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Imaginary Strangers

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A woman must keep her family―and her terrifying secrets―safe in a twisting thriller by Washington Post and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Minka Kent.

Camille Prescott has it all. A doting husband, two children, a charming home in a seaside enclave, and a beautiful, fixed smile that exudes normalcy. But behind her polished mask lurks a much different Camille―one with a padlocked vault of secrets. Raised by a vindictive and psychotic woman, Camille has gone to great lengths to bury her past and for good reason: if her mother ever finds her, she will kill her.

But nothing can prepare Camille for the day her six-year-old daughter, Georgie, starts showing signs of unsettlingly familiar behavior, including an imaginary new friend who casts a disturbing influence on everything the little girl says and does. Worse than that, Georgie’s imaginary friend knows things about Camille’s childhood, things Camille has never told a soul. Is it a coincidence or is Georgie’s imaginary friend not so fictional after all?

As the family’s stability cracks, so does Camille’s facade, because the past isn’t just coming for her and everyone she loves―it’s already here.

269 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 23, 2024

About the author

Minka Kent

21 books3,484 followers

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Profile Image for Shelley's Book Nook.
309 reviews452 followers
July 12, 2024
My Reviews Can Also Be Found On:
The Book Review Crew Blog

4.5 Stars

I loved both The Stillwater Girls and When I Was You by this author so it was a no-brainer to request this on NetGalley and am I ever glad I did. This is a well-done psychological thriller. Not a lot happens but Minka Kent's writing style is easy to read and it sucked me in right away. The best part? She totally caught me by surprise and that doesn't happen very often.

Using a two-timeline format (or is it three?) we get Camille in the present raising her two kids in California with her adoring doctor husband. We also get Camille in the past (six years ago), when she lived in Chicago, via therapy sessions and in those sessions she speaks about her past, especially her childhood. This was a hard book to read at times because Camille did not have the best childhood. It was mega disturbing to me and I have a rough background myself.

This book was so intense with short punchy chapters. I held my breath without realizing it and flipped through the pages like a maniac. We readers know all about Camille's secrets as she takes us on a journey of trying to discover who is trying to reveal her past while protecting her family from the perpetrator, in a word...gripping. This one starts out with a bang and never lets up. The super fast pacing and wonderful writing were such a joy to read.

I took half a star off because some of the happenings at the end were a little too convenient for my liking, which is typical of thrillers nowadays. I did love the ambiguous ending though. This one is a part of a series and I didn't know that when I requested it, it happens. I am not a series reader but I cannot wait to see what happens with Camille next.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the Advance Readers Copy.
Profile Image for Debra.
2,752 reviews35.9k followers
February 18, 2024
*CRACK* That is the sound of Minka Kent hitting it out of the ballpark with Imaginary Strangers!!! This book was shocking, brilliant and amazing! I did not want to put this instantly addictive book down. I was glued to the pages wanting more of this riveting, twist filled, book!!


Camille Prescott appears to have it all. She is happily married to a handsome, supportive, and loving husband. She has 2 adorable children. She also has a secret. It's a whopper of a secret, one that Camille has no intention of ever divulging. One of those secrets relates to her childhood and upbringing. She lives in fear that one day she will be found. Her fear intensifies when her six-year-old daughter, Georgie, has an imaginary friend who knows things about Camille's childhood. Things that Camille has never shared except in her therapy sessions.

I devoured this book! I loved being able to sit in on Camille's therapy sessions. I loved knowing some of Camille's secrets that she had kept in the vault and never shared with her husband. I loved being a silent observer as things began to become uncomfortable for Camille. Speaking of Camille, she is such an interesting character. Very interesting, indeed.

There are a nice number of twists and turns in this book. Holy Moly, I did not see a major twist/reveal coming at all! I was left with my mouth hanging open, thinking "did that just happen?" and "shut the front door!" Seriously, Minka Kent, I salute you. This is how you write a gripping and shocking psychological thriller!!! I'll also never think of Venus flytraps the same way again.

