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Sookie Stackhouse #13

Dead Ever After

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Sookie Stackhouse has one last adventure in store.

Life has taken her from a waitress in Merlotte’s Bar, Bon Temps, to part owner; from social outcast to the heart of her community; from a vampire’s girlfriend to the wife of one of the most powerful vampires in the state. She has survived earthquakes, revolutions and attempts on her life. Sookie has endured betrayal, heartbreak and grief . . . and she has emerged a little stronger, and little wiser, every time.

But with life comes new trials . . .

The question is, in the end: who will love, who will live, and who will be dead ever after?

Sookie finds it easy to turn down the request of former barmaid Arlene when she wants her job back at Merlotte’s. After all, Arlene tried to have Sookie killed. But her relationship with Eric Northman is not so clearcut. He and his vampires are keeping their distance…and a cold silence. And when Sookie learns the reason why, she is devastated. Then a shocking murder rocks Bon Temps, and Sookie is arrested for the crime. But the evidence against Sookie is weak, and she makes bail. Investigating the killing, she’ll learn that what passes for truth in Bon Temps is only a convenient lie. What passes for justice is more spilled blood. And what passes for love is never enough...

338 pages, Hardcover

First published May 7, 2013

About the author

Charlaine Harris

284 books36.1k followers
Charlaine Harris has been a published novelist for over thirty-five years. A native of the Mississippi Delta, she grew up in the middle of a cotton field. Charlaine lives in Texas now, and all of her children and grandchildren are within easy driving distance.

Though her early output consisted largely of ghost stories, by the time she hit college (Rhodes, in Memphis) Charlaine was writing poetry and plays. After holding down some low-level jobs, her husband Hal gave her the opportunity to stay home and write. The resulting two stand-alones were published by Houghton Mifflin. After a child-producing sabbatical, Charlaine latched on to the trend of series, and soon had her own traditional mystery books about a Georgia librarian, Aurora Teagarden. Her first Teagarden, Real Murders, garnered an Agatha nomination.

Soon Charlaine was looking for another challenge, and the result was the much darker Lily Bard series. The books, set in Shakespeare, Arkansas, feature a heroine who has survived a terrible attack and is learning to live with its consequences.

When Charlaine began to realize that neither of those series was ever going to set the literary world on fire, she regrouped and decided to write the book she’d always wanted to write. Not a traditional mystery, nor yet pure science fiction or romance, Dead Until Dark broke genre boundaries to appeal to a wide audience of people who simply enjoy a good adventure. Each subsequent book about Sookie Stackhouse, telepathic Louisiana barmaid and friend to vampires, werewolves, and various other odd creatures, was very successful in many languages.

The Harper Connelly books were written concurrently with the Sookie novels.

Following the end of Sookie's recorded adventures, Charlaine wrote the "Midnight, Texas" books, which have become a television series, also. The Aurora Teagarden books have been adapted by Hallmark Movie & Mystery.

Charlaine is a member of many professional organizations, an Episcopalian, and currently the lucky houseparent to two rescue dogs. She lives on a cliff overlooking the Brazos River.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 9,921 reviews
Profile Image for Allison.
38 reviews76 followers
May 18, 2013
I think the most interesting thing that will come of this series might be a new word. A word readers will forever use to describe a series, that while compelling and wonderful at it's inception, faltered under the weight of an irrational author. You can say: The author Harrised the series. (Or, "the book was Harrised," would be acceptable too...)

It is with great sadness I have to report, history did prove the predictor of fate, and the three preceding books delineated into the final wet slap on the pavement. Another of Harris' literary turds was birthed. But TS Eliot was not right, the Sookie Stackhouse Universe did not end with a whimper: It was an apathetic shrug.

There are spoilers ahead, many, many, spoilers.

I know there are forensic psychologists, and forensic accountants, and forensic anthropologists, and -- well -- it goes on and on. Are there forensic editors? Or would it be a forensic novelist? Maybe we need just a plain 'ol detective? Because I don't know how you go from writing a great paranormal romance, beloved by millions, to this piece of crap novel. There has to be some covert, publishing house, HBO royalties, Amazon agreement, kind of reason, to make any logical sense of this book...

I just can't understand why she ended it the way she did! This is Pulp Fiction. Not Marquez. Not Franzen. Hell, it's not even George R R Martin. Am I crazy? There is a social contract between the readers/buyers of romance novels and the novelists who write them. It's this: the girl ends up with the guy about whom and for which legions of fans have been pining. It's the reason we pick up romance novels in the first place. We want to read about a coupling so intense, it speaks to a deep place inside of us, an atavistic need to be consumed by lust, passion and love. That is the social contract. ....So why at the end of this pulp romance series did I feel like I was reading The White Hotel? It. Was. Awkward. (...and creepy. Just to warn you, there is a sex scene. It's bad. Like - we should report it to the school's psychologist - bad...)

I mean, I see how Ms. Harris painted herself into a corner with Sookie and Eric, but that's the beauty of fiction, especially pulp fiction -- you can paint yourself right out. There's no shame in it, because -- we already know it's crap fiction. But it's fun crap fiction, so it's okay, there's no judgement... HERE WATCH ME DO IT!

"Oh hey Sookie, It's me, Niall, I'm back. I heard that you used that magic fairy thing I gave you in a selfless act. So guess what? Here's another. Because you're so cute. And blonde. Now you can wish that all vampires revert back to their human state." (Which, by the way, would have been the kindest thing for which any person could have wished.) "Oh really, great grand daddy, thanks, now Eric's not shooting blanks and we can make many, many babies together. And we can watch a bunch of thousand year old people try to revert back into their humanity. Which would have been way more interesting than reading about me and Sam going FUCKING LINE DANCING!"

As for a review: here goes. It's another bad story. Very thin plot with so many holes. There is a whole villain in this novel that goes totally unrevealed. Literally Harris forgets about him (remember the devil - that wasn't Claude, right?). Um... there are a lot of casseroles - again. Poor fashion choices. A lot of Goodbyes, I guess, Harris is using this book to say a final goodbye to all of these characters. So for that reason there are a lot of scenes that do nothing to advance the thread of a story. There is some other stuff, but...it...was...too boring to remember.

If you want my advice on whether or not to read it, I say do. I mean if you read the first 12, you should finish what you started and finish the series. A least you can accomplish something that the author couldn't....but borrow the book.

