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Inspector Maigret #68

Maigret Hesitates

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"One of the greatest writers of the twentieth century . . . Simenon was unequaled at making us look inside, though the ability was masked by his brilliance at absorbing us obsessively in his stories." --The Guardian

When a mysterious letter writer warns Inspector Maigret that a murder is imminent, Maigret must trace the messages back to their source before it is too late

When a series of letters, penned on expensive stationery, arrives at Maigret's desk claiming that a murder will take place but that the writer is unsure as to who will die, who will do the killing, and when the killing will occur, Maigret's interest is piqued. He quickly traces the stationery back to the house of Emile Parendon, an eminent lawyer. But once there, the inspector finds that pinning down clues to a crime not yet committed isn't easy. When a murder does take place, the identity of the victim surprises even Maigret.

A twisty and engrossing mystery, Maigret Hesitates puts the great detective's powers to the test.

184 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1968

About the author

Georges Simenon

1,882 books1,921 followers
Georges Joseph Christian Simenon (1903 – 1989) was a Belgian writer. A prolific author who published nearly 500 novels and numerous short works, Simenon is best known as the creator of the fictional detective Jules Maigret.
Although he never resided in Belgium after 1922, he remained a Belgian citizen throughout his life.

Simenon was one of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century, capable of writing 60 to 80 pages per day. His oeuvre includes nearly 200 novels, over 150 novellas, several autobiographical works, numerous articles, and scores of pulp novels written under more than two dozen pseudonyms. Altogether, about 550 million copies of his works have been printed.

He is best known, however, for his 75 novels and 28 short stories featuring Commissaire Maigret. The first novel in the series, Pietr-le-Letton, appeared in 1931; the last one, Maigret et M. Charles, was published in 1972. The Maigret novels were translated into all major languages and several of them were turned into films and radio plays. Two television series (1960-63 and 1992-93) have been made in Great Britain.

During his "American" period, Simenon reached the height of his creative powers, and several novels of those years were inspired by the context in which they were written (Trois chambres à Manhattan (1946), Maigret à New York (1947), Maigret se fâche (1947)).

Simenon also wrote a large number of "psychological novels", such as La neige était sale (1948) or Le fils (1957), as well as several autobiographical works, in particular Je me souviens (1945), Pedigree (1948), Mémoires intimes (1981).

In 1966, Simenon was given the MWA's highest honor, the Grand Master Award.

In 2005 he was nominated for the title of De Grootste Belg (The Greatest Belgian). In the Flemish version he ended 77th place. In the Walloon version he ended 10th place.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 111 reviews
Profile Image for Richard.
1,981 reviews166 followers
January 29, 2024
I suppose someone like Simenon who wrote so many Maigret detective stories would have introduced a number of variations to the simple murder mystery.
Reading the series in the publication order of the original books you get a sense of perspective.
Penguin Classics have ensured that new translations have been made of each title so each story comes to you almost as fresh,
It is amazing that the police procedural has not become stale. Sure there are familiar aspects, his boys - his favoured detectives. His pipe and need to ground himself through time spent with his wife.
Maigret Hesitates is an example of the author presenting something fresh. A variation on the theme that others have subsequently copied or developed.
In this novel Maigret is involved with the family before the murder is committed responding to the threat via anonymous letters.
He hopes through his involvement that he can prevent a crime, deter such a drastic outcome. He is certain after two days spent with the family, employees and servant that within the group is the letter writer, a murderer and potential victim. Yet in this back to front and inverted case he has not sense of achievement just foreboding and a troubled mood.
I loved this dilemma Maigret is faced with. Is it a hoax? Does the murderer want to be stopped? It makes for a different emphasis and makes our detective and therefore the reader to think and act in less formulaic ways.
Yet the richness of these stories is still all here. The weather and how this effects the people, the actions characters undertake and what people wear. Maigret’s meals and love of fine food but mostly simple earthy dishes from sea or field. The drinks the detective takes yet remaining sober on the job.
Also Simenon is adding reflective pieces within his writing about preparing for retirement, the best aspects of the job and Maigret’s own career choices.
These layers are subtle but they imbue a sense of life and originality that means these stories remain fresh and entertaining so many years later.
Profile Image for Alan Teder.
2,320 reviews163 followers
December 27, 2022
Maigret and Article 64
Review of the Penguin Classics paperback (May 2, 2019) of a new translation* by Howard Curtis of the French language original Maigret Hésite (1968)
There is no crime or offence if the accused was in a state of insanity at the time of the act, or if he was compelled by a force he was unable to resist. - Article 64 of the French Penal Code as translated in "Maigret Hesitates."

