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The Girl You Left Behind #1

Dziewczyna, którą kochałeś

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Ten portret to moja ulubiona rzecz w całym domu. Właściwie na całym świecie. Przypomina mi o dziewczynie, którą kiedyś byłam. Która nie martwiła się na okrągło. I która potrafiła się bawić, po prostu… robiła różne rzeczy. O dziewczynie, którą chcę znów być.

W życiu Liv nic nie poszło zgodnie z planem. Zamiast cieszyć się miłością męża i myśleć o przyszłości, została sama. Jedyne, na co ma ochotę, to wejść pod kołdrę i już nigdy nie wyściubiać spod niej nosa. Wypić o jeden kieliszek wina za dużo i zapomnieć o mailach od komornika i mężczyźnie, który miał być spełnieniem marzeń, a zniknął bez słowa.

Jedyne, co pomaga jej przetrwać, to portret dziewczyny, zaręczynowy prezent.
Najcenniejsza rzecz, jaką ma.

Kiedy ktoś chce jej go odebrać, Liv zaczyna walczyć. O obraz i o siebie.
Podobno można łamać zasady, jeśli się kocha…

544 pages, Paperback

First published September 27, 2012

About the author

Jojo Moyes

96 books62.7k followers
Jojo Moyes is a British novelist.

Moyes studied at Royal Holloway, University of London. She won a bursary financed by The Independent newspaper to study journalism at City University and subsequently worked for The Independent for 10 years. In 2001 she became a full time novelist.

Moyes' novel Foreign Fruit won the Romantic Novelists' Association (RNA) Romantic Novel of the Year in 2004.

She is married to journalist Charles Arthur and has three children.

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Profile Image for Diane Yannick.
569 reviews822 followers
October 6, 2013
I'm probably done with this author. The storyline about Sophie and Eduoard during WWI kept me interested. The details and complications of the German Occupation seemed realistic and were thought provoking. The painting of Sophie deeply affected all who viewed it and I liked the way it linked the two plots. Sophie's persistent bravery in the face of harsh circumstances and pure evil was pretty darn amazing.

Here's the rub. That second modern day storyline just didn't cut it for me. Liv and Paul never felt fleshed out. Plus, that danged trial was ridiculously long and extremely contrived. I thought it would never end and did not care how it ended as long as it ended. I was sick of the painting and all of the characters by the end. Added to that, the author started to overwork the emotions/lessons to the point of cliches. "Most days now his loss is a part of her, an awkward weight she carries around, invisible to everyone else." Why not show us the effect of this weight instead of telling us about it?

"What it teaches us, Mr. MCafferty, is there's a whole lot more to life than winning." Come on. That's not a revelation worth driving home.

Me Before You was written by this author in 2012. Now this one in 2013. She needed to take more time with this one. I think she needs to hire an aggressive editor and pare her stories to their essential cores. But then, she didn't really ask me for my opinion.

Profile Image for Stacia (the 2010 club).
1,045 reviews4,049 followers
October 19, 2012
"It was never about the painting, Sophie."
And there it was, confirmation of my fate.

3.25 stars. I loved so many things about this book, especially the historical story of Sophie and her Edouard. Their legacy was worth at least 4 and a half stars. Unfortunately, I felt the modern day story of Liv and Paul to have floundered on for such a lengthy amount of time that it almost took the focus away from the girl in the painting (who was in my opinion the star of the book and the reason for why everything was set in motion), and I could only give their portion of the story 2 stars at best.

Even with the Paul and Liv legal battle being drawn out for far too long, I am still happily loving so much about this book. I am glad that I read it. Jojo Moyes is an author who knows how to draw emotion out of a reader. Her depiction of a simple woman living in a French town under occupation from the German military in WWI (yes, I was shocked that someone decided to choose WWI instead of WWII for their story) had me stuck to the pages.

Part I : 1917 - Sophie's husband has been captured and moved to a prison camp. The most precious thing she has to remember him by is a painting that he created in her likeness, titled The Girl You Left Behind. This painting is so captivating, that it seems to enchant everyone who looks at it, including the Kommandant who is holding Sophie hostage. The painting sets in motion a series of events which has Sophie bartering the things that are most precious to her for one chance to see her husband again.
"What? Are you going to call me a whore too?
Helene looked at her feet. "I would not have danced with a German, Sophie."

Part II : Present Day - Liv is now in possession of The Girl You Left Behind, a gift from her now deceased husband. Through a series of unlikely circumstances, she learns to care for a man named Paul, who also has an unusual interest in the painting. Will these lovers-turned-opponents find a way to settle their differences, or will the painting destroy both of their lives?
"Look, I know this probably doesn't make any sense, but could we possibly forget about the case? Just for one evening?" Her voice is too vulnerable. "Could we just be two people again?"

Part II does include a few stolen moments of the life of Sophie from Part I, but I wanted more. The heartbreaking and intense life of this couple separated by war truly deserved more attention than their story got.
Sophie : But I refuse to take it down, no matter what Helene says. It reminds me of you, and of a time when we were happy together. It reminds me that humankind is capable of love and beauty as well as destruction.

Edouard : The men here clutch photographs of their loved ones like talismans, protection against the dark - crumpled, dirty images endowed with the properties of treasure. I need no photograph to conjure you before me, Sophie. I need only to close my eyes to recall your face, your voice, your scent, and you cannot know how much you comfort me. Know, my darling, that I mark each day not, like my fellow soldiers, as one that I am grateful to survive, but thanking God that each means I must surely be twenty-four hours closer to returning to you.

Love stories like this do not come along very often. The horror of war was not left out, but what shone through was the determination of loved ones to find each other again.

Although I would have wanted to balance the historical and modern day sides of the story in a more equal fashion, I do understand why the modern day battle for the painting was important. Both Sophie and Liv had to fight to hold on to what they valued, while dealing with the effects of being cast out from their comfort zones. Both women were truly fighters.

Normally, I am not a fan of epilogues, but I loved the way this story ended - emotional, yet still satisfying. This was a beautifully written story with a few unbalanced moments, but I appreciate what Moyes was trying to accomplish. This is not the first book I have read by this author, and it will certainly not be the last.

Profile Image for Maria Clara.
1,109 reviews611 followers
April 2, 2017
Se puede decir que estoy sin palabras! Sin respiración! No hace muchos días una compañera de GR me dijo que Jojo Moyes era una apuesta segura, y qué razón tenía. Es, son, dos historias tan fascinantes, duras y trágicas que... ufff! Sin lugar a dudas, una de las mejores novelas que he leído este año :)
Profile Image for Zarina.
996 reviews153 followers
August 15, 2012
This is an astonishing novel which beautifully connects present and past in a tale of war and love.