Profile Image for Sammy Loves Books.
1,137 reviews1,629 followers
July 12, 2014
Spoiler Alert*****Spoiler Alert*****Spoiler Alert****

I've read thirteen books to find out which man would be Sookie's HEA!!!
This is what I wanted:


I would have settled for this:


But, This is what I got:


Sookie was just as surprised as I was:


Jason is just as lost as I am:


I just feel I wasted my time reading this:


And I'm a tad bit upset:


My review had originally ended here, but my friend, Sunny, wanted details. I hate to give anymore time to this book, but Sunny Rocks, so here you go hun...;oD

Complete Cliff Notes for those of you who refuse to read this book
Profile Image for Elisa.
29 reviews
May 17, 2013
I'm different than everyone else in that I think she will end up with Sam. He's her best friend and constant and has never tried to selfishly use her for her "gifts" (That i can remember, anyway). He adores her and is her protector. It only makes sense to me that she would end up with him, thus allowing her to have someone to grow old with. Someone who accepts her for who and what she is: A Sup. If she ended up with Eric, she would have to give up a part of herself to be with him. And, she would be used as a toy and pawn to further the Vamp world. In book 12 Harris wrapped up all the past characters and love interests with a pretty red bow, telling us how they were, what they were doing -- basically showing us why they wouldn't be with Sookie. Her natural instinct to save Sam showed her true love for him -- not the stupid lustful crap she had with Eric and Bill. Sure the sex was great with them, but there is so much more to a relationship than sex. Eric is narcissistic and selfish. He will never be able to put Sookie first. Which is why I hope she ends up with Sam. Let the tomato tossing begin. ;-)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Alisha-Dear Constant Reader.
251 reviews2 followers
December 4, 2013
 photo tumblr_mhd3yr8PGN1qgqbmxo1_500_zps1439891c.gif

Alisha: The fan who is neither crazy, nor entitled rants


So I've been on Amazon, watching the reactions. Lots of sock puppets and rabid Charlaine fans giving this turd 5 stars. Even Anne Rice is weighing in! I'm uber suspicious of all reviews that say, "She tied this up nicely, way to go Ms. Harris! and I look forward to reading the Coda in October!" Gotta hand it to Penguin, they are on top of this.

"Hey everyone! Look over here! Disregard the bad reviews. Those people are CRAZY!"

There's been a lot said about this final installment of Sookie. There have been angry fans, sad fans, furious bloggers, and Charlaine sheeple. Fans of Charlaine and maybe free speech? are calling the upset masses entitled and crazy. If you didn't like the book, you are a crazy Eric/Sookie shipper. Just check out the Wall Street Journal's crap article, How to Kill a Vampire Series if you don't believe me.

It's a mess. In the end, this will sell plenty of books, but a good portion of readers will remember that their emotional trust was broken. Say what you will, that is a legitimate feeling. There is a relationship between reader and writer and that is built on trust. When a writer chooses not to just add a twist, but to twist a knife into the reader, it's sometimes permanent.

My guess is that Harris, being tired of Sookie isn't in the same frame of mind she once was when writing the frisky waitress/telepath. Of course she isn't in the same place she once was. We change. What once was exciting and fresh, can become dull and stale. Likewise, with Sookie, Harris' ability to do what she wanted in light of True Blood, crazed fans, and simple boredom all took their toll on the work.

I've read books 1-9 at least five times each. 10-12? Why bother?

I'm not a whiny girl who didn't get her way.

I did not read this final installment and I don't plan to, but not for the reasons that you might think. I'm not an entitled douche bag. I don't want to make Harris my bitch. I've been known to read a book or two, and despite what Harris' PR camp is spinning, I won't be attempting suicide or threatening the author any time soon. Most likely, I'll just read something else.

Here's my complaints, since I know the ending and I've read all the reviews on Amazon.

Bad Plot Devices

Alisha takes offense. Harris thinks that . Try saying that out loud to someone who hasn't read the books and see if they don't laugh at the absurdity of that particular choice. "She did WHAT to Eric?!?"

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1. I waffle between thinking that Harris hates her fame or or fans or the book. I can't tell which one. Then I think, no, she's just tired of it. But after her choices for DEA, I am back to thinking that she's a bit vindictive. Why? I haven't a clue. It could be the fans, or True Blood/Alan Ball hate. I can't say. I do feel her choices for Eric were vindictive. Let me restate that. I feel this. YOU are free to feel other stuff.

But Alisha! Wait! Harris can do whatever she sees fit. See my last comment, but also...

Sure, she can and she did. I ask you though, how did Moning conclude the Fever series? How has Gabaldon treated Fraser and Claire? How did Mead conclude Vampire Academy? You can literally insert any couple into this example and get a similar outcome. That outcome being that not everyone is satisfied with conclusions, but the readership did not freak the fuck out.

2. Harris wrote the love between Eric and Sookie. Eric always had Sookie's back even when she didn't realize it. He graveled her drive, and replaced her coat. He called her brave and self-less. He tried to protect her from a bond with Andre. Harris also wrote Sookie saving Eric. In those books, many of us became invested readers.

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3. Harris wrote the

4. Harris wrote that Sookie was worried (annoyingly concerned) that the bond between her and Eric was influencing her feelings of love, so much so that she broke the blood bond. And yet, Sookie is willing to overlook

5. Harris wrote Sookie as brave in the beginning and accepting of other supes because people had always treated her like crap. She was open to others, but now, to live a happy life

6. I'm not okay with the way it ended for Eric. That was sad. Now it's full circle? Jesus. I just can't...

My hard-hearted husband laughed up when I told him what Harris did to Eric. He said I ought to charge Harris with committing a McMurtry in the first degree. If you don't know what I'm referring to, see Lonesome Dove and the sequel, The Streets of Laredo.

But wait! There's more weird plots! Why would Sookie's gay cousin, Claude want to Again, I didn't read this, but there are some heated rants of tumblr that are discussing this peculiar plot device.

If you don't want to end up a spinster, it's time to settle!

Back to my point. I'm not reading the book because Sookie isn't fun anymore. That character I loved has devolved into a bigoted old woman, hell bent on nitpicking every aspect of her life. Sookie settled! She settle for line dancing, kids, and casseroles. That is NOT BRAVE. Remember ladies, when a woman nears thirty, it's time to quit being picky. The music is about to stop, so pick a chair! Charlaine wrote that too.

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SVM books once involved a mystery, some witty banter, a bit of fantasy with a smidgen of lust. When it worked, it was magic.

Sadly, the magic is gone. Luckily, there are other books in the sea, err...library.
Profile Image for Olga.
524 reviews41 followers
May 8, 2013
I knew CH would break my heart with DEA. I was prepared, I swear, but this... all of it... Low blow.

Read DUD (how appropriate) and then DEA. You won't miss a thing.
Why read 12 books about a Southern gal breaking up with her suitors to get in the 13th with the random guy? Why bother with all the fillers? That's right. All the nice words, all the angst, all the times Sookie had been one step away from dying? Why learn that you're better off to square one? That everything you've been through was for naught? That the idea that people from different races could find common interest and love against all odds is utter bullshit? That love is not what matters? That after 12 books you realized that maybe reading the thoughts of your partner isn't that big a deal after all? That it's okay to end a character's story arc by selling him into slavery after he'd been abused for years in the past? And to place the rapist as her friend and confidant?

Well, don't bother. Just don't.

I was reading the wrong story all along.

I didn't really care who Sookie ended up with. That was not the important part of the series. Not really. But if she ends up with X or Y give me a good reason to believe it.
It's not the WHO that bothers me, but the WHY and the way it was done. At this point, I wish Eric and Pam had died in Rhodes. At least I would have gotten the chance to see Sookie falling in love with "the right man for her".

The author intended to kill Bill in Dead and Gone but didn't because he had more story to tell. What was that story, excuse my curiosity? To bring Bubba to Fangtasia to distract Victor while they try to kill him? To rat on Eric to Sookie (with information we have no clue how he got a hold of), and lurk in her woods for all eternity? What an amazing story!
Harris said she knew how she would end the series by the second book. Too bad she didn't end it by the third. [SPOILER] Right then, Sam might have made a little more sense I guess. But after 10 more books of hearing crickets where Sam was concerned it was pulled right out of her ass.[end of SPOILER]

How unfair to Sookie. How unfair to Pam. How cruel to Eric. How lame for Bill.

