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Analfabetka, która potrafiła liczyć

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Czy ktokolwiek mógłby oczekiwać, że ubogie afrykańskie dziecko wmiesza się pewnego dnia w świat międzynarodowej polityki na najwyższym szczeblu? Nombeko Mayeki przywykła do znacznie większych niespodzianek.

Autor międzynarodowego, zekranizowanego bestsellera "Stulatek, który wyskoczył przez okno i zniknął" znów daje przezabawną lekcję historii najnowszej.

416 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2013

About the author

Jonas Jonasson

23 books3,724 followers
After a long career as a journalist, media consultant and television producer, Jonas Jonasson decided to start a new life. He wrote a manuscript, he sold all his possessions in Sweden and moved to a small town by Lake Lugano in Switzerland, only a few meters from the Italian border.

The manuscript became a novel. The novel became a phenomenon in Sweden, and now it is about to reach the rest of the world.

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Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews261 followers
February 18, 2022
Analfabeten Som Kunde Räkna = The Girl Who Saved The King of Sweden‭, Jonas Jonasson

The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden is a Swedish novel written by Jonas Jonasson. The book was first published in 2013, as the second novel of the author, after the best-selling The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared.

In 1961, Nombeko Mayeki is born a poor black girl in Soweto. She leaves the slums and a twist of fate – she is run over but survives – puts her into the employ of the engineer who ran her over, as a cleaner in South Africa's secret nuclear weapons facility. Here, her good head for mathematics leads her to cover for her drunken and incompetent employer.

Two Mossad agents eventually murder her employer, and she outwits them and escapes to Sweden, but due to a mixup, ends up in possession of a missing South African atom bomb.

In Sweden, she settles in a bizarre commune including two unstable republicans determined to end the Swedish monarchy. Nombeko and her Swedish boyfriend are determined to hand the bomb over to the Swedish Prime Minister, but no-one will believe them.

Years later, after several attempts to hand over the bomb have failed in absurd circumstances, the two republicans kidnap the King and the Prime Minister of Sweden from a gala banquet with Chinese premier Hu Jintao at the Royal Palace in Stockholm, and ...

عنوانهای برگردانهای فارسی: «بیسوادی که حساب و کتاب سرش میشد؛»؛ «دختری که پادشاه سوئد را نجات داد»؛ «دختری بیسوادی که حساب و کتاب بلد بود»؛ نویسنده: یوناس یوناسون؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز بیستم ماه نوامبر سال 2015میلادی

عنوان: بیسوادی که حساب و کتاب سرش میشد؛ نویسنده یوناس یوناسون؛ مترجم حسین تهرانی؛ مشخصات نشر تهران، نشر چشمه، سال1393، در428ص، شابک9786002294517؛ موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان سوئد - سده21م

عنوان: دختری که پادشاه سوئد را نجات داد؛ نویسنده: یوناس یوناسون؛ مترجم: کیهان بهمنی؛ مشخصات نشر: تهران، آموت، سال1394، در578ص، شابک9786006605937؛

عنوان: دختری بیسوادی که حساب و کتاب بلد بود؛ نویسنده: یوناس یوناسون؛ مترجم شادی حامدی آزاد؛ مشخصات نشر: تهران، نشر قطره، سال1394، در525ص، شابک9786001198267؛

داستان رمان، درباره‌ ی دختری سیاهپوست و نابغه‌ ی ریاضیات به نام: «نومبکو مایکی»، است، که در یکی از فقیرترین محلات «آفریقای جنوبی» زندگی می‌کند؛ «نومبکو» دختر بسیار باهوش، که در یک موسسه ی تخلیه چاههای فاضلاب، از پنج سالگی مشغول به کار شده، روند رخدادهای زندگی او، کاری میکنند، که ایشان، از مراکز درست کردن «بمب هسته ای»، و نهایتا، از کشور «سوئد» سر درمیآورد؛ «نومبکو» میاندیشد در «سوئد» به عنوان پناهنده ی سیاسی، زندگی آرامی را آغاز کند، اما اینگونه نیست، چون …؛

