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Prawdziwy Kot... Prawdziwe koty nigdy nie jedzą z miseczek (a przynajmniej nie z takich, które są oznaczone DLA KOTA) Prawdziwe koty nigdy nie noszą obroży przeciw pchłom... Ani nie pojawiają się na kartkach urodzinowych... Ani nie gonią niczego, co ma w środku dzwoneczek. Prawdziwe koty jedzą tarty. I podroby. I masło. I wszystko inne, co zostanie na stole. Potrafią usłyszeć otwierające się drzwi lodówki dwa pomieszczenia dalej. Prawdziwe koty nie potrzebują imion. Ale często są imionami nazywane. Aarghwynochastądtydraniu świetnie się nadaje.

120 pages, Hardcover

First published October 5, 1989

About the author

Terry Pratchett

512 books43.4k followers
Sir Terence David John Pratchett was an English author, humorist, and satirist, best known for the Discworld series of 41 comic fantasy novels published between 1983–2015, and for the apocalyptic comedy novel Good Omens (1990), which he co-wrote with Neil Gaiman.
Pratchett's first novel, The Carpet People, was published in 1971. The first Discworld novel, The Colour of Magic, was published in 1983, after which Pratchett wrote an average of two books a year. The final Discworld novel, The Shepherd's Crown, was published in August 2015, five months after his death.
With more than 100 million books sold worldwide in 43 languages, Pratchett was the UK's best-selling author of the 1990s. He was appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 1998 and was knighted for services to literature in the 2009 New Year Honours. In 2001 he won the annual Carnegie Medal for The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents, the first Discworld book marketed for children. He received the World Fantasy Award for Life Achievement in 2010.
In December 2007 Pratchett announced that he had been diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's disease. He later made a substantial public donation to the Alzheimer's Research Trust (now Alzheimer's Research UK, ARUK), filmed three television programmes chronicling his experiences with the condition for the BBC, and became a patron of ARUK. Pratchett died on 12 March 2015, at the age of 66.

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Profile Image for Christine.
6,924 reviews532 followers
December 20, 2010
It is a commonly known fact among those that travel to the Disc that Death likes cats.

Honestly, the quickest way to get Death angry is to be mean to a cat.

Somehow this doesn't make losing a beloved cat any eaiser, but reading this book sure did make me laugh (and made me feel a little better. Pratchett is very good at that).

Pratchett, aided by some wonderful cartoons by Gray Jolliffe, presents a case for real cats. Not frou-frou cats, but real cats. You know, smelly ones, ugly ones, ones that would eat dogs if they were bigger.

(But dogs are better. They really are. They wag tails. They keep you warm at night. Cats just try to push you off the bed. And why, since I'm pausing, are dog people more friendly to other animals than cat people? I, and other dog people, will take in stray cats. But you never, ever hear of a cat person taking in a stray dog.)

As I am writing this, I share a house with two real cats and a nice scruffy dog who wants to drag to India. Just over a week ago, it was three cats and one dog.

All three cats were/are real cats.

(The dog is a real dog too).

It's true that my real cats do not have the run of a garden like Pratchett's cats seem to. I don't let them out to murder, kill play with cute little birds and mice. Unlike some people, I live on a trolley route and I have seen what trollies can do to cats. It ain't pretty. There is also the BIG ENTIRE TOM who controls the neighborhood and even has people scared of him. He is real cat who mostly likely is also Satan.

But I agree completely with Pratchett. Any cat owner who reads this book will be laughing while shouting, YES, YES EXACTLY.

If you own a frou-frou cat you will be greatly confused. I would advise you to go get a real cat. (Yes, even you Bond villian. BTW, according to Pratchett at Christmas the British celebrate the birth of James Bond. tTHis explains so much).

IN this book, you will witness the tale of the cat and the flypaper. The cat, the owner, and the neighbor's gerbil tower. (Though my friend has this story beat. He came home to find that his three indoor cats had left a dead and bloody bird in the middle of his bed).

