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The Perfect Find

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Jenna Jones, dawna modowa dziennikarka glamour właśnie skończyła 40 lat. Zwolniono ją z magazynu „Darling” i rzucił ją narzeczony. Jest spłukana i desperacko szuka nowego pomysłu na siebie. Przyparta do muru, zwraca się o pomoc i pracę do swojego wroga – Darcy Vale, teraz prezeski magazynu internetowego StyleZine. com. Darcy potrzebuje Jenny, a właściwie bardziej jej kontaktów w branży.

Czterdziestolatka zaczyna pracę jako redaktorka internetowego serwisu modowego, wśród millenialsów, dla których media społecznościowe to codzienność. Jenna ma w tej kwestii wiele do nadrobienia. I kiedy już układa sobie życie na nowo, zjawia się jej nowy współpracownik. Połowę od niej młodszy. Zabójczo przystojny. Niezwykle pociągający. O zniewalającym uśmiechu. Eric Combs.

Romans z nim może ją jednak kosztować utratę pracy.

Czy Jenna zaryzykuje i wejdzie w ten związek, czy postawi na bezpieczniejszą opcję?

480 pages, Paperback

First published April 12, 2016

About the author

Tia Williams

24 books4,236 followers
Tia Williams began her career as a beauty editor for magazines including Elle, Glamour, Lucky, Teen People, and Essence. In 2004, she pioneered the beauty blog industry with her award-winning site, Shake Your Beauty - and published her debut novel, The Accidental Diva. She went on to pen two young adult novels: It Chicks, and Sixteen Candles. Her 2016 bestseller, The Perfect Find, is being adapted for a Netflix film starring Gabrielle Union – and her latest novel, Seven Days in June, debuts in June 2021. Tia is currently an Editorial Director at Estee Lauder Companies, and lives with her daughter and husband in Brooklyn.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,218 reviews
Profile Image for Warda.
1,259 reviews22.1k followers
July 8, 2023
It makes no sense at all why I’m crying over this ending. It’s probably a combination of the fact that it’s past 2am, I am period-ing and that I also adored every moment of this story.

If I was to describe to you what reading a book by Tia Williams feels like, I’d say it feels surreal. The woman is disgustingly good at putting words together that pack meaning and depth and intimacy when it comes to how well you get to know her characters. And whilst reading those words, you have the most vivid and delicious images floating in your mind.

You know when you find that book, that author? The one that speaks your language? Tia Williams is it for me. Well, she’s one of many but definitely at the top. And my current obsession.

Some tropes that you will find in this:
• Age gap - older woman, younger man
• Forced proximity
• Black love
• Somewhat taboo/forbidden romance (the hero is the boss’s son 🤭)
• Workplace romance
Profile Image for Luvvie.
Author 8 books1,408 followers
July 9, 2016
This book was so good, so delicious, so everything. I read it in one sitting, in under 6 hours. these characters are rich, fully-formed, and so easy to picture. when this book ended, I was a little salty because I wasn't ready to leave the world of Jenna and Eric. Bravo, Tia.
Profile Image for Kelly (and the Book Boar).
2,639 reviews8,986 followers
September 13, 2021
First, for all you who are desperate to get some more Tia Williams in your life but are followers of the nincompoops calling this her “new novel” please take note that this damn thing came out in 2016. It’s getting a reprinting thanks to the raging success that was Seven Days In June but it’s not new dang book. Get yourself to the store or the library and snatch up a copy!

I picked this up because of the shame I felt for wrong reading the aforementioned Seven Days. That book had THE BEST opening I have read in a long time that had my ass cracking up, but then the rest of the book was all tragiporn in a literal porn and mommy was just not a fan. But I knew Williams had something worth giving another go so when I saw posts about this one on the ‘Gram I went to the library website to beg them to buy a copy and let me have first dibs on release day which is when I found out “influencers” on social media aren’t always the brightest bulbs and I ran down the street at lunch to get this paperback before anyone else caught on to the secret that it was an old book.

The only thing I have to say about this now that I’ve finished reading is it was like How Stella Got Her Groove Back had a baby with The Devil Wears Prada and I was There. For. It. And also???????


It’s been a minute since some fiction made your girl feel naughty but YOWZA! Oh and it was sometimes hilarious. Literally laugh out loud funny. Allllllll the Starzzzzzz! I can’t recommend this enough.
Profile Image for Shamekia.
402 reviews
August 19, 2017
(Deep sigh...)

