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Children of Vice #3

Children of Redemption

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“I do not come in peace.”

Life has never been easy for the second-born Callahan son, Wyatt. Trained as a doctor, but born a Callahan, his life has always been one of warring dualities.

But when the Callahan family suffers a massive blow, it’s time for Wyatt to step up and decide, once and for all, who he really is. Will Wyatt rise to the challenge as his enemies close in or will his actions lead to destruction of the world’s most powerful mafia family?

Catch up on the Children of Vice Series:
CHILDREN OF VICE, Book 1: “From the Ruthless, Vice shall Rise.”
CHILDREN OF AMBITION, Book 2: "Show me a strong woman and I’ll show you the scars on her soul that made her so.”

374 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 8, 2018

About the author

J.J. McAvoy

34 books5,540 followers
I’m a twenty-year-old something born in Montreal, Canada but currently living in Virginia for school. I would tell you want my major is however after two years I still have no idea what I’m doing.

So I’m a writer (duh that’s how you found me), movie enthusiast, and self-proclaimed chef. I love music even though I can’t sing or dance to save my life. (That doesn’t necessarily stop me but you’ve been warned.)

I started Ruthless People the summer of 2013 in hopes of giving myself a new type of love and crime drama. I never knew so many people thought like me! I feel truly blessed to have fans like you all! Writing is my true love and having you all enjoy my words is a dream come true.

I'm on

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 245 reviews
Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews15k followers
March 20, 2019

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️! Children of Redemption, book 3 of 4. It’s time for Dr. Wyatt Callahan unconventional & prescriptive treatment of chaos & betrayal!

“Some men lie in hopes of fucking. Me, I prefer to fuck first. To me, knowing how much I enjoy fucking a woman is the very foundation of how I go about approaching that woman.”

Books in Children of Vice series should be read in order:
Book 1: Children of Vice
Book 2: Children of Ambition
Book 3: Children of Redemption
Book 4: Vicious Minds Part 1
Book 5: Vicious Minds Part 2

The next generation of Callahan’s rule Chicago and control crime and drugs across the globe.

Children of Redemption (book 3) is Wyatt S. Callahan’s story. It picks up right after his twin sister’s story and shocking events. Needless to say, the family is left picking up the pieces. Donatella is holding court in Europe and Ethan is pulling away. It’s time for the cold-blooded second son to step up, step out from the shadows. With a large dose of callous and malice he will wage war, but not without help from the family.

But maybe most interesting is his love interest. The jaded, dirty-talking manwhore is moving beyond self-serving one-night-stands and quick fucks with the hired help. There were hints in book 2. Are you ready for Wyatt getting it on in a bit of a forbidden romance that will rock the family and have the potential of making them lose focus of the enemy and danger all around?

Nine words to describe Wyatt Sedric Callahan: Calculating, sinister, aloof, manwhore, immature, vengeful, focuses, selfish and ruthless.

Children of Redemption, told from multiple POVs, is nothing short of a master-piece. Superb character development, steamy off-limits sex, intrigue, suspense, danger, lies, betrayal and redemption. It ends with yet another jaw-dropper leading right to book 4, Vicious Minds for the conclusion to the Callahan family saga.

Spectacular! Intense! All-consuming!

“Welcome to Chicago. The rats die first.”

Hero: ★★★★★
Heroine: ★★★★
Plot: ★★★★★
Storytelling: ★★★★★
Sexual tension: ★★★★★
Sex scenes: ★★★★
Story ending: N/A
OVERALL RATING: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Angst: | HIGH FOCUS |
Darkness: | HIGH FOCUS |
Humor: | HIGH FOCUS |
Romance: | MEDIUM FOCUS |
Sex frequency: | MEDIUM FOCUS |
Suspense: | HIGH FOCUS |

Beta copies provided to me by author J.J. McAvoy in exchange for honest feedback & review.
Profile Image for Dr. Appu Sasidharan (Dasfill).
1,358 reviews3,349 followers
June 13, 2023
J.J. McAvoy tells us the story of the Callahan family in this book.

Wyatt is the second son in the Callahan family and is a Doctor by profession.

Due to certain circumstances, Wyatt is forced to take responsibility for the whole mafia family. Will Wyatt manage to tackle all the hurdles he has to face? Will he succumb to the pressure? This book will give you the answer to it.

This book was recommended to me by a Doctor who is a friend of mine. This is actually the third book in this series. I don’t know why she recommended this specific book. So I decided to go for it straightaway instead of trying the first two books. (I generally prefer to read the books in a series according to the order in which they are published.) I first have to thank her for recommending it, as I enjoyed the experience of reading it.