The Girl You Left Behind has a dual time-frame narrative; the first part is seen through the eyes of a woman in occupied France in 1916, the second through one living in modern day London. I'm not generally a fan of historical literature, particularly one with a war setting, so I was slightly reluctant at the start of this novel. However, any doubts I had were washed away mere minutes after picking up the novel as the story within was so gripping that I could barely manage to put it down at all.

Part one of the novel is set mostly in the occupied French village St Péronne at the height of the first World War. Sophie LeFèvre lives with her brother Aurélien, sister Hélène, and her sister's children in their former hotel La Coq, while her husband and brother-in-law are somewhere at the front but haven't been heard of for months. Their house used to be a decent hotel but stripped bare by the Germans there's little left of the glorious rooms where both Sophie and Hélène spent their wedding nights. The bar downstairs is still very lively during the day, though rations are low so the gathering of people has little to do with splurging on alcoholic drinks but more with finding solace amongst one another.

Author Jojo Moyes paints a sober picture of the town and its people that slowly turns more gritty as the story moves along; with neighbour turning on neighbour as the slightest of suspicions. Sophie witnesses the brutal impact the towns gossip can have first hand as the new German Kommandant takes a fancy first to Edouard's painting of Sophie, 'The Girl You Left Behind', and then also to the woman herself. Accused of being a collaborator Sophie feels she has nothing left to lose when she makes one final attempt to find her way back to Edouard.

At a crucial stage in Sophie's story we suddenly flick to London in 2006 and meet young widow Olivia Halston. Her husband died four years ago and despite friends and family urging her to move on she desperately clings to anything that remains of David. This means she's had to remortgage the house she lives in as she doesn't want to part with the architectural legacy David left behind.

When Live meets the charming Paul McCafferty she, for the first time since David's passing, finally feels she may have a chance at a romantic relationship again. That is, until she finds out that he works for a company that specialises in recovering stolen art and that a painting bought for her by David, 'The Girl You Left Behind', is currently being pursued by descendants of Edouard LeFèvre.

What follows is Paul and Liv's search into the past, Sophie's past to be exact, to try and uncover the truth behind the painting's journey. Liv desperately tries to prove it was never stolen as the painting symbolises a little piece of David she doesn't want to part with. But on the opposite end Paul continues to find evidence to state the contrary and slowly Sophie sees the painting slipping away from her fingers.

Through the characters' combined research into the painting's history the reader picks up bits and pieces of Sophie's life after the story was left off in the novel. As Paul and Liv piece together the faith of the young woman who just as desperately tried to get back to Edouard as Sophie is trying to cling to the fragments of David she has not yet lost, so does the reader.

At this stage I honestly couldn't flip the pages quick enough to find out what had happened to Sophie and what would happen to the painting. Written incredibly engaging both stories were unfolding at a pace that keeps the reader on the edge of his or her seat for the duration of the novel. The final quarter in particular was revealing and an absolute emotional roller-coaster for me. I went from feeling sad when confronted with the suffering of both women central in the story, to angry at the inconsiderate and greedy people they come across, until finally a sense of serenity came over me as the novel came to satisfactory conclusion within its final pages.

Touching, moving, heart-breaking at times but heart-warming in the end, The Girl You Left Behind truly is one superb piece of writing. I wonder if it's too soon to start reading it again straight away? This time perhaps not flipping the pages quite as quickly as I've done before in my desperation to find out what would happen next, but instead relishing the beautiful words of author Jojo Moyes.

Too soon or not, one thing I will certainly do is add Moyes' back-catalogue to my to-read list as I've found a new inspiring author that I certainly want to read more of.

Review originally posted on my blog:

Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
January 4, 2016

So I’m going to be honest and say that I’m rather shocked that a) I read this, and b) I really liked it! This was a completely random book choice for me. Prior to yesterday, it wasn’t even on my reading radar. But when I read the blurb, I was intrigued by the dual storyline and decided to try a few pages… and then, even though on so many levels it’s just not my kind of book, I read it straight through to the very end!

It helped that another one of this author’s books, Me Before You, is one of my all-time favorites and I’ve been meaning to try more of her books for a while so that was a huge part of why I decided to try this one. Actually, this book would make a great Book Club read if anyone’s looking for something like that — there are so many possible interesting discussion topics within the story.

The genre is fully Women’s Fiction (not a Romance at all). The storyline alternated between the past in World War 1, and the present day — giving two sides of the same story which revolves around a painting. Here’s the official blurb:

“… a spellbinding story of two women united in their fight for what they love most.

Paris, 1916. Sophie Lefèvre must keep her family safe while her adored husband, Édouard, fights at the front. When their town falls to the Germans in the midst of World War I, Sophie is forced to serve them every evening at her hotel. From the moment the new Kommandant sets eyes on Sophie’s portrait—painted by her artist husband—a dangerous obsession is born, one that will lead Sophie to make a dark and terrible decision. Almost a century later, Sophie’s portrait hangs in the home of Liv Halston, a wedding gift from her young husband before his sudden death. After a chance encounter reveals the portrait’s true worth, a battle begins over its troubled history and Liv’s world is turned upside all over again.”

The first 35% of the story is about Sophie, the woman in the painting called “The Girl You Left Behind”. Living in a small German-occupied French village during World War 1, she does her best to survive and keep her family safe. Her character fascinated me. She was a sharp, intelligent, fearless woman who was like this calm point amid the brutality and chaos surrounding her. I loved reading about her.

I was utterly captivated by this part of the story. Even though I’m generally not a fan of historical romance, I find myself always drawn to wartime books. I find the bravery, resilience, and strength of the characters who go through it (and hopefully survive) compelling and deeply admirable.

The second part of the story, beginning after 35%, takes us to the present day and focuses on Liv, a widow who is now in possession of “The Girl You Left Behind” painting — a honeymoon present from her late husband who purchased it on a street from a woman who had no interest in keeping it. When she invites the man she’s dating home, he sees the painting and her life is turned on end. He recognizes it and his company is tasked with reuniting families affected by the war with their rightful possessions which had often been stolen or looted. Thus begins an ugly court case fighting literally over who actually had the legal right to own this painting — which at this point, is worth millions. The family just wants it for the money (not that they’d admit that), Liv doesn’t care about the money, she has a deep connection to the painting and also wants it as a memory of her husband — she genuinely loves it. In order to prove that she has the rights to own it, she has to dig through the past and find out what really happened to Sophie, and how the painting could possibly have actually ended up with her after all these years…

OK. This is the point that shocked me. I’m not an art person at all — like really, zero interest. And I rarely read anything other than romance. I also wouldn’t personally ever contest anyone over any painting. And yet here I was absorbed in book literally centered around the ownership of a painting. It was such an odd, almost alternate reality moment for me. I felt totally out of my element, and yet quite enjoyed it.

