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Fallen Crest High #6

Fallen Crest. Dom

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Gdy przyjaciele się odwracają, wrogowie wychodzą z ukrycia…

Sam i Mason wreszcie mogą spędzić ze sobą więcej czasu. Po ostatnich starciach z wrogami potrzebują chwili wytchnienia. Do Fallen Crest przybywa jednak największy wróg dziewczyny – jej biologiczna matka.

Wakacyjna przerwa w niczym nie przypomina bajki. Mason musi odbyć staż w firmie ojca, aby zaliczyć semestr. Z kolei Sam próbuje odnaleźć się w miasteczku, które nie jest już takie samo jak kiedyś.

Los stawia przed nimi nowe trudności do pokonania. Czy mają w sobie jeszcze wystarczająco dużo siły, aby zawalczyć o szczęście?

400 pages, Paperback

First published April 17, 2017

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April 18, 2017
No surprise what so ever that this book was BRILLIANT!! Another story filled with drama, chaos, deceit, manipulation, hope and love. All the same amazing characters and the bad ass personalities that goes with each of them. The ending...what can I say other than, release book 7 now!!

Tijan continues to prove she is a master at storytelling with each book released.

FALLEN CREST UNIVERSITY (5) (Coming August 25th!)



Profile Image for GimmeAllTheWerdssss.
593 reviews241 followers
April 26, 2017
It's a bad sign when you start hating the main characters....

I shouldn't have read this. For me it all started going downhill at Fallen Crest University. I lost love for Logan in that book, Sam became more melodramatic, and the drama was way OTT. Then the disaster of Logan Kade happen and I lost all love for Logan. This just sealed the deal that I should have walked away three books ago.

Mason is the only MC that I have any love left for and he's the only reason I gave this a try. Melinda disappointed me, Mark disappointed me, Sam was a drama queen to the extreme, Taylor was irrelevant, Heather didn't get enough page time, and it was all just ridiculousness.

One reviewer said it was the first three book all over again and I have to agree...just drama for dramas sake.
Profile Image for Snow.
2,260 reviews696 followers
April 18, 2017
4.5 "Mason & Sam" stars

Damn, Tijan did it again!

This is, what? Sixth book in the Fallen Crest High series and you'd think that nothing could be "new" about the "old" crowd, you might think differently about that once you've read this... or not...LOL, yet you'd be immersed into "their" world once again...

either way, Mason & Samantha are here to stay. Their love is stronger than ever and it's still as breathtakingly stunning as it's powerful. He does everything in his power to protect her, shield her, reassure her while letting her free to spread her wings.
"Do you not realize the lengths I'll go for you?" he asked softly. "I scare even myself, Sam. There's nothing I won't do for you."

Yes, Mason, he's something alright...God, i love that guy!
Mason was known as the fighter, the protector, the strong one. Sometimes I forgot how beautiful he was on the inside, too.

God damn, if that ain't the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God!

I would think that by book 6, shit can't get any more shittier, well true, the crowd is just slightly older now BUT the old grudge and the faults/mischifs of the past years come to haunt them all now and even threaten their future...BUT what comes to haunt them along with the past is the notion that they have other options now, the option to change their ways...cause even with the blurred ties of disfunctional families, lies, deceits still lurking around the corners for them while they are taking the "break from the Cain University, during the summer, it's still out there, the notion that , no matter "where" they end up they will always be "it" for each other.
He tucked some hair behind my ear, and then I felt his lips against mine again. Yes. Home. That's what this was.

and that the "old" ways of dealing with all the shit maybe belong to the past, after all...or do they?

so, with this ending Tijan leaves us with another expectation, burning anticipation as we'll have to wait to see Sam's answer, considering her demons and the shit scarred tissue that made her walls high, would she finally break them fully down, in Fallen Crest Forever

we have to wait and see...
Profile Image for Christy.
4,181 reviews34.9k followers
February 28, 2023
4 stars

These 'Fallen Crest' books are wild and addicting and this one had so many turns and I couldn't stop listening.

Sam and the Kade brothers are on break from college and back at Fallen Crest for the summer. There is some unexpected drama, as well as characters from the past coming into play. The big wedding we've all been waiting for finally happens and the end leaves such a cliffhanger, I'm definitely going to be reading sooner rather than later.

