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Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Tales of Extraordinary Women

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Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls is a children's book packed with 100 bedtime stories about the life of 100 extraordinary women from the past and the present, illustrated by 60 female artists from all over the world. This book inspires girls with the stories of great women, from Elizabeth I to Serena Williams.

212 pages, Hardcover

First published November 10, 2016

About the author

Elena Favilli

37 books411 followers
Elena Favilli is the Founder and CEO of Timbuktu Labs, along with Francesca Cavallo. They work at the intersections of publishing, design, and technology.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,951 reviews
Profile Image for Lucy Banks.
Author 12 books310 followers
March 13, 2017
If I could give this more stars, I would.

Yes, I know the title indicates this book is for rebel girls. I am a mother of two fairly rebellious boys - but felt it was every bit as relevant for them as it was for females! After all, why shouldn't boys read about fabulous, inspirational women too?

This book is an absolute thing of beauty - 100 accessible, creatively written tales of women who helped to shape the world we live in. The illustrations are superb, and it hits just the right note with my two kids (5 and 7). They were initially suspicious that it was going to be one of those 'educational' books, but a few stories in and they were hooked.

People with boys, don't be deterred from buying this book, simply because the title indicates a female bias. It's so important that we start recognising the achievement of women (past and present) because they've so often been ignored - and both girls and boys can benefit from this. Also - a word of warning, grown-ups are likely to get a bit hooked on it too. :-)
Profile Image for María.
144 reviews3,033 followers
March 26, 2018
Qué libro más bello hemos leído en nuestro club de lectura. He escuchado críticas de todo tipo, algunas diciendo que "estaba mal escrito", "era muy simple", etc. Bueno, esto es lo que pienso yo: el libro no es más que una recopilación de cuentos, claramente enfocado a un público infantil. Lo que no quiere decir que muchos adultos no lo disfrutemos a tope. No es una obra maestra, pero sí da visibilidad a mujeres que la mayoría ni conocíamos, además de las ilustradoras. La visibilidad femenina es MUY importante en el mundo machista en el que vivimos. Ojalá estos cuentos llegasen a las mesas de noche de todos los pequeños (y no tan pequeños). Ojalá fuese leído por todos. La intención es visibilizar mujeres y demostrar que mujeres de carne y hueso (y no de ficción) pueden y están cambiando el mundo.
Profile Image for Kailey (Luminous Libro).
3,283 reviews494 followers
May 30, 2020
This is difficult to review because, while I loved the artwork and the lovely cover, some of the historic people that were featured in this book are very controversial. Many of them are not fit to be held up as role models for young girls! Pirates, shady politicians, drug addicts, tyrants from Ancient History, and downright gross people; I counted 19 bios out of 100 that I had serious problems with, and which I would never allow a child to read about.

I liked the bios of the decent people, like Helen Keller, the Bronte sisters, Amelia Earhart, Ada Lovelace, Rosa Parks, and others. However, I felt that some of those bios left out points that ought to have been emphasized, or emphasized points that I thought were inconsequential, or portrayed a mixed message of the person's life.

Most of the writing was skewed to a certain political viewpoint that doesn't give a complete picture of the person's achievements or what their life meant in influencing history. I could barely enjoy the good parts of this book because of so many misdirections and illusions about what these good people stood for and what made them famous. And I really didn't enjoy the bios of the people I don't admire, because the writing covered up the true nature of their corrupt lives.

Some historic figures that I expected to see in the book were missing too; people like Mother Teresa and Amy Carmichael who saved thousands of children's lives.

One thing is for certain, both in the bios chosen to be included and in the way those bios are written, there is a definite political message in this book. This writing is so biased it cannot be called historical writing.
These are NOT just some great stories of role models to inspire girls to do amazing things and never give up and believe in themselves. These are stories that send out a very particular philosophic message, and I'll just say, it's not a traditional message. I don't think it's a healthy message.

For example, just because you're a world-famous architect, does that give you the right to throw a fit if your plane is late and make everyone in the airport move your baggage and change your ticket? Apparently, yes. That is called "crossing boundaries" and "forging your own pathway".
"Getting your own way" is desirable and laudable, according to the authors.
I guess if you're special then you deserve special treatment. That's a great lesson for young ladies to learn! (sarcasm)
What a way to go down in history for throwing a fit in an airport! In a one-page bio of your life, people will know that you designed great buildings and you were a selfish pain in the butt with no regard for others.
And that is praised in this book!!
And this is only the least offensive example I could give!

Many of the bios include things similar to this that are celebrated as a woman "being a rebel" or gaining her independence or fighting the system or something. This is not the type of bad behavior that inspires me. You can change the world without being rude about it. It saddens me to think that these are the sort of people that are held up in front of us as having led lives that we should emulate.

Rosa Parks did not scream at the bus driver. She just sat down. You can make a difference without being rude, and that is way more powerful and classy than yelling at people.

I support independent and strong women, but not like this. Not these women. Not this propaganda.

A better version of this concept....100 Extraordinary Stories for Courageous Girls

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from the author/publisher in exchange for a free and honest review. All the opinions stated here are my own true thoughts and are not influenced by anyone.
Profile Image for Kai Spellmeier.
Author 7 books14.7k followers
April 6, 2021
"It is important that girls understand the obstacles that lie in front of them. It is just as important that they know these obstacles are not insurmountable. That not only can they find a way to overcome them, but that they can remove those obstacles for those who will come after them."

What an amazing project! This book features 100 stories about revolutionary, smart, strong, powerful, charismatic, talented and fearless women and girls throughout history. Pirate Queens and Marine Biologists, Painters and Drummers, Ballerinas and Spies.
This is an important and empowering book for girls, big and small, young and old. But let's be honest: all of us can learn from this book. It's not just little girls who can find role models and idols in this book. Boys will gain a lot from reading this as well. If you grow up believing the men and women are equal, this belief will shape they way you treat the people and especially the women around you. Women in positions of power still aren't regarded as a matter of course. They are less respected and receive much more criticism. This book however sets an example, one that has the power to influence the mindset of every tiny human out there, so that they will go out into this world with a fairer, and more respectful view about the women who shape this world every second of every day.

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Profile Image for Natalie.
594 reviews3,849 followers
August 26, 2018
I recently read Bad Girls Throughout History by Ann Shen and was naturally craving for more when I came across this equally fantastic collection of extraordinary women.

Illustrated by sixty female artists from every corner of the globe, Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls introduces us to one hundred remarkable women and their extraordinary lives, from Ada Lovelace to Malala, Elizabeth I to Serena Williams. Empowering, moving and inspirational, these are true fairy tales for heroines who definitely don't need rescuing.