So I'm only giving this book 4 stars because the majority of it had me laughing and swooning and begging for more-BUT-the ending was disappointing.

So. Many. Typographical. Errors. I could tell that this was self published. The errors weren't grammatical, I can tell that Tia Williams is a good writer. However, the mistakes in this were so glaring and it got to be very annoying, especially near the end where there was at least one mistake in each page.

The ending made me so damn mad. One scene felt like a Tyler Perry movie (grrr!) I actually threw the book across the room when I finished it. I felt betrayed!

Jenna and Eric are so damn cute together! I LOVED their relationship and their attraction. The author definitely wrote some lines that I think lot of women would LOVE to hear from a crush. One of my favorite lines: "I studied you all night...I have a PhD in Jenna Jones now". Their text conversations are sweet, sexy, and funny. In fact the whole book is pretty funny. Williams will often write a sexy scene that makes you swoon and then the next paragraph will make you laugh out loud.

The protagonist is a 40 year old black woman! I love love love this! I've read a LAHHHT of 'chick-lit' in my day and they always star a white woman in her 20s that swoons over the high-powered business man or celebrity-type. I actually stopped reading the genre for a while because it was so predictable. Granted this book was also predictable, but it was nice to read a romance about a grown ass woman.

I had a lot of fun reading this. It was one of my favorites this year so far and perfect for summer. I hope that Tia Williams keeps writing and gets a better editor and publisher next time!
Profile Image for Anna.
191 reviews168 followers
October 5, 2021
*taps mic* Hi. Hello. I have a lot to say about this.

First of all, Tia Williams is a sexy ninja at what she does. The Michelangelo of… words? Books? Naming designers you’ve never heard of? All of the above.

She wrote this insanely beautiful book about forty-year-old Jenna and twenty-two-year-old Eric, who drunkenly make out at a party and find out the next day that they’re now employees of the same fashion blog, and that their psycho boss (who is Jenna’s frenemy of twenty years and Eric’s - brace yourselves - MOTHER) has paired them up for a project.

Jenna and Eric hate each other at first, then find out they have a lot in common, then become obsessed with each other and have sex in the office for like ten chapters. And it’s. So. Good.

Back to Tia Williams. I read this book because I could only reread Seven Days in June so many times in two months. I found that both books deal in the characters’ obsession with each other (and the reader’s - namely, my - obsession with them). They’re both about feeling crazed and like you’re going to crumble into dust if you don’t give in to temptation. There’s so much aching and longing and intensity and you just feel like you’re going to burst into flames at any moment. And she’s so damn good that when she goes into the Starbuck’s barista’s life story, as she tends to do with supporting characters (and the rest of the characters, really), you can press pause on the flames because she managed to interest you in that random piece of information, even though there was smoke coming out of your ears.

All of that to say, I loved the first 93% of this book as much as I thought I would, if not more. However. That ending. I just. I understand the rationale. I understand everyone’s reasons. But as the author, you can just wave the magic wand and find a more satisfying path. You don’t have to compromise the story or the characters, just find a way that doesn’t make the reader want to claw their own heart out and never feel anything ever again!

You might be wondering why I gave it 5 stars after that little rant. It’s because I’m just going to write fanfic in my head about a great ending and marvel in the perfection that happened before.

Okay, I’m done. Thank you and good night.
Profile Image for BookishByTammi.
227 reviews1,795 followers
February 6, 2023
Let me start by saying this is not a bad book, it was enjoyable and the conversations between the 2 MC’s were electric and you can see how well they fit together but unfortunately for me there were some things with the writing that stopped me from enjoying this book fully.

Let’s start with the positive, I liked how well Jenna & Eric got along, their conversations flowed beautifully and they clearly had similar interests and the sexual attraction was there (great spicy scenes)

I also really liked how Tia Williams showed how unrealistic the age gap romance can be as much as they love each other, they are in 2 very different stages of life. Jenna is 40, wants a family, a baby. Eric is 22 but she can’t sit around for 10years waiting for him to get his life together.
Also he’s fresh out of college, he deserves to enjoy his 20s without worrying about Jenna’s eggs. So I liked that these very real issues are discussed because its so easy to lean into the romance and disregard the very real problems age gaps can have.

