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Suffrage Song: The Haunted History of Gender, Race and Voting Rights in the U.S.

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New Yorker contributing cartoonist Caitlin Cass traces the fight for suffrage in the U.S. from the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention to the Voting Rights Act of 1965. This intersectional history of women and voting rights chronicles the suffrage movement’s triumphs, setbacks, and problematic aspects.

“She put in her work, but there’s so much left to do.” Begun in the Antebellum era, the song of suffrage was a rallying cry across the nation that would persist over a century. Capturing the spirit of this refrain, New Yorker contributing cartoonist Caitlin Cass pens a sweeping history of women’s suffrage in the U.S.―a kaleidoscopic story akin to a triumphant and mournful protest song that spans decades and echoes into the present.

In Suffrage Song, Cass takes a critical, intersectional approach to the movement’s history―celebrating the pivotal, hard-fought battles for voting rights while also laying bare the racist compromises suffrage leaders made along the way. She explores the multigenerational arc of the movement, humanizing key historical figures from the early days of the suffrage fight (Susan B. Anthony, Frances Watkins Harper), to the dawn of the “New Women” (Alice Paul, Mary Church Terrell), to the Civil Rights era (Fannie Lou Hamer, Ella Baker). Additionally, this book sheds light on less chronicled figures such as Zitkala-Ša and Mabel Ping Hua-Lee, whose stories reveal the complex racial dynamics that haunt this history.

The interiors include 4 foldouts, most notably a 4-page map detailing where women could vote in the US in 1919, leading up to the ratification of the 19th Amendment. Impeccably researched and rendered in an engaging and accessible comics style, Suffrage Song is sure to spark discussion on the vital issue of voting rights that continues to resonate today.

264 pages, Hardcover

First published June 18, 2024

About the author

Caitlin Cass

5 books

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Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 reviews
Profile Image for Kaye.
3,725 reviews54 followers
December 31, 2023
There is a lot of information in this graphic novel about people involved in the suffrage movement. The subtitle in part refers to the racism many of the leaders of the movements had at the time period. It is hard to judge people for the feelings of the time period in which they lived. This begins with the main leaders I expected like Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Frances Watkins Harper and Alice Paul. I liked the inclusion of less familiar and especially people of color being included. The inclusion of Jim Crow laws and how small laws can be very restrictive to voting rights of minorities and the poor was informative. One only has to watch news to see continued use of laws, gerrymandering and bullying in use to stop people from exercising their rights to vote. I liked this graphic novel but some of the writing was hard to read even when enlarged on my device. Thank you to Fantagraphics Books for the temporary digital ARC via NetGalley and I am leaving a voluntary review.
Profile Image for Ruth.
156 reviews7 followers
December 29, 2023
Unfortunately, I had to DNF this one. I loved the illustration style, and as a history student, I thoroughly enjoyed the inclusion of minorities and race discussions.
However, the narration and formatting were incredibly hard to follow. In my experience, illustrated and graphic novels benefit from "less is more." There was too much information in such a small space.
Nonetheless, the topics discussed were incredibly important.

Thank you, NetGalley, Caitlin Cass, and Fantagraphic books for sending me an eArc.

Publication date: 5th March 2024
Profile Image for spalanai ⛤.
138 reviews16 followers
February 8, 2024
***I thank NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced reader copy of this book in return for an honest review***

I’ve always wanted to read more about feminism and suffrage through the ages ever since I first read about it in an encyclopaedia 8 years ago. Speaking of this book now, I liked everything about it and learnt a lot about history, her-story, more like. It’s brilliant how so much of it was watered down for easy understanding. However, the art’s designing was quite bad—I couldn’t read much of the text due to the small font size and there were instances where a lot of information was crammed into a single comic panel. Besides this, I couldn’t help but feel the author’s white savior complex through the introduction and epilogue, not to mention their current political standings which were completely unnecessary. Regardless, I would recommend it for an overview into the struggles of women.

⊹ . ⋆ ☽ ⋆ . ➶
Profile Image for Siobhán.
1,293 reviews22 followers
February 8, 2024
*I received an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thanks for the free graphic novel.*

While the content matter of the book was well done and is super important, my main criticism has to do with the graphic novel aspect: "Suffrage Song" was immensely hard to read. Some chapters were just pencil drawings, the text barely legible, the drawings weirdly smudged or quite immature compared to other, more professional chapters.

