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Prisoners of Geography, Children's Ed.: Our World Explained in 12 Simple Maps

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How did the USA become a superpower?
Why do people go to war?
And why are some countries rich while others are so poor?

Find the answers to these questions and many more in this eye-opening book, which uses maps to explain how geography has shaped the history of our world. Discover how the choices of world leaders are swayed by mountains, rivers and seas - and why geography means that history is always repeating itself. This remarkable, unique introduction to world affairs will inspire curious minds everywhere.

A stunning abridged and illustrated edition of the international bestseller Prisoners of Geography, by acclaimed author Tim Marshall.


"Quite simply, one of the best books about geopolitics you could imagine: reading it is like having a light shone on your understanding... Marshall is clear-headed, lucid and possessed of an almost uncanny ability to make the broad picture accessible and coherent ... the book is, in a way which astonished me, given the complexities of the subject, unputdownable... I can't think of another book that explains the world situation so well" -- Nicholas Lezard, Evening Standard

"A fresh way of looking at maps... as guideposts to the often thorny relations between nations" -- New York Times

80 pages, Hardcover

First published October 31, 2019

About the author

Tim Marshall

15 books2,146 followers
Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.

Tim Marshall was Diplomatic Editor and foreign correspondent for Sky News. After thirty years’ experience in news reporting and presenting, he left full time news journalism to concentrate on writing and analysis.

Originally from Leeds, Tim arrived at broadcasting from the road less traveled. Not a media studies or journalism graduate, in fact not a graduate at all, after a wholly unsuccessful career as a painter and decorator he worked his way through newsroom nightshifts, and unpaid stints as a researcher and runner before eventually securing himself a foothold on the first rung of the broadcasting career ladder.

After three years as IRN’s Paris correspondent and extensive work for BBC radio and TV, Tim joined Sky News. Reporting from Europe, the USA and Asia, Tim became Middle East Correspondent based in Jerusalem.

Tim also reported in the field from Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia during the Balkan wars of the 1990’s. He spent the majority of the 1999 Kosovo crisis in Belgrade, where he was one of the few western journalists who stayed on to report from one of the main targets of NATO bombing raids. Tim was in Kosovo to greet the NATO troops on the day they advanced into Pristina. In recent years he covered the conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria.

He has written for many of the national newspapers including the Times, the Guardian, the Daily Telegraph, and the Sunday Times.

Bio photo credit © Jolly Thompson

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 86 reviews
Profile Image for Chadi Raheb.
413 reviews399 followers
Want to read
June 7, 2022
Imagine if there were a children’s edition for every book you’ve read and loved! How adorable would that be?!
I would have passionately bought all of them for my own kid to have a reading group at home! :)

[No I don’t have a kid, and I won’t have any! But I would still buy those editions! For myself!😋]
June 8, 2021
Μοναδικό, εξαιρετικό, απολαυστικό!
Μικροί και μεγάλοι θα περάσουν τέλεια!
Profile Image for Nhan Phan.
65 reviews4 followers
May 1, 2022
This book was a fun read. It taught me a few interesting facts about the maps of politics. I used this book as a mini- summary of the full-text version to see if I would like it. The graphics were kind of difficult to follow and to visualize the idea that was being discussed. I also think that the texts could have been a little more in-depth for us readers to have a better understanding of the maps and everything associated with them. Will definitely read the full-text version :)
Profile Image for Queenie Nguyen.
98 reviews51 followers
May 14, 2024
Đây là cuốn sách dành cho độc giả trẻ với nhiều hình vẽ minh hoạ rất súc tích nhưng cũng rất đầy đủ và dễ hiểu. Tuy nhiên mình thấy ai cũng có thể đọc cuốn này chứ không những phải là độc giả trẻ, để có thể hiểu rõ hơn về địa lý cũng như lịch sử về một số quốc gia và vùng trên thế giới. Highly recommend các nhà xuất bản Việt Nam hay đem quyển này về ạ.
Profile Image for Mariah Dawn.
176 reviews1 follower
May 23, 2024
I read Prisoners of Geography some years ago, so I grabbed this to read alongside A Child’s Geography of the World with my son this year. He really enjoyed it and gives it 4 stars.
Profile Image for Mary.
443 reviews7 followers
June 14, 2020
Much better than the adults version, but staunchly blind to the UK's terrible influence on the world. Never mentions Ireland, which is fine, what do we matter, but goes into some detail on Belgium's colonial past and the negative effects of European invaders, while casually distinguishing them from "British" colonisers.