However I did have some issues with the book, firstly there are a lot of name drops from fashion designers to 60s/70s movie actors and directors, even celebrities that were popular in 80s/90s which as someone born in ‘94 I spent the whole time thinking who’s that?
It made me miss out on a lot of the banter especially between Jenna & her best friends.
I.e “She’s like the female (insert person here)” “No way! I’m going to look like (insert celeb here)”
It just felt like if I wanted to be in on the joke I had to keep google nearby.

Another thing that didn’t work for me and this is only the 2nd age gap romance I’ve ever read so I’m not sure if this is something they all do but the constant reference to her knowing him as a child sometimes made me uncomfortable.
“When I was a 1 year old, you were 18. How would you have felt if someone told you the love of your life is in kindergarten right now?” Im pretty sure I almost slapped the book shut on that scene.
Profile Image for K.J. Charles.
Author 63 books10.3k followers
March 29, 2023
I loved Seven Days in June so I snapped this up thinking it was the new one, though in fact it's a rejacketed older one to capitalise on the success, which is very much fair enough.

This one is age gap (she's 40, he's 22) plus he's her boss's son and she's desperate to have a child. Basically the relationship is a terrible idea. This is of course a great start to any romance novel, but for me the issue was that for at least the first half of the book the relationship works not because Eric is mature for his age, but because Jenna is hugely immature for hers. (In part because she's only ever had one relationship previously, so she's really behaving very much like a college age teen in her second relationship.) She's not really professionally competent in a lot of ways (could someone working in fashion journalism in 2012 really not know about Twitter or Instagram?) and financially reckless, and terrible at communication, and honestly I just saw her ruining Eric's life once the sex wore off.

HOWEVER it has a soapy quality that made it impossible to stop reading, and I'm glad I didn't. The last 20% really takes a turn and the ending pulls it off, by the skin of its teeth. Nice.

Very heavily loaded with stuff about fashion and pop culture references for me, though others will roll around in that. The writing is zizzy and often very funny, and it's delightful to see an author so ready to take the merciless mickey out of her MCs.
Profile Image for Brandice.
1,046 reviews
June 16, 2023
In The Perfect Find, Jenna Jones is 40 and after several years together, single. Jenna was forced to accept that Brian never really wanted the same things for their future as she did and now she’s rebuilding her life.

Jenna previously held high-profile jobs in fashion and now finds herself working at an online fashion website, “Stylezine”, run by her nemesis, Darcy. Their distaste for each other is mutual but Darcy could use Jenna’s industry credibility and Jenna was desperate for a new role.

At work, Jenna feels in over her head when her mostly millennial coworkers reference digital terms and social media platforms she is unfamiliar with. When she meets Eric, the newly hired 22 year old videographer, Jenna has a hard time focusing because of their attraction to each other. At the same time, she has a lot riding on this job and is determined to succeed, no matter how she feels about him.

I loved Seven Days in June and was excited to read more from Tia Williams. I liked Jenna and Eric as characters though their dialogue together felt unrealistic at times and a bit juvenile at others, recognizing, of course, the age gap and that they were both at different places in their lives. I didn’t love the ending of the story but did enjoy the fashion and art aspects — 3.5 stars
Profile Image for Korrie’s Korner.
1,252 reviews13.4k followers
October 7, 2022
I can’t wait to see this book onscreen! I’m so glad it’s in post production already. This book was everything I needed! I felt really connected to Eric & Jenna through their old Hollywood conversations. I love the old films and actors from back in the day, and I got so tickled hearing them talk about it all.

“Early Hollywood’s so fascinating to me because everyone you’re watching is, like, dead. It’s time traveling. You can experience what it was like to chill in a 1920s speakeasy! You watch Hallelujah, none of those actors could imagine that people in 2012 would be spying on their shit, making them immortal. It’s almost a hundred years ago. Yo, imagine if motherfuckers in the ‘20s could’ve watched films from the early 1800s?”

I’m a sucker for an age gap, and a double one for a reverse age gap. Now that I’m in my 40’s there’s just something extra about them. This story explored life in fashion for Black people, and I love that it’s set in 2012. Took me back to good times. Lol.

Words are failing me, but these characters were so amazing. I loved seeing the growth in both Jenna and Eric, and how they changed each other for the better. Eric was so yummy. Is it okay to say that. He just was. He blew all the whistles if you catch my drift! I even loved the conflict & angst in this story. I was literally on edge with this secret office love affair.