What I love most about these books is not only the familial aspect, but the found family friend group they have as well. Mason and Logan are something else, but they're 100% loyal to their people and I love that about them. I also love that no matter what craziness is going on in these books the Mason and Sam relationship always feels solid.
Audio book source: Audible
Story Rating: 4 stars
Narrators: Graham Halstead & Saskia Maarleveld
Narration Rating: 4 stars
Genre: New Adult Romance
Length: 10h 4m
Profile Image for Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘.
1,314 reviews3,011 followers
June 11, 2018
⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱*Soon done with the series*⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱
This review is purely for me and might contain spoilers and facts from the book to keep myself in the known at all time. It's also long and somewhat detailed.

Sixth book with Samantha ‘Sam’ Jacquelyn Strattan (19? 20?) and her boyfriend, Mason ‘Mase’ James Kade (20? 21?). It's summer break before a new year of school; Mason's Senior year in college and Logan and Sam's Junior year in college. Mason and Sam were spending the summer in Fallen Crest because he had an internship with his father’s company to fulfill a requirement for his business degree. Unfortunately, not all goes as planned; there's an old enemy and a new one in the fight against the Kades. Sam has to deal with her mother being there and to distract herself she gets a job at the local carnival with Mark, while Mason has to work with a guy he used to hate, Adam.
“Do you not realize the lengths I’ll go for you?” he asked softly.
A pocket of air caught and held in my throat.
He leaned forward, his forehead resting on mine. “I scare even myself, Sam. There’s nothing I won’t do for you.”

Since I skipped the Logan Kade Fallen Crest High #5.5, things didn't feel complete. Apparently one have to read that one to read this one, though no one had told me and now I'm kinda struck dumb. Who is this Taylor girl? I didn't even care, but Logan felt wrong in this book. Not because he has a girlfriend, but because I didn't get their connection. In fact, Taylor seemed weak as fuck and she was barely there. You could easily see that Sam and her wasn't close. Hell she didn't even feel close to her boyfriend nor Mason. I didn't like her, and I kinda want her gone. Overall, I was a bit disappointed in this book. Sure, the action was good, but it kinda felt like an repeat of the previous books in the series. It was predictable, too. Also, I hated the ending.
“If you want to do something, help us with Caldron. He’s a problem we need dealt with. Do that for us.”
“And what do I get in return?”
“Nothing.” I leaned forward, resting my hands on the desk to stare him in the eyes. “Because that’s what parents do. They give without asking in return. Do the right thing for your sons, for once.”

Other characters:
I've put these in a spoilers tag simply because it's a bit long list.
“It’s not for you to worry about. It’s not even for you to think about. There was a time I wanted my own child, but I had you, and those were the days when I worried whether Analise would even let me keep you as a daughter. You were enough for me. Then I was lucky and got Malinda and Mark, too. I have a daughter and a son, and two more stepchildren with Mason and Logan—four if you count Nate and Matteo. I’m very blessed.”

Quick basic facts:
Genre: - (Young Adult/Mature) Contemorary Romance.
Series: - Series, Book Six.
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Favorite character? - Mason Kade.
Would I read more by this author/or of series? - Sure.
Would I recommend this book/series? - Sure.
Will I read this again in the future? - Probably not.
Rating - 2.5 stars.
Profile Image for politetemper.
191 reviews11 followers
April 18, 2017
OK. So I don't want to be negative...but these books are just getting more and more cringey.

It's annoying and frustrating. they literally keep doing the same things over and over. It was cute and "badass" in highschool but now they always go on about being "men" yet behave like that.

And Sam. Oh boy Sam.
I used to love Sam but she's getting a bit annoying now. She overreacts to everything and it's actually so awkward and cringey. Like get a grip girl! It's not the end of the world. She used to be a badass but not she's just whiny.

And the whole Sam and Mason relationship. The "need" to be with each other all the time. The "need" that takes over every time they see each other...seriously? Over dramatic much?

I don't want to spoil it for anyone but the cliffhanger at the end? Come on now. Lets be honest, football players get away with A LOT of things much worse than what Mason did. It's a bit ridiculous.

Oh and not to spoil things but 13 on 3 or whatever...really? Please.

Not to be mean but I used to LOVE this series but it hasn't been the same since the first book. It hasn't captured the same magic. Just my opinion.
July 15, 2024
It’s been years since my mother was in my life.
I healed.
I learned to accept love.
I lived.
That’s all done. She was away, and now she’s back.
I avoided her for a year and a half, but I couldn’t hide anymore.
Mason had an internship in Fallen Crest, so we headed back for the summer.
And when we got there—no one was prepared for what happened.