Also, just made me think how invading countries distance themselves from the damage they cause when carving up the world. These imaginary lines are named after the unfortunate MEN who drew the lines, or after the latitude they are on... Never "the USA's division of Korea" or "the British/French carving of Syria". Oh, but we have it all back to you, what's the problem???
2 reviews
July 11, 2020
Thank you for this book Maya, I learned some interesting snippets and am reading it again with the girls. I hope this is the start of a series of books in a similar format. Although aimed at children, it gives a good overview of world geography and politics and a perfect starting point for further reading.
Profile Image for Peter Wolfley.
717 reviews10 followers
May 16, 2022
An absolutely revelatory book about how the world’s geography is the driving force behind history and the future. There is no one school of thought to make complete sense of the world but this one is probably the best I’ve ever come across. Even in our technologically advanced age, geography still reigns supreme.
Profile Image for Κόκκινη  Αλεπού.
119 reviews44 followers
November 26, 2020
Στο “Οι αιχμάλωτοι της γεωγραφίας – 12 μεγάλοι χάρτες για να ανακαλύψετε την ιστορία και τον πολιτισμό, την ιστορία και τον πολιτισμό του κόσμου“, θα βρούμε αρκετό κείμενο και πλήθος πληροφοριών, συνοδευόμενα από την εικονογράφηση των Easton & Smith. Το βιβλίο αυτό αποτελεί διασκευή του τεράστιου best-seller του Marshall “Αιχμάλωτοι της Γεωγραφίας” που κυκλοφορεί κι αυτό από τις εκδόσεις Διόπτρα (μτφρ. Σπυρίδων Κατσούλας). Ενα βιβλίο που από την αρχή εξηγεί τον τρόπο που η γεωγραφία καθορίζει την πολιτική, τις κοινωνίες και τα γιατί των πολέμων. Η εικονογράφησή του είναι τέτοια που συμπληρώνει το κείμενο και σαν αποτέλεσμα έχουμε ένα βιβλίο για παιδιά 9+ ετών που εξάπτει το ενδιαφέρον και απαντάει σε πολλά από τα ερωτήματα των αναγνωστών, μικρών και μεγάλων.

Profile Image for Chris Sudall.
161 reviews2 followers
August 1, 2020
A very enjoyable book. It covers all the major landmasses and although it lacks detail it gives a decent sketch of the World's geography.
I have to admit it is quite depressing to read at times, looking at the way nations have behaved and carved out their borders.
Would be great for school age kids to read and get a rough grounding.
Profile Image for Laura Housley.
196 reviews1 follower
February 6, 2022
Flat out, we are living in a renaissance of children’s literature.
Reading this book from the award-winning-journalist author, I understood better the Russia-Ukraine conflict, learned that Norway is the country with the 2nd longest coastline (what?!) …. after Canada (that one makes sense), and in many other ways felt like I now know the world better. Thank you Mr. Marshall!
Profile Image for Diana.
218 reviews5 followers
May 18, 2021
Großartig! Hier werden tatsächlich die Zusammenhänge zwischen einigen Ländern mit der geografischen Lage verknüpft. Und das kindgerecht. Ein sehr wichtiges Buch!
Profile Image for Saurav Poudel.
118 reviews4 followers
January 30, 2022
Not just a kids' book. A great read for curious adults if history, geography, and art interest you.

Great information strung beautifully by a convincing narrative and beautiful illustrations.
Profile Image for Aubrey Burke.
78 reviews3 followers
February 28, 2024
I consider myself fairly well versed in geography, but I learned so much from this book! Great short bits of really good info.
Profile Image for Joanne.
1,502 reviews37 followers
June 22, 2024
Good read to bone up on before your next round of Quizzo, or to impress the fam the next time you watch Jeopardy together—just watch their faces as you blow them away with your knowledge of the Danube!

The impact of the earth’s physical properties on the economic and political history of mankind is made clear here through simple, infographic-stylized gouache maps. Each continent and region is featured.