Pratchett also details what breeds of cats we might have had if dogs hadn't existed. I take issue with this because I know for a fact that my female cat is a tabby retriever crossed with a pit bull cat.

The cartoons are great and even present a new and hopoefully successful way to pill a cat.
Profile Image for Carolyn.
2,439 reviews690 followers
November 20, 2015
This one is for cat lovers, in particular lovers of Real Cats aka moggies and not pampered pedigreed cats. Pratchett is a well known lover of cats. His most famous cat Discworld Greebo, Nanny Ogg's familiar is very definitely a Real Cat. And of course all readers of Discworld knows that DEATH loves cats and is always kind to them.

In this little book Pratchett explains the features of Real Cats and his theory that most cats are Schrodinger Cats. Gently humorous, without being side splitting it will give you a few smiles if you are a cat owner.
Profile Image for Trish.
2,181 reviews3,678 followers
April 29, 2017
This book is for cat lovers. And, actually, also for people who aren't.
This book makes hilarious fun of the way we let cats treat us but also makes the important distinction between REAL cats and those whiny-ass pretty things that people groom for TV ads.

I am a cat lover. My family has had several cats and although I like animals in general, nothing will take cats' place (except for owls, my number ones, but please don't tell the furballs or they'll lynch me). Currently, the only cat in the family is my grandmother's and let me tell you: she's the perfect example of what a NOT-REAL cat looks like and behaves. Sheesh!
Yeah, she can look cute but in a dumb way, is afraid of birds when they fly by the window (I kid you not, she's hiding under the couch for solid 5 minutes every time), couldn't kill a mouse if her life depended on it (been there, done that - TWICE) and is a horrible diva (not even in a catty way). Perhaps it has something to do with the poor creature getting brainwashed by my grandmother's Volksmusik that plays in the background in her apartment from early morning when she gets up to early night when she goes to sleep. Suffice it to say, I take pity on the poor thing.

Terry Pratchett, in his distinct funny way, tells us what REAL cats ought to be like: not very pretty, but very independent, sadistically playing with their humans, smart and unique. I've had a cat like that and it was a joy having him in my life: Nerino, this one's for you.

Every pet owner, but especially cat owners, has countless stories to tell about their pet (here: cat) having been adorably clumsy, giving you that "God, human, you are so stupid!" look, or giving you a run for your money. Terry Pratchett has collected some of them in here, interspersed with witty general observations and even a little bit of history when it comes to comparing the evolution of dogs from wolves to the sudden appearance of cats and their (often hostile) takeover.

By the way, yes, Sir Terry was OF COURSE a cat owner and cat lover. Here he is with one of his cats (not sure which magic he had to apply to make it pose for the picture, it might have simply been the cat establishing dominance :P, but it's just one more thing for which to worship the man):

Read this for seeing yourself in many chapters; read this for the laughs. Just read it.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
3,870 reviews3,213 followers
February 19, 2017
Like Douglas Adams or Monty Python, Terry Pratchett is, alas, a representative of the kind of British humor I just don’t get. But I rather enjoyed this small novelty book (bought for my husband for Christmas) all the same. For Pratchett, a “Real” cat is a non-pampered, tough outdoor creature that hunts and generally does its own thing but also knows how to wrap its human servants around its paws. I like his idea of “cat chess” as a neighborhood-wide feline game of strategy, moving between carefully selected vantage points to keep an eye on the whole road yet avoid confrontation with other cats. It’s certainly true on our street. And this is quite a good summary of what cats do and why we put up with them:

What other animal gets fed, not because it’s useful, or guards the house, or sings, but because when it does get fed it looks pleased? And purrs. The purr is very important. It’s the purr that makes up for the Things Under the Bed, the occasional pungency, the 4 a.m. yowl.