My only complaint is that I didn’t connect strongly with the present-day storyline, especially at first. Maybe I was just so ‘into’ the WW1 storyline that I didn’t want to leave it yet at 35% but something about the way the present was written seemed a little ‘bland’ in contrast to the vivid imagery of the past… I just wasn’t as invested. From about 35 — 53%, it dragged a little for me and I honestly borderline skimmed… But then it picked up and from about 53% to the end, it was quite good. Also it helped that around 70%, we went back to the past and got to see more of what happened then — I loved that!

While I don’t want to give too much away, I will say that the story has a very satisfying ending — especially for a Fiction novel. One of the reasons I’m wary of reading non-Romance books is that they don’t always have endings that are satisfying enough for me. But this one genuinely tied up all the loose ends.

For rating, I’d give the “past” story 4.5 stars, and the “present” story 3.5 stars… so that would round the overall rating to 4 stars for me. In complete honesty, this isn’t a ‘drop-everything-to-read-it’ book (at least, in my opinion), but it was still quite good and I enjoyed it! Check it out if you’re curious!

Rating: 4 stars. Women’s Fiction standalone.

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Profile Image for Jeanne .
306 reviews
March 19, 2016
*****5 stars!*****

I'm so glad that I'm stingy with 5 star ratings so that I can save them for when I really mean it!

The Girl You Left Behind is the story of Sophie Lefevre who is living in occupied France 1916, and Liv Halston who lives in modern day London 2006. These two women are connected by a painting, a portrait of Sophie painted by her husband Edouard, called "The Girl You Left Behind". This was quite a story, and I honestly think Jojo Moyes is in a class all her own for pulling it off. She did such an amazing job of intertwining their stories, I was completely absorbed in this book, especially Sophie's story.

It's silly that I avoid historical romance, because when done well, it's really interesting. I love this author and it took Ami reading it first and loving it for me to read it. This is my 5th book by Jojo Moyes, and I've loved them all for different reasons. The books are all very different from each other, but then I see common ties also. All of her books seem to have a character who is facing a life changing decision, or moral dilemma. I love that she isn't preachy, but she does make you think about the shades of grey when it comes to morality. People are often so judgmental, even though they have no idea what it's like to be in that person's situation. Her writing is so great, you can't help but be invested in her characters and their stories. Even if I haven't agreed with the decisions the characters make, I still empathize with them and understand where they are coming from. I feel for them. In this book, Sophie has to make a decision, I won't get into it because of spoilers, but the whole scene was so vivid and intense for me, I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about it. I couldn't sleep until I knew what happened to her. Ms. Moyes just did an amazing job of bringing this time period to life. I loved the way the story came together in the end.

One last thing, I would recommend for anyone reading this to read the prequel, Honeymoon in Paris first! I didn't realize how important that was until I read this one.

Anyway, thanks for the rec Ami. You know me so well;)

Profile Image for Barbara.
1,550 reviews1,095 followers
April 12, 2023
A satisfying read! “The Girl You Left Behind” is the title of a portrait painted in Paris, 1912. In this novel, Moyes weaves a WWI historical fiction story with a current London suspense/love story. In both stories, the themes of passion, art, love, commitment and trust are explored. In the London storyline, the portrait was purchased by a young couple honeymooning in Spain, unknowing of it’s history. The family of the artist wants the portrait back, citing that it had been pillaged in war. Moyes spoon feeds the reader historical information regarding the portrait while simultaneously writing a current day fiction story. The reader learns of the horrors of war, WWI in France to be exact. The reader also learns of the business of recovering art that was stolen from war prisoners, and the laws to get the art legally back to the original owners/families. This is an absorbing read because of the history and the emotional tolls. Moyes has become one of my favorite authors because her work is easy to read; it’s captivating, and it’s gratifying.
Profile Image for [~Ami~]♥Sexy Dexy♥ .
501 reviews470 followers
January 26, 2015
5 stars

I wasn't planning on writing a review for this book I thought my 5 star rating spoke for itself. But its been 9 days since I read this and I can't get this book out of my head. I love JoJo's writing. This is my favourite of hers to date (out of the 4 books I have read). BTW I love the way this book ended.

Recommend for those who enjoy
World war romance/slight historical
Some JoJo humour
2 strong heroines told from past/present
Profile Image for Hosein.
215 reviews100 followers
January 8, 2018
برام قابل درک نیست که یه نفر بخواد این کتاب رو داوطلبانه بخونه و ازش لذت ببره، بدترین کتابیه که تا حالا خوندم.

داستان به طرز افتضاحی ضعیفه، قسمت هایی که مربوط به فرانسه س به حدی وحشتناک اشتباه دارن که تقریبا مطمئنم نویسنده فقط براساس چیزهایی که شنیده اونا رو نوشته:| یه سرچ میزد تو ویکی پدیا حتی از این بهتر میشد! بعدشم اگه آلمانیا اینقدر با فرانسویا مهربون بودن و شب کریسمس فرمانده شون می اومد با یه زن فرانسوی میرقصید و...، احتمالا آخر سر فرانسویا نمیزاشتن حتی آلمانی‌ها از کشورشون برن:| تا یکجایی از کتاب نویسنده آلمانی ها رو خوب نشون داده، بعد انگار یکی بهش گفته: «هی، آلمانیا خوب نبودن!» و از اونجا به بعد سعی کرده همونا رو وحشی نشون بده:|
بدتر از اون، بخش هاییه که مربوط به سال 2006 میشه. اونجا بدتره: | کاراکترها به حدی لوس و تک بعدی ن که من واقعا با خوندن کتاب حس میکردم بهم توهین شده. نویسنده شاید در مورد هر کاراکتر ده خط هم اطلاعات نداشت، و حتی اون ده خطو نمیگفت، یک جمله رو میگر��ت، پنجاه بار هر فصل اونو میگفت:| و بازم تکرار میکرد، تکرار میکرد، تکرار میکرد! انگار واقعا دویدن هر روز صبح لئو اهمیتی داره تو داستان!
و البته پایان بندی کتاب وحشتناک بود(کل کتاب وحشتناک بود البته.)، من حس کردم دارم یکی از فیلمای شبِ عید صدا و سیما رو میبینم. همه چیز خیلی یک دفعه خوب و شاد میشه، همه چی عالی پیش میره و تموم:| در حالی که قاعدتا اینجور نباید میشد! هیچ چیز توی این کتاب منطقی و درست نبود، هیچی.