While designed primarily for middle schoolers, I think readers of all ages would dig it. I pored over it for several hours and learned a lot. I plan on picking up Tim Marshall’s ‘adult’ version soon, from which this was adapted.
April 15, 2021
Túto knihu som požičala z detskej knižnice bez veľkých očakávaní, ale pozitívne ma prekvapila. Ukazuje prepojenie geografie, geopolitiky a histórie v zaujímavých súvislostiach, takže si v nej niečo našli nielen deti, ale aj ja. Navyše je krásne ilustrovaná.
93 reviews
March 19, 2022
Such a wonderfully accessible and interesting glimpse into the role geography has played on the world throughout history and today. The beautiful maps, timelines, and graphics make the historical, political, and geographical information connect and come alive! While this is technically a children’s book, I learned so much and am thankful to have this resource to help me better understand and talk about the conflicts going on in the world today (especially with my own teenagers and children).
Profile Image for Emma.
704 reviews146 followers
July 3, 2022
Every child should read this to learn about the natural resources and political powers which shape our planet for better and for worse
Profile Image for Elfo-oscuro.
810 reviews35 followers
April 4, 2022
Es una version ilustrada muy reducida pero esta muy bien diseñada, aunque se te pueda hacer muy corto, pero bueno, siempre te quedara el libro al que adapta
Profile Image for Alan.
294 reviews6 followers
March 13, 2022
Read the full length book in 2020. This is for my grandson, but I needed to read this version.
Profile Image for Akemi G..
Author 9 books142 followers
June 7, 2022
I picked this up to see if the original book for adults is worth reading, and also, children’s version is often fun to read with more pictures.

I have mixed feelings. If a reader doesn’t already have a good understanding of world history, this book probably doesn’t make much sense. Sure, there are sections that introduce history, but it’s too abbreviated, and sometimes misleading.

For example, Europe was NOT ideal for farming much of history. It’s too far north, summer was often not warm enough, resulting in poor harvest. You know what changed the game? Potatoes from the New World. The humble but hardy potatoes. However, this book makes it appear as if Europe is blessed with geography and therefore it’s natural that Europeans have thrived. The way it explains the 18th century industrial revolution as a direct result of this blessing … gosh.

Generally speaking, what agricultural improvement brings is population growth, not necessarily more people who can spend time doing something else. Meanwhile, there have always been upper end people who had spare time. Then why did the industrial revolution happen in Europe? Capitalism. Ancient Romans could build a small device with steam power, but they knew it was dangerous to make larger system with it. Capitalists didn’t care factory and locomotive railway accidents as long as the overall balance was profitable, so they encouraged these inventions.

Additionally, there are minor errors. One is Japan’s territorial claim of the Kuril Islands; J is claiming only the southern four islands (and a handful of tiny isles near one of them). I do like the book discuss the tension in East Asia.
Profile Image for Monica.
152 reviews11 followers
January 12, 2020
Makes key info about how the world works accessible to the shortest attention spans. Not just children's.
Profile Image for Agis Ntoulias.
Author 1 book18 followers
May 16, 2021

Ως αναγνώστης που απόλαυσα το πρωτότυπο "Αιχμάλωτοι της Γεωγραφίας" δε θα μπορούσα να μην πιάσω στα χέρια μου και την εικονογραφημένη έκδοση για παιδιά. Το βιβλίο αποτελείται από 12 καλαίσθητους και πολύχρωμους χάρτες που τραβούν το μάτι, με αφηγηματικές επεξηγήσεις να παρεμβάλλονται σε διάφορα σημεία του καθένα από αυτούς.

Όπως και στο πρωτότυπο, έτσι κι εδώ ταξιδεύουμε σε όλον τον πλανήτη (Ρωσία, Κίνα, ΗΠΑ, Καναδά, Ευρώπη, Αφρική, Μέση Ανατολή, Ινδία και Πακιστάν, Κορέα και Ιαπωνία, Λατινική Αμερική, Αυστραλία -η οποία απουσίαζε από το πρωτότυπο- και Αρκτική). Παρουσιάζεται αρχικά ο χάρτης της χώρας-περιοχής, με τις παρεμβαλόμενες επεξηγήσεις που ανέφερα, ενώ τις επόμενες σελίδες με όμορφη εικονογράφηση παρατίθεται η ιστορική εξέλιξη και κάποια σημαντικά για την κάθε χώρα ζητήματα. Για παράδειγμα στην Ρωσία γίνεται εστίαση στα παγωμένα της λιμάνια και πώς αυτά αναδεικνύουν τη σπουδαιότητα της Κριμαίας για τους Ρώσους, στην Κίνα αναλύεται η σημασία του Θιβέτ, ενώ στις ΗΠΑ η αξία του Μισισιπή και ο ρόλος τους ως παγκόσμιας υπερδύναμης.

