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The Line Between #2

A Single Light

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In this sequel to The Line Between, cult escapee Wynter Roth and ex-soldier Chase Miller emerge from their bunker to find a country ravaged by disease, and Wynter is the only one who can save it.

Six months after vanishing into an underground silo with sixty others, Wynter and Chase emerge to find the area abandoned. There is no sign of Noah and the rest of the group that was supposed to greet them when they emerged—the same people Wynter was counting on to help her locate the IV antibiotics her gravely ill friend, Julie, needs in order to live.

As the clock ticks down on Julie’s life, Wynter and Chase embark on a desperate search for medicine and answers. But what they find is not a nation on the cusp of recovery thanks to the promising new vaccine Wynter herself had a hand in creating, but one decimated by disease. What happened while they were underground?

With food and water in limited supply and their own survival in question, Chase and Wynter must venture further and further from the silo. Aided by an enigmatic mute named Otto, they come face-to-face with a society radically changed by global pandemic, where communities scrabble to survive under rogue leaders and cities are war zones. As hope fades by the hour and Wynter learns the terrible truth of the last six months, she is called upon once again to help save the nation she no longer recognizes—a place so dark she’s no longer sure it can even survive.

384 pages, Hardcover

First published September 17, 2019

About the author

Tosca Lee

22 books3,298 followers
"Superior storytelling."
-Publishers Weekly

"One of the most gifted novelists writing today."
-Steven James, bestselling author

Tosca Lee is the award-winning, New York Times, IndieBound, and Amazon bestselling author of eleven novels including THE LINE BETWEEN, A SINGLE LIGHT, THE PROGENY, THE LEGEND OF SHEBA, ISCARIOT, and the Books of Mortals series with New York Times bestseller Ted Dekker. Her work has been translated into seventeen languages and been optioned for TV and film. A notorious night-owl, she loves movies, playing football with her kids, and sending cheesy texts to her husband.

You can find Tosca at ToscaLee.com, on social media, or hanging around the snack table. To learn more, please visit toscalee.com.

For book release news and giveaways, join Tosca Lee's Nocturnal Cafe: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/...

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 445 reviews
Profile Image for Miranda Reads.
1,589 reviews162k followers
May 12, 2021

Desperate people do crazy things.
After a desperate flight for safety - Wynter, Chase, Truly and their family friends manage to make it to the silo - an underground bunker made to preserve humanity in the face of extinction.

Wynter and her niece, Truly, are still struggling to adapt to the new world.
She asks her questions at night. About why I took her away from the compound we grew up in. Why her daddy couldn't come. Questions I answer with lies.
Wynter has a secret - she had samples that could have helped bring about the cure - but horrible people chased after her and it resulted in the death of her sister and Truly's father.

Six months later, the silo's time-lock opens and Wynter (and her maybe-boyfriend) step out into a much changed world.

But they have no time to stop and wonder - they have a mission. Find antibiotics for Julie (Wynter's long time friend) before it's too late.

But they will soon learn - the world has changed in far more ways than they could ever have imagined.
...take off running, once more, through the weeds.

Dayum. Look at little Wynter - all grown up and bada**!

This sequel was pretty dang good.

I loved the character development that Wynter went through.

She felt like a completely different person than she did at the beginning of book 1 - but this was done so gradually and incrementally that it came across as very natural.

The world Tosca Lee created was magnificent. From the moment Wynter steps out of the silo - I was hooked . The asylum, the street gangs, the boy on the upper floor - I was fascinated (and horrified).

I was also fairly impressed by the way Lee created the disease.
"The 'PrP' stands for prion...The virus triggers a rapid misfolding of proteins in the brain, which causes dementia...But instead of tainted meat, which normally causes the disease, the virus is now being spread by influenza A."
As someone who doesn't work directly with prions but knows a fair bit of science behind them, this held pretty well. (I'm a bit of a stickler when it comes to the science).

Infections prions do cause massive unfolding and aggregation (which is mainly the issue) of themselves. It's a very difficult and fascinating problem to have - most of the body's immune system focuses on identifying something that is "not-self" and destroying it.

But prions are natural and part of you, thus your body doesn't have many defenses against them.

The one thing that did bug me was that all of the animals began getting sick.
"The pilot was sick. The birds have been picking at the corpse's brains since the fire went out."
Cross-species transfer of any disease is incredibly difficult, and to have the prion protein unchanged enough throughout that many species (and thus able to be triggered by the same starter (i.e. from the influenza in humans or misfolded proteins in the brain) felt like a bit of a stretch.

