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The Making of Pride and Prejudice

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The BBC’s lavish adaptation of ‘Pride and Prejudice’, starring Colin Firth, was eighteen months in the making and continues to captivate audiences today. This indispensable companion to the series is packed with colour photographs, interviews and lavish illustrations.

Follow a typical day's filming, including the wholesale transformation of Lacock village into Jane Austen's Meryton. Discover how Colin Firth approaches the part of Darcy, how actors' costumes and wigs are designed and how Carl Davis recreates the period music and composes an original score. Piece together the roles of behind-the-scenes contributors from researchers to fencing masters.

128 pages, Paperback

First published September 7, 1995

About the author

Sue Birtwistle

6 books5 followers
Susan Elizabeth Birtwistle, Lady Eyre is a producer and writer of television drama. Birtwistle has won awards for several of her productions, including Hotel du Lac, Pride and Prejudice and Emma, and was one of the nominees for the 2008 BAFTA Awards for her production of Cranford.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 130 reviews
Profile Image for Tahera.
623 reviews267 followers
May 8, 2023
The 1995 BBC version of Pride and Prejudice remains my all time favourite adaptation of my all time favourite book ❤️❤️!! Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle were just 😘😍 in the titular roles of Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet.

This book gives you all the inside information of what went on behind the scenes accompanied by a healthy dose of pictures and an exclusive interview of Colin Firth who it seems had almost refused the role!!
Profile Image for Hannah.
800 reviews
March 26, 2012
While Downton Abbey has certainly deserved all the praise that's been heaped on it recently, there was another TV sensation over 15 years ago that caused another tsunami of fan fever, and probably had a huge impact on all the Austen (as well as other classic) book-to-film adaptations produced since 1995.

Pride and Prejudice remains one of the most highly loved books of all time, and this adaptation remains, IMO, the best adaptation (regardless of the teeny tiny fact that Colin Firth was too chubby to be my Mr. Darcy....sorry, it's true, ladies) :p

After recently finishing the excellent The World of Downton Abbey, I pulled this book out of my TBR pile so that I could immerse myself in another "behind-the-scenes" companion book. Unlike the Downton Abbey book, this book focused exclusively on the film production of the P&P mini-series, and gave the reader a very in-depth look at what it took to pull it off. My favorite part of the entire book focused on the owner of the house they used for the Bennett family. Her observations over having her home rented out for several months was fascinating (she continued living in a small corner of the house during the entire production). She seemed like a lovely, gracious lady, and I was happy to learn that she used some of the proceeds of the rental of her house to fix the roof after it was all done.

An entertaining read; recommended for fans of the mini (and it paid off to wait over 2 years for this to finally become available from my paperbackswap wishlist) :D
Profile Image for Sophie Turner.
Author 53 books148 followers
September 29, 2016
A volume with lots of photographs, telling every aspect of the production in some detail. There are lots of interesting tidbits (one I found most interesting: there was a hair on the lens of one of the cameras during the Netherfield Ball, so a lot of that footage was unusable and they had to make do with a lot of steadicam). It was strange to read about some aspects of this now, 20 years after filming. I don't know a lot about moviemaking but I had a strong sense that it's much more technologically advanced now. They were calling people on the phone to check the weather forecast!

Those who, like me, have found Jennifer Ehle's and Colin Firth's presence lacking in the Blu-ray special features will find a lot more content from them here.
Profile Image for Meredith (Austenesque Reviews).
978 reviews327 followers
August 28, 2009
This book takes you through the steps of making a movie like "Pride and Prejudice," has interviews and desrciptions by cast and crew, and many colorful pictures (both still and action shots). I enjoyed this book, learned a lot, and have a new appreciation for the movie. In addition, it gives the average person an idea of the different aspects of making a movie and all the different careers and talents used.

There are 10 chapters with an introduction. The chapters are:
- The script
- Pre-production
- Production design
- Costume, make-up, and hair design
- Music
- Dancing
- Two weeks to go . . .
- Filming
- A conversation with Colin Firth
- Post-production

Some favorites for me were the chapters about music, dance, and costume because I would probably like to work in one of those areas. Also the interview with Colin Firth was very interesting. In one of the chapters they include the schedule for one day of filming, it lasted for 6 pages! It is amazing how much work goes into a movie!

