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The Letter

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Kathryn Hughes’ new ebook The Letter offers readers a chance to absorb themselves in the lives of two women, born decades apart but whose lives share a number of parallels. The novel explores two historical strands, bringing together an abused housewife from the 1970s and a young girl from the early 1940s in a story of love, loss and unexpected consequences.

The Letter follows the life of Tina in the 1970s who seeks respite from her abusive marriage by volunteering at a charity shop. One day, while sorting through the pockets of a second-hand suit, she comes across an old letter. It is still firmly sealed and un-franked. Unable to resist the pull of curiosity, Tina opens the letter. It was written on 4th September 1939. She is so moved by the contents and bemused as to why the letter was never delivered, she embarks on a quest to find out what became of the writer and his intended recipient.

The mystery of how this love letter ended up in Tina’s hands is also uncovered through Billy’s story from the early 1940s. He writes a letter that will change his life forever, unaware that it will not be read for another 34 years, and then by a complete stranger.

With a swift pace, memorable characters and a wonderful conceptual depth, Hughes’ novel is one that simply can’t be put down.

265 pages, ebook

First published June 25, 2013

About the author

Kathryn Hughes

26 books724 followers
Kathryn Hughes was born in Altrincham, near Manchester. After completing a secretarial course, Kathryn met her husband and they married in Canada. For twenty-nine years they ran a business together, raised two children and travelled when they could to places such as India, Singapore, South Africa and New Zealand. Kathryn and her family now make their home in a village near Manchester. The Letter, Kathryn's first novel, was an international bestseller, and her second The Secret has been highly acclaimed. Kathryn is now at work on her third novel, The Key.~ Headline Publishing

Librarian’s note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,097 reviews
Profile Image for Sue.
110 reviews22 followers
January 2, 2015
I don't understand the number of 4 and 5 star reviews on this novel. I was swayed to buy it by the reviews. But it really is the most lazy kind of writing style and boring to read. It's not the story that's boring, that could be told well, although in this version the characters are one dimensional and annoyingly stupid. But the writing style is really simplified and repetitive. I'm 55% through and if I read another description of a "steaming mug/cup" of anything I shall boil the book. Hard, as it's a kindle version. The plot is see-through too.

It feels like the author read a bunch of books and then wrote her own by copying the others. Sadly she didn't read anything well written to do this with. I get annoyed by poor books. There is no excuse. The world is full of great books. A lifetime isn't long enough to read them all. Why waste time writing something mediocre. Reading is a wonderful skill and experience, not to be thrown away. I like a bit of chick lit now and then for light relief. But only the well written chick lit. I don't know what category I'd put this book into.

It's in the "gave-up!" pile I'm afraid. I'm off to find something better written to spend my time in.
Profile Image for Lindsay L.
747 reviews1,442 followers
February 6, 2017
4 stars. This was an easy, enjoyable read. While the writing style was very simple, there are some heavy topics covered within this story - domestic violence, rape, a young mother forced to give up her baby. Though I found the author's writing to be quite basic, there was something about the book and the characters that were very likeable for me. My heart broke a few times throughout the novel, but I also had a heartwarming sense of closure at the end.
Profile Image for Jülie ☼♄ .
512 reviews22 followers
August 28, 2016

The Letter is a historical romance that spans across three generations, and like most love stories it tells about love found and love lost.

Even though this subject is often predictable with its indiscriminate apportioning of pain and heartache...still each story has its own unique experiences...this is one such story.
It's not a fluffy read, it's a story about two women, a generation apart, who's struggles have a lot in common, and how time and circumstance will conspire to bridge the gap between them to uncover their stories and bring some much overdue healing.

This story was more compelling, I thought, in that it goes into the details of the lives of those involved and gave good depictions of the types of bias and misguided judgements of the time, along with a clear sense of the struggles brought about by the first world war. How these individuals were directly and indirectly affected and how, as individuals, they coped.
The choices they made were not always the preferred choices, mostly they were borne out of necessity due to the circumstances of that era.

Although it follows a remarkably incredible pattern of events, I found this story mesmerizing as each piece of a puzzle fell into place to build on a much bigger story.
If you can somewhat suspend belief and read this at face value, it is quite a clever and satisfying read.
We learn that even the smallest of oversights now, can sometimes count in the larger scheme of things, enabling the possibility of a later action which can have equally profound effects.

I really enjoyed this read. 4★s

Many thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for my copy to read and review.
Profile Image for Maxine (Booklover Catlady).
1,358 reviews1,349 followers
August 28, 2023
I was looking for a book with a lighter vibe after a period of reading intense crime novels. I came across The Letter on Amazon and thought I'd give it a whirl. I'm so glad I did.

This is both a heart warming novel and one tinged with sadness too. It's incredibly easy to read and just be pulled along into the story, losing track of time. If you are looking for some fiction escapism this will do the job nicely.