Initially I went in a bit worried that this would have the same set of women as in the aforementioned collection, but I needn’t have worried because Good Night Stories features a brand new exciting and enlightening group of women to the table (save for a few classics, of course).

And I just have to say that my heart soars every time I learn of books similar to this one that shine light on groups of courageous and inventive women. Plus, the illustrations are hypnotic and ethereal. Speaking of which, here are some of my favorite ladies I loved to learn about:

Ameenah Gurib-Fakim (1959–): President and Scientist.Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls 1-- bookspoils

Amna Al Haddad (1989–): Weightlifter.Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls 2-- bookspoils

Ann Makosinski (1997–): Inventor. Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls 3-- bookspoils

Astrid Lindgren (1907–2002): Writer. Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls 4-- bookspoils
Lindgren has written some of my favorite childhood tales, so I was beyond ecstatic to read about her in here!!

Coy Mathis (2007–): Elementary School Student.
Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls 5-- bookspoils
It warmed my heart to see a transgender girl represented in Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls. It made the book that more accessible.

Eufrosina Cruz (1979–): Activist and Politician. Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls 6-- bookspoils
The above quote speaks volumes to me.

Frida Kahlo (1907–1954): Painter.Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls 7-- bookspoils

Grace O'Malley (c. 1530–1603): Pirate.Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls 8-- bookspoils

Hatshepsut (1507–1458 BC): Pharaoh.Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls 9-- bookspoils

Jane Goodall (1934–): Primatologist.Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls 10-- bookspoils

Maud Stevens Wagner (1877–1961): Tattoo Artist.Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls 12-- bookspoils
I can't stop staring at the detailed beauty of the above piece, especially once compared to the real picture:

This diverse collection of women — from different backgrounds, religions, disabilities, ethnicities, sexualities — was as inspiring as it gets. And not only was their courage and strength legendary, but I found their worldview on life and all its aspects to be very illuminating and comforting.

Bottom line: This is the quality content I’m here for in feminist collections.

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This review and more can be found on my blog.
Profile Image for Luca Ambrosino.
105 reviews13.6k followers
January 18, 2020
Italiano / English (Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Tales of Extraordinary Women)

«C'era una volta, nella Francia centrale, una bambina che viveva in un convento, circondata da suore vestite di bianco e nero. Si chiamava Gabrielle Chanel»

Ci ho messo 6 mesi per leggerlo a mia figlia. Non perché noioso, ma per la sua struttura a racconti brevi. Trattandosi di storie di una pagina ciascuna, è stato letto quando mia figlia era un pò stanca per ascoltare molte pagine del classico libro della buonanotte che leggiamo abitualmente (ad esempio, in questo momento Harry Potter e il Principe Mezzosangue). In ogni caso, questo è un libro dolcissimo con illustrazioni fantastiche. La vita di 100 grandi donne corredata da un bellissimo ritratto per ognuna di esse.

La cosa più bella: alla fine del volume c'è una pagina con delle righe vuote in cui inserire una nuova storia, ed una cornice vuota in cui disegnare un nuovo ritratto. E' lo spazio dedicato alle bambine che stanno leggendo, un modo simpatico di firmare quest'opera.

Voto: 8


«Once upon a time, in central France, there was a girl who lived in a convent, surrounded by nuns dressed in black and white. Her name was Gabrielle Chanel»

It took 6 months to read it to my daughter, and not because it was boring. This big amount of time was because the structure of the book: a lot of short novels. Since we are speaking about stories of about 1 page, this book was read when my daughter was tired to listen many pages of the standard bedtime reading (as an example, at the moment we are reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince). Anyway, this is a sweet and delicate book, with amazing drawings. The life of 100 great women is accompanied by 100 beautiful portraits.

The best part: at the end of the book there's a page with empty lines to write a new story, and an empty frame to draw a new portrait. It's the space dedicated to the kids that are reading, a nice way to sign this collection of stories.

Vote: 8

Profile Image for AleJandra.
836 reviews412 followers
December 29, 2018
2 Reciclando mujeres STARS

Unpopular Opinion

Como lectora una de las cosas que más me molestan es cuando alguien me dice “única y diferente”, no porque me moleste la implicación, pero por lo poco original del insulto. Lo menciono, porque comprarle este libro a mi hija me ha hecho sentir como una Lectora única y diferente, ahora les explico, por qué.


Este libro fue publicado con mucho hype, con dos autoras vendiéndonos la idea de que NO había libros feministas, y que nuestras hijas necesitaban uno. El márquetin fue tan bueno que hasta yo me lo creí, recuerdo ver esos videos y me gustaron muchísimo.

Mi esposo no quería comprarlo por el precio tan caro, pero yo saque mi lado borrego, seguidora de modas y lo compre para regalárselo en navidad a mi hija. (La navidad del 2016)

El libro físico es hermoso, el diseño de colores y formato es muy llamativo. El arte es lo mejor del libro, junto a las citas, solo por eso le di 2 ESTRELLAS.

Si el libro fuera solo eso, tipo Dreams of Freedom by Amesty International , seria perfecto y le pondría las 4 estrellas.

Pero en lo que falla este libro, es en lo más importante, la información.
La información de cada mujer es como las biográfias que nos vendían en la papelería por un peso. Así de mediocre es la calidad del contenido. Son solo recortes de datos, sin ninguna estructura o sentido. Dos, tres detalles de cada mujer y ya, no se sienten como historias, como no lo venden en el titulo del libro, no son biografías resumidas, son anécdotas, que es lo peor, mucho del contenido es anecdótico, no es realmente factual, en el momento que leí algo que sabía que no era verdad me fue imposible creer el resto de la información.


Además, tratan de hacer las historias demasiado azucaradas, me sentía mal por mentirle a mi hija. Según este libro Grace O’Malley solo era una valiente navegante, sin mencionar una cruel criminal que logro dominar un campo masculino por su violencia.

Eso y cada que leia que llamaban “América”, a Estados Unidos me daba grima, sé que es común hacerlo, pero no se perdona en un libro supuestamente INFORMATIVO.

No sé cómo escogieron a las mujeres, pero obviamente no tenemos equidad o inclusividad. Les podría haber perdonado que le dieran preferencia a las mujeres de USA, pero se enfocaron en mujeres de “popularidad”, mujeres muy mencionadas en la cultura POP. Pocas científicas, ninguna poeta, ninguna mujer transexual, muy poca diversidad étnica, NINGUNA MUJER NATIVA.