I loved, loved, loved the suspense, the tension, and the plot of this book. I never knew when the other shoe was going to drop. I loved that I was not able to figure this book out. Minka Kent kept me on my toes, fully invested, and turning the pages of this book. Whew!

I can't wait to read what comes next for Camille and her family!!!! Bring it on, Kent, bring it on! I'm looking forward to it!

#ImaginaryStrangers #NetGalley #MinkaKent, #Thomas&Mercer

Thank you to Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

Read more of my reviews at www.openbookposts.com

Profile Image for Kaceey.
1,273 reviews4,019 followers
April 7, 2024
Can you forever leave the past behind? Or are you destined to forever look over your shoulder?

Camille grew up in an extremely abusive home. She’s done her level best to put it all behind her. Including marrying her kind husband Will, and having two wonderful children.

Her new family has no idea the pain she endured…and she’s determined to keep it that way! In fact, the only person she’s ever shared her past with is her therapist.

But when her daughter starts speaking to an imaginary friend, Camille’s greatest fears are re-ignited. This friend is too reminiscent of her past. Can she keep her children safe? Who can she trust?

Wow! Minka Kent has done it again!

An absolutely wicked thriller that will keep you guessing until the final twist leaves you picking your jaw up off the floor!

In no way did I EVER see THAT coming! Brilliant!🙌

In reading the author’s notes at the end, (make sure you do!) I realized this is just book one.💃🏼 Please don’t make me wait long Minka! I’m ready! Light up that keyboard and bring it!

Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer
Profile Image for Jillian B.
210 reviews36 followers
July 23, 2024
After surviving a childhood full of abuse at the hands of her sadistic mother, Camille Prescott is determined to be the perfect parent. And she’s pretty much succeeding, until her kindergartener comes home talking about her new friend “Imaginary,” whose “silly” stories and songs point directly to Camille’s traumatic past. Worried her mother has found her at last, Camille will go to any lengths to protect her children…before it’s too late.

I absolutely loved this book and will definitely be keeping up with this series. I’m a Minka Kent fan already, but this is my favourite of her novels by far. I was so convinced I knew where this one was going until a surprise twist left me gobsmacked. Camille is a deeply flawed heroine, but her all-consuming desire to protect the people she loves is something most people will find very relatable. I would highly recommend this one to any thriller fan.
Profile Image for Erin Clemence.
1,257 reviews369 followers
June 22, 2024
Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free, electronic ARC of this novel received in exchange for an honest review.

Expected publication date: July 23, 2024

A thrilling novel about familial sociopathy? Could Minka Kent actually be writing a novel just for me? Well, of course not, but “Imaginary Strangers” is a knock-me-down, blow-me-away, five-star page-turner and I couldn’t get enough.

Camille Prescott was diagnosed as a sociopath as a young child and after spending her formative years under the unloving and malicious care of her biological mother, Camille has severed all ties and is now living a full life of her own, as a wife and mother. Although she thought she put the past behind her, Camille’s daughter, Georgie, comes home from kindergarten telling stories and singing songs from Camille’s childhood, things that no one else knew except Camille and her mother. Then, Georgie starts talking about her new “friend” and Camille’s worst fear comes to life- has her biological mother returned and is she set on destroying Camille’s happiness once and for all?

The first section of the novel is a prologue, describing the formative event in Camille’s childhood that led her to leave her mother behind once and for all. From there, we get hints of Camille’s childhood through her chats with her psychologist and, occasionally, Camille’s own memories. Kent slowly teases readers by revealing one small detail at a time, and I was instantly hooked.

Could it be Camille’s mother, back to cause harm? Could it be something entirely innocuous? Could it be someone else, working for Camille’s mother? The possibilities for this novel were vast, but Kent seems to hone in on just the right plot points at just the right time, creating a taut, action-packed, well-flowing story. The ending made so much sense that it seemed to be the only way that Kent possibly would’ve went and, even though I did not figure it out as easily as I expected to, I was so excited when I discovered that this novel was the beginning in a series. More Camille? Um, yes please, where do I sign up?