The book moves between two timelines. In modern day, an old letter, never posted is discovered in an old coat left for a charity shop to sell. The letter, once read sparks a curiosity and a journey to find out more about the story with it and to return it to its intended recipient.

Then we are on the brink of WWII in England and the true story behind this letter and how it came to be unravels. The author flits us between today and yesteryear seamlessly, it left me wanting to know what was next with both scenarios.

Tackling issues like domestic violence, there are some heart breaking moments in the novel, there are plenty of wonderful ones too. It is a book that left me feeling satisfied and all warm and fuzzy inside after reading it.

It's paced really well, I read it quite quickly and the plot held my interest all the way. If you are looking for a "nice" read then don't look past this book, I really enjoyed it and the change of pace in my reading it gave me.

I read the Kindle version of this book. All review opinions are my own and totally unbiased.

If you'd like to follow me and my reviews I'd love to connect with you!
Profile Image for Geo Marcovici.
1,353 reviews320 followers
January 30, 2018
Translation widget on The blog!!!
Povestea a două destine separate și totuși împletite. A două femei lovite crunt de soartă și de cei cărora ar fi trebuit să le pese de ele. Povestea unei vieți sau mai bine spus povestea a trei destine. O carte superbă!
Recenzia mea completa o puteți gasi aici:
Profile Image for Judy Collins.
2,964 reviews429 followers
September 16, 2016
THE LETTER by Kathryn Hughes, performed by Rachel Atkins is truly spellbinding! The most captivating, moving and emotional audiobook I have ever read (listened to)—from secrets, loss, pain, sacrifice, and love.

Top 50 Books of 2015. "2015 Best Audiobook (tie), Best Historical Romance Fiction."

A story of two women whose lives become entwined when one discovers a letter that was written in 1939 but never sent. (never posted; not online posted, but postmarked-stamped).

Two powerful stories connect; fate steps in; across history, time, and oceans- for an explosive reunion; a love story so profound- mesmerizing; leaving you utterly speechless when you reach the end; a novel and characters, you will remember long after the book ends.

As the novel begins present day, we hear from a granddaughter and grandmother while visiting in the lovely garden, pulling weeds, (symbols for people in our lives-everything belongs). Readers then hear a tragic and heartbreaking story, told from the loving grandmother; her story, how she met the love of her life- as events unfold, which changed her life.

From Manchester in 1973, the story begins with Tina Craig, a young woman married to a violent and evil man, Rick her husband-controlling, a drunk, lost his job, he drinks, smokes, and gambles and beats her. He has two personalities ranging from good to evil. She has been desperately saving her money in order to escape and leave him; as she has no family or anywhere to turn; however, he finds her money in the coffee can, and now she is doomed once again.

Tina has a wonderful caring friend, Graham at work, and he is worried about her. She also works at a charity shop volunteering and enjoys her customers, where she is not worried about everything she says or does. Her husband gives her money to bet (turns out, it was her coffee money); however, she does not do so, but her friend Graham places the bet for her and wins. He gives her the money, and she offers it to her husband and keeps the part she had saved, and moves out. She is finally happy. The race, March 31, 1973 Grand National horse racing, sealed her fate.

However, Rick cleans up his act, gets a job and quits drinking. He wants her back and says he has changed. She wants so much for a family. She is torn and unsure if he has really changed, but she finds herself pregnant from the last violent time he raped her. When she goes back to pick up her clothes, he slowly turns on the charm and talks her into coming back. Her friends do not share in the joy, as they are very suspicious of Rick, doubting he has really has changed. It works for a while; however, soon thereafter his old ways return. She is afraid for her life and her unborn baby. He is drinking again and this time his violence is the worst ever, leaving her for dead, and baby?

The reason for his anger, is due to The Letter. He finds a letter in her purse. A love letter. Drunk, jealous, and enraged. However, little does he know the letter was one Tina found in one of her customer’s coat pockets; a special love letter from over thirty some years earlier from a solider going off to war, to his pregnant girlfriend.

Tina, now broken and alone, is haunted by the letter, obsessed with finding this Billy and his love. If she cannot be happy, she needs to someone to be. Why didn’t Billy post the letter? Chrissie, the pregnant intended recipient never received this letter. Are they still even alive? Little does Tina know this letter will later change the course of her own life. What became of this couple torn apart? Tina is moved by the contents of the letter but also puzzled as why such a heartfelt message was left in a pocket. She vows to find out what became of Billy and Chrissie.

The second story is of a young woman and man, we meet later in the book, back in 1939- Billy and Chrissie. They are in love. Chrissie’s controlling father, a doctor (one evil cold man), does not like Billy, the boy she is dating.

When Chrissie tells Billy she is pregnant he is overwhelmed due to the war, and the economy and unsure about their financial future. He leaves; however, later that evening, he begins to regret his harsh words and writes a letter to Chrissie. 4th September 1939. One of love. He declares his love and asks for her hand in marriage. When he stops by her house the next day the father informs him, she does not wish to see him. (Of course, she is unaware of any of this).