The reason I give it 4 stars out of 5 is because some parts were not very interesting, like the part about lighting. In addition, a lot of the pictures are too small and of poorer quality to see the details, I would have liked to have bigger illustrations so you can see the details that are talked about.
Profile Image for Lolly's Library.
318 reviews98 followers
August 26, 2016
Before Downton Abbey swooped in and consumed our minds and hearts, there was another miniseries phenomenon which enraptured the viewing audience to a similar degree. It occurred back in 1995, on the A&E Network for those of us in America: Pride and Prejudice. It was a phenomenon I happily wound myself up in from the moment those first strains of Carl Davis's opening theme began playing; I can remember waiting eagerly each week for the next installment of the six-episode series (yes, children, this was before streaming and binge watching - The Dark Ages).

I've never been shy in stating the '95 adaptation of Jane Austen's most popular and best loved novel is the best and the one which probably comes the closest to perfection. Colin Firth's pantaloon-clad thighs occupied my dreams for a goodly number of nights that year and beyond. TMI?

C'mon, can you blame me? Really?

So it was surprising it took me so long to read this slim, but highly informative volume. I haven't read many other books in the same vein (though most of them on are my list) but instead of looking at the era in which Pride and Prejudice is set and comparing/contrasting to the world created by Jane Austen and/or Andrew Davies, who adapted Austen's novel, this book instead looks at the work it took to translate words to screen. Starting from the very first moments of creation, when producer Sue Birtwhistle first met Andrew Davies back in 1986, the book takes us step-by-step through the eighteen months of production, detailing every step from the pre-production casting and location hunting, to the script, production design, costume, makeup, and hair design, through to post-production editing, dubbing, and publicity. It's an amazing journey into the world of film-making and the effort detailed within makes me appreciate that much more what I see on screen. About the only quibble I have with the book is that a lot of the photos are really small; I wish the editor/publisher had done full-page layouts for the photos so more detail could be seen. Oh, well.

For the casual and hardcore fan alike, The Making of Pride and Prejudice is an entertaining, informative, and thoroughly worthwhile read - highly recommended.
Profile Image for Andrea.
273 reviews15 followers
January 18, 2013
This is a wonderfully informative book about one of my most favorite Jane Austen adaptations. I've had this for years and decided it was time for a reread. It includes tons of great behind-the-scene stories and gorgeous set and actor photos. I highly recommend this for anyone interested in how movies are made and especially for fans of the BBC adaptation starring Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth.
Profile Image for Hayley.
215 reviews9 followers
May 18, 2020
This little book could be a companion to Pride and Prejudice (1995) the six-episode BBC tv adaptation of Jane Austen's famous novel.

Divided into sections of film preparation, production and post-production, this book gives readers a behind-the-scenes view into how a film is made and why this one in particular was so successful. I came away with a confirmed sense of how much I love this adaptation, and also something more: an appreciation for everybody's trade and craft in the film industry. Dances were historically researched and choreographed to fit the room space, while considering who was hosting (the Netherfield ball hosted by Mr. Bingley being more formal than when the younger Bennet sisters beg Mary to play us a jig, while having tea at Aunt Phillips). Julia Sawalha, actress who played Lydia, had to learn every dance since she dances in every dance scene, which I found amusing. Hair was just as important as costumes; did you know that they made Mr. Collins look like he has a comb over just to make him more grotesque? And poor Mary has grease in her hair to look more unwashed! Scouting for set locations sounded like an immense act of coordination and wishful thinking to fit every actor's filming schedule and get local townspeople on board to make aesthetic changes. Post-production was also interesting to read about, for example, the editing and sound team has to ask the director for more dialogue to fill in awkward moments when characters are still on screen to get to one place or wait for another to sit down, etc.

One of my favourite Christmas presents, this slim book is a big contribution to my shelf on Austen.
Profile Image for Kathryn.
4,561 reviews
December 26, 2011
I got this for my aunt, but I can't help but snatch peeks at it before I wrap it up for Christmas. (And I may just have to put it on MY wish list for next year.) It's just wonderful! I love all the tidbits, behinds the scenes aspects such as costuming, set design, script, etc; interviews with the cast (including a long one with Colin Firth); the great photos (all the guys in hair nets to protect their wigs, haha! and the headshots from the audition--Mr. Collins' is the most shocking, the actor actually looks somewhat handsome!) Highly recommended to any fan of the iconic BBC production.
Profile Image for Carolynne.
813 reviews25 followers
February 29, 2008
What fun to peep behind the scenes of this wonderful production. It's evident great care was taken with the locations, set decorations, costumes, etc., even hair. Did you know Jennifer Ehle died her light eyebrows so the casting directors would take her seriously as a brunette? I try to read a few pages right before I go to sleep, so I can dream about Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy.
Profile Image for Siria.
2,051 reviews1,636 followers
August 25, 2021
Received this as a Christmas present. Lavishly illustrated with lots of photos of the set, shooting locations, and the cast relaxing away from the set. It's always very strange to see Jennifer Ehle as anything other than a brunette, though--she's fixed so firmly as Lizzy in my head that it's a moment of cognitive dissonance every time.
Profile Image for Kim.
52 reviews
January 16, 2008
For those of us who have the BBC Pride and Prejudice dialogue memorized (The mode of your declaration merely spared me any concern I might have felt in refusing you, had you behaved in a more gentleman like man-na.)...this book is a must. SO much stinkin' fun.
Profile Image for Sophie.
Author 2 books28 followers
April 8, 2013
Lovely book and very interesting to read what really went on behind the scenes of this wonderful mini-series! For a fan of the series this gives you a wonderful sneak peak into what went into making the series and all the extra details and interviews were lovely to read :)
Profile Image for Georgiana 1792.
2,095 reviews142 followers
September 30, 2013
E non ci basta mai