Sookie was way off in this book. She's not even True Blood Sookie. And believe me, that's saying something. Everyone was acting OOC, this was a horrible ending for many characters, just a massacre, but Sookie was a real disappointment. Because I thought that since the author fucked up Eric's story, she at least would be fair to Sookie. No such luck. Never again, CH. Never again.

And to top it all off, let the bad guys win. Peachy.
Profile Image for Jon.
599 reviews745 followers
June 25, 2014
Check out my blog Scott Reads It!

It's really upsetting how quickly one of my favorite series became absolutely horrible. Books 1-9 were a ton of fun, they were definitely my guilty pleasure. They weren't exactly sophisticated but they were extremely entertaining. Then came along books 10-13, each book felt more excruciating and terrible than the last one. The most recent Stackhouse books are at best subpar, why did Harris have to unnecessarily stretch out this series? I feel like Charlaine Harris didn't put any effort into the last 5 books and that she was just in it for the money. In my mind, the Sookie Stackhouse series ended at book #9, it's ridiculous but that's how I feel. The last 5 books are pointless to the series and didn't really provide me with any closure. Sorry for rambling, I just had to let out my feelings about this series.

Dead Ever After was absolutely dreadful, this is definitely the worst conclusion to a series I ever read. Everything about it is poorly executed and it was an ordeal to finish this book. I easily could have went on Goodreads and found out who Sookie ended up with yet I continued to read in hopes that this book would somehow redeem itself after the poor quality of the past few books. I just wanted to get this series over and done with so I wouldn't feel bad about leaving it unfinished. Truthfully if I had known how low this series would sink, I probably would have never started this series from the get-go.

Dead Ever After is extremely tedious and lacks anything compelling. I could have just tossed the book out the window and I wouldn't have had any urge to continue. There was nothing that kept me turning the pages and I had to suppress the urge to toss the book across the room multiple times. For starters, this book's plot is extremely diluted and feels like one huge drawn-out mess. You would think it would be relatively easy to tie up all the loose ends in this series, considering how little has happened in the last 4 books! Yet Charlaine Harris does a poor job of wrapping up plot points and she tries to add more conflicts to this book. There was one plot point that was supposed to be over books ago and it randomly made a reappearance.

Do you like to read a book about a woman who cleans? Do you want to spend pages on reading Sookie doing chores? Do you want to listen to Sookie drone on and on about moisturizing her legs? If so, then you most likely will love this book! Truthfully I didn't care about Sookie's legs or how she moisturized her legs. The "plot" of this book is literally Sookie doing chores with a badly executed mystery in the background.

While people were dying in Bon Temps, Sookie doesn't really care and all she cares about is herself. Seriously who cares about people dying? Let's go to a random boutique and harass one of the workers there and be a total jerk! Sookie was so rude to this saleswoman in one of these little boutiques where she was shopping. Even when Sookie is danger, she doesn't even care at all. When she is danger with the vampires, all she cares about the table in Eric's house? She even says that she hates a vampire she doesn't even know because she walked on the table. Why the hell do you care so much about this table? Even in the last book, Sookie was constantly obsessing over Eric's furniture? A better ending to this series would have been if Sookie married that table because she is so obsessed with it. Seriously I wouldn't have been surprised if that happened because her obsession with the table is so peculiar. Sookie acts so stupid during this book that I wondered if Harris forgot to write her a brain.

When Sookie gets arrested for these murders, she isn't even slightly bothered by the fact that someone is accusing her of murder. All she cares about how she doesn't look good in orange, honey no one cares whether you look good in orange or not! At one point in the novel Sookie is having a conversation and she randomly suggests: "Maybe I should write a rap song called Flanked By His Flankies". Where did that even come from? Please don't write a rap song for the reader's sake! The old Sookie would never have been so unsympathetic, stupid, and she would have never suggested writing a rap song! Sookie doesn't get any better throughout the novel and she says cliche things throughout the entire book like: "How could people so in love judge each other?" Give me a break, you're stupidity made me feel like I was going to lose brain cells.

The so-called romance in this book is absurd and is a disgrace to books everywhere! I could tell early on what Harris's formula for this book's romance was. She devoted an entire chapter to each guy Sookie was involved with and she made the guy look like a douche bag. Why would Quinn and Alcide randomly just pop in to Sookie's life? Harris tried to intertwine the plot with the romance but it was an epic fail! I think Harris was trying to make readers comfortable with who she chose but it was a lame tactic on her part. I knew who she was going to choose for Sookie long ago because she made it so obvious! Let's just say that I'm not happy at all with who she chose and how she made all the men Sookie was involved with. Worst case scenario: I would have been happier if Sookie decided that maybe none of the guys in her life were right for her.

Seriously Harris turned all the guys into such jerks and yet Sookie continues to chase after them and obsess over them. Sookie, you don't need a man to support you! The ending of this book was such a cop-out and was so terrible! I hated the ending so much and this is easily the worst conclusion to a series. The ending made me so angry and I felt like I had wasted my time reading this entire series. The ending was cheesy, cliche and absolutely predictable!

I wouldn't recommend reading this book at all and it was torturous to read this book! Unless you're a die-hard Sookie fan or you need to know what happens, I wouldn't even bother picking up this book. There's nothing redeeming about this "final" book in the Sookie Stackhouse series and it was such a cash-cow scheme. I can't believe there's an epilogue coming out in the fall and I wouldn't be surprised if Harris added another 5 books to cash in even more on this series. This book is possibly one of the worst books I've read in so long and someone on Twitter tweeted me a blessing when they heard I was reading this book. Yes it was that bad that some random follower who I don't know blessed me after hearing I was reading this book. I refuse to pick up another Harris book ever again and I intend to keep this promise. Honestly I don't think this book even deserves 1 star!
Profile Image for Sahara.
144 reviews24 followers
December 4, 2013

I am never buying anything from Charlaine Harris again


Yes she spoiled my investment in her series...I really wanted Eric and Sookie to end up together.


Forgive me for being a die hard romance reader but that was the only interest I ever held for her books. Besides the romance element of the book, there were so many inconsistencies between character's personalities and their actions. I don't understand, did you do this for fun? Like *yah thats right, they don't control me* and *it just makes my job more interesting.*

Why build it up? Oh that's right>> money.

By the way I was hoping Sookie would make the right decision however we all know she is a fictional character whom is ultimately controlled by her puppet master...but she still must be destroyed


On that note Charlaine...



Profile Image for Kristen.
133 reviews
May 8, 2013
Dear Ms. Harris,

I refuse to read this book. I did not read Deadlocked and I will not read this one. I have no clue what would possess you to alienate your fans like this, but that is exactly what you did.

You wonder why we all love Eric? You wonder why we all wanted Eric and Sookie to have a HEA? You wrote the books, you created the characters, you created the arc, the narrative, and we followed you for 13 years. You managed to destroy their story in the last three books. After the bond was broken that was it for me. I decided Book 11 would be the last book I would read in this series.

I am so upset by the ending of this series that I refuse to read the last two books. I will turn to fanfiction and pretend this nightmare never occurred.