Ya sé que están pensando que soy una amargada, sabe lo todo, y si la verdad si lo soy, pero ahora les voy a comentar la percepción de mi hija.

Yo y mi hija tenemos como rutina leer dos libros antes de dormir, y ella nunca escogió este libro, si lo leíamos era porque yo lo tomaba.

Ustedes saben que mi hija es un bookworm en potencia, este año leyó más libros que muchos de ustedes, y tiene más libros en físico que yo. Si no creen solo denle click a mi shelft Kasey’s books.

Para ella, cada historia termina como un “ah ok y luego”. Para que una niña se meta de lleno en un libro tiene que conectar con el de algún modo, y este libro no logra eso, para ella es el típico libro histórico que solo causa antipatía.

Y si la idea principal es buena, lo que molesta es el engaño, es la manipulación y la pretensión, de que este libro es la gran novedad, UNICO EN SU ESPECIE, y la verdad es que no lo es.

Tenemos Women in Science 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World by Rachel Ignotofsky , The Little Book of Feminist Saints by Julia Pierpont , Rad Women Worldwide Artists and Athletes, Pirates and Punks, and Other Revolutionaries Who Shaped History by Kate Schatz , Malala's Magic Pencil by Malala Yousafzai , Who Was Frida Kahlo? by Sarah Fabiny .

Libros que enseñan empoderamiento a nuestras niñas, tenemos muchísimos, A is for Activist by Innosanto Nagara , My First Book of Girl Power by Julie Merberg , Girl Power 5-Minute Stories by Harcourt .

BTW Robert Munsh escribió Paper bag Princess en 1980, uno de los mayores libros clásicos de feminismo para niñas.

¿Ahora ven porque este libro me decepciono tanto?

Aparte del contenido, las autoras fallaron en hacer que el libro fuera ameno y disfrutable para las niñas.
Por más que un libro sea bueno que este no lo es no funciona si no logra mantener la atención del publico al que va dirigido.

Llegue a pensar que era por la edad de mi hija, pero he tenido niñas más grandes de visita y nunca escogen este libro. Como mi ahijada de 12 años, que también es una gran lectora, (en navidad le regale dos libros de Raina Talgamier, y los leyó en un día. Proud madrina). Y aunque a hojeado ese libro, no le ha llamado la atención para leerlo.

En conclusión: Este libro es para personas que nunca le han leído un libro a un niño, y para las niñas que NO son lectoras.

Este libro ya no lo tengo en la librería de mi hija, porque solo le robaba espacio a los libros que si lee constantemente. Pensé en regalarlo o donarlo a la caridad, pero eso implicaría que mi esposo me diga TE LO DIJE.

Este hermoso libro lo tengo en la sala de mi casa, en una repisa frente a la puerta, con la portada de frente, para que cuando lleguen las visitas, vean que yo no soy la típica madre que lee cuentos de princesas, que YO SOY UNA MAMÁ ÚNICA Y DEFRENTE, y para eso, para eso si sirve perfectamente este libro.

Profile Image for Julie G .
938 reviews3,412 followers
June 4, 2017
This is a seriously cool book.

It's the brain-child of two women (I use the word "women" lightly; they each look about 17 on the website) who run the "Timbuktu Labs," which is described as a "children's media innovation lab," which may or may not be a non-profit. I'm thinking not. Their website did not help me confirm or deny.

I'd feel better about the whole thing if it WERE a non-profit, because, frankly, the book is pricey and I have a few complaints about it, but for now I want to get back to why the book is seriously cool.

First, it was printed in Canada and it uses only vegetable and soy based inks. The new hardcover version has a lovely heft to it and each page is delightfully thick. You book lovers know what I mean. . . each page feels alive in your hands.

So, on one side of each page is 1 of 100 "Rebel Girls" and on the other side is an original illustration of that "girl." The illustrations are bold and playful and some of them are extraordinary.

Each "blurb" about each "Rebel Girl" offers not a biography but a short story about that girl (in most cases they are women who were once rebel girls; in a few cases they are actual girls), and each page contains the birth date, birth place and a quote from that Rebel Girl.

My complaints are. . . the individual pages with the stories of Rebel Girls could have been SO much more interesting. For example, Jane Austen's page almost put me to sleep, and I am a JANE DEVOTEE. On Jane's page the authors write, "There was nowhere that Jane would rather be than curled up on a sofa in her father's library, with her nose in a book." Wha?? Why does that a rebel make? Ever thought to mention how many times she had to submit her work under a male pseudonym or how she had to re-submit her work over and over again before she finally wore down publishers enough to print a woman's work?

And why did supermodel Alek Wek make it into the collection? Apparently she was formerly a refugee from Sudan who was discovered in a park by a talent scout and went on to become a model. But, why was she a REBEL from that story? If you are going to feature a "Rebel Girl" from Africa, why wouldn't you choose someone like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who has risked her life while informing the world about female genital mutilation?

And. . . how do you make a book about Rebel Girls. . . and leave out Joan of Arc?? For me, she is the ORIGINAL REBEL GIRL, and I can't believe that the book features Joan Jett, but omits Joan of Arc! How do you forget JOAN OF ARC??

I also felt like they could have done a better job with the quotes from each woman. Most of them were dull and these women were not dull! It felt rushed, as though they grabbed the first quote they found when they Googled the name.

Even so, this book is a great example of good marketing. These babies will sell like hotcakes, and I'm debating myself if I want my own copy.

The Astrid Lindgren pages alone make me contemplate a purchase. The illustration of Lindgren by Justine Lecouffe brought tears to my eyes. She managed to capture the pluck and confidence in a sketch of the aging author. . . just so. Beautiful.

And, it turns out that Pippi Longstocking just happens to be THIS Rebel Girl's very first Rebel Girl.
Profile Image for Kyoko SWords.
198 reviews1,500 followers
October 3, 2017
FOTO RESEÑA aquí: http://tinyurl.com/y9zzgmry

Si algún día tengo/adopto una hija, este libro será de los primeros que le regale y me siente a leer con ella. Es un libro PRECIOSO. Una joya con un mensaje, una idea, un método y un objetivo maravilloso. Y no contentos con crear un libro lleno de 100 historias de niñas "rebeldes" que cambiaron la historia (y SU historia) con tenacidad y valor, todos los cuentos están acompañados por hermosas ilustraciones hechas por mujeres también. Es un libro que revela la lucha por seguir la esencia de tu ser sin importar la edad, el sexo, la religión o el lugar donde nacieras. Una recopilación de cuentos que te inspiran a ser mejor persona y que te empujan a averiguar más sobre otros temas.
Y aunque el libro dice que es para "niñas rebeldes", yo me sentaría a leérselo también a niños; porque el mensaje en esta obra es claro: soñar es de todos, niños y niñas por igual.
CINCO estrellas y lo releeré hasta el fin de mis días.
Profile Image for Isa Cantos (Crónicas de una Merodeadora).
1,009 reviews42.2k followers
August 2, 2017
Cuentos de Buenas Noches para Niñas Rebeldes me pareció un libro muy simpático, tanto por la voz con la que está narrado como por las historias que se contaban.

