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The sequel to the instant New York Times bestseller that was "made for fans of Victoria Aveyard and Sabaa Tahir" ( Bustle ), Lady Smoke is an epic new fantasy about a throne cruelly stolen and a girl who must fight to take it back for her people.

Kaiser zamordował matkę Theodosii, Królową Ognia, gdy Theo miała zaledwie sześć lat. Zawłaszczył kraj Theo, a ją samą trzymał jako więźnia, ogłaszając ją Księżniczką Popiołu. Ta epoka dobiegła końca. Kaiser uważał swojego więźnia za słabego i bezbronnego. Nie zdawał sobie sprawy, że błyskotliwy umysł stanowi najbardziej śmiercionośną broń.

Theo nie nosi już korony z popiołu. Odzyskała należny jej tytuł i zdobyła zakładnika – Prinza Sorena. Ale jej lud pozostaje w niewoli pod panowaniem Kaisera, podczas gdy ona sama przebywa tysiące kilometrów należnego jej tronu.

Aby odzyskać to, co jej odebrano, będzie potrzebowała armii. Rzecz w tym, że wiąże się to z koniecznością zaufania jej ciotce, przerażającej piratce Dragonsbane, według której armię można zdobyć, tylko wydając Theo za mąż. Jednak żadna astreańska Królowa nigdy nikogo nie poślubiła…

Theo wie, że wolność ma swoją cenę, ale jest zdecydowana znaleźć sposób na uratowanie własnego kraju bez jednoczesnej utraty siebie.

468 pages, ebook

First published February 5, 2019

About the author

Laura Sebastian

14 books4,048 followers
Laura Sebastian grew up in South Florida and attended Savannah College of Art and Design. She now lives and writes in London, England, with her two dogs, Neville and Circe. Laura is the author of the New York Times bestselling Ash Princess series: Ash Princess, Lady Smoke, and Ember Queen, as well as the Castles in Their Bones series: Castles in Their Bones, Stardust in Their Veins, and Poison In Their Hearts; Half Sick of Shadows, her first novel for adults; and Into the Glades, for middle-grade readers.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,827 reviews
756 reviews2,556 followers
July 2, 2019
This book was powerful powerful powerful powerful! I'm speechless and mind blown right now. Seriously, what a fucking powerful book.

Theo is such a fucking bad bitch and I literally don't deserve to breathe the same air as this Queen, holy SHIT.

This book was more political but equally as scheming, bloody and violent as the first one and filled with unexpected twists and deaths.

It made me so happy to read about a bisexual, female ruler even though she shows up for a little while in this book. Eric is pansexual and Heron is a gay character!!!! Also, the amount of kickass females in this book had me squealing. It's so fucking refreshing to see badass females wielding swords and daggers and just.... being so BADASS.

Full review to come, but so much happened in this book that I need months to process. Also the final book comes out 2020??? a hate crime. I CANT WAIT THAT LONG AFTER THIS ENDING. FUCK
369 reviews238 followers
April 27, 2019
4 stars.

Lady Smoke has exceeded my expectations. Usually, in a trilogy, there's always the chance where the second book suffers from Second Book Syndrome. To me, Lady Smoke was a pretty damn good installment to the Ash Princess trilogy.

Mind you, this will not be for everyone as I will explain further, but for a second book, I was really impressed by how the story progressed as well as the stakes that were involved.

Lady Smoke takes place right after the events of Ash Princess where Theodosia escapes her homeland and is trying to form an alliance with another country in hopes of taking back Astrea and defeat the Kaiser. The only problem is, she has to take on a husband, something a queen has never done in Astrea.

Earlier, I mentioned that this won't be for everyone. While I did like Lady Smoke, I can see how this won't be everyone's cup of tea. I wouldn't call this a political story because while there is mention of arranged marriage and armies, the politics are not as prevalent. And there is a love triangle which I'll admit, did bother me somewhat. So keep that in mind when going into the story.

Lady Smoke delves more into the idea of doing whatever it takes to do what is right even if it means giving up your pride and accepting help. Or, use that pride to make sense of the situation and still do the right thing.

Theo is put on a pedestal where she has to make very important choices that will determine the fate of Astrea and its people. But having to choose a partner means forsaking what Theo believes in. And this is where I like her more as a character. She only became a queen and she still has a lot of learning and growing up to do. Others may respect her like a queen, but she has to work on acting like one. The novel does take on a feminist approach and I applaud Theo for standing up for not only her country but for herself.

The story itself is unapologetically true in the aspect of refugees and how they are treated. This isn't a spoiler since in the first book there is mention of refugee camps in different countries. And when Theo visits a camp in a country she is temporarily staying in, she is taken aback by how the treatment of refugees. You want to look away but the reality of it is very shocking. Not to mention this is something that is still happening in our world. I'm glad this was brought up so it can give readers an insight into the subject.

The reason this got a 4-star rating is because of one thing: The love triangle.

I am not against love triangles or the idea of them. If done right, I can enjoy it. My main issue with this love triangle is that it feels unnecessary and forced. It was unnecessary because it didn't add anything to the story. It might have given us more insight into Blaise and Soren, but it felt redundant in the grand scheme of Theo trying to take back her country. Not to mention Blaise is a boring love interest. I'm all for Soren.

The love triangle was also forced because it didn't need to be there. I get that Blaise and Theo were close to each other, but his feelings for her aren't as genuine. It's like he was only there just to be a love interest. He does have some growth here in Lady Smoke, but he didn't need to be a love interest.

The whole friends-to-lover trope is a good one and can be done very well, but not every friend of the main character has to be a romance option.


Lady Smoke is a good follow up to Ash Princess. It's not perfect, but the story and Theo do make up for it by showing us what Theo has to do in harsh times as well as diving into how cruel the world can be. I'm really looking forward to the final book.

Thanks for reading my review!

Profile Image for ✨ Helena ✨.
389 reviews1,088 followers
August 24, 2019
This series is slowly, but surely, becoming a new favourite of mine. I expected this instalment to suffer from Second Book Syndrome, but I’m happy to announce that it didn’t! There was no lull in the action or fluff in the story. Rather, the plot kept me riveted and stressed over the safety of my favourite characters.

Theo is such a wonderful protagonist and queen who truly wants to do right by her people. Søren, often a lad in distress, unfortunately, is such a sweet, but protective, character that I absolutely adore. Blaise, the other side of the love triangle, is so loyal and devoted to Theo. Art and Heron are steadfast in their support of her, as well. I also loved Erik and Hoa. Theo truly has such a strong support system around her.

