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Renaissance #1

The Uprooted

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Swänn and Sätie were born on Näkän, a major planet in the Complex, a federation of extraterrestrial civilizations. The young couple hoped to live a peaceful life in an environment where nature and technology coexist in balance. But they are forced to mobilize when the leaders of the Complex decide to launch a vast expedition to save a planet that has exhausted its resources: Earth.

59 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 5, 2018

About the author

Fred Duval

277 books25 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews
Profile Image for MischaS_.
785 reviews1,422 followers
December 30, 2019
***Advance Review Copy generously provided through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.***

Not really sure what to say. I very much enjoyed the beginning, let's say the first 30 % but then the story suddenly changed and I could not care less to be honest. Sometimes I just felt like skipping some pages.
The art is pretty but that's it for me.
Profile Image for Chad.
8,992 reviews987 followers
July 17, 2022
Starts off with a near future Earth on its last legs. Seas are rising, plagues are spreading. I wasn't very interested until the aliens showed up and the view changed to this alien invading force, specifically a young married couple that is part of the force that is hear to save us. It instantly got much better. The art was very good as well.

Received a review copy from Europe Comics and NetGalley.
Profile Image for Glen.
254 reviews95 followers
December 31, 2019
First, I loved the artwork. The panels were well rendered and a pleasure to read through. The story line in part was same old same old. The human race is violent, suicidal and selfish. Contrasting what lots of books describe and even illustrate with the rescuing civilization. The planet that sent the rescuers, I can see that the author tried to create a totally different civilization, how they think, what was important to them, etc. In contrast to humans. The artwork reflected a civilization technologies as being very un-human like in contrast with human machines and AIs..

I loved this book. The graphics were superb, the story line interesting and engaging.

I did receive this book as an advance reader in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for Laura-Lee.
110 reviews11 followers
August 24, 2020
I'm still quite new to Graphic Novels as a genre (format ?), so I never know exactly what to expect. But upon receiving my free copy of Renaissance from NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion (which is what you always get anyway), I was very pleased to receive a "comic book" (which is what they were called in my day) made for adults.

Although it has no profanity, graphic sex, and only mild violence and is therefore okay for pre-teen or sensitive readers, it deals with the themes of marriage, family, death, loyalty, greed, individuality, and mankind's' future, even though the story is about aliens. All of these are cleverly woven through an interesting, quick-paced, and complex plotline.

The illustrations are lush, detailed, and set a perfect other,-worldly yet familiar ambiance, while the written words do exactly the same. In fact, it's a rare case where the different contributors each add their uniqueness to telling the story, yet work so well to enhance each other that it's hard to believe we are dealing with more than one writer.

I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to review it and happy that "Renaissance" was so enjoyable that it's certain I'll be continuing to read more Graphic Novels in the future.

Thanks for reading another one of my reviews.

Sincerely, Laura-Lee
Profile Image for Lukasz.
1,571 reviews253 followers
December 15, 2019

It's short (57 pages), nicely drawn, and solidly plotted. Emissaries from planet Näkän try to save a dying Earth and its inhabitants from a tragic end. Not all of them have noble intentions, though.

I enjoyed the art and I think the opening panels were fantastic. Näkän reminds me of Eden - it's beautiful and technologically advanced Näkänians live in harmony with nature on their planet.

I would give it a higher score if it weren't for the moronic behavior of human protagonists. I get it, people are emotional, and they'll do the most stupid things for their families. But I also believe it's the cliche and weak way to build tension.

Other than that, highly recommended. I'll definitely read the sequel.

ARC through NetGalley
Profile Image for Liz (Quirky Cat).
4,633 reviews73 followers
May 7, 2020
I received a copy of Renaissance Vol. 1 through NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

I picked up a copy of Renaissance Vol. 1: The Uprooted because I was sincerely curious about it all. The cover is stunning, and the description made it sound extremely appealing to me.

If I'm being honest though, I really struggled to get into this piece of work. I hate saying that because I really (really) wanted to enjoy it. The artwork itself is absolutely striking, and that alone was enough to make the whole experience worthwhile for me. But beyond that? I really struggled to get into the story for this one.

The world it is set in feels interesting enough. Nakan is a planet that has sent emissaries off in an attempt to save Earth (from the inevitable death we all are aware of). That sounds like a lot of potential, right? I think so too! So I was surprised that I had trouble making a connection with it all.