I can't explain how in love I am with the characters! (True Story) I can't think right now I'm so excited for May to see where this story goes from here. The Kades always land on top! As always Tijan delivers an epic storyline an outstanding ending. It seemed like I've waited for this book to get here and it's done. I'm gonna read this series again!

If you love a epic love story, trustworthy friends and die hard fight scenes then this is indeed your go to series!
Profile Image for Stephanie.
8 reviews5 followers
April 18, 2017
The wait for these books literally kills me every time !! I am so incredibly excited I actually scare myself with how overly emotional I get about it. Tijan is my crack and my god am I addicted !!

. . .

It finally arrived!!! And as always, Tijan never disappoints. So many twists and turns, and that ending! I wasn't ready for the bomb to drop, I now hate Adam more than ever.
I now begin the wait for Fallen Crest Forever and the anticipation continues to grow.
Profile Image for Lo Bookfrantic.
802 reviews589 followers
April 24, 2017
3.5 stars

I found myself conflicted after finishing this book. I feel like I have been waiting for it for so long and for some weird reason the first 30% just dragged for me. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed all the characters I have loved them since the beginning but I felt like something was missing while reading it. I can say that Mason was so freaking amazing and beautiful on this book. This book was dual point of view from Sam and Mason.

Even though the ending was a bit predictable I still liked it. I found myself grinning hard as well having Logan and his amazing attitude I feel like he makes the books so much better. I seriously can't wait to find out how this series is going to end.

Readers following the series will really enjoy this book and anyone who loves drama and madness too haha.
Profile Image for ♡Tonya♡.
2,060 reviews573 followers
April 17, 2017
I've been waiting for a year and a half for this book! Although that is way too long, I definitely devoured it. I started this series long ago and I will hate to see it end. I really appreciate the dynamics between Mason, Sam and Logan. They vowed to never let anything break them up and I will be devastated if anything does.
I wanted to shake Sam a few times for some of her thoughts she has going on in her head. It ends with a cliffhanger and I am only hoping for the best from the next book.
Profile Image for Nicla.
416 reviews336 followers
September 19, 2018
Really loved this installment. I can't believe that cliffhanger ending though. I am so glad I waited until the final books was out to read this because I need to know what is going to happen now. Mason was amazing in this series. The way he loved and protected Sam was perfect. Highly recommend this series if you are looking for a drama-filled YA/NA read.

Any push/pull
Any couple separation
Angst Level: High
Heat Level: High
Profile Image for Yolandi Bosch.
113 reviews
April 17, 2017

It was okay. Sam was very irritating in this book (for me). She just kept on screwing up and running from her past and problems, Mason is the one paying for her stupidity. Adam Quinn and Becky why, just why? This whole story was just a remix of all the previous ones.
My shining light in this book was Heather and Matteo they were by far the most interesting of all the secondary characters. I would have loved to read more on them.
I will be getting the next book to finish this series but I do hope it will be an improvement on this book.
Profile Image for Marcella.
876 reviews33 followers
April 27, 2017
4 Kade Brother stars!!

One thing I will always love about this series is the DRAMAAAA...it's infectious! Two brother's who rule Fallen Crest, they have no shortage of enemies and those enemies have their sight set on Mason's girl. They need to change...because they can't have their loved ones targeted...they can't have Sam targeted. And everyone knows that she's the Kade brother's weakness.

The brother dynamic Mason and Logan have is so perfect, they balance each other out so well. But they both know things have to be different. No more blowing up cars or burning down buildings. No more illegal stuff...well not if they can avoid it. But they'll do anything to protect Sam and Taylor being affected by their past actions.

Looking forward to the next book! I can feel the end coming!! And I don't think I'm ready :(
Profile Image for Grey.
442 reviews47 followers
April 23, 2017
Like putting on a favorite hoodie and ski mask... oh wait, sorry, I was channeling my inner Kade. Fallen Crest Home, was perfectly titled, because I felt like I *was* home. Hey, hey the gang is all here... Tijan, what are you doing with this cliffy though?? Glad that Fallen Crest Forever is coming out soon, or I would be going insane right now!

