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That Night in the Library

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One night locked in the library. What could go wrong?

On the night before graduation, seven students gather in the basement of their university's rare books library. They're not allowed in the library after closing time, but it's the perfect place for the ritual they want to perform—one borrowed from the Greeks, said to free those who take part in it from the fear of death. And what better time to seek the wisdom of ancient gods than in the hours before they'll scatter in different directions to start their real lives?

But just a few minutes into their celebration, the lights go out—and one of them drops dead. As the body count rises, with nothing but the books to protect them, the group must figure out how to survive the night while trapped with a murderer. That Night in the Library is a chilling literary mystery that transports readers to a world where secrets live in the dark, books breathe fears to life, and the only way out is to wait until morning.

288 pages, Paperback

First published June 11, 2024

About the author

Eva Jurczyk

2 books242 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 420 reviews
Profile Image for Sujoya(theoverbookedbibliophile).
703 reviews2,471 followers
June 15, 2024
A group of seven decide to spend the night before graduation in the basement of William E. Woodend Rare Books Library in Vermont to participate in a ritual that they believe will set them free from the fear of death. Of the seven, three of them are students working as assistants in the library each hoping to secure the one permanent position being offered after graduation; another is a PhD student/TA who frequents the library for his research and also convinces one of his students to bring along a friend who would supply the drugs they would need for the ritual; and the other is a socially awkward scientist who is involved in a project for the library. After the library closes for the day, they lock themselves in the basement and commence with the ritual. In a shocking turn of events, one of them suddenly dies and the other, unable to exit the building with scheduled routine maintenance rendering them unable to communicate with anyone on the outside, are left to fend for themselves with a killer in their midst.

I was intrigued by the premise of That Night in the Library by Eva Jurczyk. A locked room mystery set in a library, that too a rare books library, and a ritual rooted in Greek myths – this one checked all the boxes for this bibliophile who loves Greek mythology.

The narrative is shared from multiple perspectives and moves quickly enough, but none of the characters were particularly interesting and I soon got tired of their bickering, bouts of self-pity, and overall immature behavior. The final reveal was underwhelming, to say the least, and everything in between was bizarre. I don’t mind OTT (it is expected in this genre), but in this case, the plot was simply too messy (literally and figuratively) and absurd, to take seriously.

I struggled to finish this one and in hindsight, I should have followed my instincts and abandoned it mid-read but I didn’t in hopes that maybe, just maybe…..but sadly, I couldn’t find anything that appealed to me other than the premise and the element of Greek mythology. Perhaps I wasn’t the right audience for this one.

Overall, I can’t say that I enjoyed this novel. However, I would request you to read other reviews before making a decision about reading this one.

Many thanks to Poisoned Pen Press for the digital review copy via NetGalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own. This novel was published on June 11, 2024.

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Profile Image for Jenny.
180 reviews318 followers
March 25, 2024
I had high hopes for "That Night in the Library", unfortunately, the book failed to meet my expectations. The whole setup seemed wicked cool – a bunch of seniors sneaking into a rare books library for some ancient ritual? Sign me up! But when I finally cracked it open, man, was I disappointed.

Let's talk characters. Honestly, I couldn't relate to any of them. Like, who acts like that in real life? They were either too over-the-top or just plain boring. And the way they talked to each other? It felt like the author was trying way too hard to make them seem edgy and cool, but it just came off as forced.

And the plot? Don't even get me started. There were numerous points throughout the book where I found myself so confused. Like, there were so many twists and turns that it made my head spin. And not in a good way, you feel me? Plus, some of the stuff that went down felt totally random, like the author was just throwing stuff at the wall to see what stuck.

I really wanted to love "That Night in the Library." I mean, the premise was killer, and the writing was decent enough. But between the cringy characters and the confusing plot, it just didn't hit the mark for me. Maybe it's just not my cup of tea.
Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,840 reviews12.4k followers
July 20, 2024

That Night in the Library is an Adult Literary Suspense novel. This is a recent release and I went into it, I'll admit, with a bit of trepidation. The early reviews aren't the highest, but in a way that piqued my interest even more.