But other than that, I really enjoyed the book!

I was so happy to jump back into this world and cannot wait for another (fingers crossed!)

With thanks to the author for a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Debra.
2,752 reviews35.9k followers
January 14, 2020
This is the sequel to The Line Between and I highly recommend reading that book first, because a.) It's an awesome book and b.) you really need to know the back story. This book ex-cult member Wynter Roth and ex-soldier Chase Miller emerge from the safety of the silo/bunker to find a landscape and people ravaged by disease, rogue leaders, greed, those trying to survive and those that have been infected. There is no sign of Noah or any one of his men, so Wynter and Chase embark on a desperate search to find antibiotics for their gravely ill friend, Julie.

Soon they meet at loveable mute named Otto who helps them on their search for medicine as they travel through war zones in order to find a way to survive. This book had some revelations, some heartbreaking moments, and some danger. It tugs the reader in and hits an emotional cord.

This is a wonderful follow up to The Line Between and is full of suspense and dread. This one did not grip me as much as the first book in the series did but nevertheless it was very enjoyable and suspenseful. I felt the ending was a little abrupt but otherwise so good. The characters continue to be endearing and likable. Wynter and Chase are a team I was rooting for the entire time.

I look forward to the next book and hope that it comes out soon!

This book series just scrams MOVIE TO me. Anyone else see this being made into a movie? Or perhaps there has already been talk of this.
Profile Image for Tosca Lee.
Author 22 books3,298 followers
July 1, 2019
I wish I could bring you back with me in time to September, 2018. It's about 4am, I'm writing A Single Light on deadline, and feeling a little superstitious and even nervous because...

I'm having a ball. Giggling maniacally, even. Just a little.

What you need to know is I am *not* one of those authors who finishes a manuscript and think it's great. Every time I've written a book on deadline, I've worried I've just created a career-ending piece of crap. And here I was writing the sequel to a book that hadn't released yet, unsure whether people would like the first one enough to even warrant this follow-up. Because the other thing you need to know is that I wrote the first one during a time of massive creative upheaval right after my imprint's office closed, my entire publishing team was let go, I was assigned to a team out of the NY office that did not know me, and my previous book released to cricket sounds. As a result, my first draft of The Line Between required a bunch of rewrites as I missed my deadline trying to relocate my mojo.

But it's September and things are clicking along. Suddenly, through some random e-mail notice in the corner of my screen, I realize The Line Between--which doesn't release for four more months!--is on NetGalley. And that it has been for SOME TIME. And that there are reviews. Lots of them.

Don't look. Don't look don't lookdon'tlookdon'tlook.

I looked.

And then stared.

And then got out of my chair and literally fell on my face in gratitude.

I don't expect everyone to love my stories.

But when I've been writing scared and book-lovers enjoy my work... I can't tell you what an overwhelming feeling that is. I'm grateful every day to get to do this job. I love transporting readers and helping them escape this reality for an hour--or three--at a time.

So thank you for reading this review and learning more about this book. I hope you enjoy it, and that you check out The Line Between if you have not yet, as well as my others.

It's an honor to write for you.


Profile Image for Norma.
557 reviews13.5k followers
March 12, 2020
3.5 Stars!

Action-packed, suspenseful, & foreboding!

A SINGLE LIGHT by TOSCA LEE is an entertaining, enjoyable and fast-paced dystopian/apocalyptic story that is packed full of non-stop action. This book starts off six months after where the first book, THE LINE BETWEEN leaves off.

The story is exciting and full of suspense and tension. I thought it did start off a little bit slow though but around the half-way mark the tension builds extremely fast and the action never stops.

I definitely think that the timing really affected my thoughts on this one because for the life of me I couldn’t remember who some characters were in the book. If I went in not feeling like this was a sequel I think I would have wholly enjoyed this one. It was my cloudy head and doesn’t reflect at all how well-written this book was. That was all on me and in no ways the fault of the author.

If you enjoy a fast-paced, action-packed, suspenseful, and thrilling thriller with a great female lead you should really enjoy this one. I do think it a good idea to read the first book in this series and don’t wait too long to read this sequel!

Thank you so much to Tosca Lee for gifting me a copy of this book.


