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Downside Ghosts #5

Chasing Magic

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Magic-wielding Churchwitch and secret addict Chess Putnam knows better than anyone just how high a price people are willing to pay for a chemical rush. But when someone with money to burn and a penchant for black magic starts tampering with Downside’s drug supply, Chess realizes that the unlucky customers are paying with their souls—and taking the innocent with them, as the magic-infused speed compels them to kill in the most gruesome ways possible.
As if the streets weren’t scary enough, the looming war between the two men in her life explodes, taking even more casualties and putting Chess squarely in the middle. Downside could become a literal ghost town if Chess doesn’t find a way to stop both the war and the dark wave of death-magic, and the only way to do that is to use both her addiction and her power to enter the spell and chase the magic all the way back to its malevolent source. Too bad that doing so will probably kill Chess—if the war doesn’t first destroy the man who’s become her reason for living.

376 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published June 26, 2012

About the author

Stacia Kane

34 books2,542 followers
Stacia Kane is the author of the light-hearted romantic urban fantasy "Megan Chase" series starting with PERSONAL DEMONS.

She currently writes the gritty dystopian urban fantasy "Downside" series starring Chess Putnam and featuring ghosts, human sacrifice, drugs, witchcraft, punk rock, and a badass '69 Chevelle. She bleaches her hair and wears a lot of black.

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Profile Image for Katie(babs).
1,828 reviews533 followers
March 13, 2012
Chasing Magic, the 5th book in Stacia Kane’s highly addicting Downside Ghost series is officially my favorite, I want to have babies with it, book for 2012. Chasing Magic is the only book this year that brought me close to tears because it was an, uber intense read. No other book has done this. There’s a scene toward the end where the protagonist, Chess, and her lover Terrible are going into battle and may not survive. We see the true depth of feelings these two have for one another and one simple statement from Terrible has cemented my love for him and for this couple forever.

Chasing Magic is a rollercoaster of a read. My every emotion was engaged as I hurt inside because of Chess and her angst and emotional torture she places on herself because of her belief she isn’t good and has nothing special to give the world. Chess is trying her best to be more optimistic about herself and her situation thanks to the positive influence her lover, Terrible has over her. She and Terrible are now more connected than ever, a unit, where Chess doesn’t have to hide her feelings. The good guy that Terrible is, even (barely) allows Chess to remain friends with Lex, Chess’s ex-lover and enemy of Terrible’s drug dealing boss, Bump.

Now that Lex’s father is dead, Lex is in control of his father’s drug empire and wants Terrible to work for him. If Terrible doesn’t comply, Lex will assassinate Terrible and there’s nothing Chess can do about it.While there’s a war brewing between Bump and Lex, Chess has to deal with Downside’s citizens becoming mindless zombies because of dark magic controlling them. She has to figure out who’s responsible and stop it before the Downside, her territory, is destroyed. Terrible is there to help Chess, and she relies on him more than she should, which scares her. I’ve said it before, but Chess is her own worst enemy and she pushes Terrible into a corner where he lashes out and changes the dynamics of their relationship in an almost disastrous, yet very welcomed way. But the question remains, will Chess ruin everything and continue using the dangerous drugs she’s addicted that may kill her or turn to Terrible who has become her new addiction and one she really can’t live without?

Chasing Magic is powerful not only with the story, but with the characters Stacia has created. In the beginning of this series, it was mainly about Chess and her issues, but now things have changed. Terrible has become so important to this series as much as Chess and her crazy drug addiction is. These two complement each other so well and are a couple near and dear to my heart. Just like Roarke and Eve (from the J.D. Robb's In Death series) and Cat and Bones (from Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series), I can’t see Terrible without Chess and visa-versa. These two are both sides of the same coin, each other’s yin and yang. I’m hooked and obsessed with these two, and it’s outstanding how far they have come and how imbedded they are in reading psyche.

Stacia really ups the emotion factor here. There’s tenderness, which is shown perfectly when Chess goes to Elder Griffin's wedding ceremony with Terrible. The way Terrible acts at the wedding when asked if he may marry Chess in the future had me gasping for breath just like Chess did. Then there’s a heartbreaking, yet powerfully erotic scene between Chess and Terrible where the question of mistrust and faithfulness comes into play. It’s one the best written, sexually charged, heart in your throat scene this year that proves how much Terrible does love Chess and he refuses to let her go and expects the same from her. Terrible doesn’t need his pimpmobile to give Chess good loving and makes do with a wall and a couch very well.

The dialogue had me riveted and the battle at the end had gnawing my fingers down to nubs. At one point I was a nervous wreck because it looked like Chess was at the end of her rope. And as for Terrible…take me I’m yours!

Words cannot do this series and Chasing Magic enough justice. Buy it, read it and please rave about it to anyone you can. Hands down, the best reading experience, the best couple and one of the best authors I’ve read this year goes to Stacia Kane.
Profile Image for Dija.
413 reviews225 followers
October 11, 2012
It's no secret that the only reason I continued reading this series, instead of dropping it after Unholy Ghosts like I'd initially planned, is because of what a superb human being Stacia Kane is.

After Chasing Magic though, I am DONE. Done with Chess, her drama llama ways, and her majorly screwed-up life. I highly doubt I'll be continuing Downside Ghosts after this one because frankly, I'm beginning to hate Chess.

To sum it up, Chess's self-pity party never ends. I understand she's been through a lot, and I've honestly never judged her for being a junkie or whoring herself out for drugs, but while that was sadly understandable before, now it's gotten to the point where it's simply unbearable.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with this woman except for a lack of self-control and being unable to get over the past. She doesn't have to use sex for drugs any more, she's a Church employee with a decent income, she has a man who's completely and utterly in love with her, yet she still goes through the whole "I'm worthless trash, Terrible's wasting his time and he'll wake up soon and realize it" crap over and over and effing OVER. I tried my best to bear with it in the last book because yeah, this is all new to her and she doesn't know how to deal with love and affection, but if she still hasn't grown up and moved on after five books, I can't be bothered enough to read further.

The action part, as in the previous books, bored me to death. I can appreciate dark urban fantasy just fine, so maybe Downside Ghosts is simply not for me. I've officially given up on this series for good (unless Chess and Terrible get married in the next book), and finally come to terms with the fact that being a fan of Kane does not mean I have to be a fan of her novels.

For more reviews, visit my blog:
Profile Image for Emily May.
2,074 reviews313k followers
July 9, 2012

Aww. I do love a man who's willing to hold your hair for you while you throw up all over the place. They're so hard to find these days...

Yes, that's right. My Terrible love continues. I honestly don't know what it is about this scarred, ugly beast of a man who talks like he's dumb, but the guy has something. He's fucking adorable. How is it that he can call Chess "Chessiebomb" and get away with it? Chessiebomb. You'd think I would need someone to hold my hair for me after that one. It just shows how well Kane must handle her characters if she can offer up a drug addict + ugly henchman twosome and make me love them both.

I think it's also brilliant that I'm still hanging on every aspect of the relationship between Terrible and Chess. The sexual tension is still there, the uncertainty is still there (well, it is for them anyway), I still never tire of following them through their many struggles to accept love from one another. As far as sex scenes go, Chasing Magic has some of probably the most... intense, yeah, I think that's the best way to describe it. Chess and Terrible's sexcapades are complicated and somewhat brutal, often fuelled by something far less simple than desire.

The mystery in this was more satisfying than the one in Sacrificial Magic, but I still think the strength of these later books is in their exploration of the characters. These are two extremely troubled individuals and we finally see Chess's drug habit starting to get to her more and more. Before, as long as she didn't allow the drugs to wear off completely, she would be fine. Or as fine as a drug addict who suffered childhood abuse can be. But now her usual highs aren't enough and she's getting herself into increasingly dangerous territory.

One thing that is certain: this book is by far the most gruesome. Torture scenes, extremely large amounts of blood, bones breaking through flesh... ugh. Definitely not one for the squeamish.

I'd say this is a really sad addition to the series. Those who've stayed with Chess so far will know how little she has that brings her happiness, well she loses one of the few things she does have in this book. I really hope that she is able to get that back before the series is over.
Profile Image for Pamela / SpazP.
617 reviews119 followers
July 6, 2012
ARC review, contains no spoilers but assumes familiarity with the series itself.