I started 2022 with a few dozen Georges Simenon novels including about 20 of the Inspector Maigrets and about 10 of the romans durs (French: hard novels). I had hardly ever read Simenon previously, so this was another of my binge reads or re-reads which had become a habit during the COVID pandemic. I thought that I would end 2022 with yet one more Maigret.

Maigret Hesitates finds the Parisian Chief Inspector having to investigate in advance of a crime, after being sent an anonymous letter which predicts that a murder is soon to take place. The expensive note paper used is so unique that its source is quickly identified as being from the personalized paper provided exclusively for Emile Parendon, a rich maritime lawyer. Maigret proceeds to interview the household including Madame Parendon, a secretary, a daughter and son, the employees and the servants. Both Monsieur and Madame Parendon appear neurotic in their own way. Parendon is obsessed with Article 64 of the Penal Code, as if foreseeing that it would be needed as a criminal defense. Madame is wound very tight and appears to obsessively monitor the household and to be contemptuous of her husband.

Although it might have been obvious in retrospect, Maigret hesitates to identify or actually arrest anyone since no crime has yet been committed. He does place a police watch on the household by assigning his men to sit with the building concierge. Eventually the murder does occur though and Maigret finally makes the arrest. The identity of the letter writer is also revealed.

The cover of the original French language edition of "Maigret Hesitates" as published by Presses de la Cité, France 1968. Image sourced from Maigret of the Month.

Maigret Hesitates was perhaps not entirely satisfactory as the lead-up used so many references to Article 64 that its use in an eventual trial would have been a more intriguing prospect. We never get to see that trial however, so we are only left to imagine it. The fruitless attempts to prevent the crime through the anonymous letter warnings and Maigret's interviews let the book end on a down note.

This is Maigret #67 in the recent Penguin Classics series of new translations (2013-2020) of the Inspector Maigret novels but it is #68 in the previous standard Maigret Series as listed on Goodreads.

Trivia and Links
* The earlier English translation by Lyn Moir also gave the title as Maigret Hesitates (Harcourt Brace, 1969 & later reprints).

There is extensive background and a detailed plot description (spoilers obviously) about Maigret Hesitates at Maigret of the Month.

Maigret Hesitates has been adapted for French television twice.
The first adaptation was in a 1975 French language television episode of the long-running series Les enquêtes du commissaire Maigret (The Investigations of Inspector Maigret) (1967-1990) starring Jean Richard as Inspector Maigret.
The second adaptation, retitled as Maigret chez les riches (Maigret Among the Rich) was in a 2000 French language television episode of the reboot series Maigret (1991-2005) starring Bruno Cremer as Inspector Maigret.

There is an article about the Penguin Classics re-translations of the Inspector Maigret novels at Maigret, the Enduring Appeal of the Parisian Sleuth by Paddy Kehoe, RTE, August 17, 2019.
Profile Image for Sharon Barrow Wilfong.
1,127 reviews3,954 followers
September 2, 2018
Maigret receives a letter on fancy stationary. A murder is going to transpire, maybe by a crazy person, maybe someone else; maybe by the writer of the letter. Who is going to be murdered? Will it be a suicide?

That is what Maigret must find out. First he must find out who wrote the letter and who might be murdered and where.

In classic Maigret style, he narrows down the possibilities and asks lots of questions. Can he avert the murder? Can he discover the culprit?

And then there's Article 64: Is someone guilty of a felony or misdemeanor if they are not of sound mind?

A fun, fast romp through Paris where the reader meets all sorts of very interesting and suspicious people.
Profile Image for Antje.
652 reviews46 followers
April 11, 2021
Mal ein anderer Einstieg: Statt einer Leiche wird ein Mord nur angekündigt. Maigret erreicht ein anonymer Brief. Dessen Herkunft ermittelt er schnell und dennoch lässt sich ein Kapitalverbrechen nicht mehr verhindern.