سراسر کتاب با طنزی کنایه ‌آمیز، به رویدادهای سیاسی، و تاریخی سه کشور «آفریفای جنوبی»، «سوئد» و «چین» اشاره می‌کند؛ داستان درباره‌ ی دختری نابغه، اهل «آفریقای جنوبی» به نام «نومبوکو» هست؛ او بدون مدرسه و آموزش، ریاضی و حساب یاد می‌گیرد، و به این ترتیب به مدد هوش سرشارش رشد پیدا می‌کند، و سرانجام از موسسه ‌ی تخلیه ‌ی چاه فاضلاب، در یکی از مناطق شلوغ «آفریقای جنوبی»، به یک مرکز تحقیقات اتمی وارد می‌شود، پس از آن طی یک‌سری ماجراهای پیچیده و عجیب، از دست ماموران امنیتی فرار کرده، و همراه با یک بمب اتمی، وارد «سوئد» می‌شود، «سوئدی» که ادعا دارد، از سده ی نوزدهم میلادی، درگیر هیچ جنگی نشده است؛ شخصیت‌های دیگری هم به داستان راه مییابند که ترکیب حماقت آن‌ها و نبوغ «نومبوکو»، سلسله رویدادهای طنزآمیز جالبی را بوجود می‌آورد؛

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 04/01/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ 28/11/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Myriam Schärz.
60 reviews5 followers
February 24, 2014
This book was so bad it was a real chore trying to finish reading it that turned almost into agony. What a waste of precious time much better spent picking your nose, getting drunk all alone or sorting dust into similarly colored piles.
Loved his first book! Laughed so many times and still remember it vividly as if I had seen it as a movie. This here on the other hand is not funny. Not once. Not even remotely.
I loved Allen and liked most of the other characters in the 100 year old. Here I didn't even hate them. I didn't feel anything apart from annoyance. I could not have cared less about the characters and was sort of disappointed when that one Holger did not die. Nothing good ever happens but it doesn't matter since all the people in the book are so weak (Holger "2"), stupid (Holger "1" and his +1), irritating (the chinese girls) or forgettable (everyone else, including Nombeko). Highly disappointed and mildly annoyed that I spent any money on that book but I deserved that punishment....probably.
If he ever writes another book let's hope he finally gets over the atomic bomb and finds something new! Please!
Profile Image for Adina (way behind).
1,080 reviews4,433 followers
January 5, 2021
Jonas Jonasson’s debut novel, The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared was a masterpiece of black humor. I was awed by how absurd and funny it was. It set the bar high for any follow up. Unfortunate, the Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden could not even come close to the level I was expecting from the author. The humor was there, the same kind of absurd plot involving politics and world known leaders but it failed to come alive. I do not know why but I did not care for the characters or the plot. Even worse the comedy part felt forced most of the time. I still found some parts funny but it was too much filler. I think it could have been a four stars novel if it had 150 pages less.

If you like dark humor in the style of The Death Of Stalin (the movie) and Vonnegut then read his first book. If you are a fan of the 1st book then you might want to try this one as well.
Profile Image for switterbug (Betsey).
887 reviews1,116 followers
May 13, 2014
What a festival of adventure, rogue behavior, a non-existent twin who exists, and a fugitive atomic bomb that also doesn't exist--but weighs several megatons and is very difficult to hide. The plucky and delightful protagonist is Nombeko, who at the start of the novel is fourteen and cleaning latrines in Soweto, her hometown. It is the seventies, and apartheid is the social/political/economic cloud Nombeko lives under, and yet she makes the best of her situation, and eventually saves the world. The novel takes us from 1970's South Africa to 21st century Sweden.

In a picaresque novel, it is paramount to have a captivating group of characters, and nimble writing that compels the reader forward. Jonasson's talent is magnificent, and his largesse and wily wit, as well as his ability to create a thrilling plot, kept me in suspense until the very end. Nombeko is both humble and noble, a mathematical genius who lives by her wits and her virtuous cunning. Then there are the twins in Sweden, Holger One and Holger Two. But only one of them exists on paper. The Holgers' father is a fanatical republican who is determined to depose the monarchy. When his wife gives birth to twins, he decides that he can keep one hidden at home, while one goes off to school. Unfortunately, the one in school is none too bright, but is a fanatic like his father, while the non-existent Holger Two is both intelligent and principled. Inevitably, the Holgers and Nombeko cross paths.

"All these people found themselves in nuclear-weapons-free Sweden. Right next door to a three-megaton bomb."