Billy tells her father he has written her a letter and since the postal service is having issues, the father says he will deliver the letter, but he does not. He puts the letter in a coat pocket which is found years later by a woman. Chrissie is heartbroken, wondering why Billy has deserted her.

Of course, the controlling father will not allow his daughter to bring shame upon the family name, so sends her off to a commune to live with hateful evil nuns and is forced to give up the baby. Her mother, dad, and aunt turned their back on her. Her baby is adopted by Americans. Two young women's lives destroyed by evil men and separated from their babies.

Years later the boy, now a man has always wondered about his biological parents, so sets off to England to find answers. Chrissie (the biological mother)’s life in England is left empty of the life taken away from her so cruelly.

In his search abroad, William runs into Tina working at the library, and tells her of his search for his birth mother and father. She has The Letter which will connect the two stories. The two of them, strangers, begin the search for the owners of the letter, William’s parents to solve the mystery of a past life.

A letter which caused the death of one child, and the saving grace for another. When the two storylines connect, it is one of the most powerful reunions. Ordinary women who overcome extraordinary heartache. A beautiful poignant ending.

Wow, I am not an emotional person; however, here I was traveling, driving in rush hour traffic with iPod, with tears rolling down my face, to the point I could barely see. The reunion scene was the most emotional and vivid scene, making you feel as though you were there. Rachel Atkins' performance was award-winning, even her voice was broken, and cracking, as she was speaking. I was literally hanging on every word, feeling the powerful emotion, pain, and feelings.

Hughes and Atkins are in perfect sync! Hughes writing is amazing, and the way she created both storylines with pitch perfect pacing, and fabulous character development. Please, let this be the narrator for the next book. While in Costco, I finished the book, and re-listened to the last four chapters on the way home once again. It is that powerful; highly recommend the audio version.

Not sure how I missed this stunning book along the way, however, I stumbled upon the audiobook (released May 7, 2015) on Audible and was hooked the first five minutes to the end. Could not put it down until I finished. (Oct 18, 2015 Paperback)

Hard to believe this is a debut! Can understand why it hit number one on the Amazon Kindle Chart, spending 130 days in the top 100 with 2,000 reader reviews. I have since read, world rights including film have been attained from this self-published book (I want a front row seat), and cannot wait for her second book, coming in 2016. A definite pre-order. Kathryn Hughes has a rare talent, and trust me when I say, this gal can write and oh, can Rachel Atkins perform!

A thought-provoking novel, The Letter, a story of two women, born decades apart, whose paths are destined to cross and how one woman's devastation leads to the other's salvation. My Top 30 Books of 2015, Hughes has been added to my favorite author list. SCORE 5 Stars+

For readers who enjoy historical fiction and a suspenseful love story, recommend, The Particular Appeal of Gillian Pugsley by Susan Ornbratt.


Cannot believe I missed Hughes new book! It took my UK GR pal, Sue to inform me (thanks, Sue)!

Immediately, purchased The Secret 2016 audiobook (same narrator, Rachel Atkins as The Letter - which I loved). So excited....Currently reading. Read Both, like NOW. Now available in Paperback 9/8/2016.
Profile Image for Maria.
800 reviews55 followers
January 15, 2024
Nu știu cum să încep... încă am lacrimi pe obraji... Am inceput sa citesc cartea asta acum 2 ore jumătate și de la prima filă nu am mai fost capabilă să o las din mână.
Ce poveste frumoasă!!!
Este prima carte scrisă de această autoare, pe care o citesc, dar pot să spun clar că vor mai urma si altele. Îmi place foarte mult cum scrie.
Povestea este ușor întortocheată, însă într-un mod plăcut, pentru că viețile personajelor se întrepătrund fără să se confunde. Și când te gândești că totul a plecat de la o scrisoare...
Rând pe rând ni se aștern în față poveștile de viață a Tinei si Rick, apoi a Christinei si Billy, ca la final William să închidă ciclul acestor iubiri dramatice.
Am adorat-o pe Tina. Așa, cu toate greșelile ei, cu deciziile proaste pe care le-a luat, am adorat-o pentru determinarea de a duce acea scrisoare la destinație.
L-am plăcut enorm pe Graham, singura figură paternă normală din toată cartea.
Am iubit-o pe Chrissie pentru felul în care a iubit un om despre care știa că a părăsit-o în momentele sale cele mai grele.
L-am îndrăgit pe Jackie pentru răbdarea de care a dat dovadă așteptându-și rândul la iubire.
M-am topit de dragul lui William și de felul lui de a fi.
Ce mai, m-am îndrăgostit de povestea asta. Mi-a plăcut mult.
Recunosc, am avut momente când greșelile Tinei m-au cutremurat, când am judecat-o aspru, dar... toți greșim. Chiar dacă finalul acelei parti din viata ei a fost trist, a avut parte de un nou început.
Narațiunea merge pe mai multe fronturi, în plin plan avem viața Tinei și a lui Rick, ca mai apoi să ne întoarcem în timp, înainte de al doilea război mondial sa descoperim povestea de dragoste dintre Billy si Chrissie, iar la final să legăm toate ițele cărții și să aflăm deznodământul.
Pentru ca mi-a placut ii dau 5 ☆+++++... Si aterizează direct in raftul de cărți favorite.
Cartea e minunata. Recomand. ☆☆☆☆☆
Profile Image for Laura.
772 reviews111 followers
December 10, 2016
This story contains many of the aspects I love about the art of fiction writing: love, loss, time-travel and brilliantly developed characters. I thought the modus operandi was inspired; I love it when an author can confidently jump between time periods to deliver a beautifully interwoven story.