This book is engaging, and the mafia story gives us the vibes of Mario Puzo’s books. There are extremely explicit scenes in this book. So children, please keep away from this book even if the term children is mentioned in the title. J.J. McAvoy has done a decent job of telling a mafia family story in an engaging manner.

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Profile Image for MischaS_.
785 reviews1,422 followers
March 12, 2018
“Welcome to Chicago, the rats die first.”

So, here I am. Again in love with the Callahans.

“Didn’t you pledge to do no harm?”
“I lied. Shocking.”

I'm not exactly a fan of spin-off series or adding to a finished series. And with the Children of Vice, it seemed to me that the series lost its spark. I rated it pretty low. Then Dona's book was better, and I could not wait for Wyatt's book, and even though I do not like everything about it, the Callahans are back, and they are back with a vengeance.

"Says who? Disney?"

There was not much of Dona in COR but I'm still looking forward to her book.

J.J.McAvoy is a master of unexpected and WTF moments.

I love Wyatt and how violent he is and that he does not really care. It brings the good memories of Melody&Liam burning the world to the ground.

I do not really like the couple, though I'm not as much against it as I was in the previous book when the idea was suggested. However, Helen proved much more capable than I thought she was so I think I can live with that.

I loved the whole book because it went from crazy to mindblowing and back to crazy. It did not stop, and no one was pulling any punches, all in.

The end really left me speechless.

I just want for Wyatt and Ethan to go full brothers. To have a lot of brotherly moments.

Also, love the dynamics between Thing 1 and Thing 2 aka Darcy and Sedric.

Why Ivy? Ethan could replace a wife, but a sibling is impossible-

I really like that Ivy is gone and that apparently no one really liked her either.

“It is fair.”
“She was murdered. So it’s fair. Her weakness got her killed.”

I love, love the epilogue and I want to know what is going to happen in the next book. And I can see Ethan's expression at Gigi, that had to be priceless. And I got a feeling that Wyatt will be angry that he did not take a picture of that. And you know what I'm looking forward to? The moment Ethan has to say no to Gigi.

Also, I would like to see the one brave person who is going to break the news to Dona. All of the news. I think she'll go full Melody and just shoot the Messenger. If it's someone from the family I think she'll just shoot at the Messenger. :D

My little problem with, probably, the whole series is that there are some problems in the timeline. Especially in regards to the ages. Once it says that something happened when they were 14 then 16 etc. There should be more proofreading in regards to that. It's really annoying for people who pay attention to that. I had to stop reading several times and go back to previous books and check if I'm mistaken or not.
Profile Image for Sky- A hopeless romantic girl :D.
320 reviews121 followers
March 17, 2018
3.5 stars

whoever read my review of Children of Ambition must know that i didn't enjoyed that book and how i felt cheated as i was expecting a nice romance not a long ass prologue which i def. got in the name of Donna's book.

So, with that book i lost my faith in Miss McAvoy and to be honest first one wasn't that impressive too.

so, after second book i was little skeptical about this book but then a little birdie told me that it was going to be a forbidden romance and well i love them so i had to give it a try...

Well then i did it and read it !
which i do not regret MUCH!!

now on the book-
until 50% it was that same mafia family drama and only after 50% i got my forbidden romance with such a fast pace that i was sure i missed something behind or it was a short story being told and i didn't get the memo.

I liked Wyatt. his character was hot in his own way and whatever couple time i did get was fun.. but the love part was well disappointing with how they showed that they were always in love..yeah! sure..

so..overall i am just reading these books to reach the end.. believe me if i had know what i do now i wouldn't have started this series in the first place..

Like i have said before i love only romance books and that's what i only look for but because i jumped into this series without knowing its actual genre i have to endure whatever i have been given..

which includes Author releasing full length prologues and extending series as much as she likes..

i know , i know you guys must be thinking how many times is she going to sing that prologue song but let me tell you people i was hurt!

i waited so long for the second book and what i got was quite disappointing
so, yeah i am hurt and i will complaint..

tbh i kinda feel that this author has started to chase money or something with how she's extending series and producing series with in the series and WRITING LONG PROLOGUES..
and those unnecessary cliffhangers..yup i think she needs to think again with her books..

but of course what do i know? its just what i feel and i who only likes to read romance does feel betrayed...

Be careful book!!

You are going to decide the future of my relationship with miss McAvoy!!