As it says in the intro, "The statistical probability that an illiterate in 1970's Soweto will grow up and one day find herself confined in a potato truck with the Swedish king and prime minister is 1 in 45,766,212,810. This, according to the calculations of the aforementioned illiterate herself."

One of my favorite sections of the novel is when Nombeko is forced into indentured servitude. She is run over by moronic engineer, Westhuizen, in Johannesburg after a long journey on foot from her shantytown (her goal is to make it to the National Library of Pretoria). The judge decided in favor of the alcoholic engineer, who made it through engineering school through nepotism and cheating. He is now in charge of a secret nuclear weapons program in South Africa. Because of his stupidity and constant inebriation, and because of Nombeko's mathematical brilliance, she becomes his "right hand man." Officially, she is the cleaning woman. This episode in Nombeko's life puts her in contact with Mossad Agent A, Mossad Agent B, and three Chinese woman skilled at making ancient, fraudulent pottery and in the poisoning of dogs--also in forced servitude to Engineer Westhuizen.

"Nombeko imagined that the engineer might soon be able to devote himself to his brandy full-time; he could sit and dream his way back to the years when it was possible to convince those around him that he had a clue."

As zany as this novel may sound in description, Jonasson's finesse in making this believably unbelievable story engrossing is because of the characters, particularly Nombeko and the Holgers. His moral compass is a ticking time bomb, and he connects with the reader rather than condescending, so that I was in on his humor, and charmed by his narrative. The translation from Swedish by Rachel Willson-Broyles is luminous and lyrical. I can't believe that the original text wasn't in English.

Holger Two's problem of non-existence, as well as the lack of birth certificate/paperless Nombeko, provide for a deep and provocative philosophical theme in this novel about identity and permanence, as well as some fascinating real-world questions.

I can't recommend this unforgettable, supple, radiant novel enough!
Profile Image for Valarie.
69 reviews
June 2, 2014
At almost exactly halfway through the book, it became taxing to read. The wit and quirky characters were replaced with improbable scenarios. It was as if a lazier, time crunched writer completed a very well begun piece of literature.
Profile Image for Supratim.
240 reviews470 followers
April 22, 2019
I am giving the book a rating of 3.5!

I had started the book with very high expectations. Why shouldn’t I! The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared had raised my expectations to another level. For the most part the book did not disappoint.

I became a fan of Nombeko. Now who is she? She is the protagonist of this novel - the girl who would ultimately save the king of Sweden. She is a remarkable character. Born in abject poverty in South Africa, she had to relentlessly fight against poverty and prejudice. By dint of her extraordinary intelligence and guts she would survive one of the most lethal secret service agencies of the world and end up in Sweden, where a new adventure would follow.

The story is full of eccentric and colourful characters – anarchists, secret agents, Chinese sisters and the list goes on. The King and Prime Minister of Sweden would themselves be drawn into the adventure.

You will enjoy this book if you like the author’s brand of humour. You need to suspend your disbelief and enjoy the show.

One thing I liked about the story was how the ideology of the characters would change triggered by certain events and experiences. Even die-hard believers in a cause might change!

My gripe with the novel is that the narrative lagged at certain places and things sort of stalled. The book could have been shortened without impacting the narrative. However, the end was satisfactory.

This is a decent novel, but in my opinion not up to the standards of The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared

Was I a bit too lenient in my rating then? Probably a bit. The character of Nombeko and her triumph over adversities was the major reason why I liked this book.