Leise dahinplätschernder Krimi, in dem interessanterweise der Mord erst in der zweiten Hälfte der Handlung stattfindet.
Profile Image for Rhys.
Author 265 books308 followers
April 24, 2021
Finally! I have been reading the 'Maigret' novels of Georges Simenon since the summer of 2014. There are 75 in the full series. I have just read my 75th. I hasten to add that they can be read in almost any order and I read them in the order I was able to obtain them. Maigret Hesitates was the last one and it's quite good.

As well as the novels there are 28 'Maigret' short stories (one of them a novella which I have read). But I am not really concerned with those right now. Maybe I will read them one day. No, the essential Maigret can be found in the novels, approximately 13,000 pages worth in total.

I have read Maigret in Wales, Ireland, Portugal, Macedonia, Serbia, Greece, Turkey and Kenya. I have even read Maigret in Paris and I took a copy of one of the novels to Quai des Orfevres, Maigret's headquarters, just because it felt right. But I will never read him in India (where I am going next) because after this last book I have finished with him...

The cumulative effect of the novels is brilliant but I will never again read a series that is so long by any author. There are too many other things to do!

I guess I am now in a position to make a list of my favourites in the entire series. They are:

A Man's Head
The Hanged Man of Saint-Pholien
The Yellow Dog
The Cellars of the Majestic
Maigret, Lognon and the Gangsters
Cecile is Dead
Maigret and the Tramp

Pietr the Latvian almost made the list of my favourites, as did The Two-Penny Bar. I also have a couple of least favourites but I won't talk about them here.
Profile Image for Tyler Jones.
1,713 reviews89 followers
March 4, 2020
It is difficult for me to explain the appeal of a Maigret book; they often don't have the who-dunnit clever puzzle type plots, but rather the reader, like the detective inspector himself, just witnesses the whole thing unfold. One is left with the sense of inevitability. And yet the reader (well, me at least) is captivated. This later book in the series is a great example of the tone and mood that is so typical of a Maigret book; where tone, mood, point-of-view, inner dialogue and reflection, are all given more emphasis than the sensationalism of crime.
Profile Image for Georgia  Zarkadaki .
409 reviews105 followers
April 23, 2018
https://cherrybookreviews.wordpress.com/2018/04/23/review-maigret-hesitates-%ce%b1%cf%80%cf%8c-%cf%84%ce%bf%ce%bd-%ce%b6%cf%89%cf%81%ce%b6-%cf%83%ce%b9%ce%bc%ce%b5%ce%bd%cf%8c%ce%bd/ text

Αν και διαβάζω αστυνομική λογοτεχνία πάνω από μια δεκαετία τώρα δεν είχα αγγίξει ποτέ τους συγγραφείς που θεωρούνται «κλασσικοί» του είδους. Εκτός από τον Arthur Conan Doyle και την Agatha Christie οι υπόλοιποι συγγραφείς που επέλεγα ήταν πάντοτε σύγχρονοι. Έτυχε να πέσει στα χέρια μου μια δερματόδετη έκδοση του 1971 της αγγλικής μετάφρασης του “Maigret Hesitates (Ο Mαιγκρέ διστάζει)” και αποφάσισα να του δώσω μια ευκαιρία μιας και ο Georges Simenon είναι αρκετά αγαπητός από το αναγνωστικό κοινό. Η αλήθεια είναι πως οι γάλλοι αστυνομικοί λογοτέχνες δεν με ενθουσιάζουν παρόλα αυτά ξεκίνησα το διάβασμα της υπόθεσης χωρίς προκατάληψη και την βρήκα πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα.

“Ο επιθεωρητής Μαιγκρέ δέχεται ένα ανώνυμο γράμμα στο γραφείο του στην αστυνομική διεύθυνση που τον ενημερώνει ότι σύντομα θα διαπραχτεί ένας φόνος. Χωρίς κάποιο άλλο στοιχείο ο επιθεωρητής καταφέρνει να εντοπίσει τον μέρος από όπου προήλθε το γράμμα αλλά όχι ποιος το έστειλε..”