Broken homes, mental illness, addiction, sociopathy, even Venus fly traps, “Imaginary Strangers” has all of this and more. This is a novel I plowed through in one day, because I just could not stop. I am anxiously awaiting more from Kent, and more from Camille! Bring on the second novel!
Profile Image for theliterateleprechaun.
1,769 reviews27 followers
July 21, 2024
“Psychopaths are born, sociopaths are made.”

I loved the opportunity to get inside the head of a female sociopath! Reading the chapters where this character visits her therapist gave me an idea of what it must be like to be void of feeling and have occasions where there is no delineation between right and wrong. For someone who is a rule follower and a highly emotional person, I found this morally ambiguous complex person highly intriguing!

Perfection is an allusion. You won’t learn that from the Prescotts, though. They want you to believe they live a perfect life.

When their daughter comes home from school and shares about her imaginary friend and their secrets, cracks in this perfect family start to show. Camile’s hidden past comes to the surface and undermines the carefully veiled perfection. What has taken years of therapy to overcome and bury is undone, causing Camille to become unhinged. Kent’s examination of a sociopathic mother fighting to protect her family at all costs was a wild ride!

Minka Kent’s exploration of nature vs nurture, manipulation, motherhood, traumatic childhood, mental health, and sociopathic behaviour was amazing!

Her implementation of short chapters, flashbacks, tension-filled scenes where the reader knows more than some of the characters, twists and an engaging narrative mixed with untrustworthy characters, overbearing mothers, and secrets highlights the above and makes for an engaging read.

The main theme, metaphor and foreshadowing device, conveyed in the cover, is phenomenal! I kept seeing parallels between Camille’s behaviour/environment and that of a Venus Flytrap. As you turn the last page, you’ll be wishing for a sequel and you’ll be left considering if the Venus Flytraps among us are really any different from the rest of us….

I was gifted this copy by Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.
Profile Image for Amanda Alviz.
479 reviews11 followers
March 5, 2024
I've become a huge fan of Minka Kent! Imaginary Strangers is fast paced and suspenseful. The main character, Camille, is flawed and complex with a significant history of childhood trauma. The major twist/reveal was shocking and jaw dropping. I could not put this down and read it in one day!

Thanks to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for a digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Share.
471 reviews
February 11, 2024
A fast and engaging read, Minka Kent does not disappoint with Imaginary Strangers.

Camille lives a quintessential life. Her husband Will is a surgeon and she has two adoring children. From the outside looking in, others may say they have a perfect life. But, we all know nothing is ever perfect.

Camille had a traumatic childhood, raised by a mother who hated her, abused her and did horrific things to her. Camille does not share these details with her husband and claims she has no family. One person who does know about her past is her therapist. The sessions with her therapist are detailed in the book and it as the reader, I was so angry to think anyone could be so cruel to a child. We learn early on in the book (not a spoiler) Camille is a sociopath, unable to feel the emotions most people can.

When Camille's daughter, Georgiana starts coming home from school with stories, songs and phrases from Camille's past no one could know about, Camille begins to panic. Has her mother come looking for her? How could she have found her? Camille calls upon Will's mother to come visit so she can help with the children while she searches to find out answers.

Overall, a gripping well written story. Camille may be a sociopath but I could not help but root for her and feel emotion towards her character and what she was going through. The ending I did not necessarily see coming but I found the ending happened so fast and wrapped up even faster.

The epilogue left the door open to follow up with a book two and if it happens, I am there for it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for the advanced digital copy to read and review!
Profile Image for Amanda’s_Good_Books.
328 reviews51 followers
February 12, 2024
Ιмagιnary Ѕтrangerѕ
By Minka Kent
Release Date 07/23/2024

Camille is a married mom of 2 with a great husband who’s a doctor. She’s a SAHM who does it all. But she has many secrets from her past and a condition she's long hidden from everyone. Which, for me, made her so intriguing. The therapy sessions …. loved them.
This book is full of twists that will keep you guessing.
Since the book is five months from release, I’ll leave my review short for now. I recommend this book to all those who love psychological thrillers!!!