Chasing Magic is the fifth book in Stacia Kane's Downside Ghosts series, and is easily one of my favorites so far. The war in Downside between Bump and Lex is very real now, after Slowbag's demise in the previous book, Sacrificial Magic. Chess is caught in the middle, still having ties with Lex for her seemingly never-ending drug use, and her newfound friendship with his sister Blue, yet on the down low developing a relationship with Terrrible. This leaves her constantly walking that line between Bump and Terrible and what it means for her to befriend both sides. Something incredibly nasty and morbid has come to Downside involving possessions and black magic in the form of the street drugs, and it's hitting both Bump and Lex's people. Add to the equation Chess's work as a Churchwitch and her relationship with Elder Griffin, and things get super duper tense.

I think it is very important to note how true to Chess's character Stacia Kane is remaining. An addict, is an addict, is an addict. And sadly, a majority of addicts have had some sort of abuse, specifically sexual in their backgrounds, talking real-life here. Chess has mostly never had a kind touch or a kind word in her entire life before Terrible. As frustrating as it is to watch, just because she has found love, love doesn't "fix" things overnight, and certainly not by the 5th book. The constant pill popping and bumps she takes to simply help her endure the day and the emotions that come with it can be brutal to follow. It can also have you wanting to slap her, and shake her out of her selfishness. The emptiness and loneliness she has spent so much time with is all still there, and her transformation is going to be slow. This is no doubt frustrating to witness, but in Sacrificial Magic, I saw indicators that change was coming for her. I believe in her and know that Stacia Kane is allowing her to grow and develop in her own time, just not as quickly as one might hope for a non drug-addled heroine. I keep waiting for her to have a huge breakthrough and make this epic change, but for Chess it is not that dramatic. Every tiny step counts, though. She has to learn that feelings are not all bad, and slowly want to be willing to quit masking them with drugs. Terrible is going to be there for her when she makes that decision, and I am most definitely going to be there to see it happen.

All that time, this was what she'd been scared of. And as she stood there looking into his eyes, seeing the dampness of hers echoed there, she understood - fully understood for the first time - that what she was truly afraid of was that if she could be happy, if she could love someone and be loved back, that meant maybe she wasn't as bad as she'd always thought. Maybe she was worth something, and if she was worth something, it might mean making some changes.

And boy does Lex have her number... He knows exactly what Chess's deal is, knows her insecurities and knows how to best play them to his advantage. He knows what Terrible's greatest weakness is, and as the new Boss, now that Slobag is gone, he is ready to move and eliminate Terrible from the equation. The thing that keeps Lex so entertaining, and frustrating, is just how much he enjoys toying with Chess. You want to be mad at him, but everything he says is at least somewhat true, and you just can't help but no like him. Same goes with Bump in Chasing Magic, he has some of the best dialog he has ever had in this one, and we really get to see more of him as well. But Lex... well, he throws a lot of really painful punches, and he hits some pretty significant marks.

"I love him, Lex."

"Aye, sure you do." His fingers brushed her cheek, slid into her hair to curl around the back of her neck. "Too bad it ain't in you to make that mean shit."

And then there is Terrible. Terrible, the truly magnificent hero in this series. The hero who doesn't say much, usually, but has an awful lot to say in Chasing Magic, and continued on with his legacy of stealing every scene he is in. This is one of my favorite Downside Ghosts books, because of the amount of time Terrible and Chess spend together, trying to solve this crime. There are some moments between the two that made my heart stop, and make me take a deep breathe. The intensity and depth of love Terrible has for Chess is heart aching, and Chess is finally willing to believe it and see it (albeit just barely). Addict and enabler, Bonnie & Clyde, these two were meant to be together, and they are simply one of my favorite couples to follow. At the end of Chasing Magic I caught myself fist bumping and going "Terrible and Chess 4EVER!!!!"...

"Shit. You so fuckin pretty, Chessie. True Thing. So... ain't even can breathe sometimes."

Chasing Magic is an intensely dramatic journey, that will have you biting your nails and gasping for breathe. It will make you feel uncomfortable at times, and make you sad, but will also make you super happy, too. Basically you will feel bipolar several times during the duration of this book, but it is such an awesome ride. Downside Ghosts continues to be one of the most unique Urban Fantasy series out there, in its rawness and grit, and seriously, I HAVE TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT every time, and this is no exception. I am chomping at the bit for the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Rosa, really.
584 reviews322 followers
July 12, 2014

The absolute suckiest thing about finishing this book? There is NO release date for Downside #6. NONE.


I know, Alan Rickman. It sucks.

What did I love most about this book?



I just....I just love him SO HARD.

As for Chess:


I dislike her because I understand her. She's a little to close to the bone & other cliches. But just when I'm about to declare her too fucked up for anyone's good and beyond redemption she comes up with stuff like this:
...[S]he understood...that what she was truly afraid of was that if she could be happy, if she could love someone and be loved back, that meant maybe she wasn't as bad as she'd always thought. Maybe she was worth something, and if she was worth something, it might mean making some changes...She was ready for that. She could be ready for that.
Good for you, Chessiebomb.

And though I've said, to myself and others, that I wish Terrible would dump that bitch and ride the Rosa, I can't imagine Terrible without Chess. Terrible would not be as sweet, as loving, if he wasn't in love with Chess. Terrible may be the best thing that ever happened to Chess, but it goes both ways. They belong together.

I still wanna lick his tattoos though.

As for Lex?


Stop calling Chess "Tulip" in front of Terrible or I WILL CUT YOU.

Yes, Irina, I highly recommend this series. :D

BR with Sofia 7/7/2014
Profile Image for Tom.
307 reviews67 followers
August 31, 2012
I love writing the number 5!! Not 4.5 or 4.7 it is a 5!!! I sooo loved this book and only had 2 problems with it.
1. I am now at an impasse on my favorite book of all time with this being tied with City of Ghosts.
2. I have no more Downside books waiting in the wings to save me from a slump!

I’m really not even sure about how to go about a review for this book. If you are reading Chasing Magic you already get what it is going to be about. I loved that for most of the book there is not that triangle going on and their trust in each other seems solid. As much as I liked reading about them getting together I think I like reading about them being together even more. There is so much intensity and emotion wrapped up in every page of this book it is amazing. There were NO slow spots for me. Like not a % or a page or a paragraph, I loved it from start to finish.

There is still the tension with Lex but not the same as in other books. I definitely gravitated towards hating him very early on. I kinda felt that the series was going to take this turn with him becoming boss but thought the beginning was an interesting twist that I didn't see coming. All I can say is if Chess ever lets Terrible off that leash he is in for a world of hurt.

One of my favorite parts of the book was the roof scene. ….I actually got chills from that scene. Not just that line just the whole parting. I can see how it could frustrate some but for me I just loved it.

I might have to do a reread of COG to figure out which one I liked better but even having that conversation is awesome to me. What I can say about this one is I felt like it was the smoothest from start to finish of all of them.
Profile Image for AH.
2,005 reviews384 followers
July 19, 2012
Oh, Terrible….you make me feel so very happy when I sigh and say your name. Ms. Kane, how do you take huge, scary, ugly mob enforcer and make him swoon worthy? In real life, I would definitely run across the street and walk in the opposite direction if Terrible was around. When I read Chasing Magic, I found myself clutching my ereader to my chest and sighing….

Chasing Magic has Chess once again fighting her inner demons. If you recall from previous books, our heroine is a pill-popping, drug addicted mess of a church witch. She still is – that hasn’t changed – but in this book, her addiction puts her in real danger. The city’s supply of illicit drugs has been tampered with, creating crazy zombie drug addicts.

Book 5 of the Downside Ghosts series has a lot of action suspense, drama and some very hot sexy times. It seems that no matter what the plot is, all I care about is Chess and Terrible’s story. The plot itself, while entertaining, always seems secondary to me.