I frequently find myself in the minority opinion, so I went in open-minded, ready to give it a nice go. I so wanted to at least give this a 3-star rating, but sadly, I just can't.

The concept was okay, like the very basic concept, but the execution completely missed the mark.

This story basically follows a group of seven people, who make a plan to sneak into the basement of the rare books library at their University, and spend the night, performing some sort of obscure ritual while they are there.

It says in the synopsis that it is the night before graduation, but honestly, I don't remember those kinds of details from this. It was quite difficult to parse anything out really.

I did understand they were going to perform a ritual, that I believe was said to free the participants of any fear, or something like that. IDK, really.

It's an odd mix of characters. They weren't all friends, or anything, they just needed seven people, so ended up inviting a girl who worked at the library, who really didn't know any of them, someone's drug dealer, etc.

That one part I did understand clearly about the ritual was they fasted before, and then dropped acid. Most of the rest of it was delivered to us through a drug-addled haze, so not particularly the most coherent way to convey a plot.

Once the ritual starts, they're literally trapped in this basement space; locked in. They're getting into it, doing their chanting, and dancing around and what not, when suddenly, one of the participants drops dead.

From there, as you would expect, they start to freak out, because that person is dead! How did they die? Were they killed? Is one of them responsible?

Since they're tripping, suspicions run high. Things get wild. More bodies fall. Is anyone going to survive?

So, yeah, that's a basic breakdown of this story. I feel like it's for a very niche market. You have to be a specific type of Reader for this to work for you.

There is sort of a vibe of this being a book about books, but not to the level of like a Strange the Dreamer, or The Dark Half. It's too hazy a theme for me to actually recommend it for that trope alone.

Without any malice, I would say this feels like one of those cases where the author is more enamored with their own writing, the words and phrases they use, than with any actual plot. It comes across a bit arrogant, in a way. I would equate it to The Tenth Girl by Sara Faring.

With this being said, this is 100% my personal opinion. Just because it didn't work for me, doesn't mean it won't work for you. I would urge anyone who thinks it sounds interesting, to give it a go.

There's a book for every Reader, and a Reader for every book. I know there is an audience for this one. Unfortunately, I'm just not a part of that audience.

Thank you to the publisher, Poisoned Pen Press and RB Media, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I gave it a shot and even though it didn't work out for me, I appreciate the opportunity to provide my opinion.
Profile Image for sakurablossom95.
102 reviews26 followers
June 30, 2024
Seven students sneak into their university's rare books library the night before graduation to perform a Greek ritual believed to free them from the fear of death. The library is closed, but they choose it for its ideal setting. As they begin, the lights go out and one student suddenly dies. Trapped in the dark with a killer among them and nothing but books for protection, the group must unravel the mystery and find a way to survive the night before they can embark on their new lives.

When I first read the synopsis of this mystery thriller with academia vibes, I was immediately intrigued. The concept promised a perfect blend of suspense and intellectual intrigue. However, while the book had its strengths, the execution left a bit to be desired for me.
One of the main issues I encountered was with the characters. Differentiating between them proved to be challenging, as their points of view often blended together. In a genre where character distinction is vital, this was a significant drawback. I expected a diverse range of personalities typical of academia-themed stories—mean girl, rich kids, the poor but brilliant underdog—but these dynamics were noticeably absent. This felt like a missed opportunity, particularly for a book set in such an environment.

Despite this, the atmosphere was a definite highlight. The academia/horror blend created a chilling vibe reminiscent of "Scream" meets "The Secret History." The spooky ambiance was consistently well-crafted, keeping me engaged and on edge throughout.
There were some predictable moments, but one twist genuinely surprised me, which I loved! It's always a pleasure when a book can still catch me off guard, adding to the overall enjoyment. While the character development could have been stronger, the thrilling atmosphere and unexpected twists made for an enjoyable read. I had a great time and found myself vibing with the spooky, academic setting from start to finish.

