seriously irked me when he kept saying 'how you say...' and being annoyed by her american ways. You used to live there, homie!
Profile Image for Hristina Tserovska.
343 reviews9 followers
August 19, 2018
Разочарована съм от нелепостта на тази книга. Всичко се случва в рамките на един ден в забързана обиколка из забележителностите на Париж с дразнещ французин, който в последните няколко страници незнайно как се оказва и подходящ за гадже на героинята. А в нито един момент не усетих да има привличане и химия между двамата. Серина си има график със задължителни места за посещение, който няма как да спази и е изнервена през цялото време...а покрай нея и аз! Обичам Париж, била съм там...и ако не на романтична история разчитах, че книгата ще ми напомни за моето пътешествие до града на любовта. Жалко,че не се получи.
Profile Image for alexandra ♱  .
44 reviews70 followers
December 16, 2020
2.75 ⭐
!!There are spoilers in this review!!
Come on, it's nearly Christmas...who wouldn't read at least one romance book?
Yes, exactly. :)

This should be a story about a young American girl, Serena, who travels to Paris to visit her sister and have a very romantic tour around all those touristic attractions, that are total must-haves on your bucket list when you go there. And of course, everything simply, cannot go as planned (and trust me when I tell you that Serena is a planning maniac) because otherwise there will be no plot. Just saying, that wasn't my issue with this book, not at the slightest.
The second main character, named Jean-Luc, has just broken up with his girlfriend. He acts like he doesn't really care about anything and is sooo grumpy, well at least for the first twenty pages, until he releases that he actually does...and he's a photograph, I guess that's about him, there's honestly not much to tell 'bout Jean-Luc.

I like:
❄️ Paris duh
❄️ Serena's mother
❄️ the ending

I did not like:
❄️ almost instant love
❄️ no Christmas mood whatsoever
❄️ Ethan (get to him more in the characters part of this review)

I'm gonna be very brief at this part.
Goes to Paris → everything messes up → she's left alone at some random's guy college dorm room → they argue → everything messes up → they argue → repeats for about three more times → they fall in love all of the sudden → and then we finally get the well deserved ending (which I actually liked because it was kinda sweet)

So, I said that the plot wasn't my biggest problem with this book. However, now we got to the worst section of the book. Characters, everyone! I think that that's what makes the whole story work a lot of the times when the plot is not so elaborate. This should be exactly the case where the author(s) should do that. It would make me enjoy the book a lot more.
Ethan is the worst person in this whole novel! He was just so naïve, dull and his acting super incomprehensible. Like what was he thinking? Like dude, you had one date, not even that and you're planning where you and Serena will spend your pension together?
Maybe he was supposed to be written this way, just so we would ship the man female character with Jean-Luc and not this guy. Well, it totally worked for me if it was meant like this.
Both of the main characters were fine. Jean-Luc has said one quite dark thing about guns in American schools which I've found a bit overtop but okay we'll leave it.

If it wasn't for Christmas I'll give it two stars, I wanted no negative ratings. I don't think that this review was very positive tho! We'll see if I will change my mind throughout the year. :)
Profile Image for Mariana.
590 reviews125 followers
September 4, 2018
ARC provided by Publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.

Kiss me in Paris was a very sweet book that I really enjoyed. All books related to Paris or set in that beautiful city are always very appealing and this time I couldn’t help to feel very interested in the book, nor only for the location of the story but for the story itself.
We have Serena who’s traveling to Paris to reconnect with her parents’ love story. But things go wrong and her family bails on her, now she’ll have to be alone in Paris to fulfill her goal.
Now let’s enter Jean-Luc, half French and half American. He gets drawn in Serena’s situation without really meaning to. But these two strangers may be able to find something in common, in one of the most beautiful cities of the world.
When I read the book I was actually just coming back from a trip to Paris and reading about the places I visited was really nice. I always enjoy Paris books and I liked the characters and the story. However, I felt it was some depth lacking. The story talked about important issues and it was interesting and they were dealt in a good way but I feel like there could have been more about the characters and especially about the romantic part of the story. There was something missing.
Nevertheless, it was a nice, sweet story that you can read very quickly and that will leave you thinking about love and Paris. I also liked the characters development, there was an emotional evolution that I enjoyed reading and that was very important for the story. But it was always light and easy-to-read anyway.
I haven’t read the other book by the author, but I know now that it’s related to this one, so I can’t wait to read it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 327 reviews

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