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Beyond #1

Beyond Shame

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Librarian's note: This is an alternate cover edition for ISBN: 9780988327801.

All Noelle Cunningham has ever wanted is a life beyond–beyond the walls of Eden, where only the righteous are allowed to remain, and beyond her stiflingly restrictive existence as a councilman’s daughter. But only ruins lie outside the City, remnants of a society destroyed by solar storms decades earlier.

The sectors surrounding Eden house the corrupt, the criminal–men like Jasper McCray, bootlegger and cage fighter. Jas clawed his way up from nothing to stand at the right hand of Sector Four’s ruthless leader, and he’ll defend the O’Kane gang with his life. But no fight ever prepared him for the exiled City girl who falls at his feet.

Her innocence is undeniable, but so is their intense sexual attraction, and soon they’re crossing every boundary Noelle barely knew she had. But if she wants to belong to Jas, first she’ll have to open herself to a dangerous world of sex, lust and violence. A world where passion is power, and freedom is found in submission.

409 pages, ebook

First published September 15, 2012

About the author

Kit Rocha

68 books2,578 followers
Once upon a time, two best friends decided to write paranormal romance. And while that was awesome, they also sometimes wanted to write insanely dirty stuff that wasn’t paranormal at all. This is that stuff.

Kit Rocha is the dystopian-erotic-romance writing alter-ego of writing duo Moira Rogers.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,680 reviews
Profile Image for MischaS_.
785 reviews1,422 followers
March 28, 2020
EDIT (28/3/2020): So, I was feeling a bit unwell the last couple of days, and I was not in the mood to start reading something new. Instead, I went through my e-reader looking at things I read a couple of years ago.
Recently I read the new series by this author duo, Deal with the Devil. And despite this one being way older, it almost feels like this one was way better written.
I'm definitely not that excited as I was when I read the book for the first time, but it was still a very enjoyable and quick read—something to turn-off my mind.

Well, Wow. After today's exams, I thought I deserved something... to read, and I just found this few days ago. And I have to say that I did not expect this but this book is seriously hot.
I'll definitely read other books in this series. I was generally surprised by how much I enjoyed this book. That I was intrigued by most of the characters introduced, and I just wanted to know more about them. Even though there is not much of a story besides Jas/Noelle and Noelle getting used to life in sectors. I'm still looking for what's going to come in the next books.

EDIT: Re-read time. (2/24/2017)
Jas and Noelle are still my favourite couple.
Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,754 reviews1,572 followers
March 4, 2017
If you want to get your smut on I totally recommend this series and look Here currently it is free.

4.5 I'm Gonna Burn in Hell Stars

#whoknewi'dlikethat #smuttysososmutty #soashamednotashamed #myladypartsaretingly

I asked a few Goodreads friends for some recommendations for something sexy and hot. Well they totally came through THIS WAS SCORCHING. Thank you Sarah.


I started it with the intention of only reading the first few chapters…I didn’t stop reading until I was completely done. My only warning is this is not for the faint of smut it has M/F/M, F/F/M, M/F M/F, /F/M, F/F, public sex and just to make it all the more naughty a little BDSM thrown in. I had no idea that I would love it so much.

Let me just make this clear…this is total porn reading and I’m not a prude by any means when it comes to my sexy reading but I don’t think I’ve ever read something that totally dragged me in like this did (except possibly books 3 and 4 of The Original Sinners Series). I really didn’t think I would be all about a male dominated world where everyone is pretty free with sex and sharing partners. I thought I would feel like it was degrading to the women…IT WASN’T. Never at any time in this book did I feel like any of the male characters (who were still quite alpha) degraded or trivialized the woman/women they were with. If anything they were all about making sure the woman was satisfied in every way.
“There was something dangerously seductive in his words, a promise that he'd been watching her, learning her, that he understood all the dark twists and turns that made up her desire and wouldn't hesitate to follow them. She could have anything she wanted--everything--but only if she trusted him to give it to her.”

bite lip

Beyond Shame had some of the hottest sex scenes I’ve ever read but what is really amazing is that it also had an interesting story line and characters. In a dystopian world there is the city beyond the walled in haven of Eden that is full of gangs, territories and every kind of debauchery known to man. When Noelle is cast out of Eden into the hard streets she meets up with one of the gangs that run them and learns what it means to really open herself to feelings and live the life she only heard rumors and tales about in her perfect princess world.
“It was like one of her dark fantasies come to life. Jasper, looming over her bound, helpless body, rasping dirty commands. Orders that absolved her of any complicity in her own defilement.”

Oh and Jasper is so willing to show Noelle the ropes and make sure she gets a taste of everything she is curious about. But beyond that there are other gangs to contend with, territory wars and possibly a threat from within Eden too.

This was a great introduction into a completely different way of life and a sexy, deadly and interesting world. I loved all the glimpses I got of other characters and set ups for future relationships. I autoclicked on the next three books of the series without a second thought as I’m eager to continue on and see what else Kit Rocha can come up with.

This Book is Currently Free on Amazon 7/20/15 - so you can easily try it out and if it isn’t for you no harm done to your pocketbook. I don’t think it will be for everyone…hell if you asked me before I started it I didn’t think that it would really be for me…and yet I LOVED EVERY DIRTY WORD OF IT. I Am Beyond Shame
Profile Image for Debra.
474 reviews2,447 followers
March 19, 2013

At first, when I started reading this book I was like

I honestly had no idea what to expect or where the story was going. I wasn't even sure on who the story was going to focus but after a while it became more clear and I actually ended up enjoying it. Still, after finishing it, I had to ask myself: "What on earth did I just read!?"

She's been cast out of Eden and straight into Hell.

Jasper --

Noelle --

Because Noelle Cunningham broke the law, she's been cast out of Eden, the most prestigious city; the city of the rich and powerful where her father rules the land. Now, she's landed in Sector Four. The Broken Circle - the heart of sin.

At first, Dallas O'Kane, the "king" of Sector Four doesn't want her to stay on his property but Jasper, Noelle's savior and Dallas' right hand, manages to convince him otherwise. After that Dallas allows Noelle to get "inked" which means she will become an O'Kane, a true and loyal citizen of Sector Four.

"She was an O'Kane. Nothing could change that. That was the promise tattooed in her skin - her loyalty in exchange for protection. Forever."

From the moment they meet, it's pretty obvious that Noelle and Jasper are attracted to each other, but because of Noelle's inexperience, Jasper wants her to explore as many different options as possible concerning her sexuality (which means scenes including m/f/f, m/f/m, m/f/f/m) before "settling down" and perhaps even consider becoming his.

"And if I say yes? How far will you take me?"
"As far as you want to go," he whispered. "No, all the way. I'm finished with limits."

After that the story basically consists of him saying

And her response

(or sometimes it's the other way around)

And what bothered me a little was that even though Noelle and Jasper had feelings for each other, they had a very hard time admitting it to each other. Also, Jasper didn't seem to have any problem with "sharing" her and I would have liked it more if the connection between them would have been a bit more romantic, but maybe that's just the way they "handle" their relationships. Passion, on the other, wasn't lacking at all between them.

"Are you going to teach me about make-up sex?"
He shook his head. "I'm going to show you what it means to be mine, with nothing held back."

The story constantly switches from point of view so we get a clear insight on how each and every one of the characters is feeling. Aside from Noelle and Jasper there were some other very interesting characters that I would have liked to know more about such as Lex & Dallas, Six & Bren, Rachel & Ace... Therefore I'll definitely read the next parts of this series as well to find out how the other relationships will develop...

Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book. The characters and their many different storylines kept me strangely fascinated the entire time I was reading it and therefore I'm giving it a solid 4 star rating. If you're looking for a HOT HOT read with some pretty unconventional scenes and an interesting dystopian setting, I would definitely recommend reading Beyond Shame. This is the first dystopion, erotic story I've read and I already know it won't be my last!


"I can survive without you, but it's only that. Surviving. I want to live."