در کل، به نظرم اگه جوجو مویز نویسنده نمیشد خیلی بهتر بود، واقعا شغلای خوب دیگه ای هم هستن، میتونست آشپز، مدیر یه شرکت، بازاریاب و کلا هر چیز دیگه ای بشه و با این کارش به ادبیات جهان لطف کنه.

پ.ن: ایکاش میشد کمتر از یک ستاره داد:/
Profile Image for emma.
2,180 reviews70.7k followers
March 20, 2018
This feels like a particularly apt moment to say that I abandoned this book as part of my no-books-featuring-romantic-relationships-with-oppressive-sexist-gross-first-half-of-20th-century-German-enemy-soldiers-in-general policy.

Can you believe that it's 2017 and this is the third time I've had to disavow that trope this goddamn week?

Anyway. This isn't a review of twenty-first century America, so I'll move on. (But don't you kinda wish it was? Not even a little? Got it.)

After I really loved Me Before You, I a) immediately fell into a slump and b) attempted to remedy said slump by acquiring as many Jojo Moyes books as possible. And I've learned that liking that book, which I am terrified I'll reread and hate and hence will forever avoid, may have been my sole positive Moyes experience.

No, that's not true. I met her at a library event in the city once, and she had a perfect accent and was very nice and noticed that I had brought my own copies of her books, which was very endearing, and then charmingly and British-ly said, "A bookworm, isn't she? Lovely." Or something to that effect.

And One Plus One wasn't bad. But this book is.

It felt alternately boring and overwrought, and I initially picked this up pretty soon after reading All the Light We Cannot See, and it's really just unfair to authors everywhere to pick up chick-lit historical fiction after picking up Pulitzer Prize-winning historical fiction.

So I put this down for a while, and then I picked it back up, and then I determined picking it up again was the wrong choice and promptly put it back on my shelf to take up space and go unread.

Probably I'll sell it.

But in all seriousness, I'll likely have an eternal soft spot for Jojo Moyes, will probably pick up her next book if it comes out within the next year (I don't know if she has one lined up but whatever) - AND IF IT DOESN'T FOCUS ON LOUISA AGAIN, BECAUSE GOD F*CKING DAMN IT AFTER YOU RUINED MY LIFE.


(the other thing I was trying to say before distracting myself was that this book is not for me, but it could be, quite possibly, for you.)

(this is part of a project I'm doing in which I write mini-reviews of books I read a while back. the unintentional joke is that they become less and less "mini" with each passing day.)
Profile Image for Wilma.
108 reviews53 followers
July 18, 2017
Heerlijke feelgood roman...echt vakantie leesvoer!
Het verhaal behelst twee liefdesverhalen...afspelend in WOI en in het heden...met als verbindende factor het schilderij van Sophie. Het verhaal is goed geschreven en leest lekker weg...echter...het laat geen blijvende indruk achter.
Profile Image for Abril Camino.
Author 31 books1,715 followers
October 28, 2017
Hola, resaca lectora más insoportable de mi vida y sensación de "jamás encontraré un libro que me guste tanto como este". Qué bonito, qué intenso y qué todo. Perfecto.
Profile Image for Kelly (and the Book Boar).
2,640 reviews8,987 followers
September 20, 2013
 photo sig_zps9b79c50d.png

It’s WWI and Sophie’s husband (painter Edouard) has left to fight in the war. Sophie moves back to her family’s hotel during his absence, which has now been occupied by the Germans. In an effort to maintain some semblance of normalcy, Sophie has kept a portrait of herself, painted by Edouard, hanging on the hotel wall and the local Kommandant has found himself drawn to it. Sophie will offer everything she has to become this woman once again for the Kommandant in hopes of reuniting with her spouse.

Fastforward almost 100 years to recent widow Liv. Sophie’s portrait was purchased by her late husband as a wedding gift for his new bride. Now an organization whose task is to recover artwork stolen from families during war times has discovered the painting and wants to give it back to the rightful owner. Much like Sophie, Liv will find herself risking everything in order to keep the final piece of her husband in her possession.

I’m fairly certain this will be the review that gets me some enemies. Sadly, I just didn’t feel this novel at all. I had no choice but to compare this to “Me Before You” which maintains its ranking as one of my favorites this year. “The Girl You Left Behind” just didn’t have the same kind of life. In what should have been a book that could have sent my emotions reeling (WWI, sickness, starvation, death, capture, loneliness, bankruptcy, etc., etc.), I just felt . . . . . . . nothing. The WWI story seemed like I had read something similar before one too many times and Liv’s story felt underworked. Some parts were rambly, others too brief. The back-and-forth time changes seemed out of place with over 100 pages devoted to telling Sophie’s story while you wouldn’t even know Liv existed if you had not read the book jacket. This is followed with a snippet of Liv’s story before jumping back 100 years once more. Some more time on the editor’s desk might have helped me enjoy this one more, but I think it would still be 3 stars max.
Profile Image for Nikoleta.
701 reviews325 followers
April 10, 2016
Αυτό το βιβλίο μου άρεσε ανέλπιστα πολύ. Και λέω «ανέλπιστα» γιατί αυτό το είδος έχω την τάση αργά ή γρήγορα να το βαριέμαι. Το συγκεκριμένο όμως με κέρδισε από τις πρώτες του σελίδες. Όταν έπεσε το βλέμμα μου στην πρώτη του σελίδα, όταν το έπιασα για ένα απλό ξεφύλλισμα χωρίς να έχω πρόθεση να το διαβάσω... και ξεκινούσε κάπως έτσι «Έβλεπα στον ύπνο μου φαγητό. Τραγανές μπαγκέτες, την παρθενική λευκότητα της σάρκας του ψωμιού, αχνιστού ακόμα από τον φούρνο, και ώριμο τυρί, με τις άκρες του να απλώνονται ως την άκρη της πιατέλας…» Αυτό ήταν! Έρωτας με την πρώτη ματιά. Πώς να μην εκτιμήσω μια ηρωίδα που φαίνεται τόσο καλοφαγού; (Είμαι κ εγώ μιλάω εκ πείρας…) Η αλήθεια είναι ότι φοβάμαι και αποφεύγω βιβλία που έχουν διπλές αφήγησης στο παρελθόν και στο παρόν. Νιώθω ότι αυτές οι αλλαγές πίσω μπρος ανά κεφάλαιο με πετούν έξω από την κάθε υπόθεση. Η Μοις ίσως να είχε προβλέψει ότι πολύ αναγνώστες το απεχθάνονται αυτό και το άλλαξε. Δεν έχουμε το παρελθόν και το μέλλον «μπουρδουκλωμένο». Το βιβλίο χωρίζεται με τάξη ,σε 2 μέρη. Το πρώτο μέρος διαδραματίζεται στην Γαλλία του 1916. Σε αυτό το σημείο να πω ότι το πρώτο μέρος, με ηρωίδα την Σοφι, μου θύμισε έντονα την υπόθεση του βιβλίου Suite française της Némirovsky Irène, αν και πρέπει να αναφέρω ότι ο στόχος της Némirovsky δεν είναι να γράψει μια ερωτική νουβέλα, αλλά να παρουσιάσει κοινωνικά φαινόμενα… τέλος πάντων πίσω στο θέμα μας. Το δεύτερο μέρος διαδραματίζεται στο 2006 και η ηρωίδα μας είναι η Λιβ μια ηρωίδα που έχει επιλέξει να μείνει πίσω… (για περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες διαβάστε το βιβλίο!)
Να αναφέρω επίσης ότι η μετάφραση του βιβλίου από την Χρύσα Μπανιά ήταν πραγματικά πολύ καλή!
Εν κατακλείδι πολύ ωραίο βιβλίο. 4,5/5
Profile Image for Lidia.
333 reviews89 followers
April 8, 2017
Jojo eres fantástica. La novela también lo es.
(Fin de la reseña. Para más información pasad por los tropecientos blogs que han recibido la novela gratis).
Profile Image for Natalie.
129 reviews6 followers
November 20, 2013
This was totally unexpected. After reading Me Before You, I was all geared up to have my emotions raked across the rocks (in a good way), and this wasn't that. It wasn't a bad story, but it's always difficult to readjust expectations.