Taking the reader on a journey from the east coast of America, the rustic farmlands of Southern Ireland and the bustling streets of Manchester, I was gripped from start to finish. I even unashamedly wiped away a tear or two on more than once occasion!

After a recent spate of very underwhelming books, The Letter has been a welcome revival to my 2016 year of reading. I can only hope the authors second book is just as pleasing.
Profile Image for Alice-Elizabeth (Prolific Reader Alice).
1,162 reviews163 followers
April 21, 2018
A very difficult 3.5 star rating (originally going to be 4)

T/W- Domestic violence, Rape, Assault, Stillbirth

I loved Kathryn's novel The Secret when I received an ARC of that for review a while back, having found a cheap secondhand copy of her debut novel The Letter, I was excited to see why lots of readers had read and loved this book. The premise of the letter was definitely what appealed to me the most before I dived into the adventure. The novel is split into three parts, the first opening in 1970s England with a woman named Tina who works in a charity shop to avoid her husband, who is an alcoholic and sometimes extremely violent. While looking through a suit one day, she finds a letter that has never been opened and written by a man named Billy. Only thing is that this letter was written in 1939 at the turn of the Second World War. Soon, Tina is caught up in this mystery, what did happen to Billy all those years ago?

The time period flips between 1970s and 1930s as we learn more about the mysterious Billy. The first part of this novel was hard to read as some of the graphic details from the domestic violence were quite detailed. However, parts two and three really opened up more for me as the reader. Part three was my personal favourite, in which the mystery of Billy is finally solved, I was moved by the last few pages in particular. The emotional connection was there. Sadly, it is quite an uncomfortable read and as a nineteen year old reader who hasn't experienced some of the events (travelling to another country, getting married), I felt a little bored during those passages.

I really recommend The Secret by the same author! I hope to read her latest work The Key very soon!
Profile Image for Clare Flynn.
Author 53 books186 followers
December 7, 2015
The premise of finding an unposted 30 year old letter in a suit pocket in a charity shop was a very good one - but oh dear the story was stretched out.

The book was over-reliant on coincidences. It also stretched The limits of credibility that Chrissy lived for 30 years within 5 miles of the convent, blissfully unaware that of the fact that Grace, who had befriended her in the convent, lived just down the road. In fact nobody appeared to know anybody – something very hard to believe in rural Ireland. On the other hand, in metropolitan Manchester people ran into each other all the time!

I found the characters very one-dimensional and black and white with no subtlety or nuance. Characters either had hearts of gold or were unmitigated evil. In particular William was a poorly drawn character who was a classic example of a woman trying and failing to write a man.

There was also too much restatement of things the reader already knew for the benefit of other characters. I did finish it though - so the author managed to keep me turning the pages - even though I knew exactly what was going to happen.

Oh and one thing in particular jarred for me - a 34 year old man in 1973 saying "awesome" - i don't think so!
Profile Image for Aleksandra.
192 reviews32 followers
March 2, 2017
Jedno slučajno pronađeno pismo promijenit će život nesretne Tine, koja trpi zlostavljanje svog nasilnog muža. Priča koja se krije iza tog kratkog pisma razotrit će bolne i potresne tajne, patnju, ali i ljubav koju su nekada davno, pred sam početak Drugog svjetskog rata, proživjeli ljudi koje Tina sada želi pronaći. Potraga za rješenjem zagonetke pisma nastalog prije tridesetak godina će se pokazati nimalo lakim zadatkom, Tina će proživjeti najteže trenutke svog života, ali će ta očajnička potraga za tajnom iz prošlosti, zapravo nositi i ključ njene budućnosti. Roman veoma podsjeća na drugi meni omiljeni roman, Pisma izgubljenoj ljubavi, koji možda zbog nešto većeg broja stranica ima i malo bolje razrađene likove, ali u svakom slučaju i ovdje se radi o zanimljivoj, potresnoj i emotivnoj priči.
Profile Image for Erin.
3,297 reviews474 followers
December 14, 2017
2.5 stars round up to 3.