**ARC courtesy of the author via Netgalley**

Profile Image for Kristen.
842 reviews4,980 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
October 29, 2015
DNF– 46%

Eek...the content in this book took me waaaay out of my comfort zone. However, the characterization was fabulous and the plot intriguing. I've learned that I'm a vanilla girl who likes a little kink. Lol. I gave it an honest shot.
Profile Image for ~ Becs ~.
708 reviews2,222 followers
September 16, 2012
Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore!

Oh Yum – this was down and dirty, batshit crazy and I loved it!

In a dystopian world where solar flares had plunged the world into darkness and chaos, Noelle is thrown out of Eden, the central and privileged capital, for drunkenness and fornication into Sector Four a place run by gang warfare that makes modern day Mogadishu look like a Club Med beach resort. She stumbles straight into the arms of Jasper, a right hand man to Dallas O’Kane, the most feared and respected gangleader in sector Four.

She gets adopted by the O’Kane gang and soon realises that the drunkenness and fornication that got her ejected from Eden paled in comparison to what goes on in the world outside. She and Jasper share a red hot sizzling attraction to one another and encouraged by Dallas and his woman Lex, they embark on a dazzling exploration of sex, submission, and acceptance and HOT DIGGITY DAYUM this is hotter than Vesuvius when she’s got PMT! You are definitely gonna need your BOB’s fully charged and on standby for this one.

It’s a little different from a lot of erotic fiction, not just because it takes place in a dystopian world but more because it takes the rule book and rips it up and embarks on its own dazzling and original path. Just when I thought I had a handle on it, it would angle off in another direction and I had to scamper to catch up, mouth gaping!

There’s some amazing world building here – a bit like The Hunger Games on crack. I’m so glad to see that it’s marked as book 1 of a series as I’m just not ready to let these people go yet – so much is left tantalisingly unanswered and screaming for a sequel. Or a series of sequels! There’s so much more to find out, characters to follow and wars to be fought.

So, if you’re looking for something erotic and a little different then you won’t go wrong with Beyond Shame – it grabs hold of you from the very first page and doesn’t even let go when the last paragraph is done.

4 dazzling erotic dystopian stars

ARC courtesy of Kita Rocha via NetGalley
Profile Image for Kelly (and the Book Boar).
2,639 reviews8,986 followers
July 19, 2016
Find all of my reviews at: http://52bookminimum.blogspot.com/

Palm Springs commercial photography

Okay, this was definitely not the book for me. I asked Jesus to take the wheel and write a review, but he told me he was too wrapped up in the Melania plagiarism scandal from last night’s Republican Convention (#votecthulhu) so I should just go eff myself. Lucky for all of you Mitchell volunteered as tribute. (Allow me to apologize for what you are about to read in advance.)

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Noelle gets ran out of Eden for committing the baddest of all the sins . . .

Her day gets worse when she’s roofied (or whatever the street name is in dystopia) and followed by a creeper who wants to make the sexyslavetimes with her. Lucky for everyone Jasper and his band of brothers from The Broken Circle arrive just in time to save the day and take her back to Old Town errrr Sector 4. It’s there, under the watchful eye of Lex . . .

That Noelle learns how to embrace her inner freak and get down with pert near errrrrrrybody . . . but especially with Jasper . . .

Palm Springs commercial photography

Ahhhhh yes, not only do the two experience much of the insta but they also provide allllllllllllllllllllllllllll of the . . . .

Kelly didn’t enjoy it, but I was like . . .

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Especially the end when Noelle embraced her inner whore wholeheartedly!!!!!

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(Do not even think about getting angry about me “slut shaming” – Noelle was an awesome slut and I loved her. I also sharpened my tusks so watch out crybabies.)


Alright, so there you have it. Here’s the problem(s) I had. This book was supposed to be all about consent and how the women were in charge and learning to embrace your smexy side and blahblahblah. HOWEVER, bitch clearly didn’t know anything at all about sex and “consenting” only to feel humiliated and nasty about yourself isn’t really doing it right. Now I realize these books should only be read by adults, but I fear the stoopids will get ahold of stuff like this and be even more confused about what is taking ownership of your naughtybits. Not to mention that the sex, although there was a TON of it, really wasn’t very sexy. The dirty talk and whatnot didn’t bother me in the least this go ‘round, it just seemed to . . . . . go off track (????) with the explaining to dumbass Noelle about the how-tos and also she passed out every time she made an O-face so that was a little off and she probably should have seen a doctor about it. I don’t know if I’ll ever give this series another chance, but I will admit I’m intrigued by Six’s story so if she has a book I might sneak a peek one day.

It was actually commentary between this pervert and this pervert that made me request Beyond Shame. Mitchell is now officially in love with you girls. Best get a restraining order pronto!


Palm Springs commercial photography

Friend ratings run the gamut, but the one thing they all agree on is that this is nothing but pure smut. Bring it : )

(This is all Jilly's fault.)

Profile Image for ♡Karlyn P♡.
604 reviews1,262 followers
August 30, 2016

BEYOND SHAME was certifiably, 100% pure-grade NAUGHTY! Yowzer!!

I knew this was going to be a spicy, erotic read but OMG I did NOT expect THIS. By 30%, my eyes were coming out of my head. By 70% I was afraid of combusting into flames. Or should I say cum-busting! :-O

I picked this up because I was interested in the dystopian storyline, and I was all for a little spice. What I got was one of the hottest, dirtiest, naughtiest books I've ever read! I am still trying to process - what did I just read?!!

The story starts when Noelle has been exiled from Eden, the city where the rich, spoiled and elite citizens live. After Jasper rescued her from a would-be attacker, she is now in sector 4 trying to piece her life back together. Sec 4 is an area ruled by a vigilante group led by Dallas OKane. We learn quickly that Noelle's sin that got her tossed out of Eden was her desire for a mans touch and to be bad. Very bad. After being caught drinking alcohol and 'fornicating' with a boy, she was forced out with nothing but the clothes on her back.

Noelle believes she is a shameful bad girl, but soon discovers that her sexual desires are not considered wrong and taboo in sector 4. In fact, she is surprised to find that exploring ones sexual freedom is quite acceptable and considered normal. Jasper takes her under his protection, and along with her new friend Lexie, she soon discovers more then she ever thought she truly desired.

There is A LOT of sexual exploration and discovery, and will take the reader through quite a journey.Whew!!! This is not a m/f only romance, which is what I am used to reading. It is more along the lines of a m/f/f/m, m/f/m, and then toss in some voyerism, BDSM, and a whole lot of dirty talk (and I do mean dir-tay talk!) and you start to get an idea.

To my surprise, the dystopian storyline never dissipates. Seriously, there is actually a storyline too!! And it's not half bad. Sector 4 is feuding with Sector 3, and Eden is trying to undermine progress made outside of its gates. We see Dallas, Jas, Ace and other members of the sector 4 in action as they try to keep peace and safety for their people. There is a fair amount of interesting world building, and I can easily see this developing into a popular series.

My only niggle was the portrayal of Noelle, and to some extend women in general. I know, I know...it's a sex book where fantasy and not reality rules. I get that. But Noelle was a very naive, trusting person who allowed Jasper and Lexie to easily sway her without question into trying more and more sexual experiences. While this was quite hot, the niggle for me was how much it heavily plays on the typical male fantasy stereotype of women being owned and led by men. In this context, it is a minor point as the author does a great job of making us believe these women have full control of everything. And, after all, this is a naughty book all about sexual fantasy! So just know that the society is very much a male dominated world.

Lastly, I think men would also really love this book. If Fifty Shades was 'mommy porn', then this book could easily be 'daddy porn'. If that works into your fantasy, and I think for BDSM fans it will, then you'll fully enjoy this one.

ARC copy provided through Netgalley.com

Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,942 reviews33.3k followers
June 14, 2015
Re-Read: 6/14/15 after reading book four...

Original Review:

Holy Kink, Batman.


This takes place in the kind of post apocalyptic environment that seems to be all the craze these days. The world has some kind of catastrophic event - in this case some kind of flame-out - and the remaining civilization now has the main "good" city and the not-so-good outer lying sectors where all the supposed bad, castoff people live.