If you like absurd adventures with a tad dark humour then I would highly recommend The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared! If you are a fan of Jonas Jonasson then you can give this book a try.
228 reviews108 followers
April 14, 2018
اخیرا هر کتابی رو که شروع به خوندنش میکردم به قدر کافی جذاب نبود، واسه همینم کلی کتاب نصفه و نیمه دارم. دیشب قبل از خواب شروع به خوندن این کتاب کردم و قصد داشتم فقط چند صفحشو بخونم. به قدری جذاب بود که با وجود امتحانات میانترم، تا صبح بیدار موندم و چهارصد و خورده ای صفحش رو یک نفس خوندم. واقعااا عااالی بود. به شدت جذاب و با قسمت های طنز واقعا بامزه. به ندرت پیش میاد یه کتاب یا فیلم طنز بتونه منو بخندونه، ولی با بعضی قسمت های این کتاب با صدای بلند خندیدم. کتاب "پیرمرد صدساله ای که از پنجره بیرون پرید و ناپدید شد" از همین نویسنده رو هم قبلا خوندم و دوست داشتم. ولی این کتاب به نظرم خیلی خیلی جذاب تر بود.. علاوه بر اون، کتاب اشاره های سیاسی جذابی هم داره.
بطور کلی کتاب درمورد یه دختربچه اهل افریقای جنوبیه که وظیفه ی حمل سطل های فاضلاب رو به عهده داره ولی طی اتفاقات عجیب و غریبی به بمب اتم دست پیدا میکنه. [فکر کنم رئیس جمهور سابق هم ایده ی دختر پونزده ساله ای که توی زیرزمین خونش به انرژی هسته ای دست پیدا کرده رو از این کتاب الهام گرفته بود :-))))))) ]
Profile Image for Fereshteh.
249 reviews634 followers
July 6, 2016
اگه از کتاب های جدی خسته این ، اگه مغزتون مدتیه کتاب های منتخبتون رو دفع می کنه چون خسته و بی حوصله ست و دنبال یه کتاب مفرح می گردین که عقل و منطق نقشی در روند حوادث داستانیش نداره و تقریبا هر دو صفحه یک اتفاق واقعا مهم و موثر میفته دست رو کتاب مناسبی گذاشتین. این تنها تجربه من از اثار یوناسون بود ولی شنیده ها و خونده های تجربه ی سایرین ثابت کرده یک کتاب از یوناسون به نمایندگی از همه ی آثارش برای همه ی عمرتون کفایت می کنه. یوناسون برای بی حوصلگی ها و خستگی ها می تونست حتی بهترین انتخاب باشه اگر می دونست کجا باید داستان رو ببنده ولی متاسفانه اونقدر کش میده که در نهایت لااقل من رو دلزده کرد.
Profile Image for Maedeh_P1H.
77 reviews28 followers
January 17, 2019
فقط صد صفحه اولش جالب بود...
اما ادامش نه....
البته اگه به سیاست اروپا و آمریکا علاقه دارید شاید این کتاب براتون جذاب باشه چون پر از طنز سیاسیه اما برای منی که از سیاست زیاد سر درنمیارم کتاب حوصله سر بریه.
اما نکته ای که متوجه شدم این بود که نویسنده خیلی اصرار داشت به مخاطبا بفهمونه که کشورش (سوئد) یه کشور صلح جو و بدور از جنگه و جایی برای بمب اتم نیست...و بمب اتم حتما باید بره به جایی که بهش نیاز دارن(متاسفانه آسیا)😊
Profile Image for Phrynne.
3,593 reviews2,437 followers
November 3, 2014
This book suffers a bit from comparing it with The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared which was delightful in all respects. This follow up is also entertaining and quirky but never quite as charming. It is also quite a lot too long and the middle section is very, very slow. I especially enjoyed Nombeka and sometimes felt there was not enough of her and too much of others. Nevertheless I did enjoy much of the book and can imagine it being made in to a movie like its predecessor.
Profile Image for حسین.
Author 64 books264 followers
February 13, 2018
انگار جداً این سوئدی‌ها خوب بلدند شبکه‌ی تودرتویی از شخصیت‌ها بسازند که در نهایت به یک نقطه‌ی خاص می‌رسند. داستان‌هایشان انگار افت و خیز ندارد؛ مدام اوج می‌گیرد.ـ
راستش، یک‌کم آخرهای کتاب حوصله‌ام سر رفت. به اندازه‌ی کتاب «پیرمرد صدساله‌ای که...» کیف نکردم (پیرمرد صدساله... فارست گامپِ سوئدی بود و شاهکار). این یکی داستانی زیبا و دلنشین بود که کاش صد صفحه کوتاه‌تر می‌شد تا در اوج خداحافظی کند.ـ