This dual narrative set in the 1970's and 1939 was a fairly predictable storyline that had a Hallmark Hall of Fame type vibe. The readers are taken from Manchester to Ireland and the USA. I did find the story was a nice light read and I would love to read more by the author.
Profile Image for Sarah.
2,761 reviews202 followers
April 25, 2015
I actually won a copy of this book in a giveaway on Twitter and I am so glad I did as I don't know when or if I would have come across this wonderful book and the author otherwise.

This truly is a wonderful book, I found it to be very deep and beautifully written and it is one book that I think will stay with me for a long time.

The story starts with Tina who works in a charity shop and comes across a letter dated many years before. Intrigued by the people and the story behind the letter Tina sets out to find the person who the letter was intended for. The story then swaps between present day with Tina and her troublesome marriage and years before where the story of the people behind the letter unfolds.

I loved the characters and even felt sorry for a couple of the unlikeable ones towards the end. I think Tina, Chrissie and Billy especially will stay with me for quite a while yet.

The Letter takes you through a mixture of emotions, it is very much a compelling read that once you've started you will struggle to put down.

Can't recommend highly enough.
Profile Image for Vincent.
82 reviews4 followers
December 28, 2014
Having struggled through Donna Tartt's The Goldfinch, a book that took me almost three weeks to read, I was looking for something light to read over the Christmas. The name Kathryn Hughes caught my attention because I have a niece who spells her name the same way, with a K and a Y. When I read in the acknowledgements that her husband's name is Robert Hughes, my nephew's name, I smiled at the coincidence and decided to give the book a read. Of course, the coincidences didn't stop there. It is a book of coincidences, and if you don't believe in fate, then you will probably think that the story is a bit too contrived. I loved the book. I read it in one sitting by the fireside and found myself totally gripped from start to finish. It is a very skillfully written story. The characters are very well drawn and very real. I cared about them. I will remember Christmas 2014 for the very pleasant hours I spent reading this lovely book.
Profile Image for Lena Papanikolaou.
718 reviews91 followers
June 30, 2016
Απροσδόκητα υπέροχο ανάγνωσμα!Λιτή και περιεκτική γραφή, υπέροχη σκιαγράφηση χαρακτήρων και πλοκή που κρατά τις αισθήσεις σε επιφυλακή από την πρώτη μέχρι και την τελευταία σελίδα!Τέλεια αρμονία παντού.Είναι το πρώτο βιβλίο της συγγραφέως που κυκλοφορεί στη χώρα και ελπίζω πλέον και σε επόμενα. Με κέρδισε από το πρώτο δευτερόλεπτο συγκινήθηκα έκλαψα θύμωσα λυτρώθηκα. Τόσα συναισθήματα τα ένιωσα όλα στο μέγιστο βαθμό!Ελπίζω να δούμε σύντομα στην Ελλάδα και άλλα βιβλία της. Τελικά κάποια βιβλία δεν έχουν την ανάλογη διαφήμιση αλλά σου κάνουν το ''κλικ''από την αρχή! Στην συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση λοιπόν έπαιξε ρόλο το ένστικτό μου και δεν βγήκα χαμένη αντίθετα κερδισμένη .Μην το προσπεράσατε!!
Profile Image for Ghazaleh.
160 reviews118 followers
January 13, 2018
هربار به خودم میگم سمت کتاب های نشر آموت نرم چون احتمالا با کتاب جالبی رو به رو نخواهم شد، ولی هربار به خاطر کیفیت تقریبا قابل قبول کتاب وسوسه میشم.
این بار هم چیز چشمگیری در این کتاب وجود نداشت، داستان عاشقانه تکراری.
دو ستاره رو هم صرفا به خاطر نشون دادن خشونت خانگی به کتاب میدم.
Profile Image for Cara.
253 reviews9 followers
September 10, 2015
Predictable. Would make a great Lifetime movie.
Profile Image for Océano de libros.
794 reviews88 followers
May 29, 2016
Tina Craig espera el momento adecuado para poder abandonar su casa y su matrimonio con un hombre que la maltrata. Mientras tanto se embarca de lleno en la función de encontrar a la persona a la que está destinada una carta que encuentra en un viejo abrigo, así inesperadamente se relacionarán dos vidas.
La verdad es que esta novela te pone los pelos de punta y logras empatizar totalmente con su protagonista con el tema de los malos tratos que tanto está de actualidad. Tina debe soportar una vida de miedo con su marido Richard Craig en una época en la que todavía no existe esa “sensibilidad” por este asunto.
Nos encontramos con personajes interesantes como Graham el amigo de Tina que la ayuda incondicionalmente, bueno dejando aparte que siente un especial interés.
Tina es un fiel reflejo del personaje que representa: una mujer maltratada, maniatada por el miedo, alentada por falsas ilusiones y con resquicios de valentía en ocasiones contadas. Y Rick es el fiel reflejo de un hombre maltratador que no solo lo hace físicamente sino que sobretodo juega con la mentalidad de su víctima. Es curioso como también al final podemos tenerle cierta consideración porque él también es víctima de sus circunstancias.
La pareja formada por Christina y Bill despierta mi cariño, una historia preciosa, con sus buenos y malos momentos.
También tenemos otros dos personajes más que me gustaron como son William Lane y Jackie.
Y luego personajes como el padre de Christina y las monjas que despertaron en mí el más absoluto de los desprecios.
En suma, dos momentos distintos en el tiempo que reflejan sociedades dispares, una más dura, intolerante en ciertos aspectos, esa que se basaba en el qué dirán y que ofrece soluciones más drásticas.
Si lo resumiese en una frase diría que: es una novela con encanto.
Aún no había tenido el placer de leer nada de esta autora pero me ha encantado la forma sencilla y ágil de narrar, la manera de ambientar la novela. Sólo se desarrolla en momentos clave y dejándonos enganchados con el siguiente capítulo con las ansias de saber cómo continua la historia. Todo esto también es gracias a que va alternando esas dos épocas con dos historias muy interesantes, tanto la de Tina como la de Bill y Christina.
La novela a pesar de tener sus momentos agridulces me ha conquistado por esa calidez y detalle con la que está escrita. En definitiva que me ha dejado con muy buenas sensaciones.
1,350 reviews96 followers
October 17, 2019
I loved this story it was such a lovely read and kept me interested all the way through.
I have heard how good Kathryn Hughes books are and wanted to try one, I’m glad to say that I want to read her others.
From what I read her books are all different so that makes it more enjoyable.
Profile Image for Miriam Smith (A Mother’s Musings).
1,659 reviews265 followers
August 5, 2016
Wow! What a wonderful uplifting story, heart breaking and heart warming - in between tears I smiled! I loved, loved this book and can't recommend enough, if you are a fan of Lesley Pearce you will love this heart-rending read, I couldn't put it down and didn't want it to end. The characters are believable, it was easy to read and follow and will stay with me for a long time! Will definetly be reading more by Kathryn Hughes.
Profile Image for Melindaaaa.
568 reviews36 followers
December 27, 2018
Asi patřím mezi ty holky, které čas od času, mezi všemi těmi vraždícími a depresivními knihami potřebují něco jako Dopis. Knížku, která se zabývá jak těžkostmi, tak romantikou. Tohle bylo tak roztomilé, smutné, krásné, poklidné i dramatické, šílené i dokonale opravdové. Prostě ♥
Asi nemůžu jinak.
100 %
Profile Image for Vicky Ziliaskopoulou.
628 reviews117 followers
October 23, 2019
Ωραίο βιβλίο, εκτυλίσσεται σε δύο χρόνους και μου άρεσαν και οι δύο ιστορίες. Απλά γραμμένο, κύλησε εύκολα και με άφησε με ένα χαμόγελο, ενώ πιστεύω ότι είναι σαφές και ως προς τα μηνύματα που θέλει να περάσει μέσω των δυο ιστοριών.
Profile Image for Lisa.
700 reviews256 followers
July 2, 2017