In Chasing Magic, Chess learns about the consequences of her actions. She learns that her unauthorized use of magic comes at a price, not only to herself but to others around her. Chess still struggles with her self-esteem and she continues to see herself as not worthy of Terrible’s love. Chess struggles with the Truth and worrries that if Terrible really knew her, he wouldn’t want to stay with her. Meanwhile, Terrible is very much in love with Chess:
“Shit. You so fuckin pretty, Chessie. True thing. So…ain’t even can breathe sometimes.”
This book marks Chess’ emotional journey as she realizes what she wants out of her life – and she wants Terrible. It feels as if she is finally getting it. Perhaps she can find happiness. I hope she does. But knowing Chess, it’s still a bumpy road ahead for her.

If you haven’t had a chance to start this series, the first book is Unholy Ghosts. It's not a comfortable read, but it is compelling and extremely well-written. The Downside Ghosts series isn’t for everyone, but if you enjoy dark urban fantasy, it’s a great series to start.

Michelle and I share our thoughts about this book on Badass Book Reviews.
Profile Image for Montzalee Wittmann.
4,814 reviews2,300 followers
August 6, 2019
Chasing Magic
By: Stacia Kane
Narrated by: Bahni Turpin
Series: Downside Ghosts, Book 5
I still enjoyed the book even though I gave it 3 stars. I love the mystery, world building, and most of the characters. I enjoy the fantasy aspects of the story. The drug use and "I am sorry" from Chess constantly gets annoying.
I assume there will be another book because things need tied up but I am not sure I want to follow future books. The first ones were great but now it's time for Chess to go to rehab!
Narration was excellent!
Profile Image for HeatherJay.
117 reviews127 followers
June 4, 2012
I’m writing this review at the end of April but will not post on GR until the beginning of June, a little closer to the official release date. I do this mainly so I can purvey the appropriate amount of ass-kissery to Stacia Kane that she so richly deserves. I would hate to think that any delay in putting thoughts to paper would dilute my complete and utter adulation for her. Okay, now that I’ve successfully reached uber-fan/creepy fangurl status, let’s talk Chasing Magic…..

If it isn’t obvious yet, Stacia Kane has done it again. It’s rare that a series continues on an upward swing at book five. CM definitely does it and I don’t see it ending anytime soon.

Downside has found itself in a bit of a pickle (above and beyond its usual misery and tragedy). Someone is tainting its drug supply, resulting in pseudo zombie-like murderers running amuck in the streets. Of course, Chess can’t just sit back and let someone else handle it. This is what she does. This is what she is good at. So, her and Terrible take to the streets to find out who is doing this. My favorite thing about this book is that we get A LOT more of Terrible. They work side by side throughout the whole book and IT IS HEAVEN (Well, mostly!).

Ms. Kane has the incredible ability to create characters that are completely jacked up, but I would love to spend any amount of time with. Either she has a helluva imagination or she’s been hanging out in some questionable neighborhoods. First, there’s Bump, for obvious reasons. But then she creates this piece of genius:

“ In the doorway stood a woman with blue braids erupting from her head in an odd patchy pattern as if she’d grabbed clumps of hair and braided them, then tied them off with scraps of red t-shirt. A hole-filled jersey dress about five sizes too big covered her from neck to mid-calf. Well, covered most of her; one of her breast poked out of a hole. She didn’t seem to notice it or care”

I would maim a distant relative to just spend one afternoon with this woman. We could spend the afternoon eating generic mac and cheese and watch The Bad Girls Club. Fantastic!

Terrible continues on his inadvertent quest to be the perfect man. Here are some of my favorite scenes:

As they are about to attend a wedding ( Chess is dressed in a cherry-patterned dress and cherry peep-toe platforms….YAYYYYY, so cute.)………
“He came around to her side and opened her door for her, eyeing her up and down as she got out of the car. His hand squeezed hers; a slight twist of his arm turned her to face him, standing not quite a foot away with his face in shadow, ‘Shit. You so fuckin pretty, Chessie. True thing. So…..ain’t even can breathe sometimes.’ “


As they are going into a scene where both could possibly die and Chess has told him how afraid she is to die, how afraid she is to be alone in The City……
“ ‘I ain’t….Don’t know how to say it up right. Never—Fuck, Chess. Thought you was dead once before, you recall? Never felt so bad in my life, not ever. Then on the other day, thought you was gone an just….I ain’t can do it, bein without you’…..He rubbed his neck, pressed his palm into his furrowed brow and took a swipe at his eyes. Cleared his throat, twice. ‘Don’t want to. An even if I did, ain’t can leave you down there on your alones. How can I do that one, aye? Leave my Chessiebomb there without me. Specially knowin you scared on it’ “


Chess shows growth in this book that gives me hope that she won’t completely fuck up everything. She’s a master at two steps forward and one step back. But its progress, slowly but surely.
There isn’t word on when the next book comes out, which gives me a mild case of the shakes. However, whenever Ms. Kane decides to release the next chapter I’m sure it will be more than worth the wait.
Profile Image for Jess the Romanceaholic.
1,033 reviews485 followers
June 24, 2012
This is a Quickie Review. For the full review, please visit The Romanceaholic.

It’s so hard to put into words just how incredible this book, and indeed, this whole series is, at least not without rehashing the entire story for you or including spoilers. The entire atmosphere of the Downside Ghosts series, with not only the entire Church/ghosts/churchwitch setup but also of the realities of life in Downside for all its good and all its evil just draws you into their world and refuses to let you go, long after the final words of the final chapter.

What really makes this series, however, is Ms. Kane’s ability to make the reader actually care what happens to all of her characters. It’s not just Chess, and Terrible, and for some readers, Lex and Blue. It’s the Elders, Bump, even some of the minor characters that we meet in pipe rooms and back alleys. The intricate plots and multifaceted characters chew you up and spit you out, leaving you desperate for more.

One thing I feel is worth mentioning is that I do not think think that this book would work well as a standalone. As much as ms Kane throws in a bit of a refresher for those who haven’t read the previous novels recently, there is just so much depth and so many nuances in this world that I truly believe newcomers will miss out on too much of the history between the characters to get the full impact.

I for one am completely obsessed with this series. Chess is one of the most unlikely heroines you will ever read about in any sort of romance, not just urban fantasy. She’s a liar, a cheat, a junkie. She’s arrogant, stubborn, impulsive, and full of self-loathing and self-sabotage. Even so, one just can’t help but be engrossed by her, even at those times you want to grab her by the hair and give her a good shake for some of the things that she does. Terrible, as well, is about as much of an anti-hero as you could imagine. Physically unattractive, violent, and an enabler to Chess’ drug addiction, his devotion to Chess makes him one of the greatest heroes in urban fantasy. These characters aren’t superheroes. They aren’t even what most would consider to be good people. And yet they are without a doubt some of my favorite fictional characters of all time. And that’s saying something.

A resounding 5/5 Stars.
Profile Image for Jamie.
360 reviews161 followers
June 4, 2012
Originally posted at www.Addicted2Heroines.com

...looking up at the sky, pale and starless above the city's glow. Chess looked up at it, too, at that blank stretch of cloudy gray covering the world like a sheet pulled over its head. [The thought] of it made pain and loneliness twist in her chest. Pain because she wasn't part of that sky, would never be a part of it, because it looked like a home she could never enter. She'd never know what it was like to be so peaceful.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

Chasing Magic, the fifth installment of Stacia Kane's innovative and dark Downside Ghosts series is, in my opinion, the best book of the series to date. Stacia Kane takes us along a dark and scary path, both externally and internally in regards to the characters. And all those times I said that Terrible is just as vulnerable as, if not more so, than Chess? Get ready for a big dose of Terrible love and vulnerability.

One thing that is different in this book is that Chess is not working on a Church case, except for in the very beginning of this book. She is becoming more comfortable in her relationship with Terrible, but she's still grasping for her drugs. Unfortunately, Lex keeps dropping by Chess' apartment, even when Terrible is there. Lex wants to chat with Terrible about a proposition. When Terrible declines, Lex becomes my most hated person in Downside. I've defended Lex for four books. I've said that although he's not a good guy, that he really does care about Chess. However, we see how ruthless Lex is in Chasing Magic when he attempts to coerce Terrible into working for him. Even though Lex sees this as a business decision and nothing personal against Chess, it still angered me and made me change my opinion of him.