Έχοντας διαβάσει άπειρα βιβλία με σύγχρονες αστυνομικές και επιστημονικές μεθόδους επίλυσης ενός εγκλήματος βρήκα τον εαυτό μου να παλινδρομεί σε ποιο «κλασσικά» μυστήρια όπου το δαιμόνιο του επιθεωρητή δίνει την λύση. Το «Maigret Hesitates» μου άρεσε αρκετά, ήταν από εκείνα τα χαλαρά μυστήρια που διαβάζει κανείς όταν αποζητάει αυτό που ανέφερα ποιο πάνω δηλαδή την εμπειρία ενός πιο «εγκεφαλικού» αστυνομικού χωρίς το σασπένς και την αιματοχυσία που τόσο αγαπούν οι πιο σύγχρονοι συγγραφείς. Παρόλα αυτά μερικές φορές μου φαινόταν κάπως ψεύτικοι οι διάλογοι έβρισκα τους χαρακτήρες να μιλούν με μη πιστευτό τρόπο αν και έβρισκα αρκετά από αυτούς συμπαθείς αν και θα έλεγα κάπως μονοδιάστατους. Η γραφή ήταν εξαιρετική και τον κεντρικό ήρωα τον συμπάθησα, μου είχαν λείψει οι ήρωες χωρίς προσωπικά προβλήματα και σκοτεινό παρελθόν. Αν και τα βιβλία του Simenon είναι σειρά δεν ένιωσα πως μπερδεύτηκα και ότι κάτι έλειπε.

Σίγουρα θα αρέσει σε αυτούς που αγαπούν την γαλλική αστυνομική λογοτεχνία και θα εκτιμήσει πολύ τις αναφορές σε διάφορες περιοχές του Παρισιού. Σκοπεύω να διαβάσω και άλλα δικά του μυθιστορήματα!
Profile Image for Leercomoformadevida.
246 reviews57 followers
January 4, 2022
Novela negra, Anagrama y Acantilado juntas, y un clásico como George Simenon, puessólo podía ser todo un éxito. Ambas editoriales se han unido para traernos laobra, empezando por estos tres libros, de un autor con más de 190 obraspublicadas pero que ha costado que su talento literario llegara a los lectoresde nuestro país, y esto se pretende con esta iniciativa conjunta.

El primero de ellos, “El fondo de la botella”, tiene una narrativa excelsa. Y esque, a pesar de incluirse dentro del thriller y la novela negra, tiene un ritmolento y su fuerte se basa en hacerte sentir cada movimiento y cada pensamientode los protagonistas. Y en un presente, donde la gran mayoría de los thrillersse basan en un PIM PAM PUM (y que conste que a mi me encanta eh), tener unestilo distinto donde se cuida tanto la narrativa, me parece una oportunidadque no debemos dejar de lado.

En elsegundo de ellos, “Maigret duda”, conocemos al Poirot de Agatha Christie, elInspector Maigret. Así que si te encanta Agatha te va a encantar toda la seriede Maigret. Un escenario cerrado, un crimen o posible crimen, y x personassospechosas. ¿Quién será el asesino/a? ME ENCANTA.  Mi favorito de los tres.