Το μεγάλο πλεονέκτημα του βιβλίου είναι ο αφηγηματικός του χαρακτήρας. Με στείρα παράθεση χαρτών, ονομάτων χωρών, βουνών, ποταμών, λιμνών ή άλλων γεωγραφικών στοιχείων θα ήταν πολύ δύσκολο να καταστεί το αντικείμενο της γεωγραφίας θελκτικό στα περισσότερα παιδιά. Στο "Αιχμάλωτοι της Γεωγραφίας" όμως ο γεωγραφικός χάρτης συνδέεται οργανικά με μια ιστορική ή πολιτική αφήγηση (με την κατάλληλη βέβαια προσαρμογή της γλώσσας για μικρές ηλικίες) και με εικόνες που "ζωντανεύουν" αυτή την αφήγηση. Έτσι ένας μικρός αναγνώστης μπορεί να κατανοήσει πώς οι πλωτοί ποταμοί και τα υπόλοιπα γεωγραφικά χαρακτηριστικά της Δυτικής Ευρώπης οδήγησαν στην ταχεία ανάπτυξη της περιοχής, πως η αντίστοιχη απουσία αυτών των χαρακτηριστικών στάθηκε εμπόδιο στην ανάπτυξη των αφρικανικών χωρών αλλά και πως η αυθαίρετη χάραξη συνόρων σε Αφρική και Μέση Ανατολή από τους ευρωπαίους αποικιοκράτες υπέσκαψαν την πρόοδο αυτών των περιοχών και πυροδότησαν συγκρούσεις.

Κεντρικός άξονας θεωρείται η γεωγραφία η οποία αποτελεί τον ερμηνευτικό παράγοντα οικονομικής, πολιτικής και ιστορικής εξέλιξης της κάθε χώρας/ηπείρου.

Πρόκειται για μια πολύ καλή εισαγωγή για τους μικρούς αναγνώστες στις επιστήμες της γεωγραφίας, της παγκόσμιας ιστορίας και της ανάλυσης των σχέσεων μεταξύ των κρατών. Η εικονογράφηση θα τους κεντρίσει ενώ θα εντοπίσουν αφηγηματικά κομμάτια στα οποία θα επικεντρώσουν την προσοχή και το ενδιαφέρον τους.

Θεωρώ ότι το "Αιχμάλωτοι της Γεωγραφίας" γίνεται καλύτερα κατανοητό από τους μαθητές των μεγάλων τάξεων του Δημοτικού και άνω. Θα ήταν πολύ χρήσιμο σαν ανάγνωσμα για μαθητές που διδάσκονται για πρώτη φορά παγκόσμια γεωγραφία, όπως για παράδειγμα οι μαθητές της Στ τάξης του Δημοτικού, καθώς θα προσέθετε μια παράλληλη και πιο αφηγηματική προσέγγιση. Ακόμη όμως και για παιδιά που δεν έχουν ακόμη κάποια επαφή με παγκόσμια γεωγραφία και ιστορία θα ήταν μια πολύ καλή πρώτη επαφή, με την υποσημείωση ότι το βιβλίο μπορεί να διαβαστεί σαν εικονογραφημένη εγκυκλοπαίδεια, με οποιαδήποτε σειρά και όχι απαραίτητα γραμμικά.

Η πολύχρωμη έκδοση του "Αιχμάλωτοι της Γεωγραφίας" μπορεί να εμπνεύσει νεαρούς αλλά και ενήλικες αναγνώστες, να τους εμφυσήσει αγάπη για το αντικείμενο της γεωγραφίας και να τους πυροδοτήσει την επιθυμία να ασχοληθούν με αυτήν.