I also found the drawing style a bit mediocre but that might be my personal problem. Having said that, the graphic novel managed to introduce a lot of characters which I could barely differentiate visually. The comic also featured a lot of text - too much text if you ask me and parts, again, could barely be deciphered.

So I'm sorry to say, this was informative but not really enjoyable or pleasing to look at. 2,5 stars
Profile Image for Liz Oliver.
246 reviews17 followers
March 8, 2024
I am a headstrong and independent women. I hate when people (especially men) try to tell me what to do, expecting me to just roll over and comply. I hate being talked over or ignored because I'm assumed to have no valuable contributions to things. It's annoying and frustrating and something I think about in my interactions with men.
And then I dip into history, and I see just how far society has come, and that humbles me so freaking much. I have no idea who I would have been if I had lived in our history. Would I have spoken up? Would I have fought? Would I have stood strong? Or would I have done what was expected of me? Dipping into this book made me ask questions like this--and many more--and is one of those books that I walked away from feeling like a better person. It also really delved into the harm that white women caused to people of color in their fight for suffrage. It didn't glorify the leaders of this movement, but showed them in all their dedication and ferocity AND their cruelty, callousness, and greed for women's rights above all other disenfranchised groups. And that is very uncommon. With a BA in English, I rarely heard professors talk about how white women harmed people of color, and when I did hear mention of it, it was always in a broad sense about the movement, never about specific people making choices that caused this harm and pain. That is so important to acknowledge. History should not be hidden.
This was such an incredible graphic historical account of women's suffrage in the US. I will 100% be purchasing a copy to have on hand for rereading because even though I took a while getting through it, I still feel like there's a lot I didn't fully digest. I highly recommend it.
39 reviews5 followers
January 21, 2024
Caitlin Cass’s Suffrage Song: The Haunted History of Gender, Race and Voting Rights in the U.S. is ambitious, inclusive, and efficient in its distillation of huge swaths of information—and of course, expertly illustrated (she is a New Yorker contributing cartoonist). I have read many accounts of the U.S. women’s suffrage movement, and I learned a few things from Cass’s book. There are also several laugh-out-loud moments in the beginning about women’s historically constrained roles and the sublimation of energy and creativity into dresses, hats, and completely frivolous social activity. The book will be appreciated by those who know the suffrage movement well and those new to the topic and looking for a quick survey. Cass covers familiar names and broadens the scope to include others whose contributions have received less attention, including Native Americans, Asian Americans, and African Americans. At least 20 pages are dedicated to Fannie Lou Hamer, perhaps the most sustained treatment of any individual in the book.

It is now widely understood that white women suffragists advanced their cause at the cost of African American suffrage, and that our received accounts privilege certain individuals and events (though one must concede that certain women did, in fact, play disproportionate roles in the movement’s success). I applaud Cass’s restoring marginalized stories, but if the book has a weakness, it is the “haunting” motif of the title, embodied by ghosts throughout the book (for her, that “history haunts me” is the entire point of the book). The suggestion that these ghosts “echo” not only from the past to the future but from the future to the past seems odd. The introduction also explicitly acknowledges the intentionally disjointed approach of the book, a choice which nevertheless gets in the way of the story; it is possible to tell a cohesive story of disenfranchisement/ enfranchisement with continuity while also acknowledging the reversals of fortune, the flaws of those involved, and the ways in which some were sacrificed for the political expediency of others. In addition, the epilogue feels tacked on and already dated in its emphasis on a few current challenges to voting rights and the democratic process; these issues should deeply trouble all of us, but there have, alas, already been so many more challenges since the book was drafted! But I certainly agree with Cass’s point that others have put in their work, and there is more work to be done.
Profile Image for Hannah Bennett.
375 reviews12 followers
January 19, 2024
The Women’s Suffragist movement in the U.S. has a long and storied history that’s fraught with problems and white supremacy. Suffrage Song not only tells the stories of the women involved with the Women’s Suffragist movement, but it also humanizes them. In addition, Caitlin Cass uses her pen to examine the wrongs done by many of these women in the name of the better good. Cass tells the stories of many women throughout the book, many of whom history has forgotten or would like to forget. Cass favors Susan B. Anthony, but she also spends ample time on other suffragist heroes like Fannie Lou Hamer.