Thank you, NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Sarah.
415 reviews191 followers
December 26, 2023
Seven pretentious and insufferable college students get together after hours for a night of Greek rituals and drugs. The environment was practically begging for a murder. The remaining six are locked in the library's basement, high out of their minds, and left without a shred of judgment. What starts as unease and distrust quickly derails into a bloodbath.

This is a mixed bag. The premise has promise, but the execution was half-baked. The pacing for a novel under three hundred pages is uneven, filled with pages of boring information only to be followed by an intense action scene. The action there was entertaining, but it took forever to get there. The ritual part wasn't explained well and never really occurred. All of our characters are self-absorbed, but they are college kids in the USA, so what else to expect? The ending was a fun twist, but I can foresee people hating it and thinking it was cheap.

Overall, this was not a very memorable read and had pacing issues. It's still a relatively short read, so if you like unhinged college students give it a go.

Thank you, NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press, for the advance copy! All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Me, My Shelf, & I.
1,017 reviews129 followers
June 7, 2024
I hate to be with the voice of the majority on this one, but I just wasn't engaged by this book. It seems to be marketed as Adult, and they're all at least of age to be graduating from college, but I think the target demographic is much more suited to a young YA audience.

Unfortunately the characters had very simplistic thoughts, so their POVs held little interest for me. I found it repetitive that even 80% into the novel we were being told for the umpteenth time about the setup and plan for the night's events.

And the final reveal? Not only was it telegraphed early on, but it was kinda incredible that a group of collegiate students who attend or work at this specific library would be unaware of that fact. Cause it honestly felt like a flashing neon sign to me, a non-librarian who doesn't work at this library renowned for that sort of thing. Spoilers:

Moral of the story: don't do drugs with a bunch of strangers in an isolated setting you can't leave.

Major Spoiler Nitpick:
So I was complaining about some of the details to my partner and mentioned and my partner was immediately scowling and annoyed because . That's just one of several details that don't really bear up under scrutiny.

Thank you to RB Media and NetGalley for granting me an audio ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Shannon.
5,815 reviews326 followers
June 13, 2024
A locked door murder mystery set in a rare books library? YES PLEASE!!!!!!

I couldn't read this gothic thriller fast enough. As a librarian/archivist who has worked at the Thomas Fisher Rare book library in Toronto (just like the author), this one was a pure delight! Twisty and dark and it kept me guessing right to the end.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital and audio copy in exchange for my honest review!

(I must say I wasn't expecting quite as high a body count in this one considering the author's debut was not a thriller but I wasn't sad about it!)
Profile Image for Lois .
2,077 reviews539 followers
May 31, 2024
This audiobook was made available for me to listen to and review by Eva Jurczyk, RB Media, and NetGalley.

The narrator is Hannah Cabell. Ms. Cabell manages the 7 pov characters with their alternating viewpoints masterfully. With slight changes in tone and pitch each individual character has it's own tone.

Seven college aged folks spend the night at William E. Woodend Rare Book Library at a smallish liberal arts college in Vermont. The plan is to take part in the reenactment of an ancient Greek ritual. Six of the participants are students of the university, five are graduate students, one is an undergrad and another isn't associated with the university or the library.

This ritual is organized primarily by Davy who invited Mary, Faye, Umu , Ro, as well as couple Soraya, and Kip. The ritual is based on the Eleusinian Mysteries. Hallucinogens assist in this spiritual quest based on the Greek myth regarding Demeter, Persephone and Hades. In which Pilgrims walked the sacred road betwen Athens and Eleusis, retracing Demeters route looking for her daughter. The ritual is traditionally in September but Davy scheduled it for the night before graduation.
Participants in the ritual are required to fast for 12 hrs before, speak Greek phonetically, candlelight, food to be eaten upstairs, and the participants need to learn a secret in a physical object they can share at a specific point in the ritual.