Eric Northman will forever be a beloved character. I wish I could say the same for Sookie. You managed to make me dislike your heroine. You could have had Sookie end up alone, but instead you put her with a character she has shown ZERO interest in since Book 1. Not only that, but you have her banished from Eric for 200 years. So not only did you split them up, but you did it for all eternity.

I am so shocked by this ending. I feared it, I thought it, but I never thought it would come to fruition.

To have invested 13 years in a series to feel this duped by the author is devastating.

I'm not sure the SVM community will ever recover from this. No wonder you decided not to tour with this book.

I know people say that these are your books and your characters and I couldn't agree more. Having said that, why even introduce us to Eric Northman? Why make us fall in love with him if in the end all you were going to do is destroy him? Why write 13 books only to end up where we began? I am so confused I cannot see straight.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Bettie.
Author 1 book10 followers
September 13, 2021
I don't give flaming reviews. I find them tacky and classless. If you don't like a book, don't read it. That's always been my motto. If there are technical issues or things you don't agree with from a reader's standpoint, feel free to point them out but understand that the power is always going to lie with the writer. Respect that, and respect them. If you don't like it, write your own book. This has been what I've said to countless angry readers for well over 20 years.

Now, I say screw that.

If it were possible to give "Dead Ever After" negative stars, I would certainly do so. Not only does it bring an implausible and ridiculous end to a 13-book saga, but it manages to eviscerate and bastardize not only everything we have ever adored about this series, but also one of the most beloved male characters in literature this side of Mr. Darcy.

Harris' handiwork, not only in this novel, but in the series as a whole, has been as sloppy and shoddy as a used car salesman attaching a bumper with crazy glue. She blatantly thumbs her nose at important concepts such as consistency, plotting, foreshadowing, realism, and pacing. But this novel ... it's just plain crap. If I were her publisher, I would have given it back and said, "Nope. Try again."

I am not just angry as a former fan of the series, I am angry at her as a writer. What is this? Is it some kind of joke? It must be. You've broken every rule in literature and your only reason is because that's how you wanted it to be? Really? What are you, a fourteen-year-old writing your first fanfiction? Because that's how this book reads. (On second thought, I take that back. I wouldn't want to offend the fourteen-year-old fanfiction writers. They could do infinitely better than this.) There is no way one can slog through the first 12 books and get to the 13th and actually think any of what happens in "Dead Ever After" could really happen. What was the point of all this except to make money? What were you smoking, Charlaine? Can I have some so I can maybe enjoy the story, too?

Like Harris' main character, Sookie Stackhouse, I, as a reader, feel raped, abused, and betrayed. Not only am I never reading this novel again, it is going to take everything I have not to douse it in lighter fluid, set it on fire, and dance around it naked in effigy. THAT is how angry I am. No, not angry. Livid, irate, murderous ...

Seriously. Don't just stay away from this book and this series ... stay away from Charlaine Harris. I know I will be.
Profile Image for Kim.
9 reviews9 followers
May 9, 2013
I will always be an EL.

I am so sad that Ch has destroyed a much loved character. There will be ALOT of disappointed fans. and to be honest it won't be just Eric fans who are upset. This book finished with a thud.After so many yrs invested as a reader I feel cheated.

Sadly she is going to lose and upset alot of readers.

For me,writers are only as good as their last book.

Sad way to end a series, that could easily have been one of my favorites
Profile Image for T00zday.
578 reviews123 followers
December 9, 2013
As soon as the HBO tv series came out, Ms Harris began to write with the tv series in mind - and the WRITING WENT TO CRAP.

Charlaine Harris is the next runner up to the Laurell K Hamilton writer of SHAME award..... never again Ms Harris, never again.
Profile Image for Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥.
586 reviews35.1k followers
March 22, 2018
”I truly think you take the prize for having more people wanting to kill you than anyone I’ve ever known. I’m only trying to get to them first. But it’s fun, in a way.”

I can’t believe I actually read the last of the Sookie Stackhouse books! XD
When I first started this series I was 19!!! So yeah it took me about 11 years to finish it. Which is pretty okay, considering that this series consists of a total of 13 books. *lol*

After so many adventures there were a lot of old and a few new faces in “Dead Ever After” and as the quote already indicates there’s a lot of trouble coming Sookie’s way. XD Poor girl, to say those vampires mixed up her life would probably be the understatement of the century. Our girl is a fighter though so of course she doesn’t just accept what’s happening to her! ;-)
Since I don’t want to spoil anything, (which is pretty hard after 13 books *lol*) suffice it to say that as usually she’s facing those troubles head-on. XD

And now to the most important question so many of you asked and wanted answered! *lol*
Who is she ending up with?
Who won her heart in the end?

I know some of you lost their patience throughout the series and dnfd it so I’m keeping my promise and will tell you now! ;-P
Are you ready?
Here I go!

Well, anyway! Now you know! ;-P

All told, I enjoyed the last book as well, but it definitely wasn’t as good as the former ones I read. I think it was just too much packed into one book and I didn’t like the change of POVs.
That’s just my personal opinion though, so don’t let me keep you from finishing this series too. ;-)
Profile Image for Goosey.
222 reviews9 followers
May 10, 2013
Pre-Read Review: My only hope is that she ends up with Sam, whom I've been rooting for since book 1.

Post-Read Review:
May 11, 2013
From the first line...

"I'd been waiting for the vampire for years when he walked into the bar."

to the last...

"I’m Sookie Stackhouse. I belong here."

it's been quite a journey with Sookie and her friends. Thirteen books...mostly good but nonetheless I've enjoyed reading them and they will be missed.


Thirteen Hints

♦ There's a wedding. {Yay!}
♦ There's a divorce. {ugh}

♦ There's a new life. {Yay!}
♦ There's a death. {or four...who's counting?}

♦ Someone leaves. {ugh}
♦ Someone returns. {total surprise!}

♦ Someone gets promoted. {Yay!}
♦ Someone gets some money. {finally}

♦ There's quite a few HEA's. {♥♥♥}
♦ And a few HFN's. {♥}

♦ Nice closure for most of the characters.
♦ Except for a few. (Bubba ♥ Hunter)

♥ Someone's get down to business and decide to try for a HFN...but that wasn't a big surprise at all!

My Thoughts

I have to say that I quite enjoyed the book...I love being in Sookieworld and I will miss it. But...it was time for Sookie's story to end. In fact, it probably should've ended a few books ago. Does that mean I was happy with how things turned out? No. of course not. We all know who the true romance is of this series but it just wasn't happening and I knew that as soon as CH decided that Sookie wanted a baby. I know a lot of people were upset about that but I'm glad that CH decided to end the story the way originally saw it...with Sookie being happy and it just wouldn't have worked out the other way.

Now....this is a {tiny} spoiler but THANK GOODNESS she didn't get Sookie and Bill back together. I would have freaked the eff out if that happened. I liked how CH kept their relationship although she did have me worried a few times.

So this is goodbye to Sookie and goodbye to Bon Temps...I will miss you even though I look forward to the totally unrelated craziness on True Blood. Thank you Charlaine Harris for a great story with many wonderful characters and an entertaining tale while it lasted.


