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The Call to Serve: The Life of an American President, George Herbert Walker Bush: A Visual Biography

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In honor of the 100th anniversary of George H. W. Bush’s birth, this visually stunning chronicle features never-before-published photos and mementos celebrating the 41st President’s vision of leadership as service to others—curated by the rich storytelling of Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer Jon Meacham.

The lavishly illustrated The Call to Serve is an intimate, illuminating portrait of the 41st U.S. President, a man who was so much more than just his politics. Jon Meacham brings George Herbert Walker Bush vividly to life, including his dedication to political and moral leadership, and to a life marked by the strong values of integrity and respect for others that Bush learned during his childhood.

Bush pursued a life of service to America and to others, including through action in the Pacific during World War II, his political rise in Texas, then his serving as U.S. Ambassador to the UN, envoy to China, director of the CIA, Vice President during the administration of Ronald Reagan, and as President. Set against the historical background of America during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, this book celebrates the legacy of a man whose bedrock beliefs in honesty and respect for the dignity of others led to a life of leadership viewed as a call to serve. Barack Obama said towards the end of Bush's life that he put the country first, throughout his life, "both before he was president, while he was president, and ever since."

Featuring over 450 photographs, a new introduction and commentary throughout by Jon Meacham, as well as narration adapted from his biography of George H. W. Bush, Destiny and Power, this is an essential tribute to a uniquely American life—a story that warrants attention in our own divided time.

384 pages, Hardcover

First published June 11, 2024

About the author

Jon Meacham

64 books2,785 followers
Jon Meacham is the editor of Newsweek, a Pulitzer Prize winning bestselling author and a commentator on politics, history, and religious faith in America.

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Profile Image for Dawn Michelle.
2,654 reviews
July 22, 2024
In observance of President George Herbert Walker Bush's 100th birthday, this book, which combines excerpts from Mr. Meacham's biography of the former President and unseen photos and memories of the 41st President and Barbara Bush's private diaries and family members memories, is a loving look at a man who was called to serve from a young age and how he rose to that call and carried it out to the best of his ability.

This book was a real joy to look through - the photo's alone were amazing and seeing the man from infancy until right before he died really gave insight to who he was [the notes that accompanied each photo were really insightful as well] and seeing all the photo's of their children [and the later, larger full family photos], including Robin, the child that died of leukemia at age 3 [those photos, and the accompanying story and remembrances were just heartbreaking] was really fun as well.

As someone who was not a fan of the man as President, but softened on him as the years went by [and by his willingness to do things with other Presidents; visiting the tsunami victims in Indonesia with former President Clinton showed me a different side of him, and the reading of this book also added to that], this book was some good insight into his life and an excellent tribute to the 41st President and is a well-done restrspective.

I was invited to read/review this book by the publisher Random House Publishing Group - Random House, and I thank them, Jon Meacham, and NetGalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for JoAnn.
155 reviews4 followers
February 23, 2024
In observance of President George H.W. Bush’s 100th birthday historian and Pulitzer Prize winning author Jon Meacham has written “The Call to Serve.” The book combines material from Meacham’s extensive 2015 biography of President Bush, “Destiny and Power” with family photos, campaign memorabilia, and mementos from the Bush family and Pres. Bush’s Presidential Library and Museum in Texas. As the book’s title implies, the focus is on Bush’s long and storied career in the military, in business, and in politics and his desire to serve his country, his family, and the Republican Party throughout his life, starting as a young pilot in World War II and finishing as a quiet counselor to men who succeeded him as President.
I found “The Call to Serve” entertaining and nostalgic. President George Herbert Walker Bush was the product of a different time, our last president of the World War II generation. He was by no means perfect, but he sought to do good for his country and its people, even as he worked through political firestorms and global changes and power struggles.

Thank you to Random House and NetGalley for an advance copy for review.
Profile Image for Adrienne.
52 reviews3 followers
June 16, 2024
This was a delight to read and learn about the 41st president of the United States. It’s very well-written, researched and paced. It’s very informative giving you insight on Bush's family life, his desire to serve our country, business and his time in politics.
Unbeknownst prior to reading, The Call To Serve is meant to be a complement to Jon Meachman's detailed biography of Bush- Destiny and Power.
Nonetheless this book was an absolute pleasure to read about our last president to come from the greatest generation and our last president to serve in WWll. Highly recommend reading regardless of one's politics.

