Fraser Porter

Fraser Porter

For as long as I can remember, I've had a fascination with video games and technology. From a young age, I was always reading up on the latest tech and begging my parents to buy it for me - now I have my own job and make my own money, I realize why they often had to say no to my requests. For that reason, I love trying to find the best value gear so I can recommend it when asked. I studied Journalism at Edinburgh Napier University and throughout my time there gaming was one of my main focuses. Alongside Duncan Robertson, I was the co-host of NerdCulture, a weekly gaming and nerdy news radio show. My time as Studio Manager for the uni radio station meant tinkering with a lot of technology to ensure each broadcast worked smoothly. Elsewhere, you can find me discussing professional wrestling as Cultaholic's Community and Social Media Manager, and you'll also see me on the occasional Twitch stream.