The night of everyone has gathered in the basement to hide until Ronald, the head university librarian, leaves for the night. When they hear the alarm beep, they cheer and take hallucinogens. Before they can start the ritual the lights go out, shortly after the lights come back on a participant is found bloody on the floor. In an effort to get this participant help, the remaining participants realize they're locked in the basement until it opens the next day. Also, they're locked in the basement with whomever hurt the bloody participant on the floor.

This has a fairly decent base story concept. However, the story slows down about halfway through the story and the ending is a bit anticlimactic. If this was more tightly written it would've increased the tension and suspense. Still this was mostly medium ok.

Thank you to Eva Jurczyk, RB Media, and NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to and review this audiobook. All opinions and viewpoints expressed in this review are my own.
Profile Image for Holden Wunders.
204 reviews14 followers
May 1, 2024
DNF. Note- DNFs don’t get a star rating as I find that incredibly rude for something I didn’t finish but will always give my honest thoughts on why I was unable to finish.

I truly wanted to be the outlier here and was rooting SO hard for this book but there are so many problems here that it could’ve used a lot more work before publishing.

The premise is fun and made for book and thriller lovers alike but that tends to be the end of my positivity when it comes to this book.

I’m all for unlikeable characters and saw a lot of hate in reviews for this book when it comes to that but I think the problem is deeper. This is one of the books that’s so scattered that you don’t even have time to like or dislike them. Each chapter is 2-4 pages long. Each chapter gives a new character that you start losing who is who and each voice sounds entirely the same.

This authour can definitely get there and has some fun ideas but the execution was lacking entirely and I really just wanted this to be better in a myriad of ways that I couldn’t stop editing or being frustrated and couldn’t just read this book.

Thanks to NetGalley for an early copy of this book.
Profile Image for Heathers_reads.
457 reviews56 followers
March 26, 2024
“That night in the library” is a locked door thriller that follows seven students who break the rules and sneak into the university’s rare books library after closing hours on the eve of graduation. The group selection is small and specific, Some of them are students, library employees and others and plus one invites.

The intention is to perform a Greek ritual, however things go badly wrong when one of the group mysteriously dies and the rest are left to fend for themselves against an unknown murderer whilst being trapped inside with no way out.

There is multiple deaths, lots of suspicions and paranoia, multiple POV for each of the characters.

What I liked;
The setting taking place in the library was different, especially including all the old rare books elevating that mythical mystery aspect.

What didn’t work for me:
The overall plot had potential but I had a difficult time connecting with the characters.

Thank you to Poisened Pen Press, Eva Jurczyk and NetGalley for the EARC!

Publish date; June 11th
Profile Image for Gigi Ropp.
262 reviews15 followers
July 2, 2024
3 stars ONLY because I enjoyed reading the first 95% of it. The ending was a huge letdown and really left way too many loose ends for my liking, but it was still an enjoyable read if you don’t care how it ends.
1,529 reviews37 followers
April 7, 2024
I enjoyed this as I loved teaching Greek mythology, but at times I had trouble keeping the characters straight as even though there were only 7 of them, the action happened so quickly that I had trouble remembering who they were based on descriptions that are given as we read. The basic premise is this: Davey, the university librarian has a night planned for invited guests to reenact the story of Demeter and Persephone. It will take place when the library is closed and will be in the basement so no one else will know they are there. That's creepy itself, but Davey has one of the "players," bring acid to add to the excitement. So we basically have 7 college students, hard drugs, hidden weapons, darkness, and a mythological tale that involves the dreaded Underworld of Hades. And I will never again visit a library at night; enough said!
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!
Profile Image for Elentarri.
1,772 reviews42 followers
June 20, 2024

... or lock them all together in a library basement.