Chess makes some progress in her relationship with herself and with Terrible. While trying to convince Lex to call off his orders, Chess finds herself in a very precarious situation. She begins having self-doubting and self-hating thoughts, and even thinks that she is not worthy of Terible's love, or worth anything as a person. There is a lot of darkness in Chess, and Terrible seems able to counteract that darkness and worthlessness that she feels. As with my opening and closing quote in this review, Stacia Kane does a lovely job of using the sky as a metaphor for Chess and her vulnerabilities. Kane uses the sky to portray Chess' demons, to show how she can face those demons with Terrible by her side, and how by the end, those demons don't appear as insurmountable as they once were.

She took his hand, and together they walked through the open double doors, back into the party, leaving the sky alone outside.

Another thing I want to comment on is the way that Terrible seems to be replacing Chess' need for another high. He is filling this unending chasm that she carries within her. Chess seems to be coming to terms with her drug use as self-destructive. After an emotional overdose, Chess sees the affect her habit is having on Terrible. Terrible even goes as far as to ask Chess to only buy drugs off of him or Bump, to try to keep her safe. Not once does Terrible ask her to stop, which is a good thing, because I think that Chess is going to have to come to this conclusion all on her own and without prodding.

Warmth spread through her chest and up to her face, warmth that had nothing to do with pills or booze or anything else. It was trust heating her up from the inside, making her feel like a real live person.

Terrible truly shows off the most vulnerable parts of himself in this book. Stacia Kane makes it perfectly natural for an enforcer like Terrible to be so in touch with his feelings.

"Shit. You so fucking pretty, Chessie. True thing. So....ain't even can breathe sometimes."

Terrible is still attempting to cope with the problems he's been facing since Chess saved his life and carved the sigils into him. Chess searches for a way to mitigate the effect of those sigils with the help of Elder Griffen. Unfortunately, Elder Griffen discovers what Chess did to save Terrible in City of Ghosts and is extraordinarily unhappy with Chess and her reckless decisions. The response from Elder Griffen wounds Chess deeply.

Let's face it. Chess had put Terrible through some pretty awful events in the past few books. From infidelity, to drug overdoses, to withdrawal, to countless other missteps. But one thing about Terrible - he's loyal to a fault. This tension with Chess and her self-assessment is a driving force for Terrible in this book. After the big mistake Chess makes with Lex, Terrible really and truly stakes his claim on Chess with a hot scene where the word, "mine," is mumbled. Swoon!

Towards the end of the book, there is a very touching scene between Terrible and Chess, when neither of them knew if they were going to make it through the night alive. Stacia Kane is masterful at writing raw emotion. They briefly discuss dying, and it brought tears to my eyes.

"Don't want to. An even if I did, ain't can leave you down there on your alones. How I can do that one, aye? Leave my Chessiebomb there without me. 'Specially knowing you scared on it."

This is the moment where things all fall into focus for Chess. This is the point in the book where Chess begins to value herself, to trust, to chase away the loneliness and to love unconditionally.

The remainder of this book is the epic showdown with both Chess' and Terrible's "big bad." There are some close calls, on both accounts, and I was riveted while reading. Stacia Kane has written a book that delves into the chaos that is Chess' dark and damaged soul. Kane leaves us with hope that Chess will eventually come to terms with her past, and that Terrible will be along for the ride. This is one of, if not the best, urban fantasy series out there right now. It would be a shame for you to miss this epic story.

The sky that suddenly didn't look so lonely, the sky that was maybe....peaceful. "Love you, Chessie," he murmered. "Ain't never...Fuckin' love you, more-n anything."
Profile Image for Desperado.
67 reviews
June 29, 2012
FYI, there's a blurb for this book on Amazon:


Magic-wielding Churchwitch and secret addict Chess Putnam knows better than anyone just how high a price people are willing to pay for a chemical rush. But when someone with money to burn and a penchant for black magic starts tampering with Downside’s drug supply, Chess realizes that the unlucky customers are paying with their souls—and taking the innocent with them, as the magic-infused speed compels them to kill in the most gruesome ways possible.

As if the streets weren’t scary enough, the looming war between the two men in her life explodes, taking even more casualties and putting Chess squarely in the middle. Downside could become a literal ghost town if Chess doesn’t find a way to stop both the war and the dark wave of death-magic, and the only way to do that is to use both her addiction and her power to enter the spell and chase the magic all the way back to its malevolent source. Too bad that doing so will probably kill Chess—if the war doesn’t first destroy the man who’s become her reason for living.

I swear on both of my orgasmic boobies that if Chess fucks this up with , I will knock her pill-popping face in with a crowbar!
Profile Image for Mimi Smith.
532 reviews117 followers
July 16, 2014
3.5 stars

Because what matters is that we bond with those we love, and stay with them and live in Truth
-Families and Truth

Downside World 501 by Mimi

You know what? I think we can skip this part now. There are still things that surprise me and are unclear to me when it comes to magic and the world, but I'm dealing with it. Frankly, with the rules changing every book, and magic expanding, there's little point. What is important to keep track of is... Chess&Terrible of course.


I don't think I'll ever be able to understand Chess. Her self-hatred, feeling of unworthiness is out of the charts. And there was a point here where I wanted to take her somewhere and teach her a lesson. Because while it seems like she is learning he keeps on making the same bad choices that could hurt not only her, but the people she loves. Like... Terrible. The whole, "I'll blow it at some point, so why not just end it now, so he can move on" thing is so last book. Or the one before. BUT she stopped herself, and Terrible remained, as ever, a forgiving angel, so all is not lost.

So, things I think she HAS to resolve:

1. The Lex thing. It's a never ending circle of temptation for her. or weakness. I don't know. She needs to set herself straight. She KNOWS she loves Terrible, but that doesn't seem to be enough:or does that in combination with her fear causes her to go to Lex? Whatever, she needs to settle that.

2. The drugs. I know she's functioning so far, but we saw a glimpse here that she is not in control. But then again, no one is with addiction. She needs to admit the drugs are too much. She already knows it's bad, but she's still in the state of:whatever, she takes care of what she takes, so ok. NOT. I think Terrible will help her with this one.

3. Her self-esteem. As long as she sees herself as useless, she'll never be a balanced person, And while we're used to "Chess" and "screwed up" being tightly connected, I really hope, she'll learn to accept, even, I don't know, like herself. A pipe dream?

4. Her relationship with Elder Griffin. Not sure she can reach the previous if things don't change here. Enough said.

Also, of course, she needs to avoid things that could hurt terrible or their relationship, and try to be worthy of him. Because he, as always, rocked.
Profile Image for Laura *Little Read Riding Hood*.
681 reviews241 followers
June 1, 2012
Oh. My. God.

Without question, this is now my favorite book in the series. A title that was previously held by City of Ghosts. This book starts with Chess finishing up a Debunking assignment. It is the only real "church" work you see her doing. Fine by me. That just means more Chess + Terrible. Which is really what we all want at this point, now that they are FINALLY together, and secure in their relationship. And they are so damn cute.

"Shit. You so fuckin pretty, Chessie. True thing. So ... ain't even can breathe sometimes."

He broke the kiss but kept holding her for a long moment, resting his cheek against the top of her head. "Love you Chess."

Damn, it was so hard pretending she didn't really care about him, pretending she didn't feel as if someone had poured her out of a jug to puddle all over everything, so turned on she could hardly breathe.

"I ain't ... Don't know how to say it up right. Never-Fuck, Chess. Thought you was dead once before, you recall? Never felt so bad in my life, not ever. Then on the other day, thought you was gone an just ... I ain't can do it, bein without you." He rubbed his neck, pressed his palm into his furrowed brow and took a swipe at his eyes.

This whole book is full of quotable moments. I had so many favorites, that the ones listed are a small selection. Me, whoo rarely quotes anything, had 30 sections highlighted. I read part of it on a plane, and actually laughed at loud at parts. And by laughed, I mean giggled like a mentally deranged leprechaun. I got some odd looks.