With all the years I spent within the Mississippi educational system, I still didn’t know many details of Fannie Lou Hamer’s story until this book. Had it not been for one specialized class I took in college on the Mississippi Delta, I would likely not have known of Fannie Lou Hamer at all until this book. I enjoyed learning more about her and I’m infinitely grateful I rediscovered her story through this book.


While I loved the content of Suffrage Song, the art was more of a mixed bag. While I loved the pencil drawings and classic cartoon styles, the lettering was sometimes difficult to read. There was a lot of information packed into tiny cartoon squares, making it less accessible for newer and less-experienced comic readers.

Final Thoughts:

I think this would be an excellent resource for educators and home-school moms, especially those teaching upper high schoolers. However, due to its dense lettering, I hesitate to recommend it to teens who aren’t used to graphic novels and comics. If you are interested in the subject matter and enjoy graphic novels, I think it’s worth a read. For the information on Fannie Lou Hamer alone, it’s worth reading. I will definitely be seeking out more reads on Fannie Lou Hamer in the future.

Thanks to the publisher for providing me with a review copy. All the above thoughts are my own.
Profile Image for Book Club of One.
360 reviews19 followers
December 20, 2023
Caitlin Cass presents the long campaign for women’s suffrage in the United States from the 1800s to the present. Along the way we are introduced to many of the key figures of this movement and that they were complicated, human people, capable of holding ideals of equality alongside deeply held racist beliefs.

The book is structured some-what chronologically, with most chapters advancing a few stories in parallel. After an introduction detailing the authors rationale and personal junior to create the work the content begins with the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention and a timeline of key events that are going to be explored in greater depth. From there the narrative unfolds, a chapter at a time, with biographies of important figures, transformational even and the scene setting of societal expectations.

In telling stories of multiple individuals, a multi-page ‘cast of characters’ begins on page 8, Cass moves beyond the single key figure to show that a wide range of people with different backgrounds and experiences took part in the movement for voting rights. Cass also shows how over time the movement strained, splintered and fragmented, with partial success although it is still under threat.

There is a lot of information to detail, and specifically choice to present it fragmented, Cass “wanted to recreate the experience of looking through the archives.” (Page 6). This goal is amply accomplished by insertions of news clippings and informational panels stylized as period advertisements (for example Godey’s Lady’s Book in chapter 1). However, there are a few sections that drag with a single setting and lots of dialogue (the beginning of chapter 9 in particular).

A well presented historical work that mostly keeps the reader engaged with varied art, locations and time periods. It both celebrates the accomplishments of the suffrage movement, while holding the leaders accountable for their comprises and problematic ideals.

I received a free digital version of this book via NetGalley thanks to the publisher.
Profile Image for Toni.
89 reviews3 followers
January 21, 2024
Thank you NetGalley and Fantagraphics Books for this arc.

I love aspects of this book; the arts, the introduction and parts of the layout. However overall I think it becomes a little too much.

I was ecstatic when I saw this graphic novel. As a historian I thought this was a perfect idea, and I still agree that the idea of this graphic novel is incredible but the layout isn't clear enough in my opinion. I absolutely adore the artwork and the version of this. In graphic novels I have always found a less is better approach works the best. I think just too much information was thrown into this. Some scenes within the chapters work very very well, and are clearer. i.e. page 91 works well and isn't too crowded, whereas pages 81- 85 are just too crowded and have too much thrown into them.

I believe the introduction of this graphic novel deserves its own thoughts. I thought the introduction was absolutely beautiful, yes it is a little too filled with words, but at points its overwhelmingness shows the author's anxiety and thoughts on the subject. I thought the introduction was so important because of the message it conveyed of yes the author's voice is definitely in the narrative, and that is SO important when it comes to historical things.
Profile Image for Meredith Martinez.
319 reviews7 followers
January 3, 2024
(3.25/5 stars) Overall, I enjoyed this graphic novel about the history of women's suffrage in the USA. Cass includes the leaders you usually think of when you hear about women's suffrage (e.g., Susan B Anthony and her ilk) but also does a good job of including BIPOC leaders and their stories. There were leaders that I learned about that I hadn't heard of, like Gertrude Simmons Bonnin, also known as Zitkala-Ša, which of course prompts further investigation. I also appreciated sections talking about more recent history included newsprint and headlines from the time that are primary sources. However, it felt like the story was a bit disjointed and the panels were very small in some cases and hard to read, even on my large desktop monitor. There are also a few misspellings, which are hopefully caught by an editor before publication.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
215 reviews13 followers
February 11, 2024
For a lot of young people (and, quite frankly adults), the story of women's suffrage is something left out of their history classes. Cass's book does a great job making a complex historical event a little more understandable, and includes some feminist philosophy along with it. The story doesn't just focus on the usual historical personalities, but presents a wide array of characters and ideas.