Sophie is an artist's wife living in occupied France. On the wall of her hotel hangs a portrait of her, painted by her husband. It's daring and sexy in a way Sophie struggles to see herself and it catches the eye of the Kommandant who craves Sophie. When she discovers that her husband has been taken prisoner and likely to die, she gives up a part of herself to the Kommandant to save her husband's life.

Many years later, we meet Liv, a widow with money troubles and a painting given to her by her husband. It becomes the subject of controversy when the family of Sophie's husband claims it was stolen during the war and rightfully belongs to the estate. Liv fights passionately to keep the painting because of the connection to her deceased husband, but as she fights she learns Sophie's story and starts to fight for something else.

While I adored Sophie's story, I struggled with Liv's. From the beginning I wasn't sure what she was fighting for or why. Her need to hold on to this painting felt arbitrary and silly, especially when giving it up could have solved many, if not all, of her financial concerns.
Profile Image for Suz.
1,331 reviews711 followers
July 25, 2017
An outstanding narrator added extra appeal to this already excellent book. Male to female, French/German accents were very, very good. Two timelines joined together by a painting done in war time, and the struggle to find its rightful owner in the new millennium.

Historical fiction is not my genre of choice, therefore I did enjoy the latter current day story more, but as a whole, I did enjoy this novel. Jojo Moyes is an author of talent and I look forward to getting to all of her books at some stage.

I wholeheartedly recommend the audio version, it played out an all rounded performance with scenes of angst and desperation. Tied in unobtrusively was a lovely element of romance. Lovely book!
Profile Image for Marisa Sauco.
303 reviews300 followers
July 26, 2017
Ese momento… cuando SOBRAN LAS PALABRAS.
Profile Image for Negar Afsharmanesh.
318 reviews52 followers
September 26, 2023
اواخر تابستون هست و همیشه اواخر شهریور دوست دارم که رمان بخونم، امسال این کتاب خوندم. این کتاب داستانی درباره دو زن با برخی ویژگی‌های مشابه است؛ یکی از آن‌ها به نام سوفی در زمان اشغال فرانسه مجبور است تا از خانواده‌اش در نبود شوهر در مقابل نازی‌ها محافظت نماید و دیگری به نام لیو که در لندن زندگی می‌کند. شوهر لیو قبل از فوت به وی یک تابلو نقاشی با نمایی از یک زن هدیه می‌دهد که مربوط به یک قرن قبل می‌باشد و در جریان جنگ از فرانسه به انگلستان منتقل شده است.داستان شجاعت و جنگیدن زن ها در دو قرن متفاوت و نشون میده کتاب. و ما زن ها که چقدر برای نیاز های اولیه زندگیمون مجبوریم که بجنگیم.
Profile Image for Diane S ☔.
4,878 reviews14.3k followers
December 24, 2013
3.5 Moyes is very good at creating dilemmas and very real people who have to deal with them. In this book it is the Germans in 1916, taking over their little French town, and deciding to have Sophie cook for the Kommandant and his men. Of course she really has no choice in the matter, she is hoping to stay alive and protect her family, so that when her husband Eduard returns, they are all still alive. How much would one do to keep their family safe, to protect them and hopefully save them. That is the dilemma and though it seems she has little choice, there is always a choice, good or bad. This part of the story was excellent and reminded me a little of The Baker's Daughter. It is a picture that will connect the two story-lines.

When one writes with dual time frames, I feel they are always taking a risk. One story is usually stronger than the other and can weaken the whole story. The story taking place nearly a century later, concerns a young woman, who must fight her deceased husband's family for the rights to own this painting. This part of the story I did not like as much. It was not as strong, though the descriptions were solid, the emotional connection was not there, at least not for me.

Yet, one cannot go wrong reading her novels, she gets people, she gets the little things that make up a life, the problems people and families deal with daily. She has a depth to most of her characters that many writing this kind of fiction, just don;t. I am looking forward to her next book, which I believe is publishing fairly soon.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews262 followers
November 4, 2019
The Girl You Left Behind (The Girl You Left Behind #1), Jojo Moyes
Paris, World War I. Sophie Lefevre must keep her family safe while her adored husband, Edouard, fights at the front. When their town falls to the Germans, Sophie is forced to serve them every evening at her hotel. From the moment the new Kommandant sets eyes on Sophie’s portrait—painted by her artist husband—a dangerous obsession is born. Almost a century later in London, Sophie’s portrait hangs in the home of Liv Halston, a wedding gift from her young husband before his sudden death. After a chance encounter reveals the portrait’s true worth, a battle begins over its troubled history and Liv’s world is turned upside all over again.