So You better kick ass!
Get it?
Profile Image for Deborah.
3,591 reviews473 followers
April 2, 2018

Since I liked but didn’t love the previous book Ambition I started this with my fingers firmly crossed.
But I needn’t have worried I found this compulsive reading and I was hooked almost straight away.
In the interests of complete honesty I will say that I found the whole romance thing disappointing. I liked the end result I just didn’t like how we got there.
The rest of it was good, the flashbacks give us insight into how Ethan, Wyatt and Dona were trained and taught from a young age. And the vision that Melody and Liam had as they prepared their children for the life they would lead.
Profile Image for Fre06 Begum.
1,260 reviews208 followers
March 10, 2018
Need to think about this book as I’m still unsure of how I feel. Wyatt and his love interest? Nah I totally did no feel the love between them, well not from his part anyway!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Antonella.
3,780 reviews522 followers
March 16, 2019
I really want this review to be helpful to all of you out there, who love this series and are wondering should you read this or wait for book 4 and grand finale of the Callahan clan.
I don't know how helpful I will be but I will be 100% honest.

This is not a standalone. You don't have to read Ruthless people to read this series but you have to read previous books in this series. Then again this series is not as good as the Ruthless people in my opinion, the author tried to fallow the same pattern but the task of creating unique characters like the one in that series is just impossible. Also it takes away the surprise factor. So the twists and turns become expected and cliffhangers instead of shock bring only confusion.
Also all the things that happened in this three books lead up to book four. It is a mighty big prologue and puts awful lot of pressure on book four.

I'm not quite sure what to think of this book. I'm confused and a lot of it has to do with the ending, I think I will reserve the opinion on all of the series after the final book because I really want to see what the author will do with it.

It is a good written book, I like the pace of the story. It kept my interest to fallow the plot line. Now that is enough right? You want good written book with interesting characters, who live on the edge and are not always good people who show their dark side. So on that end I loved this story. But on the other I didn't. Don't get me wrong I'm not professional reviewer nor do I get paid for this, nor do I take myself serious. But I guess what I didn't like is that I had different expectations for this series. Especially with huge amount of love for the Melanie and Liam. So maybe I was rooting for more of romantic versions for these books. I do respect author wishes to go this way, that is her right and her story. I'm just a passenger on this ride. So do not expect romance. This is first and foremost family saga with suspense and action and violent elements in it.

The ending of book two was not a surprising to me. As I never really felt Ivy as part of the story, but I'm wondering what is the point. And more so because of the end in this story.

Now this was supposed to be Wyatt's story and in the way it was with a lot of side characters reveling everything that was established in book one no longer holds true. His love interest is not surprise I guessed it but with this kind of story you never know for sure.

In my opinion if you debating whether to read this book or wait for the release of book four, it's a yes. You can read it. Because I assume you read book one and two so you kind of expect certain things and after everything that happened there this book doesn't hold that much of a shock factor. After Dona's story, Toby being the traitor and Ivy's dead stuff in here are not out of the blue occurrence. Cliff at the end is more confusing then anything else. And I have so much questions. And at the end only thing that remains is bigger picture. I really want to now what is a point of three book intro. Because that how it's feels to me.

Also I expected more Mel and Liam in this book. Hopeful that book four will have that.

Overall the book four holds all the answers.

This is the cliff if you want to know the ending.
Profile Image for Joana.
11 reviews
April 3, 2018
So 5 sweet Wyatt stars.

Hands down, I love the book/Wyatt/JJ. Like seriously, with every book it gets better.

After almost a month, I finally can say something more logical.
If you are hardcore Mel and Liam fan - you will love this book.
If you are here only for Wyatt - you gonna love it.
If you are sadomasochist, who likes what JJ do with you - you definitely will love it.

I don't know about you, but I'm a little bit scared with series books, because the books after the first one, could be worse. But thanks god, it doesn't happen here. After the first book it gets better and better, and I absofuckinglutly love COR.

In this book we finally can understand who is Wyatt and how he became who he is now. After you know whose death, he needs to step up and lead his family. It's a redemption time.
This book is a rollercoaster and in the end it's just atomic bomb, because Whaaaaat? And you left with that cliffhanger for almost a year to wait.

You will see more Mel and Liam, and those flashbacks and that scene with Wyatt and Liam in the basement and THAT scene near you know whose bed (my heart still hurts ...).

After a month I'm still not shipping Wyatt love interest. And I still think that I would be more suitable for him.

Anyway, just read it. You will love it, I promise.

Lets start with non spoiler part.
So I think it is obvious that J.J. McAvoy is cruel genius, she torture us, but we still love her.
You thought that Mel and Liam and ruthless as hell. Nope. It's Wyatt. He is better version of L&M. And we only got a glimpse. Like some characters said, the look Wyatt had in his eyes reminded them Mel when she did something "bad" (if you know what I mean), and like some characters said Wyatt reminded them Liam the mad hatter.

And the ending. As always killing us. And again cliffhanger. Who could guess that thing in the epilogue?

Okay so here goes some spoilers or tbh my thoughts about book: (i think I need time to process it, so later i will update my review, because it doesn't look like review, but anyway..)