(See also my blog post on Five Books about Cats.)
Profile Image for Книжни Криле.
3,145 reviews179 followers
May 11, 2022
„Котките изобщо не са като кучетата. Кучетата са питомни животни. А котките са диви зверове, които понякога милостиво позволяват на хората да живеят около тях.“
Думите са на моя съсед, ветеринарен лекар. Но спокойно биха могли да бъдат и цитат от една малка, но извънредно забавна, съдържателна и изпълнена с подобни истини книга, излязла изпод перото на ненадминатия Тери Пратчет. „Автентичната котка“ (изд. „Прозорец“) е четиво, което ще се превърне в крайъгълен камък на библиотеката на всеки любител на котки, притежател на котки, или пък… човек, който си пати жестоко от котки! (Много често трите се припокриват напълно!) Прочетете ревюто на „Книжни Криле“: https://knijnikrile.wordpress.com/202...
Profile Image for Orinoco Womble (tidy bag and all).
2,132 reviews219 followers
March 28, 2015
Very short, very fast read, but I wouldn't recommend reading it all in one sitting as it gets a bit samey. Cat owners and cat lovers will recognise the beast. A friend of mine once wondered aloud why there are so many sizes and shapes of dog, and yet there is only one basic make of cat, whatever it's covered with in terms of fur length, colour or indeed presence. My response was the same as Pratchett's: why try to breed a working animal out of an animal that already knows how to delegate any work to humans?

They say the Egyptians hunted with cats and point to pyramid frescoes as proof. They apparently have never heard of wishful thinking--nor looked at some of the frescoes in Renaissance churches. Do they really think Heaven looks like that?

Another minor criticism is that the Campaign for Real Cats sounds suspiciously like Douglas Adams' Campaign for Real Time. And the whole book is rather "moneyspinner for the Christmas light-reading market" for my taste.
Profile Image for Kaethe.
6,500 reviews510 followers
January 28, 2022
As a birthday present to myself I purchased a number of books. I only bought funny ones, because I'm rarely in the mood to go back and read a grim one. This has been on my list for quite a while, and now I have it. And I love it because it is silly, and you can read it in about fifteen minutes, and the pictures are funny, and the default conversational topic in our house is the cats: there are four, so at any given moment someone is doing something worth commenting on.This year my birthday was particularly happy.

Personal copy
Profile Image for Lisa.
1,176 reviews64 followers
June 6, 2016
Ideal toilet reading material in which Terry Practchett takes a look at cats. Not your pampered, silky lap cat but notch-eared, smelly, food thieving real cats.

I personally have two cats but don't think they really fit either category. One weirdo likes to cry at lampshades and do parkour off our walls, while the other is a greedy stealer of children's toys who loves nothing more than games of fetch and jumping at light switches at 4 in the morning. They are clearly not real cats,
Profile Image for Wreade1872.
733 reviews206 followers
June 9, 2019
I felt a reread was in order since we have some cats on a timeshare. Not sure where they live but pretty sure at least 3 different families are feeding them :lol .

Anyway not as good as i remember, its a bit dated in places. Its description of Cat Chess is still a favourite bit which the 6 or 7 cats in my vicinity tend to play a lot :) .
Profile Image for Fabio.
447 reviews51 followers
October 19, 2018
God Save the Purr
Libello in difesa dei gatti, dei gatti Veri, uscito dalla penna del fu Sir Terry Pratchett, OBE, prolificissimo autore amato quasi quanto J.K. Rowling, noto soprattutto per il Mondo Disco con annessi e connessi. No, Tony Manero non c'entra.

Pratchett, che onestamente non mi ha mai fatto impazzire, sa scrivere in modo semplice e piacevole, ed è dotato di un senso dell'umorismo gradevole, a volte piacevolmente inventivo. Qui, giocando su molti luoghi comuni relativi ai gatti e ai loro rapporti con l'umanità, riesce a strappare qualche sorriso, e in alcuni punti si arriva al confine della risata. Di questi tempi, una piccola manna dal cielo.