This story is based around Sector Four - or perhaps more aptly titled Kink Central - where the O'Kane gang runs the show and everyone fucks each other.


If you can't handle stories where all the characters do the nasty with practically everyone they meet - including and especially the main characters - then this isn't the series for you.

Seriously though, Noelle apparently wanted to make up for "lost time." And she was super annoying. But that's a separate issue.


Personally, I typically prefer stories where the main characters are monogamous and possessive about it; but frankly, I also have increasingly loosening morals and I knew where this train was going before I jumped on it.


The world building in this was awesome and the characters are really interesting.

Looking forward to more of this series.
July 11, 2016

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The title is scarily appropriate. BEYOND SHAME is one dirty book and has absolutely zero shame about it.

Society has been thrown into upheaval by solar flares that destroyed some of our most integral technology, forcing us to rebuild. As with Hunger Games, this area has carved itself up into various "sectors" with Eden doubling as the Capitol.

Noelle Cunningham has been kicked out of Eden because of her - gasp! - debauchery. She was caught drinking and having sex. How dare she. Members of the biggest, baddest gang, the O'Kanes, see her wandering around like a lost, sexy, sad-eyed lamb and take pity on her - they bring her in to their boss, Dallas.

Dallas is passingly attracted to her, but it's Jasper who wants to save her. He and Noelle eventually end up in a sexual relationship where they sometimes pair up with Dallas and Lex. In the meantime, there's tons of drama. Lex doesn't like that Dallas acts like he's already collared her, and pushes him away with passive-aggressive pettiness. Noelle feels guilty about wanting sex, but is instantly amazing at everything she tries in spite of her inexperience (curse you, Sex Fairies!).

I liked the idea of scavenging renegades fighting against an oppressive, yet oddly materialistic regime in the remains of our tattered world. I would have liked to see this explored in greater depth, because it could have made the story great instead of so-so. Sadly, its only purpose is to serve as a doomy and gloomy backdrop to lots and lots of sex, which tends to fall in the same old stereotypes despite some innovative prop use.

I was looking through the reviews for this book to see what my friends thought, because I can see BEYOND SHAME being controversial. It was. Some of my friends really enjoyed it - and I can see why. The sex, for what it's worth, is well-written and the quality of the writing itself is very good. If you're looking for something purely pornographic that won't make you feel like your IQ points are ticking away by the second, BEYOND SHAME fulfills that purpose like a dream.

However, I think I feel more similarly to Heather. I thought there was too much sex, and would have liked to have seen more focus on the story itself because after a while Noelle's needy sex-addiction and constant desire for validation really began to wore on my nerves. Like Navessa, I also wasn't really a fan of the woman-on-woman sex for the purpose of male titillation or the group sex.

Despite some very edgy content (BDSM + kink), there is a high premium placed on consent in this book, and nobody is raped or forced into sex by the good guys. That was refreshing. I also liked several of the female characters who weren't Lex or Noelle. Rachel and Six were especially awesome. I'm sure they'll be in future books in the series, and hopefully they won't be turned into needy whiners like Noelle.

2 stars!
Profile Image for Karla.
988 reviews1,104 followers
April 1, 2013

3 1/2 Sinfully Wicked Stars!!

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Okay, let's see if I can get a rational thought out. I enjoyed the setting and the raw nature of the read, but at times the sex was overwhelming, although in all fairness it is the basis for the story. On occasion I found myself skimming, because I'm not a fan of f/f. However, when Jasper and Noelle were together, I couldn't look away ...or for that matter, Dallas and Lex...or Ace, Jasper and Noelle at the tattoo parlor...WOW...my eyes were glued to the book! Liar, liar pants on fire Karla!! Oh they're on fire alright, but not from lying!! I hardly looked away at all okay, so what?! Sue me!! Maybe that's why my head hurts and I feel the need to take an ice cold shower!!

There is no denying this a well written book, but it's not for everyone and I'm still trying to figure out if it was for me! If you can't read outside the box, then don't even bother picking this one up. Will I read the next one? I'm thinking about it, I want to see how the story plays out...I'm certainly not reading it for the sex!! Alright, you can all stop laughing now!
Profile Image for Sammy Loves Books.
1,137 reviews1,629 followers
May 31, 2017
So I heard this book was HOT SHIT
But it was all sex, with absolutely no emotion!!
This book gets 2 "Very Disappointing" Stars


Wow!! I had to make myself finish this book. The characters were likable, but there were just too many characters introduced for such a short story. I never felt connected to the main couple, Noelle and Jasper. There are group sex scenes where these two are intimate with others, but only have actual sex with each other. The sex was erotic, but I never felt that Jasper and Noelle were in love. The author never made me feel that there was any emotional attachment between them other than an instant attraction.

Anyone can write hot sex, but it takes talent to convey love. I felt more emotion between Dallas and Alexa, and will consider reading their book. I'm willing to give this author one more chance.

Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,676 followers
November 29, 2015
Hmmm...I am still trying to wrap my head around this strange dystopian story. The whole story was bizarre and often confusing. Multiple POVs, changing without warning, definitely contributed to the confusion. It all just seemed kind of odd and difficult to relate to.

Noelle gets kicked out of Eden for rebelling against the strict rules. She's cast out into Sector Four, losing the luxuries which she'd always had in Eden, and must quickly adjust to her new reality. She falls in with a gang almost immediately, when Jasper, an influential member of the gang, takes pity on her.

Noelle's upbringing in the asexual environment of Eden leaves her unprepared for the blatantly sexual and hedonistic culture of Sector Four. The book follows Noelle as she begins to explore her sexuality and shed her inhibitions. In the span of a week, she goes from prim and proper to anything goes.

As Noelle continues to try and win Jasper's affections, he seems more interested in passing her around to his friends. I know, in this alternate reality he wasn't really doing anything taboo. I can't wrap my mind around it. I guess I like my characters a little more loyal and a lot more monogamous. Teer have been very few books that manage to pull off "sharing" in a way that doesn't just seem pervy and weird to me. This wasn't one of them.

As a whole, this book didn't do it for me. It was okay, but I spent most of my time either confused while reading this book. Take a lot of confusion, add in random, excessive sexual encounters and that pretty much sums it up. The characters were mildly interesting, but other than their sexual preferences, I can't say I really felt like I knew too much about most of them. This story was different, but in a weird, "What the hell am I reading?" way. I can't say that I'll be continuing this series. Not for me.
Profile Image for Mandi.
2,314 reviews725 followers
October 3, 2012
I’ve been a fan of Moira Rogers’s books for some time now. I primarily read their paranormal romance series. When I heard they were going to start writing some erotic (non-pnr) books under a pen name, I figured why not give it a try. And wow – I was pretty blown away by their first book writing as Kit Rocha. Set in a dystopian world, this book is filled with large, unforgettable characters, explicit sex and a believable happy ever after.

In this world, people live in sectors, each one having their own culture and set of rules. Actually, my one complaint about this book is that I wish I had a better grasp on the actual world and its rules. Noelle is from a very wealthy sector called Eden, where she has been raised to be the perfect hostess and the perfect girl for her councilman father. But Noelle has some rebellion in her. She wants to experience life, drink and have sex, something never heard of in Eden. Because of her antics, she gets banished and ends up walking the streets into Sector Four, known as The Broken Circle, gossiped to be “the heart of sin.” On some type of drug, she falls into the hands of Jasper, part of the notorious O’Kane gang. The O’Kane’s rule Sector Four. Made up from a bunch of outcasts and led by Dallas, they make their money from liquor and take shit from no one. It’s actually pretty hard to become part of their gang, but Jasper has a bleeding heart, and takes the ailing Noelle back to the main house.

While Dallas is the fierce head honcho, his off and on love interest Lex, rules the women, and takes an immediate liking to Noelle. She recognizes a girl who is lost. A girl who from the outside is pure innocence but on the inside has passion. The O’Kane’s are not only known for their liquor distribution - they are fierce fighters and just as fierce lovers. Huge sex parties where sexual play is the name of the game occur often. Dominant, submissives, multiple partners – anything and everything you could ever think of goes on behind the walls of this house. And Noelle could not be more curious.