4 "shake 'em up...beat 'em up... go for a run... but you can't escape your problems, we'll still be the fearsome threesome" stars!
Profile Image for Siobhan Davis.
Author 114 books9,017 followers
April 18, 2017
Well, that was like literary crack for my soul. So EPIC! Loved every page. Stayed up until 3 am and had to put it down as I was so tired. Two hours later I picked it up again as I couldn't go to sleep because my mind was conjuring up all kinds of scenarios for what was going to happen. So, yes, I finished it at 7.30am this morning and got up to work on only two hours sleep. Like a zombie today but so worth it. Man, I LOVE this series so much. I'm already sad at the prospect of it drawing to a close even though we have FC7 to come next month. Could read about these characters forever. Love Mason Kade. Sam is still a little irritating at times and I wanted to bash her head against the wall a few times during my reading of this book but it in no way dented my enjoyment. These characters are like old friends at this stage. Wonderfully entertaining. And the chemistry between Sam and Mase is the best I have ever read - it gives me chills all over. I get all the feels with this series. Massive book hangover now. Roll on May.
Profile Image for Anne Mercier.
Author 107 books1,755 followers
April 23, 2017
This was the most intense of all the FC books... and that's saying something considering everything that happened in FC Family. Tijan gives us a story that is full of drama and powerful, and I chewed on my thumbnail quite a bit worrying and wondering how and why ...

I don't even have the words. I just can't even... so I'll say this. This story touched me as these are characters I have come to think of as friends, getting closer and more involved with them with each and every book. Fallen Crest Home is though provoking, emotional on many levels, complex, and I'm going to reread it again tonight. Fallen Crest Home is Tijan at her finest.

If you haven't read any of Tijan's books before, you need to. Start with Mason (Fallen Crest High 0.5). You're going to be hooked just as I am.
Profile Image for Ally.
42 reviews13 followers
April 18, 2017
3.5 stars

I don't often write reviews on here. I felt like I needed to explain myself for this one because I adore this series but there was something a bit off for me in this one. Sam is probably my all time favorite heroine but I really found myself struggling to like her in this book, I found her to be a bit childish in her actions, I didn't like that she seemed to have a lack of respect for Mason by putting herself in these stupid situations and potentially jeopardizing his future because of her actions. I understand she's had it tough but I've come to know her as the tough feisty girl that stands her ground so this was hard for me to read as she felt like the beginning of book 1 Sam again which I didn't enjoy.

I also felt like the 'bad guy' story line was a bit pointless. I'm assuming as Tijan is a master that all will be revealed in the final book but only reading this book I felt like it was kind of a book filler? I'm really looking forward to the final book despite my reservations about this one. I also hope Mason gets his happy ending, he out of everyone really deserves it!

Profile Image for Mercedes.
565 reviews106 followers
April 30, 2017
3.5 Stars

This series has been so good. I discovered Tijan fairly early on in my romance reading and I’ve loved most everything she’s done. Some of her more recent releases have been a bit of a struggle for me, Logan’s book, and this one have fallen short for me. While reading this one, I just wasn’t engaged in it, I thought it was dragging and then when it picked up a bit I felt like I was having deja vu, it seemed like the same action that had been in the previous books.

If you’ve liked the series so far, odds are you’ll like this one too. It follows along in the footsteps of the previous books. I guess I was just hoping for something a bit different this time. It did pick up a bit for me toward the end. Though it was easy to see where things were headed it was an enjoyable ending. I will definitely read the next one but I also can’t wait for Tijan to explore new places outside of Fallen Crest.
Profile Image for Scarlett Leva.
Author 8 books63 followers
June 19, 2017
Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!!

I must say that Sam impressed me a little in this one. I love when she reminded James of what should be expected from a parent. Parents should do things for their kids without expecting anything in return. That scene, I labeled her as a BADASS... Her Badassness ends there for me.

Mason ever loyal and protective of the woman he loves. My heart broke for him at the ending. I felt Samantha placed herself in situations without thinking of the consequences. This frustrated the heck out of me. I wanted to slap her at times. Her actions placed Mason in bad situations.

OMG and Logan with a woman he loves. Did I just spoil it. No, no... I can't believe it. Finally... It's good to see though.

I could go on and on but then I would spoil it. On to the final book in the series.
Profile Image for CeCe.
3,534 reviews109 followers
July 20, 2019
This was a disappointment. This was one of my favorite series.

The situations felt repetitive. Same old issues, just different day.

I love how Mason is still possessive alpha to Sam. I do love Mason, Logan, and Sam together.