Por si no tienen idea de qué va este libro, les digo: son las historias de 100 mujeres que, de una u otra manera, marcaron un hito en la Historia, ya fuera por sus grandes inventos, por ser las primeras en algo o por defender sus derechos. Además, no son las típicas mujeres sobre las que escuchamos una y otra vez, sino que hay representantes de absolutamente todo el mundo: guerreras de Japón, piratas de Tahití, científicas polacas, reinas de África, deportistas del Medio Oriente, etc.

Quizá una de las cosas más llamativas del Cuentos de Buenas Noches para Niñas Rebeldes es que no se casa con una sola ilustradora, sino que le da la oportunidad a 100 ilustradoras diferentes de participar en él, lo que hace que cada imagen tenga un estilo totalmente diferente.

¿Por qué le pongo tres estrellas? Porque, si bien la iniciativa de resaltar el papel de diferentes mujeres a lo largo de la Historia está genial, sencillamente no es un libro que me haya apasionado. Es decir, está bien conocer sus logros y que, gracias a este libro, el recuerdo de estas mujeres sea revivido una vez más por cientos de miles de personas, pero ya está.

Y, no me maten por esto, pero me encantaría que existiera un Cuentos de Buenas Noches para Niños Rebeldes. He dicho.
December 23, 2020
This hardback book, is definitely one of the most beautiful books that I own. Just a glance at the front cover honestly makes you just want to read it. I just wish, I could give this book more than five stars.

First of all, this book indicates that it is for "Rebel girls" As this may be true, it is also extremely relevant for boys aswell. I think both sexes should read this book and celebrate remarkable and inspirational women.

This book contains 100 stories about strong, fearless, motivating , inspiring, courageous and powerful women throughout history. These range from Elizabeth I to Malala Yousafzai, to Marie Curie to Manal Al-Sharif.

What also completely made me love this book even further, are the gorgeous illustrations. It has been illustrated by sixty female artists from around the world, and each illustration, is truly unique from the next.

As well some well-known classic women in this, such as Jane Austen and The Bronte sisters, we have some new and refreshing women to read about and inspire us. I was especially interested to read about Astrid Lindgren, who was actually the woman behind the Pippi Longstocking books. I didn't realise this until I had read this book. I also love her quote "Mischief isn't something you think up, it just happens"

The collection of women in here is wonderfully diverse. They range from different backgrounds, sexualities, religions and ethnicities, and I think that makes this book more inspiring than it already is.

Women in some kind of power, are still less respected than a man would be in that power. Women are far more criticised and really, let's be honest, they are deemed the weaker of the sexes. This book shows us, in a dramatic fashion, that women HAVE and DO change the world.

"Let us pick up our books and our pens. They are our most powerful weapons. One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world" MALALA YOUSAFZAI. Activist.

"That's when I realised why princesses in their films were so helpless: They had all been created by men!" BRENDA CHAPMAN. Director.
Profile Image for Dream.M.
738 reviews136 followers
March 27, 2024
سلام سلام
من این کتاب صوتی رو امسال عیدی گرفتم و بلافاصله بعد از شروع کردنش عاشقش شدم. بنظرم هوشمندانه ترین هدیه ای بود که تاحالا دریافت کردم❤‍🔥
این کتاب هیستوریکال فیکشنه، ۱۰۰ تا بیوگرافی از ۱۰۰ زن گمنام یا مشهور ولی تاثیر گذار در تاریخه که نقطه اشتراک همشون شجاعت، بی پروایی و جسارت شون در رسیدن به خواسته هاشون هستش.
بنظر من اگه عاشق دختری هستید(خواهر، خواهر زاده و برادر زاده، یا هرکی) این کتاب رو بهش هدیه بدید.
دوره کتابهای پرنسسی و شاهزاده و گدا بازی دیگه سر اومده، برای آماده کردن دخترا برای زندگی توی دوران جدید قصه های جدید لازمه که بهشون یادآوری کنه چقدر قدرتمند و توانمند هستن و این کتاب با داستان های الهام بخش و تصاویر جذابش توی نسخه چاپی، میتونه اینکار بزرگو بکنه .
خودم حتما نسخه چاپیش رو میگیرم چون الان دیگه نمیتونم بدون داشتنش زندگی کنم 😆
Profile Image for Virginia.
913 reviews39 followers
March 9, 2017
Alle bambine ribelli di tutto il mondo: sognate più in grande, puntate più in alto, lottate con più energia. E nel dubbio, ricordate: avete ragione voi.
Profile Image for Scarlet Cameo.
622 reviews396 followers
October 14, 2017
Generalmente cuando un libro realmente me gusta y despierta curiosidad en mi acerca de lo temas o las personas de las que habla, tiendo a ser un poco generosa con la puntuación, lo cuál paso aquí. No me malinterpreten, el libro me encanto, las imágenes son hermosas, pero claramente no es un libro de cuentos que podría entretener a niños pequeños. La estructura de los mismos es muy estática para eso y, al ser tan cortos, no te puedes permitir que solo con ello les interese mucho la mujer de la que hablan, por lo que, más que un libro infantil, es un libro para padres e hijos, es decir que cuando sea la hora de dormir (o la hora en que lean) ya tienes preparada más información acerca de estas mujeres para hacer más dinámica la historia, sin que por ello cambies los hechos, simplemente te extiendes, creas una verdadera narración.

Ahora bien, este libro es perfecto para alguien de más de 12-13 años, porque despierta la ganas de saber más, no sólo de las personas, sino de lo que hicieron. Además de que puede llegar a ser bastante inspirador para ellas, aun cuando personalmente sentí la carencia de mujeres latinoamericanas, en general creo que hace un buen trabajo acercándonos a mujeres representativas de una gran cantidad de países, dejando ver que las mujeres no son, ni fueron, decorados en la historia, sino que realmente han sido representativas.