Helen. I don't know, I still don't ship them. But hey, maybe they will grow on me. I think i wanted to see more of her Callahan side, but oh well. She still is genius Callahan, and i still love her.

Wyatt. If you read the book you know he's so funny and ruthless (i mean chaos for chaos, and fire scene - oh boy..) He is such a complex character. I felt the pain he felt as a boy and it was said to read how he and Ethan build a wall between them.. And the ending of the book. First of all I should say that J.J. almost got me at that moment. I really could believe that a f*cking Callahan can die. Like no. And we already know Mel heart surgeon and fake death.. So yeah, I won't be so easily tricked to believe someone died. Anyway at one moment I started to doubt myself, does a person can ome back from brain death. Luckily it was a short moment of doubt because he moved. (I feel so proud of myself despite the fact that my tears were running down like a river..)

Ethan. Again another my poor little baby. Yeap he didint kill Ivy. And he was crushed. And that vacation ;DD I laughed so hard when Wyatt tried to get access to CAIN and all those Ethan clue :DD Or where he go on Vacations. Sneaky i could say. And yeah, he is real puppet master. Anyway I'm happy that he and Wyatt finally got their brother moment. Thank god and be prepared for bloody bath world.

Sedric and Darcy - I'm really happy that they are finally acting like Callahans we want to see. Can't wait to see what happens in Vicious mind. By the way, does it look only for me that they are their fathers copies? Because when Wyatt, Sedric and Darcy are together it reminds me of Liam, Neal and Declan :D

Liam and Mel. I'm seriously saying that they have god complex. All that planning, scheming.. They made Dona a princess, Ethan a ruler and Wyatt a weapon. And hey everyone have their own place in this world. So no drama and no more fight for place under the sun. And oh oh Wyatt and Ethan finally know that mom and dad are alive. That moment when Wyatt wake up, the only thought I had - he now Liam and Mel are alive. He knows!!!!! Also they promised us blood, so get ready, it's going to rain in blood.
Profile Image for Shazy.
472 reviews22 followers
March 10, 2018
2 boring stars!


Meh! Why am I always getting frustrated after reading J.J.McAvoy’s books! This was such a lackluster and tasteless story! I honestly don’t understand the point for book 1 if you are just gonna kill IVY anyway. Like did I just seriously waste my time? This author is really losing her touch after The ruthless people series! These books are just not good and doesn’t make sense at all. The kinda of love that was shown from both Ethan and Ivy in book 1 is was so different and the way the story progress it just makes the story meaningless! And what happened about Donatella showing up? Isn’t that how the last book ended, with her coming back? Did she forget that while writing this? Wyatt and Helen’s story was also super boring and didn’t do anything for me .

What I hate the most is when you stay up all night to finish a book only to me massivly disappointed.
Anyways, I’m not sure I’m gonna read the next one. Especially if there’s a new love interest for Ethan. I mean I’m hopimg Ivy will end up actually being alive so there’s little hope I might. Lol bye
Profile Image for Anis Yasmin.
6 reviews
March 9, 2018
Whoever invented cliffhangers should be unborn.
Not what I expected from adorable Wyatt.
He's the worst monster out of the 3 of them & this book focused on revealing those monsters inside not only Wyatt but the other children of Callahan.
But the climax though. It wasnt the usual 'blow your mind' climax, instead it was the 'break your heart' climax & made me sniff onions.
To top it all of, the epilogue crushed my already broken heart with the good 'ol cliffhangers.
Now I have to wait months to cure my Callahan heart break.
But it was a great read. Love all the plot twist. Love the PoV's of other Callahan's. My only regret is I want to see more of Wyatt's monster.
Profile Image for Gitte TotallyBookedBlog.
2,039 reviews937 followers
March 22, 2018

'Welcome back to Chicago…the forecast is as it has always been….windy with a chance of murder.’

Wow! Just when you think you’ve got these Callahan’s pegged, that crazy evil genius J J McAvoy goes and throws a curve ball and turns your thoughts upside down, inside out and sideways! Boy, can this lady tell one hell of a story! Her characters are unapologetic in what they do and she spares no part of the reader’s hearts as she takes us on a chaotic and gut churning ride.

‘We’d caused so much pain, had hurt so many people, and had destroyed so many families…but if we stopped we’d die because they would come for us. How could they not?
When we were strong, they came for us. If we were weak, they’d come even more. So we had to commit. We had to walk this hell.’

For all intents and purposes, Children of Redemption is Wyatt’s story, but it’s more than that, as we witness Helen and Ethan, and in fact a few of the other family members come into their own following some tragic and unexpected events that would begin to shape the Callahan’s of the future.