4.5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟S̤̈T̤̈Ä̤R̤̈S̤̈

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Profile Image for Amy.
2,168 reviews1,944 followers
June 24, 2024
This has such a good premise, the idea of a child knowing things they shouldn’t know just creeps me out and the author portrayed it in a way that was unsettling and addictive. Camille had such a horrific childhood, the bits and pieces that are shared about her past are chilling and haunting, I so felt for her. She’s resilient and has worked very hard to move on from her past and watching her beautifully crafted life unravel was so sad. But it also made me wonder if she was just being paranoid or overprotective, I mean who could blame her if she was? It made for a fun guessing game and I really didn’t predict at all how things would turn out. I don’t want to say much more about the plot but if you like dark and fast paced thrillers this was excellent and I cannot wait for the next book!
Profile Image for B. C. Booklover.
742 reviews49 followers
March 3, 2024
Chills running up and down my spine with suspense for days is what I have come to expect while reading anything by Minka Kent. Imaginary Strangers has the perfect blend of heartstopping uneasiness, the fear of what might happen next and the need to know every angsty detail as this intricate plot twisted and turned.

The main character, Camille, was definitely not an ordinary, cookie cutter character, but possibly one of the most unique I've read in a long time. Her troubling past, and how it affected her present seemed to always be there, simmering under the surface and, as a reader, I felt every single bit of it. It never shut off, keeping the tension high in this complex and very suspense-filled story.

If you love puzzling plots, slow burning intensity when you're never quite sure where the story will take you next, grab this book. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. Imaginary Strangers? I am still thinking about this book days later- it was just that good.

I read an early copy of this book and this is my honest and freely given review of it.
Profile Image for Melanie Johnson.
674 reviews30 followers
February 18, 2024
Camille was diagnosed as a sociopath after dealing with extreme childhood abuse by her mom. As an adult, she marries Will, a handsome surgeon, and has two children. As her oldest daughter comes home from school with an Imaginary friend, Camille begins to wonder if the friend is really someone from Camille’s past. I didn’t read the blurb, just went in blind, which made this book even better. My favorite book of 2024 so far.
Profile Image for Danielle B.
991 reviews174 followers
July 6, 2024
IMAGINARY STRANGERS was a good story. I had a lot of ideas about who Georgie's best friend was. I will say, I was surprised when it was revealed. I think fans of psychological thrillers will enjoy this one. The audiobook was quick and easy to listen to. I definitely would recommend it!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Brilliance Audio for my gifted ALC.

This review will be shared to my Instagram (@coffee.break.book.reviews) in the near future.
Profile Image for Beth.
393 reviews51 followers
May 3, 2024
Thank you NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I have previously read The Memory Watcher and The Stillwater Girls and enjoyed both, so I was excited to be approved for this ARC!

Minka Kent’s books are very fast-paced, and I always look forward to seeing how everything pans out in the end. This one was no exception, and I genuinely didn’t see the twist coming.

It was still a relatively average read for me, as the details about the FMC’s childhood and her mother weren’t padded out enough - in my opinion, the book either needed to be longer to accommodate a more fulfilling backstory, or shorter to eliminate some of the unnecessary detail. However, this was still an intriguing read, and a genuinely great thriller.
Profile Image for Alyssa.
85 reviews
February 10, 2024
Minka Kent is an automatic read for me, but I’m sad to say I didn’t enjoy Imaginary Strangers as much as I’d hoped. It’s a fast paced, easy read with a flawed and complex main character, but some of it just felt flat to me.
Profile Image for Stacy40pages.
1,664 reviews228 followers
July 19, 2024
Imaginary Strangers by Minka Kent. Thanks to @amazonpub for the gifted Arc ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Camille has a great life and has put her traumatic childhood behind her. When her six year old makes a new friend at school, she begins repeating odd things; things from Camille’s childhood that no one should know.

I loved this one! It reminded me of a Frieda McFadden read; totally bingeable with a fast paced, exciting story. This is the perfect beach read when you want a fast page turner with exciting suspense. I did figure out one of the twists early on, but it did not do anything to diminish my enjoyment. I loved the main character and how the author wrote her with her disorder. While it had a definitive ending, it left space for a sequel!

“They say the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t. I used to agree. Now I’m not so sure.”