This review can also be seen on Traveling Sisters Book Reviews blog:
Profile Image for Lindsay L.
747 reviews1,442 followers
January 8, 2020
3.5 stars.

An action packed, thrilling dystopian adventure!

This novel is the continuation of Wynter Roth’s brave and suspenseful journey to save the world. We see how the storyline progresses after the dramatic ending of the first book. I was looking forward to spending more time with Wynter and she was just as courageous and skillful as she was in the first book. She is a fantastic main character who I loved rooting for!

I enjoyed following Wynter’s journey, however, this book didn’t intrigue me as much as the first book did. A large part of the first book is spent exploring life inside a cult which I found extremely fascinating. This book is focused on the dystopian aspect of the storyline which isn’t a genre I generally enjoy. The writing was just as excellent as the first book, but the storyline simply didn’t engross me as much. This comes down to me not being the right reader for this genre.

If you enjoy action packed, well-written dystopian storylines with a strong female lead character, you will LOVE this series! Thank you to Tosca Lee for sending me a physical copy to read and review!
Profile Image for Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader.
2,396 reviews31.5k followers
September 18, 2019
Tosca Lee is in her element with these dystopian thrillers. A Single Light is just as dynamic and exciting as The Line Between, and I can’t wait to tell you more about it!

Wynter and Chase have been living in the silo underground for over six months. When they exit the silo, no one is there to help them. Wynter needs antibiotics to help her friend Julie.

Wynter and Chase don’t give up easily, and they are on the hunt for medicine for Julie, while her life is left in the balance. While they thought the nation would be in recovery mode when they emerged, what they find is vastly different. Everyone is sick, and nothing is the same. It’s survival of the fittest, and Wynter and Chase don’t want to make it too far away from the safety of the silo.

Ok, this begs to be made into a movie. A Single Light is full of action and suspense. The tension begins on page one and ramps up and up. I love these types of survival stories, and I was on the edge of my seat wishing for everything to be ok.

Overall, A Single Light is just as exciting as I hoped it would be. It has a quick pace and the story is well-developed. I also enjoyed all the unexpected surprises I found because things took quite a turn from The Line Between. This is a must-read!

I received a complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.

Many of my reviews can also be found on my blog: www.jennifertarheelreader.com
Profile Image for Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽.
1,880 reviews23k followers
January 30, 2021
Final review first posted on FantasyLiterature.com:

It’s unnerving reading a book about a devastating pandemic at this point during the COVID-19 crisis, but in fairness, this near-future SF duology by Tosca Lee was published in 2019, so Lee gets credit for anticipating a timely topic. The first book, The Line Between, tells how Wynter Roth, a young woman in her early twenties, escapes from a doomsday cult and (obligatory spoiler warning for the first book here) is entrusted with some tissue samples that may help with the development of a vaccine against the growing pandemic. It’s a rapid onset dementia virus that is — unsurprisingly, since this is a science fiction novel — almost invariably deadly to those who catch it.

At the end of The Line Between, Wynter, her niece Truly, her new boyfriend Chase (with whom she fortuitously met up during her desperate travels), and a couple of family friends are lucky enough to befriend a doomsday prepper, Noah. Noah (with even more foresight than the author) shrewdly built a large, completely decked-out underground silo where sixty-three people, including Wynter’s group, are completely sealed in for six months, in the hope that when the automated door unlocks the pandemic will have passed.

A Single Light begins right where The Line Between left off. Wynter and the others tucked away in the hidden silo are adjusting to their restricted but safe life underground. At least everyone there is healthy, and there’s ample food, as well as a nightly broadcast from Noah, who remained aboveground to help guard their safety, among other reasons. But too soon, Noah’s video communications abruptly cease for an unknown reason. The close quarters and lack of any news from the outside world combine with fear and stress to cause serious problems for the hidden group, not least Wynter herself, especially when murder accusations against her — she was a busy girl in the first book — become public knowledge.

So it’s a relief when the silo’s electronic door opens after six months, though more than a little disturbing because it happens a few days before it was scheduled to open, and there’s no sign of Noah … or any other living person, for that matter. Wynter and Chase set off on an expedition to find out what’s become of Noah and our society, and to try to find some badly-needed antibiotics for a dying member of their group.