{...or is it? ---> After Dead What Came Next in the World of Sookie Stackhouse (Sookie Stackhouse, #13.5) by Charlaine Harris }

Favorite quotes:

♥ "No matter what happens in public—no matter what—don’t doubt that I love you and care about your welfare . . . as much as I am able.” {ugh}

♥ "You may not be my wife in name, but you are in my heart." {double ugh}
Profile Image for Stephanie *Eff your feelings*.
239 reviews1,337 followers
May 31, 2013
So here we are at the end of Sookie Stackhouse and I for one am sad.

This review WILL have some spoilers….be warned, but if you are looking any other review, everybody and their mother wrote ‘photo’ and/or ‘gif’ reviews of this book and all give it away, so…..don’t blame me.

Sookie is a slow learner.

Sookie Stackhouse has been through the wringer with all her supernatural lovers. For thirteen books she has been close to death numerous times. This girl has compiled so many enemies I don’t know how she sleeps at night; it would take me two Xanex with and a 'half a bottle of wine' chaser to ever sleep again. But not Sookie, she cooks, cleans, dresses (badly), puts her hair in a pony tail, takes it out of a pony tail, worries about the ‘dent’ and puts it back in a pony tail, goes to work at her bar.....narrowly escape death, does her makeup, waters the plants, sun baths, makes lunch, narrowly escape death……business as usual.

And that’s the ultimate charm of this series. One day vampires come out of the closet, then the two natured….. Add in a fairy or two, a few witches. But why let any of that upset your daily routine? Just go about living your daily lives and almost die in the process.

Now I know ya’all are upset that Sookie did not end up with Eric ‘the hot’ (if that’s possible being dead and cold and all) vampire. Come on, he nearly got her killed about ten times!! And he was a complete ass to her the whole time. The only reason women like this guy is because he’s easy on the eyes….the whole reason women got all gooey over Christian Grey in those 50 shades books…..(sure he is a psychopath, but he’s a HOT psychopath, which makes it all okay.) Bill, her first vampire boyfriend, almost got her killed as well. Step away from the vampire Sookie.

Then there were her baby pangs. I for one have never had them, ever, but many women do. You can’t get pregnant by a vampire…..just not possible. So, she turns to her best friend (who’s not dead…yay!!). I don’t see the problem here; your best friend is the person you should end up with. Am I Right?

I’ve said this before, but it needs repeating……Charlaine Harris, STOP writing sex scenes!!! For all that is holy and all that is not, don’t do this to us ever again!!!

“He rolled on the condom and plunged in.”

That’s not sexy……That’s NOT sexy!!!! Plunged in? Charlaine!! I ought to put you in a time out.
Profile Image for Emily May.
2,074 reviews313k followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
April 26, 2013
I stopped reading this series two or three books ago now but I was curious who Sookie ended up with. If you want to know without having to read/make use of google, then click the spoiler tag below.

1) Do not click if you don't want to know who Sookie ends up with
2) Do not click if you are planning on reading this book
3) Do not click if you think you might read this book
4) Do not blame me if you click and then decide you might want to read it after all
5) Do not blame me if you click and are disappointed



Profile Image for Kelly Trobaugh.
191 reviews
August 27, 2016

CH's entitled to write how she wants....... and We're entitled to tell her what we think about her writing and decide where to spend our $$. If I go into a restaurant and order filet mignon and get served strip steak, do you not think I'm going to have words for the chef/manager/waitress? Do you not think I'm not going to pay for said strip steak? Do you not think I'm going to tell everyone and their brother about what happened? While I don't condone death threats on her person, death threats against her pocketbook and her writing are fair game. She put it out there for purchase and should expect feedback on it, both good and bad. We are all not sycophantic Yes men.

************* Possible Spoilers **************
Am I an Eric Lover? Yes. But I knew after DITF that it wasn't going to happen. I kept waiting for REAL clues as to where CH would take this. Possibilities I thought would: 1) Sookie Alone 2) Sookie really dead (and maybe meeting Gran in the Summerlands to end it) 3) Jason dying and Sookie running off to Fae all heart broken. 4) Someone turning her, not necessarily Eric (longshot as CH has always said no) 5) Actual build up to a logical suitor. None of this happened; esp. not the last. While I'm not totally against her being with Sam, there was no logical build up to this pairing. And we won't even discuss seal sex....ewwww

There were so many inconsistencies in this book, it is impossible to ignore them all. Missing little things like names or something I can see, but these are going totally against the world rules she created. Here's a few gleaned from reading and conversations with friends.

1. After 12 books of having it said repeatedly by Sookie that Sam is ONLY her friend/boss/older brother type, she all of a sudden finds herself in love with him?

2. After `making love' for the first time, Sookie's internal monologue muses if this was only so great because of the magic of the cluviel dor and that she really doesn't care nor does it matter. Excuse me? This coming from the woman who spent several BOOKS upset and fighting the bond between her and Eric because she believed it was only the magic of the bond that caused their love for each other. It annoyed her so greatly that she had the bond broken and discovered that she did in fact love Eric, `all on her own'.

3. It was also stated repeatedly throughout the series that Sookie believed she would never be able to be with a non-vampire due to her telepathy. While shifters and Were's were more difficult to read, they weren't impossible. This had caused such an issue for her that she was still a virgin until vampires came along. Suddenly, in this last book, it's stated she only reads their emotions, going directly against everything CH had stated in her books up to this point.

4. Sookie did not want children as she was afraid of passing along her telepathy. Actually, she wanted children, she just decided to not have any due to the reason stated. Now she's supposedly running off into the sunset with someone to have children with and while improbable, it's still a possibility her children, or at least her oldest child, will be a shifter...... another `curse' she didn't want to spring on her children.

5. In a previous book, Sookie asked the question if her telepathy could be removed and was told that it could not. Removing it would be like removing a vital organ. All of a sudden, Niall offers to remove it for her so she might be able to lead a normal life? Again, NOT what was previously established?
One example: 11.17
"Can I use it to take away the telepathy?"
"No, my dear, it would be like wishing away your spleen or your kidneys. But an interesting thought."
So I couldn't help Hunter with it. Or myself, either. Damn.

6. Eric is a 1000 year old Viking vampire. He's supposedly quite scary and strong. This glorious man was tortured for the first years of his vampire years by his vampire master and finally earned his freedom, siring his own children he `raised in love', building his businesses etc. Now however, he has been banned from his children, his businesses, his love and his life, and is essentially being forced into roll of arm candy, enforcer, and sex slave for 200 years.

7. Sookie was raped by Bill. There's no pretty way to put it really. Bill. Raped. Sookie. And how did the author handle this? Sookie and Bill kiss, Sookie ponders how nice it is, they become buddies and she asks advice of him! I know many victims of sexual crimes and this one point alone sickens them.

8. This series has the word Dead in every title, a nod to the vampires contained within. By the end, they are simply filler and no growth is achieved for any of them

9. People are blaming TB for the love affair with Eric. Sorry, but we were already in love with the idea of Eric before TB came out in summer of '07. There were already 7 books under CH's belt by this point. I'm willing to admit that I would have been willing to keep reading if Sam was front-runner.....IF she would have actually written it that way.