I suppose one might call this a locked-room murder mystery? Anyway, I almost ditched this book. The characters are immature, whiney, no where near the brightest bulbs in the factory, and quite willing to make impulsive, detrimental decisions based on airy-fairy logic. In addition, the plot was weak and the narration repetitive. I listed to the remainder of the novel because I was up to my eyeballs in a craft project and because I wanted to see how many of the irritating and too-stupid-to-live characters actually survived. A library monster would have livened everything up. The premise sounded interesting, but the plot and writing was just not up to snuff.
Profile Image for Bel  lvndrgms3.
533 reviews51 followers
June 24, 2024
What in the locked-door-dark-academia???

I need time to process.

A group of students stay behind after hours at the library to participate in an ancient ritual ceremony in the basement. The requirements are to fast beforehand, and then take drugs during the ceremony. They’re all the right ingredients for a night gone horribly wrong.

I liked the premise, and the cast of characters were certainly eccentric enough for this ritual. Admittedly, none of them are likeable which plays into the plot. Anyway I don’t necessarily need likable characters, they need to be compelling. That said, I wasn’t entirely overawed by these folks. The writing was good; I just felt that sometimes the POVs went on longer than needed, and my mind wandered. Each incident that occurs gets more terrifying and gruesome thanks to everyone being out of their minds. There was a point when I just wanted it to be over, and then it was, and OH MY GOD THAT ENDING!!! WTF just happened?!!?? I couldn’t help but shake my head in disbelief! I still am.

80% of me thinks it’s genius, and makes up for the middle of the story that dragged for me. Jurcyzk wins the shock value here! (In fact, she liked my two-sentence review on Goodreads as soon as I finished it. I loved her response.)

* Locked door mystery/dark academia
* Multiple POVs
* Unreliable narrators
* Library & ancient books/manuscripts/languages

Be aware of: violence, drug use

I say give this one a go. The ending will elicit various reactions which I think is the most fascinating aspect of this read, and a win for the author.

Thanks to @netgalley & @poisonedpenpress for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kat (Katlovesbooks) Dietrich.
1,301 reviews168 followers
June 8, 2024

That Night in the Library by Eva  is a psychological thriller.

First, let me thank NetGalley, the publisher Poisoned Pen Press and of course the author, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

My Synopsis:    (No major reveals, but if concerned, skip to My Opinions)
Davey Kebede considers himself the head of the student assistant librarians. He is sure he will be hired full-time.  His thesis was about the Eleusinian Mysteries and so he organized a Greek ritual to take place in the basement of the William E. Woodend Rare Books Library in Vermont, on the night before graduation day.  The ritual is said to free all from the fear of death.  All invitees will be students (or so Davey thought).

Mary Xiao fell in love with the lions guarding the library on her first visit.  She snorts crushed Adderall between classes, and longs for friends.  She is a star in the library, and also a candidate for the full-time post.  Davey invited her to the ritual, and she suggested he invite Faye (although he doesn't admit that).

Faye Bradshaw, although working in the library, is actually a scientist, but the library pays more than her lab.  She is a very shy young woman, and was thrilled when Davey invited her.

Soraya Abbasi, the third candidate for the full-time job,  was invited by Davey, and after her finals, and five job interviews, she's there for the drugs.

Kip Pickens, also invited by Davey, is Soraya's boyfriend.  His ego knows no bounds, and he can't stand Davey.

Umu Owusu  was invited by Kip (her TA), mainly so that she could bring a drug dealer.

Ro Tucci is a drug dealer and a bartender, and was invited by Umu (his best friend).

They will not all survive the night.

My Opinions:
I had really high hopes for this book.  The atmosphere of a night in the basement of a library to re-enact a Greek myth?  Sounds promising.  So, good plot and atmosphere.  Great.

However, I must admit that I didn't really like any of the characters.  They were either egotistical, or beyond socially inept.  I did, like the relationship between Umu and Ro because it wasn't perfect - it was a true friendship.  But on their own, they weren't very likeable either.

The book looked at drug use, and the reactions of those who took the acid.  It looked at behaviours, at arrogance, at lies, at morals, at insecurities and at loneliness.