به‌هرحال، طرفدارهای ادبیات طنز (خصوصاً سیاسی) به‌هیچ‌وجه از دستش ندهند. اگر هم مثل من باید وسطِ کتاب‌های سخت کتاب‌های خوشخوان و بانمک بخوانید این را مد نظر قرار بدهید.ـ
Profile Image for Lela.
375 reviews105 followers
August 25, 2017
This is not my usual 4* novel. Really, it deserves less, but I smiled most of the way through it. The story is convoluted and completely mad but was easy to read. The characters were so off the wall, they made the story possible. A totally nonsensical book that holds within it some interesting pictures of human nature and humanity.
Profile Image for Tea Jovanović.
Author 393 books734 followers
November 8, 2017
Second novel is rarely as good as the first one (Khaled Hosseini is the exception) as publishers expect too much and there is a special "pressure" on the author if the debut novel is great success... Sheila O'Flanagan wrote the good, honnest review I support 100%.
Profile Image for Cynnamon.
664 reviews125 followers
August 12, 2019
4 stars, very close to 5

I thoroughly enjoyed this totally absurd and bizzare story of the South-African girl from the slum.


Ich mochte "Den Hunderjährigen" von Jonas Jonasson schon sehr, aber diese Geschichte von Nombeko hat mir noch eine ganz Ecke besser gefallen.
Die Story ist so schräg und abstrus, dass man sich als Leser natürlich
keine Gedanken über einen eventuellen Realitätsbezug machen darf.

Besonders gefallen hat mir, wie der Autor allerübelsten, krassen Rassismus als von allen Seiten akzeptierte Realität dargestellt hat (auch von Seiten der Diskriminierten), und damit die Absurdität dieser Weltanschauung unübersehbar verdeutlicht.

Von meiner Seite gibt es daher eine unbedingte Leseempfehlung für dieses Buch. Allerdings sollte man schon ein Faible fürs Schräge haben.

4 Sterne von mir, beinahe 5
Profile Image for Ms.pegasus.
760 reviews166 followers
May 28, 2014
This is a concatenation of outrageous improbabilities peopled by cartoonish characters capering across Potemkinesque landscapes. The story opens in Soweto with Nombeko, a fourteen year old latrine emptier (yes, that's this child's lifelong occupation, and she's one of the lucky ones who actually has a job). When her alcoholic boss gives some attitude to the wrong person, their pompous superior Piet du Toit appoints Nombeko as the new manager. Her first act is to hire her disgraced boss as her own replacement in the ranks. Nombeko is confident she will avoid censure: “'We'll just change your name; I'm sure the assistant can't tell one black from the next.'” (p.6)

As Nombeko's story unfolds the reader is also treated to the hypocrisy of historical political players of the 1960's and onward. We meet Balthazar Vorster, an ex-Nazi supposedly reformed by wartime incarceration, buoyed by the life sentence of that annoying terrorist Nelson Mandela, and catapulted into the role of prime minister when Henrik Verwoerd is assassinated. By the time he left office in 1978 Vorster had fostered a clandestine atomic bomb program. When we meet Pieter Botha, it's not difficult to imagine the unique abilities that won that leader the moniker “The Big Crocodile.” During this time, South Africa received world-wide censure not only for its apartheid policies but also for it's bloody military operations in Angola; a trade embargo ensued. Jonasson makes it clear that the embargo had political rather than humanitarian roots: “The thorny issue for Thatcher and Reagan (and Adelsohn, for that matter) wasn't a dislike of apartheid; racism hadn't been politically marketable for several decades. No, the problem was what would appear in its place. It wasn't easy to choose between apartheid and communism, for instance. Or rather: of course it was, not least for Reagan, who had already fought to make sure that no Communists would be let into Hollywood during his time as a union leader for the Screen Actors Guild. What would people think if he spent billions upon billions of dollars arms-racing Soviet communism to death while simultaneously allowing a variant of the same to take over in South Africa?” (p.111) The understatement of Jonasson's writing simply drips with irony.

As for the actual players in this story, delusional thinking is their downfall. We backtrack to far off Sweden. An unhinged postal worker named Ingmar Qvist becomes obsessed with meeting the King of Sweden, Gustaf V, whose visage appears on the thousands of stamps Ingmar handles daily. Needless to say, Ingmar's efforts, which spool out over the course of several years, end badly. Rebuffed, Ingmar becomes an obsessive anti-monarchist, even as he finally settles down to raise a family.

Jonasson has created a plucky heroine in Nombeko, and the reader revels in her on-going triumphs over massive stupidity. With the aid of luck and coincidence …. Well, I don't want to spoil the plot: Like a speeding freight train, it barrels along, picking up along the way 2 Israeli agents, 3 not-so-bright but uniquely talented Chinese girls, a dim-witted Swede and his equally dim girl-friend, the Swede's twin brother who is not at all dim, a shell-shocked, paranoid American potter, a potato truck, a reclusive grandmother who thinks she's a countess, and an atomic bomb that doesn't exist.