The plot is great as well. Of course Chess ends up working, indirectly, for her drug dealer, Bump, again. You get a little bit more of a peak into his feelings toward both her and Terrible.

What? Had Bump-had Bump just been nice to her?

Someone is selling tainted drugs, and as we all know that hits close to home for Chess. I don't want to say too much, as the information is slowly leaked to you throughout the book in such a brilliant way, that you are always following along, but never 100% sure what is going to happen next.

Speaking of percentages, 95% of the book made me happy as a clam, but there was 5% that upset me. Not that I disagree with what happened, just disappointed in reactions and in decisions made. And for once, not with Chess! There is another character, that I have a love-hate relationship with, Lex. He is an ex-something to Chess, and he does some things that really upset me. It was just business, but I don't have to like it.

There was so much in this book ... so much love, so much self-realization, so much OMG, so much character development from characters I would have considered fully developed ... I really can't find fault with this book. At all.

And if you have read any of my reviews, there is always something that bothers me about a book. Not always something that makes me rate it lower, but something.

Nothing is perfect.

Except this. Chasing Magic easily gets 5 stars from me.
Profile Image for Namera [The Literary Invertebrate].
1,303 reviews3,427 followers
March 20, 2022
My main takeaway from this book is the lovely exchange Chess and Terrible have at the end. I'm actually considering buying this book in paperback form so I can highlight those pages.

Basically, they're both staring death in the face - and they talk about how they wouldn't want to live with each other, so they'd commit suicide if anything ever happened to the other. It's awful and morbid yet so them. And when Terrible says he knows she's afraid of the City of the Dead, so he'd never leave her there on her own... swoon.

It's actually not killing me that the series is technically unfinished, because IIRC we leave the characters in a pretty good place.

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Profile Image for Kim  *Mo Chridhe*.
183 reviews38 followers
July 18, 2013

I'm sorry. I can't write a proper review. This will mainly be me gushing and professing my undying love for this book, okay?

Argh! How do I even begin to list what I loved? Okay. Let’s start with this:

My fears towards the end of Sacrificial Magic were validated here. Lex has taken over Slobag's position, and he has major plans - plans that included recruiting Terrible. Terrible's loyalty to Bump and his obvious hatred for Lex makes it an easy decision, but his refusal meant that he's now high on Lex's hit list and Chess is unable to do anything about it.

In addition to the escalating tension between the two territories, Downside dealers and users are falling into zombie-like trances and brutally killing people around them. Their deaths are gruesome and all of it point to their consumption of dark-magic-tainted speed. Before Chess and Terrible could even make any progress in their investigation, more people are getting "infected" and are either dying or killing others. It's only a matter of time before Downside is turned into a literal ghost town.

This was, by far, the most intense, the most heart-racing, the most gut wrenching book of the series. It was fast-paced and action packed from page one, and Chess wasn't even bombarded with jobs left and right this time. Her only mission was to put a stop to the dark magic at work, and avoid getting herself or Terrible killed in the process. This proved to be challenging since dark magic affected Terrible because of his sigil, and we find out in this book what truly happens when he comes into contact with it. It was a heartbreaking scene to witness because not only was the revelation painful for Chess, her relationship with Elder Griffin was also put in jeopardy.

Chessie's feelings of low self-worth continue to permeate the entire book. And while I long for her to eventually stop viewing herself so negatively I understand that years of trauma and conditioning can't be healed overnight. It broke my heart to read her thoughts sometimes but at the same time I appreciated the realistic portrayal. She does slowly get used to being cared for even if she feels undeserving. And we see growth in her character, particularly confidence in her abilities as a Churchwitch. Her powers and creativity were stretched to the limits, and the things she did just blew my mind!

Of course, what purpose does this gushfest serve if I can't talk about how awesome Terrible is? We get a lot of Terrible and Chess together-time here and I loved every second of it. You'd think that they would be super close by now but they still say things or give those looks that make each other blush. It was just so cute! I think Terrible now holds the standard to which I compare all other book boyfriends to. I mean, who needs Mr. Alpha Jackass when this... this strong, protective, kind, sweet, accepting, and chivalrous man exists? I loved how he always seems to know what Chess needs, be it a lit cigarette or holding her hair back while she pukes her guts out, or just saying things to lighten up an uncomfortable mood. And GAWD, he may think that he's not eloquent but he manages to punch the right buttons every. Single. Time. That whole exchange at the rooftop sent me into fits of hiccups and ugly sobs.

But while their partnership is solid, their relationship is constantly being put to the test. With both of them flawed and damaged, and Chess full of apprehensions, they struggle to maintain a functional relationship. And naturally, Lex continues to be Lex, always trying to get under everyone's skin (mine included) and there was one particular scene that made me want to murder him. But at the end of the book, I finally understood him better and *gag* even liked him for what he did.

This book was perfect to me and for me. I loved the feelings of rush I felt throughout my entire reading experience. It had the right amounts of suspense, drama, action, romance, steam (uh, that scene at Bump's? Nuff said), angst and humor. Bump never fails to make me laugh (mostly during inappropriate moments too), and those sardonic chapter openers always elicit a reaction from me, be it a smile or a sudden need to hurl something against the wall. I love the multi-faceted characters and their personal dilemnas. I loved the depression and the tenderness, the temporary lapses in judgement and the little victories. Chess and Terrible will always be in my list of characters-dearest-to-me, and for sure, this book will be sitting in my all-time-favourites shelf.
Profile Image for Duchess Nicole.
1,268 reviews1,536 followers
October 1, 2012

I love being in Downside, which is quite honestly a very odd thing to say. It's such a dark, lonely, hopeless place. But my goodness, what a world! Every time I read another in this series, I'm just blown away. Something about these characters is so endearing, even with all of their faults.

In Chasing Magic, Chess and Terrible are once again tested in their relationship. Let me tell you, there are some nail biting moments in which I wasn't quite sure if Chess was going to make the right decisions. I actually gasped out loud and held my breath, skimmed down to the end of the page because I couldn't stand waiting one more second to know the outcome of the scene. Talk about the edge of my seat!

There has always been a fair amount of action in this series too, but this particular installment was loaded with fighting, magic flying everywhere, massive explosions, and some serious suspense going on. Chess stretches her magical abilities to their limits and we get to see Terrible in his element...in mortal hand to hand combat with a worthy opponent. IT IS AWESOME!!!! No one ever really goes up against Terrible and has any chance of coming out in one piece, so for fans of the greatness that is he, you'll be pleased.

Not only does Terrible get to prove to the readers why he is THE enforcer of Downside, but he also shows Chess his possessive side.... FINALLY!!!!!!!! I've always loved Terrible, but when it comes to Chess, I've also always thought that he shows her too much leniency. Each partner in the relationship has their own hard limits and so far Chess hadn't pushed any of Terrible's. I never understood why, by I think Ms. Kane was saving it for this book because good gracious, Terrible goes alpha stud on Chess's happy ass and proves his dominance over her. It's always been a give and take relationship between these two, but after this particular scene, I'm convinced Chess will do better with a firm hand.

Poor Lex! (I just love Lex!!) I can tell that he cares for Chess, but his position as Bump's opponent in Triumph City has put him in an impossible situation. The animosity between he and Terrible comes to a head, and everyone involved is forced to make some tough decisions.

Chess...ah, Chess! What can I say? Her addiction defines her. More so now than ever before, and I have to admit, I'm growing tired of it. An addict is one of the most selfish people you can know. Ultimately, number one in their life is themselves. No matter how much Chess bares her soul to the reader, how enlightened she is in her love for Terrible, in my eyes...Chess IS her addiction. It governs everything about her. Everything. Every mood she has is amplified by her next pill. The only thing that makes her feel other than the pills is Terrible and to a much lesser extent, Elder Griffin. Even those emotions, however, are clouded by her self loathing and guilt.

I hope so badly that there is some character development for Chess, but I don't see it coming. Thing is, I don't see where this series can go without some changes. If Chess is always an addict, can she ever feel any self worth? Will she ever actually deserve Terrible, in her own eyes? In my eyes? I just don't know, and I'm afraid I won't find out. I've just realized that not everyone in the world is as big a fan of the Downside Ghosts series. Ms. Kane isn't sure that it will be released in the US, and is considering self publishing here. Please, PLEASE give us another! At this point, I can't imagine the series ending with this book, I just CAN'T!!