Through Wynter’s eyes, who tells this story in first person present tense, A Single Light shows the bleakness of a nation where society has crumbled. Most people are desperately seeking food and medication, while a few take advantage of the disintegration of the rule of law. There’s a hint of both Mad Max and The Walking Dead in Wynter’s and Chase’s travels. Their exploits were engaging and suspenseful, especially when they come to a large town that seems to have the medicine they need, but the town is ruled by a viciously cruel kingpin and his henchmen. The ending of A Single Light felt rushed, as Lee quickly wraps up various plot threads and pulls in a few new ones, in a somewhat scattershot approach.

Wynter is a character defined by her alarming impetuousness and dramatic tendencies, but also her undeniable courage and loyalty to her friends … at least those she can trust. At one point early on Chase is forced to divulge a surprising secret to the silo group. While I loved the new light this shed on his role in the story, I found Wynter’s reaction over the top. It’s not quite as bad as Bella’s shutdown in New Moon in the TWILIGHT SAGA, but close enough. She’s not my favorite type of character, but her reactions are understandable given her traumatic upbringing. The other inhabitants of the underground silo group are roughly sketched-in characters at best, but Wynter does meet a few more memorable people in the course of her travels, particularly Otto, a kindhearted mute man.

As in The Line Between, there’s a discernable spiritual element to this tale. For the most part it’s very subtle, surfacing only occasionally (it’s notable that there’s no indication Wynter ever has premarital sex) and becoming clearer toward the end. Also like the first book, A Single Light has an allusive title, suggesting the need for spiritual light in an increasingly dark world. A Single Light is an intriguing apocalyptic-type adventure, and a quick, gripping read.

3.5 stars.

Thanks to the author, Tosca Lee, for the ARC (and sorry it took me so long to get to it!).
Profile Image for J.D. Barker.
Author 25 books5,703 followers
July 29, 2019
Last year, I had this to say about THE LINE BETWEEN, the first book in this series:

An edge-of-your-seat, nonstop, apocalyptic rollercoaster of a thriller! As only she can, Tosca Lee pulls the reader in and refuses to let go until the final heart-pounding page!

This weekend, I read the follow up, A SINGLE LIGHT, and found it absolutely riveting. Tosca Lee is a born storyteller! Treat yourself to this series - you'll be glad you did.
Profile Image for Corina.
772 reviews2,480 followers
December 5, 2019
The first book, The Line Between I finished in just under two days (10 hrs and 7 mins). And the second one, A Single Light took only three days (9 hrs and 43 mins). These two books should be read as one book. They belong together and need to be read together to get the full picture and a full conclusion with HEA.

I have always been fascinated with anything surrounding religious sects. Anything from compounds, to the stories from survivors and escapees. Combine that with a chilling plot of a deadly virus that is actually based on real life facts and you got me glued to my phone.

Wynter was a great female character, naive at times because of her background and circumstances, but also ballsy and brave when needed. Her character’s growth was very well done. There was never a point when I felt that she left her former life too easily behind her. Her gradual adjustment to life outside the compound was well balanced and thought through.

My romantic heart loved and adored Chase Miller, he was a great partner in crime. Protective, formidable thanks to being a former solider, and incredibly dedicated to Wynter. Their relationship was an easy one. Based on companionship, attraction and assistance in delivering a cure.

There were a couple scenes and moments that really tugged on my heartstrings.

The entire story was set up in a way that our main characters were always running against time. Additional setbacks and hurdles kept me on the edge of my seat. The story was full of energy and never boring. It really highlighted the fear, distress and foreboding that comes with a world changing its status quo from one day to another. Millions of people were dying. The economy was gone. Transportation was gone. Food and medicine was gone. The world, as it was known suddenly stopped existing. Everyone fought for themselves. And let’s not forget a killer virus on the loose. Like I said it’s one interesting and dynamic story.

So, if you love a thriller set in a dystopian USA, with a great romantic couple, non-stop action, wonderful storytelling and an edge of your seat plot – this book is for you.

Both audiobooks were very well done, especially the narration, and I can only recommend them.
Profile Image for Amber J (Thereadingwitch).
1,008 reviews70 followers
February 23, 2020
I try to express only my most honest opinion in a spoiler-free way. If you feel anything in my review is a spoiler and is not already hidden in spoiler brackets please let me know. Thank you.

I decided to read this book almost as soon as I finished the first one. I had gotten the first one as a free giveaway and I really enjoyed it. This one was good but not as good as the first. I was a bit disappointed, but still, in the end, I'm glad I read it for closure in this duology.