If you haven’t read this yet, why not?! Fix it!!
Profile Image for Tiffany Tyler.
689 reviews98 followers
August 15, 2016
I didn't hate it. I didn't love it either. It was simply "meh" and I'll forget all about this book as soon as I finish this sentence.
Profile Image for Coffee&Books.
1,063 reviews83 followers
February 19, 2017
I was going to rate this book four stars because totes awesome but the last three chapters almost killed me and then the last chapter made me cry which NEVER HAPPENS I AM SO MAD ABOUT IT. I already let Tia know that I don't appreciate how she stirred up so much emotion that I had to sit in the car in my driveway and finish reading the book.

Ya'll know how I say PUT IT IN YOUR FACE? Do it. Witty, emotional, dramatic, hysterical and so well written I'm angry that I don't know these people in real life. And is it me or can ya'll see this as a major motion picture? Can we lobby for that? Who got change.org's phone number? I'll sign a petition.

I thought Jenna's characterization was SPOT ON as a 40yr old in a 22 yr old's world. And then she meets a 22 year old who doesn't make her feel so... old. And Oh. I'm not even much of a romantic, but OH.Just read it.

Because... OH.

Okay I hate Darcy Vale a LOT. And I loved hating her. She was deliciously evil. She and Anna Wintour are probably besties that hate each other.

Anyway, I don't have anything pithy and deep and revealing about how I see myself in Jenna and I related to the dichotomy of her relationship with Eric and felt her desperation--- yadda yadda, who cares?

Read this book, it's fabulous.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rita da Nova.
Author 3 books3,724 followers
May 31, 2024
"Eu já estava a odiar o livro e a forma como toda esta história se desenrola, mas a gota de água foi o final — tão novelesco, tão mal construído, tão apressado, tão estúpido… enfim, só terminei na base da raiva e por respeito à Joana, visto que esta foi a escolha dela para o Clube do Livra-te de maio. Mas agora que passei pelo sofrimento de o ler, deixem-me aconselhar-vos: há milhares de coisas bem mais interessantes do que esta para ler, nomeadamente o folheto do supermercado."

Review completa em: https://ritadanova.blogs.sapo.pt/the-....
Profile Image for Sarah Piotrowicz.
186 reviews21 followers
August 3, 2022
Thematically, this book had some issues for me. It's hard for me to root for a relationship between a 40-year-old and a 22-year-old. It's the reason I put off reading this book for a while, even though I love Tia Williams. Is anything technically wrong with a big age gap in a relationship? No. But I feel like there can be an "ick" factor when the person is young enough to be your child. And the relationship between Eric and Jenna is unnecessarily icky, because Eric's mom happens to be Jenna's boss, and Jenna and Eric's mom both slept with the same man in the past, which made the whole story feel weirdly incestuous and Freudian to me.

Stylistically, the book was a bit of a mess. There were substantial POV problems. I've read several romance novels where the POV switches from one romantic lead to the other, chapter by chapter, but in this book the POV changed at random, which was disorienting. Even worse, sometimes the POV suddenly switched to a random side-character. Also, the first twenty percent of the book was an information dump—too many descriptions of characters, too much telling rather than showing, etc. It was hard to get invested in the story because of all the expository sections.

What saved this story for me was the insane chemistry between Eric and Jenna. Man, does Tia Williams know how to write chemistry! It's why I love Seven Days in June, and it's why I loved many parts of this book. The sex scenes are ridiculously steamy, and the romance between Eric and Jenna matches their physical chemistry. I don't know if this is a book I would recommend to others, but overall I did enjoy it.
Profile Image for Nakia.
416 reviews288 followers
August 20, 2017
More like 4.5 stars.

I finished “The Perfect Find” by Tia Williams last night, and I still have pink and purple hearts zooming out of my eyes and ears, floating above my head like a halo.

A few years ago, Jenna Jones had an embarrassing public breakup, followed by an emotional meltdown that ruined her reputation as a top notch fashion journalist. Now she’s ready to make a comeback, but trying to resurrect her career in her 40s at StyleZine.com is HARD, and her arch-nemesis and new boss, Darcy Vale, consistently makes matters worse.

Life sucks for Jenna until she meets Eric, the new videographer assigned to help her develop a StyleZine web-series for fashionistas. Jenna and Eric do not mesh well in the beginning, but eventually they hit it off and become perfect partners. In fact, they hit it off a little too well, putting both of their jobs in jeopardy. Tons of twists and turns and “Oh my”s and clutched pearls and ooohs and ahhhs happen throughout this novel. It’s a dreamy story, but much more than a happily ever after. It’s hilarious, too, with great supportive characters that will keep you entertained.