10. Does anyone REALLY buy that Creepy Felipe is going to leave Sookie alone? This is one of the main reasons I feel he didn't help stop the slavery of Eric to Freyda. And even if you take FdC out of the picture, WAYYYYY too many know about Sookie esp. after Rhodes. What's to truly stop some other state from grabbing her? Or an outside vamp from making her a sippy cup (or Hunter for that matter or however many puppies she has with Sam?) Karin's watching is only one year. An outside pack of werewolves or gaggle of vampires could easily swoop in and grab her. Sam wouldn't be able to stop them.

That is just a few of the reasons I gave it 1 star. and to CH.....


Added 1/27/14: Came across this graph showing mentions of Sookie's suitors. Not sure who owns it but it was interesting: http://i.imgur.com/bcjSN4d.jpg
Profile Image for Tracey.
43 reviews4 followers
May 11, 2013

Canceled my pre-order for the limited edition, linen-bound, autographed copy of DEA, as well as After Dead. Not spending $100 on a sham. I could buy Sookie choosing Sam (always said she would end up with him) had we not had 9 -- I repeat -- NINE books of a relationship with Eric with no mention of romantic inclinations toward Sam, always just a close friend. She was also paired with several characters during the course of the series; ending up with Bill, Alcide, or Quinn would have been a surprise, but at least we could have considered it plausible, yanno?

I agree, this book series went into the toilet once True Blood came onto the scene. It's like once Alan Ball totally massacred the characters, Ms. Harris decided she would, too. She has repeatedly said they are her characters to do with as she sees fit, and I totally agree. But wouldn't it make more sense, at least from a financial standpoint, to write something you know your readers will buy? It's pretty high handed on her part to think that just because we bought all the other books that we would be beholden to buy this farewell F-you to her readers.

I don't feel like I've been gypped out of a Sookie/Eric HEA; she doesn't deserve him. I just feel like I've been screwed out of an ending that makes sense.

Will read DEA once it is released and review on the full book; I don't expect it to be pretty.

**************************** UPDATE ***********************************

When the other books in the series were released, I burned through them like a spark through a tinderbox, even though the last two or three weren't all that spectacular. I made it through DEA in one day only because I was sick in bed and couldn't go to work.

DEA was so bad, in my opinion, that I actually took breaks to watch a little Food Network on TV, play Candy Crush Saga, nap, and lurk on Facebook.

Yeah, it's that bad.

I have to agree with a friend of mine who is convinced this was done by a ghost writer. The feel of the whole story is off...way off. And NEVER has CH used third person point of view in any of the SVM books. It was used frequently in this one. It's almost like she didn't want to bother with having to figure out how to relate what the extraneous characters were up to while telling the story in Sookie's POV.

It's a common sentiment that most of the characters have totally gone lame during the last few books, but this time they're just flat-out strange. After being publicly divorced by Eric, Sookie appears to pretty much just shrug it off like she hasn’t spent the last nine books agonizing over, fighting with, fighting against, and rolling in the hay with him.

Amelia comes back and Sookie forgives her Alcide transgression. Alcide himself comes back and is forgiven his (grossly stupidly written) bedroom incident. Hell, Sookie is even tickled pink to see John Quinn when he comes strolling in after she selfishly kicked him the curb.

And we all know Sookie always forgives Bill. This go-round she even momentarily considers rebound sex with him after Eric divorces her. Really, Charlaine? Bill lovers the world over were probably holding their collective breaths over this juicy tidbit while the rest of us were throwing up in our mouths a little.

In addition to the completely out-of-character characters, much of the continuity of this book makes little to no sense. For five books, Sookie obsessed over whether or not the fact her blood bond with Eric was guiding her feelings of affection and/or love for him. She even went so far as to go behind his back and break the bond to find out if what she felt was truly love. (Turns out, it was.) Yet she doesn’t bat an eye over the fact that her use of the cluviel dor on Sam could influence her feelings toward him.

Also, Sookie’s ability to read Sam’s thoughts throughout the series has always been made plain. Now, all of a sudden, the most she can get is feelings of emotions? What a convenient turn of events for a writer who is trying to justify sticking her telepathic heroine with someone who she will have to shield his thoughts for life or longer…a heroine who was drawn to vampires in the first place because of their silent brains.

And honestly, the whole premise of Copley Carmichael’s plot to steal the cluviel dor from Sookie so he can use it to control Amelia’s life? At least that’s what I understood the gist to be. Then again, by the time it got to that point in the book my brain was so fried I could be way off base. All I know is I sure don’t want to read it again for clarification. So if anyone wants to help me out on this one, be my guest.

The parade of long-gone characters—Copley Carmichael, Steve Newlin, John Quinn, Johan Glassport, Arlene Fowler—in my opinion read like a thrown-together This Is Your Life, Sookie Stackhouse. Throw in one pissed off Claude Crane, and throwing these characters together for plot makes about as much sense as a monkey, a donkey, and a chicken on the same bowling team.

What upsets me the most is the complete annihilation of the Eric character. I admit I’ve been an Eric fan since somewhere around LDiD, so I’ll try not to be biased here. But since DUD he has been written as powerful, mysterious, brooding, and beautiful. He always went out of his way to make sure Sookie was protected, and he never failed to show his affection for her, however subtle it may have been at times.

Eric ends the series, however, as pouting, spiteful, and spineless, whining over the fact that Sookie used the cluviel dor to save Sam’s life instead of using it to get him out of his arranged marriage to the queen of Oklahoma. The Eric from books prior would have had the cunning and wherewithal to come up with his own plan to free himself from the yoke of his maker’s arrangement with Oklahoma. Instead, the ghost of the Viking vampire we came to love ends up as Felipe de Castro’s whipping boy, sold into what is tantamount to sexual slavery for not the customary 100 year royal marriage, but a 200 year sentence.

The author’s dislike and disdain for the Eric character couldn’t be more evident if she’d titled this book Why I Hate Eric. One last big Eff-You to the Eric lovers of the world. What she failed to realize was it was mostly us Eric lovers who have lined her pockets and padded her bank account with all the books we bought from her over the years.

Did I want Sookie and Eric to end up together at the end of the series? Initially, yes. Even though Sookie has made it plain from Day One that she has no wish to become a vampire, I always hoped that they would discover some way—fae magic from Naill, perhaps—to stay together for centuries, at least. But with the deterioration of the characters for the last few books, it doesn’t make sense for them to end up together. That being said, it also doesn’t make sense that she would choose Sam, a best friend/boss character for whom there has been no romantic interest, no build-up WHATSOEVER to being Sookie’s HEA. If Sookie didn’t end up with Eric, it would have made more sense for her to end up with Alcide, or even *chokes* Bill.

The decline in reader ratings on both Goodreads and Amazon.com for each successive book since From Dead to Worse is testament to the fact the author has lost her passion for and interest in these characters. Maybe this series was stretched out just a little too long. Slapping words together for a paycheck is not the hallmark of a great author, even if you do have a few New York Times bestsellers under your belt.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Michelle.
319 reviews17 followers
May 12, 2013
I REFUSE to buy or read this!! REFUSE!!! Charlaine Harris KNEW the majority of her fans read this book series because WE ALL LOVED ERIC AND SOOKIE!!! KNEW IT!!! And did she care? No. She just wrote what she wanted. Why give us years and years, book after book, story line after story line of one of the greatest romances of all time to end it with ***spoliers**** Eric marrying his vampire wife and banded from Sookie for 200 years and putting Sookie with a man she had only friendship feelings for through 13 books? What the hell was the point to giving us Sookie and Eric if in the last freaking book they were completely ripped away from us.