Unsurprisingly, I can’t wait to see Cress’ downfall. I didn’t like her from the beginning of Ash Princess and I can’t bloody stand her now. I can’t wait to see her and Theo finally go head to head in the finale.

I really appreciated the discussion of the treatment of refugees in this book, though. It’s an important topic that’s not normally included, and for that reason alone, I think that it makes Lady Smoke an even stronger book. Oftentimes, in YA fantasy, we see a queen wanting to liberate her people, but very rarely do we get to see the treatment of the aforementioned people. I’m really pleased that Laura Sebastian chose to include this controversial discussion that affects many around the world today.

My only complaint, really, is the inclusion of a love triangle. While it’s fairly obvious who Theo prefers, I don’t think it was completely necessary to propel the plot forward. I personally believe that book characters can be close without having to be in love with one another...or maybe that’s just me. *shrugs*

I found Lady Smoke to be a worthy instalment of this trilogy and CANNOT WAIT until the finale this coming spring. I’d definitely recommend this series to fans of the Winner’s Curse trilogy, who are impatiently waiting for the spinoff, the Midnight Lie...also releasing in the spring, haha.
Profile Image for Lucie V..
1,112 reviews2,994 followers
April 19, 2022
✅ Improvement of the writing
✅ Politics and scheming
✅ Plot
✅ Action (in the last 20%)
✅🆗 Characters
✅🆗 Pace
🆗❌ Love triangle

Strong 3.5 stars, or 4 stars… I am not sure…

“Are you mad?” she asks me. There’s no accusation in her voice—she sounds genuinely curious.
“I’m desperate,” I say. “But I suppose the two are close enough.”

Lady Smoke picks up right where Ash Princess ends. Theo is now traveling with Dragonbane's crew and she is presented with a simple truth: she needs an army if she hopes to defeat the Kaiser, and the easiest way to get one would be to marry a leader from another country. The politics hold a bigger place in the plot this time. It's not only Theo plotting to find a way to free her country without giving her hand in marriage. It’s also about other people plotting against her, and against each other in hopes of gaining her hand in marriage and thus being able to gain access to and exploit Astrea’s resources.

“As women, we must have our weapons in this world, whether they’re our minds or our fists or our wiles or our tears.”

This book is not really about survival as Ash Princess was, it is more about being willing to do whatever is necessary and about making sacrifices for the greater good. Theo has grown from a scared princess to a determined would-be queen and she has to make some hard choices in this sequel. On the other hand, while she keeps saying that she is willing to do anything and sacrifice everything for Astrea, she does not really show it until the very end.

“A queen without a crown, without a throne, without a coronation. What, exactly, do you imagine you're queen of?”

I have to say though that the fact she tells everyone she is a queen and expects them to respect her for it is a little unrealistic. She spent the last 10 years under the Kaiser’s thumb, and here she arrives saying that she is the queen and that she doesn’t want to be treated as an inexperienced child…

The pace is good overall, but at the same time, I found that the whole “let’s go to social events to talk to potential husbands” part of the plot dragged on near the middle. This book was still a quick read, and very entertaining, but I was a little tired of all the posturing and superficial talk. The first 80% were slow compared to the last 20%.

��Hope is contagious,” she says. “When you have enough, it spreads naturally.”

The refugees also have a more important place in this book. Theo goes to a refuge camp hosting people from different nations that were conquered by the Kaiser, and she sees how poorly treated they are. It adds another layer to the book and another weight on Theo's shoulder because she feels responsible for them since most of them are her people.

I enjoyed the characters more in this story, I grew more attached to Heron, Artemisia, and Soren and I was happy to discover that Erik was a part of the story, even if it was only for a few chapters. I really liked him in the first book and I hope that he will be present in the third book too.

Dragonsbane is also a new and intriguing addition to the cast. I like the character, but at the same time I am annoyed by some of her selfish decisions, and I am still not 100% sure about her reason to help Theo. Sure, she says that Astrea is her country too, and she wants to free her from the Kalovaxian, but I can’t help but feel that there is more to it considering that all of her decisions have been ruled by greed and self-preservation.

I also can't wait to see what will happen to Cress, I never really liked her, even at the beginning of Ash Princess, but that's because of who her character is, not because the character is badly developed. Still, I can't wait for her and Theo to meet each other again, and for Theo to finally beat her.

"You want everything, and you aren't willing to give anything up to get it - not your freedom or me or the Prinkiti."

The downside of this book is the love triangle. Again, I just don't get it. It doesn't add anything to the story and it has been clear from the beginning who Theo loves and who she considers a friend. It was the same problem in Ash Princess. I think that Theo’s behavior with Blaise was not the wisest. She knows how he feels about her, but does nothing to discourage him because she wants to keep everyone and she wants everyone to love her. Hopefully, it gets solved quickly in the last book and doesn't take too much room in the storyline, I have nothing against love triangles, but this one feels pointless and hasn't really evolved since the first book. Poor Blaise is being Jacob Black'ed by Theo, she treats him the same way Bella treated Jacob in the Twilight series. She does not love him in a romantic way, but she keeps on giving him false hope, and she refuses to let him go. 🙄

Talking about romance, am I the only one really hoping for Heron and Erik to have more time together in the next book? I want to see their relationship develop because I loved the little flirt we saw between them, and there is clearly potential for a cute couple here.

“I died the Queen of Peace, and peace died with me,” she says after a moment. “But you are the Queen of Flame and Fury, Theodosia, and you will set their world on fire.”

Ash Princess ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Profile Image for Dannii Elle.
2,126 reviews1,720 followers
March 18, 2021
First Read: March 2019, Rating 4.5 Stars
Second Read: November 2020, Rating 4 Stars

This is the second instalment in The Ash Princess series.

Theodosia is the last remaining heir of a vanquished country, now owned by its conqueror and the man who kept her a beaten and paraded captive, for almost her entire childhood. But this once Ash Princess is now determined to fulfil her role as Queen Theo, and this queen wants her land back and her people freed.

The Theo the reader was introduced to in the previous series instalment is a very different being to the one that appeared here. Theo's original wishes were almost solely those of self-preservation. This was understandable. But the continued harsh treatment and exposure to the pain of both herself and her people slowly whittled away this softer exterior to reveal an inner-core of strength that disallowed either to become the playthings of another, ever again. No matter the cost. Her resolve has hardened and, with it, my love for her character is complete.