I think there is some humor that may go over some readers' heads; there are some philosophical jokes that I thought "oh that's clever" and showed my wife, who really didn't seem to understand the significance from outside of academia and the humanities in general.

However, I don't think that should hold readers back. In fact, I think it might picque some people to do some more exploring about feminism and gender in general, and that can't be a bad thing if you're wanting to truly understand the intellectual backbone of the women's rights movement.
Profile Image for T.
1,010 reviews8 followers
December 16, 2023
More like 2.5 stars. I very much appreciated the inclusion of BIPOC suffrage leaders and their stories. Because, as the book points out, so many names have been lost to history.


There are a couple of misspellings that need to be fixed (p164, lower left box | p182, middle left box). There could be more that I just didn’t catch due to the fact that several sections were just difficult to read (particularly the one starting on p 162 - that was an eye chart). Because of these errors, it was difficult try and take this book seriously. Spelling errors of any type automatically make something much more juvenile in tone and this book does not need that vibe.

The “ghosts” look like sperm. If this was a style choice, it feels patriarchal, be it blatant or subconscious.

Thank you to the publisher & NetGalley for providing a free copy of this title for review.
Profile Image for Gabriel Noel.
383 reviews9 followers
January 11, 2024
ARC given by Edelweiss+ for Honest Review

2.5 stars rounded up

Suffrage Song is a well meaning graphic novel cataloging the efforts of the suffragettes during the time when women were not able to vote. I say well meaning because it does itself and injustice by being to overzealous about all the information trying to be put in.

Cass admits at the beginning that her journey into the history of women's rights essentially is through white-guilt, and while it's refreshing and admirable to admit that, it still added a weird vibe.

The illustrations are overall consistent but the text is SO HARD to read! With the hand drawn script as well as the tiny font it's just really a let down for anyone with impaired vision or reading disabilities.

A worthy endeavor that falls flat.
Profile Image for Lisa Davidson.
836 reviews21 followers
January 14, 2024
Other reviewers complain that there is too much in here, but I loved that about this amazing graphic nonfiction history of the women's rights movement in the US. I learned about people I didn't know about before, and the stories were so compelling that I was looking up people to see how their lives ended up because I was so concerned for what they were going through.
The best part of this book is the snark, which I think is completely appropriate regarding this subject. How did this even go on for so long? How is this still something we have to fight about? The book ends on a note of hope that people are waking up.
Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this
Profile Image for Kira.
121 reviews5 followers
February 9, 2024
I received this book in exchange for a honest review from NetGalley.

I really loved this book. It was an excellent way to both tell the amazing history and work the suffragist did for women's right to vote while still acknowledging that those same women were incredibly problematic. Showing that you can both be proud of the work they put in but disappointed that they were willing to compromise their beliefs to gain a small amount of change. I also love that in the end she discussed our current world and the kinds of work we need to be doing now to ensure that all people have a say in our democracy and ensure voting rights for all.
Profile Image for Hermusings.
134 reviews1 follower
March 3, 2024
This was more infographic than comic book. You can see how much time and research the author placed into this book. She dives deep into some well known characters (Susan B, Stanton, etc) however the gold here is the multiple stories of everyday women. This felt well rounded as slavery, universal suffrage, white supremacy and intersectionality are also discussed.
However, as I stated in my original sentence, this felt like an illustrated textbook. Incredibly informant yet maybe something I would have loved to have read more within a class setting than now.