Part of my struggles probably had to do with the characters themselves. They didn't act like a group of intelligent humans, which you'd think would be a requirement for being an emissary sent on a planet-saving mission.

On the whole, I don't regret taking the time to read this story, but I'm not sure that I would continue to the next volume.

Check out more reviews over at Quirky Cat's Comics
Profile Image for Maddie O..
185 reviews90 followers
December 30, 2019
I received an ARC of this book via NetGalley.

This had a super interesting concept- (supposedly) benign aliens coming to save an Earth verging on apocalypse. I thought it was well-executed and handled multiple perspectives/story lines really well!
Profile Image for Marco Silva.
Author 1 book13 followers
January 18, 2020
Review in English and in Portuguese:

Written by French scriptwriter Fred Duval, illustrated by French artist Emem, and published by Dargaud, this is a book that presents the story of an alien invasion of Earth – a First Contact event – where the aliens come to our planet to help us. This is a common trope in science fiction and it has been used in other narratives such as the TV series V (1984/ 2009) and the film Arrival (2016). On this first volume, it’s difficult to know if their intentions are benign, as in Arrival, or if they mask ulterior motives like in V. Future issues will answer this question.
The worldbuilding of this series is quite good. The attention to detail by the authors is quite remarkable as one can see in human technology (e.g. walking tanks, cars, and bicycles) and in alien tech (e.g. the suits, weapons, and ships). The attention to the wildlife, architecture, way of life, rituals, and other elements of the alien protagonists’ planet is exquisite. The couple is called Swänn and Sätie, names that were given to them for the benefit of humans, because their real names are unpronounceable to us but, awkwardly, they are called by those names before knowing about the mission and by their own family (I guess that was kind of difficult to resolve in the flashback).
I’ve read the English digital version published under the collective imprint of Europe Comics. The book has some translation problems, a few plot-holes such as the names of the alien protagonists, and a bit of unnecessary exposition and dialogues.
The art is good (really good in some pages) but the gradients and colors of some human faces look a bit off, and some of the expressions. About the plot: I can only say that it looks like this First Contact is not going to go the way the confederacy of aliens expect; there are too many human factions fighting each other and we have a hint that artificial intelligence is going to fight back as well. This is the beginning of what can be a long series of books if the authors can present an original point of view.

Escrito pelo argumentista francês Fred Duval e ilustrado pelo artista conterrâneo Emem, este livro apresenta a estória de uma invasão alienígena – Primeiro Contato – na qual uma confederação de extraterrestres viajaram para o nosso planeta para nos ajudar a evitar a nossa própria extinção. Este é um tema recorrente na ficção científica e tem sido usado noutras narrativas como a série televisiva “V” (1984/ 2009) e o filme “Arrival” (2016). Neste primeiro volume – “Renaissance 1: The Uprooted” – é difícil perceber se as intenções dos ‘invasores’ é completamente benigna, como em “Arrival”, ou se estas escondem motivos mais sombrios como em “V”. Os próximos volumes irão responder a esta questão.
O ‘worldbuilding’ desta série é muito bom. A atenção ao detalhe por parte dos autores é fantástica como pode ser observado na tecnologia humana (tanques caminhantes, carros e bicicletas) e na tecnologia extraterrestre (fatos, armas e naves). A atenção dada ao planeta dos protagonista alienígenas, o casal de recém-casados Swänn e Sätie, é extraordinária: a fauna e a flora, a arquitetura, o modo de vida, os rituais e outros elementos.
Os nomes Swänn e Sätie foram-lhes atribuídos devido ao facto dos seus verdadeiros nomes serem impronunciáveis por seres humanos mas, de forma caricata, eles parecem usar os nomes de código antes da missão de ‘salvar’ o planeta Terra. As suas famílias, inclusive, usam os nomes quando se dirigem a eles. Um pormenor, é verdade, mas retira qualidade a uma narrativa interessante. Eu li a versão digital em inglês que o site da Europe Comics disponibiliza online (2,49€). O livro tem alguns defeitos mínimos na tradução, alguns buracos narrativos com a questão dos nomes dos ‘aliens’ que referi em cima e diálogos e exposição que é desnecessária. No último caso há informação que serve simplesmente o propósito de informar o leitor e que, na minha perspetiva, podia ser descartada.
A arte é boa (muito boa em algumas páginas) mas as gradações de cor em algumas faces humanas são demasiado artificiais, assim como algumas expressões. Em relação ao enredo: posso dizer que este Primeiro Contato não irá decorrer como a confederação extraterrestre julga que irá decorrer. Existem muitas fações humanas que lutam entre si e temos uma ‘dica’ de que uma fação de inteligência artificial irá entrar na luta pelo planeta. Este livro pode ser o início de uma longa série se os autores souberem apresentar um ponto de vista original e pertinente. No geral parece-me ser um livro (e-book) interessante e recomendo-o não só pelo seu conteúdo como também pelo seu preço deveras convidativo.
7,520 reviews99 followers
March 23, 2020
Earth is being invaded. From across the vastness of space, huge metallic things have arrived, churning out smaller metallic things, that churn out blue aliens in turn. The only thing is, those are friendly aliens – and the flooded remains of our diseased fossil fuel-economy planet desperately need their help. If we're willing to accept it… Now, the only thing wrong with that introductory summary is that it's really two of the aliens that are the lead characters – yes we see some angry women on Earth responding to them (perhaps too angry to be likeable), but for now, newly-wed blue things in respectively USA, trying to put out a massive oil well fire, and Paris, trying to cure a lethal disease, are the characters we're asked to concentrate on. That pretty much works, too, although the jump to an extended flashback to their wedding and their orders to come to Earth did need smoothing over a tad. The book's clearly not telling us all we need to know about life here – why is some of the land underwater and not the rest, whose are the giant robots, and so on, but for now we can live with the varied backstories that provide for this drama. The way the alien spacecraft tie in to one woman's friend-finder app on her phone so easily is almost as daft as the software bit in "Independence Day", but we'll let that swing – this is quite good fun. The interior artwork is nowhere near as fine as the Chris Foss-styled cover, but the book is well worth a look.
Profile Image for Bogdan.
55 reviews
March 17, 2024
Note : 4,1 sur 5