Avevo già letto questo piccolo tesoro, ricchissimo di rivelazioni e immagini inedite della lavorazione dello sceneggiato, e il mio unico commento era stato:
Purtroppo il libro svela ancora troppo poco di tutto quello che vorremmo sapere. Qualcosa in più (o meglio, di diverso) rispetto al documentario, ma comunque vorremmo sapere ancora di più!
Quest'anno, in occasione del Bicentenario di Pride and Prejudice e della sospirata trasmissione dello sceneggiato in italiano su Laeffe (ci abbiamo messo 18 anni per vederlo in TV in prima serata; sì, è vero che non è una prima visione TV, ma bisognava proprio che diventasse maggiorenne perché qualcuno si rendesse conto che è il period drama BBC più bello di tutti i tempi?), l'ho ripreso in mano perché, proprio come per lo sceneggiato, una sola volta non basta. Inoltre mi sono accorta di una gravissima mancanza: non lo avevo recensito per voi!

In questo libro è raccolta una serie di testimonianze di vari membri del cast e della troupe, che svelano dei dettagli sulla lavorazione delle sei puntate di cui consta lo sceneggiato. Alcuni ormai sono di dominio pubblico, come il fatto che Jennifer Ehle fosse bionda e abbia scurito le sopracciglia per avere la parte e poi abbia dovuto indossare una parrucca scura, piuttosto che tingersi i capelli, come ha invece fatto Colin Firth che, pur essendo castano, era troppo chiaro per interpretare il saturnino Darcy.

Il libro è complementare al documentario: alcune fasi della lavorazione compaiono in entrambi, ma vengono raccontate in modo differente e riservano diverse chicche che sorprendono il lettore, per quante volte possa aver visto il documentario.
Oltre alle foto – quasi tutte inedite – vi sono documenti di varia natura: appunti, schemi, programmi di una giornata di lavorazione, note e disegni, tutti esclusivi.

Sono stata particolarmente colpita dall'apporto dato al libro dalle dichiarazioni di Andrew Davies, che evidenziano la 'fisicità' della sua sceneggiatura e le implicazioni sensuali del romanzo di Jane Austen.

"I particularly wanted to show backstage scenes with Darcy and Bingley because in almost any version of Jane Austen I've seen everyone seems teerifically stiff and buttoned up the whole time; you get no sense that they are living, breathing, feeling people inside. So I thought, 'What do they do in their spare time?' and decided to show them going riding, and shooting and fencing. Darcy goes swimming at one point and it's partly a way of showing him as a real human being."

"Volevo in particolar modo mostrare retroscena con Darcy e Bingley perché in quasi ogni adattamento che ho visto tratto da Jane Austen mi sono reso conto che tutti sono tremendamente rigidi e abbottonati per tutto il tempo; non ti accorgi che sono esseri che vivono, respirano, pensano. Così ho pensato: 'Che cosa fanno nel tempo libero?' e ho deciso di mostrarli mentre andavano a cavallo, a caccia e tiravano di scherma. Darcy va a nuotare a un certo punto; questo è in parte un modo per mostrarlo come un essere umano."

Davies, inoltre, difende il suo (peraltro eccezionale) lavoro e quello di tutti gli altri sceneggiatori, che devono fare scelte e (numerosi) tagli sul testo originale e non possono essere accusati di 'distruggere' un romanzo, perché quello che loro realizzano è solo un adattamento.

"There's this nonsense which some people say about adaptations that you've 'destroyed' the book if it's not identical scene by scene. The novel is still there for anybody to read – and everybody has their own 'adaptation' in a sense when they're reading it.