I love this book for many reasons. First of all, let’s talk about the men. Oh my god the men in this book. All alpha, huge and muscled, tattoos and leather. All very sexual and dominant. They are cocky, sarcastic, and would fall to their knees for their women, and I couldn’t get enough of them. Besides the hot sex which we will get to in a minute, these men not only fight to keep their people safe, but they fight for each other. I love a book with awesome brotherly camaraderie, and man do we get it here. Dallas is a hard ass, but there are a few scenes where he takes a quieter tone, and builds up the confidence of his men. And I think it is so well done.

You can’t be in love with the men if they don’t have suitable women to keep them on their toes. While Noelle is young and naive (at first) the other O’Kane women are sassy, strong and fierce. Lex leads the group, with her dominant attitude. She gives Dallas hell, and I loved every second of it. For those that have read The Siren by Tiffany Reisz, she reminds me a bit of Nora (although let me stress The Siren has much more dark and intense BDSM scenes than this book). Very independent, and in this world where the woman gets a tattoo around her neck once she decides to be claimed by a male, Lex is making Dallas work really hard for it. I believe their book is next.

Noelle is coming to terms with her very unhappy childhood to a place that by all accounts should scare her, but she soaks it all in. She has an immediate liking to Jasper, who slowly shows her what her life can be like. I really enjoyed how their relationship unfolds. He doesn’t rush her, or bully her into being someone she isn’t. Sex in this Sector is part of who they are. Noelle comes from a Sector where sex is controlled and taboo. She learns the scary demeanor of the alpha men on the outside, lead to some pretty sweet guys on the inside. Their eventual HEA is well done.

Okay, so let me end with the sex. Because this is a very explicit erotic book. While there is a definite HEA with Jasper and Noelle, they do explore their sexuality with others. There is sex with multiple partners, Lex and Noelle even share some intimate moments together. It all flows with the world so well though. The strongest point of the book is how well balanced everything is. We get introduced to several characters, and yet I never felt they took focus off Noelle and Jasper. If anything, they made their story even better. The sex that is shared, the family that Noelle finally accepts, is done so great. Like I said, I wish I had just a little better grasp on the actual world outside the O’Kane buildings. And also let me say this book isn’t just sex scene after sex scene. There is danger present now that Noelle has left her Sector and Dallas is a big player, which means he has a lot of enemies. The action and suspense are well done here too. While there is a HEA ending, this very much feels like a world that has just started. I look forward to future books as I’m sure the world will continue to build and expand.

This isn’t only one of the best erotic books I’ve read in a long time, but a really great overall book. I really can’t wait to get another book in this series and get back to reading about the O’Kane’s. I hope you give this one a try.

Rating: A-
Profile Image for Kathleen.
691 reviews90 followers
February 29, 2016
Story Rating ~ 3 Stars
Hero Rating ~ 3 Stars
Heroine Rating ~ 3.5 Stars
Romance Rating ~ 2 stars
Heat Level ~ 5 Stars
Ending ~ 3 Stars
Overall Rating ~ 3 Stars

Going into this book, I was really wanting to love it but in the end I just thought it was an OK read.
The story line could have been so much more. Instead it was riddled with a lot of sex which I usually don’t mind. In this case the sex scenes did not even make me squirm. I’m not a fan of BDSM or W/W action, this might have had something to do with my dry panties throughout this whole read. That being said, I will say that these scenes were tastefully done and I can see why this book was so appealing to other readers.

Will I continue on in this series? Maybe one day, but definitely not today.
Profile Image for Stacia (the 2010 club).
1,045 reviews4,049 followers
June 28, 2015
*Second Read Revision June 2015*

I like Beyond Shame much better the second time around, so I'm going to up my rating to 4 stars from 3. I ended up deciding to do a re-read in order to refresh my memory before diving into book 2. Going into the story this time, knowing that I was going to be entertained with steamy public sex time (and it was what I was in the mood to read instead of sci-fi like the first time I picked up the book), I found myself not caring as much about the hazy world-building, and instead was able to immerse myself in the fantasy of open, free sex in a commune-style environment.

*First Read January 2014*

Smut-O-Meter Result : Blue Balls the One You're With.

Or is that Blue Vag the one you're with? No matter. All I seemed to read was - stop, start, stop, start...there was a lot of "gettin' some" (and gettin' it in public), but not particularly between the two people I wanted to see getting some.

The business of erotica is tricky, apparently.

I already wrote a super-long review earlier today and another one last night, so I'm gonna bypass any pics or quotes in favor of jotting down some random thoughts.

My Rundown :

Billed as some sort of dystopic or apocalyptic erotica, Beyond Eden turned out to be a very generic "after the crisis" setting. The environment was dark and gritty, and people had to watch their backs in a world gone mad, but not enough groundwork was laid to really make the reader feel as if they were reading science fiction. I get that this is erotica first, story second, but when my friend Kay commented in our chat : The majority of the time was spent in Sector 4 but felt like it could have been anywhere. I replied : THIS. Exactly.

I always feel like it's sort of a cop out when erotica is given a pass to fudge on a genre because of the amount of sex-to-plot ratio, especially when said "sci-fi" erotica wants to go mainstream and not sit among the pile of classic "sci-fi" erotica with Fabio covers and a character named Zorg from the planet Borg taking his 3 penis body to the planet Morg and impregnating all of the pink alien girls. It's 2014. It's still perfectly okay to write an erotic fantasy with nothing but sex-sex-sex, fetish sex, public sex, orgies, whatever. It will sell. But for those of us who actually read non-erotic books from the genre represented, we might scratch our head and think, "who misplaced the sci-fi?"

More cohesiveness, please? We went from one scene where Jasper and Dallas are handling their low-down and dirty business for their "gang," then I could almost hear a narrator in my head saying, "...and back at the crib..." because were shaken out of that and back into the swing of Noelle wanting to get laid.

Transitions are your friend.


What I loved : I loved Jasper. I loved the fighting/boxing parts of the story (yes, the trend has been done to death but I still enjoy it). I loved the sketchy gang activity. I loved the gritty living environment. I loved the exhibitionist and free loving fantasy. The open sex was actually a good fantasy to read.

Ace and Rachel. I am looking forward to their story.

Maddox. Just cause.

What didn't work for me : Noelle showing up and Jasper having this instant ownership feeling when she showed no personality other than needing to be freed sexually. What caused the connection? I never saw it. She was clingy and needy and self-sabotaging. Even with her viable reasons for being this way, it didn't make for an interesting character to actually read about and her character growth felt less like growth and more like "oh, it's about damn time you got that common sense concept."

Lex was a brat. Dallas was sulky. All of the Lex/Noelle sexuality was never really fleshed out. Again with the blue vag stuff. They played around but didn't fully go there in detail without the guys being part of the inspiration, so it felt like a tease with no *cough* climax.

Will I read on? Yes. I heard book 2 had more complexity regarding the world itself, but at least next time I won't be disappointed if it doesn't happen because I'll know what (and what not) to expect. And the author wrote hot sex scenes. Sometimes I'm cool with just reading sex. I'll wait for when I'm in the mood to do just that.

Profile Image for Dear Faye.
492 reviews2,135 followers
May 13, 2015



If I could sum up this book, it would be this:
- 25% non-orgy sex
- 25% orgy sex
- 25% of characters teasing each other
- 25% ... "plot"

Wait, could you even call that a bloody plot? Basically this is what happens:

- Girl runs away from the "oh-so-strict" city where searching porn is considered illegal
- She runs away to a sketchy town full of "clans" or "gangs"
- She gets saved by the hero and then for some dubious reason, welcomed to the family.
- Sex
- Girl talks about how she wants to be "dirty" to be "indecent" to "live in sin", but is afraid to do it
- Sex
- Girl continues the innocent act while always wanting to "let herself go" a.k.a. have sex
- Hero is hesitant FOR SOME WEIRD REASON to commit to her but keeps teasing her anyway. Suggests even that she "try" other people before going to him
- Sex
- Sex
- Sex
- Girl finally embraces her "sinful" side
- Sex

Oh, yeah, the last 10% of the book? From 90 - 100?