Κυκλοφορεί από τις Εκδόσεις Διόπτρα - Dioptra Publications .

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Profile Image for Pi.
1,127 reviews20 followers
August 4, 2020
Kochani! Mam dla was coś wyjątkowego, a zwłaszcza dla rodziców, którzy w tym trudnym dla nas wszystkich czasie pozostają w domu z dziećmi. „Więźniowie geografii 12 MAP, które pomogą ci zrozumieć świat”, to idealna pozycja dla starszych i młodszych. Ja przeczytałam ją z ogromnym zainteresowaniem i choć właściwie o wszystkim w tej książce już słyszałam, mogłam dzięki niej na te fakty spojrzeć nieco inaczej.
Jesteśmy więźniami geografii i to ona kształtowała granice państw, stosunków międzynarodowych, to o ziemie toczyły się i toczą przecież wojny. Wiadomo – jak nie wiadomo o co chodzi, to chodzi o pieniądze. Możni tego świata zawsze pragnęli ziem żyznych, bogatych w surowce. Orężem w walkach były góry, morza, pustynie, czyli naturalne zapory izolujące od nieprzyjaciół. Jesteśmy powiązanym ze sobą organizmem, jednym ciałem, które splatają żyły – rzeki, morza, oceany.
Zwróciłam szczególną uwagę na sprawę Polski i jestem zadowolona, że autor nie pominął nas w tym zestawieniu. Sytuacja naszej ojczyzny, sytuacja geopolityczna zawsze była trudna. Znajdujemy się pomiędzy młotem i kowadłem od zawsze i nasz obszar w ogromnej części to równina, trudna do obrony, pozbawiona naturalnych fortyfikacji. Historia pokazała, jak wielką cenę przyszło płacić Polsce za to niefortunne położenie.
Tim Marshall przeprowadził mnie przez cały glob i choć oczywiście mamy tu tematy potraktowane powierzchownie, to jednak celnie i dzięki tej pozycji rodzic może w łatwy i przyjemny sposób przekazać dziecku ważne informacje. Uważam, że to istotne, byśmy dbali o świadomość rosnącego pokolenia Polaków, bo zdanie, że dzieci są przyszłością narodu i świata nie mogło być celniejsze.
Największy bulwers złapał mnie, jak zresztą zawsze, przy Afryce, którą Zachód i USA ograbili z godności i podzielili jak kawałki tortu. Uważam, że te państwa powinny odpowiedzieć za ogromną niegodziwość i wielkie zbrodnie dokonane na tym kontynencie, wspaniałym i pełnym życia. Czy kiedyś to nastąpi? Cóż… dzisiaj świat wstrzymał oddech – mamy COVID – 19…
Moi drodzy! Uważajcie na siebie, uczcie dzieci myślenia i czytajcie. To naprawdę ważne! Nie bagatelizujmy edukacji, bo edukacja to klucz do wolności.

7/10 bardzo dobra książka i dla dużych i dla małych
Profile Image for Alex Andrasik.
476 reviews14 followers
June 4, 2024
Beautifully illustrated maps that elucidate history and current circumstances clearly and with interest. Lots of key global issues presented even-handedly - perhaps a bit too much so at times; there's never quite as much weight given to the horror of oppression and even genocide as there could be, and being a book intended for kids is no excuse. There's also a very subtle vibe of westerncentrism that I can't quite put my finger on, but I feel like it's definitely there - info on maps related to the US, Europe, Australia and Canada subtly signal "us," while Russia, China, Africa, the Middle East and South America feel "them." To an extent that's to be expected, and is justified in the case of powers that have staked their existence on opposition to western values and ambitions, such as Russia. But in other cases it feels like a failed opportunity to try to really get into the shoes of people like Africans and South Americans; it's one thing to know that Africa's history has been spiked with difficulty because of the combination of its terrain and colonialism, but what does one of these young, rising Africans from an up-and-coming city cited in the text feel about that? It's one thing to know that the Middle East in riven by conflicts between Sunni and Shia religious factions, but was does the average Iranian or Saudi Arabian think about that? I know there's limited space in a book like this, but even a couple of quotes here and there could have alleviated some of the "top down" vibe that I'm picking up. But overall I really appreciate what this book accomplishes in a very compact and engaging package.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 86 reviews

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