All of this revelry, however, would lack substance if not for the underlying political satire. Those versed in a basic understanding of Africa in world politics will appreciate the barbed humor Jonasson skillfully wields. For the rest of us, the book is something of an eye-opener. I had no idea that South Africa had an atomic bomb program.

Jonasson does tie up all of the loose ends of an extravagantly complicated plot but it's difficult to sustain the earlier sting of his prose. The plot proliferates into a series of madcap dashes across the country reminiscent of a keystone cops montage. Nevertheless, this was an entertaining and imaginative romp told with refreshing directness.

NOTE: I particularly liked this audio review. It captures the balance between political jabs and humorous absurdity: http://omnyapp.com/listen/a5f990e1-32...
Profile Image for سیده زهرا.
141 reviews24 followers
May 24, 2016
همونطور که پارسال از خوندن (پیرمرد صدساله ...) بسیار لذت بردم، امسال هم از (بی سوادی..) لذت بردم. در نوشته های یوناسن مدام غافلگیر میشید و مدام با طنزهای ظریف کتاب میخندید و با اینکه بسیاری از اتفاقات سیاسی جهان برای پیشبرد داستان استفاده میشه، برای کسانی مثل من که با سیاست سر و کاری ندارند، نه تنها خسته کننده نیست، بلکه گاهی اوقات آگاهی بخش هم هست.
پیشنهاد من اینه که با فاصله کم از هم، دو کتاب گفته شده رو نخونید. چون ممکنه به نظرتون شبیه به هم بیاد.
به عنوان آخرین تلاش برای ترغیب کردنتون برای خوندنش باید بگم وقتی یه بمب اتم رو سال ها دنبال خودتون این ور و اون بکشید چه اتفاقاتی ممکنه بیفته؟
خلاصه کلام اینکه بسیار از خوندنش لذت بردم.
Profile Image for Laura.
1,312 reviews38 followers
September 29, 2014
Let's say 4.25 stars.

This book is the most farcical, absurd story I have read since A Confederacy of Dunces.

It's best read with a complete suspension of belief, in as few sessions as possible. I found it hard to re-enter this state of disbelief, but once I found the groove again, I was laughing aloud once again.

The farcical plot comments on social roles & mores in two countries, one as north as one can go, the other as south as one can go, & throws in some jabs at the West, the Orient, & the Middle East, too.

Our heroine, Nombeko, is remarkable. And despite this being a farce, it's completely believable that remarkably intelligent people are born into all circumstances, and some find ways to thrive.

The circumstances of Holger's life are also believable. And whether the events that bring these two together are remotely possible in a real world, they make for a fun ride, complete with all the errors in logic & sheer laziness that accompany most human failures.

Probably not for everyone, but lots of fun for those who like it.
Profile Image for Anna.
88 reviews37 followers
September 14, 2015
Φανταστικό μυθιστόρημα με την υπέροχη γραφή του J.Jonasson ο οποίος είναι από τους λίγους συγγραφείς που μπορούν να με κάνουν να συγκινηθώ και να γελάσω ταυτόχρονα.Για μένα είναι με βεβαιότητα το καλύτερο ως τώρα βιβλίο του καθώς πιστεύω πως στο πρώτο του(Ο εκατοντάχρονος που πήδηξε από το παράθυρο και εξαφανίστηκε) αρκετές φορές η υπόθεση γινόταν κουραστική ,ενώ σε αυτό εδώ όλα κυλούσαν ευχάριστα και ο συγγραφέας δεν έπεσε σε καμία κούρμπα.Ταυτόχρονα πιστεύω ότι αποτελεί και ένα από τα καλύτερα και πιο αστεία βιβλία του 2014.Διαβάστε το και διαδώστε το!!
Profile Image for MTK.
491 reviews36 followers
March 30, 2018
Λίγα δεύτερα βιβλία διατηρούν την φρεσκάδα του πρώτου πονήματος ενός συγγραφέα, αλλά ο συγκεκριμένος το κατάφερε. Κι επιπλέον μάλλον κατάφερε επίσης να δημιουργήσει ένα νέο είδος, το παραμύθι του 21ου αιώνα.
Profile Image for Arghiiw.
204 reviews
Shelved as 'dnf'
July 18, 2022
بخدا من شرمنده کتابا شدم اصن:)
این سومین کتابیه که تو این یه هفته یکمشو می‌خونم و دراپ می‌کنم 😹
اصن به من چه
خودشون زشتن.
این کتابم حقیقتا ۳۰ صفحه خوندم و اینجوری بودم که ودف، اگه قراره تا آخر این مدلی باشی که نخونمت 😂
نمی‌تونم بگم کتاب خوبیه یا بد، چیزی نیست که توی این حال و روزم بخوام بخونمش، و متأسفانه بعد از ۲ سال انتظار برای خوندنش، بسیار ناامید شدم و خورد تو ذوقم:(
باشد که شما بخونید و خوشتون بیاد.
Profile Image for Peter.
165 reviews9 followers
November 23, 2013