It was basically a locked-room mystery with most of the characters on drugs. Some of it was a little far-fetched (the paper-cutter), but that's okay, it's fiction.

So, overall, the premise was great and the book okay.  I think, since it's about college-age students, it should appeal to more the YA crowd.

For a more complete review of this book and others (including the reason I chose to read/review this book, as well as author information), please visit my blog: http://katlovesbooksblog.wordpress.com/
Profile Image for Jazzy Lemon.
1,112 reviews105 followers
June 4, 2024
Thanks NetGalley for the ARC/audiobook. You said, "We hope you enjoy this book." And I would like to reply that I did! Not my personal favourite of narrators, but she speaks clearly and is easy to understand, which is most important. This locked room mystery gets 4 stars from me, only for the reason that so many people contaminated the crime scenes. Surely by now everyone would know better!
1,040 reviews15 followers
June 2, 2024
I was lucky enough to listen to the audiobook of this locked room mystery as I read along. This book was good but it didn't wow me as much as I'd hoped. I LOVED the library setting for the locked room. I'm not a huge Greek mythology fan but I did still enjoy this element of the ritual. With lots of gory parts and a great ending, I do believe the writing held a lot of promise. I look forward to seeing what the author writes next.
Profile Image for Literary Redhead.
2,236 reviews588 followers
June 11, 2024
An intriguing premise that, unfortunately, falls apart in the middle. Other mystery lovers will certainly devour it.
Profile Image for Saltygalreads.
266 reviews8 followers
June 24, 2024
Summary: Seven university students gather in the basement of a rare and antique books archive/library after closing time. It is against the rules and they aren’t supposed to be there, but they have come to participate in a ritual supposedly borrowed from the ancient Greeks. All the lights go out and then one of the party dies inexplicably and gruesomely, setting off a chain of events fueled by fear, drugs and suspicion. How many will survive to see the morning?

Thoughts: The title and the cover of this novel caught my imagination. I felt that the concept had great potential – a group of overly-educated young people, high on acid and academic achievement, gather to reenact a Greek ritual after dark in the old library. There were so many directions to take this story. Ultimately, the execution was lacking. None of the characters was even slightly relatable, which made it difficult to get invested in any of them. There was a serious lack of character development, meaning their general conduct and actions lacked context and didn’t make sense to me.

I wasn’t entirely certain if the author was trying to demonstrate the baser side of human beings underneath the veneer of higher education, or if she was just trying to say that highly educated people can be stupid too. In any event, I quickened my pace through the last chapters as I needed it to be over.
Profile Image for The Honest Book Reviewer.
1,242 reviews21 followers
June 15, 2024
Oh, I quite liked this. It took me by surprise and continually challenged my assumptions about the plot and the characters. I found it clever, well-paced, and deliciously dark. It's such a great blend of horror and thriller, and a little dark humour in there as well. This is a story I could picture being adapted for a movie. It had that vibe.

The author builds this up well with introducing each of the seven characters, all of which are different in personality and attitude. They were written well and believable. That buildup was compelling and had me on edge of the action to start. It's not a surprise for the first twist in the story, because it seemed fairly formulaic for the type of story, but each new twist was surprising and introduced more suspicion. In fact, bucket loads of suspicion. I didn't know who was going to turn out to be the culprit at end. This had me perplexed!

And the final twist. I loved it. So clever and so unexpected. It also seemed a bit tongue-in-cheek, but in a good way. It kind of felt like a reward by the end...maybe.

If I were to provide a negative, I would have enjoyed more detail on the ritual they were planning to do. It would have added to the dark atmosphere in the book.

All in all, this was pretty amazing, and I enjoyed the read. I had fun with the characters.

Thanks to the author, the publisher, and Netgalley for the free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kaitlyn Myers.
46 reviews4 followers
March 21, 2024
Who can you trust when everyone’s dying?

This multiple POV novel finds 7 relative strangers planning to spend the night in their work library to complete a fear reducing ritual (follows the Eleusinian mysteries). As body fluids spill, tensions rise and blame is placed. Jurczyk keeps readers guessing until the last page, literally.