Thank you to NetGalley and Fantagraphics Books for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Melki.
6,585 reviews2,493 followers
March 27, 2024
Cass presents an exhaustive, warts-and-all look at the struggle to vote in America. It's a fairly comprehensive guide that includes all the major players, and introduces many names I'd not yet encountered. It's amazing just how many women worked for so long to obtain this most basic right - to have a say in one's own well-being and future. The debt of gratitude we owe these women is immeasurable.

Every library should own a copy of this book as a reminder of how far we've come, and as a nudge that there's more work to be done in the fight against voter suppression.

Thanks to NetGalley and Fantagraphics for the education.
Profile Image for Lisa Gisèle.
735 reviews11 followers
February 25, 2024
I received a complimentary copy of this book via Netgalley. Opinions expressed in this review are my own

Advisory: Warn your friends and family about excess fact texting while reading this book. The amount of did you know texts my friend group have received while reading this is a little excessive.

Comics are fun and, at least for me, an ex excellent way to retain information, and The Suffrage Song contains tons of information
Profile Image for Mark Schlatter.
1,232 reviews15 followers
July 1, 2024
I had to get used to Cass's disjointed style and my sense that the "haunted" theme often didn't work, but once I did that, I really enjoyed this book. Cass does an excellent job of connecting the fight for the 19th amendment to later struggles by African-American women to vote, and I learned a lot about how nineteenth century groups often moved between the idea of universal suffrage and suffrage for just one group of people. The coverage of Fannie Lou Hamer is excellent.
Profile Image for Kendra.
1,221 reviews5 followers
January 18, 2024
This is less a narrative about women's suffrage than an illustrated encyclopedia of those involved in the movement in its earliest years. There is a huge amount of text, not all of which is easy to read, and the graphic novel elements are underused. It's less intersectional that it is simply listing women of different races, social statuses, education, and (dis)ability. Overall, a disappointment.
Profile Image for LeeAnn.
1,475 reviews2 followers
April 2, 2024
There's a lot going on in this little book! Lots of facts, surprising details, and a miasma of art and lettering. I found it a bit overwhelming, but kids will probably latch right onto it. It is in fact beautiful, but an overabundance.

"What does it mean to be lost to history? Just as every choice erases possibility, each history written leaves behind casualties."
Profile Image for Beth.
267 reviews5 followers
December 15, 2023
#NetGalleyARC This was a great read and I will for sure be adding it to my hs library. I love the drawings, especially the ones that look pencil drawn. This was a great trip through female history and it has a lot of great lessons to share.
Profile Image for Natasha Ward.
62 reviews4 followers
December 16, 2023
I like the drawing and how it was told and the information. However sometimes it was hard to read due to type of text or the colour of the background. Did find sometimes the text didn’t make sense and I was reading. But I do love the concept.
Profile Image for Jill.
1,151 reviews25 followers
June 6, 2024
This was really interesting
Profile Image for T..
557 reviews
January 17, 2024
Nuanced look at the history of women’s rights in the US - including the compromises made at the cost of others. I don’t think there’s an easy answer to the past, and it’s impossible to judge history by today’s principles. That said, we should have an objective look at the good - and harm - people did to get us to where we are so ideally we learn from their positive impact but also their errors.

This was an ARC provided by the publisher and NetGalley.
Profile Image for Lily.
455 reviews4 followers
June 28, 2024
In this fascinating, whimsical graphic novel, Caitlin Cass explores the women’s suffrage movement of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and ties it back to her own experiences as a modern woman voter in the prologue and epilogue of the graphic novel. Through stunningly simple illustrations and a clever mix of modern and period-typical language, Cass brings the voices of many women of the suffrage movement, from Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton to Alice Paul and Ella Baker and Fanny Lou Hamer, to life. Emphasizing the successes and flaws of the suffrage movement, Cass presents this history in a balanced light so that readers understand where the movement succeeded and where it failed. Cass’s images and language make this book suitable for middle school and up readers, though its target audience is probably high school and college students, and teachers and parents might also find this book useful and engaging. Cass’s critical, intersectional approach is strong, clear, and engaging, and readers will definitely enjoy how she presents the history of the women’s suffrage movement as not ending with the passage of the 19th amendment. This graphic novel is a great way to convey a large historical movement like this, and Cass has done a brilliant job with this book.

Thanks to NetGalley, Fantagraphics Books, and Fantagraphics for the advance copy.
Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 reviews

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