Abbiamo preso un gatto perché non ci piacevano molto. Il nostro giardino era un territorio conteso tra cinque gatti locali, e avevamo sentito dire che il modo migliore di tenere lontani i gatti dal giardino era prenderne uno.
E' sufficiente un minuto di riflessione razionale per individuare la leggera falla in questo ragionamento. Tuttavia, se si è predisposti a tenere un gatto, il pensiero razionale c'entra ben poco.

In effetti, a meno di avere un granaio infestato dai topi, la razionalità c'entra poco: avere un gatto non ha un'utilità immediata. Sempre che non si tenga conto di fusa e felicità...

Le fusa dovevano essere un paio di scarpe di cemento nella grande corsa dell'evoluzione; invece hanno fatto sì che ai gatti andasse meglio di quanto molti altri animali potessero aspettarsi... Le fusa significano 'rendimi felice e io farò lo stesso con te'. L'industria della pubblicità ci ha messo secoli a capire questa seducente verità, ma quando l'ha capito...

Notevole, per inventiva, il capitolo dedicato ai gatti di Schrödinger - come un esperimento mentale portò alla diffusione della felinità nello spazio e nel tempo.

A proposito di irrazionalità: ho letto dei capolavori che aspettano di essere commentati, anche solo per essere lodati. Ma ho dato precedenza a questo - tutto sommato innocuo e superfluo - divertissement. Sarà che i gatti mi garbano?

Recuperiamo un minimo di utilità con la colonna sonora dell'ex Randagio Brian Setzer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5xsC...
Profile Image for Rose.
79 reviews43 followers
June 12, 2012
Ok - I put my hands up and admit it.. I'm one of those crazy cat people..given the opportunity I will speak at some length about my cats (probably more so than about my children!) - their quirks and funny ways, how silky their paws are yet still smell strangely of feet..I could go on.
My ambition in fact is to eventually grow into an old cat lady who rarely leaves her cat crammed abode (but I would never throw them at people)
Therefore I loved The Unadulterated Cat, a fairly short but humorous book - it really made me laugh - postively guffaw in recognition and appreciation.
Have marked it down one point however in protest at the suggestion that people should leave their cats behind when they move home - some things you just can't joke about :)
Profile Image for Jalə Hacıyeva.
38 reviews23 followers
May 31, 2022
Can I be pedigree and a Real cat too?
Of course you can't. You're a human.
Profile Image for Tony Almeida.
151 reviews5 followers
July 24, 2008
Hum! I admit that I enjoy very much Terry Pratchett's Discworld books as well as "Good Omens" but this "Unadulterated Cat" is somewhat a minor work.

As some of you already said, I also have a cat and it is somewhat funny to see some "truths" here and there in the text.

Honestly, I was expecting a funnier book. Ok, it's a short book, it has some funny excerpts (I enjoy very much the beginning of the book as weel as "the Schrödinger Cats", "the Cat in History" and "Hygiene" chapters) but that's it. It's just a book for the moment.
Profile Image for Jantine.
683 reviews47 followers
April 4, 2016
I'm more a dog-person than a cat-person, and I never had a cat in my life. My husband grew up among cats though, and with his stories in mind I read this short book. It was funny, wonderful and catly!
Profile Image for LadyCalico.
2,138 reviews49 followers
March 8, 2019
If you want a quick and hilarious read to pass a few pleasant hours, and just happen to be a crazy cat lady or gentleman with a shelf full of cat care books, then this parody by Pratchett, with the well-matched Jolliffe illustrations, should do the trick. I'm not sure if it was meant as a parody of those What You Need to Know about Your Cat books, or a parody of cats--probably both.
Profile Image for Katerina.
334 reviews162 followers
May 16, 2016
Un librino piccolo piccolo, che si legge in un pomeriggio. Due se proprio hai tanto da fare.
Un librino scritta da un amante dei gatti, per gli amanti dei gatti... ma non di quelli che ti spiegano la psicologia del felino, il loro mondo interiore, il modo per rendere il pelo soffice e lucente.
È un libro per chi ama i gatti "veri", quelli senza pedigree, quelli che ti piombano in casa perchè in realtà sei tu che sei piombato a casa loro.
È un libro per chi sa che i gatti sono dei piccoli bastardi che si divertono a renderti la vita difficile, abituati ad essere serviti e riveriti.
Ma fanno le fusa, e sono carini.
E quando ami i gatti la razionalità non c'entra nulla.
Profile Image for Karen.
Author 2 books58 followers
November 29, 2008
Although I didn't find this book to be laugh-out-loud funny, I chuckled to myself quite a few times and smiled knowingly because so much about cats was absolutely right in this book. I don't think people who've never owned or been around cats before would really enjoy this one.
Profile Image for Güntülü Yılmaz.
77 reviews2 followers
March 15, 2020
"... Siz kedinizin akşam yemeği için saat tam onda arka kapınızda belirdiğini düşünürsünüz. Kedinin bakış açısına göre, bacaklı yumru her gece buzdolabından bir kutu kedi maması çıkarmak üzere eğitilmiştir."