Entendería que a mucha gente le parezca que hay algunas mujeres que no deberían estar ahí, pero no consideró que sea así, dado que todas son representativas de su época y su entorno ¿Todas sus acciones fueron memorables en el buen sentido de la palabra? No, y eso es algo de lo que padece cualquier figura que logró ser reconocida, además de que creo que da un valor distinto: la realización de que no todas tus acciones serán correctas, pero debes ponerte los pantalones de adulto, tratar de corregirlo y aprender de eso.

Lo considero un buen libro, muy bonito en su formato, y con un encanto para el lector, pero con gran valor por las cosas que dice más que por como lo dice. No apto para inspirar a los más pequeños.

Profile Image for Tisha.
374 reviews1,018 followers
October 8, 2017
১৯৬৯ সালে অ্যাপোলো ১১-এর চাঁদে পৌঁছানোর কথা আমরা সবাই কমবেশি জানি। কিন্তু এই মিশনের সফলতার পেছনে একজন নারীর খুব বড় রকম অবদান ছিল, সেটা কি আমরা জানি? বিশ্বখ্যাত ব্র্যান্ড ‘CHANEL’-এর নাম মেয়েরা বেশ ভালই জানে। আচ্ছা এই নামটি কোত্থেকে এলো, কিভাবে এলো সেটা কি জানি? এখন থেকে অনেক অনেক আগে জাপানের এক সম্রাজ্ঞী তাঁর স্বামীর মৃত্যুর পর নিজের বেশভূষা বদলে সম্মুখে দাঁড়িয়ে শত্রুদের মোকাবেলা করেছেন, সেটা কি জানা আছে আমাদের? মিশেল ওবামাকে তো আমরা বারাক ওবামার স্ত্রী কিংবা আমেরিকার ফার্স্ট লেডি হিসেবে ঠিকই চিনি। কিন্তু এর বাইরেও যে তাঁর নিজস্ব একটি পরিচয় আছে, সেটা আমরা কজনই বা জানি?

কিছুদিন আগে আমি নিজেও এসব ব্যাপারে তেমন কিছুই জানতাম না। কিন্তু এই এই অসাধারণ বইটি যখন হাতে নিয়ে পড়তে শুরু করলাম, এক এক করে জানলাম কত অজানা সব গল্প।

এই গল্পগুলো ১০০ জন মেয়েকে নিয়ে, যারা বিভিন্ন যুগে, তাদের নিজ নিজ জায়গা থেকে নিজেদের প্রতিষ্ঠিত করেছেন। এখানকার বেশিরভাগ নামই আমার কাছে অচেনা ছিল এতদিন। কারণ তাদের নিয়ে আমরা কখনও কথা বলি না, পৃথিবীর বুকে তাদের অবদানগুলো হয়তো খুব ক্ষুদ্র! নিজের কাজের মাধ্যমে ইতিহাসের পাতায় ছাপ রেখে যাওয়া নারী বলতে আমরা শুধু মাদার তেরেসা কিংবা মাদাম কুরির নামই তো জানি! আর আমাদের সেই অল্প জানাকে আরও বিস্তৃত রূপ দিতেই তো এই বই!

এতো সুন্দর বই আমি অনেকদিন পড়ি নি। এক পাতায় ছোট্ট করে গল্প আর পাশের পাতায় মানুষটির ইলাস্ট্রেশন! একজন আঁকিয়ে টাইপের বই পড়ুয়ার জন্য এর চেয়ে দারুণ বই আর কি বা হতে পারে!

আমার ছেলেবেলায় যদি এই বইটি থাকতো, তাহলে হয়তো ঐ ডিজনির বইগুলো আর ছুঁয়ে দেখতাম না! তাড়াতাড়ি পড়া শেষ হ���়ে যাবে ভেবে একটু একটু করে পড়েছি এই বই এবং শেষ হয়ে যাওয়ায় খুবই কষ্ট পেয়েছি! সফট কপি পড়েছি, এটা একটা কষ্টের ব্যাপার। এই রঙিন বই হাতে নিয়ে, পাতা উল্টে পড়তে পারলে জীবনে হয়তো কোন দুঃখই থাকতো আর!
Profile Image for Jennifer (Insert Lit Pun).
312 reviews2,048 followers
December 3, 2018
What a phenomenal book. Honestly, I expected this to be somewhat gimmicky - I'm a passionate feminist, and a lot of these types of girl power books/projects are - but I was sort of bowled over by my how emotional my reaction was to the acknowledgement of these extraordinary women from all over the world pursuing all different paths. If you've considered reading this but have been hesitant for some reason, I'd say it's more than worth it.
Profile Image for Agapi.
153 reviews101 followers
March 19, 2018
Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε την κριτική και στο Agapi Reads.

Έπιασα λοιπόν κι εγώ στα χέρια μου τις πολυσυζητημένες "Ιστορίες της καληνύχτας για επαναστάτριες", ένα εικονογραφημένο ανάγνωσμα για μικρά και μεγάλα κορίτσια, το οποίο φιλοξενεί 100 γυναίκες που "έγραψαν ιστορία". Είναι σημαντικό να αναφέρουμε ότι αυτό το βιβλίο εκδόθηκε μέσω συμμετοχικής χρηματοδότησης (crowdfunding) και συγκέντρωσε το μεγαλύτερο ποσό που έχει συγκεντρώσει ποτέ βιβλίο μέσω αυτής της διαδικασίας. Ο Ψυχογιός μετέφερε στα ελληνικά την έκδοση, διατηρώντας το σκληρό εξώφυλλο και το εξαιρετικής ποιότητας χαρτί. Αυτό το βιβλίο είναι πραγματικά ένα κόσμημα στη βιβλιοθήκη. Επιτυγχάνει όμως το σκοπό του ο οποίος είναι να παρουσιάσει δυναμικά πρότυπα γυναικών για να αποτελέσουν έμπνευση για τα κορίτσια;

Ας ξεκινήσω με τα θετικά. Για κάθε γυναίκα, πέρα από μια σελίδα με την ιστορία της, υπάρχει και το ζωγραφισμένο πορτραίτο της. Τα σχέδια είναι καταπληκτικά και δεν ακολουθούν μια συγκεκριμένη αισθητική, καθώς έχουν δημιουργηθεί από 60 διαφορετικές γυναίκες εικονογράφους.