Thank you #NetGalley and #Randomhouse for the opportunity to read #TheCallToServe. It’s a read I’ll cherish.
Author 1 book29 followers
June 25, 2024
If you want to read Destiny and Power but are afraid it’s not just going to hold your hand and tell you why evil scary republicans are bad and good sweet democrats are good, and then tell you what a good ally you are and give you a cookie, then this is the dumbed-down, pandering version you’ve been waiting for!
Profile Image for Emily.
1,126 reviews80 followers
June 25, 2024
This beautiful book commemorates the life and service of George H. W. Bush, drawing in part on “Destiny and Power,” the biography of President Bush published by Meacham in 2015. In addition to the highlights from his biography, the majority of this book includes a collection of pictures (over 450), documents, and extensive captions of family stories, descriptions, and experiences memorializing his life. With this in mind, if you listen to the audiobook, you will miss the majority of the book. President Bush was driven, athletic, competitive, principled, hard-working, service-oriented, faithful, and a man of integrity. He lived a life of public service: WWII navy pilot, UN ambassador, CIA director, U.S. envoy to China, vice president, and president. I loved his moderate politics, willingness to compromise, and his philosophy of servant leadership, all of which seem long gone in current politics. “He embraced compromise as a necessary element of public life, engaged his political foes in the passage of important legislation, and was willing to break with the base of his own party in order to do what he thought was right, whatever the price.” What a refreshing thought. I loved hearing more about Barbara, seeing him as a dad, and learning about his grace and goodwill. Some random things I loved: the picture of President and Barbara Bush with their grandkids piled in their bed (and surrounded by books) on a Saturday morning in Kennebunkport; President Bush doing parachute jumps every 5 years from his 75-90 birthdays (love it!); President Clinton and Bush coming together for philanthropic work; and this quote: “There is but one just use of power, and it is to serve people.” What an honorable man and a gem of a memento honoring him.

Favorite quotes:

-“To serve and to serve well is the highest fulfillment we can know.” George Herbert Walker Bush

-“Make us strong to do Your work, willing to heed and hear Your will, and write on our hearts these words: ‘Use power to help people.’ For we are given power not to advance our own purposes, nor to make a great show in the world, nor a name. There is but one just use of power, and it is to serve people. Help us to remember it, Lord. Amen.” p. xviii, Part of Bush’s prayer opening his presidency

-“What is critical to understand about Bush is that winning was not the end of his endeavors, but the means—the way by which he could bring a sense of decency and dignity to a public arena often bereft of both.” p. xviii

-“I take as my guide the hope of a saint: In crucial things, unity; in important things, diversity; in all things, generosity.” p. xxii

-“The price of democracy is to lose graciously as well as to win humbly; to understand that the nation cannot long endure if one person or one party sees the give-and-take of democracy as an occasion only to take. This is not a partisan point. George H. W. Bush was a Republican, yes, but a Republican who believed his office transcended party and who was able to govern with remarkable results with a Congress controlled by the opposite party…his example offers us lessons in how both leaders and the led can make advances despite differences of party, of background, and of ideology.” p. xx

-“He embraced compromise as a necessary element of public life, engaged his political foes in the passage of important legislation, and was willing to break with the base of his own party in order to what he thought was right, whatever the price.” p. xxiii refreshing statement

-“I remember working far harder at Yale than I would have if I hadn’t been in the service and gotten married. I went through yale in two and one half years—drive by the fact that I wanted to get out and support my little family.” p. 36

-Of his wife – “Bar’s different though…She lives quite frankly for Georgie and myself. She is wholly unselfish, beautifully tolerant of my weaknesses and idiosyncrasies, and ready to faithfully follow any course I choose….I have had a change to make many shrewd moves in my young life, but when I married Bar I hit the proverbial jackpot.” p. 37