Eine komplexe Geschichte in einer Einfachheit erzählt, die einfach überwältigt. Nach dem „100jährigen …“ schafft es Jonasson natürlich wieder nicht nur einen kurzen Abschnitt aus einem Lebensteil zu erzählen sondern er benötigt vielmehr wieder ein halbes Jahrhundert. Er schafft es, dieses komplett mit Leben zu füllen.

Die absurden aber für gültige erklärten Realitäten, die in dem Buch vermittelt werden, sind wie Puzzleteile, die früher oder später und zumeist nur irgendwie passgenau ineinander greifen. Das Puzzle löst sich, als ob es das selbstverständlichste auf der Welt wäre, schlussendlich in absoluter Leichtigkeit immer von selbst.
Mit einfachen Worten schafft es der Autor Ironie mit tieferem Sinn und dem folgenden Nachdenken zu erzeugen. Freunde des Humors von Mario Barth werden sich entsprechend mit diesem Buch sehr schwerer tun – und das ist gut so.

Übrigens: Das unter selbem Titel erschienene Hörbuch wurde von der großartigen Katharina Thalbach phantastisch eingelesen und ist selbst nach dem „Selberlesen“ immer noch eine Empfehlung wert.

"Vive la République!" ;)
Profile Image for fatemeh Motamedi.
59 reviews53 followers
August 16, 2020
فقط توی کتاب میشه که پادشاه یا نخست‌وزیر کشوری برن خونه یک آدم معمولی،برای چند نفر آدم معمولی شام درست کنند..ظرف ها رو شسته و آشپزخونه رو مرتب کنند....

کتاب در مورد یک دختر اهل آفریقای جنوبی که از جمع کردن فاضلاب میرسه به سفیری و در این بین اتفاق های جالبی براش میوفته

کتاب جالبی بود.همراه با طنز بود.و بعضی قسمت ها اشاره های سیاسی هم داشت

فقط برای منی که زیاد از سیاست سر در نمیارم و اطلاعات کافی در مورد سیاست کشورهای مختلف ندارم بعضی قسمت ها رو متوجه نمیشدم
به این فکر افتادم که معلوماتم رو در زمینه
کمونیسم کمونیست
فاشیست رئالیسم دموکرات
حزب چپ و حزب راست
و غیره
بهتر کنم🙈
هرچند علاقه زیادی ندارم
Profile Image for Marianne.
3,799 reviews273 followers
February 24, 2015
The Girl Who Saved The King Of Sweden is the second book by Swedish journalist, media consultant and television producer, Jonas Jonasson. Determined not to be a latrine emptier all her life, Soweto youngster, Nombeko Mayeki uses her numerical skills and lots of hard work to advance her position. How she learns to read, ends up in possession of quite a few diamonds and later, something a whole lot more dangerous, is the story Jonasson tells in the first half of his book. It takes that long before Nombeko arrives in Sweden and quite a bit longer before she gets anywhere near the King.