Y, entercer lugar, “Tres habitaciones en Manhattan”, el más profundo de los tres.Con un estilo similar al primero, más psicológico si cabe, nos adentra en lamente de Kay y Frank, dos almas a la deriva que se encuentran de casualidad. Entreellos arranca una relación bastante tóxica que viviremos principalmente desdela celosa mente de Frank.
Profile Image for Sandra.
940 reviews283 followers
September 20, 2012
“ Signor Divisionario,
non la conosco personalmente, ma ciò che ho letto delle sue inchieste……
Un assassinio sarà commesso fra non molto, probabilmente fra qualche giorno. Forse da qualcuno che conosco, forse da me. Non le scrivo per impedire il tragico evento. Esso è in certo qual modo ineluttabile. Ma vorrei che, quando il fatto si verificherà, lei sapesse…”
Comincia così la nuova inchiesta di Maigret, che ci porta con lui in una ricca famiglia parigina, in cui sotterranei sentimenti di odio, gelosia e risentimento serpeggiano e alla fine verranno a galla. Insomma, ancora una volta un Maigret psicologo, che interviene prima che il delitto venga commesso, studiando, con le sue antenne sensibili, da dove possa arrivare il pericolo in una famiglia “come tutte le altre”. Chi sarà ucciso? Fino a oltre la metà del libro ci domandiamo chi sarà la vittima, ed è la parte più bella, a mio parere. Maigret viviseziona i comportamenti, i gesti dei personaggi, ne studia il loro passato, cercandone i vizi e le virtù, con la sua solita maestria e con la sua inseparabile pipa.
Una volta scoperta la vittima, è semplice pensare all’assassino. Simenon ci ha preparato la strada.
E alla fine ci rendiamo conto che non ci interessa scoprire il colpevole. Abbiamo conosciuto una famiglia parigina nel suo intimo. Come dice Alberto Savinio nella postfazione, “Racine ha imborghesito la tragedia. Ingres ha imborghesito la forma classica della pittura. Restava da imborghesire il romanzo poliziesco. Grace a Dieu, anche questo è fatto.”
Profile Image for tortoise dreams.
1,069 reviews51 followers
June 29, 2021
Good quick entertainment for while traveling, but there's not really a lot here. Maigret receives an anonymous letter stating that a crime will occur. It does. Maigret isn't especially charismatic, there's no brilliant deductions, the mystery is minimal and easily resolved, the investigation described has noting to do with the resolution, and identifying the mysterious letter writer is irrelevant. No lives are saved. The characters are interesting, but won't haunt my dreams. Simenon is a good writer and can tell a yarn, as he provided an enjoyable couple hours despite the limitations described. But I mostly enjoy the descriptions of the streets, the food, the bars, ah Paris!
Profile Image for Siria.
2,050 reviews1,635 followers
October 13, 2023
As with Agatha Christie's A Murder is Announced, Maigret Hesitates begins with the eponymous inspector receiving a message about a murder which hasn't yet taken place. A quick read, with some lovely glimpses of a springtime Paris on the cusp of the social changes of the '60s and an engrossing tone, but the psychology of the why/whodunnit didn't quite convince.
Profile Image for momo.casiopea.
231 reviews
January 2, 2022
En “Maigret duda” tenemos ante nosotros un crimen aún no cometido, un anónimo que avisa del fatal desenlace y una familia burguesa con mucho que esconder. Y un Maigret entregado, dubitativo y con una esencia que le hace único. Pipa en mano se adentrará en los secretos de un padre bajito, acomplejado y con amores frustrados; con una mujer fría y distante; unos hijos más bien alejados del poder familiar; y un servicio lleno de matices y anhelos que tienen el mismo (o más) protagonismo en la casa.

Gran parte del libro es, precisamente, esa tela de araña que se teje entre unos y otros y donde se deja entrever una crítica social a la burguesía francesa. Así que el trabajo de dibujar a cada personaje es tremendo. Y se disfruta. De golpe el crimen, inesperado por muchos motivos y, al final, el maleante pillado. He de decir que el final me ha parecido algo pim,pam. Vamos que Maigret logra hacer público el desenlace en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Él es un erudito en su materia, yo como lectora no lo vi venir, jajaja. Un libro cortito e ideal para tardes de sofá.

Profile Image for Shabbeer Hassan.
603 reviews36 followers
January 30, 2019
An interesting mystery featuring Maigret and his trusted lieutenants scrambling to avert a possible murder, and asking pretty philosophical questions along the way, for example - Is someone guilty if they are not of a sound mind?

My Rating - 4/5
Profile Image for River Song.
162 reviews1 follower
September 17, 2019
Simenon hat diesen Fall um Artikel 64 des (damaligen ?) Strafgesetzbuchs konstruiert und Maigret kann den Mord trotz Ankündigung nicht verhindern.

