Goodreads Blog

NEW! Now You Can Send a Customizable Message to Readers Who Enter Your Premium Giveaway

Posted by Greg on May 30, 2018
Goodreads Giveaways

Ever wish you could reach through your screen and connect directly with everyone who entered your giveaway – sharing a bit more about the book, encouraging them to buy a copy, or helping them stay up-to-date by following you? Starting today, now you can provide more reasons to buy your book with the audience you've developed through your giveaway.

Send a customizable message to readers who enter your giveaway
Authors and publishers who run Premium giveaways can now send a personal message to readers who entered but didn’t win – included at no additional cost. Here’s how it works:

  1. When you set up your Premium giveaway, you’ll see an extra field to enter a message to share with entrants after the giveaway ends (up to 1,000 characters). Don’t forget to include a greeting and a closing.
  2. Once you’ve set up your giveaway, Goodreads will send you a preview of how your email will look to readers.
  3. A few hours after your giveaway ends, Goodreads will send the message out to readers who entered but didn’t win.

An example email with a customized message

Some tips on how to create copy for this message that really resonates with readers:

  • Make it personal. We recommend the email comes from the author of the book. This makes the email a friendly, more direct communication between a reader and the author of a book they’re interested in reading.
  • Share an anecdote or interesting insight. Where did the idea for the book come from? Have readers been asking a particular question about this book that you can reveal the answer to? Is this book related to an event or person in your life?
  • Invite an ongoing connection. Use the email to encourage people to follow you on Goodreads so you can continue the connection.
  • Say thank you. Thank people for entering the giveaway and how much you appreciate their interest in the book.
  • Don’t make it too long. People are busy and attention spans are short. You want them to keep reading and see the “where to buy” section at the end.

As a quick refresher, here are all the ways your book will be promoted with a Premium Giveaway:

Premium Giveaway (print book or Kindle ebook format) – $599

  • (NEW) A customizable message sent by Goodreads to entrants who don’t win, providing a unique chance to connect with potentially thousands of readers interested in your book.
  • Featured placement in the Giveaways section of Goodreads, with tens of millions of visitors each month, giving your giveaway significantly more visibility and more entrants. All giveaways are also featured on the title’s book page on Goodreads.
  • Everyone who enters your giveaway automatically adds the book to their Want-to-Read list, promoting your book via updates in their friends’ updates feeds, and building an audience for your title.
  • The author’s followers and anyone who has already added the book to their Want-to-Read list get a notification, letting them know there’s a giveaway starting. This helps generate even more entries, creating more stories in the Goodreads updates feed.
  • About eight weeks after your Giveaway ends, winners receive an email from Goodreads to remind them to rate and review your book. This will help other readers discover and decide to read the book too.


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