"Les Déracinés" est le premier tome de la bande dessinée "Renaissance" écrite par Fred Duval et illustrée par Emem. L'histoire se déroule en 2084, où les pires scénarios prédisant la funeste destinée de la Terre se sont réalisés.

L'histoire est centrée sur Swänn, un jeune extraterrestre originaire d'une planète qui semble être une version réussie de notre monde. Il se porte volontaire pour une mission de pacification de la Terre et pour empêcher son anéantissement. Sa rencontre avec Liz, au Texas, marque le début du choc des deux mondes.

Les critiques de cette bande dessinée sont assez variées. Certains lecteurs apprécient l'histoire prenante et les belles couleurs des planches. D'autres soulignent que ce premier tome de Renaissance présente une Terre ravagée par l'homme qui continue de se battre par cupidité et avidité. Ils apprécient la découverte d'un monde similaire au nôtre, mais bien plus paisible.

Cependant, certains critiques ont exprimé le besoin de plus de rebondissements pour étoffer la trame et susciter davantage l'engouement². En somme, "Les Déracinés" offre une bonne entrée en matière pour la série "Renaissance", mais il semble que les tomes suivants devront apporter plus de profondeur et de complexité à l'intrigue pour captiver pleinement le lecteur.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jes Cunningham.
160 reviews5 followers
January 23, 2020
I received an ARC e-copy* from NetGalley of this title in exchange for a fair review.

Renaissance begins with Earth and it’s people at the brink of chaos— from fires to sickness. On the opposite spectrum, we are introduced to an alien species, determining if they should step in to help human kind. When they make the choice to do so, humans react with initial fear.

This volume zoomed in on a couple from the alien species, and two main families of human, to personalise the story and give it anchor points.

The story does not scream unique to me, but depending on where the main characters’ interactions go, I could see potential for caring about them and their shared stories.

*This volume had more intricate illustrations than other comics/ graphic novels I gave previously received from NetGalley. These copies are not meant to show the final art, and I find that in this format, it is difficult to share my impression on more-detailed work.
Profile Image for Paul Decker.
747 reviews17 followers
March 11, 2020
*I received this book as an eARC from Europe Comics via NetGalley. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

This graphic novel opens with a breakdown of everything that's happening all over the world in 2084. Overwhelming. From Paris to Ft. Worth, we get to see a lot of different people dealing with the modern world of 2084. There's an alien race intervening on Earth because they're on the brink of global mass extinction.

The story follows a newly married alien couple sent to Earth. They interact with the humans we met in the intro to the book.