And if you consider reading this series, DO IT! Truly, it satisfies all of my reader needs...it has action, romance, mystery, magic, ghosts, murder....on and on and on. Every book is one hell of a ride!
Profile Image for Brandi.
329 reviews824 followers
July 8, 2012
3.5 Stars


This is my least favorite of the Downside books so far, and it's because of Chess, not the writing or plot. I still love the way Kane writes and the world she has created, but I got really sick of Chess this time (well maybe sick isn't the right word...more like wrung out).

Of course there was a plethora of trouble occurring in Downside, and of course Chess was expected to solve any magical issues, and of course they somehow affect her legitimate working life. Does Chess come through for Downside? Does she manage to make it through one more crisis without being found out by the Church?

I'm ready to see more growth in her this far into the series. Last book there were leaps and bounds made with her realizing things about her relationship with Terrible, and her life in general, but this entire book felt like one long winded I-don't-deserve-to-be-happy spiel. It felt like damn near every paragraph had her reaffirming that she was a junkie and had so many issues from her childhood. We got glimpses last book about some of the abuse she suffered, and I expected more of the same this time, but we aren't given any further insight to the horror in her past that made her what she is presently. I want to see that. I want to see her begin to want to heal instead of numb herself. I want to see her do something other than what she's been doing for so long. I've known a couple people like her in my time, and I couldn't keep them....they're so heavy and nothing was ever going to change their idea about what they deserve, and eventually I had to cut them out in order to maintain my own world. I agree with her about wondering if Terrible would stick around, but unlike her, I think he will. He's great for her, and I did love that in the end she made more progress with her relationship. But....I'm getting so weighed down by her hatred of herself. I want to shake her, or make her go to counseling, or treatment, or something. Just give me some relief because she is wearing me out with my desire to save her.
~~~Sobs rode beneath them, choking, hopeless sobs. The kind she recognized. The kind she'd learned a long time ago wouldn't do any good at all.~~~

On to some of the other aspects of this book; I didn't see the Elder Griffin debacle coming. I don't even know what to say about that whole plot line actually. I was really sad for Chess, and I was really sad for him for giving up what he did, and then being so resentful about it. To make that choice and have the reason for that choice no longer be important to you would be awful. Another thing that started to really nag at me this time was the lack of other Church presence in Downside during such an event. I didn't get their not being there during the Dreamthief craziness, and I didn't get how at least someone wasn't aware of all the magic and/or ghosts suddenly permeating the area. This didn't annoy me that much, but I definitely thought about it more than in the other books.

All in all I still loved this book--how could I not--but I'm very ready for more, and I have complete faith in Stacia Kane's ability to give me that.
Profile Image for Sofia.
1,251 reviews252 followers
July 13, 2014

It has been some time since I’ve read book number 4 but once I’ve read the first paragraph of this, the last published book in the series, I was right back home in Downside and quite happy to be so, thank you very much.

Unfortunately, Chess is still so troubled. With her I am as always confused. Chess world view - self view - is it realistic? - unfortunately yes - some people do spend a life time not seeing, blindly blundering along. Is it frustrating - extremely so - like when you have a friend or family member and see them make mistake after mistake and all your hints, or raves, have no result. I want so much to shake her and get her to take her head out of her ass and live. On the other hand I realise, that she does not know how to do this, does not have an example she can follow, does not believe in herself enough to do so. So I was in a quandary, whether to give up on her or continue rooting for her. I am choosing the latter though. Her feelings, thoughts, actions in the latter half of the book, have given me hope as they have her. She is seeing glimmers of the light, of the path in front of her and she is no longer so afraid to choose and take that path. YESSS.

Terrible is ‘terribly too much’ as always. I would love his point of view for some of the scenes in this book.

So I am now more than looking forward to the still to be published sequel for more Chess and Terrible.

BR with Rosa
Profile Image for Arunimaa.
223 reviews220 followers
June 19, 2018
"Shit. You so fuckin pretty, Chessie. True Thing. So... ain't even can breathe sometimes."


Another massively powerful instalment about a damaged, drug addict witch; scary, huge and ugly hero who by the way happens to be so hot he might give you breathing problems and a whole lot of crushing skulls, breaking bones and just blood and gore.

I mean , this series is sick. Just sick.

I really wish I could unread so stuff so those horrible imagiries can somehow leave my head. Ugh. *Shudders*

I won't gush any more about Chess and Terrible anymore because I swear there is nothing new I can add to it. It's all I have been doing in the reviews of the past books.

But Chasing Magic had some really great moments brimming with all kinds of emotions.

I feel for Chess. I really do. I loved the ending and how optimistic Chess sounded about herself which is a new one. I know it will be really hard but I really hope she does better and learns to be happy and gets all the love and support she deserves.

Profile Image for MISS VAIN.
200 reviews494 followers
June 22, 2012
She was still who she was, after all. A junkie, a liar, someone who didn't know how to have a relationship, someone who really didn't deserve whatever happiness she managed to find. Someone terrified she'd do the wrong thing, say the wrong thing, terrified that she was going to fuck this up like she did everything else.

Chasing Magic is the fifth installment and thankfully not the last in the dark, gritty series Downside Ghosts. I say this every time so I'll just say it again, this is my most favorite book in the series. I was on an emotional roller coaster for most of this book, and that's how I prefer my favorite reads. I've always been a huge Chess fan & a Terrible Fangirl yet upon completion of Chasing Magic I'm not sure I've ever loved Chess & Terrible together more than I do now. There's a reason why this is my most favorite urban fantasy series out there, and it's because the exceedingly great world building and my adoration for her characters Chess & Terrible that Stacia Kane has captivated me with. 

She wasn't going to lie and she wasn't going to try to hide Terrible or who he was. She loved him and he was hers, and that made her so proud her chest hurt, and if anybody didn't like it they could go fuck themselves.

First off let me start by saying this was the most graphic book of them all and I'm not talking F bombs and sex because well those go par for the course, I'm talking about the Zombie like possessed people. Several times I felt stomach was doing somersaults because of the fine attention Stacia Kane paid to detail, that's one of her best attributes yet it's the downfall to someone like myself with a weak stomach. LOL. This book starts off with another task for poor Chess working overtime for Bump in the hopes of discovering the dirty witch behind these brutal zombie like killers, which simultaneously working her full time position as a Church Witch. 

They might have taken their chances with the church, but no way would they do that with Bump. Fucking with Bump meant fucking with Terrible, and the only people who did that had death wishes even more serious than Chess's. If that were possible.

Lex has been a character that I have enjoyed his spiteful yet sometimes charming nature, while never wanting him to be more than a friend to Chess period.

"Always got such cheap beer, you do. Why you ain't buy better?" 
"Because I want to piss you off, that's why."

I've tolerated his jealousy driven digs atTerrible and his shallow attempts to steal Chess away from Terrible because I've never once saw him as a contender of her heart, ever. Therefore as ruthless as I've always known him to be, I've always appreciated his friendship in Chess's life until Chasing Magic. I'm still unsure what to think of Lex's behavior because I know he made his horrendous decision based on pure business but a part of me feels it was motivated by his envy of Terrible & Chess's relationship. With that being said his actions alone has caused me to loose respect for him, and while I dislike him at the moment fiercely, I also feel a bit sorry for him. However, as much as a protector he has once again proven to be for Chess in this installment he has also proven to be a cunning and shrewd businessman that cannot be trusted and I'm angry with him.

Oh, who was she kidding? Pretty much all of her was sneaky and selfish, but it was still just a small part of her that wondered.

