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Arisu yang dengan ajaib berhasil bertahan hidup dari game kedua menghadapi retaknya persahabatan mereka. Ditambah, dalam aturan petak umpet yang diikuti keempatnya tersembunyi suatu maksud yang kebrutalannya tidak pernah mereka alami sebelumnya? Bagaimana mereka akan bertahan hidup?

176 pages, Paperback

First published January 18, 2012

About the author

Haro Aso

115 books235 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 86 reviews
Profile Image for MischaS_.
785 reviews1,422 followers
January 5, 2021
Wow, I'm speechless. I knew what was gonna happen and I'm still speechless.
I loved how we got more background for the characters mixed with the heartbreak of the game.
I have to say that I really like what the manga did with Shibuki, it made her character surprisingly likeable.

This game is really intriguing, I wonder if there was a way how to crack it or there was no other way.

So far I have to say that I'm quite surprised how close the adaptation followed the manga, mostly there are only subtle changes. And if there are bigger ones it totally makes sense because it would be hard to bring it to the screen or it would not translate very well.
Cannot wait to read the rest of the manga.
Profile Image for daph pink ♡ .
1,115 reviews2,986 followers
May 22, 2022
Is it possible for us to win this game(hide and seek)? No, I don't believe so. Without any one dying.

I got strong SAW (ESP the collar) vibes from this game, and the sentiment and camaraderie were heartbreaking.

What's going to happen now??
Profile Image for Rodrigo.
1,302 reviews702 followers
September 5, 2023
Valoración: 8/10
Sinopsis: ¿Son los lazos y amigos de Alice lo suficientemente fuertes como para resistir la presión de Borderland? Las dudas, debilidades y sueños los distancian insidiosamente entre sí. Una prueba calificada "7" completará el proceso. ¡La más perversa de todas las confrontaciones comienza, para una conclusión necesariamente dramática!
Muy cruel esta última prueba, veremos como evoluciona nuestro prota.
Profile Image for Phoenix2.
1,015 reviews108 followers
January 17, 2021
The third Volume of Alice In Borderland injects a strong dose of emotion in it while keeping things dark and moody. The art was so good, especially in those ending chapters! We even get a sneak peek into other characters' background stories.
Now, if I haven't watched the LA first, I guess I would have been even more shocked about the twist of this game, but, still, it was a punch. It also proves that author san doesn't shy off from doing the unexpected.
Profile Image for Achilles  Lanis.
50 reviews2 followers
June 16, 2021
Vol. 3 continues with the gang as they embark on their next game of the borderland which is hide and seek.

I have to say this was a great continuation to the second volume and I was shocked by some of the developments in here. It had great moments and it was very suspenseful and emotional.

This series is evolving into something great and I can't wait to read more. The art was very good too in this one.

Profile Image for Paola C.
477 reviews57 followers
January 28, 2021
Y a partir de aquí ya no se que más se puede esperar. Me ha explotado la cabeza llegado cierto punto del manga y ya no se como voy a superar lo que he sucedido.
Profile Image for MajesticalLion.
644 reviews60 followers
June 21, 2022
This volume marked the end of the content I'd seen in the Netflix show. Shortly after the Seven of Hearts arc, the show went through a non canon arc about a bus trying to escape a flood, which seems to not be in the manga (either that, or it happens later than it did in the show) so now everything I read is new content. And boy, is the new content spicy. But I'll get into that in my Vol. 4 review. For now, I'll just say this was one of the most emotional volumes of manga I've read. This series is not afraid to make you mad and ruin your day.
Profile Image for A_ bookbound _soul.
187 reviews41 followers
October 9, 2021
This was a real tearjerker... It's been a while since I've read something so ruthless. I wonder If the author knows about a thing called plot-armor (this is one of the rare places I've would have preferred the characters to have some plot-armor...)
Profile Image for bakanekonomama.
573 reviews79 followers
April 8, 2021
Aduh, pedih....

Yang ini juga berbeda dengan versi dramanya. Dan kalau sebelumnya saya kesal sama si Chouta, di sini justru merasa suka dan terkesan sama sifat pemberaninya dia.