Bir ya da birden fazla kediyle beraber yaşamaya ya da en azından kedi hazretleriyle aynı bölgeyi paylaşmaya karar vermiş her insanı eğlendirecek bir kitap. Ama kesinlikle bir tür kedi kullanma kılavuzu, kedilere dair tatlı iç ısıtan öyküler değil bunlar. Kediyle yaşamayı göze aldıysanız olan bitene rıza gösterin, diyor, bu kadar. :) Ve en önemlisi o tüylüserseripiretorbaları hakkında Terry Pratchett yine çok haklı. :)
Profile Image for Midu Hadi.
Author 2 books181 followers
August 14, 2016

I enjoyed this book thoroughly for so many reasons:

1. It is a slim volume not even 130 pages long. I think the short length works in favor of the book, making it funnier.

2. It is so funny! The humor reminded me of Roald Dahl who is an all-time favorite of mine.

3. It has all these sly references thrown in with the humor that doubled the fun. I found mentions of Schrodinger's experiment, Quantum Theory, and the Uncertainty Principle. I'm not saying that they made sense; I'm just saying they were used in a clever, funny way.

4. Because cats. We love ours and thankfully, I now know that she is a Real cat.


All the weird cattish things that she does are mentioned in this book. It all makes sense now.

Like why was Bast called Bast.


Why Arch-villain's cats can't be real:

I mean, look at them!

However, now I kind of feel like the cartoon fish who has seen everything:


5. It made going to work in the mornings much more fun!

6. It is a treasury of quotable quotes. Witness:


7. The illustrations only made the book funnier:


If you have a cat and are still mystified at the things your cat does, then you need to read this book. If you are in doubt of the Realness of your feline, this book is for you too! If you are neither and have some time on your hands, read this book because it will make you laugh.


Also reviewed at:

P.S. This is the first of the 13 books that I bought from Online Books Outlet. The book was almost new but with the old book smell that I love. Really affordable prices and quick delivery too! Another bookseller to add to my list.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mirna.
49 reviews6 followers
September 8, 2008
Real cats do eat quiche.
And giblets.
And butter.
And anything else left on the table.
They can hear a fridge door opening two rooms away.

Having had read Terry Pratchett’s Maurice and His Educated Rodents, I stupidly half-expected the book will tell somewhat a fantastic story of Maurice. It turns out the book tells the story about cats. Not just cats in general, but Real Cats.
As I recalled it was the year 2004 that I had my last attempt to keep a real cat and had since stuck to rodents’ cousin, the hamsters.
The book 126 pages delved into details of anthropologic details regarding the cats of the society. It’s almost like an encyclopedia about cats, but then again maybe not… What it does is giving you directions on how to obtain a cat (or cats), how to feed them cats, how to tell the difference of a Real Cat and unReal Cat, explanations on FAQs and the wonder of the world that are Real Cats, the history of Real Cats went as back as the pre-historic times, and prediction of how Real Cats might live in the future.
Reading the book reminded me what it was like to have a real cat as a pet (or rather the real cat had me as its blob minion whose only purpose was to present it with cat food twice a day).
This book provides further proof that Pratchett is really truly a cat person. His specific referent to cats can be found in the discworld series in the shape of Greebo, Nanny Ogg’s infamous ‘kitten’ who often saved the day without having the slightest heroic intentions. And, well, naturally, in the book Maurice and his Educated Rodents, which takes place in the discworld universe as well but is not specifically included in the series. Hmm, I wonder if Maurice chanced meeting Greebo… or to be exact, Greebo happened to Maurice. Seemed very least likely though.