Chess breaks my heart a little bit more with each installment of this series with her self loathing and destructive behavior. Sometimes I just want to reach out and give her a hug so she knows that she is loved. What I love most of Chess is what unfortunately most people that dislike about her; I adore that she is flawed. I revel in the fact that she's a drug addict. There I said it! That's my favorite part about her. Though I can't relate to her drug issues I can relate to her inner struggles and flaws. I like that she's insecure, and unstable at times, it makes her real. That to me is why I find Stacia Kane so incredibly brilliant when she created a heroine, with an addiction, insecurity issues, morality issues, trust issues, self loathing issues and sometimes selfishness because whether people admit their struggles or not,privately we've all been there before! However in Chasing Magic it almost seems like Chess has gone to the far edge with her inner suffering but I see a light in her tunnel and thankfully it's not instant, and I don't want Chess sober so quickly because if anyone has any knowledge of drug addicts and sexual abuse victims their problems are most definitely not solved overnight. With that being said I'm much more forgiving of Chess's bad behavior than maybe I should be but I just can't seem to be angry with Chess for long. And LOVE can conquer a lot of things but it's not going to cure an addiction to substance abuse or low self esteem because if that were the case we would have less teen moms. So on that note, Chess Putnam is real, and real awesome and that's why I love her story. 

"Shit. You so fuckin pretty, Chessie. True thing. So......ain't even can breathe sometimes."

Oh My Terrible, what can I say but he's simply captured my heart once again for the fifth time. It's like with each installment I renew my lustful vows with *cough* Terrible. He's badass, he has a temper and will beat you to a pulp without even another thought if you cause a disturbance in his territory, yet with Chess he's extraordinarily tender hearted with her. I'm so used to seeing Chess so overwhelmingly vulnerable but this time Terrible took the vulnerable role and though it terrified me watching him open his heart and expose it, I melted and swooned and cried and upon completion of Chasing Magic. I feel as if Terrible has destroyed me for RL men because I have yet to meet a man that possesses all the extraordinary features that Terrible does; he's compassionate, loving, giving, respectful, chivalrous, selfless, ALPHA-LICIOUS, a WARRIOR in the bedroom and BEAST in a street fight. I'd like  to share one of my most precious quotes I've ever read in a book thus far and I'll admit I got a bit teary eyed just reading this tugged at my heart-strings deeply.  

"What you saw that night---it's so much worse, it's all like that. It's so--it's so cold and empty, it scares me, the thought of you being there forever--it's not supposed to scare me, it's my job and I'm supposed to think its peaceful but I can't. I don't, it's---

"Hey." His big hands curved around her face, his fingers catching her pulled-back her hair and tilting her cheeks up so her eyes met his. "Ain't so bad, Chessie, causen you ain't be alone, dig? You ain't go there on your alones. An I figuring, I end up there maybe you come down to see me. You can do that, bein a witch an all, aye? "

"What? I mean, yeah, I'd come down to--of course, but---"
"An that's the only one that matters, dig. Can deal with it on my alones, baby, causen you visit me. But the other way....you thinkin I let you stay there by yourself? Thinkin I stay there iffen you ain't around no more?"

Towards the end of the book I was distraught while reading a fight between Terrible and an enemy. Like I said above earlier; Terrible is a BEAST in a street fight, however he is human and I actually had to stop to take a breather while reading it because Stacia Kane has such a prolific way with words that led my heart to race and clutch my iPad in fear for his safety. Ultimately with Kane's vivid & detailed battle amongst two strong men unwilling to succumb to death, I'll admit I was worried sick. This book took me on a journey through happiness, sadness, tears, elation, anger, and pride and yet I'm always left wanting more. 

Chasing Magic is a book you'll want to be reading the day it releases. I recommend this book for fans of Downside, Chess, Terrible *SWOON*, dark & gritty Urban Fantasy, and passionate love stories involving two dark horses you just want to put your money in on.

"Don't want to. An even if I did, ain't leave you down there on your alones. How can I do that one, aye? Leave my Chessiebomb there without me. 'Specially knowin you scared on it."

I'm not sure if I should kiss Stacia Kane for creating such an amazingly wonderful story or Netgalley for providing me with it early?

She wasn't going to lie and she wasn't going to try to hide Terrible or who he was. She loved him and he was hers, and that made her so proud her chest hurt, and if anybody didn't like it they could go fuck themselves.

ARC provided by Netgalley

My review is posted here: http://missvainsparanormalfantasy.com...
Profile Image for Annie .
2,480 reviews944 followers
June 25, 2012
4.5 stars

Posted on Under the Covers

Stacia Kane has done really well for herself with this year’s release. Both SACRIFICIAL MAGIC and now CHASING MAGIC have made it to my favorites of 2012 list. What’s so interesting about this series is that it continues to follow a drug addicted Churchwitch named Chess Putnam and her thug boyfriend, Terrible. As this is the fifth book in the series, I had a lot of expectations. Some of these where met while others weren’t.

In CHASING MAGIC, Chess doesn’t have a Church case to work on. Instead, the conflict arises when several dealers in Downside are showing up dead both in Bump’s and Lex’s territory. It is up to Terrible and Chess, working side by side to figure out why these people are ending up dead on the streets of Downside. I really enjoyed this storyline because it put Terrible and Chess together, giving me that Terrible fix I so desperately needed.

As they traverse around Downside asking friends if they’ve seen anything suspicious and discovering more bodies, Chess is faced with learning the do’s and don’ts of being in a relationship. I have to admit, I was a little disappointed in Chess in one particular scene. In several of the past books, I have come to expect reading about the mistakes that Chess makes. Usually by the end of the book, I get over it. I understand her insecurities and her belief that she doesn’t deserve to have this happiness that has found her. However, I feel like Chess hasn’t learned from her past mistakes. It is one thing to screw up because you are unsure of yourself. But it’s different when, five books into a series, you are making the same mistake twice. I had hoped that the bond forged between Terrible and Chess in the previous books was stronger than temptation. In the end, it was. But that was too close a call for me.

Kane manages to ensnare me again with her excellent plotting. There were several moments in this book that had me sitting up higher in my chair and hushing anyone who dared to speak to me as I read this book. Twists and turns make CHASING MAGIC an excellent read. It’s smart and alluring, grabbing my attention and never letting go until I flipped that last page.

There was one thing I had hoped Kane could address in this book, but wasn’t– Chess’s addiction and her past. Select glimpses have been given on Chess’s past in the previous books but I wished that there was more on how Chess came to start her addiction or if she has plans to ever stop. In the one scorching hot sex scene, readers get a glimpse of a dark past that slips before we can really make sense of it. I’m hoping that Kane discloses more information on this in future books because I really want to know.

As far as secondary characters are concerned, I enjoyed reading about them all! Edsel is fantastic in this book and I hope to read more about him. The albino is such a good friend to Chess. Similarly, Elder Griffin make some huge decisions that shocked me so much that I couldn’t really believe it until I read it twice.

It seems that Kane has hit a perfect wave with this series as it continues to enthrall loyal readers and ensnare new ones. If you haven’t read this series, then you are seriously missing out! Kane is my new crack and I don’t think any intervention can save me now. I’m hooked!
Profile Image for Jen Davis.
Author 7 books717 followers
June 26, 2012
It's no secret that I am a big fan of this series. I love the world-building. I love the originality. I LOVE the hero. And this was a good book. It wasn't my favorite in the series, though, and I'll get to why in just a minute.

The story begins as Sacrificial Magic did: with Chess and Terrible happy and in love. As someone who has seen what they've gone through to get to this point, it's so satisfying. Chess knows the treasure that she has in him; she acknowledges that he's her everything. And while she struggles with her lack of self-worth, it seems she has learned some lessons about trying to trust in his love for her.

There are two main problems she has to deal with here. One is fact that Lex is the new head of his family's drug turf, putting him more at odds with Terrible than ever before. The other, is that some really dark magic has started infecting the people of Downside, turning them into zombie-like entities, nearly impossible to kill. Of course, with her magic abilities, Chess is really the only one who can stop them.

The first half of the book is pretty low key. It moves along quickly and comfortably. Then Chess shows her true colors again, leaving me feeling punched in the gut. I won't get into the specifics, but at this point, I feel like the books have developed a pattern: 1) There is a problem only Chess can solve. 2) Terrible is her rock and she doesn't know what he sees in her. 3) She screws up royally in her personal life. 4) She saves the day.