Imaginary Strangers comes out 7/23.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
609 reviews87 followers
July 12, 2024
I always enjoy Minka Kent's books. They are fast paced and have great twist endings!

This book was no different, my only qualm was that the FMC was supposed to be a sociopath but at times it seemed like she wasn't acting how a sociopath would act.

Also (and this is minor, but still), I didn't like how Will (the husband) seemed to have "the final say" about whether their daughter got to take a day off school or not, or how Camille (FMC) had to "explain to him" as if he was her superior, why she pulled her daughter out of school for the afternoon. Like F off, she is the mother, she can decide to pull her kid out of school for the afternoon/day if she wants to - especially if Grandma from out of town is visiting! Ugh!

Anyway! Overall a great read, and there are a lot of interesting discussion topics that could be talked about in book clubs, etc for sure!
Profile Image for Ray.Tay.
137 reviews2 followers
March 13, 2024
WOOOWW…My mind is absolutely still spinning and I can’t stop thinking about this book and all the layers of it brings. I have read Minka Kent books before but this one blows them out of the water for so many reasons.
Camille is a wife to a loving, caring, supportive husband and Father and a Mother to two children. She has a life that even she wonders how she ended up with herself. She is always waiting for the bottom to drop out…. And for good reason. She is hiding A LOT of secrets not only about her past, but also about her everyday life. She is waiting for the day to unravel or have someone else uncover major secrets. When her young daughter, Georgie, starts revealing really twisted dark details about her past claiming her imaginary friend told her about Camille whole world is spinning.

Now there are so many reasons I love this book. I work in the mental health field so this type of psychological thriller is perfect for me. I love the way Minka develops Camille’s character with chapters from her past childhood trauma, her present day, but my favorite her therapy sessions thrown in. The author truly takes a deep and brutally honest look into mental illness, childhood trauma, and PTSD. I will however say my favorite part of this book would have to be the Author’s afterword. She writes so poetically about the mental illness that is everywhere even though most of us don’t see it. And another of the smallest details she writes about in connection is the Venus flytrap which is on the cover and in the book. I know you all might think I sound crazy raving about a Venus flytrap, but after you read the book and afterword it will make sense.

I couldn’t put this book down. I read it in less than a day and when I wasn’t reading it I was thinking about it and/or waiting impatiently until I could pick it back up. It is full of unreal, mind blowing realizations, hard to hear experiences, and an ending I didn’t exactly see coming. In a way that can’t be explained I grew to love Camille’s character and dare I say… please let there be a sequel!!

Of course there are a few minor flaws to me, but the overall message and the way this book grabbed me made me overlook those. I am going to be thinking about this one for awhile!!
Thank you to Minka Kent, Netgalley, and Thomas & Mercer for an ARC!!!
Profile Image for Jen Altman.
240 reviews24 followers
March 26, 2024
“Society tells women we’re supposed to do it all, have it all, and be it all. But what society doesn’t tell you is that’s an impossible order.”

BRAVA! 👏 👏 Going into this book, my expectations weren’t high as popcorn thrillers are typically hit or miss for me. However, this story sucked me in from the very beginning and held on tight for a wild ride! I truly spent most of this book having ZERO clue how it would all unfold. It wasn’t until the final twists were about to happen that I was like of course it’s…. (not gonna spoil this amazing book)!

This was an eye opening exploration of mental health, which was both fascinating and engaging. My favorite Minka Kent book to date! While it wasn’t perfect (nothing in life is, which this book demonstrates extremely well), the premise was executed beautifully and the afterword/acknowledgements at the end brought it all home for me. I normally don’t read them, but for some reason I did, and they helped seal the deal on giving this exceptional thriller a 5 ⭐️ rating!

I highly recommend giving this book a read! You won’t regret it! 🙌

Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for the opportunity to read this digital ARC. All opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Kay Oliver.
Author 11 books182 followers
March 19, 2024
"The idea of taking a life--especially that of my own mother--is strangely exhilarating . . . there's only one thing in this world that has ever truly scared me: my mother."

Minka Kent is one of my favorite authors, so whenever she has a new book out, I automatically grab it. This is my all-time favorite book of hers.