However, I often found adoration for Theo divided, as the other lovable characters, who made up her inner-circle, battled for their rightful place in my heart, too. This band of vicious, little rouges made this story as bad-ass and bloody as they did unbearably sweet, and I bonded with them as truly as they did with one another. Theo, on her own, was enough to make me a passionate advocate for this series but her loyal companions, dogging her journey every step of the way, made this a truly unputdownable and continually fraught yet fascinating read. It is a very rare book that can make me soar through 500 pages in a handful of hours, foregoing a good night's sleep in the process. I did this during both readings of the book.

As these characters fled from the Kaiser who sought to imprison them, the geography of the land was further revealed to the reader. I loved learning more about this world and the unique politics that governed each realm. It seemed the Kaiser was not the only corrupt player and Theo and her crew must once again concern themselves with all the court niceties and underhand political scheming necessary to get their freedom returned to them.

I have so far only waxed lyrical about all the aspects I love about this novel but the aspect I appreciated the absolute most were the feminist vibes that were evident throughout. Theo is not playing games in this book! She has no qualms about calling out the patriarchal system that advocates for the unequal alignment for the gender of its people. She also calls into question outdated traditions that further bias this inequality, and are accepted due to nothing more than the length of time their practise has been committed to memory.

Sebastian steeped this entire book with the embodiment of female empowerment and I appreciate her so much for doing so. One other such instance is that virginity is not imbued with any social significance and, as such, the word does not even exist in most languages. By providing the reader with a fantastical parallel to such accepted real-world issues it calls into question, in the most thought-provoking of ways, the inequality that exists outside of these pages. This is one feminist novel not to be missed!

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to the author, Laura Sebastian, and the publisher, Macmillan, for this opportunity.
Profile Image for • Lindsey Dahling •.
357 reviews744 followers
May 13, 2020
I would’ve liked this book a lot more had 85% of it not been spent on the characters doing absolutely nothing.


But, the writing significantly improved. The first one’s narration was THE WORST. LEGIT SO ANNOYINGLY BAD. This one was much, much better.

In fact, it was so much better that I will definitely read the third one. I’m too invested in Soren (which is also the only reason I read the second one 😂). He’s the most complex character in the series, so I’m rooting for him and his gray area-ness (lololol and here I just critiqued bad writing).

I still maintain MC Theo is an idiot. She goes through phases of being somewhat intelligent, but then she’ll suddenly decide she’s going to ditch all of her GUARDS WHO THERE TO PROTECT HER, put on a red hood, and go hang out with a wolf dressed as her grandmother. Moron.


She’s also the type of character who TELLS me she’s a queen all the time and expects “her” people to treat her like one just because her long-dead mommy dearest was the queen of this long-dead country (girl should hang out with Daenerys Targaryen—they have a lot in common on that front). OH OKAY THEO. SURE. MHMM. YEP. WE SHOULD ALL JUST LISTEN TO YOU AND YOUR INFINITE WISDOM AND IGNORE THE FACT THAT YOU JUST KEEP TAKING COOKIES TO YOUR BIG TOOTHED, BIG EARED GRANDMOTHER. HOKAY.


Wow. Didn’t know I felt so passionately about Theo or really anything in regards to this series until typing that. Huh. Maybe quarantine is getting to me.
Profile Image for Cindy ✩☽♔.
1,208 reviews977 followers
Want to read
November 28, 2019
...an army can only be produced if Theo takes a husband.


But seriously, like wtf why!? There had better be a good reason, like this better not just be a convenient plot device used only to make the heroine to choose between two boys.
Loving the cover!
Based on the title I feel like we're going to get a lot more Cress, and honestly I am not sure I want that 😪
Profile Image for helena.
121 reviews113 followers
May 29, 2021
"The Princess of Ash is dead. Long live the Queen."

WHAT AN AMAZING BOOK, YOU GUYS!!!!! oh my god. oh my god.
i simply couldn’t put down. every chapter was a delight to read. all of them felt interesting and well-written, nothing ever feels like a filler here and i absolutely love it. the characters were amazing, the romance was good, the intrigues were awesome, the battles were consistent. amazing! just amazing! i was hooked the entire time!
just read it.
Profile Image for Ninoska Goris.
270 reviews166 followers
November 25, 2022
Español - English

En este libro conocemos algo más de los personajes. Theo sigue siendo Theo: la sufrida, la que todo lo tiene que sacrificar, la que debe poner a Astrea siempre de primero, la que deberá casarse para conseguir un ejército, bla bla bla. Se cree de verdad la reina de Astrea, pero es tan ingenua y por eso le pasan cosas. Por eso Veneno de Dragon no deja de tratarla como la trata.

¿Hasta dónde llevará Theo el triángulo amoroso? Lo hace solo para aprovecharse de los dos, pero todos sabemos al final cuál será su elección y, por lo menos en eso, yo estaré de acuerdo con ella.

Pasan tantas cosas sin sentido, tantas muertes innecesarias y una muerte que debió ser memorable y no lo fue.

Al libro le sobran 150 paginas, pero es un poco menos malo que el libro anterior.

In this book we know more about the characters. Theo is still Theo: the long-suffering one, the one who has to sacrifice everything, the one who must always put Astrea first, the one who must marry to get an army, blah blah blah. She really thinks she's the queen of Astrea, but she's so naive and that's why bad things happen to her. That's why Dragonsbane doesn't stop treating her the way she does.

How far will Theo take the love triangle? She does it just to take advantage of both of them, but we all know in the end what her choice will be and, at least in that, I will agree with her.

So many meaningless things happen, so many unnecessary deaths and a death that should have been memorable and it wasn't.

The book has 150 pages to spare, but it is a little less bad than the previous one.
April 20, 2020

“Still, you reminded me of the legend.
With your bright eyes and crown of ashes and Fire Queen mother.
Lady Thora, everyone called you, but I thought of you as Lady Smoke.
I knew it would only be a matter of time before your ember sparked again, until you once more burned bright enough to escape him.”

Story 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Theo escaped the Kaiser and his court only to be forced into another country filled with intrigues. Princes, other countries are fighting for Theos hand, but every time she chooses a way the Kaiser destroys it.
But Theo didn’t suffer so long only to give up so easily.
War longs for sacrifice, but sacrifice doesn’t come easily for Theo, who never had much and who now wants to protect it under all cost.

Oh this one was as good as the first. It was filled with intrigues, action and even war.
And the plot twists were amazing!

Character 🌟🌟🌟🌟

“Friends, enemies, I don’t think it matters anymore. The chains are just as heavy, no matter who holds the key,” he says.