I found certain parts a bit boring. My mind would occasionally wander and I just didn't really have any drive to continue reading and find out what happened next. I wouldn't say that I forced myself to read it, but I did have to make more of an effort than I normally do.

My favorite character in this book, unfortunately, didn't last long. That's one of the biggest disappointments. I still can't believe that they were killed off and that makes me super upset. The romance was lacking a bit too, it felt forced and unnaturally fast at times.

Now for some good things book. I don't want you going away thinking only bad. There is a lot of action in this book, some of it made little sense or felt unnecessary, but still a lot of it. There was some edge of your seat nail-biting at times too, and at one point I had even shed a tear. If you have read the first book than I would say its worth the read, if for nothing else other than to have closure.

How I choose my rating:
1* Hated it. I had to force myself to finish it.
2** Didn't like it. I didn't hate it but not sure why I finished it other than for some closure.
3*** I liked it. I had some issues with it, but as a whole it was good. I probably won't reread ever, but there is a chance I might finish the series. (If part of one) But if not it's not a huge loss.
4**** I really liked this book. Maybe not a work of genius, but highly entertaining. I might reread this, and I will finish the series. (If part of one) I would recommend to those I know hold interest in this book's content.
5***** I loved this book. I found little to no issues with it at all. I will be rereading this and probably more than once. I will finish the series and reread it multiple times. (If part of one) I will recommend this book to EVERYONE!!!!

Profile Image for Christine Indorf.
983 reviews136 followers
December 31, 2023
I had to finish the series so I did reread A Single Light. Out of the two books I liked the first better but this book takes you on a ride of your life. Wynter and Chase live in the bunker with 63 other people. When communication stops from the outside world the peace of the bunker stops. Wynter finds Chase betrayed her so its now just her and her niece. When they open the bunker the world as they know is has changed, for the worst. When a friend from the bunker goes ill her and Chase must risks their lives to find medicine to save her. So start the journey that will have them risk everything!!

The journey they go on can get confusing if you are not paying attention. You meet different people along the way both good and bad. This theme of the book is forgiveness both from Wynter forgiving Chase to forgiveness for all who are trying to hurt and ruin her. I loved the ride this book takes you on. I listened to it on audiobook and the narrator is excellent which makes the book so much more interesting. I highly recommend this book series. Get ready for a journey!!
Profile Image for Anne ✨ Finds Joy.
283 reviews74 followers
April 2, 2020
Phew, my heart can stop racing now! This one's action-packed and suspenseful, I could not stop listening. A worthy sequel, stronger than the first book - more character development, more plot, more action, more everything! I really liked this! It does lean YA with young MC's, but the action and plot make it well worth the read!
Profile Image for DeAnn.
1,499 reviews
January 9, 2020
4 apocalypse stars

This one is the sequel to “The Line Between” which I read in October 2018. I rated that one 3.5 stars, this one was a bit more of a hit with me. I DO recommend reading “The Line Between” first, you will get much more out of the sequel and understand more of what’s going on!

The main characters of Wynter and Chase return but they have a bumpy road to get through as some secrets emerge. Sixty folks are locked into an underground bunker in the hopes of waiting out the virus and getting a vaccine developed. The door is locked for 6 months, how would you do locked away for that long?

Once the door opens, things are not what they would hope for above ground. Noah and his group have vanished. Wynter and Chase set off to find some antibiotics that Julie needs desperately. Things seem apocalyptic and ravaged. What’s happened to Noah and what is going on with developing the vaccine?

Along the way, Wynter and Chase encounter a sweet man Otto, and battle some citizens that are now “leading” a nearby city. Money doesn’t really matter anymore, it’s all about bartering food and gasoline. The search gets desperate for the antibiotics and time is running out. I’ll leave the rest up to you to discover when you read this one.

I do like the way that Tosca Lee writes and I found myself trying to read this one in one sitting! It helped that I had a little holiday free time on my hands. I’m thinking there might be a third one in the series that wraps up a few loose ends. Count me in!
Profile Image for Basic B's Guide.
1,093 reviews371 followers
October 4, 2019
“Six months after vanishing into an underground silo with sixty others, Wynter and Chase emerge to find the area abandoned. There is no sign of Noah and the rest of the group that was supposed to greet them when they emerged—the same people Wynter was counting on to help her locate the IV antibiotics her gravely ill friend, Julie, needs in order to live.”