I was immediately invested in this story, in Camille, because it all hits eerily close for me. The stories she tells her therapist sent all-too-familiar shivers through me. And then BOOM! My worst nightmare was written out when Georgiana says her new best friend eats meat jelly sandwiches. I could have vomited from the fear. I would not be able to put the book down, desperate to find out if Camille would react the way I've always imagined I would in the same situation.

Kent clearly knows what she wrote about in this riveting novel. Everything was spot on--reactions, emotions, psychology, back stories, etc. So many times I felt I was reading about myself, which was absolutely terrifying considering. This was so well written and wickedly twisted.
Profile Image for Jeanie ~ MyFairytaleLibrary.
463 reviews59 followers
March 4, 2024
First of all, an imaginary friend named Bestie was brilliant. I’m now inventing my own imaginary friend named Bestie to creep my already creeped out family even more. Thank you, Minka!

Imaginary Strangers is book #1 of The Dangerous Stranger series. I enjoyed this tense psychological thriller. I liked Camille’s sociopathic character and her husband, Will. There was plenty of dark humor thrown in which I always appreciate. I devoured the novel in a day and I loved the twist at the end. There is a powerful message throughout the novel to never underestimate a mother’s love for her children.

Thank you to @netgalley and @minkakentauthor for an advance digital copy of Imaginary Strangers. I’ll be looking forward to meeting up with Camille again!

Meat jelly sandwich = 😳
Profile Image for Purple Reads.
12 reviews1 follower
March 24, 2024
My unrestrained thoughts: Camille and Lucinda, your dynamic was so fucked up that it made the book a lot more sinister. And… where can I get a Will for myself?
Now, onto a little sophisticated review – it may contain tiny spoilers!

Minka Kent’s Imaginary Strangers surely starts off with a bang! The book is about the teenage daughter, Camille, who is now a gorgeous adult woman with a seemingly amazing life. Attentive, green-flag husband, two loving children, and a house filled with love and laughter. The problem is with Camille, though – her past, filled with horrifying memories of her mother, has made her… an unfeeling wife and mother.

Fortunately, she has everything under control… until one fine day when her daughter starts recounting all her childhood memories. Terror grips Camille, as these incidents are only known to two people – herself and her vindictive mother. Fearing her past has caught up to her, Camille goes on a wild hunt, only to uncover something absolutely appalling!

The highlight of this book for me was Camille’s therapy sessions. Her being diagnosed with sociopathy and her journey to navigate this new normal and be the best person for her little family… really made me appreciate her. Everything she did may be morally grey, but I felt it was justified.

Another thing – or person – I loved was Will! That guy works long shifts in the hospital, comes home and engages with his children, and gives enough love and space to his wife. As if this is not enough, he is so kind and considerate to Camille after he learns . Guys… I want someone like him in my life!

What I liked about the book:

o Gripping concept:
The idea behind the plot itself is absolutely gripping! I have never read a novel exploring sociopaths in such a domestic way, which made it all the more exciting. I loved how devoted Camille was to her family and keeping up with their happiness, even if it was a learned behavior.
Annoyingly, the author gave Camille dialogues like I would, if I could, which felt like not-very-subtle reminders of her sociopathy. But I was able to ignore these constant reminders because the mystery was exciting!

o Dr. Runzie and Lucinda:
For me, these two are like the side characters who steal the show and have everyone talking about them. As for Dr. Runzie, even though it’s her job, she was supportive and understanding towards Camille. It made me happy to see Camille being acknowledged and appreciated. But her exact opposite was Lucinda, who had such an influence on the story, even if she never appears in the story actively. She truly felt like the puppeteer of Camille’s life, even if the latter had somewhat freed herself from Lucinda’s clutches.
To be honest, Dr. Runzie and Lucinda are on the extreme side – good and evil. Maybe that’s why they caught my eye. I am just speculating here but if Lucinda is the id, then the superego is Camille. And mediating between the two, literally and symbolically, is Dr. Runzie, as ego.

o Parts of the big reveal:
I have very conflicting feelings about the twist at the end, but one thing is for sure.
With the way Lucinda played with her own daughter, it would make sense that she wouldn’t even care about what happened to her daughter after she left. And this little point really made me appreciate the book even more!