Out of all the siblings, Wyatt Callahan appeared to be the most put together, the one least likely to have a hand in running the family business. Deciding the Mafia/Mob lifestyle and its consequences wasn’t the way he wanted to live his life, Wyatt left Chicago early on to become a Doctor in Boston. However, events from the previous book, Children of Ambition, would see Wyatt return to the fold to assist the family and also reunite him with his step cousin and best friend Helen Callahan.

Wyatt is a changed man (and what a man!!), stepping up to be the man his Mum and Dad had trained him to be and Wyatt was a revelation, so very different from the Wyatt we’ve come to know, yet the man we had always sort of executed him to be. Ruthless and loyal to a fault. After all, he is a Callahan!

‘He was rough, he was passionate, sweet and sinful all at once…and I craved every part of him.’

Helen, Wyatt’s brainiac step cousin was always his best friend. The girl he turned to for advice, the woman he would turn to as his listening ear, and then, the woman he would soon realise he loved beyond reproach, and we all know that when a Callahan falls in love, it’s intense, it’s possessive, it’s passionate and it’s forever!

“You don’t pick who you love. You just love.” That’s why love was so maddening…once you fell, there was no right or wrong. You just had to surrender to it.

Along with the murder, mayhem and madness, there is a forbidden love aspect of Children of Redemption that seared its way into our hearts. This was a love story that was years in the making and we cheered for this couple throughout.

Now, we don’t want to spoil any part of the story for you and if you’re a fan of this series you know how J J McAvoy can toy with our emotions and mess with our hearts, and this instalment is no different. Oh boy, did she have us on the edge of seat and gasping incredulity as the story hit breakneck speed around the 70% mark. Wow! Talk about taunting your readers!

‘She’s dangerous. I smiled to myself.’

We did find the first part of the story to take a while to settle into, however after the slow build up the chaos that eschewed had us gripping onto our Kindles for dear life and enjoying the crazy ride…..And that ending………WOW! Talk about a heart stopper! We sure hope J J McAvoy’s fingers are madly typing away at the final book because we need it now! Hmmmm that’s if our hearts can take more!

“Why…..do……they..always….gotta…..gotta ruin my day?”

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Profile Image for Merve Well.
106 reviews16 followers
September 19, 2019

First of all, I'd like to say I really loved Ruthless People . It has become one of my all time favourites. However, Children of Vice has been a bit disappointing as I did have really high expectations for this series. I enjoyed the first book, Ethan & Ivy's story but their connection, love didn't feel as epic as or as right as Liam & Melody's. Yet overall, it was still a good romance. I did also enjoy the second book where Dona's story was told. It was also an average romance for me but Dona's character definitely made the story interesting and easy to read. This third book, Wyatt's book was my least favourite. Yes, unfortunately.

Let me explain it by throwing a bunch of spoilers. Firstly, It was so annoying and as Octavia said in her review, Octavia's review , it was disrespectful. Secondly, Helen& Wyatt's actual relationship started after the half of the book and it just didn't feel like it was real to me. Okay, they knew each other really well since they were kids, I really don't like this, it feels unnatural. Maybe I'm not the person who likes friends-to-lovers type of books, that's why it doesn't feel genuine to me. Finally, I hated that While I was reading, I was like "Really? Is this your best shot J.J?"

Overall, this series is definitely not as good as Ruthless People but I'll keep reading it. I really wonder .
Profile Image for Jenny - TotallybookedBlog.
1,874 reviews2,064 followers
March 22, 2018

'Welcome back to Chicago…the forecast is as it has always been….windy with a chance of murder.’

Wow! Just when you think you’ve got these Callahan’s pegged, that crazy evil genius J J McAvoy goes and throws a curve ball and turns your thoughts upside down, inside out and sideways! Boy, can this lady tell one hell of a story! Her characters are unapologetic in what they do and she spares no part of the reader’s hearts as she takes us on a chaotic and gut churning ride.

‘We’d caused so much pain, had hurt so many people, and had destroyed so many families…but if we stopped we’d die because they would come for us. How could they not?
When we were strong, they came for us. If we were weak, they’d come even more. So we had to commit. We had to walk this hell.’

For all intents and purposes, Children of Redemption is Wyatt’s story, but it’s more than that, as we witness Helen and Ethan, and in fact a few of the other family members come into their own following some tragic and unexpected events that would begin to shape the Callahan’s of the future.

Out of all the siblings, Wyatt Callahan appeared to be the most put together, the one least likely to have a hand in running the family business. Deciding the Mafia/Mob lifestyle and its consequences wasn’t the way he wanted to live his life, Wyatt left Chicago early on to become a Doctor in Boston. However, events from the previous book, Children of Ambition, would see Wyatt return to the fold to assist the family and also reunite him with his step cousin and best friend Helen Callahan.