We are supposed to TRUST our favorite authors to take us on a journey, make us sad, cry, rejoice, smile, want to pull out our hair, fall in love with our favorite characters and in the end know it was a hellva good ride. This feels like betrayel. Like we were conned. The hood pulled over our eyes. She took us on an epic journey with Sookie and Eric. Then cheated on us with Sam. WTF.

I'll never trust her with a story again and I won't be reading anything else this author writes.

(*note- I did try to read a borrowed copy~ kinda knew I wouldnt want to buy it. And then I couldn't read much of it. )
Profile Image for Shamayeta.
1 review1 follower
August 18, 2014
I'm an avid reader of this series. It's not one of the most sophisticated reads, nor enthralling but boy, did I love it. I read the first book when I was 11- it didn't really float my boat. I read it again at 15 and I fell in love with a certain vampire with the initials E.N.

And I devoured rest of the 8 books, loving every bit of it. It wasn't some gung-ho story with a spineless female protagonist (read: twilight). I actually grew fond of the characters, their lives; their stories. The build-up for the Sookie-Eric pairing? It was massive. When it finally happened - I couldn't help but let out a fan girl squeal. No, they weren't perfect. They were as messed up as couples could go. But there was actual chemistry between them. Enough so for me to be invested in this series for this long, and this much.

Now about the 13th book. I'm really not looking forward to it. I loved the series till the 9th book. 10th book kind of dragged on. I'm not a big fan of the 11th book either but kudos to the 'Victor killing idea'. That was good, if not great. A tidy way to wrap the dying series. But no... it had to go on. And then came the 12th.
*insert dramatic music here*

I won't lie. I have not read a single page of it. My friend read it and told me about Eric's drastic change in character. She told me about the plot, the cluviel dor and Sam.
I know it's a bit presumptuous criticizing a book I haven't read. But really, Charlaine? Changing the protective, power-hogging, sexy vampire into a pushy douchebag just to fit your plot? Not cool.

If you were planning to pair Sam and Sookie up since the beginning then why have you put us through 12 books of amazing vampires and werewolves and what not? Sookie and Sam could've gotten together in the second chapter when there was a hint of slightest chemistry between them. And then we go through 11 books of little or no chemistry and then WHAM! Sookie's into Sam more than our beloved Eric.

Why put us through that Charlaine? Dangling a carrot in front of our noses through this entire wonderful journey - and then gobbling it up just before reaching the finish line.

Excuse the fact that this is more of a rant than a review. I'm just really depressed about the outcome of the series.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
102 reviews
April 26, 2013
I'm very disappointed, and it's more than the ending.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,181 reviews34.9k followers
May 9, 2013
2-2.5 Stars :(

If I had only one word to describe how I was feeling after reading this book it would be...

 photo Sookie-Disapointed_zpse260e84c.gif

And I hate to give it a poor rating. I hate giving any book a poor rating. I know authors work extremely hard on their books, but I have to be honest here... after years and years of reading this series, the final book was a let down for me.

So we have Sookie...
 photo 34b19b9a-8a03-449d-8570-e622641c00c0_zpsffc51dd2.jpg
Anyone who has read this series knows that Sookie is a telepath. She has fae blood in her. Hearing everyones thoughts is intrusive. She can’t directly ‘hear’ the supes thoughts, so those are the guys she goes for.

And her MANY men (that all make appearances in this book)...

Her kind of sort of Vampire Husband?
 photo a7a3f848-421f-4dbf-87ae-584bde753aa5_zps74619b95.jpg

First Love- A Vampire also
 photo 86ad8436-dbb2-409e-986c-e401e349ff92_zps6a2c87a4.jpg

One of her best friends who’s life she just saved, and her boss, and a Shape Shifter
 photo b2d57696-3900-4ccf-b584-ae7754dc6456_zps4eaee8b0.jpg

Kind of Ex and PackMaster- Were
 photo 3450e787-df13-4482-a96f-907a253b6f25_zpsebc91a17.jpg

Another Ex and WereTiger
 photo 84992f40-cf41-495b-bafd-3241626dda36_zpse38bf784.jpg

At the end of the last book, Sookie had one chance to make a ‘wish’ with her fairy object. Anything she wants. Does she wish for Eric to get out of his obligation of marrying another vampire? No. She saves Sam, her best friend. Its caused all kinds of trouble. Eric is distant. Sam isn’t really talking to her either.
Are we clear now? Not really... thats okay.

Can any one tell me WHY NOTHING happened with ANY of these guys the first 90% of the book.... anyone, anyone??? It was so frustrating!
I had a terrible time getting into this book. It started slow. Then there was the typical Sookie drama. Then FINALLY the ending...

Even though Sookie ended up with my second favorite guy and the guy I thought would be best for her, I couldn’t even be happy with that. I was too frustrated by that point.

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this series in general. The first 1-10 books were really awesome. It actually is one of my favorite series. Books 11 and 12 were just okay... this one was, well, you get it.
 photo 620e7d46-8db6-499b-9c17-8120bb607894_zps42ea1cc0.jpg
Good Books ^^^

I know this is more of me just rambling than a full review, and I apologize for that.
Anyway, I am just sad the final book ended this way. I had really high hopes for it and I was let down. I’m sure many people will enjoy it, it just bummed me out.
Profile Image for Ellie Wilson.
23 reviews32 followers
May 23, 2013
This book better be fan(g)tastic! Go Harris!
*sighs* I really hope this book doesn't turn out to be like I think it's going to be..

(Painful) Predictions:

-Eric with that Freyda--> angst, pain, bitterness, jealousy on sookie's behalf.
-Bill and Sam start to look more appealing.
-But Bill wins in the end.
-Some close people die.
-Either Bill ends with her or..(or Sookie dies, but I don't think so)..or.......
*worst case possible*: bittersweet ending with Sookie standing alone and strong, spouting some nonsense of being able to live, be strong and independent, without any of the men in her life at her side. (C. Harris IS used to doning out frank, hard, bitter realization-of-life's-truth-moments) And worse, still HUMAN.

(Nice but Improbable)Hopes:

-Happy ever after with Eric. For EVER. <3
-possible way of communication with the faerie world.
- More involvement with Hunter.
-A bit of romance with Sam and Bill, making Eric so jealous he decides to stake his claim once and for all. And before this, he thinks rationally about Sookie using the cluviel dor for Sam instead of him, doesn't get mad and certainly DOES NOT take his anger out on sookie by flaunting is new realationship with Freyda and by being an ass humiliating her.
- Gets to confront her grandma's ghost about her affair.
- Sookie discovers other genes in her ancestry and developes her new and faerie powers enough to be a valuable opponent and not be so undervalued all the time.


Profile Image for Linda.
2,042 reviews62 followers
May 8, 2013
Skimmed most of the book, but could not finish.
I´m not mad that CH did what she did (it´s her brain baby after all), I´m angry that she built a relationship for 12+ books only to botch it and say FU to us all, "Let´s have some Seal loving instead" *shudders*
I read books with HEA because I can trust the author not to tear my heart into pieces, this shows that I can never ever trust CH again.
Profile Image for Anne.
4,318 reviews70.1k followers
May 4, 2021
Why not finish the series out?