Which isn't bad by any means, though, because the scenes were hot, but it was pretty damn disturbing, too, because there were so many talks about how the males were going to "mark or claim" the women as theirs, and how having sex or making them orgasm was the women's reward for "talking dirty" or for "pleasing them" or shit like that. It was incredibly sexist, no joke. But at the same time, it was interesting to note how the women wanted to be treated that way - they wanted to be spanked, they wanted to be cuffed, they wanted to be talked dirty, to be commanded...

Yeah, there is no rape, but I'm sorry, it was still pretty disturbing.

I'm just really appalled that there was really barely any plot. The whole book is just pretty much about innocent Noelle being wishy-washy whether or not she wants to embrace her "dirty, sinful" side x_x which she embraces eventually after a lot of romp with various members of the clan. That's cute, but it got tiring when the monologue kept repeating itself over and over and over.

And please don't get me started on how she was so eager and so happy to be "claimed" by the dude. Tell me, darling, do you only get the tattoo saying you're claimed and the guy gets squat? Right >.> <.<

Strangely, though, I liked it enough because at least everything was consensual. But the lack of plot and the over-the-top-and-superficial angst makes me hesitant to read the next isntallment.
Profile Image for Ashleyjo.
826 reviews487 followers
August 15, 2016


I absolutely love fantasy, but a lot of it doesn't work for me because I want the fantasy world ... BUT I need it to have characters, actions, and plot details that adhere to at least some rules of logic.

What's What

Fantasy post apocalypse world where there's a utopian society, a fringe society, and some slave breeding society.

This takes place in the fringe society.

The utopian society FMC is thrown into the fringes.

A gang member finds her and brings her into his world, which has a number of side characters all screwing each other.

What follows is one orgy after another while hinting at a bigger romance between the MCs.

This Shit Don't Make No Sense

My main problem is that the world isn't logical...

They're living in a lawless, highly sexualized world, but yet they respect the woman's ability to choose, they never force a woman to do anything, and they share and have huge orgy parties.

At almost 40%, I have no idea how these peeps get money, food, survive, politics, nada. There's almost no world building.

The male characters have portfolios that resemble what would happen if yuppies were possessed by porn stars moonlighting as MMA fighter bodyguards at a women's rights convention. No sense.

There's this huge theme of the FMC's shame and reasoning behind her sexuality and decisions. It's pondered A LOT...

"Lex had offered her sexual liberation, and Noelle had reacted with shame and disappointment. But wasn't that because she didn't want to shoulder the burden of her sinful desires, or because it truly appealed to her?"

The MMC won't have sex with her or claim her because he's worried she's ashamed of her sexuality and not doing sexual shit because she actually wants to. So, he intro's her to these orgies, publicly sucking his dick, and sharing her with other peeps as he ponders and assesses her sexuality. Really, shame of ménage and open sexuality is the biggest problem in an apocalyptic world? Ehh~

Furthermore, a lot of the shame theme is just nonsense dribble...

"If it were shameful, you think I'd do this to you?" He moved his hand faster, his fingers fucking in and out of her with firm strokes. No. Ace would. Dallas might. But Jasper was so careful with her. So controlled, so deliberate, coaxing her forward one step at a time as he stripped away her defenses. She could trust that it wasn't disgraceful."


Anyway, he's not my idea of an alpha male.


She's just this submissive wanton wondering how often she gets to come and if it's all wrong to have a fuck fest with everyone.


Bottom Line

The above said, I think it all depends on what you're looking for out of a book. If smutty kink is your priority and you don't want a logical plot to propel a storyline outside sex, then this may work for you if you don't mind all the dribble introspect on sexuality and shame.


Didn't work for me. DNF @38%.

* not safe. F/f, m/f/m, f/m/f on multiple fronts.

Profile Image for Sláinte Wanderlust.
892 reviews385 followers
October 2, 2012
Cover & Title - 5 out of 5
Favorite Line - Noelle closed her eyes and savored the gentle steel grip, savored its warning and its promise. A lifetime without shame, because of the words that tripped from her lips, the truth he'd demanded.
The only truth that mattered now. "You love me this way."
Favorite Character - Lex

I loved this book. It is a riveting mix of every genre that i love - dystopian, romance & erotica. Once i had started reading i did not want to stop, i was gutted when i had to go to bed last night. I was totally mesmerized by the story & the characters.
The sex scenes were hotter than Hades, seriously i thought i was going to have to go for a cold shower! There were so many hook up combinations & it was so unbelievably hot when Lex & Noelle where together.

I would recommend the book & I really cannot wait to read more by this author.

My Book Review Blog
Profile Image for Kirsten.
382 reviews170 followers
October 30, 2015
4 stars for Sector Four!!
"You can go anywhere and get fucked. You come here to get it good."

Oh, lookie lookie!

A new series for me to get into. Yay!!!

I'm a little surprised how much I enjoyed this. I've seen that quite a few friends have liked and I'm glad I gave this a chance.

If you're unfamiliar with the premise, this is a dystopian romance. There's a big city called Eden, where everything is elite and is enforced by prude restrictions and rules.

Then there are the Sectors where the laws are non existent, and people live a more free life, even if it's one of danger.

When Noelle is cast from Eden because she broke the rules, she runs into some of the people from Sector Four. She meets these new people with a different outlook and way of living. A life filled with openness and lack of shame, which is the opposite of what she's grown up with. This is exactly what Noelle has craved. She is pulled into the folds easily, and is able to let loose, especially through sexuality. Though there are many attractive and eligible men, Jasper is the one who has grabbed her attention from the beginning.

Told in 3rd person, we see Noelle learn about life away from Eden and get to know a lot of the other characters in the Sector.

 photo image.jpg1_zpsnzoaobfk.jpg

The first of a series always has its make or break moments.

Although this had its hits and misses for me, I'm happy to say that I was able look past most of the misses, because the hits were huge. I'm officially hooked, and am excited to learn about all of the other people in this Sector and the drama that will unfold.


-For some reason it took me a while to get into the story. At times I felt the writing lacked the proper flow. Maybe it was me, but I found myself having to reread some things.

-As a girl who loves sexual tension, it's not my favorite to have the insta-stuff take place. It made sense with the book, as Noelle is so sheltered so it wasn't a huge miss.

- I also wish a smaller bit more detail would have been mentioned about what happened to the world. It mentioned some situations or items were PreFlame, but didn't go into more detail about what that meant. I'm sure more information will be given throughout the series, but I was expecting a little more background since it was the first.


- I love love loved the whole concept of the series. I'm a big fan of the grit, and the life in the Sectors sets the perfect scene for sex and violence.

- The characters! All the women are these strong females who know what they want. They are tough yet sweet and can handle their own.

And all of the men that we met are rough men with huge sexual appetites. They're protective yet open at the same time. Each guy we were introduced to, I'd definitely make babies with. I couldn't tell you what book I'm more excited for. Bren? Or maybe Ace? I'm not sure, but I know I'll end up loving them all.

- The book is hot! Anything goes. I know some may not be fans, so there is some sharing going on with some f/f and m/f/f/m situations. But this just added to the heat factor.

Overall I'm super excited to find a new series to devour. I cannot wait!
Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews15k followers
Shelved as 'venture-out'
November 6, 2016
 photo Freebysb_zps33d8d4ba.gif
FREE on Amazon US today (10/10/2014)

All Noelle Cunningham has ever wanted is a life beyond–beyond the walls of Eden, where only the righteous are allowed to remain, and beyond her stiflingly restrictive existence as a councilman’s daughter. But only ruins lie outside the City, remnants of a society destroyed by solar storms decades earlier.

The sectors surrounding Eden house the corrupt, the criminal–men like Jasper McCray, bootlegger and cage fighter. Jas clawed his way up from nothing to stand at the right hand of Sector Four’s ruthless leader, and he’ll defend the O’Kane gang with his life. But no fight ever prepared him for the exiled City girl who falls at his feet.