عنوانها: دختری که ترکش کردی؛ دختری که به حال خود رها کردی؛ دختری که رهایش کردی؛ نویسنده: جوجو مویز؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز چهارم جولای سال 2017 میلادی

عنوان: دختری که رهایش کردی؛ نویسنده: جوجو مویز؛ مترجم: کتایون اسماعیلی؛ تهران: انتشارات میلکان‏‫، چاپ سوم تا بیست و ششم 1395؛ در 469 ص؛ شابک: 9786007845820؛ چاپ بیست و هفتم تا هفتاد و سوم 1396؛ موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان بریتانیایی - سده 21 م
عنوان: دختری که رهایش کردی؛ جوجو مویز؛ مترجم شیدا رضایی؛ تهران: انتشارات مصدق‏‫، 1395؛ در 464 ص؛ شابک: 9786007436653؛‬
عنوان: دختری که ترکش کردی؛ نویسنده: جوجو مویز؛ مترجم: محمدمهدی قاسملو؛ ‏‫تهران‬‏‫: میلاد‬‏‫‬، 1396؛ در 382 ص؛ شابک: 9786005744491؛ چاپ دوم 1397؛
عنوان: دختری که به حال خود رها کردی؛ نویسنده: جوجو مویز ؛ مترجم: وحیده سلامی؛ تهران: آفرینه، 1396؛ در 470 ص؛ شابک: 9786008433439؛
عنوان: دختری که رهایش کردی؛ نویسنده: جوجو مویز؛ مترجم: زهرا یعقوبیان؛ تهران: سپهر ادب‏‫‬، 1396؛ در 462 ص؛ شابک: 9786007159699؛ چاپ دیگر: تهران: نیک فرجام‏‫‬، 1396؛ در 464 ص؛ چاپ دوم و سوم 1397؛
عنوان: دختری که رهایش کردی؛ نویسنده: جوجو مویز؛ مترجم: سیمین تاجدینی؛ ویراستار: سمیرا فتحعلی‌آشتیانی؛ تهران: انتشارات آتیسا‏‫، 1396؛ در 440 ص؛ شابک: 9786008951049؛‬ چاپ دوم و سوم 1397؛
عنوان: دختری که رهایش کردی؛ نویسنده: جوجو مویز ؛ ��ترجم: سمیه رمضانی؛ تهران: متن دیگر ‏‫، 1396؛ در 543 ص؛ شابک: 9786008699376؛‬
عنوان: دختری که رهایش کردی؛ نویسنده: جوجو مویز ؛ مترجم: محمدرضا علیزاده؛ ویراستار: حامد اکبریان؛ قم: کوله بار فرهنگی، ‏‫1397؛ 9786007234389؛
عنوان: دختری که رهایش کردی؛ نویسنده: جوجو مویز؛ مترجم: نازنین جباریان‌صابر؛ تبریز: ییلاق قلم‏‫، 1397؛ در 560 ص؛ شابک: 9786009897681؛‬
عنوان: دختری که رهایش کردی؛ نویسنده: جوجو مویز ؛ مترجم: مجتبی نیک‌سرشت؛ مشهد: انتشارات داریوش‏‫، ‏‫1397؛ در 455 ص؛ شابک: 9786008852148؛
عنوان: دختری که رهایش کردی؛ نویسنده: جوجو مویز؛ مترجم: فاطمه نفری؛ تبریز : فروزش‏‫، ‏‫1397؛ در 559 ص؛ شابک: 9789645477545؛‬‬
عنوان: دختری که رهایش کردی؛ نویسنده: جوجو مویز ؛ مترجم: نرگس مرادی؛ تهران : دانش، ‏‫1397؛ در 234 ص؛ شابک: 9789646549654؛‬
عنوان: دختری که رهایش کردی؛ نویسنده: جوجو مویز؛ مترجم: مسعود هاشمی؛ ویراستار: فاطمه شادی، مریم راهسپار؛ تهران: آسو، ‏‫1397؛ در 440 ص؛ شابک: 9786008755272؛‬‬
عنوان: دختری که رهایش کردی؛ رمانی از: جوجو مویز ؛ مترجم: لیلی قاسمی، اعظم قاسمی؛ تهران: برات علم‏‫، چاپ هفتم ‏‫1397؛ در 494 ص؛ شابک: 9786009806065؛
عنوان: دختری که رهایش کردی؛ نویسنده: جوجو مویز؛ مترجم: مریم میرزائی؛ اصفهان : نگین ایران‏‫، 1397؛ در 383 ص؛ شابک: 9789645443120؛
عنوان: دختری که رهایش کردی؛ نویسنده: جوجو مویز‏‫؛ مترجم: مونا آرام‌نژاد؛ قم: انتشارات آتیلا‏‫، 1398؛ در 478 ص؛ شابک: 9786006585095؛
‮عنوان: دختری که رهایش کردی؛ نویسنده: جوجو مویز؛ مترجم: سونیا سینگ؛ تهران: انتشارات مجید: نشر به‌سخن، ‏‫1398؛ در 480 ص؛ شابک: 9789644531309,‬
عنوان: ‬‬دختری که رهایش کردی؛ نویسنده: جوجو مویز ؛ مترجم: فرزانه پورفرزین؛ تبریز: نشر آذربایجان: یاران، ‏‫1398؛ در 496 ص؛ شابک: 9786005612660؛‬
عنوان: دختری که رهایش کردی؛ نویسنده: جوجو مویز؛ مترجم: فاطمه امینی؛ ویراستار: فرشته امینی؛ تهران: شاپیگان کتاب‏‫‬، 1398؛ در 518 ص؛ شابک: 9786008937159؛

جوجو مویز در کتاب دختری که رهایش کردی داستان سرونوشت عشقی را روایت می‌کند که شایعات و دشمنی‌های بی‌رحمانه آن‌ را هدف گرفته است. دختری که رهایش کردی قصه‌ ی دو زن به نام‌های «لیو» و «سوفی» است که در دو بازه ی زمانی و جغرافیایی متفاوت روایت می‌شود. لیو در لندن زندگی می‌کند و همسر خود را تازگی از دست داده است. همسر لیو پیش از مرگ به او یک تابلوی نقاشی هدیه می‌دهد که نمایی از یک زن است، زنی که یک سده پیشتر در زمان جنگ در فرانسه ی اشغال‌ شده، زندگی می‌کرد. اما این تابلو لیو را وارد اتفاقی عجیب می‌کند. داستان دوم زندگی سوفی را روایت می‌کند، که در زمان جنگ در پاریس همسر نقاش او به جنگ می‌رود، و مسئولیت‌ اعضای خانواده با اوست. زندگی سوفی پس از رفتن همسرش درگیر رخدادهایی می‌شود که در نهایت دو داستان با این تابلو به‌ هم گره می‌خورد. ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Carmen de la Rosa.
545 reviews368 followers
April 8, 2023
Un libro maravilloso!!!
Tan increíble que me dejo en shock!