Even though Theo had a huge character development in the first book, she didn’t stop there. With every problem coming, she grew and it’s amazing.
And even though she is the queen, she’s not perfect. But she fights with every breath she takes.
And I love her for that.
In the first book I couldn’t choose between Blaise and Soren. But now I can.
I choose Soren. Enemies prince, warrior and suffering big hearted guy? That’s my type.
But again in my way he didn’t have enough pages in this book.
Same with Blaise.
But now I know why. Blaise and Soren were never intended to be main characters.
Theo is the only one. They’re just part of the story.
Like the other side characters, there are just here to drive the plot onward.
All in all the author again did a great job.
All the new side characters pushed the story in the right direction and the plot twists made it even better.

Relationships 🌟🌟🌟

“I don’t want to protect you.
I don’t need to protect you.
You have others for that and you’ve done it yourself enough times by now.
I don’t want to run away with you;
I want to stand at your side and fight—fight for something I never even thought that I wanted, but I do.
I’m stronger with you, and braver, and I never want to go back to living like I was before.
I love you, and it isn’t anything to do with who you pretended to be.
I love you.”

I had high hopes for the second book. High hopes of finally being able to choose.
And I did! Hallelujah!
Like I said: my vote goes to - Soren! Wooohooo.
But Theo isn’t like me. She can’t choose. She switches between those two throughout the story and it breaks my heart. Those poor boys love the same girl and they couldn’t be any more different.
A relationship I loved in this book was the one between the shadows and Theo.
They were a loyal front, worked together, planned together. They were a team.
And I loved that.

World 🌟🌟🌟🌟

“In Goraki, there is a legend of a bird made of fire,” she says.
“It never dies, the Phiren.
First, it is made of embers, glowing bright and new before they burst into flames.
The Phiren burns brightly for many years, but no fire burns forever—it is smothered into a bird of smoke, wispy and dark.
It stays like that for a stretch of time—sometimes centuries even—but the day always comes when an ember within it sparks and its life begins anew.”

Writing style 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
The writing improved and I loved it.
It was again in Theos POV filled with a lot of plot and a lot of emotions, thoughts, doubts.
There were quotes I loved and they definitely made it into my top favorite quotes.

“I died the Queen of Peace, and peace died with me,” she says after a moment.
“But you are the Queen of Flame and Fury, Theodosia, and you will set their world on fire.”
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,640 reviews214 followers
March 1, 2019
It was good.. but god dammit - I hate love triangles.

Okay, I keep changing my mind on this freaking book rating. I can't decide to put a 3 or 4 star... so it'll be a freaking 3.5. Like I mentioned above, Lady Smoke was a good book. I have the audio version, which definitely makes it a bit easier for myself when working such long drastic hours. Now this book starts where the previous book, Ash Princess left us.

However, I feel like the characters didn't really do anything in this book but when something actually exciting did.. it just felt a bit anti-climactic for me? Again, this could just be me. Then there's that freaking love triangle and I just couldn't stop eye rolling. I hate those things and I wish books would stop freaking using them. They are just frustrating to read about and at one point I just stop caring about the characters.

The one thing that saved this book was the ending. I loved it and now I have so many questions forming in my mind. I have no idea when the third book is going to be an actual thing.. but I really need it now! I need answers ASAP!
February 27, 2019
She takes another drink, a smaller one this time, before looking at me thoughtfully. “You’re lucky that you didn’t really know her.”

“Did you just say that I’m lucky my mother died?”

“I didn’t say that,” Dragonsbane says, rolling her eyes. “But it’s nice, in a way, to have her preserved so purely in your memory—a perfect mother and a perfect queen, brilliant and kind and valiant. She’s practically a goddess in your mind, isn’t she?"

00 high points final
– Actual progress toward Theo reclaiming her country near the end
– Varied settings
– The teeny, tiny subplot on how Theo remembers her mother
– Some characters receive adequate characterization

00 low points final
– Author has no clue how to tell a story
– Plot lacks focus / loose storytelling
– Multiple inconsistencies
– Choice of first person POV + single POV detrimental to the story
– Over half the book is deadweight
– Literally deadweight, the first three chapters could be scrapped to no ill effect
– Every other girl (or woman) in the book is more interesting than Theo
– Theo is a weak, whiny, wishy-washy character
– The characters, collectively, share one brain cell
– Weak, hurried, sloppy prose

If Ash Princess was already creatively bankrupt, then Lady Smoke is in the red. It's a book as empty of originality as the first, but somehow lacking more in substance, and completely devoid the overarching #edgy undertones and forbidden romance of the first.

Which, notedly, weren't the greatest, but at least they held the story together.

Lady Smoke is a bland, wasteful mess. Both plotting and prose reek of a lack of experience and practice. It reads as though the author word-vomited the entire thing from start to finish without stopping to think about a goddamn thing. It reads as if anyone who knows anything about writing or books or storytelling was beaten back from a stick. If an editor did anything to this, it's impossible to tell. The only way to fix Lady Smoke is to toss the whole thing out.

At nearly 130K words, Lady Smoke offers up a lot of useless garbage instead of plot. The prologue and first three chapters offer nothing—Theo reestablishes her circumstances in the most longwinded way possible. The first fifteen chapters offer very little and could be compressed into two or three instead, cutting out the overblown prose and nonsense, stripping it right down to the necessities. Even then, the pacing and shape of the plot are abysmal. Ash Princess was predictable, but at least the plotting was clean. There is very little meaningful plot here, and what little there is adds up to an ungainly whole.

Sure, the characters do things, as in they occupy the pages, but they do very little to push the plot forward. Basically, Theo (and company) arrive in Sta’Crivero, Theo meets suitors, Theo whines the entire time, someone murders a couple suitors, Theo whines some more, Theo realizes the alliances she's made with the two weakest factions possible might be good enough to start, Theo (and company) fuck off into the night and head back to Astrea.

There are no hard decisions. No agony of committing to a course of action. There are no regrets and no sacrifices. Theo does nothing. She sits around and bitches about everything. She does not direct the plot and she does nothing to invite inspiration or sympathy. She's barely a protagonist. She's not even engaging in the romantic subplots as she does in the first book.

The closest thing to a cohesive thread of plot is the teeny, tiny subplot where Dragonsbane tells Theo she only has a child's memory of her mother and Theo needs to come to terms with how her memory of her perfect mother is not the reality. It's very nearly meaningful.

Lady Smoke closes on a scrambled note: once Theo returns to Astrea, everything is rushed, random and confusing. I suppose a certain thing is a "plot twist." But it reads more like the author knew the reader was falling asleep and decided to throw in random drama.

