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Gil Jourdan L'intégrale #2

Gil Jourdan L'intégrale 2

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Tillieux s'installe chez Dupuis. Publié régulièrement dans SPIROU, il réalise durant cette période des albums qui sont devenus des classiques de la bande dessinée. Gil Jourdan, enquêteur de choc Gil Jourdan, Libellule, Crouton, un trio croquignol qui a enchanté des générations de lecteurs. Toujours dans l'action, toujours dans l'humour, ils nous entraînent dans des enquêtes au scénario troussé et plein d'élégance.

Cette intégrale contient :

- "L'enfer de Xique-Xique" (tome 5)
- "Surboum pour 4 roues" (tome 6)
- "Les moines rouges" (tome 7)
- "Les 3 taches" (tome 8)
- "La poursuite" (histoire courte)

240 pages, Hardcover

First published October 2, 2009

About the author

Maurice Tillieux

144 books6 followers
Maurice Tillieux (7 August 1921 – 2 February 1978) was a Belgian writer and comic artist. He is regarded by many as a major figure of post-war Belgian comics.

Maurice Tillieux was born in Huy in 1921. At first he studied for the merchant navy, but his career prospects were sunk following the German invasion of Belgium in 1940. He claims that while waiting at Bordeaux for a ship that was to take him and his fellow students to South America, a Stuka dive-bomber attacked another ship, forcing Tillieux's to turn round and Tillieux to go home.

He turned to writing and his first novel Le navire qui tue ses capitaines (The Ship that Kills its Captains) was published in 1943. Many of his stories would be set at sea or in the docks where his early ambitions may have developed. Two other novels are supposed to have been written at this time, but there seems to be some confusion as to whether or not they were actually published.

Tillieux had already done some work as an artist. He contributed to various weekly and monthly comics as artist and writer, often signing his work with a variety of English pseudonyms.

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Profile Image for Sebastien.
252 reviews308 followers
August 14, 2020
These are classics in the Franco-Belgian style of the 50s and 60s. Soooo good, the drawing is magnificent, especially Tillieux's car scenes. You can tell he LOVED cars given the attention to detail and great effort he puts into those scenes, the car chase and action scenes are just phenomenal. And the stories themselves are quite fun and well-done, but for me it's the drawings that enchant me the most :)

And I really like these collected volumes, usually collects 4-5 individual volumes together. It's a little more practical to read the collections rather than trying to track down individual volumes which can be a hassle, especially if you are outside of Europe. (but the collections are in French so unfortunately not accessible to much English-speaking audience)

I don't think there has been much translation of Tillieux's work into English, which is a pity. Although Fantagraphics did release one volume about 10 years ago but I don't think they continued, maybe because the sales on that one translated volume weren't so great? the Franco-Belgian stuff does not seem very popular in the US far as I can tell. I think the style and sensibility of these works are not very appealing to most of the US comic's audience? I don't really know. But if you are into comics, def recommend checking these out!
Profile Image for Tim.
1,051 reviews21 followers
December 23, 2019
[Recensie van Integrales 1-4 (Guus Slim, Privédetective, Aangenaam... - Studie in Blikschade)]

Guus Slim is een van die oude, bekende reeksen uit de Robbedoes-catalogus, van de hand van Tillieux. Het is zo'n typische oudere stripreeks, met een privédetective in de hoofdrol. Slim is niet de enige in zijn soort geweest, dat is zeker.
Opvallend aan deze reeks is hoe de stijl het midden houdt tussen de Brusselse School (Kuifje) en de School van Marcinelle (Robbedoes). Maar ze neigt wel iets te veel naar Hergé voor mijn smaak, en ik ben helaas nooit fan geweest.
De verhalen op zich zijn niet mis. Er zitten een paar echte uitschieters bij, met name Albums 8 en 9, De Drie Vlekken/Drie Vingers. Die bevatten een aantal knappe, opvallende elementen. De plots variëren een beetje; sommige waren beter, andere misschien net wat minder. Of wie weet kwamen ze gewoon wat gedateerd over.
De opmaak van de nieuwe uitgaves is goed gedaan. Goede vertalingen ook. Ze ogen niet héél modern en hier en daar is er een typfoutje in geslopen, maar dat geeft alleen een nostalgisch gevoel, alsof je een oude uitgave van een jaar of veertig, dertig leest. Dat bevalt me wel!
Het dossier is aan de dunne kant, met minder dan twintig bladzijdes, maar misschien ben ik te verwend door andere integrales, die meestal tussen de twintig en dertig, soms naar de vijftig bladzijdes dossier gaan. Op zich is wat erin staat best interessant en relevant, dat is natuurlijk het belangrijkste.
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