-“This mean humorless philosophy which says everybody should agree on absolutely everything is not good for the Republican Party or for our State. When the word moderation becomes a dirty word we have some real soul searching to do.” Bush after his 1964 defeat in a Texas Senate campaign

-Some of Bush’s summarized lessons of Watergate for his sons – “Listen to your conscience. Don’t be afraid not to join the mob—if you feel inside it’s wrong. Don’t confuse being ‘soft’ with seeing the other guy’s point of view.” p. 102

-Barbara’s commencement speech at Wellesley College: “Whatever the era, whatever the times, one thing will never change: Fathers and mothers, if you have children—they must come first. You must read to your children, hug your children, and you must love your children. Your success as a family, our success as a society, depends not on what happens in the White House, but on what happens inside your house.” p. 243

-Love the story of Barbara reading the Constitution’s preamble with a recently literate son of a former sharecropper at an event commemorating the bicentennial of the Constitution, to help him with his nerves. As he grew more comfortable, Barbara continuously lowered her voice until he was reading it wholly on his own. “J.T. Pace had found his voice in part because Barbara Bush had lent him her heart.” p. 245

-Handwritten note of “advice to young people” including: give someone else a hand—when a friend is hurting, show you care; as you succeed be kind to people—thank those who help you along the way; don’t talk all the time, listen to your friends and mentors and learn from them; don’t be afraid to shed a tear when your heart is broken because a friend is hurting; say your prayers. p. 314
215 reviews13 followers
February 17, 2024
This is the book that America needs and George H.W. Bush deserves. For Americans, to read this book is to read about a true stateman, a humble leader, and a man of conviction. This is not to say that Bush's life and presidency where without faults, nor is it a declaration that those faults should not be interacted with. Rather, he provides an example for several traits that seem to be sorely lacking in American society, especially by people of influence today. For Bush, it explores his personality and his character better than other books about him. To be fair, history is just starting to grapple with his legacy as president and as public servant, but Meacham's work sets a high bar.
Critics may see this book as hagiography, but they cannot deny the true essence of personality that comes across in these pages. The book takes the best traits of biography and combines it with great photography and historical analysis.
The greatest takeaway from this book is that Bush, through Meacham's writing, can be used as a roadmap for future servants to the cause of Americans and American democracy.
A personal note: if you haven't read Destiny and Power, it may be worthwhile to read this first, and then follow up with that book. This book distills the essential story from that larger work.
Profile Image for Mark Harwood.
36 reviews2 followers
April 9, 2024
I won an advanced copy. It's gorgeously photographed, politically well-balanced, and respectful. In fact, it is just the book I need this rejection year. "The mechanisms of media were changing [by the late 1980s]," Meacham writes, "giving more influence to the most extreme voices. The country, always divided, was becoming ever more polarized. [...] Yet [Pres. Bush] embraced compromise as a necessary element of public life, engaged his political foes in the passage of important legislation, and was willing to break with the base of his own party in order to do what he thought was right, whatever the price." Bush is quoted by Meacham: "A unity of opinion is impossible. A unity of purpose, however, is achievable, even if the nation inevitably differs on how to fulfill that purpose. [...] I do not mistrust the future; I do not fear what is ahead. For our problems are large, but our heart is larger. Our challenges are great, but our will is greater."
Profile Image for Andrea Engle.
1,785 reviews50 followers
June 4, 2024
This splendidly illustrated biography of George Herbert Walker Bush by the gifted historian Jon Meacham gets right to the heart of things … worth reading for the pictures alone … for a more serious approach check out Meacham’s other book on the subject, “Destiny and Power” …

Destiny and Power The American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush by Jon Meacham by Jon Meacham Jon Meacham
210 reviews
March 23, 2024
“The Call to Serve” by Jon Mechanical honors the 41st president of the United States, George Bush. The inspiration of this photo collection is taken from Mecham’s biography of Bush. Regardless of one’s politics, the ethos of The Greatest Generation was strong in Bush and that merits honor. And Mecham honors the man well. Thank you to #netgalley and #randomhouse for the opportunity to preview this book.
Profile Image for Casey Wheeler.
995 reviews48 followers
April 9, 2024
This book is well researched and written. It gives an overview of the life of President George Herbert Walker Bush. It is meant as a companion book to the author's more detailed biography of Bush. It contains over 400 pictures of the President throughout his life and I got as much from the photo captions as I did from the overview in each chapter. A good addition to anyone interested in Presidential biographies.
Profile Image for Reading Fool.
1,019 reviews
April 24, 2024
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher.