Don't get me wrong, there are really, really good things in this book and no way would I tell a Downside fan to skip it. What I am saying though, is that I need to see more growth from Chessie soon. Every time she betrays Terrible, she hurts me. She creates this horrible knot in my stomach that makes me want to shut the book. I don't want to want to shut the book, Stacia Kane. I want to glory in lines like "Love you right, Chessiebomb." That doesn't mean I can't handle some angst. The side arc with Elder Griffin was heartbreaking, but still masterfully done. I just don't want to see Chess sabotage herself the same way yet again.

Terrible continues to be one of my favorite book-heroes of all time --taking his awesomeness to even greater heights with his latest promises and assertions of love. Even in his darkest and most intense moments (and boy does he have one here,) it's like he has this gravity that pulls me deeper and deeper into his orbit. But as we learn more about the repercussions of Chessie's actions, I'm scared for where the future will take him.

I suppose that all my really strong feelings are a true testament to how insanely talented Stacia Kane really is. I am anxious and excited and nervous and jumble of all kinds of other emotions as I think about what may be coming next. Chess, please don't let me down.

Rating: B

*ARC Provided by NetGalley
Profile Image for Jeann (Happy Indulgence) .
1,024 reviews5,427 followers
November 20, 2012
This review has been posted on my Happy Indulgence Blog. Check it out for more reviews!

Chasing Magic signifies the end of my monthly buddy read on Downside Ghosts, which makes me sort of sad (at least until the next book comes out). While Chess’s world is definitely dark, gritty and an emotional investment, I’ll kind of miss revisiting the world of Downside every month. This series just keeps on getting better and better; while the world building, slang language and Chess’s drug dependency takes a while getting used to, once you’re there you realise how awesome it is.

Sadly, Chasing Magic did not live up to the last two books in the series for me. Usually we’ve been guided with a Church case and/or a murderous case in Downside. While this book started off with a murderous case, there seemed to be a lot of elements coming into play here. The case was not central to the plot, and a lot of other things were happening in Chess’s life and it just took me a while longer to get into it.

The drug addiction takes a turn for the worst. It’s really disturbing seeing Chess rely on it increasingly in her day to day life. She literally relies on the separate drugs to take her through her daily life, to numb her feelings and make her forget her traumatic past. I really hope that the author will move towards a better resolution for her, because I’m kind of getting tired of seeing her make bad decisions over and over again. Fair enough she’s damaged inside and scarred for life, but can this woman please get a happy resolution for once?

And that would be where Terrible comes in. They’ve finally managed to work out their relationship, and I think we’ve all established that he’s some sort of salvation for Chess. She’s finally coming to terms with having someone who actually loves her despite all her issues. Lex really disappointed us here and we see that perhaps all the power is getting to him. His behaviour really disgusts me and I’m really glad that she’s picked Terrible.

I just love how there’s a huge high at the end of the book (no pun intended) where Chess is empowered and you realise that she’s actually really good at her job at banishing spirits. Because she’s got such a low sense of self-worth, she has no fear in the heart of danger and she does everything she can to save people.

Overall, I did enjoy Chasing Magic and again delving into the world of Downside, it just wasn’t as brilliant as the previous books for me. I’m interested in seeing where Stacia Kane will be taking this series, and whether we’ll finally get a resolution for the poor, damaged girl that is Chess.
Profile Image for Yodamom.
2,077 reviews210 followers
June 25, 2012
Chessiebomb is ready to blow. Her insecurities, her past, her job, her secrets and her addictions all endanger her future. This girl has so much baggage it's a wonder she gets up and goes through life's functions each day.Oh but she does, she has her little reality killers she takes in increasingly larger amounts. She now has a new fear one greater than she has ever known, the threat of her heart being lost. This above all the other dark shadows following her drives her deeper into darkness. She dives deep, she dwells in the what if's and almost loses gives it all up. But there is an anchor in the dark waters she lurks in, Terrible. That is if Lex does not cut that line.

Terrible, the giant enforcer for drug kingpin Bump. The man all of Downside fears is all hearts and warmth over Chess, he loves her, completely. Poor Terrible, he has worked, bleed and fought endlessly to gain the power he has and it's all endanger because of a choice Chess made. He has a weakness and he will be killed if Downside learns of it. Beyond that fear, he has much more going on to be afraid of. Chess is holding something back, and she's getting more self destructive. Something darker than ever seem before has settled into their territory and Lex seems to always be around. Phew, Terrible goes through nasty, nasty stuff and he shines through it all.

I loved this book. I went through a whole tissue box and probably gained a few pounds from the ice cream I ate in the middle of the night. I couldn't put it down. It was horrible and beautiful and tore every emotion out of me, roughly.

Favorite line " Not Sharin no more....." You'll know when you read it.
Profile Image for Keertana.
1,138 reviews2,274 followers
October 23, 2012
Rating: 4.5 Stars

Gosh, I have no words to express my love for this one. It is, by far, my favorite installment of this series and... Terrible. I can't even think straight just envisioning all the Chess and Terrible moments this book had...not to mention higher stakes, zombies, and a lot more positive character growth on Chess's part. Stacia Kane somehow manages to write such unique and different characters - one a drug addict and one a killer - and still make them realistic, relatable, and sit in your heart. Love, love, love this book. If you're a fan of this series, it's (obviously!) a must-read and if you haven't picked up the series yet...what are you waiting for? It has one of the most swoon-worthy UF heroes ever. Seriously, Terrible is just... *swooons*
Profile Image for Suzanne (Under the Covers Book blog).
1,745 reviews552 followers
November 18, 2012
I loved this book, even when I wanted to throw it across the room! Like all of the others books in the Downside Ghosts series it has a twisty turny murky plot and some pretty fast paced action all of which I enjoyed. What made me want to throw it across the room is Chess.

Oh Chess, possibly the most fascinating heroine I have read, but also one of the most frustrating. She wraps herself in her self loathing and all her actions, the drugs that she is popping more and more frequently and the stupid decisions she makes regarding Terrible all trace back to self deustructive behaviour and her sense of not deserving any happiness. And that is an interesting state of mind to have your main character in, BUT this is the fifth book in the series and she is still doing the same things, I have accustomed myself to the believe that Chess will always to be junkie I don't think even by the end of the series she would give up her Cepts, but I just wish she wouldn't keep making the same mistakes over and over, where's the character growth?

But maybe I speak to soon, she had her Moments with Terrible which almost had me in tears it was so co-dependently beautiful . And that brings me round to Terrible. I LOVE TERRIBLE! Every time he calls Chess, Chessiebomb, my heart is a little puddle of goo on the floor! I read this series not because I like the world Kane has created, which I do, not because I like Chess and want to see if she ever gains some self respect, which I hope she does, but because I want to see what Chess and Terrible will do next! I am a romance girl at heart!

Another fantastic book which was a rollercoaster of emotional highs and lows and packed with some beautiful Chess and Terrible moments as well as a few slap-that-stupid-bitch moments for Chess. Loved it.
Profile Image for Kelly.
5,185 reviews200 followers
April 2, 2013
While I have admittedly enjoyed all the books in this series, I *really* liked this installment. Chess and Terrible are together, Chess is totally screwed up, the bad guy is doing VERY BAD THINGS, Terrible is ... kinda awesome. It just worked for me on every level. Even when I was squealing in horror at some of the situations Chess got herself into, I was enthralled.

I never quite know how to think about Chess. She's a wreck and a junkie but she's very honest with herself in that regard. She had a shitty past and it still colors the way she thinks about herself. Her fears about not being good enough for Terrible KILL me. I want her to find her happy place with him and not constantly worry that her happiness is going to disintegrate in the blink of an eye. But, at the same time, that wouldn't be Chess. And against the odds, I like Chess. I like her messed up, screwed up, totally whacked outlook on life. She and Terrible are so GOOD together. They... fit.

Speaking of Terrible... angry, possessive sex is good sex. Wow.

Overall, the bad guy did some very nasty things, the body count was suitably high and Chess' life teeters between some serious highs and lows. I don't always like the things she does, but she owns her power and she's fiercely protective of those she allows into her inner circle. In other words, great addition to the series

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
Displaying 1 - 30 of 544 reviews

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