A touching intricately woven tale of love, loss, survival and joy.

Two women, who were born decades apart, lives are intricately woven to create a story of friendship, love and the kindness of strangers that can make a world of difference in a life. Chrissie Skinner lives in Manchester England in the late 1930s. She lives with her controlling parents and in order not to bring shame on the family she is ultimately forced to move to Tipperary, Ireland to live with an aunt.

Tina Craig lives in Manchester in the 1970s and is unhappily married to an abusive and alcoholic husband. She volunteers at a charity shop on Saturdays, and one day while sorting through the pockets of an expensive secondhand suit she comes across an old letter. The letter is firmly sealed, and had never been mailed. Tina opens the letter and finds it was written on September 4, 1939. She's moved by the contents and wonders why the letter was never mailed. She embarks on a major quest to find out what became of both the writer and the intended recipient. The letter had a major impact on her life.

The mystery of how this love letter ended up in Tina's hands is uncovered through Billy Stirling’s story from the late 1930’s. He writes a letter to his love that could change his life forever, but unbeknownst to Billy, that letter will not be delivered for thirty-four years.

THE LETTER is a touching tale of love, loss, survival and joy. The book was immediately engaging. KATHRYN HUGHES has created a page-turning story that will keep you entertained. Chapters alternate between Chrissie, Billy and Tina; and between 1973 and 1939. Despite the various points on view and change in timeframes, the book is remarkably easy to follow. Hughes writing is easy to read. Both Chrissie and Tina’s characters are human, with human strengths and weaknesses; and both grow a great deal emotionally during the course of the book. The ending of the book was throughly satisfying. Overall, it's a creative book and definitely worth the read.
Profile Image for Roz.
677 reviews203 followers
April 23, 2017
I've actually finished this book yesterday, but after finishing it I just couldn't think about it anymore.. Can you guess my rating for it though? Yes, one whole shiny star. I suffered through it just so I can say that it deserves it all. It was so bad..
Profile Image for Lucia.
97 reviews7 followers
March 19, 2017
U ovoj se knjizi isprepliću poglavlja o životima dviju žena, jedne iz 70-ih godina prošlog stoljeća i jedne sa samog početka Drugog svjetskog rata.