What I wasn’t impressed with:

. But that intrigue vanished there because the surprise reveal fell flat when everything was laid out on the table.

On top of this, there were passages, even whole chapters, where nothing happened. Or rather, nothing relevant happens, and they are just… there, hanging on like loose ends. Like Camille chasing Imogen, her uneasy friendship with Clare, and equally awkward animosity towards Rachel, or the imaginary bestie Georgiana has. What was that about?

Thankfully, these didn’t bother me as much as they would have and I was able to overlook them to enjoy the book. But they did help me decide the rating…

My final thoughts?

Overall, I loved Imaginary Strangers. The book left quite an impression on me with its deep exploration of sociopathy and how it affects an ordinary housewife like Camille. And by the looks of it, there is going to be another book, . You bet I am reading it ASAP!

Thanks to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review!
#netgalley #arcreview
Profile Image for sunchild327.
58 reviews28 followers
July 23, 2024
Format:📱 Ebook
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Really liked it!

This excerpt says it all about what sort of suspense unfolds in the pages of Imaginary Strangers:

"Thirteen years ago, I attempted to murder my mother— only to have her wake up and promise to kill me if she ever saw me again. If she knew I was living a happy, comfortable life with two precious children and an adoring husband who treats me like a literal queen, she’d do everything in her power to take it all away."

✴️ What I liked:

~ Holy sh#$! The first chapter is 🔥🔥🔥 What an incredible start!

~ Meat jelly sandwich 🤮

~ The twist! 😱 I did not see that coming! The plot went in a completely different direction than the premise of the book.

✴️ What didn't work for me:

~ Some of the flashbacks were difficult to get back to things happening currently, such as reminiscing about meeting her husband while she was about to read a bedtime story to her son.

✴️ Final thoughts:

I love that Will is such a supportive husband, so I question why Camille can't just be honest about everything. It's apparent that her struggle with taking off the mask she wears is complex, but I found myself wanting to scream at her to just tell him!

Wow, what a wildly unexpected ride! I'm glad that in the end everything came together, and I would be excited to read a sequel! 👀

Thank you to Netgalley and Thomas & Mercer for allowing me the opportunity to review. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Shelby Barnes.
96 reviews3 followers
July 21, 2024
Camille left her emotionally abusive mother, Lucinda, at age seventeen and never looked back. She now lives with her husband and two children, doing her best to be nothing like her mother. She’s worried about her daughter Georgie when she begins talking to imaginary friends. Georgie starts saying and acting in ways that only Lucinda would know about. She discovers this imaginary “friend” works at the school and is convinced her mother has returned to harm her and her family.

Talk about psychological thrillers cause WHEW! I would’ve lost my mind if I was in Camille’s shoes. This was emotional warfare. I did have a few theories, despite trying to just enjoy the ride, and I can honestly say I had no idea what the twist was. You got me, Minka! Finally a thriller that stumped me; it’s been a minute. And finding out this will have a sequel? 😙🤌🏼 count me in.
Profile Image for Jessica.
4 reviews
February 12, 2024
After reading Imaginary Strangers by Minka Kent, I think she will be an auto-buy author for me. This was an excellent psychological thriller and it had me wanting more.
Camille Prescott lives the ideal life. With a perfect husband, adoring children, and an ideal neighborhood to reside in, is Camille’s life really as amazing as it seems?
Once Camille’s daughter starts exhibiting strange behaviors, including the introduction of her new best friend “Imaginary”, Camille is reminded of a traumatic childhood with her psychotic mother Lucinda. Camille’s daughter Georgie is saying disturbing things, disturbing and very familiar to her experiences with Lucinda. Could Camille’s mother be back influencing Georgie? Or is something much more sinister going on?
I think my favorite aspect of this novel is the fact that Camille is a diagnosed sociopath. Minka Kent did a wonderful job of explaining the inner workings of the mind of a sociopath. I really appreciated and looked forward to the chapters with the therapy sessions Camille had because we were able to get a better understanding of her. My favorite line in this book is definitely “psychopaths are born, sociopaths are made”.
Thank you NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for the Arc!
Profile Image for Hillary.
147 reviews12 followers
March 23, 2024
I hope to have sparked a broader dialogue around the complexities of mental health, the nuances and power of maternal love, and the fine line between survival and morality. I invite you to reflect on these themes after you close this book, perhaps considering that the so-called Venus flytraps among us are not so different from the rest.
(Author's note)