Der erste Frühlingstag, Maigret erhält einen anonymen Brief... Simenon lässt seinen Kommissar diesmal wirklich im Stich... langweilig!
449 reviews
December 7, 2022
Well developed “Maigret” mystery, with the inspector called on to avert an impending, serious crime, with little to go on except the site of the supposed unidentified felony-to-be. I have now read half of the 75 novels in this series, this book was one of the better ones, particularly with the rather sophisticated legal theory that is addressed in the novel.
Profile Image for Les Wilson.
1,669 reviews13 followers
May 12, 2021
I don’t think I have read one of Simenon’s books that has let me down.every one has been a good read.
Profile Image for Berta Sala.
130 reviews22 followers
August 10, 2023
Primera lectura del detectiu Maigret i m'ha agradat força. Lectura àgil i curta, amb uns personatges ben definits i un bon desenvolupament de la trama.
Ha sigut una recomanació del meu pare que, com a llibreter, mai falla.
Profile Image for Amaranta.
576 reviews237 followers
April 28, 2020
E se il delitto non fosse stato ancora commesso? E se Maigret dovesse indagare per scoprire un colpevole che è colpevole solo in potenza? un divertissement per il commissario, per il lettore e credo anche per lo scrittore. Con un epilogo che era abbastanza prevedibile.
Profile Image for paper0r0ss0.
648 reviews50 followers
March 14, 2022
Alta borghesia. Non e' certo l'ambiente preferito da Maigret per svolgere le proprie indagini. Si sente sempre a disagio, fuori posto in questi contesti. Anche in questo caso, attivato da strane lettere anonime, il commissario deve affrontare quel mondo cosi' lontano dalle sue abitudini e affinita'. Non sara' pero' il contesto sociale il vero scoglio, non la differenza di classe, quanto invece l'insondabilita' della mente umana, la distorsione della psiche. E' in definitva il tema ricorrente in Simenon (e in Maigret, che apprendiamo ora, avrebbe voluto fare lo psichiatra se non avesse dovuto abbandonare gli studi di medicina), il terribile e misterioso confine tra la volonta' di azione maligna e la coazione a farlo, la sfuggente distinzione tra insania e consapevolezza delle proprie azioni.
Profile Image for Julia.
605 reviews
February 15, 2022
Von der Atmosphäre her nett, von der Idee auch erstmal interessant, aber trotz nur knapp 200 Seiten hatte das Buch leider Längen. Das Ende konnte mich nicht recht überzeugen. Aber da es mein erster Maigret und Simenons 68. war, hoffe ich, dass wir an anderer Stelle noch mal besser zusammen finden. Ist jedenfalls hübsch für zwischendurch!
Profile Image for Marisol.
784 reviews58 followers
January 12, 2023
Georges Simenon escritor nacido en Bélgica aunque es muy conocido por sus novelas del género policiaco, también escribió otros géneros que se pueden considerar más serios y aunque eran libros de mucha calidad al final fueron sobrepasados por el éxito de su personaje el Inspector Maigret policía francés que fue protagonista de la mayoría de sus novelas Del género.

Georges Simenon fue una persona que vivió muchas vidas desde pequeño cambiando constantemente de domicilio y posteriormente ya como un joven independiente fue experimentando diversos trabajos hasta llegar a ser un joven periodista, que le dio la oportunidad de recorrer ciudades y describir cientos de artículos, además era una persona extrovertida, que le gustaban las mujeres, También viajo a muchos países, y todo esto lo uso para crear sus personajes y sus historias de una manera en que además en la solución también exploraba mucho el por qué, el asesino o el culpable había hecho lo que había hecho.

En este libro en particular, tenemos al Inspector Maigret un renombrado funcionario de la policía francesa muy aficionado a la comida, que es contactado mediante una carta anónima,, En ella se le informa que pronto se cometerá un asesinato.

Interesado e intrigado por la forma de redactar y por tan singular mensaje, el inspector inicia la investigación, llevándolo a la casa de una familia de la alta sociedad.

En ella conoce al dueño de la misma Emile Parendon, un excéntrico personaje de talla diminuta y obsesionado con un artículo de la ley penal, pero que se dedica al derecho marítimo como modo de subsistencia, en la misma casa se encuentra su oficina, tiene una secretaría joven y bella así como dos auxiliares.

Vive con su distinguida esposa, hija de un alto funcionario retirado y sus dos hijos, una joven de 18 y un adolescente, así como la servidumbre.

El tema más extraordinario del libro más allá del asesinato es lo raro que nos puede parecer la familia y la manera en que interactúan, aquí se ve un poco de la genialidad del escritor pues vistas desde fuera todas las familias deben tener sus particularidades, sus rarezas, sus miserias, independientemente del estrato social.

Escena destacada 🕵️‍♀️ 🏠

La señora Parendon cita al inspector Magret y lo hace pasar a una sala privada decorada toda en azul, cortinas, muebles, alfombras, y ella lo recibe con su salto de cama, mientras trata de conducir la conversación a lo que ella quiere que se haga, Maigret se siente transportado a otro mundo y no sabe en primer momento cómo conducirse ante una mujer que no se sabe si es muy altanera, inteligente o sólo está loca.
Profile Image for Entintadas.
454 reviews20 followers
December 26, 2021
3'5 / 5

¡Última reseña del año! Y es bastante especial, un libro que ha resultado una absoluta sorpresa y que me ha gustado mucho más de lo que esperaba. Un primer acercamiento al inspector Maigret muy interesante.