El libro tiene dos historias y se dividen en dos partes.
La primera parte del libro es la historia de Sophie en el año 1916, es una historial desgarradora. La narración es en primera persona por Sophie, lo cual es excelente, lo que hemos leído a Jojo sabemos que su pluma es exquisita, el ritmo que es muy bueno por lo que la autora consigue meterte entre las páginas desde el principio y que no puedes parar de leer. Los momentos de tensión son demasiados dadas las circunstancias que viven la protagonista en todo su entorno, ya que la historia se desarrolla durante la primera guerra mundial.

La segunda parte del libro nos sitúa en 2006, alrededor de 90 años después y, obviamente, con una nueva protagonista. El nexo de unión entre ambas historias es el cuadro de Sophie que fue pintado por su marido y todo lo que ha sucedido desde entonces. Esta segunda parte también me ha gustado mucho, me encanta Liv, en comparación con muchos he sentido más empatía por Liv, me gusto mucho su historia y como se va desarrollando, creo que Liv tiene una mayor evolución y crecimiento, ni que decir de Paul, me ha robado el corazón, como siempre Jojo creando protagonistas que nos roban el corazón. En esta parte hay referencias al pasado por lo que la historia de Sophie continua presente.

Dos historias que nos hablan de amor (tanto en pareja, como en familia, etc.) de superación personal, supervivencia y de pasión por la vida, de como hay veces que nos dejamos que alguna parte de nosotros muera pero tenemos seguir adelante y superarnos.

Las escenas de intensidad y tensión están descritos de una manera extraordinariamente brillante y para los momentos más delicados mantiene una narración muy elegante. Me ha dejado muy satisfecha, que estoy empezando a borrar el malestar que sufrí con "Yo después de ti". Creo que el secreto fue que al empezar tuve pocas expectativas, porque sin duda es un libro que se quedara en mi corazón.
Profile Image for Fenia.
283 reviews483 followers
October 19, 2014
OMG. I have no words. perfection. Okay so i'm still crying and this review might suck but here we go.. I loved loved loved this book!!! I love all things old and historic,so reading about World War I,and France, was really such a blissful thing to do. The first war hasn't got that much publicity as much as the second world war,so it was interesting reading about it (i kept thinking of Downton Abbey xD ). The scenery,circumstances and characters were built so carefully. Sophie and Liv both were not perfect people,they had their flaws and that made them real, but they were both worthy of being called heroines. I loved the way Jojo connected the two stories and then the whole painting thing was so magnificent!! I also appreciated the fact that Sophie wasn't able to move past her husband,whereas Liv could eventually, it shows us that even in similar circumstances people might chose differently,that of course doesn't mean that LIv loved David any less.

OH OH one other big thing for me in this book was that Moyes proves that humanity is a complex species and sometimes its easier for the majority to choose to black or white,rather than choosing that things could be grey. the villagers were so keen on being mean and heartless to 'traitors',and then people were keen on abusing and cursing on Liv because they thought she've done wrong. Its obvious that our society sternly believes that someone is 'guilty until proven innocent' and not the other way around. Easy to judge, people made the lives of Sophie and Liv unbearable.

I'm also so so happy that Jojo decided to end it so beautifully. I expected something horrible but instead i got a perfect ending. This book deserves more credit and i'm so glad i chose to read it. Mind-blowing. Romantic. Historic. Thought Provoking. Thrilling. Lots of suspense. Brilliant book ♥
Profile Image for Erin.
3,297 reviews474 followers
July 14, 2017
"The Girl You Left Behind" is Jojo Moyes's follow-up to "Me Before You" and packs just as much emotional punch. The book is separated into two parts, the storylines taking place almost one hundred years apart. The first involves, young Sophie, wife of French artist, Edouard Lefevre, fighting at the front lines in World War I. Sophie, her sister Helene, Helene's two young children, and their teenage brother Aurelien are living in a town under German occupation. When the newly appointed Kommandant decides that the family's hotel is the perfect place for his soldiers to eat, suspicions and whispers began to grow against Sophie. Neighbors quickly turn away as they feel that the Kommandant wants to possess more than just the painting of Sophie that hangs in the motels living room.

Flash forward to London 2006, Liv Halston, still dealing with the death of her handsome and ambitious husband, David. One random night when Liv is feeling low, she meets Paul, a young American ex-cop now turned art investigator. The two embark on a relationship that will soon see both coming into contact with the mysterious disappearance of Sophie and the strange history of " The Girl You Left Behind Painting"

Jojo Moyes once again tugs at the heartstrings and delivers a book that will make you want to reread as soon as you're finished reading it.
Profile Image for Katie Colson.
724 reviews8,879 followers
December 18, 2021

She has been asking me to read this book for a year and a half. I’ve put it off and off because it seemed lackluster. She swore it was a favorite of hers.

Well, I checked for audiobooks on Libby that were immediately available and this popped up. I decided to give it a shot. I’m SO glad I did!

This is fantastic. I love the story. Not just of the characters but of the painting. For half the book, I couldn’t understand why anyone would care this much about a painting. But by the end I felt an attachment to it as well.

I love how all the stories weave together and changed the others in some way.