[image error]
"Don't worry about him," said Magrat dreamily, as the elf flailed at the maddened cat. "He's just a big softy." -- Lords and Ladies, The discworld series, by Terry Pratchett.

Recommended to all cat people out there. You know you’re one if you found yourself saying hi to the big fat ugly tom you saw on your way to the office.
Profile Image for [ J o ].
1,962 reviews498 followers
February 4, 2017
Kind of an odd book until you really think about it. Terry Pratchett is a master of humour but this book lacks it, somewhat. Maybe not actual humour itself, but the amount of it you find elsewhere.

I dislike cats though not enough to do anything about it but even I can see their wonderful attributes as described here. I think you'd need to love cats or Terry Pratchett to really understand this book. It is all founded on truth which means it's all a pack of lies, though funny.

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Profile Image for okyrhoe.
301 reviews114 followers
February 24, 2010
This funny little book has been a welcome respite from the string of somber hefty tome's I've had to read recently, so I did enjoy reading it. I was smiling to myself at many instances.

But...I feel that overall the book is not as good as it could be. There are two places in particular where Pratchett's writing comes off as unpolished.
"The Locked Gerbil Mystery" could very well be just a draft version, with shorthand/clipped sentences that make the segment read like a telegram.
And "The cats we missed" is another weak (ie, not so funny) segment which shouldn't have been placed at the strategic end of the book. The endearing ironic tone that was constant throughout now fades away and there's no memorable closure.

The Schrodinger cats section is certainly the best bit.
16 reviews
March 11, 2011
Well, I'm happy to say I'm a proud pinky blob owner of a Real Cat. I exist only to feed and clean up after her, which is just fine on both parts.

I'm a big fan of Terry Pratchett, and really the only thing that would have made this short read better was if I had "gotten" all the British humor in it. Alas, I'm from New Jersey, so some was lost on me. Still recommended for any cat lover though.
Profile Image for Sandy.
38 reviews1 follower
March 19, 2009
It's a very very cute and funny book on cats and interaction with their human slaves. I put this book on my mental list of gift ideas for cat people. It is just perfect, not too long, light reading, amusing and I am sure that every cat owner will recognize a lot of the situations or behaviour patterns described by Pratchett.
Profile Image for Mireille.
20 reviews10 followers
June 3, 2012
Wanna know what a REAL cat is made of?
This book does a perfect job explaining what a cat owner experiences in his/her daily life. Terry Pratchett is hilarious!
It is a quick fun read, this book cheered me up through the cold and dark winter. Every proud cat owner will enjoy it.
Profile Image for Shriya Uday.
385 reviews13 followers
August 27, 2021
The experience of reading a Terry Pratchett book I haven't read yet is an increasingly rare resource but I'm so glad to have it. This was a fun romp through cat behaviours and a glowing endorsement of those cats, that against all odds and stupidity, thrive.v
Profile Image for Knigoqdec.
1,067 reviews172 followers
October 21, 2017
Тази книга ми беше любов от пръв поглед... и казва цялата Истина! xD
Profile Image for Melissa.
1,079 reviews76 followers
December 7, 2018
I liked it, it was a quick fun distraction...not the Pratchett wit I’ve come to expect necessarily, but definitely fun for a cat owner.
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