Very happy I finally picked this one up.
Profile Image for Abby Diana Star.
217 reviews85 followers
July 26, 2023
“Eric and Jenna made no sense, but they made perfect sense.”

I am a giddy sobbing mess at 2 AM once again. This age gap, forbidden love story now has my heart!!!

Eric and Jenna are soulmates and they are easily one of my favorite book couples to ever exist…(well, in my head at least lol)

Throughout this whole story I kept wondering how it was going to end! I was worried it wasn’t going to be satisfying. But I can say with my whole heart that the ending of this story was absolutely perfect. 💛

This book was funny, dramatic, romantic, and soo freaking spicy with wonderful character development! Tia Williams knows how to write beautiful BLACK LOVE!!

I will leave you with this amazing quote:
“You put me back together when I was in pieces. You gave me confidence and reminded me that I was lovable. You saved me.”
Profile Image for h o l l i s .
2,600 reviews2,212 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
May 11, 2018
DNF at 9%

I almost never quit on a book.. but when I do I usually try to make it to the halfway point to give the story and characters a fair chance. And then there are those super rare few that I just can't get going on, like this one.

I mean, I'm not rating this a one star because I only got to nine (!!) percent and that wouldn't be fair but.. I really super did not likey. But don't worry, Micky and I already laughed about it. Feel free to join in.
Profile Image for Robinne Lee.
Author 3 books3,228 followers
July 27, 2017
I cannot say enough great things about this book! As someone who has always appreciated a good older woman/younger man love story, this one seemed like a no-brainer to me. But I was thoroughly surprised by just how much I enjoyed this ride. I could have read this novel in one or two days, but Williams’ writing was so sharp, observant, insightful and full of wit, I had to take my time and savor it. I found myself highlighting passage after passage, line after line, brilliant dialogue and hilarious observations about love, sex, fashion, publishing, getting older, dating younger, the intricacies of social status, life in New York – all of it. It was so rich and laden with so many priceless gems. I relished every page.

The story is complex and tense and relevant and sexy (Oh so sexy!) and everything a smart women’s fiction/romance should be. Williams’ characters leap off the page – multi-layered and dynamic with identifiable voices. Jenna became so real to me. Eric was an absolute dream. Each was so unique and authentic and likable, you could not help but root for them. Individually and together. The secondary characters – Jenna’s friends and colleagues, Eric’s best friend – were all so wonderfully and clearly painted. It was easy to imagine yourself moving through this cast of diverse eccentrics. Listening to their brilliant banter, laughing out loud, and loving it. And it really, really made me miss living in New York.

What an absolute joy it was to get lost in this world! Kudos, Tia! The Perfect Find, indeed!
Profile Image for emilybookedup.
446 reviews6,118 followers
December 10, 2023
Tia Williams has become one of my fave romance authors! what i love most about her work is how versatile she is. SEVEN DAYS IN JUNE is more my speed (those who know me know i prefer emo romances), and THE PERFECT FIND was more romcom, discovering yourself with a partner involved, and much more sexy/steamy.

i also looooved the movie adaptation. it was really well done and i think the casting fit the book to a T. it was a fun premise too—i loved the magazine setting and main storyline.

Tia Williams is such a good writer and i enjoyed reading this book. makes for a fun book club pick and an easy binge!

check out the 🎬 on Netflix starring Gabrielle Union!
Profile Image for BookmarkedByAlia.
122 reviews41 followers
May 28, 2024
Kicking myself so hard for not reading this sooner😍
I had all the feels while reading this. Eric and Jenna omg… an unexpected and forbidden so to speak love story. I wont say that I dont like age gap romances but sometime they get a little weird, but this one was written so well that I forgot that there was even a gap.
I loved reading about Jenna’s career, the names she gave to certain outfits had me cracking up because of the originality.
I even loved the side characters that were weaved into the story.
Soulmates come in all kind of packages and the heart wants what the heart wants and they wanted each other’s.
Beautiful Tia…Beautiful 🩷🩷
Profile Image for Selena Haskins.
Author 10 books124 followers
January 18, 2018
The Perfect Find is the type of book that reminded me of the movie, "The Devil Wears Prada." The difference is, Jenna Jones is getting back into the fashion swing of things after getting her broken whereas the character Andy in the movie is the new kid on the block and clueless about fashion altogether. However, I couldn't imagine reading "The Devil Wears Prada" as a book because there is a lot that goes on, as was the case with this book. It's a face-paced read with lots of non-stop action in dialogue, which was kind of exhausting. Midway through, it finally got to the point, after endless pages of fashion vogue, and the history of Jenna Jones' career background. If you're into the fashion world than perhaps this book may be one you'll enjoy, but if you're looking for a romance read you'll trail along the path for a while of fancy clothes and diva banter before you get there.
Profile Image for Never Without a Book.
469 reviews95 followers
June 21, 2018

