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Dana Stabenow Dana Stabenow > Quotes


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“When you put four Alaskans into a room, you have five marriages, six divorces, and seven political parties.”
Dana Stabenow
“Where were they from originally? The Seabolts?"
"I don't know, Idaho, Oklahoma, Iowa. One of those red-neck states with vowels on both ends."
"You mean like Alaska?”
Dana Stabenow, Play With Fire
“We need more bodies, 'cause it's not looking enough like the last scene in Hamlet already. --Chopper Jim Chopin”
Dana Stabenow, Whisper to the Blood
“To be a writer is to embrace rejection as a way of life.”
Dana Stabenow
“She raised her head again. "Aren't you supposed to come over all manly man and forbid the little lady from taking such risks with her fragile self?"
"I like my balls right where they are," he said, and she laughed and put her head back down on his chest.

Kate Shugak to Jim Chopin
Though Not Dead
Dana Stabenow
“That's some f***ing doorman you've got there, Ms. Shugak.”
Dana Stabenow, A Cold Day for Murder
“Suicide by Alaska.”
Dana Stabenow, A Deeper Sleep
“The library is what keeps us a step ahead of the apes.”
Dana Stabenow
“At the moment developing a nice little inoffensive cancer somewhere on dry land seemed infinitely preferable to what she was grimly convinced was soon to be her death by drowning way too far out at sea.”
Dana Stabenow, Dead in the Water
“If cyberspace can screw with you, it will.”
Dana Stabenow
“Over a third of the Newenhan population was under eighteen,which didn't make his job any easier, the hormonally challenged being terminally and all too often fatally prone to acts of stupidity.”
Dana Stabenow, Restless in the Grave
“Three-hour layover in Seattle. If you were flying Alaska Airlines and you wanted to go to hell you had to fly through Seattle to get there.”
Dana Stabenow, Though Not Dead
“Once in a while, I like to polish my halo by taking on a case pro bono.”
Dana Stabenow, Restless in the Grave
“Science fiction is the agent provocateur of literature.”
Dana Stabenow
“Who cares, anymore? Nobody believes anything politicians say. It’s not like they’re working for us, all they do after they get into office is run for reelection. Money, money, money, that’s all it’s about.”
Dana Stabenow, Midnight Come Again
“Everything change with mine, Katya.”
Dana Stabenow, Whisper to the Blood
“How come you're always so mean? --Howie Katelnikof”
Dana Stabenow, Whisper to the Blood
“Easy equation. No jobs, no people. No people, no kids. No kids, no schools. No schools, no community. No community, no jobs, and the snake eats its tail and consumes itself.”
Dana Stabenow, Bad Blood
“The postmistress was a large, zaftig woman with long, grayish blond hair and a floating, floral style of dress.”
Dana Stabenow, Bad Blood
“People who read are never strangers.”
Dana Stabenow, No Fixed Line
“The blogosphere rewards no-holds-barred smartassery.”
Dana Stabenow
“Libraries are what keep us a step ahead of the apes.”
Dana Stabenow
“When you betrayed someone, you didn’t just betray them, you betrayed your families, your community, an entire way of life.”
Dana Stabenow, Fire And Ice
“There was elation, there was triumph, there was pride in achieving the summit, yes, but most of all there was a shift in perspective. From below, the view was of the mountains and the heavens, equally unattainable. From here, it was the mountains below and the heavens above and herself in between, herself, an insignificant, puny little mortal between immortals.”
Dana Stabenow, A Fatal Thaw
“The beating of the drums, which had seemed so monotonous, now took on the sound of a heartbeat, a deep, steady, reassuring throb that seemed to beat up through the soles of his shoes. The chanting went up above the beat, below it, swirled around it, now joyous, now mournful, sometimes a little teasing, maybe even a little mischievous. He couldn’t tell where”
Dana Stabenow, Blood Will Tell
“grader. After the first snow fell the state road crews stopped where the national park boundaries began. But it was a wonderful park, rich in mountains, for it took in parts of the Mentasta, Nutzotin and Chugach ranges, as well as supporting the entire Quilak range. It boasted several hundred miles of coastline along Prince William Sound, site of one of the richest salmon fisheries in the world, and you could always fly in to fish, if you could fly, or could afford to pay someone who did. A shame that so few could, Park rats told each other, some even with straight faces. There were dozens of airstrips within the Park, some sworn to by FAA charts, but between the time the chart was printed and the time the pilot with a ruptured oil line looked for them they would be overgrown by a hungry forest or eroded out of existence by a change of course in the Kanuyaq.”
Dana Stabenow, A Cold Day for Murder
“The room was redolent of the smoky, slightly acrid aroma of cured animal skins.”
Dana Stabenow, Blood Will Tell
Dana Stabenow, Breakup
“biologists figure is why the crab stocks took such a dive in the mid-eighties.” Jack examined his greasy fingers with rapt attention before beginning”
Dana Stabenow, Dead in the Water
Dana Stabenow, Bad Blood

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A Cold Day for Murder (Kate Shugak #1) A Cold Day for Murder
16,526 ratings
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Blood Will Tell (Kate Shugak, #6) Blood Will Tell
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Dead in the Water (Kate Shugak, #3) Dead in the Water
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Though Not Dead (Kate Shugak, #18) Though Not Dead
5,819 ratings
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