I loved the overarching arc of this plot line but the ritual is not a big enough part of this story for it to be the selling feature. The mystery and thrill of social pressure is the focus of this work, which is enough to keep readers intrigued.
Profile Image for Ali.
120 reviews23 followers
June 6, 2024
I had such a hard time getting into this book. I wasn’t drawn to the characters and the story was a bit all over the place. The concept was really interesting but the execution wasn’t great. Thanks to NetGalley for the chance to review.
Profile Image for ari.
213 reviews26 followers
April 5, 2024
2.5 -
What worked:
- The premise really excited me. A group of university students hides in the library basement after hours to perform an ancient ritual.
- The academic setting.
- The relatively fast-pace with a few exceptions.
- The locked door setting. I liked that the characters were forced to face each other and could not hide from one another throughout the book.

What didn’t work:
- the multiple POVs didn’t add much to the story, and not everyone got an equal amount of time. I felt like it would have helped the twists to stick with one or two POVs at most.
- The characters were very loosely connected, which in turn lacked some depth. It would have added some layers and backstory to have the characters be friends. It didn’t make sense to me that a group of strangers would show up to a basement ritual when they have no stake in it.
- The ritual itself is never really fully hashed out or gets off the ground. It would have added a lot to the atmosphere if the ritual had at least been explained or partly taken place.
- The characters seemed to go absolutely insane for no reason with extreme lack of thought, and then had no reaction at other times when they should have been more freaked out. This would have made sense if they were on a combo of hard drugs and alcohol, but they seemed to just be really unstable and irrational for no reason. What they do consume didn’t account for their behavior.
- The random backstory of the donor of the library. Not sure what that had to do with the main storyline but it didn’t add much for me.

Overall, this needed some depth to really round it out and take the plot all the way to a good execution.

Thank you to Poisoned Pen Press and NetGalley for the ARC.
Profile Image for Mandy K .
114 reviews22 followers
May 28, 2024
The Night in the Library

This was a unique locked room suspense. 7 young adults come together to spend the night locked in the basement of a rare book library to reenact a ritual. What should have been a light hearted bonding experience turns into a bloody paranoid drug-fueled who-dun-it.

Most of the book is shown through Faye’s perspective. I was surprised to see the contents showed only 25 chapters, but several chapters have multiple parts. I was confused on what constituted a new chapter and what only a sub chapter. I thought the characters were well fleshed out. While I enjoyed the final reveal and sudden ending I also alternatively wish I knew more about what happened as a consequence of the night. Throughout the book I cringed at how much chaos and destruction was taking place in such a short time period, but it really did make sense when you take in all the contributing factors: fasting, tripping on acid, the paranoia, and the fact that most of the characters were basically strangers to each other which made it easy to distrust and turn on each other.

Thank you NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for this ARC. Pub Date Jun 11 2024.
Profile Image for AndiReads.
1,320 reviews153 followers
November 6, 2023
This is a CRAZY novel. Enter this gothic library if you DARE!
Seven grad students gather in the basement of the rare books library to recreate an ancient Greek ritual focusing upon Persephone. When one of the students falls ill, fingers are pointed and it's a tense, chaotic scrum to get out of the library before it's too late. Very interesting, very unique, That Night in the Library is a great thriller/horror story! #EvaJurczyk #ThatNightinthelibrary #poisonedpenpress #
2 reviews
March 21, 2024
I’m not much of a murder mystery reader, but I enjoyed the academic library setting and flawed character development in this locked door mystery.
Profile Image for Agrippina Fadel.
87 reviews1 follower
June 12, 2024
I had such high hopes for this book. I used to work for an academic library with a special collections department, the vault, the rare books circa 1600s, all of it. The premise of the closed-door murder mystery in the library is great and could have made for a fascinating story, but this book did not deliver.
The writing is stilted and uneven, with weird turns of words and side stories that come up at the strangest times.