Her innocence is undeniable, but so is their intense sexual attraction, and soon they’re crossing every boundary Noelle barely knew she had. But if she wants to belong to Jas, first she’ll have to open herself to the gang, to a dangerous world of sex, lust and violence. A world where passion is power, and freedom is found in submission.

Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,431 followers
July 6, 2016
I spent my Independence Day weekend reading smut and watching my redneck neighbors have one of the biggest ho-downs they have ever had. There is nothing like a patriotic 3-day weekend to get the redneck juices flowing! And, it was flowing almost as strongly as the beer. I live on a col-de-sac and the entire circle was surrounded by chairs as the neighbors tried very hard to blow off their fingers and other non-essential appendages. It was epic!

Okay, but that meant I didn't get a chance to write reviews for this series and I'm not about to write that many reviews in one day, so let me just say that if you are into smut, and into dystopia, this series is for you. Serious smut, though. None of that sissy-stuff.

Profile Image for Alexis *Reality Bites*.
757 reviews3,664 followers
October 1, 2012
Spoiler Free Review This review is for readers 18 and older
4 STARS out of 5
Genre: Adult Romance/Dystopia -Erotica

Beyond Shame is a sexy futuristic urban fantasy that should not be read in public because it will leave readers a HORNY DAMN MESS!

EDEN vs Sectors
We do not get to know much about Eden only bits and pieces. Here is what we know
- Eden is where the prim and proper live.
- Eden is cutting edge and very tech savvy.
- The people are identified by a scan of the bar code on their wrist.
- The technology also extends to the medical side with healing gels to repair scars. Talk about badass! I loved that!
- You have the rich and the not so rich.
- They all follow a strict code of conduct especially when it comes to sex. And pretty much all things of a sexual nature.
Eden is a place where moonshine aka hard liquor is considered taboo. Marriages are arranged, the women are expected to be pure and the alcohol is watered down. YES, watered down! Can you believe this crap?! Wait there's more...the women are taught how to run a household and to organize and host dinner parties.
Talk about BORING.

Outside of Eden is the ruins divided in to sectors and run by criminals. Each sector has a gang leader and what he says goes. As readers we meet the O'Kane gang run by Dallas. Each gang has tattoo's that identify who they represent. Once you are in you are treated like family and are expected to return that "ride or die" gang mentality. The technology seems to be at a slower pace for the gangs since they are outside of Eden and not privy to everything. However they are privy to all things carnal. Guns, Violence, Liquor and lots of Sex.

Sector Four. The broken circle- The heart of SIN
The book starts when Noelle Cunningham the daughter of a well to do councilman finds herself exiled from Eden. Knowing her reputation is beyond repair and that she is no longer fit to marry her father allows this to happen. Noelle wanders the streets aimlessly and stumbles in to Jasper McCray right before she blacks out.
She awakes to find herself taken in by a woman, Lex. Lex speaks on her behalf and asks Dallas if she can stay. When Dallas the gang leader comes he want's to know who she is and why she was exiled. Ashamed and afraid Noelle tells him that she is indeed the daughter of councilman Edwin Cunningham. And that she was exiled for the possession and consumption of alcohol and fornication. Dallas agrees that she can stay with conditions...

Dallas pointed to Lex. "She gets full fucking disclosure. If she's not willing to tend bar, clean house or suck dick by the end of the week, she's gone."

Yes, those are the conditions. I kid you not! **grinning**
Every. Thing. Goes. Well everything Dallas says goes. Talk about liberating. Noelle leaves her conservative ways in Eden since they no longer apply.
She dips her toe in the pool to test the temperature then dives in to SIN.

It does not take Noelle long to adjust. She finds herself attracted to Jasper and even though he is attracted to her he holds back and takes things slow. Much to her dismay. But no worries Noelle moves forward. Sexually she feels free to explore to go with the flow and she does just that. She finds herself attracted to Lex. Lex shows her that as a woman she can have control. She has the right to say who and when. I love Lex her way of living is very "I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR." I liked that! A lot!

Soon Noelle finds herself fulfilling her sexual appetite in more ways than one.

This was an erotic adventure. It has a lot of sex some romance and an ounce of suspense. I was hoping for just a little more suspense to be honest. But whatever, I still enjoyed it! This book is a series and thank goodness because you get to meet some very interesting characters. I need more Dallas and Lex like NOW! The dynamics of their relationship proved to be more and more complex as you read on. I also want more Rachel. I loved her style very care free she moves to the beat of her on drum much like Lex but in a different way. Overall I found this story very entertaining and sexy. I cannot wait to continue with the series.

My Ratings
Characters- Lovable
Writing Style- Clever, Edgy, and Sexy
Plot/Storyline- Original, Futuristic and Savory
Steam Factor- High/Very Steamy
Overall- I loved it!!! Read it!!!!

Now go forth and read. Then come tell us about it on Goodreads!
This book contains material that is sexually explicit and graphic along with the use of foul language.

ARC courtesy of Kita Rocha via NetGalley
Profile Image for Jo ★The Book Sloth★.
485 reviews435 followers
September 28, 2014
3.5 Stars

This book is a Dystopian, Erotica, BDSM, Biker Gang mix that at some points was enthralling and others I thought of dropping it and never picking it up again. In the end I stuck with it and enjoyed it for the most part.

Would you enjoy this book?

If you are a Dystopia fan...

If by Dystopian you mean Divergent or The Hunger Games this is not a book for you. Although the setting could have been interesting and the politics fashinating, the author gave all her attention in the Erotica department and forgot to develop her Universe. Aly assures me that we see more of it in the next books.

If you enjoy Erotica and BDSM...

Go ahead. The book is dominated by sex. About 70% is sex scenes so this should make your day. But this is a multi-partner/orgy kind of book. There is no vanilla to be found anywhere in here and except for the usual M/F, M/F/M action there is also some F/F, which surprisingly kind of worked for me although I'm not a fan. Admittedly the sex was hot most of the times but I had many moments that I rolled my eyes and thought that the author should lay off the porn. There is also some bondage involved and Noelle likes a little bit of pain thrown in for good measure.

If your thing is biker gangs...

If you have a thing for biker books this should be something you'd enjoy. Life in sector four resembles a lot life in a motorcycle club. Full with the misogynistic ideas and the Alpha Neaderthals screaming "mine". Although there are some strong female characters introduced in the book it is very clear that this is a men's world. I didn't mind much though. I keep my feminism for real life.

Apart from that... I liked Jasper a lot but I didn't like Noelle all that much. She is definitely not my type of heroine. Too sweet and needy for my tastes. Dallas calls her Kitty and that's exactly what she is, without the claws to make her more interesting. She was like a cat in heat, lifting tail and begging for someone to take care of it.

BR with Aly!!
Profile Image for Elizabeth (Liz).
645 reviews406 followers
September 13, 2012
4.5 Stars!

Ummmm....this is *SMEXTASTIC*!

- The Story -
Noelle Cunningham wants a life outside of Eden. She yearns for a life beyond her existence as a councilman's daughter, where she has been stifled and restricted in the extreme. She yearns for a sexual freedom she has only glimpsed. But only the ruins of a society destroyed by solar storms lie outside Eden.

The sectors surrounding Eden are home to corruption and criminals. One such criminal, Jasper McCray, is a bootlegger and cage fighter. Jas fought his way to stand beside Sector Four's leader, and he defends the O'Kane gang with his very life. However, nothing could prepare him for exiled Noelle Cunningham.

- My Take -
Oooooh, doggies! Dir-tay, dir-tay!! Me likey:) This is some FINE nasty writing! There's just about something for everyone in this story, whatever your, er, preferences. Probably, I'm going to suggest dousing your loins in a big old ice bath, because it is ~ HAWT ~!!!