What follows is a fast-paced search for medicine and answers. Where in the world has Noah disappeared to and why has he abandoned them? As Chase and Wynter navigate the communities that have been destroyed I could easily see this as a movie. Tosca does a fantastic job of creating a world devastated by a global pandemic. The landscape, lack of food and water all felt too real that I was finding myself frantically searching for a snack while reading.

While I did enjoy the ride, I didn’t quite love it as much as the first book. The first book dove a little deeper and I felt this sequel just scratched the surface of each of the characters. Dare I say, that I may have liked a little less action and a little more depth. I’m curious about Chase and would have liked to have learned more about his character.

For newbies, I highly recommend starting at the beginning with The Line Between. For fans, I would love to hear if you felt the same way as me.
Profile Image for Debra Slonek.
335 reviews65 followers
June 18, 2019
A Single Light picks up where The Line Between left off. 63 people are living, surviving and cooperating together in an underground silo, a well planned and well constructed shelter. They are sealed in to be protected from a flu-borne pandemic, total chaos and mass destruction going on above ground.

Imagine being locked in underground. You are safe and your needs are being met. What would you miss the most? Sunshine, rain, animals or even freedom...?

As the days spent underground add up, tensions, anxieties and fear levels also go up. Any unbridled fear would yield to lunacy. Everyone wanted to know what was going on above ground. Had issues been resolved or had they worsened? How many of the original 63 will surface on opening day and what will they see and find?

As the underground survivors finally surface, they find that their world is almost unrecognizable. So much has changed. Food, water, medicine and fuel are scarce. Currency holds no value. Law and order is non existent. Is there any good left in the world?

As Wynter and Chase navigate through their new normal, they do so with a determined purpose and a strong will to survive. Their new normal is filled with surprises, challenges, disappointments, victories and many opportunities to work together and depend on one another.

This book is filled with villains and heroes. Also filled with plenty of people who are in need of rescue and those who are willing to take up the challenge and accomplish the job, no matter the cost. Many examples of bravery and self sacrifice point to the fact that there is still good left in Wynter and Chase’s much changed world.

I love stories where people and places get opportunities to change for the better, where old thing are made new and where beauty can rise from the ashes. Well done!

I received a complimentary copy of this awesome book from Howard Books. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
Profile Image for ᒪᗴᗩᕼ .
1,744 reviews185 followers
April 20, 2021
❐ Overall Rating 4½⭐ | Narration 😁 = Very Good
❐ Narrated by Cassandra Campbell
❐ Listening Length: 9H 43M
❐ The Line Between #2
❐ Viral Pandemic
❐ Apocalypse Now


If you haven’t read my review for book #1 yet...you can see it HERE.

It’s kind of crazy listening to this duology while currently dealing with an actual pandemic...in what universe did I ever think I would be typing those words into a review??? None, of course...at least not up until March of 2020. It is sort of surreal.

This second book is just as fast-paced as the first book was and I couldn’t listen to it quickly enough. I read somewhere that this is Christian Fiction I think it’s somewhat accurate to say that, although I believe it’s difficult to not have religious beliefs mentioned when a book has cultism as one of the main elements of the story but I don’t believe it beats you over the head with religion, either. I will say that it felt like a slightly watered-down version of what could happen when the world descends into chaos...but there was still plenty of sketchy shit going on.

(cawpile score = 8.71/10)
Profile Image for Mackey.
1,134 reviews361 followers
October 23, 2020
Rarely do I enjoy a sequel as much as the first in the series but A Single Light definitely fell into that category. In fact, I may have enjoyed it more! The characters in this series are so realistic and the pandemic that is sweeping across the world a bit too close to home make this series one of the best I've read. I cannot recommend these books highly enough. NOTE: Definitely read these books in order or you will be lost.
Profile Image for Yaritza.
706 reviews129 followers
May 14, 2019
The apocalypse has continued. This next book in the series will have you running for your life to the very end. This book was action packed. Wynter is a fierce woman who learned to fight and survive in just a few days from being released from the enclave, which was a cult. In just a few days she was in the middle of a war zone needing to fight to survive in order to save those who she love, while being creative and burning and exploding her way out of towns that had overpowering and cruel leaders. Wynter and Chase were under attack throughout most of the book. Wynter was determine to save Julie at whatever cost. The evil in the world has increased due to the virus that gives you advance dementia. Everyone left in the towns are starving and looking for supplies to survive. Wynter and Chase had to work together to survive and find the antibiotics to save Julie. We lost some wonderful characters throughout the story. I loved how my beautiful island of Puerto Rico is part of this story. Wynter finally saw the ocean.