Jonasson gives the reader the backstory of various major and minor characters in a series of anecdotes, some of which are quite funny. There is plenty of reference to both South African and Swedish politics (perhaps a little too much?), as well as a bit of world affairs, and generally, the plot is just as far-fetched as Jonasson’s first novel, The Hundred Year Old Man Who Climbed Out The Window And Disappeared, but this one lacks the charm of his debut novel. The title is a bit misleading as, in effect, the King saves himself. There are lots of chuckles but not as many laugh-out-loud moments, and while described as uproariously funny, readers may disagree. 3 stars.
Profile Image for Nilo0.
459 reviews102 followers
January 19, 2021
کتاب دلچسبی بود. طنز ظریف و هوشمندانه ای داشت و همه چیز رو به طرز عجیبی به هم ربط داده بود
در خلال داستان، واقعیات سیاسی اجتماعی دهه های اخیر دنیا هم دیده می شد و در کل درباره مسائلی مثل سلطنت یا جمهوری و بمب اتم بود که دانش روز سیاسی محسوب میشه
البته داستان غیرواقعی و طنزه اما بین کتابای دیگه خوندنش خالی از لطف نیست و می چسبه
با طنز ظریفش بارها لبخند به لبم اومد و در حد خودش و ژانرش دوست داشتم
Profile Image for mohsen pourramezani.
160 reviews171 followers
June 23, 2015
این کتاب دوم یوناس یوناسون است که درایران منتشر می‌شود. این کتابی که من خواندم از نسخه‌ی آلمانی ترجمه شده و نشر چشمه و چرخ آن را منتشر کرده است و یک ترجمه دیگر هم به اسم «دختری که پادشاه سوئد را نجات داد» وجود دارد که از متن انگلیسی ترجمه شده و نشر آموت منتشر کرده
کتاب روان و خوش‌خوانی است و مانند کتب اول نویسنده (مرد صد ساله ای که از پنجره پرید و ناپدید شد) داستان کتاب پر از اتفاق و ماجراهایی است که در یک بستر تاریخی واقعی (بعد از جنگ جهانی دوم تا سال 2010) و به زبان طنز روایت می شود

کتاب اول نویسنده را بیشتر دوست داشتم. به نظرم کتاب دومش ارجاعات زیادی به تاریخ سوئد داشت و احتمالا آنها بیشتر با کتاب و شوخی‌هایش ارتباط برقرار می‌کنند
دلیلی که دوستاره کم دادم این بود که به نظرم در بعضی جاها (به خصوص اواخر کتاب) منطق داستان چفت و بست لازم را نداشت و آخرش هم خیلی هپی اند تمام می‌شد
Profile Image for ELNAZIOR.
142 reviews
October 9, 2023
من اول فکر کردم کتاب صوتی کامل رو پیدا کردم ولی الان دیدم که سه ساعت نمیتونه کل کتاب باشه😅ولی خب به هر حال داستانش بامزه بود(طنز نبود ولی خب یه حس بامزه‌طوری داشت)
Profile Image for Христо Блажев.
2,377 reviews1,596 followers
March 16, 2015
С атомна бомба в ръчния багаж: http://knigolandia.info/book-review/n...

Юнас Юнасон е отново тук – при това с неочаквано добра втора книга. Неочаквано, защото често го има оня момент, в който си казваш: “Абе няма как да е толкова добра, колкото беше първата!”, в случая “Стогодишният старец, който скочи през прозореца и изчезна”, но после се зачиташ и се забавляваш безспир часове наред. Дори си мисля, че “Неграмотното момиче, което можеше да смята” вероятно ще получи още по-добър прием от читателите, но за мен лично първата ще си остане малко по-важна заради купищата исторически личности, пародирани по страниците. В настоящата книга обаче го има онова чувство, което липсваше там – има любов, при това в двойна доза, има повече и по-симпатични герои, има двама близнаци с едно име и много различни цели в живота, има… много неща има всъщност, невъзможно е да бъдат изброени, но ще опитам бегло поне да спомена това-онова.

Colibri Books​
Profile Image for Priya.
236 reviews94 followers
February 6, 2015
I enjoyed it for the first few chapters 'coz of the writing style and the anticipation of a good story. And then somewhere along the way, the style became too boring for my liking and the story kept meandering this way and that...and well...I tried! But life's too short to force myself to complete a book that I'm clearly not enjoying, so there. It's probably a 2 or 3 star book if you dont mind the lack of descriptive prose and if dry humor is your thing. :-)
Profile Image for B.
130 reviews168 followers
September 3, 2016
chợt nhận ra là giá sách quá thiếu những cuốn vui vẻ, yêu đời hoặc làm cho mình vui vẻ, yêu đời.

[Đọc lại - 3/9/2016]
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