Una carta anónima advierte a Maigret de que está a punto de cometerse un asesinato. Tras una investigación, su equipo descubre que la misiva proviene del domicilio de Émile Parendon, un abogado que autoriza al comisario a registrar su lujoso apartamento. Sin embargo, la identidad del autor de la carta y de la víctima continúan siendo un misterio.

Si bien sólo conocía de oídas a este autor, Simenon ha resultado un gran descubrimiento y comprendo su fama y la cantidad de libros publicados (sin ir más lejos, este el libro 68 del inspector). Con una narrativa cuidada y dinámica, el autor consigue que camines junto a Maigret por la mansión de Parendon y las calles parisinas.

El misterio en sí es muy interesante y logra mantenerte en vilo hasta el final. Si bien puedes ir sospechando algo, como Maigret, el autor consigue hacerte dudar y debatirte entre los distintos sospechosos. Sin embargo, he de decir que el final ha sido un poco decepcionante.

Un libro corto y que se devora en dos tardes, perfecto para acabar un reto de lectura o para disfrutar algo rápido estas vacaciones.

Profile Image for mi.terapia.alternativa .
757 reviews170 followers
November 10, 2021
El comisario Maigret es el protagonista de muchas novelas. Y esta es una de ellas, una novela corta y que he disfrutado porque me ha encantado la historia, como está escrita y me ha encantado Maigret, un comisario de gran olfato y mejor corazón que resuelve los casos analizando a las personas que giran alrededor del caso, por lo que no sólo nos cuenta historias policiales sino también historias de personas y eso es algo que me encanta.

Maigret recibe una carta anónima que advierte de que se está a punto de cometer un asesinato. El papel en el que se escribió la carta le lleva a casa de Émile Parendon un reputado abogado que autoriza al comisario a registrar su lujoso apartamento.
En este misterio en el que se desconoce tanto la víctima como el autor de la carta, Maigret interrogará a los miembros de la familia y al personal de servicio de la casa lo que nos llevará a ver lo que se esconde en la alta sociedad parisina.
October 23, 2023
Este es el segundo libro que leo sobre los casos de Maigret, ambientada en París, el autor muestra un detective muy humano, en este libro podemos encontrar que Maigret se familiariza e involucra con una familia de la que nunca antes había escuchado y se entera de ellos por medio de unas cartas anónimas. Su familiaridad conlleva al punto de sentir pesadamente el desarrollo de los hechos, en sus propios pensamientos se cuestiona esa sensación que no había sentido en otros casos. La relación con sus colegas es siempre buena y de gran ayuda para resolver este caso que se presenta de una manera bastante compleja. Finalmente, como dice el título de esta obra, Maigret duda. Me ha gustado bastante y se puede leer de manera sencilla, cuidando siempre de no perderte con los nombres de los muchos personajes, aunque llega un punto en el que te sientes familiarizado con ellos.
Profile Image for George.
2,651 reviews
May 8, 2022
4.5 stars. An engaging, interesting crime fiction novel with Maigret learning about a prominent Parisian maritime lawyer’s household. Maigret receives an anonymous letter telling of an impending murder. Maigret uncovers the writer’s identity and despite his vigilance, Maigret is unable to prevent a tragedy.

This book was first published in France in 1968 and is the 68th novel in the Maigret series.
Profile Image for Bahman Bahman.
Author 3 books230 followers
June 5, 2021
پیرزنی، در گوشه‌ای از میدان رن پوان گل لی‌لا می‌فروخت، گل‌هایی که بوی باغ‌های حومه شهر را می‌دادند و مگره در برابر میل خریدن دسته‌ای از آن‌ها مقاومت کرد. با یک دسته گل دست و پاگیر در مرکز پلیس آگاهی چه کار می‌توانست بکند؟ احساس سبکی می‌کرد، یک سبکی بخصوص. از دنیایی ناشناخته بیرون می‌آمد که در آن کمتر از آنچه انتظار داشت احساس غربت کرده بود.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 111 reviews

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