Huhuhu.... TT^TT
Profile Image for Adam Watts.
5 reviews
January 7, 2023
It was good but it didn't progress soo much than the previous 2 volumes. Will still get the rest as I have watched the Netflix 2 seasons.
Profile Image for Angie.
1,316 reviews18 followers
February 22, 2023
In which we lose Karube and Chota to the game of Hide and Seek but Arisu and Usagi become one of my favorite duos.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Thuy.
140 reviews8 followers
December 18, 2020
Come from Netflix series because I can't wait for ss2! Finished the whole manga within a few days and it was such a pleasure experience

The idea is briliant, still haven't wrapped my head around how the author was able to come up with such awesome and meaningful story like that. It really makes me question my true identity on the verge of death, when I have to make choices that I bet my life on. I think I'll never know who I really am

I like all the characters. It's a shame that the 2 best friends of Arisu die too soon. I wanted to see them more in the story, but like the story said at some point, their deaths are " necessary evil" for Arisu to mature.
Shibuki was a calculating person and will do anything to hold on to her life. I cried when she smiles and embraces Chunta during her last few seconds of the hide and seek game. It's like she finally accepts her fate that she is about to die. It was such a hard moment for Shibuki to let go considering what she did in the past, but she did it, and at least she was happy in her last moment
Profile Image for Perrine.pdf.
101 reviews2 followers
January 26, 2022
This manga made me cry. I think I can officially say it’s my new favorite manga. So much feels.
192 reviews7 followers
February 1, 2024
Trò chơi ở tập này có độ khó 7♥️ mang tên Trốn Tìm. 1 người chơi được đóng vai sói, những người còn lại sẽ là cừu, vai cừu - sói sẽ được hoán đổi bất kỳ lúc nào nếu sói nhìn vào mắt cừu. Nhóm chơi lần này chỉ có 4 người bạn từ đầu đến giờ chứ không có người lạ nào khác, bao gồm: Arisu, Karube, Chota, Shibuki.

Trong trò chơi này, luật lệ lại là ai trụ lại vai sói cuối cùng sẽ thắng, những con cừu còn lại sẽ bị nổ bùm, chỉ có duy nhất 1 người được sống - đồng nghĩa với việc muốn sống sót thì cừu phải truy lùng sói. Một đám bạn chơi chung với nhau, vài tiếng trước còn cười nói vui vẻ, nhưng đến khi bước chân vào game này, nó lại là một câu chuyện khác: vì ai cũng muốn bản thân mình sống sót, giá trị con người, định nghĩa bạn bè cũng không còn nữa "nó chỉ là một thằng ưa đánh lộn", "một thằng ngu si trì độn", "một con nhỏ chỉ mới quen vài ngày", Sói muốn sống thì phải có vứt hết lương tâm để cắt đứt mọi mối quan hệ sẵn có hay không?

Trước khi vào game, mỗi người được phát 1 dụng cụ săn bắt: búa, rìu, cưa, kéo. Cứ nghĩ đây là trò chơi hệ ♠️, nào ngờ bước chân vào mới biết, liệu để sinh tồn thì có thể có những trường hợp sau xảy ra không: Sói có dùng vật nhọn tự chọc và mắt để khỏi phải hoán đổi vai cho cừu không; Liệu Sói có chặt đứt chân cừu để không bị những con cừu tìm đến hay không; .... Quả là một game biến thái 🙂

Hơn nữa, người tổ chức trò chơi đã cố tình gắn thiết bị liên lạc cho người chơi, để xem những người thân thiết với nhau có "tranh luận" để xem đứa nào mới xứng đáng được sống hơn...

Nhìn tên truyện thì cũng biết ai là người sống sót cuối cùng rồi. Phần thưởng dành cho sói lại chính là món thịt cừu. Mẹ kiếp, ch* đẻ quá, ai win game này mà dám ăn món đó mình nghĩ người đó cũng không còn nhân tính nữa rồi.