This is a great book.
Profile Image for هادی امینی.
Author 27 books87 followers
August 14, 2017
اصلا اومدم سراغ این کتاب، چون یک دوره خیلی پرفروش شد و همه دربارش حرف میزدند. وقتی شروع کردم خیلی جالب نبود و هرچی هم پیش می‌رفت بهتر نشد. داستان هیچ جذابیت خاصی نداشت. یک داستان خطی آروم. تازه خیلی از وضعیتها آشنا به نظر میرسید؛ انگار مشابه این وضعیت رو جای دیگه دیده یا خونده بودم. این وسط اشتباهات تایپی، املایی و نگارشی هم عذابم می‌داد. مترجم هم کمی بدسلیقگی کرده و سعی نکرده با کمی تغییر جمله‌ها یا فعلها، کار رو راحت کنه. قسمت اول کتاب با ادبیات محاوره‌ای ترجمه شده بود. این خوبه ولی خطرناکه. گاهی به جای روان کردن متن، بیشتر کار رو پیچیده میکنه.
خلاصه به هر ترتیبی بود ادامه دادم تا هم این کتاب رو شکست داده باشم و هم ببینم واقعا برای چی این کتاب اینقدر مخاطب داشته.
تو هدف اولم که شکست کتاب وبد موفق شدم؛ ولی در مورد دومی، نه!
البته از یک جایی داستان به یک ژانر معمایی-پلیسی ملایم تبدیل شد که باعث کمی جذاب بشه. بدون این تغییر نمیدونستم چطوری باید تمومش میکردم.
شخصیتها خیلی معمولی هستند. هیچکدوم پیشینه و پردازش چندان خاصی ندارند. با خوندن این کتاب، در مورد شخصیتهای اصلی چیزی بیش از شخصیتهای فرعی دستگیرتون نمیشه. نمیشه با آدمها همزادپنداری کرد. تو رمانهای موفق، شخصیتهای اصلی و حتی شخصیتهای فرعی چنان دقیق معرفی میشند که آدم میتونه رفتارشون رو پیش‌بینی کنه. دست کم بعد از خوندن کتاب درباره عادتها، تفکرات، اعتقادات و تیکهای اون شخصیت میدونید. ولی اینجا شما درباره شخصیت لیو و پل همونقدر می‌فهمید که درباره گرگ می‌فهمید. البته منظورم شخصیته، نه اتفاقات. مطمئنا ماجراهای لیو و پل رو بیشتر میخونید. ولی همه شخصیتها رو تا یک حد خواهید شناخت.
کتاب دو بخش داشت که به نظر من می‌شد بخش اول رو یک پیشگفتار طولانی دونست. بعد از بخش اول داستان یک دفعه نود سال میاد جلو و تازه داستان اصلی شروع میشه. این یعنی شما تو بخش اول داشتید پیشگفتار میخوندید. توی بخش دوم هم گاهی فلش‌بک میزنه به گذشته. این کار بد نبود. ولی یکی دو تا از این فلش‌بک ها چیزی جز روایت تکراری داستان بخش اول نبود. خیلی اطلاعاتی نمی‌داد.
در مجموع اصلا خوشم نیومد و به هیچوجه توصیه نمیکنم.
یک موضوع دیگه که رو دلم مونده اینه که این کتاب با هشت بار تجدید چاپ و مجموع حدود 8000 نسخه، جزو کتابهای پرفروش بوده. متاسف شدم که توی یک کشور 80 میلیونی، یک کتاب 8000 نسخه‌ای پرفروش به حساب میاد. این یعنی 0.01 درصد از جمعیت کشور اگر یک کتابی رو بخونن، اون کتاب میشه پرفروش. واقعا 0.01 درصد!!!!!!
از یک چیز دیگه هم متاسف شدم و اون اینکه ناشر کتاب، با هشت بار تجدید چاپ، هنوز حاضر نشده برای ویراستاری کتاب هزینه کنه و غلطهای املایی کتاب که واقعا تاسف باره رو اصلاح کنه. و حاضرم شرط ببندم، هیچ کس توی اون انتشارات این کتاب رو نخونده تا به فکر بیفته توی چاپ بعدی غلطها رو اصلاح کنه (دست کم غلطهای املایی)؛ حتی شاید خود مترجم هم نسخه چاپ شده کتاب رو نخونده. انگار حتی ارشاد هم کتاب رو نخونده و مجوز داده!!!!!؟؟؟؟
Profile Image for Tonkica.
686 reviews138 followers
February 27, 2019

Tematska zadaća book kluba, ipak veljača, pa neka bude ljubavno.. Na listi za čitanje mi stoji od kada se pojavila, tako da sam ju i ovako i onako mislila čitati. A i veliki plus mi je bila njezina „Tu sam pred tobom“ priča, tako da su očekivanja bila vrlo visoka. Nažalost, to se uvijek pokaže kao jako loš start. Barem kod mene..
Trećina knjige kao uvod (mogli smo to sve skupa doznati i na dvadesetak stranica, jer se ponavljaju događaji) nikako nije pozitivna stvar, jer ako te ne zainteresira, lako je moguće i odsutajanje. Ponadala sam se da će taj „noviji“ dio biti bolji, ali naišla sam na vrlo naporne i iritatne likove koji mozak baš previše i ne koriste. - Tu se vidi poveznica s onim uvodom i ženskim likom iz priče iz prvog svjetskog rata (uz ostale stvari).
Romatičnu ljubav nisam baš doživjela, kao ni ozbiljnost likova koji bi mi u bilo kojem pogledu bili uzor ili bilo što pozitivno. Nisam se ni nasmijala, već sam cijelo vrijeme čitanja bila u nekom „svejedno mi je“ osjećaju. Na kraju mi je već bilo skorz ravno što će biti i sa slikom i s cijelom tom ekipom. Sve situacije su prenategnute i ja im nisam povjerovala ni sekundu..
Jedno veliko meh od mene! :P

„Brak te ne nauči ništa o ljubavi... ali nauči te da je mnogo toga u životu važnije nego imati pravo i pobijediti.“

„Sve mi mogu uzeti, što se mene tiče. Jedino što je važno su ljudi. Važni su samo ljudi koje voliš.“

„Nitko više ne sluša. Svi znanju što žele čuti, ali zapravo više nitko ne sluša.“
Profile Image for Britany.
1,074 reviews466 followers
December 4, 2013
Another great read by Jojo Moyes. She sure knows how to write a powerful story, all the while weaving in polarizing topics, and different topic strands & well developed characters. Most of her protagonists feel like good friends by the end of the book.

The Girl You Left Behind is actually a painting with an unresolved past. Two stories interweave telling us what happened to both women and how this single portrait of Sophie Lefevre impacted so many lives.

Sophie Lefevre, a hotel owner, ends up living in Occupied France, with German troops taking over her hotel every night. Food, and supplies are scarce, and Sophie's husband is fighting for the Allies during WWI. Eduoard is a painter and falls in love with Sophie, capturing her confidence and allure in a portrait. Sophie ends up making some difficult choices and gets taken away in a cattle car towards a work camp.

Fast forward almost 100 years later to Liv Halston, a copywriter living in the Glass House designed by her deceased husband. She is lost and alone, The Girl You Left Behind, a wedding present from her husband is the only thing worth fighting for. So, when descendants of the Lefevre family come claiming restitution for the painting, Liv prepares to lose everything to save the one thing that saved her when she needed it most.
Profile Image for Jenna .
139 reviews182 followers
July 3, 2015
After reading Moyes novella, Honeymoon in Paris, preceding this novel, I couldn't wait to see how the characters lives played out in this engaging novel and I wasn't disappointed. Part One takes place in France during the first world war...the story of Sophie and Edouard was so fascinating that I was thrown for a loop when in Part Two the characters totally changed and the time became 2006. Once I adjusted, I realized that this was also an extension from her novella and I was sucked right back in. I enjoyed this book thoroughly and was happy with the ending, but my only confusion was how Liv didn't seem to remember that she saw a painting prior during her honeymoon (from novella) with the same woman in it...that was confusing to me. I highly recommend this novel but I would suggest reading Honeymoon in Paris first since it sets the scene for this book.
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