There's a lot happening in this book. And it's overwhelming. I give this book a 2/5. There's some really interesting world building, but I was not invested in anyone's story. I didn't care about any individual character. I also didn't understand why the aliens had such a similar social structure to human culture. This book just did not hook me.
Profile Image for Marie-Eve.
127 reviews1 follower
March 12, 2022
J’aime beaucoup l’histoire. C’est du déjà-vu : légèrement dans le futur, on est foutus à cause de tout ce qu’on sait (bien aimé les algorithmes hostiles…!), mais justement, à cause de tout ce qui se trame, la présence de civilisations extra-terrestres bienveillantes fait du bien. Super-héros de service qui viennent « sauver » l’humanité. Très intéressant de voir les enjeux politiques de l’intervention de sauvetage du point de vue des espèces « évoluées ». Un bémol pour moi, je trouve les personnages — humains mais surtout les ET — vraiment très laids. Les paysages en revanche sont franchement époustouflants, surtout du côté des ET.
Profile Image for Rafaela Oliveira.
1,061 reviews8 followers
January 19, 2020
C'est un SF qui commence avec un contexte assez connu : le futur, la fin du pétrole, les maladies qui se répandent, la guerre entre les nations, les robots. Mais le côté originale, c'est qui on suis au même temps les personnages humains et les personnages E.T. Personnellement, je suis fan de la race dite "supérieure", qu'arrive sur la planète Terre pour aider les humans de façon pacifique (du moins ce c'est qu'ils ont affirmé, les E.T.). A suivre cette "aide à l'aimable" dans les prochains tomes !
Profile Image for Brian.
818 reviews4 followers
April 7, 2021
An advanced civilization comes to an Earth that is doomed. Overpopulation, resource depletion, and pollution are killing the planet, and the extraterrestrials are trying to save it. The humans are frightened and are fighting back.

The art is excellent. The artists does a remarkable job of conveying the individuality of the extraterrestrials with different facial features and body types.

Despite this, I'm not sure this series will exhibit new ideas that I want in something I read.
Profile Image for Kristine.
3,245 reviews
December 15, 2019
Renaissance by Fred Duval, Emem, and Frederic Blanchard is a free NetGalley e-comicbook that I read in mid-December.

Intense post-apocalyptic flooding from the perspective of France and Texas before an alien race rushes in to neutralize things. There's early photo-realistic face rendering going and it seems to be one issue of a larger story that pieces things together very quickly.
36 reviews1 follower
June 27, 2021
Ce nouvel univers de Fred Duval est riche et profond. Je le recommande à tout ceux qui ont aimé l'univers Travis/Carmen Mc Callum!
Profile Image for Ken De Pooter.
4 reviews9 followers
October 2, 2021
I liked it! Lovely world-building, interesting premise and beautiful art and concepts. But the story could have used some more depth.
Profile Image for Lysda Smythe.
653 reviews21 followers
October 25, 2021
Une chouette Bd post-apo (ou plutôt pendant l'apocalypse )
Les personnages sont attachants, les couleurs et dessins tendent bien l'état misérable de la planète
Je vais lire la suite!
Profile Image for Graeme.
161 reviews21 followers
January 8, 2020
An interesting interstellar first contact comic, with a backdrop of a near-future disaster filled Earth. The art of the alien planet and space ships look fantastical and the colors are pretty cool, too. This first chapter ends on a sudden cliffhanger - I could see the series going on for a few more issues.
Profile Image for Ije the Devourer of Books.
1,807 reviews55 followers
December 30, 2019
This is an excellent start to a new series by Europe Comics. The artwork is good and the story is gripping. Earth is dying. There are huge fires in the US oilfields, armed insurrectionists and all kinds of disease. Unsurprisingly Earth is dying. The story follows two familes who are affected by all the chaos but as the circumstances escalate an alien army arrives to take over the planet.

Swänn and Sätie are two of these aliens, newly married they had planned to live out their lives peacefully on Näkän, a major planet in the Complex, a federation of extraterrestrial civilizations. Now they have separate assignments trying to bring order back to a chaotic planet earth.

This is the first volume in the series and it was exciting to read it. I enjoyed the way the comic portrayed the Earth as out of control and chaotic to the degree it affects other planets. The aliens although appearing to be benign might have hidden agendas and it will be good to see how this story progresses. This first volume is a very promising start to this new series.