Remember when we thought "Lady Smoke" would refer to Crescentia? Yeah, no. It's another reference to Theo, because everything is about Theo. Even though Theo doesn't do shit. Again, I can't help but return to how first person is a poor choice for point of view for this series. Either have your main character pushing the plot forward or switch to characters who are. Even with that aside, there are still so many more interesting characters than Theo! The series would be infinitely better if we switched around and followed scarred Crescentia's marriage to the Kaiser or explored Art's painful relationship with her mother or Dragonsbane's own conflicting emotions related to Astrea and her family. Even Blaise would benefit—yes, we know he's unstable, he loves Theo, he'd do anything to protect her, but he's so flat and one-dimensional in this sense. It's literally like he doesn't give a shit about anyone else in his life, alive or dead.

I could rouse sympathy for Theo in the first book, but in Lady Smoke she's just annoying. She doesn't do anything! And she's developed a new habit of whining about everything!

She can't sit in mild discomfort for a few goddamn hours: An hour or two. I stifle a groan. I can’t imagine sitting out here more than a few minutes, even if the chairs brought out for the royal family and me are comfortably padded and somewhat shaded with palm fronds. Between the hot sun and my aching head and the dress pinching my ribs, I feel like I’m going to pass out.

She's hungover, yes, but she's also in the most comfortable spot possible for the event. No matter what the circumstance, she always finds something to complain about. Always.

Theo (and the rest of the cast) have lost a few brain cells along the way as well. Literally every time Theo has a critical or strategizing thought—literally any time she comes close to a glimmer of an intelligent thought—she backtracks with an "omg, I'm using people, this means I'm like the Kaiser, bad Theo!"

No, hon. That's just using your brain.

Although we finally leave Astrea and Theo's claustrophobic room in the palace, what we explore of the setting is mediocre. Soren throws out one or two interesting facts about the other countries and their rulers, but it's a quick, slapdash effort to distinguish them from each other as they're dumped upon us. The names of other countries are clearly made up quickly and without thought, and hard to distinguish on the fly. Additionally, the country we actually spend time in—Sta’Crivero—is presented without nuance. No place will be perfect, but the things we learn about Sta’Crivero are only for Theo to complain about. It's as if the world is divided between the "good" conquered countries who have "nice" customs and the rest of the world, who all have bad customs and mean citizens.

It doesn't help that the author keeps throwing in stupid shit—stupid shit she clearly didn't think through or have a whole entire thought about beforehand or after. Example: every time Theo says she loves Soren's "driftwood" smell, I cringe. He smells like wood that's sat in water for weeks or months on end? Wood that's probably gone mildewy? And Theo likes that?

There's also this scene:
We’re in my room after lunch, finally having one of those lessons we discussed on the Smoke. I bore no illusions about my skills with a sword, but I expected Artemisia would at least go easy on me at first.

No such luck. She hadn’t even wanted to use practice swords, though I’m glad I insisted—if our swords were sharp she would have killed me by now.

Good lord, WHY? I want to scream and never stop screaming. Anyone with an ounce of competence or training WOULD NOT WANT TO USE REAL WEAPONS. Anyone with an ounce of competence or training WOULD NOT ENGAGE IN PRACTICE WITHOUT AT LEAST IMPROVISED PROTECTION. This whole section is cringe city! It shows, beyond a glimmer of a doubt, the author doesn't know SHIT and didn't bother to look LOOK UP SHIT either. 

The author's writing style is the worst of the lot: a run-on, rambling, near incoherent mess, taking a hammer to every rule for writing strong prose. The whole book reads like she banged out every thought crossing her head—and then a couple dozen more. Excessive filter words, weak verbs, passive voice, the utter ABUSE of adverbs. This author cannot write at all. Theo's telling over showing in every moment of every scene.

Once again, the representation is highly questionable. The author clearly does not have the ability, forethought or grace to handle Theo's situation and history. (Of course, this series was never ABOUT exploring or discussing abuse. It's about excessive, voyeuristic angst.) There are characters of colour, but the handling of culture and such is horrifying. There are the Gorakians (who seem coded as South Asian) and the Vecturians (who might be coded as Indigenous Americans?) who are at least considered "good" people in the narrative's light. (Although the author doesn't seem to understand an "Emperor" denotes an "empire" and the Goraki have only two thousand people left and no Empire.) Sta’Crivero is very clearly coded as middle-eastern and hoooo boy. The rich Sta’Criverans are all wasteful fools and the poor Sta’Criverans are superstitious fools. Yikes. In terms of LGBT+ characters, Heron's storyline is reduced to his sexuality and another character is revealed awkwardly revealed as bi/pan for that burgeoning romance to take off. How lazy.

On all fronts Lady Smoke is terrible. Why would you read it? Why did I read it? Why did someone let this be published? 
Profile Image for Nash (all too unwell).
358 reviews1,032 followers
April 4, 2021
“As women, we must have our weapons in this world, whether they’re our minds or our fists or our wiles or our tears.”


Ehhh.. I was disappointed. I had such high expectations for this book. But it fell through. Ugh!

Theo has now fled the Kaiser's court with Soren, Art, Blaise, and Heron. To take back her throne, Theo has now enlisted the help of none other than the great Dragonsbane, the pirate. Or also known as her aunt. She must now fight alongside her to reclaim Astrea
But the war is no longer simple. Her enemies grow and the person she considered her heart's sister is the one against her. She must pay a price that no other queen of Astrea has. Caught in a complicated tangle of lies and betrayals, Theo must not only survive but also protect the ones she loves. Because the end is coming. And it's coming fast!

We get to see a bit more of Theo's world in this book. Neighbouring kingdoms pay an important role in this book. But I didnt like it. It was just plain boring

Ehhhh....Theo doesn't make a decision. She doesn't even show the pretence of making one!
IMO, Blaise is the better option. I mean Soren is OKAY but that's it.
The only thing bearable abt the romance in this book was


Theo is badass as ever. She puts Astrea above everything and fights for her country. I love that abt her. Tho she did make me a bit mad abt her whole confusion abt Blaise and Soren, I forgive her. Because she has more important things to attend to. Uk like a WAR!

Blaise <3. Ahh he is my fav character. I think he is awesome. He is willing to die to save his country. ILY man!! I think he would be great if he were with Theo!

Soren. No comments. I don't have anything to say abt him. He's okay.

Art is a great character. I love her very much. She is brave and super sassy. I mean who doesn't love some sass?
Erik and Heron were also great!.

Final thoughts
This book is 512 pgs long!!! I dnt have a problem with long books, but I felt this was unnecessary. I mean if u added some pages to the previous and the next book, there would have been no need for this book. Or if u just remove the useless scenes, this book would have been better. It would'nt have bored me!