Οι μικρές ιστορίες που συνόδευαν τη ζωγραφιά κάθε προσωπικότητας ήταν ως επί το πλείστον απλές και προσαρμοσμένες για παιδιά. Ωστόσο, πολλές φορές έπεφταν στην παγίδα της υπεραπλούστευσης και της χρήσης πολύ συγκεκριμένων περιστατικών ως "δικαιολογία" για την επιλογή των γυναικών. Θα προτιμούσα να είναι πιο σωστά δομημένες, με καλύτερη ισορροπία και εστίαση στη γενικότερη εικόνα και την επίδραση της εκάστοτε γυναίκας στην κοινωνία. Χαρακτηριστικό παράδειγμα η Jane Austen, για την οποία, εάν δεν ξέρεις ποια είναι, δε μπορείς να καταλάβεις γιατί βρίσκεται σ' αυτό το βιβλίο διαβάζοντας μόνο την ιστορία που συνοδεύει τ�� κατά τ' άλλα πανέμορφο σκίτσο της. Και αυτό διότι το μόνο που αναφέρεται γι' αυτήν είναι ότι της άρεσε το διάβασμα, έγραφε μυθιστορήματα και δεν ήθελε να παντρευτεί. 

Αυτό που μου έκανε επίσης αρνητική εντύπωση είναι ότι σε μερικές περιπτώσεις δοξάστηκαν χαρακτηριστικά προσωπικότητας τα οποία αντικειμενικά δεν θεωρούνται προτερήματα. Η ξεροκεφαλιά και το πείσμα δεν είναι καλά χαρακτηριστικά, είτε μιλάμε για άνδρα, είτε για γυναίκα. Η αγένεια και το θράσος δεν σημαίνει δυναμισμός. Το να μην ακούς τι σε συμβουλεύουν οι γύρω σου δεν οδηγεί πάντοτε στις σωστές επιλογές. Εγώ είμαι αρκετά μεγάλη ώστε να το καταλάβω αυτό, να μην "κολλήσω" εκεί και να δω τη συνολικότερη εικόνα. Αλλά αμφιβάλλω ότι ένα μικρό κορίτσι μπορεί να φιλτράρει αυτά που διαβάζει έτσι όπως είναι γραμμένα.

Και βέβαια ήρθε και το κερασάκι στην τούρτα όταν γυρνώντας αμέριμνη τις σελίδες, βρήκα μια Μάργκαρετ Θάτσερ να με κοιτάει με ένα μοχθηρό χαμόγελο και δίπλα της να υπάρχει μια περιγραφή που προφανώς είχε σκοπό να την αγιοποιήσει ή να την "ξεπλύνει" ιστορικά. Αρκεί να έχει κανείς βασικές γνώσεις ιστορίας, ώστε τουλάχιστον να τον προβληματίσει η επιλογή της Θάτσερ σε ένα βιβλίο που έχει στον τίτλο του τη λέξη "επαναστάτριες" και έχει ξεκάθαρα φεμινιστικό υπόβαθρο. Περισσότερες και αναλυτικότερες σκέψεις επάνω στο συγκεκριμένο θέμα μπορείτε να ακούσετε από την Jean Bookishthoughts εδώ.

Όπως και να 'χει, θα επιλέξω να δω το δάσος και όχι το δέντρο: ΝΑΙ, χρειαζόμαστε περισσότερα νεανικά βιβλία αυτού του είδους και ΝΑΙ, πρέπει επιτέλους να μάθουμε έστω τα ονόματα των γυναικών που πάλεψαν με τα κοινωνικά στερεότυπα και έμειναν στην ιστορία. Γι' αυτό θα βάλω 3,5/5 αστεράκια, με την ελπίδα ότι αυτό το εγχείρημα θα εμπνεύσει κι άλλους ώστε να γράψουν παρόμοια βιβλία, πιο συγκροτημένα και πιο μελετημένα, αλλά εξίσου όμορφα και καλαίσθητα.

Βαθμολογία: ★★★½☆ (3,5/5)
Profile Image for Anna.
937 reviews759 followers
March 25, 2020
This book is beyond beautiful: the cover, the gorgeous illustrations, and the overall design! That being said, I have some problems with it and I cannot blindly give this a 5* review.

First of all, some of the women featured here are not actually fit to be role models, and therefore to be in this book, especially one that is dedicated to young girls. Some of them are quite controversial and presented in such a biased, ridiculously cheerful, and positive way, that they end up sending a misguided message to girls wondering what it takes to be a rebellious spirit.

I was so frustrated when I finished the book that I started looking for people that might point out this exact thing. I found Jean Menzies’ review on her YouTube channel, Jean Bookishthoughts, so I’ll leave the link to her discussion HERE and end this topic before I get even more ranty!

Second, I have a big issue with the writing style, for one, and the choices made in writing the bios of these women. It was so darn basic, colloquial, repetitive, and annoyingly unimaginative: I get that the book is generally addressed to children, but I think it underestimates just how smart children really are. They don’t need things to be dumbed down for them or made silly to sound more fun!

There were plenty of women I admire in here, but most of the time, the way their lives or accomplishments were presented simply infuriated me: the pages on Jane Austen and Zaha Hadid come to mind, the first one was too with her nose in a book to be bothered to fall in love and get married, and the latter demanded to be put on a different flight because hers was delayed. I mean, are you for real?!? It’s that the best you’ve got??? And don’t get me started on the quotes they chose for some of the women to be featured on the illustration page!

It feels like the bios are based on gossip and lore rather than facts or achievements. It’s not a history book, it’s not inspirational, at least not when there’s an underlying political message, and I wouldn’t give it to my teen sister to read, because I always read beforehand everything I recommend to her, and this is not it!
Profile Image for Tonkica.
686 reviews138 followers
April 29, 2022
Dugo nisam naišla na toliko odraslo-dječju slikovnicu iz koje svi naraštaji mogu ponešto naučiti, ali i prisjetiti se! Čitajte ju djeci i dajte im do znanja da su posebni i čarobni, kao što ste i vi sami!
Moja je otišla na poklon nećakinjama, iako se nadam da će nekada ponovno naći put do mene!
Profile Image for Simona.
386 reviews789 followers
October 13, 2019
Rating: 5+/5 || Recenzia pe Secretele Simonei

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Povești inspiraționale pentru fete și femei
În trecut, foarte multe țări nu considerau că femeile ar trebui să aibă anumite roluri în societate. Femeile nu erau văzute ca fiind puternice și de foarte multe ori li se atrăgea atenția atunci când încercau să facă ceva diferit.