There's no reason not to go ahead and bite the bullet if (like me) you've already read all of the other TWELVE books.
I waited a while, not because I was upset with who she was going to end up with, but because the low ratings for this one made me think it might be a chore to get through.
And it was.
I had forgotten how absolutely boring Sookie had become.
Yeah, after about 10 minutes of reading, all the memories started flooding back.
The alternate title for this book was, Sookie Checks Her Mail, Mows Her Lawn, Goes Shopping, Brushes Her Hair, and Takes About 40 Showers.
Evidently, Harris thinks we all give a shit what Sookie chops up and puts in her casseroles. Or maybe she's thinking of squeezing a little more money out of her cash cow? Perhaps Sookie's Knock 'Em Dead Southern Recipes is the next book to hit the shelves?
I didn't know you could write in monotone, but apparently Harris' inner author sounds like this: Beuller? Beuller?

It's sad to see such a quirky and charming character turn into a lackluster chore to read about. However, if you've come this far with the series, you might as well see it to the bitter end.


It honestly seemed like she went after every character with a weed-wacker in this. I got the distinct feeling that Harris was sick to death of these guys. Like she hated the idea of even having to write one more word about any of them again. I'm probably wrong, but it seemed like she was giving her hardcore fans the finger when she wrote this.

I'm glad I waited and got this from the library because the thought of putting money into her pocket after reading this would just piss me off.
Two stars were generous and given mostly out of my former love for this series.

Profile Image for Ezi Chinny.
2,614 reviews521 followers
December 4, 2013


Gotta give it to you Ms. Harris. You got me. You got me good. I avoided all spoilers like the plague because I chose to trust in you and your storytelling. I chose to believe you would lead me to the promised land that I have so ardently longed for. I bought it and dived it head first.

For an ending to what began as an epic series...NOT IMPRESSED!

Truthfully, it wasn't an awful book, but it was really weak and such a disappointing ending to this series. I would give it 3-stars. My real problem is
Profile Image for Hitandmiss.
50 reviews6 followers
May 14, 2013
Pre release review - Do we have to do this?

We all know that its dead and gone, do we have to attend the funeral? Can’t we just imagine that they sailed off into the sunset and didn't really die in a horrible car wreck?


Edit 10 may 2013 - Ok, so I'm about to start reading.... and everyone is giving this 1 start before I even start (I've avoided reading the reviews though). I feel like I'm about go have a tooth pulled. It's for the best I get this over with, but I really dont wana....

Edit - I can't believe this is written by the same women who wrote "Dead Until Dark" The plot is so lazy and rubbish. The first book might not be a Sherlock level murder plot, but at least it was well thought out and was a serious attempt to keep the reader interested and pondering who done it?

The "master plan" in this is basically to dump a body at Merlot's with Sookie's scarf on it? I don't want to be mean here but Harris needs her head examined. No one in their right mind is going to believe or buy such a sloppy plot as this. I spent 30 seconds and came up with, "Dump the Body at Sookie's house", and already I'm miles ahead on the evil plotting charts.

Final Review - Well I finished the book and it's just as bad as everyone is saying. The best you can say about it is that it's a mediocre ending. It wraps up the story, most of the side chars get a happy ending and kills of the baddies left out there. That's the best you could argue for.

The worst is how soulless it is. We have all read something terrible, but you can see that the author is trying and its a labour of love for them. To me, that's the worst part of this. This didn't need to be written, so if your going to take your fans money, at least try. This has sooooo many tell tale times where no one is caring.


Sookie is talking to the other telepath, Sookie asks a question to see if the telepath knows that the Lawyer is a relative. She then comments "Oh he doesnt know that the lawyer is a relative", *1 min later* She thinks to her self about Hunter, her Telepathic cousin, Instantly Barry picks up on it.

Karin - Eric's other daughter, Known as "The Slaughter", is introduced. Why is this bad I hear you say? Well why is she turning up now? I mean how many times has Eric been in trouble and could of done with a Vampire known as "The Slaughter" handy? No effort is made to explain her absence, or why she is so happy to be Sookies bodyguard for a year. I mean what self respecting Vamp is going to be happy guarding her fathers Ex for a year?

The Devil - Your going to introduce "The Devil" in the final book, and then have him go against long standing tradition of his powers, and give him the power over free will? He actually made someone love another.
Also your going to shoe horn in Christian mythology as truth right at the end?! The whole series has been one big, F U to Christian fundamentalists, and now your going to give them the nod that they were right all along?

I could go on, its not hard to nit pick this book, nearly everything that happens is so half asked it doesn't make sense or even entertain, and I'm nearly always prepared to give a pass on enjoyable crazy, like the idea of Vampire Elvis.

The Central plot is terrible and Sookie actually mocks it at the end. So breaking it down would be redundant, but simply put, why are 5 men, with access to money and magic unable to do a better job of revenge? Sookie is vulnerable as a baby most of the time, and you can't even do a half decent job of kidnapping.

The sad part is there was a possible story line that would of been interesting. This came to me as Sam was griping about being brought back;

What if the cluviel dor's were the start of all the sup's.
It's unclear as to how a cluviel dor is created, other then an Elf did it. Seeing as everyone wants one, there must be a reason as to why Elves aren't turning them out like happy meal toys.
So what if every time a cluviel dor was used it created a huge problem for the world, Eg a supernatural race, volcanoes, plagues etc, and this is why Elves don't like producing them, as they created there worst enemy.

Also there are suppose to be downsides to using that much magic, and most sup's have a huge downside to there powers. Also Sam only having a realisation that hes dating the wrong type!? NOT A DOWNSIDE!

It could of provided an interesting trip to Fairy, and multiple endings could of occurred where she could of removed the vampire race *And possibly gotten back with Eric* or chosen to do nothing etc....

There's just soo much to hate Critiqué about this book and the 2 previous that lead up to the end of this series, and Charlaine should be hounded at every opportunity for her poor performance, You do not get to just take money then phone it in. We have stood by this author for 13 years and she can't be bothered to write 3 semi decent novels to end the series that launched her carer.

It wouldn't of been hard to concoct some reason for a hunt for a mystic item that would cure Eric's Vampirism and end it with them together. While predictable, at least it wouldn't be this bad and you wouldn't be ruining your series previous books or alienating your fans.

Bonus side note - Even the Hardcore fans that defended books 10 - 12 aren't defending this (2 stars on Amazon). At least this book brought everyone together!
Profile Image for Jess the Shelf-Declared Bibliophile.
2,215 reviews871 followers
March 20, 2021
I'm conflicted. The vengeance plot wasn't fully believable, I have to admit. I'm also not happy with the ending, though I understand why she wrote it the way she did. Overall I really enjoyed the series.
Profile Image for Freckles.
468 reviews183 followers
October 28, 2014
Okay, it could've ended sooner. The last four books were much more annoying and boring than the previous ones. Or maybe I've grown too old for True Blood. But the ending wasn't so bad. It felt almost nostalgic, after 13 books and almost 5 years... Goodbye, Sookie.
The last one finally... I'm curious how will Harris resolve her Happily Ever After for Sookie... It seems a bit impossible at this point.
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