Anyways...that's it
This was a disappointing sequel. I gave it 3 stars because it kept me guessing and also because of Theo and Blaise

This is my review for Lady smoke!

I finally decided on a review format. LMK wat u think!

My rating system:

5⭐ - I loved it soo much! New favorite
4⭐ - It was really good! But something was missing
3⭐ - It was nice..but had more potential
2⭐ - I did not like it at all!... It could have been soo much better
1⭐ - Nope. Just No. I hate it
Profile Image for Valkyrie ✨.
648 reviews858 followers
February 13, 2019
Spoilers for Lady Smoke hereunder.

“I hope you come to see that a woman can wield power beyond what’s between her legs—for your daughter’s sake if nothing else.”

“There’s a reason you can’t find the word virginity in Astrean. The concept doesn’t exist.”

~ ~ ~

These books are addictive. Even flawed, I just couldn’t stop reading.

This was so much better than I expected.

Theo became such a complex and rich character. I loved how grey she was in so many areas. Loved her journey into finding who she was and what kind of queen she would become.

As someone who’s been reading YA for a long time, I’m so pleased to notice certain changes in the gender. For example the female protagonists have their own agenda now in a way they never did before. We get a lot more representation, a feminist message, less toxic relationships... As someone who appreciates all these changes, I loved this book for all these things.

“I know him and he knows me and the darkest parts of our souls match.”

The relationship with Soren was so. good. He’s still too perfect for my taste but he was a lot better in this book. Loved their relationship development. They shared some really amazing quotes, and the level of intimacy, understanding and acceptance was just exactly what I’m into in a romance.

Heron and Erik.

Hopefully they get more development in the last book. Their banter and filtration was delightful.

Hoa. I really, really loved her. And her scenes with Theo... They moved me.

Art. I loved how her relationship with Theo kept growing and become stronger as the book processed. FEMALE FRIENDSHIPS HELL YEAH~

But this was also worse than I expected.

The story dragged too much on the “let’s find a husband with armies for Theo” plot, which was as bad as I had anticipated. And then rushed through the second half of the book, where admittedly the most interesting things happened.

Not. Enough. Cress. And the little we got was kind of a let down. Sure, her plot still got some of those trails typically chosen for male characters but then the author chose to portrait her as driven by her jealousy over a boy and I just- MEH.

I haaaaaate that she kidnapped Soren. She saw her father die by her friend, almost died herself, married the Kaiser, and who knows what else happened to her and she still cares about a boy.

Girl I thought you were smarter.

The way the Kaiser died was just so cheap. He’s the BIG BAD and he dies like that? I understand now the villain is Cress and she and Theo are going to have a big fight in the last book. But still, that was pretty mediocre.

Also the guards saw Cress killing the Kaiser and they still followed her orders? So iffy.

The love triangle was awful.

She chose Soren but still toyed with Blaise because she didn’t want to let him go. Kind of in a “I need everyone to love me” way that didn’t sit well with me.

The way she thought of Blaise was as family. Sure, she loved him. But not romantically. So whenever she mislead him in some way, or just let him take his own conclusions, it just irked me.

I understand the book is all about being morally grey, or how no one is all good or all bad. But Jesus h Christ, this was annoying.

Next book

I’m so interested in what will happen in the mine, but at the same time I liked the fact that Theo had no real powers and yet she was helping her people and freeing them. There’s something very compelling in reading about an ordinary person managing extraordinary things. But if she comes out of the mines now with like super powers, it’s going to cheapen it all a bit.

But again, I want to know more about the mines, the gems, the powers... I hope we get more explanations in the next book.

Overall, a really fun read!!
Profile Image for Katie.dorny.
1,056 reviews633 followers
September 8, 2019

3.5 stars rounded down. The first book was mesmerising, this was mediocre.

Here we meet Theo from where we left her, however she just doesn’t seem to progress as a character throughout this book at all. She still acts like a petulant teenager even though she is adamant she is a queen. I understand why Dragonsbane treats her they way she does.

I’m also becoming bored of the love triangle. I get it. We all get it. We all know how that’s gonna end.

The ending of the book was the most exciting part. The ending of her time travelling I didn’t see coming.

The beginning of her return, I also did not see the choices that were made coming. Props to the author for that.

Otherall, it was enjoyable but I’ll only be reading the final book to round off the trilogy, than out of sheer excitement for what’s coming next.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Veronique.
263 reviews169 followers
April 1, 2020
“A queen without a crown, without a throne, without a coronation. What, exactly, do you imagine you're queen of?”

YASS YASS YASS I am so down for this book series. I am in love!

This book took me a little bit longer to get through in comparison to the first book, but I still loved it nonetheless. However that ENDING. That I didn't see coming. OH MY.. I cannot wait what the last book will bring us.

Let me tell you this: Soren is Bae and I wouldn't even had to chose between this love triangle situation. ( Yes peeps there is a love triangle, but seriously you have to read it because this series is just that good!) You wouldn't even mind the love triangle. I think this book series brings so much more to the table in YA.

And Theo is just slaying it and making sure she does what she thinks is best and I love her witty and amazing personality.

I highly recommend, Another 5 stars read this year!

Enjoy your reading 📖
Profile Image for Geo Marcovici.
1,353 reviews320 followers
January 3, 2020
Translation widget on The blog!!!
Lady Smoke este o continuare intensă, deși nu atât de dureroasă și plină de pericole cum a fost primul volum al seriei. Dar, cu siguranță, găsim aici o Theodosia mai matură, mai curajoasă și dispusă la orice sacrificiu pentru eliberarea țării sale. Iar dacă este posibil fără a-i abandona pe cei care au ajutat-o încă de la început, cu atât mai bine. Un dark fantasy incitant, plin de personaje puternice, dar umane: cu calități și defecte.
O luptă pentru eliberarea Astreei, cu puține șanse de izbândă. Dar purtată cu credința că este unicul lucru demn de făcut.

O lectură care aduce un plus de adrenalină, o lecție despre diplomație, dorințe ascunse și puteri nebănuite.
Recenzia mea completa o găsiți aici:
Profile Image for Suzzie.
924 reviews166 followers
February 12, 2019
I really liked Ash Princess but Lady Smoke was much better! This one was intense and you are more invested in the characters and plot so the 500+ pages just fly by. Readers will grow more attached to the characters in this one than they were in the first, but a couple things were predictable. However, the predictability did not take anything away from the story or the enjoyment of the story. Just a very good sequel and that ending…oh my! Cress got to go though. She a bit overdone now…

My quick and simple overall: really satisfying sequel that leaves readers waiting for book three ASAP.
Profile Image for Amanda.
221 reviews21 followers
May 9, 2019
Review taken from Literary Weaponry

As you can see above, I rated this book 2.5/5 and that was being generous. So, all things considered, this is going to be more of a rant than anything else. SPOILERS WILL FOLLOW.