This was alot of build up for a very quick & unsatisfying closing but I'll be back for book 2✌🏼
1,040 reviews15 followers
July 8, 2024
When her six year old daughter Georgie comes home speaking about a new friend who seems to make references to Camille's past, Camille is shocked. Who knows her secrets?

Holy moly, this book was so fantastic - I just could not put it down. I was lucky enough to listen to the audiobook as I read along with my ebook copy and highly recommend the audio if you get a chance to listen to it. With a huge twist I didn't see coming in the story, I was left utterly speechless. Minka Kent has outdone herself again. All the stars for this one.
Profile Image for Lauren Kotrys.
340 reviews6 followers
July 10, 2024

Synopsis: A woman begins to receive cryptic messages from her estranged mother through her 6 year old daughter. She will stop at nothing to get to the bottom of it.
Pros/cos: Thank you to NetGalley for this advanced copy due out July 23. Wow! This thriller was fast paced, exciting and nerve wracking- everything you could hope for in a good thriller. It lost some suspense for me at the end but was still one of the best I’ve read in this genre. I highly recommend!
Profile Image for Laurie Tell.
508 reviews12 followers
March 1, 2024
Not sure what it says about me, but I do love a good book about a sociopath. This book did not disappoint.

Camille, the main character is a sociopath. She wants to put the past behind her, and she builds a life with a family. She just wants to live a “normal” life. She has a good life – a house, a family and even a great mother in law. Then her daughter develops an imaginary friend. All good, right? But this friend knows things about Camille – specific family secrets.

From there the twists and turns keep coming! There was surprise after surprise. And that ending!
I really enjoyed this story – from the concept to the writing to the characters. But of course I did – this is a book by Minka Kent. She always delivers.

So why not 5 stars? This is a really good book. But did I close the book and say wow? Not really. Did I immediately run out and tell people about it? No. It is an enjoyable, solid, book of suspense and mystery.

I do want to thank the author, the publisher and netgalley for the ARC which did not affect my opinion
Profile Image for Melissa (Nissa_the.bookworm).
748 reviews70 followers
March 7, 2024
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for my e-ARC of Imaginary Strangers!

♥️ would do anything for your children
👻 have had imaginary friends
🤪 ever felt like you were going crazy
🫣 are hiding from a sordid past


Camille Prescott has it all. A doting husband, two children, a charming home in a seaside enclave, and a beautiful, fixed smile that exudes normalcy. But behind her polished mask lurks a much different Camille—one with a padlocked vault of secrets. Raised by a vindictive and psychotic woman, Camille has gone to great lengths to bury her past and for good reason: if her mother ever finds her, she will kill her.

But nothing can prepare Camille for the day her six-year-old daughter, Georgie, starts showing signs of unsettlingly familiar behavior, including an imaginary new friend who casts a disturbing influence on everything the little girl says and does. Worse than that, Georgie’s imaginary friend knows things about Camille’s childhood, things Camille has never told a soul. Is it a coincidence or is Georgie’s imaginary friend not so fictional after all?

As the family’s stability cracks, so does Camille’s facade, because the past isn’t just coming for her and everyone she loves—it’s already here.


This just might be my new favorite Minka Kent! I had no idea where the story was taking me. Camille was an interesting character who “loves” her children as much as a sociopath can be expected to, but she’d really do anything and everything to keep them safe. I wasn’t sure if I could fully trust her character to be telling us the truth, and as we got closer and closer to the end, I was taken aback by that ending! It felt completely out of left field, in a good way! I don’t want to give any spoilers, but this one is a goodie!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 199 reviews

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