Copy provided by Europe Comics via Netgalley in exchange for an unbiased review.
Profile Image for Elia.
1,152 reviews25 followers
December 31, 2019
This has a lot of promise! In the distant future, Earth has become an absolute hellhole. Most of Europe is underwater, the USA has broken down into many small sections, and the Texas oil fields are ablaze, besides this, a strange and deadly fever is spreading throughout the world. It is humanity's last gasp.
Cut to another planet similar to ours, where an army called Renaissance has been tasked with saving our sorry butts. Among the soldiers sent to Earth are newlyweds Swann and Satie (Swann is a forester, Satie is a doctor) who hope to travel together - but Swann is sent to Texas with the fire brigade and Satie ends up in Paris researching the fever. Everything seems to be going well, until Swann decides to put his trust in a human, who lies and escapes on her own into dangerous territory.
Profile Image for Xantippa Amaya.
85 reviews2 followers
December 24, 2019
I received a copy through NetGalley!

I will try to keep this short and simple. I think this is an alright comic. The art style is very beautiful, I really like the colors! The story itself is OK. I do love these type of stories, Earth being in shambles and an alien race wants to save us but we think they want to do the opposite. I just think that this didn’t give me a new take. However, this is the first part to the story so it could very well change as the story progresses but at the moment it’s an OK story. I think if there was still some mystery to who the alien species is it would resonate more with me but because we follow them there is no mystery to the story. At least to me.

At the moment I wouldn’t read the next part however that could change very easily. I do think people could enjoy this very much, it’s just too much like my cup of tea and I think I’ve had enough/am already drinking (reading) some.
41 reviews15 followers
December 22, 2019
*ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

An overall rating of 4 stars. I had trouble at first following the story from one place to another since it takes place in more than just the planet Näkän. But once I started getting the hang of it, it became much more enjoyable. It could have done with a little more background though, Hélène and Liz obviously had more background to them, but I guess not giving much about their backgrounds is for the purpose of keeping the reader on their toes.

Very beautiful illustrations and world building. The glimpses we got the of Näkän are absolutely beautiful.

Thank you so much to the publishers and netgalley for providing me with this ARC and giving me the chance to read and review it.
Profile Image for Carolina Colleene.
Author 3 books43 followers
December 16, 2019
Language: PG (11 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG13
By 2084, humanity has done such a poor job taking care of the earth and all lifeforms on the planet that others are stepping in to help. Swänn and Sätie are part of the force from another planet sent to stop the extinction of humans. As these intergalactic neighbors struggle to help, humans will have to decide what is more important: pride or life.
The concept of aliens saving humans from themselves is compelling, and the artwork is as engaging as the script. I loved reading about the people on the planet Näkän and seeing the similarities between our peoples. This volume is a lot of background to set up the story, which can often be a bit dull, but this story has been crafted in such a way that I found this introduction interesting enough that I can’t wait to see what happens to the characters in subsequent volumes. The violence rating is for weapon use (terrestrial and extraterrestrial) and battle gore.
Reviewed for https://kissthebook.blogspot.com/
Profile Image for Makala.
25 reviews
December 16, 2019
Renaissance is a short graphic novel about humans who are infected with a mystery disease that leads to a breakdown in civilization. A group of aliens come to Earth in order to save them since humans have intrinsic value to these aliens.

Overall, I really enjoyed the exploration of this alien and their culture. It was cool to see something different than humans invading another planet too. I liked the art in the graphic novel as well.

I wish this book had a better way of denoting a scene break. In the beginning of this novel, there's a lot of scene breaks that are confusing to the reader since the plot hasn't been set up yet.

Overall, I enjoyed this book, but I wish it was longer and went into more depth on this alien species, the disease humans are contracting, and the overall background to how this disease caused a widespread pandemic.

Profile Image for Tin Minute.
145 reviews5 followers
December 16, 2019
Sharply drawn and engagingly written, this comic book/graphic novel effectively shows both sides of the coin. While humans endure self-made environmental hazards and diseases, the alien race called the Renaissance come to invade and assist. Swann, a Renaissance, would rather spend his time in deployment with his wife, and the two human women we follow just want to be reunited with their spouses and children. The author does a good job of humanizing aliens bent on fixing and possibly subjecting us, while showing the unfortunate side of humanity that comes out during crisis. Strong female and male characters. Recommended for ages 13 and up.
Profile Image for Natacha.
56 reviews12 followers
December 20, 2019
This is my first graphic novel in since a was a teen and I liked it. I like the idea of peacefull allies cooming to save humans from extinction. We have two stories that I really want to see how they connect. The art was nice and sharp.. I would like to read the next of the series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews

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