Did I warn you enough about spoilers? Did you get the point? Good. Moving on.

I had preordered this book and received it on release day back in February. When I read Ash Princess, the first book in this trilogy, I had genuinely enjoyed it. There was an engaging plot that had a lot of room to be built upon and several characters with room and opportunity for amazing growth. I cracked open Lady Smoke just a few days ago very much looking forward to see that building and growth.

What I got was more of a trash fire and I am pretty pissed.

Just glancing back at the notes I took while reading this book, the very first one is from about 14% into the book and states,

“None of these characters have the combined sense to fill a teaspoon. How are they all so dim witted.”

Folks, it didn’t get much better from there.

Theodosia has her freedom from the Kaiser and intends to start a war to take back her kingdom with the help of her long lost pirate aunt and the aid of a rich, prosperous kingdom in exchange for her hand in marriage. Sounds like this plot could be exciting and entertaining, right?


Instead you are treated to page after page after page of whining, selfishness, short sightedness, and such an utter lack of sense that it is dumbfounding.

Theo determinedly says on multiple occasions that she will do anything to help her people, how much they mean to her, and how much she wishes to free her kingdom from the Kaiser’s rule. Of course, there are some stipulations to that. She turns up her nose and doesn’t want to see the conditions they have been forced to live in as refugees in whatever the heck kingdom it is that she is husband shopping in. I don’t care enough to look it up, the name is unimportant as is Theodosia.

That should be a first clue, right? If your supposed queen doesn’t want to see her people living in poor conditions, merely wants to visit them and make internal comments on the smell before returning back to the cushy palace, maybe she isn’t the best queen for the job, hm? Oh, and heaven forbid one of her entourage tries to visit the people, understand their plights and troubles, and be seen as a beacon of hope because Theo is sure going to complain about that, too. So inconvenient, she could have been back to the non smelly palace by now. Oh no!

There are no reasonable quotes to pull from this book so all quotes are going to come from my personal notes I took while reading…

“Hey, someone is trying to kill me. I should sneak around alone in the middle of the night and get into elevators with strange men three times my size! I’m such a brilliant queen.” -Theo the dimwit

You think I’m kidding but I’m not kidding. There was an attack on her life, in front of a room absolutely full of people and guards, and what does her dumb butt do? Go meandering around a strange palace in the middle of the night, getting into an elevator alone with a stranger, just to go get her flirt on with someone in a dungeon. Give. Me. A. Break. Any woman who has been alive more than five minutes knows better than to get into an elevator alone with a man ESPECIALLY if that man is three times your size, it is the middle of the night, and there is someone trying to kill you. How utterly stupid can you be?

I hate Theodosia so much. Calls herself queen but she only serves herself. A good queen does what is right, not only what serves her personal interests.

This happens over and over and over again throughout this book. She only thinks of herself. Only serves her own interests. Above I pointed out her being a spoiled little brat about the refugees living in squaller but I have more examples to share with you! One of her court or entourage or whatever she calls it is mine sick. If you’ve read Ash Princess you know what that is but for those that don’t remember, it means that you have extraordinary powers that you can’t control and can kill everyone around you and yourself. The person with this affliction intelligently goes, “Hey, maybe I shouldn’t be around people.” What does Theo do? Make him stay with her because of sentimentality. They were friends as a children, he helped save her from the Kaiser, so of course she can’t use common sense. That would simply be beyond the scope of her limited intelligence.

My 2.5 stars is genuinely probably more than this book deserves but I did give it a few points for the ending. In a nutshell there is a big battle and Theo isn’t a complete idiot. It was so refreshing! Thinking back, the battle wasn’t even that interesting or well written but it was so nice to not listen to whining and poor decision making for a couple of chapters that it was like reading gold.

There is so much else I could put in this review like the miserably written love triangle, killing the only character with half a teaspoon of sense, pretending that Theo is a strong character and then allowing her to get walked all over, and the plot that held on with only the most tenuous of grasp but I think that you all get my point.

Theo is stupid, selfish, self centered, and childish. Her court are short sighted and shallow minded fools. My dog has more sense than these simple minded plebeians.

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Profile Image for Yoda.
576 reviews130 followers
March 17, 2019
I love this series all of it, writing style, setting, dialogues, characters, everything. The only thing I need explained is Theo/Blaise relationship, I don´t understand it and I think its written messily on purpose.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Caylynn.
763 reviews94 followers
January 26, 2024
Reread review- I feel as though I should have waited another day to reread these two books because I CANNOT WAIT TWO MORE DAYS UNTIL Ember Queen!!! I CAN'T DO IT, GUYS. I need this conclusion, guys.

But yeah. This was definitely still a 5/5 star read, even though I'm dying for the conclusion. If-for some reason- you haven't picked up this trilogy yet, DO IT.

Soren clenches his jaw and yanks the man's arms until he cries out. "Her name is Queen Theodosia, and if you won't apologize for disrespecting her, I'll let her men have you and I'll describe your last moments to your wife so that she knows how pathetically you died."

Mattin grunts, eyes dropping away. "I apologize."

"I accept your apology," I say coldly. "I hope you come to see that a woman can wield power beyond what's between her legs- for your daughter's sake if nothing else."

Well, hot damn. Lemme tell you something. There is definitely NO Second Book Syndrome in this trilogy, thank you very much.

And LOOK at that POWER COUPLE. Soren/Theo for LIFE.

But really, though. Everyone in this book fucking levels UP. It's like looking at a side-by-side of Dany, Cersei, Arya and Jon from Game of Thrones from season 1 and season 7. This group of rebels has


This sequel takes place pretty much right after the events at the end of Ash Princess. Like, a few hours later. Now that Theo has escaped from the Kaiser with the help of her friends and Prinz Soren, she takes Soren "hostage" and utilizes the help of the pirate known as Dragonsbane to flee to a country on the other side of the world. Well, I think Sta'Crivero is the "other side of the world". Hypothetically.

Once Theo and her little band of rebels arrives to Sta'Crivero, she is quickly swept up in a bunch of "suitor" events, since Dragonsbane has convinced Theo that she needs to marry a strong country in order to have the power to take her kingdom back and free her people. Cue the drama, tension, and bitchy quotes you'll want to use in response to unwanted advances.