Prezentul este cu totul diferit pentru că multe femei puternice ale trecutului au reușit să demonstreze că orice persoană are dreptul și puterea de a profesa orice și de a se lupta pentru lucrurile în care crede. Cu toate acestea, încă există țări care nu le permit femeilor să se exprime cum ar fi normal, constricționându-le libertatea, educația, dorințele și șansa la o viață diferită.

Cartea Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls  este o adevărată bijuterie care cuprinde 100 de povești inspiraționale pentru toți oamenii, mai ales pentru femei. Poveștile regăsite în acestă lectură sunt despre femei din trecut și din prezent, despre femei puternice care au reușit să se afirme și să demonstreze tuturor că pot face multe lucruri care le definesc și care pot schimba lumea.

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Trebuie să lupți pentru visele tale
Toate poveștile din această carte sunt fascinante și te fac mai încrezătoare în propriile puteri. Am citit despre femei care au devenit pirați, biologi, scriitori, conducătoare de excepție, și m-am bucurat să văd că multe femei din trecut au dorit să demonstreze că ele nu sunt mai prejos de bărbați.

Poveștile au demonstrat că femeile nu au limite și, dacă au un vis sau o dorință, prin muncă și lupte pot să le ducă la bun sfârșit. Fie că mor încercând, fie că visul lor se împlinește când ajung la bătrânețe, femeile puternice din Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls sunt un model demn de urmat.

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Ilustrațiile fac magie
Nu doar conținutul cărții este captivant, ci și ilustrațiile minunate care sunt realizate de artiști diverși. În acest mod, am observat cum multe stiluri diferite sunt prezente în cadrul ilustrațiilor, lucru ce este o bucurie mare pentru mine. Așa cum poveștile despre femeile puternice sunt diferite, așa și ilustrațiile ne pun în prim-plan faptul că diversitatea este un lucru de bine.

Mai multe detalii pe blog: Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls - Povești magice despre femei puternice și independente

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recenzie carte good night stories fore rebel girls
Profile Image for Trish.
1,380 reviews2,638 followers
February 23, 2018
The subtitle of this collection is 100 Tales of Extraordinary Women, and it is beautifully done. The short passages cover every continent and every race, religion, and sexuality…that is, the stories are about girls and women with lesbians and transgender individuals identifying as female included. It is ravishingly interesting.

Each short passage is a tightly written biography suitable for 9-14 year-olds, informative, and inspiring. Many unusual job descriptions and lifelong purpose are described, expanding our horizons about the scope of what is possible. As an adult, I didn’t expect to learn as much as I did nor enjoy it as much.

This book is about rebels. It challenges us to think again about what we admire and what we don't...and why. It is a fantastic teaching tool. I can imagine a mother reading an entry alongside her preteen (of either sex, by the way) and discussing it for a short while so that the implications of each success sink in: "Why would that person be considered a rebel?" "What do you think about what that person did?" "Do you know anyone who has done things like this?" The mother is going to recognize some of the names and so can add whatever backstory is not in the book.

A few examples from the stories are
✦ Inventor Ann Makosinski, a fifteen year-old Canadian who won first prize in Google Science Fair for inventing a flashlight that doesn’t need batteries, wind, or sun--just body heat.
✦ Amna Al Haddad, weight lifter from the United Arab Emirates. She was a journalist and discovered she really enjoyed exercising! She began to work out in a gym with weights for the first time in her life as an adult. She was good at it and began training for the Olympics.
✦ Anna Politkovskaya, the Russian journalist who was murdered for reporting on the truth of what she saw in the brutal civil war in Chechnya.
✦ Jane Goodall is among the women to emulate for having her own mind and studying a subject so deeply that she became the expert.
✦ Hayshepsut was an Egyptian pharaoh who ruled Egypt long before Cleopatra became Queen. Records of her were destroyed after her death, but archeologists were able to piece together a record of her successful rule, the first (and only?) female pharaoh.
Included with each biography is a full page color representation of the subject, and a quote of something they said or wrote. Next to the short bio of Misty Copeland, for instance, is a drawing of her in flight during a ballet performance with a quote that reads, “Dance found me.”

The authors, Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo, studied in Italy and the United States where they founded Timbuktu Labs, a children’s media innovation lab. What’s that? you may well ask. The authors define the mission of Timbuktu as committed to “redefining the boundaries of children’s media through a combination of thought-provoking content, stellar design, and cutting-edge technology.” They designed the first iPad magazine for children. The start-up has created mobile apps and creative content for users in more than 70 countries.

It’s more than just new. It’s exciting. The first edition of this book was published in 2016. Since then it has gone through multiple reprintings, and in 2017 Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls 2 was published. There are apparently also coloring books, temporary tattoos, and posters that go along with the books and can be purchased separately. It’s become an industry, with good reason. If you have a girl in the family in the target age range, check it out. Just when you thought your girls were too old for bedtime stories, this may bring it all back.
Profile Image for Roula.
585 reviews181 followers
January 23, 2018
Υπεροχα κειμενα, μαγευτικη εικονογραφηση 💙💪👩
Profile Image for Maria Bikaki.
835 reviews457 followers
October 22, 2018
Μια πραγματικά πολύ όμορφη και εξαιρετικά επιμελημένη έκδοση. Μια καλαίσθητη επιλογή για να το διαβάσετε όσες είστε μανούλες στα κορίτσια σας και όχι μόνο. Ιδιαίτερα φροντισμένη και γεμάτη χρώμα και φως εικονογράφηση και αυτή η μοναδική μυρωδιά του χαρτιού που σε κάνει να θυμάσαι γιατί αγαπάς τόσο τα βιβλία. Γυναίκες δυνατές που αποφάσισαν πρώτα ν’ αλλάξουν τον εαυτό σου και μετά όλο τον κόσμο.
Εν τούτοις δε συμφωνώ με την επιλογή όλων των γυναικών ή έστω αν θέλετε θα προτιμούσα κάποιες ιστορίες να είχαν ειπωθεί αλλιώς. Κατανοώ ότι είναι πολύ δύσκολο να κάνεις την επιλογή και να επιλέξεις από τόσες ισχυρές προσωπικότητες και σπουδαίες γυναίκες μόνο μερικές όμως έχω την αίσθηση ότι κάποιες από αυτές δεν είχαν ακριβώς θέση στο συγκεκριμένο βιβλίο ή αν θέλετε το στοιχείο από κείνες που επιλέχθηκε να παρουσιαστεί ως το δικό τους προτέρημα έναντι σε άλλες γυναίκες δεν υπήρξε στα δικά μου μάτια τουλάχιστον κάτι πραγματικά ξεχωριστό που δε μπορεί να το έχει μια οποιαδήποτε σύγχρονη γυναίκα. Όπως και να χει όμως ήταν μια όμορφη περιπέτεια γεμάτη ελπίδα και φως για μικρές και μεγάλες επαναστάτριες που ονειρεύονται ένα καλύτερο κόσμο.
Profile Image for Silver.
192 reviews3 followers
March 7, 2018
Cuando salió el libro imagine que serían cuentos inspiradores que podría leerles a los más pequeños.
Después de ver unas reseñas supe que contaba la vida de 100 mujeres de todo el mundo. Ok... Seguro que son historias basadas en las vidas de estas grandes mujeres. 😆
Y cuando finalmente leí el libro me di con la ingrata sorpresa que eran mini biografías, de esas que puedes encontrar en cualquier sitio. 😒Y ni siquiera estaban completas, ya que muchas veces tuve que buscar información para llenar esos huecos.

