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As of December 8th 2020, Goodreads no longer issues new developer keys for our public developer API and plans to retire the current version of these tools. You can find more information here.

Developer Terms of Service

Last updated 7/2/2012

In order to use the Goodreads API, you agree to:

  1. Not request any method more than once a second. Goodreads tracks all requests made by developers.
  2. Clearly display the Goodreads name or logo on any location where Goodreads data appears. For instance if you are displaying Goodreads reviews, they should either be in a section clearly titled "Goodreads Reviews", or each review should say "Goodreads review from John: 4 of 5 stars..."
  3. Link back to the page on Goodreads where the data data appears. For instance, if displaying a review, the name of the reviewer and a "more..." link at the end of the review must link back to the review detail page. You may not nofollow this link.
  4. Not use the API to harvest or index Goodreads data without our explicit written consent.
  5. You may store information obtained from the Goodreads API for up to 24 hours. Goodreads needs the ability to modify, remove, and update the order of our data, which caching would prevent. An exception to this rule is if the data is from your own account or the OAuth-authenticated users account, in which case the data may be stored permanently.
  6. Not sublicense or redistribute Goodreads data to any 3rd parties.
  7. Not modify or change Goodreads data, including reviews, in any way. Reviews may be truncated for display purposes, but must link to the full review on Goodreads.
  8. Obtain each user's explicit consent before adding, removing or otherwise changing book reviews or other data on their behalf - usually in the form of clicking a button or checking a box. A user authenticating with your application does not constitute consent.
  9. Not use the Goodreads data as part of a commercial product without our explicit written consent. If you would like to include Goodreads data in a commercial product, please contact us.
  10. Not name your application "Goodreads". Do not use "Goodreads" in your applications name. You may use the Goodreads logo to acknowledge your apps association with Goodreads, but not as the main logo for or within your app.
  11. Acknowledge that your developer account can be suspended for any infraction of these terms.
  12. Acknowledge that these terms may be updated or amended at any time without prior notice, and that your continued use of the API constitutes your acceptance of the new terms.