“She had a plan and decided it wasn’t impossible, and in the end it wasn’t.”

“I’m not sitting here and waiting to be hunted because, what, because my parents have a summer home?”

“Davey got himself a little dog. He was a Jack Russell terrier who Davie named Nero, and he was such a nightmare that Davie had to pay a roommate…” - why not say, “Davie got a little dog, Jack Russell, and named him Nero. The dog was such a nightmare, Davie had to pay a roommate…”

I digress. Some of it might get the final polish by the editors but I doubt they can get it all. At this point, it’s the author’s style, I suppose.

The writing seems most involved and interesting when the writer talks about the history and inner workings of the library.

Yet sapping up blood with pages of rare books is a scene that she also decided to write? How does it even make sense? Don’t they all wear clothes that would work much better as a makeshift bandage or cleaning cloth? And how did all these people who love the library all of a sudden become okay with the pointless destruction of priceless manuscripts?

Other WTH moments include but are not limited to:

- what kind of acid was it? They all just became cold-blooded killers?
- when a supposed killer is already in a small room that they just used to confine another supposed killer, why are they trying to open the door and get the “killer” out? Why not barricade the door again?
- no first aid was provided whatsoever, and no curiosity of “can we save this person?” Especially with the first death.
- the motivation behind the killings is flimsy at best
- The backstories are great, but they did not add anything in most cases.
- all characters are pathetic and unlikable.
- Faye is insufferable.
- Was there a ghost?
- the weird “I’m rich, and you are poor, is that why you want to kill me?” flex was reaching, even for a high person.
- they didn’t have to do Ariana Grande dirty like that.
- I don’t think I can eat corn now.

Thank you, NetGalley, for providing an early reader’s copy in exchange for my honest review.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Shrez (Hiatus- stressed out rn).
211 reviews9 followers
April 12, 2024
Being locked in a library overnight sounds like my book loving self's dream come true. However, for these students this is far from a dream.

Seven students enter their university's rare books library and perform a ritual the night before graduation. Until suddenly the lights go out, and one student drops dead.

Now, I initially thought this would be an amazing locked door mystery that would have me wanting to not put the book down. This was not the case. The book had a lot of promise and on paper it seemed like it would be the perfect book for me. The execution of it was very flat and unfortunately had me a little bored.

I am certain that this book is not an accurate reflection on the authors ability as a writer. I think there just needs to be changes made to how the twists are executed as well as the believability of the story itself.

Thank you NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Samantha.
2,019 reviews138 followers
June 19, 2024
I’m often baffled by how much other readers seem to like a book that I didn’t care for at all, but here I find myself in the opposite role: The reviews for this book are for the most part decidedly negative, but I thought it was great.

In a lot of ways this is just an And Then There Were None style thriller which has the additional bonus of being set almost entirely inside a college library. This has a bit of popcorn horror to it too (Think Riley Sager or Taylor Adams), and I thought it was smartly plotted and loads of fun.

I particularly enjoyed the structure of this, as well as the fact that it’s almost impossible to guess what really happened until the very end. And though it’s not the ending I imagine many readers wish for, it’s clever and logical and I enjoyed the fact that it breaks with standard Thriller tropes.

*I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.^
Profile Image for Emma Cathryne.
623 reviews94 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
April 12, 2024
We as a community need to start gatekeeping the Secret History!! I am dead tired of reading knockoffs that aim for but fall short of the atmosphere and intricacy of character that cause you to root for morally corrupt people even as you recognize their flaws. Without this skillful character design, you are left with a collection of mean, boring characters rattling around in a tropey murder mystery loosely garbed in ~dark academia~ vibes. I have to give a few points for the author taking a jab at the White, colonial roots of the ''dark academia'' trope but this is ironically nullified by the excruciatingly pretentious tone and the degree to which every theme is a blunt weapon aimed at your brain without the slightest hint of subtlety or self-awareness. DNF @40%.
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