Prvo upoznajemo Tinu Craig, odanu suprugu i veliku radnicu koja osim što radi od jutra do mraka, vikendom volontira u trgovini rabljenom robom. Tina se skriva iz tog silnog posla kako bi što manje bila kod kuće sa svojim suprugom zlostavljačem. Tina ih uzdržava jer je Rick nezaposlen pa vrijeme provodi kod kuće kladeći se i svakodnevno opijajući. Tina živi iz dana u dan u strahu svako jutro strepeći kakav će biti njen muž kad se probuditi. Pokorno se pobrine da ga dočekaju cigarete na noćnom ormariću i friško pripremljen čaj kako bi izbjegla prodike i udarce. Njen muž je manipulativan i agresivan pijanac koji se skrušeno pokaje i rasplače svaki put kad digne ruke na nju. Od dana njihovog vjenčanja Rick ju redovito maltretira i zlostavlja. Udario ju je i rasjekao usnicu, ugasio cigaretu na njenoj ruci, silovao i ukrao njenu ušteđevinu kako bi ju uložio na konja. Tina mu se sve oprašta misleći da će se popraviti. Njegovo ponašanje varira od pasivno pokajničkog do nasilno agresivnog. Tina skuplja snagu i uspijeva pobjeći. U međuvremenu, Tina pronalazi u džepu starog odijela pismo koje joj daje motivaciju i unutarnju snagu. Tina pod svaku cijenu pokušava saznati tko su bili ljudi i odluči dostaviti pismo osobi kojoj je namijenjeno.

Pismo nas vraća na ljubavnu priču s početka Drugog svjetskog rata. Upoznajemo Tininu imenjakinju, Chrissie, djevojku koja odrasta u izrazito patrijarhalnoj obitelji. Njen otac posjeduje ambulantu i uvaženi je liječnik. U zajednici ima ugled liječnika koji može izliječiti svaku bolest. Osim toga, strog je i zahtijeva disciplinu, ne samo od žene i kćeri već i od pacijenata. Chrissie prema njemu osjeća strahopoštovanje i boji ga se. Kad se jedne večeri ogluši na stroga pravila svojih roditelja i ode sa svojom prijateljicom u plesnu dvoranu, upozna šarmantnog i zgodnog Billyja i njegovog prijatelja Clarka. Misleći da se nikad neće svidjeti nekom kao što je Billy, večer provodi u ugodnom razgovoru i plesu s Clarkom. U međuvremenu, Billyja odmah zgrabi njena prijateljica. Skriveni pogledi i ogromna kemija između Chrisse i Billyja tijekom cijele večeri potaknuli su Billyja da riskira svoje dugogodišnje prijateljstvo s Clarkom i započne vezu s Chrisse. Chrissin otac je protiv njihove veze i spreman je učiniti sve kako bi ju uništio. Naposljetku, Billy nema izbora i povjerava mu pismo za Chrissie. Chrissie nikad ne dobije pismo, a upravo ga Tina pronalazi nakon 35 godina.

Osim ljubavne priče, ova knjiga obrađuje jedan veliki problem: zlostavljanje. Tinu suprug zlostavlja od prvog dana vjenčanja, a ona se svesrdno nada da će se on popraviti. Uz zlostavljanje, Rick je teški alkoholičar i kockar. Kad skupi snage i napokon ga napusti, Tini počinje nedostajati njen dom i suprug. Je li normalno da ti nedostaje suprug zlostavljač? Ovdje je jasno opisano kako zlostavljane žene uvijek gledaju samo dobro kod muža zlostavljača, uvjerene su da će se promijeniti i uvijek mu nađu opravdanje jer žarko žele da sve bude kao prije, prije nego što opijanje i zlostavljanje sve upropastili. Zlostavljač ih čak uvjeri da su one krive za sve i one povjeruju u to. Iako su prijatelji Tini govorili da se Rick nije mogao preko noći promijeniti, da mu je potrebna stručna pomoć da bi se izliječio, Tina ih nije poslušala. Povratak mužu je zauvijek obilježio i promijenio njen život jer je izgubila nešto najdragocjenije u životu.