"C'è quest'assurdità che circola riguardo agli adattamenti. Alcuni dicono che hai 'distrutto' il libro se non è identico scena dopo scena. Ma il romanzo è lì, pronto a essere letto da chiunque voglia farlo e ognuno si crea il suo personale 'adattamento', in un certo senso, mentre lo legge."

Interessantissima anche la testimonianza di Carl Davis, che ha composto la colonna sonora.

"My credo is that the script begins at the very first note of the opening music because, from the first sounds, the audience is already absorbing a gret deal. Before any of the story starts, the music will be telling the audience the kind of experience they are about to have, informing them of the atmosphere – wether what they are about to see is scary, witty, a love story, a gritty drama, whatever."

"Il mio credo è che il copione inizia dalla primissima nota della sigla d'apertura perché, dal primo suono, il pubblico comincia a recepire tantissimo. Prima che qualsiasi storia inizi, la musica rivelerà al pubblico il genere di esperienza che sta per avere, informandolo dell'atmosfera: se ciò che stanno per vedere è spaventoso, spiritoso, una storia d'amore, una storia cruda e priva di lieto fine, qualsiasi cosa."

E poi c'è un'esclusiva intervista a Colin Firth, in cui il futuro premio Oscar parla del perché avesse in principio declinato l'offerta di vestire i panni di Mr Darcy e come mai abbia cambiato idea.
In essa si vede un attore sì d'esperienza, ma ancora ignaro, se si pensa che quello con il copione scritto da Andrew Davies è stato il suo primo approccio a Jane Austen; lontano anni luce dall'uomo che in seguito ha dichiarato che le tre donne più importanti della sua vita fossero sua madre, sua moglie e Jane Austen.

E quando si termina la lettura ci diciamo: "E poi?" e vorremmo sapere altro ancora, travolti dall'entusiasmo del cast e della troupe, che diventa il nostro stesso entusiasmo e che dopo diciotto anni non accenna a scemare.

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Profile Image for Marika.
50 reviews
September 11, 2021
Bought and read it back in the day, when the Jane Austen fever had just begun to spread (or was it Darcy-fever?) and devoured every little tidbit about this amazing adaptation. I can honestly say that it opened up a whole new world to me, with the different chapters focusing on the various parts of the production and with interviews with the actors. Today we find all this as extra material included on a DVD or on the Internet, but back then it was a bit harder to come by this kind of information. Lots of information and beautiful photos.
Profile Image for Aino.
19 reviews
June 13, 2018
Interesting look into the scenes of my most favourite story ever in the history of literature and television. Many of the things, like editing in 1990’s, seem quite ancient now and are therefore interesting to read.
Some of the interview parts with the cast were a bit too long for my taste and the images could’ve been laid out more nicely (many were the size of a post stamp or smaller) but all in all, a really intesting making of.
Profile Image for Melissa Jacobson.
882 reviews133 followers
October 31, 2019
Actual rating 3.75

This was a fun look at the makings of one of my favorite jane Austen adaptations. This particular Pride and Prejudice has been a huge part of my life and it was a huge part of my childhood so it was a lot of fun to read the bening the scenes details. Absolutely recommend this for fans of the mini series.
Profile Image for Vicki.
720 reviews16 followers
January 9, 2022
Well, this is pretty fun. If you love the BBC version of P&P, this is cool to read. It’s important to distinguish this as a new take on an adaptation of a classic. It stood out as doing something new in the genre. You get interesting little insights into the production and the crew and actors’ experience. Good fun if you can get your hands on a copy!
Profile Image for Bettina.
425 reviews9 followers
July 20, 2023
De serie uit 1995 staat op eenzame hoogte en daarmee is destijds mijn liefde voor Jane Austen begonnen. Dit boek geeft de achtergrond bij de serie, en vertelt hoe de serie gemaakt is. Super interessant en leuk en vol mooie foto's.
Profile Image for Sydney.
95 reviews1 follower
March 13, 2024
"You can't go wrong if you stick to your Bible."