This is an excellent biography of George HW Bush, who was an American who sincerely wanted to serve his country even though his presidency was flawed (whose isn't?). The story is accompanied by many wonderful photographs portraying his personal and public lives. A great celebration of the 100th anniversary of Bush's birth. I enjoyed the unbiased writing of Pulitzer Prize winner Jon Meacham.
Profile Image for John.
15 reviews3 followers
June 3, 2024
This is a must read. I have been so disillusioned by the current political climate. This book reminded me why it’s imperative that we engrave the process and fight for decency. Without it our Republic is doomed.

Thank you Jon Meacham for your work to remind us.

Thank God for the example of George and Barbara Bush.

They might not be saints in the religious sense, but they are in pantheon of our Republic.
Profile Image for Sandy.
677 reviews10 followers
March 22, 2024
A Call to Serve was published in honor of George H. W. Bush's 100 anniversary of his birth. I have not read Mr. Meacham's biography Destiny of Power, so found this book informative and have a new appreciation for the former President. Even if you have read Destiny of Power, I think you would still enjoy this book for over the 450 pictures. Now want to read Destiny of Power.
Profile Image for Ryan Macnair.
46 reviews3 followers
April 29, 2024
A quicker read than I would have assumed, this book does a lot of its story telling through vignettes and captions. Many more gaps in Bush's life are filled by captions that I would have anticipated. That being said, it is still a fairly enjoyable read with a lot of personal detail that is hard to find in other places. Definitely worth checking out.
106 reviews5 followers
May 31, 2024
A beautiful book full of pictures, many of which I had never seen before, along with a very condensed text taken from Meacham's bio of Bush 41 (Destiny and Power) plus sone new text to discuss Bush 41's death and funeral. Well worth the time just for the beautiful photos of Bush, his family (the pics of Robin, the daughter who died young of leukemia are especially touching) and his long career.
Profile Image for Tracy Montefour.
140 reviews
July 22, 2024
Very good especially if you like presidential bios or history in general. I was too wrapped up in my own life to pay attention when the first President Bush was in office. Reading his story now makes me appreciate him as a leader, former president and as an all around kind and decent man. The pictures in the book are very interesting and make the book.
231 reviews1 follower
June 2, 2024
Much of this book is told in pictures which made it a quick read. This book is well researched and well told. George H. W. Bush became more popular after his time in the White House after he was no longer viewed through only his politics.
June 10, 2024
Anything 41 by Meacham is worth reading regardless of party affiliation. This is about an American President. Bonus is if you listen to the audio version it is read by the author giv8ng all the nuances and insights.
Profile Image for Roxanne.
907 reviews71 followers
May 18, 2024
Beautiful book. A breath of decent leadership by former President George H.W. Bush.

I won a copy from Goodreads.
506 reviews
May 30, 2024
Meacham always writes wonderful books that are well researched and full of insights. Moderate republicanism is so needed today.
Profile Image for Derek Adelman.
5 reviews2 followers
June 4, 2024
This is a great book. The pictures chosen are wonderful. It’s a great tribute for George HW Bush’s 100 birthday.
184 reviews
July 20, 2024
An interesting brief biography of Pres. George HW Bush. Narrated by the author. You miss all the photos on the audiobook.
Profile Image for Ashley.
327 reviews10 followers
February 2, 2024
The Call to Serve illustrates the breadth of service and dedication that George H.W. Bush had for the United States of America. The narrative and captions written by Jon Meacham provide color to a man who many did not appreciate until years after his government service came to an end. Readers of all party affiliations should consider this book a must-read when it comes out this summer.
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