En fin que no es un libro de cuentos para los más pequeños ni es un buen libro de biografías para los más grandes.
Y en cuanto a las ilustraciones, las hay de todo tipo: hermosas <3, ni fu ni fa y feas. No creo que sea su culpa, pienso que las limitaron al pedirles determinadas cosas en sus dibujos.

Y para finalizar, algo que me molesto muchísimo. Recurriré a las estadísticas para esto.😂

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30!!! 30 historias de mujeres de Estados Unidos. Por un momento solo leía historias de deportistas estadounidenses. Puff
Y con Reino Unido con nueve e Italia con siete. Casi la mitad del libro estaba concentrada solo en estos tres países.
¿ Me estás diciendo que no hay más mujeres para resaltar en el mundo, para que tengas que recurrir constantemente a estos tres países? 😒
De toda Sudámerica solo encontré siete mujeres. Siete!!! Y eso contando a María Reiche como peruana.

En conclusión: no es libro recomendable para atraer la atención e inspirar a los niños. Ni es un buen libro que refleje la vida de las extraordinarias mujeres del mundo.
Profile Image for Phèdre Banshee.
99 reviews22 followers
July 9, 2017
Senza dubbio un progetto interessante. Presentato in crowdfunding ha raggiunto cifre altissime e questo ha permesso di investire in una realizzazione estremamente ricca, al punto che per ogni donna è stato realizzato un ritratto da un'artista diversa.

Essendo il numero di donne molto alto, ogni storia è stata ridotta al minimo in modo che entrasse in una pagina. La narrazione è molto semplice, quasi sciatta e spesso è talmente approssimativa che più di una volta mi sono chiesta come la protagonista fosse arrivata da A a B, quindi immagino che una bambina si ponga ancora più domande. Su questo non insisto tanto perché, pensando positivo, può essere uno stimolo ad approfondire come si deve attraverso altre fonti più complete.

Attualmente di questo romanzo ricordo solo i nomi che conoscevo già prima, tutti gli altri nomi e fatti sono finiti mischiati nella mia mente o direttamente nel dimenticatoio, a causa del numero così grande che genera irrimediabilmente confusione.

La cosa che mi ha infastidito di più, tuttavia, è l’utilizzo di termini come “Avvocata” o “Architetta”. Penso ci siano cose più importanti su cui impuntarsi, ma questo probabilmente è un parere personale.
Bella l’idea, ma nella pratica forse si è voluto strafare, a discapito del messaggio e degli obiettivi.
Profile Image for piperitapitta.
1,004 reviews402 followers
December 23, 2017
Cinque stelle a prescindere.

Perché dove Michela Murgia stronca, pretestuosa e presuntuosa, io acquisto (soprattutto se, come in questo caso, ero già intenzionata a leggere).

Poi, nella realtà oggettiva, forse non saranno cinque stelle, e a fine lettura spiegherò anche i motivi.

È solo nella comprensione e nel rispetto della diversità fra maschio e femmina che forse si potrà
arrivare all'uguaglianza di genere.
Ed è per questo, secondo me, che questo libro ha un senso: perché si rivolge alle bambine (ma nessuno esclude di poterlo leggere anche ai bambini) per raccontargli le vite straordinarie di donne che hanno osato inseguire i propri sogni: in ogni epoca, in ogni paese e in ogni campo senza mai arrendersi.
Se un appunto posso fargli (ed è per questo che dicevo che le stelle effettive non sono cinque, ma quattro) è quello di aver edulcorato troppo le storie: non ci sono né morti violente come nella realtà di alcune di loro, né esili (se non mitigati dal successo), né soprusi che non siano stati annullati dai risultati ottenuti.
Ecco, per quanto ci si rivolga a bambine (e a bambini) credo sia giusto non mistificare la realtà con l'omissione di fatti che fanno parte delle storie delle cento donne raccontate: le mamme e i papà servono anche questo, a rendere comprensibili fatti che da soli non riuscirebbero a decifrare.
Per il resto trovo che le polemiche che hanno accompagnato la pubblicazione di questo libro siano state inutili e pretestuose.

Bellissime le illustrazioni.
Profile Image for Teresa.
1,492 reviews
January 9, 2019
Na página da esquerda um texto; na da direita uma ilustração. Cada uma destas páginas resume a vida de cem mulheres de muitas épocas, e das mais variadas profissões, que se destacaram, e destacam, pela sua coragem em não se submeterem a regras sociais nem às limitações do seu corpo; lutarem pelos seus sonhos; seguirem a sua vocação e se orgulharem de serem mulheres.
O texto é muito simples porque o objectivo não será fazer literatura mas dar a conhecer estas mulheres extraordinárias. Gostei muito das ilustrações porque, sendo a imagem de cada mulher desenhada por uma ilustradora diferente, há sempre originalidade nas cores, no traço e no cenário; lindíssimas.
Não lhe dou as cinco estrelas apenas por um pequeno pormenor que, no meu entender, revela censura, o que não é aceitável numa obra biográfica: a morte é sempre omitida. Mesmo tendo em consideração que se trata de um livro para crianças, a morte não pode ser tabu porque ela faz parte da vida. Por exemplo, no texto referente a Virginia Woolf é referida a sua depressão mas omitido o seu suicídio; em relação às Irmãs Mirabel apenas se refere que foram presas por Trujillo quando, na verdade, ele mandou assassiná-las.
Apesar deste pequeno desagrado gostei muito de ler sobre estas Mulheres incríveis, muitas que não conhecia. Ainda bem que já comprei o volume II...
Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,951 reviews

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