Wyatt is a changed man (and what a man!!), stepping up to be the man his Mum and Dad had trained him to be and Wyatt was a revelation, so very different from the Wyatt we’ve come to know, yet the man we had always sort of executed him to be. Ruthless and loyal to a fault. After all, he is a Callahan!

‘He was rough, he was passionate, sweet and sinful all at once…and I craved every part of him.’

Helen, Wyatt’s brainiac step cousin was always his best friend. The girl he turned to for advice, the woman he would turn to as his listening ear, and then, the woman he would soon realise he loved beyond reproach, and we all know that when a Callahan falls in love, it’s intense, it’s possessive, it’s passionate and it’s forever!

“You don’t pick who you love. You just love.” That’s why love was so maddening…once you fell, there was no right or wrong. You just had to surrender to it.

Along with the murder, mayhem and madness, there is a forbidden love aspect of Children of Redemption that seared its way into our hearts. This was a love story that was years in the making and we cheered for this couple throughout.

Now, we don’t want to spoil any part of the story for you and if you’re a fan of this series you know how J J McAvoy can toy with our emotions and mess with our hearts, and this instalment is no different. Oh boy, did she have us on the edge of seat and gasping incredulity as the story hit breakneck speed around the 70% mark. Wow! Talk about taunting your readers!

‘She’s dangerous. I smiled to myself.’

We did find the first part of the story to take a while to settle into, however after the slow build up the chaos that eschewed had us gripping onto our Kindles for dear life and enjoying the crazy ride…..And that ending………WOW! Talk about a heart stopper! We sure hope J J McAvoy’s fingers are madly typing away at the final book because we need it now! Hmmmm that’s if our hearts can take more!

“Why…..do……they..always….gotta…..gotta ruin my day?”

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Profile Image for Octavia.
186 reviews57 followers
December 16, 2018
Updated 12/16/18
This series has been a bit of a mixed bag for me. After talking to both the author and other fans I'm going to stop reading this series.

It just seems to be a disconnect for me. I feel I missed something that everyone seem to get. I enjoyed Ruthless People series and it being written in my hometown made it special.

Let me start by saying how much of a J.J. McAvoy and Ruthless People fan I am. That being said I am very conflicted by this book.

The good points first. This is Wyatt's book so if I leave out everything not Wyatt and Helen it is a great book. Wyatt is yet another great character in the series. He is everything I thought he would be and more. The relationship with him and Helen was the highlight of this book. As well as the Callahan family coming back together. The idea of Sedric and Darcy coming into the family business bringing the Asian & Black element, genius. But you don't see that plan go into motion or what the above named cousins really bring to the table.
Which leads me to some of the problems I have with this book. With the comment that Sedric made able Ivy to his father.

I love the first book in this series Children of Vice. Ivy was just awesome. I love her and Ethan as well as their relationship.

This book dismissed and disrespected both Ivy and her relationship with Ethan. I feel like the author is trying to break the Ivy character down in order to build something or someone up in the next book. If that is the case shame on you JJ McAvoy. I'm guessing whoever Ethan is going to end up with is going to be all that Ivy wasn't? The next book is make or break for me. I like Ivy more than Dona and this Crap with Mel & Liam is getting old.
I wonder if Mel & Liam knew what was going to happen to Ivy. The ending left a bad taste in my mouth. So Ethan can't be father to his kid married to Ivy? But what about the more than 3 years before he even married. What was the reason for not telling him before now? Again did Mel and Liam know?
I did enjoy reading it but how Ivy was treated was a major let down. So was the ending. The Wyatt not brain dead thing was a mixed bag.

I'll read the next book but I'm so over this series. My rating will come after I read the next book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for SimplyƝì₭.
602 reviews294 followers
April 17, 2018

"So how do you forgive people who don't want forgiveness?"
In this installment we get the final story of the last Callahan child... Wyatt. I was bit leery of Wyatt. He was always presented aloof and distant. So I was not thrilled going into the book. But JJ worked her magic on me. I loved the first 25% immensely. The Mafia style flair and fighting it rocked hard. Then as Wyatt unfolds and we see his own strength I was more intrigued.
Typically as you move through these books there is a common theme. You get the main story which is about one person and JJ weaves in the family too. I like this aspect because she usually ties up loose ends from the previous book and sets the stage for what is to come.

I had to hold my breath for that last 25% of this book. Too much happened so quickly. But I am so glad I read through the entire thing because I can't wait to see what the new developments will do the story now and I really want to know what is coming in the near future.