I felt like the story abruptly went from Puerto Rico to the enclave. I think the ending needed a little more feedback on whats to come. Will the disease keep spreading, will it evolve and will they live to survive? We will have to wait and see.
Profile Image for Dana.
783 reviews9 followers
September 9, 2019
OMG. A Single Light did NOT disappoint!!! The story picks up right where The Line Behind left us.... you know, craving more Wynter Roth! The story starts in an underground silo, completely sealed off from the world above. 63 people living together with 169 days until the door unlocks. Wynters friend Julie has been injured, is in need of IV antibiotics and is fighting for her life.

The door unlocks ... the fast paced, edge of your seat action starts! Wynter & Chase emerge from underground to find they've been abandoned. With Noah and the rest of the group missing they are forced to strategize and navigate a new game plan. As they race to find antibiotics we are introduced to new characters, most of whom are out for their own gain and unwilling to help. Most, but not all.

Can they save Julie? Will they find Noah? What will be the outcome for humanity?

Wow can Tosca Lee ever write!!!! She has very quickly become one of my top authors. I didn't want this story to end, that's a sign of an amazing writer. I was so enthralled with the characters and the storyline that I found myself sad as there were less pages. I for one NEED more Wynter Roth :)

I highly recommend this series!!!!!!!!!

A huge thank you to Tosca Lee and publisher for my review copy.

September 21, 2019
What a sequel! Before reading A Single Light, you must read The Line Between to get the full impact of this thriller. The action picks up soon after the conclusion of The Line Between.

In the not-so-distant future, a very contagious disease (rapid early-onset dementia) is sweeping across the United States and the power grid is gone. Society quickly dissolves into chaos and martial law. A group of 63 people is secured in a large underground bunker for 6 months to 'wait out' the disaster. When they emerge, life has not returned to some semblance of 'normal' as they hoped. There's no vaccine for the rampant illness.

The first part of the novel depicts life in the underground bunker and the ways such confinement, while essential for life, impacts human beings. The bulk of the novel follows Wynter and Chase, our main characters, as they navigate a dangerous and chaotic Nebraska on a desperate search for antibiotics.

I was exhausted when I finished reading this novel because the action is so intense! Wynter is a smart and realistic heroine which kept me right with her in the story. I was satisfied with the ending and was glad not everything wrapped up with a big pink bow. Thank you Tosca Lee for this wild and wonderful ride!
Profile Image for Sherri.
1,370 reviews
September 13, 2021
Page. Turner. Suspense. Mystery. Thriller.
It's been a long time since I stayed up all night just to finish a book. Meet A Single Light sequel to The Line Between. If you haven't read that first, do so as this carries on right from the ending. Could it stand alone? Sure. But riveting when both read together. Plus you read the first and you're going to want to finish with this one.

Wynter, Chase, Truly, and others have been in the silo for six months. When the lock opens three days early, why, what happened, what will they encounter? A post-pandemic world that has new rules.

Get ready for a world that could change.
Profile Image for Ann Lou.
557 reviews88 followers
June 3, 2020
A little unnerving considering the similarity of the virus we are experiencing these days. Stay home. Stay safe.

After months of hiding in the underground shelter. Wynter, Chase and others expected the world will be better when they emerge. But it got worse. What happened to the vaccine? What happened to Noah?

This is fast paced and very engaging. Wynter has come a looooong way from being a member of a cult to saving the world. This did not disappoint and I wanted to read more. Skip a few months later and stuff.
Profile Image for Kelly Bridgewater.
1,117 reviews57 followers
September 18, 2019
End of the World thrillers are interesting. They take on a what-if scenario and run with it. As for Tosca Lee with her The Line Between and A Single Light, Lee crafts a world that begins with a cult escape and turns into a vaccine that is needed to save the world from early dementia. I highly recommend reading these two novels in order or the second novel really won't make much sense. I even went back and re-read the first one before diving into the second one because I read so many books in between that I couldn't remember much of the first one. Boy, am I glad that I did. As for the plot of A Single Light, it moves quite rapidly. I recommend sitting aside an entire day with no interruptions, which I know is practically impossible. Lee is wonderful at ending each chapter on a cliffhanger, so of course, I wanted to keep reading and find out what happened. This story had so many twists and turns that I loved it. The plot is fast paced and had me flipping through the pages. The characters of Wynter and Chase are fabulous. I love how quickly Wynter fit into the world she escaped to and how much she did to save others. She has a heart to save not only her niece but anyone she comes in contact with. Chase, the hero, is an ex-Marine who does anything for Wynter, even love her when she doesn't want to be loved. Tosca Lee crafted a wonderful end of the world thriller that kept me glued to the page. If this is the last one, then I'm sad to see these characters go, I would love to see what happens next. How do they actually rebuild the world? Fans of The Hunger Games might enjoy this novel. I sure did.