Nói ăn thịt cừu tự dưng nhớ đến Ảo Dạ của Keigo, cô gái Shinkai Mifuyu nhờ gã bạn trai phân xác người nào đó, xong rồi ép bạn trai ăn món thịt sống đó để "quên" đi việc mình đã từng giết người. Thả nhỏ Mifuyu đó vô game này chắc cũng thích hợp lắm, biết đâu được lên làm Q♥️ không chừng 🙂
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Profile Image for 47Time.
2,936 reviews91 followers
December 17, 2021
The game masters are a perverse lot. The next game is Hide and Seek with one player being the wolf and the other three being sheep that the wolf must locate in a greenhouse. Only the wolf survives in the end, so the others are screwed. Arisu still worries about the game's morality. Poor boy!

Profile Image for Linn Lönn.
99 reviews
February 6, 2021
- Resultatet av spelet tog mig inte lika hårt som det gjorde i serien då jag tyckte att de pratade så objektifierande om kvinnor med varandra här, ew. Men som tur är så var flashbacksen här inte baserade på när de pratade om sådant, därför blev jag faktiskt ledsen här också. Karube dog ju vilket var min favorit karaktär hittills. Man fick samma känsla av uppgivenhet efter som Arisu, bra lyckat.
- Spelet är orättvist, som om det inte var självklart sen innan, men nu är det ännu mer tydligt. Det här spelet är genialiskt, det var anpassat personligen för dem vilket betyder att någon övervakar dem, antagligen på grund av deras survive streak. De utgjorde ett för bra lag och behövde delas på. Vet inte vem som vill detta än.
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Profile Image for Kesh.
4 reviews
February 10, 2021

It's rare for a series to do this early on, but they did it flawlessly. This strongly highlights the stakes at hand for the players and the readers can feel the dread for the characters as well. This volume made me devise several ways to beat the game, failed at it big-time, and the curiosity kept me up at night after reading it.

For those people who want to know every aspect of the "world" at the get-go; you'll be frustrated at this. You'll be itching to uncover the why's and the how's.
Profile Image for Drew Cannon.
103 reviews
December 29, 2022
Man, this series just gets better and better with each volume. Although we saw a brief summary of the Two of Hearts game with Shibuki in the previous volume, we are given more of the Hearts genre this time around with the Seven of Hearts card. Brutal, heart-breaking, exciting, and emotional all at the same time. The Hearts suit definitely seemed the most intense in the Netflix adaptation, and it definitely appears the same way in the manga so far. Can't wait for volume 4! 5/5
Profile Image for curiouskat_books.
710 reviews5 followers
January 2, 2023
Just as devestating as I expected from watching the series. I did enjoy how different Shibuki was from the show. They really did her dirty compared to how good she actually was in the manga. I wish they had included her prior game into the show as it was a fantastic one. It is nice to get more insight into Arisu's head and to see how he isn't as weak or fragile as the show sometimes presents him to be.
Profile Image for Léo.
8 reviews
March 28, 2023
Alice et ses amis ont bien du mal à survivre dans le monde de Borderland et à ses jeux bien cruels. Karube et Chôta sont blessés mais ils doivent pourtant participer à ce qui sera leur dernier jeu.

Le fan service est encore là et les personnages sont vraiment agaçants. Je ne sais pas pourquoi je m'acharne à lire cette série qui n'est clairement pas pour moi. Je continuerai à lire et à noter mais je ne donnerai mon avis que si je ne que quelque chose de constructif à ajouter.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
219 reviews1 follower
April 4, 2023
Otro tomo que te deja sin aliento y es que, aunque parece que no avanza mucho en la trama, vamos conociendo mucho más al resto de personajes, sus motivaciones, su llegada a Borderland…

También cuenta con dos capítulos extra que nos muestra un juego muy bizarro y que debería haber salido en la serie. No quiero contar más porque el resultado me ha dejado loca y no quiero hacer spoiler.

El final te deja con ganas de seguir leyendo y queda mucho para el mes que viene 😓
Profile Image for Juan Carlos malik.
842 reviews304 followers
January 9, 2022
Y el capitulo 13 fue en verdad doloroso e impresionante. Ahora que sucederá en el juego lleno de muertes y dolores.
En este tomo se muestra con una fuerza y astucia el poder la amistad y el sacrificio que hacemos por nuestros seres queridos lo cual provoca que generes una empatia con los personajes.
La carga emocional y de tensión sigue creciendo y eso está genial.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 86 reviews

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