Ova priča govori i o teškom položaju trudnih neudanih žena s početka 40-ih godina prošlog stoljeća. Na takve žene gledalo se kao na posrnule žene i razvratnice, društvo bi ih odbacilo, a obitelji bi ih se odrekle. Takav događaj smatrao se kao sramota za cijelu obitelj pogotovo ako je riječ o obitelji najuglednijeg liječnika. Tako je Chrissie zbog svog čina prognana daleko od kuće, a naposljetku u samostan gdje je rodila. Tamo su se prema njoj odnosili kao prema bludnici, trebala je mukotrpno raditi, podnositi zlostavljanja i udaranja i još biti zahvalna što imaju hranu i krov nad glavom. Nakon što se dijete rodilo, Chrissie ga se trebala odreći i potpisati papire da ga nikad neće potražiti.

Vrlo zanimljivo i lagano štivo. Knjigu sam pročitala u jednom danu. Autoricu krasi jednostavan stil pisanja, bez složenih opisa, razrađenih likova i fabule. Međutim, to je ono što mi je nedostajalo. U priči sudjeluje puno likova jer se priča gradi kroz dvije različite priče koje se na kraju povezuju. Likovi nisu duboko profilirani pa ova knjiga nije ostavila dubok trag na mene. Na trenutke emotivna i zanimljiva, ali ne u takvom razmjeru da bih dugo razmišljala o njoj i ponovno ju uzela u ruke.
Profile Image for Dorian Jandreau.
Author 26 books97 followers
October 5, 2022

Tina gyvena nesaldų gyvenimą. Jos vyras Rikas ją muša. Ji vienintelė išlaiko jų šeimą kai tuo tarpu Rikas leidžia pinigus alkoholiui ir lošimams. Tačiau vieną dieną Tina dirbdama labdaros parduotuvėje randa seną voką ir jame laišką. Palikusi savo vyrą pradeda aiškintis, kam buvo skirtas tas laiškas. Tačiau netikėtai Rikas pasikeičia, o Tina sužino esanti nėščia... ji grįžta pas Riką.... Tačiau ar tai laiminga pabaiga?

Knyga mane įtraukė nuo pačio pirmo puslapio! Skaitėsi super lengvai. Puslapiai skriete skriejo. Perskaičiau per naktį. Mano labai patiko 1939-ųjų Kristės ir Bilio istorija. Ji buvo labai jautri. Na, o Tinos ir Riko istorija vertė mane pykti. Nors jų istorija vyksta 1973-iais, tačiau smurtaujančio vyro tema LABAI aktuali ir šiandien. Niekada nesuprasiu moterų, kurias vyras muša, o jos vis tiek gyvena su jais.... Turiu tokį patį pavyzdį savo šeimoje – mano tėvas mušė mano mamą, o ši vis tiek jį mylėjo. Jeigu muša - reikia bėgt. Tad šitas dalykas mane knygoje asmeniškai labai palietė.

Kitas dalykas itin jautrus šioje knygoje – karas. Nors apie jį nėra taip jau daug rašoma, bet man buvo graudu skaityti apie tai, nes šių dienų aktualija yra Ukrainos karas. Tad tas karo vibe‘as toks nekoks, skatinantis nerimą, niūrus. Kažkaip labai įsijaučiau skaitant apie karo paskelbimą ir jutau tą nerimą kartu su veikėjais.

Trečias dalykas, kuris mane palietė, tai Kristinos tėvo susireikšminimas su socialiniu statusu, kuris jam rūpėjo labiau negu jo dukters gerovė. Taip pat asmeniškai esu nukentėjęs šiuo klausimu, nes mano a.a. močiutei labiau rūpėjo „ką žmonės pagalvos“ nei mano laimė.

Knygą tikrai rekomenduoju perskaityti, kam patinka jautrios istorijos iš dviejų laiko juostų. Bent jau man istorija nebuvo nuspėjama.
Profile Image for Louise.
273 reviews10 followers
November 4, 2018
A really easy read, I wasn’t as interested in Tina’s story but I guess without it she would have been purely the tool for telling the historical story. The historical part was a fairly common experience of girls in that situation and the views commonly held at that time
Profile Image for I. Mónica del P Pinzon Verano.
213 reviews82 followers
October 8, 2017
Correcta y anodina. Tenía guardada esta novela en mi librería desde hace un tiempo, y estaba allí porque en GoodReads y otros sitios estaba con los rótulos de misterio y suspenso; nada más alejado de la realidad. La novela, en su primera quinta parte plantea la situación, y en la gran fracción restante busca la respuesta a un porqué, lo cual no se traduce en suspenso, misterio, ni siquiera intriga. Hay una inquietud, pero no más; está también la historia de amor de por medio, pero la novela nunca alcanza un apogeo en ningún aspecto. No hay una historia que asombre, ni perfiles de personajes desarrollados, no hay ninguna alusión histórica, no emociona. Si, la escritura ayuda a que se lea rápido, pero creo que también me rindió porque después del primer 10% todo fue predecible (maneja la misma dinámica de “Hasta Siempre, Mi Amor” de Jojo Moyes”), perdió el encanto.

No es una novela tediosa; hay muchas motivaciones para leer y para las cuales hay mejores libros que responden a ellas.

Una novela prescindible.
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