I received a complimentary copy of A Single Light by Tosca Lee from Howard Books, but the opinions stated are all my own.
Profile Image for Heather Gilbert.
Author 38 books815 followers
August 19, 2019
One of my fave reads of 2019!

WOW. I'd been intrigued by the premise of this series (I'm a sucker for a great post-apocalyptic novel), and I was pleasantly surprised. Even though I haven't read book 1 yet (trust me, I WILL be reading it!), I found A SINGLE LIGHT to be paced like a train...it started out chugging along steadily, but by halfway through, it was barreling down the express tracks, and I had to stay up late into the night to see how it ended. The first person point of view is perfect for this novel and flawlessly executed, pulling me straight into the bold but conflicted main character's head. This book shot to the top of my best reads of 2019 list and I know I'll be recommending it often. Solid, hopeful moral tone, but I would call this a mainstream read versus strictly Christian fiction.

The one thought running through my head as this story unwound was that Tosca Lee is definitely a gifted storyteller. Looking forward to reading more of these books and I'm hoping there's another in this series.

*I was given a copy of this book by the publisher and chose to review of my own accord.*
Profile Image for Linda.
858 reviews
September 30, 2019
Several month ago, I picked up the first book in this duo, The Line Between, after seeing some high ratings and good reviews from friends here on GR. It was a fascinating read and very unique. It's a little bit dystopian, a little bit apocolyptic and a little bit thriller. I was so impressed with how the author was able to pull all that off in the first book. And then I found out there was a sequel and I signed up on the wait list at the library right away.

I am so happy to report that the sequel was just as good as the first book!

This one picks up right where The Line Between left off. And once again, the author did a fantastic job with the storytelling! There was lots of action and some twists along the way. I also enjoyed the parts about life in the silo, which was an interesting depiction of human nature when in crisis-mode.

Overall, this is a great choice if you like dystopian/apocolyptic stories. But, if that is not something you usually choose, you should still consider giving this a try. There really is something for everyone in this duo!
Profile Image for Victoria Bylin.
Author 39 books486 followers
July 4, 2019
From the back cover: "Fast-paced and taut, A Single Light is a breathless thriller of nonstop suspense about the risks of living in a world outside the safe confines of our closely-held beliefs and the relationships and lives that inspire us."

That's a perfect description of this book. It's chilling to read about a world in such dire straits. At the same time, there's love at the core of the story. And hope. Buckle up! It's quite a tale. My only frustration was the huge cast of characters. I read Book 1 several months ago (a library check-out) and couldn't easily refer back to see who was who. This is a true sequel to Book 1--not a stand-alone in my opinion.

Recommended for lovers of apocalyptic and futuristic fiction and anyone (like me) who enjoys stories with a medical angle. You won't be disappointed :)

Thank you to the publisher for an Advance Reader Copy. No review required, etc. My opinions are my own :)
Profile Image for StarMan.
681 reviews17 followers
October 9, 2020
YA VERDICT: Passing grade for YA fiction. ~2.9 YA stars. Action and danger, and of course a little YA romance. NO love triangle.

ADULT VERDICT: 1.8 stars. Too much arguing and shouting, not enough use of brain cells.

NOTE: Read Book 1 (The Line Between) first. Otherwise you'll miss out on the background of most of the characters, as well as the beginning of the pandemic/Apocalypse.
Profile Image for Nicole.
Author 14 books1,387 followers
September 17, 2019
Tosca Lee has outdone herself with A Single Light. It’s an unrelenting, breakneck, thrill ride of a book--so fast-paced I found myself skimming chapters and then forcing myself to go back a read at a more reasonable pace to be sure I didn't miss anything. This heartbreaking read is also suffused with hope and hints at the beauty of new beginnings. Gorgeously written and absolutely unputdownable. All the stars!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 445 reviews

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