Lastly I had a few issues with the plot development at times I felt there were too many people in the story that truly didn't have value. I also felt like lots of ideas were presented but never revisited or developed. The editing was truly annoying. The first couple of errors weren't a big deal, but it happened regularly throughout the book. That needs to be sorted out immediately.

If you enjoy the series you have to read this book. Flaws and all, it is necessary for the conclusion.
Profile Image for Doris.
838 reviews30 followers
March 13, 2018
Have to think on this one......review to follow.

I finished this last night and I needed to take some time to get my thoughts together.
When I started this series with our characters Liam and Melody, I was amazed that while they were murderers and ruthless, I fell in love with them. And as each book came out I would sit and read it in one sitting.
Then of course we have now moved on to the children. In Children of Vice we meet Ethan and some didn't but I personally liked Ivy. We get a glimpse of maybe things are not what they seem.
In Children of Ambition we get to realize that Donatella is not happy with the way things are and she does her ultimate to have things they way she wants them. Yet in the background there are forces guiding her to a different path.
Now in Children of Redemption our chaos master Wyatt is left in charge and of course all hell breaks loose. While things take a turn for the worse, the players in the background are still at work.
I will admit that out of all the books in both series, this one was my least favorite. You can tell because it took me 5 days to read it. I did like the ending because I feel that J.J. McAvoy is back at her "things are not as they seem" again. To me that is her strongest asset as a writer. I look forward the next installment.
Profile Image for Miss.MocaHontas Book Blog.
117 reviews4 followers
March 9, 2018
Holy Fucking Shit !!!! I love Wyatt Callahan 💕

I’m pretty sure I die and was reborn just to die again !
This book was everything I want and more. 😍😍
The emotional roller coaster I went on was so crazy a few times I had to stop, breathe, and calm down to just keep reading ! WYATT CALLAHAN IS LITERALLY EVERYTHING !!! And Helen is equally his everything ! I’ve been rooting for them and JJ McAvoy sure did deliver.
And even though I may have shed a tear or two, this book is definitely in my top five favorite books !
And that ending ?!?!?!? I can not wait for book 4 Vicious Minds. I think I might die if I don’t get it soon !!
Profile Image for Angie.
1,379 reviews117 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
March 24, 2018
DNF @ 37%. I think this series has run out of steam. Not a fan of nor of the fact that really is dead.
Profile Image for G.
784 reviews19 followers
September 8, 2018
Impactada apenas.

Houve momentos que estive certa que JJ McAvoy tomou notas das manias de George RR Martin e resolveu não ter pena de ninguém. Ela traz acontecimentos inacreditáveis, pessoas que voltam do mundo dos mortos, herdeiros que tentam manter tudo o que a família construiu e um método revolucionário para cura de um determinado mal que a medicina moderna deveria (ou não) adotar.

Cada livro é parecido, mas diferente ao mesmo tempo. A diferença desse pros demais é que ela foi além, eu diria até que over the top, porque ela testa tua capacidade de suspensão de descrença ao mesmo tempo que testa tua fidelidade para com a série. Felizmente, para mim, funcionou (confesso que ainda não engoli 2 coisas: . Contudo, eu estaria sendo uma grande mentirosa se eu dissesse que não estou esperando ansiosamente pelo último volume, pois aquele final promete muito mais drama.
Profile Image for Tarsoaga Madalina.
34 reviews10 followers
February 20, 2019
5 stars of "MahDoc the Mad Doctor" stars.

I love Wyatt. I am truly, absolutely, permanently in love with this compassionless, heartless and shameless character 😍🤩. In the first book Wyatt seams as the cute, different one, the one that is against the family, in the second book we get to see Wyatt funny side (they are moments in Children of Ambition when I honestly laugh out laud and I had to put down the laptop 😂) but then this book happens and after the Prologue you get to meet and be inside Wyatt thoughts and honestly is mind blowing. Wyatt is ruthless and so, so violent, he doesn't make plans, doesn't care about the consequences and his actions left me shocked time and time again. He reminded me so much of his parents. It was kind of creepy.

"...until one day, I realized I wasn’t kind. I wasn’t merciful.
I was fucking bored with it.
Why fight people who can’t fight back?
Why manipulate people who could never do the same to me?
Those thoughts came to me when I was sixteen because that was the first time I’d ever fought a real opponent…a real chaos monster like me.
My father."