This was kind of a weird, slightly similar, convoluted version of The Selection? Except BETTER? I really don't know how to describe this story. Just that it is DAMN good. And the plot still moves along at a nice pace.

In the sequel, we get a shit ton of character development. We learn about the motivations behind more of the characters, like Soren, Dragonsbane, Artemisia, Heron, Erik and Blaise. Everyone gets closer, especially Theo, her crew, and Soren. Seriously, they have some cute sleepover scenes at the palace in Sta'Crivero that I absolutely loved. Laura Sebastian does an incredible job of balancing out the severity of the situation Theo is in, and lighthearted scenes with her friends.

Theo makes mistakes, obviously, but she also learns from them. She doesn't give up, she changes to use the situation she's in and the people she is with to her advantage. She's also dealing with the consequences of spending ten years under the thumb of the Kaiser. She and Soren both spend a good chunk of this book wondering if the Kaiser has negatively affected both of them in a more permanent way than, say, PTSD.
I turn to Soren. "Do you still worry that you're the same as your father?"
"Not as much as I used to, but still often enough. Why?"
"Sometimes I worry I'm like him, too. He's left his mark on me, not just my body or my mind but my soul as well. Sometimes I worry he shaped me."

I don't know. To me a huge theme of this book is facing the consequences of actions, ones that have already happened, and ones that are currently happening. It's something that I hardly ever see in YA novels, so this is SO refreshing. Theo accepts that things are the way they are now and that there's no going back, but that doesn't mean that she can't use what's happened to further her cause.
"I died the Queen of Peace, and peace died with me," she says after a moment. "But you are the Queen of Flame and Fury, Theodosia, and you will set their world on fire.

Just give me the last book, already!!
Profile Image for Brittany.
1,045 reviews154 followers
February 17, 2019
4 Stars!!

“A queen without a crown, without a throne, without a coronation. What, exactly, do you imagine you're queen of?”

Lady Smoke picks up right where Ash Princess left off. Theo is trying to get everything in order on her travels with Dragons-bane and her fleet. They are all looking for allies to take down the Kaiser and Cress.

Things I Liked:
Theo shows a ton of growth in this book as her character falls in line with the title of Queen. Shes starting to come into herself and really see what kind of leader she will make. She has lots of hard decisions to make and she is learning everything as she goes along.

My ship.... oh my ship .... ITS STILL KICKING!! Things may be a little rocky but Im telling you Im going down with this one!!

The Shadows - They bring so much more to the book! I just love them- Heron, Blaise and Art all protect and handle Theo in their own individual ways. Art doesnt take any crap and is always mouthing off to her, but at the same time has Theo's back no matter what. Heron is quiet - yet he also will stand up to Theo when he is not on board with something. Blaise.... will do anything for Theo even if it means he has to pay with his life. He loves her and is so loyal- as her oldest friend- these two have an unbreakable bond.

The ending... I NEED BOOK 3 now!!!!

What I didn't really like:

Some parts dragged a bit unlike the first book. There was also something major that happens towards the end - and the way it was handled had me scratching my head.. like is this really how this is about to go down?? I needed something bigger after everything Theo went through. I dont want to spoil anything but I personally needed this person to be put through HELL.. And maybe he was a little but not to my satisfaction. It just felt a bit lazy.

Lady Smoke was a really good read. I have seen some people like this one more than Ash Princess. But for me, I find that Lady Smoke suffered a little bit of middle book syndrome. I cant put my finger on what it was, but something was missing. Im not worried though- I think whatever it was will come back in full force once I read the final book. I still 100% recommend this series!
Profile Image for Sophie "Beware Of The Reader".
1,426 reviews379 followers
May 1, 2019
Buddy read with Angy.

I read it in two days as I really was immersed into the story. It was slower in the beginning as I had to remember everything that had happened in the first book and who was who.

I like Theodosia better in this second book. She has matured and changed from the frightened little girl. Being far from the Kaiser is helping her of course. I like that she is experienced in navigating royal court and gives as good as she gets all with a saccharine smile. Yet she never loses sight of the big picture and her goal to free her people. You could say she has an iron hand in a velvet glove. She will play the idiot and frivolous Queen to have others underestimate her. Even if she wants to bash some skull each time the king calls her “my dear” LOL
She is ready to sacrifice her happiness for her people yet she would never sacrifice her friends. Loyalty is another of her traits that I admire most.

My only “dislike” is the pace. We spend a very long time in Sta’Crivero when Theodosia is meeting with suitors. I would not say nothing happened as it would not be true: you have assassination, the discovery of the camps, the strategizing, the progression of Blaise’s “illness” … but once they’ll be out (I won’t say much) everything will happen so fast, leaving me frustrated. And of course the cliffy because I hate cliffy LOL But in a series that’s unavoidable.

I wonder how the next book will play out. I hope Theodosia will succeed in what she wants to do (shhhh not telling more). I also think she has much to grow into but I so love the woman she is becoming. So far from the frightened puppet child!
Profile Image for Feyre.
1,197 reviews117 followers
July 21, 2020
"aber was nutzen ihnen juwelengeschmückte Roben oder kunstvolle Türme, wenn sie kein Wasser mehr zu trinken haben?"

2,25 Sterne
Nach Ash Princess war ich durchaus neugierig, wie es mit Theo weitergeht. Doch ich hatte echte Schwierigkeiten wieder in diese Welt hineinzufinden. Ich konnte mir einfach nicht mehr merken, wer wer ist. Eine Beziehung zu Theo war für mich auch Fehlanzeige und die Dreieckbeziehung empfand ich schlicht als nervig.
Das überschattete für mich vieles, was spannend war und auch durchaus gut (wenn auch nicht überragend) erzählt. Ob ich wissen will, wie es im dritten Teil weitergeht, darüber bin ich mir noch nicht schlüssig...
Profile Image for Nana .
1,201 reviews36 followers
February 20, 2020
Disfruté de este libro más de lo que esperaba. Una gran continuación de la historia de Theo y estoy intrigada y emocionada de ver como termina su historia.
Profile Image for Sasha .
293 reviews286 followers
July 16, 2019
It was as the first book a 3 stars for me. I enjoyed it but I wasn't like sucked in to the story.

I still really want to read the last book in the series...
I felt like it was slower (maybe lots slower I don't know) but I really enjoyed the character developments in that one. We actually got to understand more some of the characters... But still some behaviour didn't make sense...
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,827 reviews

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