Always love reading about behind-the-scenes of a movie / tv series, and this one was especially wonderful because it's about Pride and Prejudice. I think it would have been icing on the cake if this had been about 2005 Pride and Prejudice, but I subjected Hunter to watching Episode 1 of this adaptation last night regardless.
Profile Image for Jessica Perteet.
226 reviews4 followers
June 23, 2022
Bought this at Lyme Park in England where this film was set. Read it on the plane and it was fascinating look at the behind the scenes of the movie.
Profile Image for Carolyn.
193 reviews3 followers
January 20, 2022
Soooo fun!!!!!!!!! It was great to see a fairly spelled-out text to see what it takes to make a film and what crew members do. Lots of fun trivia. Great book of a great classic film! I only wish in the movie I could remove the Lord's name in vain and wish the gowns weren't so low cut!
Profile Image for Alice.
1,411 reviews27 followers
February 22, 2012
De toutes les adaptations austeniennes existantes, Pride and Prejudice 1995, avec Colin Firth et Jenifer Ehle, est très certainement la plus connue et la plus aimée. Et ce n'est pas sans raison! Impossible alors de résister à l'envie de pénétrer dans les coulisses et c'est ce que nous propose ce livre. A l'intérieur, vous y retrouverez tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur le casting, le choix des lieux, la création des décors et bien d'autres choses encore.

Même si j'ai beaucoup apprécié ce livre, je dirais tout de même que certaines parties sont bien plus intéressantes que d'autres. J'avoue ne pas m'être particulièrement passionée pour la façon dont on installe l'éclairage ou pour le montage des pellicules de film, en revanche j'ai trouvé formidable l'énorme travail insoupçonné qu'il faut fournir pour arriver au résultat final et je n'en ai que plus de respect pour cette adaptation!

On en profite aussi pour apprendre de nombreuses petites anecdotes qui nous donnent l'impression d'avoir fait nous-mêmes parti de l'aventure!! Par exemple, Jenifer Ehle, qui est blonde, s'est teint les sourcils la veille de son audition parce qu'elle savait qu'ils cherchaient plutôt une brune pour Lizzy! Elle porte d'ailleurs une perruque pour le film. Ils ont aussi eu beaucoup de mal à trouver l'actrice parfaite pour Georgiana. En désespoir de cause, ils ont demandé aux acteurs qu'ils connaissaient s'ils n'avaient pas une fille disponible et c'est comme ça qu'Emilia Fox, la fille de Joanna David jouant Mrs Gardiner, a obtenu le rôle! Quant à Lucy Davis, qui joue Maria Lucas, elle a d'abord auditionné pour le rôle de Lydia. Malheureusement elle n'avait aucune expérience donc ils ne pouvaient pas lui donner ce rôle mais comme elle les a impressioné, il lui ont proposé le rôle de Maria... Bref, si vous voulez connaître encore un tas d'autres anecdotes dans ce genre, il vous faut ce livre!!

En le refermant, une seule envie, se replonger encore et encore dans cette adaptation et dans les yeux de Darcy! Et vous la voyez alors d'une façon nouvelle et ne l'en aimez que plus!!
Profile Image for Linda.
2,473 reviews
October 28, 2016
One of my all time favorite British miniseries was the 1995 production of Pride and Prejudice. On our recent second trip to the UK, I was able to see some of the locations and my feet hardly touched the ground. I love Austen's book and the series and the 2005 film. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett are two of literature's greatest characters in my opinion, so I thoroughly enjoyed this book that covers almost every aspect of filming. I loved all the anecdotes, especially the line from Colin Firth's brother when Colin was considering playing the part, "Darcy? Isn't he supposed to be sexy?" How often does one say, "The film wasn't as good as the book?" That wasn't the case this time! And now I've purchased the DVDs to watch the series all over again 21 years later. I'm sure it'll mean even more to me (if that's possible) now that I know the backstory and have been where it was filmed.
Profile Image for Jenny.
1,694 reviews34 followers
January 9, 2021
I'm the sort of person who watches all the "behind the scenes" features on DVDs and loves the Appendices to the Lord of the Rings movies just as much as I love the movies themselves, so finding a book about the making of Pride and Prejudice (the real one, from 1995 with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle, not the Keira Knightly monstrosity) was absolutely delightful.

While I would have loved to hear more from the actors about their personal engagement with Austen's work, it was fun to get a glimpse of everything required to take a period drama as beloved as Pride and Prejudice from script to screen.
Profile Image for Raven.
115 reviews6 followers
February 23, 2009
This very slim volume, while enjoyable, is basically just a re-hash of the making of featurette found on the dvd. However, the book does contain an extended interview with Colin Firth. His explanation of how he chose to portray Mr. Darcy brings an unexpected depth to the character upon later viewing.
Profile Image for Lorraine.
1,282 reviews33 followers
July 6, 2009
If you love the 1995 BBC mini-series that started the new Jane Austen popularity, then you must read this book. It discusses the process of making the mini-series, starting with the producer and screen writer, to the sets, costumes, selecting the actor, the filming locations, changing the seasons, and how the actors learned to dance. Lots of great photos. I would never give up my copy.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 130 reviews

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