Smoking loins aside, this is actually a pretty cool setting and not a bad story. It's a futuristic setting in the aftermath of solar storms. That's not typically my thing. My usual reading preferences are for a contemporary or historical setting. I'm not a huge fan of PNR, Sci-fi, fantasy, etc. I read some, but it has to hook me right away and be well-written. This is very well-written, and it grabbed from the outset. As for the story, I very much enjoyed the outlaw gang aspect of it. Over the past several years, thanks in large part to Kristen Ashley, I have gained a whole new appreciation for the dramatic storytelling potential to be found in biker/outlaw gangs;-) The O'Kane gang felt familiar in that way. There is a really great sense of connection and camaraderie between the members of the gang, and that adds to the overall story. Imagine the introduction of a nearly-pure innocent into this world. Yeah. Makes for interesting times;-) The chemistry between the two main characters is sizzling, and I do believe there were some highly enjoyable future pairings being set up in this book. I hope we'll see those come to fruition.

Beyond Shame is an eXXXtremely sexy, well-written, engaging, awesome story! I'm crossing my fingers that there's much more to come from this author. Bottom line? READ IT!! All the cool kids are doin' it;-)

**My thanks to NetGalley and the author, Kim Rocha, for the opportunity to read this ARC.
Profile Image for Aly is so frigging bored.
1,658 reviews270 followers
September 16, 2023
1st read: August 2013
Rating: 3.5*
I only said this once before: I would have liked the book a lot more if there was less sex and more... everything: world building and talking and getting to know other characters(and not through sex, mind you.). Besides this I really enjoyed and I'll read the next one for sure :D

2nd read: September 2014
Buddy-read with Jo
Rating: 5*
Because I know the world and what happens and all the characters I liked it so much more :D

3rd read: October 2016
Buddy read with Maru(?) and the Broken Circle group
Rating: 5*

4th read: August 2020
Buddy read with Karin

5TH READ: september 2023
3,201 reviews387 followers
June 25, 2022
17 August 2014: $0.00 FREE on Kindle

Funnily enough, considering it's an erotic romance, the first thing I'm going to talk about here is the world. I love how Kit Rocha (aka Donna Herren and Bree Bridges) have set up this dystopian world. There's Eden, the supposed Utopian ideal, but which of course is stifling and desperately corrupt. No sex, no drinking, no ... fun. Surrounding Eden are the Sectors – home to the criminals, the gangs; cage fights, alcohol and lots and lots of sex. Life is freer in the Sectors; more dangerous as well, but at least people can live out there if they're willing to protect and fight for what's theirs. Outside of this are the farms and communes which we haven't learned much about, but which are just as interesting to me. I'm fascinated with all the options that are a possibility. With all the corruption in Eden being hidden by the righteous and the possibilities for things to get better all the way around – I suppose in the end this is why I read dystopians. Granted, we don't get a ton of information about the set-up of the world. There aren't pages and pages of info-dumps, but they're not needed. We learn what we need to as we need to, and I'm looking forward to learning more.

Most books for me hinge on the characters, and in a romance they hinge on the two (or more) main characters. Jasper is a top enforcer for the O'Kane gang in Sector 4. He's honorable, level-headed, somewhat quiet, and surprisingly kind – something I wasn't expecting when I started reading about the top enforcer in a gang in the dystopian world. It was a very nice realization. He also has no limits, anything and everything is on the table as a possibility as long as he is sure that it's wanted. I liked that he needed to know that, and wasn't just going to take extreme advantage. Noelle, the heroine, is from Eden. Raised in nothing but a nearly sterile environment with no touch or love, no kindness or feelings, and definitely no emotions or desires; her only objective in life to be a pretty hostess, knowledgeable about serving and preparing for guests, and then quietly put herself away when the time for her was through. Soon enough she realizes that isn't enough for her and gets caught trying to experiment in this unforgiving place. When she's caught, she's banished – to Sector 4. After some extremely bad luck due to her naïveté, she stumbles into Jasper and quickly begins to learn that what she's always known is just the very tip of an iceberg of possibilities.

The big problem though is the Noelle has no frame of reference for most everything that she's experiencing, and a whole lot of shame for her desires. She feels a nearly instant connection to Jasper, and while this sort of thing can sometimes be characterized as 'insta-love', it's just not here. It's questioned and looked at, examined and thought about. As are all of Noelle's feelings. She not only has to feel them, she has to realize why she wants what she does. I admit to being a little unsure about Noelle at first. I don't hate the virginal-heroine-trope, but it's not my favorite either. The wide-eyed innocence tends to get to me. However, what I enjoyed about Noelle is that for her to really come into her own it was without Jasper. She learned herself when she became truly independent. I loved that small subversion.

Now, the sex. It was definitely hot. Some of the best sex scenes I've ever read in an erotic romance, or period. Things are very hedonistic in the Sector 4 O'Kane gang and we're quickly introduced to the orgies that are common, weekly (or more frequent) occurrences. I said earlier that anything's on the table for Jasper, and that's true for the entire gang. I don't read a lot of menage books, mostly because the politics of relationships with multiple people don't usually work for me. But with everything being so open here, it's hard to find any issues with it. I also was fairly impressed that I didn't have any problems following the scenes that involved more than 3 people; I've read others where I couldn't understand who was on first and I don't know's on third, but it flowed smoothly and naturally for me here.

I also really loved that the female characters were just as liberated (except perhaps Noelle at first) as the men. They could enjoy sex, initiate it, not want it, and any other option they wanted to choose. They could connect with females, or males, multiples or one, permanent or for a single night. The one gender role that seems fairly firmly entrenched is: Men Protect. Women can too, but men do universally – at least so far. I'm willing to see if that continues to be the case, because I liked the glimpses I got of other small subversions. Females are collared or tattooed when choosing a permanent partner, but men can be, too. True, there was only one reference, but it was made so casually (and accepted) that it felt to me like nothing out of the ordinary also.

I feel like there should have been things that bothered me, , however they just didn't. I saw too many possibilities for subversion, I saw too many actual occurrences of subversion. Though there were instances of gender roles and inequalities between the male and female characters there were also very strong examples bucking that trend. And that's what I'm looking for in the end in this situation.

The side characters are just as fully developed as the main characters and I loved that we got to know Dallas, leader of the O'Kane gang, Lex, Bren, Ace, and several others. They're fascinating to me and already so incredibly real – to the point where I can predict some of their actions based on what I know of them. That's comforting, that consistency in character building. It's also nice when a character steps outside of that and you see some new facet.

All in all, this is a fabulous start to a series. If you're looking for some fascinating world building, intriguing characters, and hot-as-hell sex – pick it up. I can't wait to see where Kit Rocha takes us next.

*Previous Thoughts* This is solidly a 4.5 star read for me. Sexy, interesting world-building, strong characters, development and growth. Everything - absolutely everything - I'm looking for in a story. Then add in some sexy-as-hell sex and blow my mind.

Full review to come.

Rec'd by CC, Sarah, Aly, Ellis, & ETA: soon

$0.99 on Kindle
Profile Image for Laurie  (barksbooks).
1,828 reviews740 followers
November 1, 2019
FREE today (10/21/14) @ Amazon.

An erotic dystopian novel? You have my attention. The world, ravaged by “solar flares”, has split off into “Eden” where the wealthy live in luxury and thrive beneath puritan rulers as long as they follow the rules. If they dare break them, they are cast out and forced to make their own way in one of the less desirable “sectors”. The sectors are ruled by gangs who live on the wild side; boozing it up, cage fighting for fun and screwing each other with no inhibitions. Their lives are very different from the sheltered, stifling rules of Eden.

Noelle has just been booted out of Eden for being a naughty girl and wanting to indulge in some sex and drinkies. Despite the fact that her dad is one of the biggest big wigs in Eden, she’s shunned and spit out and now has to find a new life. She’s very lucky that she happens upon Jasper and Lex who take her in and immediately make her a part of their gang which is ruled by Lex’s lover Dallas. Noelle soon learns there is little luxury and no free rides in Sector 4. You strip, suck dick or wait tables. She ends up doing all three and pretty much loving the freedom and sexuality she’s finally allowed to experience without guilt and shame.