The Perfect Find by Tia Williams was A fun light read. I'm not a huge fan of romance novels, but I do indulge once in a while and it is BGM Book Club read of the month. Jenna Jones was once a force in the New York fashion world, but a broken engagement and career set-back have compelled her to make big changes in her personal and professional life. Eric Combs, the son of Jenna's new boss, has just graduated from film school. He wants to create content that matters, but lack of opportunity has encouraged him to take a job as a videographer of a fashion magazine. Jenna's 40; Eric's 22. They're at completely different spaces in their lives. As they get to know each other and develop an amiable friendship which becomes something more, each comes to realize that they've found the right person at the wrong time.  Jenna and Eric were charming, frustrating, complicated characters. This book reminded a lot of "The Devil Wears Prada." and how Stella got her groove back. I think the biggest down fall for me with this book was the typos throughout the book and as a woman nearing her 40's(yes, black don’t crack) I wanted Jenna to own her shit! Take hold of her life. Maybe because I am on this Woman's Empowerment high that I may have judge this book prematurely. Anyways, I didn't hate it. I didn't love it either. It was simply "meh".
Profile Image for Henrietta.
115 reviews50 followers
October 26, 2023
When I finally got past the pop culture references (I’m definitely not the target audience; I was lost mostly because I don’t watch movies and my choice of music / fashion ; very different) I enjoyed this . It’s something I’d call “cute”
I had few lol moments
The sex scenes were great when they eventually happened; not overly done and not underwhelming too; just perfect.

This was one of the few books that I didn’t much care for the side characters lol, they could not exist and I wouldn’t even notice
I was happy for Jenna that things turned out very well in the end and she became more assertive ; go girl
That ending was so cute
I like stories that leave me feeling fulfilled
Just awesome
I’m looking forward to the Netflix adaptation
Oh and Eric was a piece; so hot 🥵🫠

Yh I recommend but get ready to google pop culture references if it’s not really your thing
Also I did think some of the references were demeaning to those mentioned so the jokes were lost on me

Oh I’ve edited after the Netflix adaptation; I didn’t like how the movie ended or how everything was portrayed
It felt shallow .
Profile Image for Bobbieshiann.
354 reviews86 followers
October 28, 2017
refreshing! funny! i really caught myself laughing out loud multiple times but i so badly hated the ending *sighs*. i knew it couldn’t be that good of a book and that something would frustrate me and it was the damn ending.
Profile Image for Meital.
173 reviews36 followers
August 6, 2017
ג׳ינה ג׳ונס (או אם תרצו קארי ברדשואו האפרו-אמריקאית) בת ה - 40 מתאהבת בעורך וידאו צעיר בן 22 אשר חלומו האמיתי הוא להיות סטנלי קובריק הבא.
ניו יורק התז��יתית, מגזיני אופנה המסורתיים בדפוס אל מול הלהיט של השנים האחרונות: כל אחת יכולה לפרסם מותג - כל מה שהיא צריכה הוא רק אינסטגרם ומיליוני עוקבים.

ג׳ינה ברגע אחד מאבדת את כל העולם הבטוח שהיה לה: עורכת במגזין אופנה ידוע ופרידה מהארוס. אחרי שנתיים של ליקוק פצעים, היא אוספת את עצמה במגזין וירטואלי חדש בניהולה של המתחרה הנצחית שלה והאהבה מתדפקת על החלון שוב, או כמו שחברתה הטובה אומרת לה
“You haven’t had sex since the Bush administration.

מתח מיני חורך, יחסי קראש- שינאה- אהבה, סצנות סקס לוהטות והרבה הומור.
ספר סקסי ומהנה!!
Profile Image for Gina Loves 2 Read .
58 reviews4 followers
August 15, 2023
I adored this book! True love comes in many different variations! The ending was absolutely perfect! In my unpopular opinion, this novel was better than Seven Days in June! I would definitely read more books from this author...she delivers! FYI...This book is heavy on the spice!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,218 reviews

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