Ethan and Wyatt relationship is strained. Their relationship was a strong driving point in Wyatt determination. One of the major themes of the book was the redemption of Wyatt character and farther in the book the redemption of Ethan's. (Hence the title)

The rest of the family was much more present than in the previous two books. We got to see our old dear Declan, Cora and Neal (I think I squeeze a little when they appeared, I such a fangirl for this series 😫) And the part than I love most we got to know better the cousins. I really love all the characters in this book. And it makes me sad that we had just a book left with all of them. I love the new ideas that this book implements

We have a forbidden love that was teased in the previous book between Helen and Wyatt. I honestly loved Helen. She was perfect and a badass in her own way. Her and Wyatt love was something that was building over the years and when it reached its pick man did it explode. The intensity of their love was reminding me of Melody and Liam's. We didn't get that kind of intensity in Ivy and Ethan and Donatella isn't yet in love with Gabriel but God did we get it here.

This part broke my heart:

The end of the book also build up some events for the next installment of the series. I am super exited for it and I know that my heart will be broken into pieces. This book was amazing and it was one of my favorites. I truly don't think that any other series would surpass this series for my favorite in this gender.

What I want in the next series?
- More of Liam and Melody
-More action and violence and scheming
-Ethan to find a partner as awesome as his Mom
-To hear more from Dona
-To see Wyatt unleashed again to the world.
Profile Image for Finnula.
7 reviews44 followers
March 28, 2018
If you are a big J.J. McAvoy fan then you will like the novel. I am not that person. At this point I am just trying to reach the finish line. I was pretty curious about Wyatt and thought he had good potential as a character but it was pretty much squandered by the hackneyed tropeful of the romance he had with Helen. Yeah the love scenes were hot, not the hottest mind you, but the relationship itself was so milquetoast, I was dissapointed.
Another thing that I was scratching my head over was the resolution of the Ivy business. This book just negated the first and some of the 2nd book. They showed how much of a team Ethan amd Ivy were, nobody said anything against Ivy. In this book, they can't stop bitching about her even though It felt like a gross continuity and logical error. Look I didn't like the first book very much but that's just lazy writing off a character because the readers didn't like her very much.
And the twists and the cliffhanger, Jesus H.Christ, absolutely unnecessary and what about the
At this point I just want Ivy to and rip everybody's head off for doubting her.
Profile Image for Nina.
3 reviews
September 3, 2018
Expected release day: March 8, 2018

This will be the story of the second-born Callahan son, Wyatt.

Image From J.J. McAvoy's Facebook .


“I do not come in peace.”

Life has never been easy for the second-born Callahan son, Wyatt. Trained as a doctor, but born a Callahan, his life has always been one of warring dualities.

But when the Callahan family suffers a massive blow, it’s time for Wyatt to step up and decide, once and for all, who he really is. Will Wyatt rise to the challenge as his enemies close in or will his actions lead to destruction of the world’s most powerful mafia family?

I really can't wait for this book, after the epilogue from Children of Ambition .
Profile Image for Tati.
939 reviews94 followers
June 27, 2018
While I love this crazy family, this new series is really missing Liam and Melody. They sort of held the story together, and their chemistry was off the charts. Now, that we don't have them around anymore, there is no couple that brings that chemistry.

As for the plot, I didn't see much of it outside power struggles, which is getting pretty old. There was a cliffhanger, though, that has me hoping that
Profile Image for NaeLovesToRead✨.
196 reviews17 followers
May 12, 2020
I’m left feeling bitter after being invested in Ivy for the first book and it’s just all turned to shit....all I know is I’ll be reading the next book because I hate unfinished stories.
Profile Image for Jackie.
667 reviews29 followers
March 9, 2018
I had a hard time rating this book because I had really mixed feelings about it. I loved the progression of the mafia story line and thought that was well done. However, I could have completely done without the love story aspect. It didn’t really even start to develop until about half way through the book and then felt very rushed. It went something like this: (her) Oh, I’ve been in love with you for years. (Him) Okay, let me immediately run home and sleep with my maid... Now that I’ve slept on it, I’m actually in love with you too. This whole situation made me end up disliking the hero and heroine. Him for sleeping with someone else immediately after her confession of love and her for being a total doormat that doesn’t care that her confession of love was followed up with him having sex with the maid (whom she witnessed doing the walk of shame the morning after.) Anyway, from here they were immediately meant to be of course and totally in love. If it weren’t for this terrible love story, unnecessary drama and horrible editing, I probably would have given the mafia story part of the book 4-5 stars. I do love this family so I will definitely keep reading but I hope the next book is much better than this.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mallory.
1,698 reviews131 followers
May 27, 2018
2 stars

I honestly don't like any of the characters in these books except Ethan and Ivy. I wanted so badly to like Wyatt and Helen, but I just couldn't. They were both annoying and selfish in their own ways. And I just couldn't connect with either. I'm still holding on to my hope of things working out in the final installment.

Yet again, the editing was atrocious. I think it was worse than book 2. It takes away from the book when I have to reread sentences several times to understand them.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 245 reviews

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