I liked this book and will definitely read the next one but unlike a lot of people I didn't love it. I wanted to love it. I tried to love it. I honestly don’t know why I couldn't love it. It was violent and sensual and the characters were decently drawn but for some reason I just didn't find it Amazing, you know? It was only Pretty Good and I kept putting it down to do other stuff or play Dragonvale. It took me over five weeks to finish it if my records are right. Despite all of the wild sexuality on display, the characters weren't able to grab at my emotions and hold my attention for more than a few chapters at a time.

Noelle secretly craves being told what to do and being in control of her partner's desires but I didn't feel that her secret wishes were always truly fulfilled when she was with Jasper. He was almost too nice to her sometimes (I know I’m crazy, right? I can’t believe I’m calling a guy too nice who smacks her bum hard enough to leave marks and ties her up, believe me!). There was also a little too much non-communication on Jasper’s part. He’s a tough guy, he’s stubborn and he’s very protective and Noelle is as smitten with him as he is with her, but he’s the type to keep his feelings to himself, even going so far as to break off all ties with his love interest “for her own good” if he has to. That kind of thing always bugs me.

If you don’t already know, there’s a lot of sex happening in this book. The relationships between gang members are “open” even when they are committed to another and it felt right in this world and never forced. They somehow make it work. I enjoyed all that and the world building was only a little lacking but certainly not an afterthought. It was the relationship building between the main couple that didn't completely work for me. There are many characters, many complicated relationships and it seems like this book was an obvious “setup” book for more novels to come but I'm not complaining because I will more than likely buy them. In the end, this first book just wasn't as mind-blowing as I’d hoped but I am very interested to see what happens in future books with this group now that we've gotten to know a few of them quite intimately ;).
Profile Image for Anna (Bobs Her Hair).
954 reviews203 followers
January 3, 2015
Post-apocalyptic erotic - HOT... SEXY … COOL - I want more!

One generation ago, solar storms shut down civilization. After years of darkness and chaos, people regrouped and formed distinct societies. Eden, ruled by religious leaders, is the most luxurious and repressive of them all.

Noelle Cunningham has been exiled from the city of Eden. She is dropped into Sector Four’s slums, an area ruthlessly ruled by gang leader, Dallas O’Kane. She is rescued by Jasper McKay then given an opportunity to prove she can fit into the O’Kane gang. Sector Four offers a new way of life she’s eager to embrace. Freedom is at her fingertips. One significant obstacle remains; releasing her deep-seeded sense of shame and accepting her sensual nature.

Jasper’s handprint was burned into her skin, but somewhere inside her the sharp pain had twisted. She was twisted, a dirty, wicked girl who wanted this crude mistreatment, who craved it. Maybe if he spanked her enough, he’d purge all the shame from her heart.

The book’s title, Beyond Shame, perfectly expresses the story’s theme. Noelle (and, perhaps the reader) is asked to release her inhibitions and embrace a sexual lifestyle many regard as taboo. The story offers fundamentally opposing societies: Eden’s theocratic rule compared to hedonistic Sector Four. Ironically, gang-controlled Sector Four wears the white hat in this novel. My guess is the bootlegging O’Kane gang will continue to be the good guys throughout this series.

The heroine, Noelle, annoyed me at the beginning of the story. Her blushes and inexperience grated. My worst fear was this book would be another virginal heroine meets the big, bad, kinky BDSM wolf. It is and it isn’t. Noelle is a product of upbringing. Her character reminded me of the women I hear about on the news, who are beaten or stoned for wearing mini-skirts at secret parties where males and females illegally intermingle. There is enough world-building for me develop a frame of reference. Sector four is another story. It requires imagination and suspension of belief, which is handily created in this sexy post-apocalyptic world.

The characters are consistent with their world. The plot is fast-paced and sensually riveting. The cage fighting is erotic, and I don’t even enjoy sports like boxing, wrestling, or kickboxing! I want the character, Bren, to choose me, Me, ME when he steps out of the cage!

Beyond Shame never pushed my comfort zone boundaries, which I do have. I was completely absorbed and wanted to see how Noelle would adjust and how Kit Rocha would keep me interested. This post-apocalyptic erotic stimulates. It challenges and entertains. Kit Rocha tackles taboo situations and human sexuality on an alternate Earth.

My emotional rating for this is 4.5 stars, but it truly deserves 4 stars. The characters were not greatly elaborated upon. I existed in their ‘here and now.’ What lies beyond the sectors? What of the women used like breeders in the farming commune? Will Eden experience civil unrest? What of other rival gang leaders? I want to know! I need more Sector Four!

My Kinky Verdict: Recommended Read

Upcoming Books
Beyond Control- Spring 2013 (Dallas & Lex)
Chapter One Excerpt http://kitrocha.com/coming-soon/beyon...

Beyond Pain – Fall 2013 –
(I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Bren. Could Six be his HEA?)

Beyond Jealousy – Late 2013/Early 2014
(maybe Ace and Rachel?)

ARC courtesy of Kit Rocha via Netgalley
Profile Image for Lady Raven RAVE!.
1,827 reviews1,390 followers
October 2, 2012
Story: GOOD
Intimacy Level: D.R.I.P (Don't Read In Public) + Sex-citingly Fun
Enjoyment: GOOD
Length: 3495 kindle / 342 pages

The best way to sum up this book in an open liner, the gang that fights together, screws together. If you've shied away from the dystopia or post-apocalyptic romance genres, let this book be the introductory for you into this world. I have to applaud the author's fusing of so many elements of romance with this story that either could have been a bust or victorious, and victorious it was. If you are a reader whose try-curious with their books, then I say go for it. The author not only gave us a story involving the main characters, but other characters, that without, could have made this just like any other book. Don't forget the action and other bad boys that gave this the finishing touch. I love the gang concept to this book also, it was exciting for me.

You can never go wrong with good girl meets bad guy concept. Noelle is from Eden, a place that seems to know no wrong, she is also the daughter of the man who runs Eden. Jasper is a bad boy and second in command of sector four. When both Noelle and Jasper meets, I loved it, unusual, but interesting. There is nothing like seeing a bad boy turning to mush over the shy and innocent girl who is trying to fit in and forget all that she was taught, along with the values she's grown up with. What made Jasper and Noelle's story more enticing to me other than there chemistry, were, Dallas, Lex, Ace and Rachel. These characters from the same gang as Jasper, along with Dallas being their front guy, helped evolve Jasper and Noelle's characters as well as sexually, delivers in this book. The things that took place sexually, makes you blush, body blush, squirm, with a bit of temperature spikes to some of the pages. I love seeing Noelle evolve from the first chapter until the end and I think that is what made me love this book more, apart from the bad boy image of Jasper. I love that the author gave us an insight with a bit of story as well while reading the other characters. The pairing of them along with the chemistry with each pair was also good to read. But, the real reason for reading this book, Jasper and Noelle, they both gave us a good performance and I liked their interaction with each other from start to end.

Overall, this is worth the try and read. If you are an erotica reader this is for you, if you aren't sure about the dystopia or post-apocalyptic element, I say still give it a try. To let the reader know, there are BDSM tendencies, along with multiple partners engaging in sexual play.

Profile Image for Angie - Angie's Dreamy Reads.
689 reviews13.8k followers
October 5, 2013
This book took me right out of the WORST book funk I have EVER been in. I had readers ADD so bad that I couldn't get into ANYTHING. I struggled and it was really starting to bother me. I decided to pick this up because it's been on my Kindle for a LONG time. I was going to read a page or two but that page or two turned into a NON stop, unable to move, eat, breathe, think, ANYTHING, until I turned the last page read. This was thoroughly addictive, absolutely EROTIC, DIRTY and probably the HOTTEST book I have ever had the pleasure of reading. It's so unique and beautifully crafted. Full review to come SOON. But first I have to read book two NOW.

ALSO a small warning -->> This has m/f/m, f/f, m/f/m/f. It has bondage and exhibitionism. There is a LOT of sharing of woman, so if that bothers you then you will be annoyed. It's VERY dirty, VERY dirty, but oh so, so, so yummy.

Sidenote: I would give ANYTHING to have Jas mark me...THAT is ALL.
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