I don't get the Logan and Taylor thing. It feels forced. Taylor is just there. She cares for her other friends more than anything, so I do not understand why the three of them trust her. Taylor needs to go. I think them breaking up and Logan finding someone who was smart, fierce, and loyal would add to the group. Find someone else for Logan. I loved reading scenes with Logan, but not when they are with Taylor.

I don't like the "cliffy". It left a bad taste.
Profile Image for Jenny.
61 reviews2 followers
April 26, 2017
This is the first book of Fallen Crest to which I'm giving below 5 stars. Actually I think that even 2 stars are too much for this crap. The book is so disappoiting. All the situations were predictable and there was anything exciting. Same old shit. I just wanted to skip half the book and to scream with furstration - “WHAT THE HELL TIJAN? WHY DID YOU RUIN THE STORY?“. And really, is Samantha getting dumber with each book?

P. S
Now after reviewing my post, I must admit that there was something good in the book. As always it was Logan.
Profile Image for Jo.
24 reviews
April 22, 2017
Couldn't finish. The sexism and cheesiness grows with every book in this series. Loved the first one but I had to stop reading with Sams friend wouldn't shake Mateos hand because her boyfriend was there and Matteo apologized for disrespecting. Also, Sam was stronger and more cutting in the 1st 2 books. She's gotten weaker and so much more dependant on men. Disappointed in where this series ended up.
Profile Image for Tessa.
513 reviews40 followers
April 28, 2017
Anyone who knows my book tastes knows I adore Fallen Crest stories. I can fangirl all day and dream about Mason like crazy. So, with that in mind, I have to say, this was a big improvement from the last book because Matteo is back. That said, of course I loved it, but I gave myself time away to really analyze how I felt.

First off, seeing Sam dealing and trying to keep secrets from Mason was fun. The running was back. The dealing with the evil parental unit was great. Loganisms... they were there, but not as much. The speach given was epic. The bad guy worked and felt like a FCH bad guy.

Now, for the things I realize after fangirl mode. I missed Logan. He's not in the first half. It shows a lot about Mason and gives him a growth, but I still miss him. Also, the secondary characters were there, but less (except Matteo! SBC forever!). One thing I realized as I was reading was the steam was subpar. In, out. In, out. *blinks* I expect more from Tijan honestly.

That said, the drama was still there, the tummy tensions were there, and the romance and all that I really love about FCH was there, so at the end of the day, yeah. I loved it.

4.5 stars
Profile Image for Tzelina.
502 reviews130 followers
July 18, 2018
What a ride!! 4.5 🌟🌟🌟🌟 for Mase & Sam love !! I really loved this series!!
Profile Image for LeylaReads.
184 reviews27 followers
May 16, 2017
I'll be honest I couldn't remember what happened on the previous books. Some of it.

It didn't pull my interest for awhile but throughout the book I knew what happened because it was like reading the other books all over again.
There was nothing new except the last 3 or 2 chapters. Which ended in a cliffhanger 😪
Even if it ended in cliffhanger I can predict what will happen.

But I honestly expected something different since the characters have grown up they should've become mature (except for Logan) and moved on. Hopefully

But what can I say? Overall it was 'OkAy' I guess. however this series is still one my favourites done by This amazing author
Love you Tijian😊

Favourite quote:

“You attack one, you attack all.”
Profile Image for Christina.
634 reviews24 followers
October 11, 2017
3.5 Stars - 2.5 Flames

I'm so happy that I've been able to catch up with this series. I'm a little sad that it's drawing closer to and end that I'm sure I'll have a very hard time coming to terms with. But, let's not jump ahead...

This installment picks up about a year and half since the fifth installment (but don't forget to read the Christmas short and Logan's story before this one). Mason is completing his college internship at his father's company, Logan is traveling Europe with Taylor (READ LOGAN) and his mom, James and Annelise are getting married in a few months and Sam is still avoiding her biological Mother. Sounds like a recipe made for disaster, right? Yep, pretty much.

Let's add in the fact that Sam is struggling to come to terms with the "new and improved" Annelise and what's expected of her, Mason is forced (I mean asked) to spy on Adam Quinn and his father, an old rivalry rears it's head and Sam and Mark working at the local carnival for the summer. What else could go wrong? I'd say a whole lot of everything!

Spoilers suck. So on that note, this is about all of the story you're getting out of me. Ok, I lied. You can get one more little tidbit. Do not think that for one minute you know what's going to happen, because in the end, you'll be left with your mouth wide open in shock. Yeah, I went there. You're welcome.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 702 reviews

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