
Latest editorial blogs:

newest commented
    • Petter
    • Written by Petter on the 24th of July 2024 at 21:13
    • Chiron SS vs Rimac Nevera 🇸🇪

    • That a hyper-electric cart with 2000 cows crawls away from a Bugatti with a W16 engine in it, is not tricky, but despite this, Steve Hamilton and his car-crazy gang have put together a funny little video where they pit t
    • Petter
    • Written by Petter on the 24th of July 2024 at 20:56
    • Samsung has no shame in its body 🇸🇪

    • At the level and to the extent that Samsung has copied Apple's design over the last ten years, they have done everything they can,  they have done everything about the iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and made it as shame
    • Petter
    • Written by Petter on the 24th of July 2024 at 14:17
    • When you hate your job 🇸🇪

    • Tough sitting that, you've signed a contract and been compensated with a lump sum that amounts to 60-70 million SEK (or more) to play theater in front of a Red camera for a few measly weeks. Once there, you quickly reali
  • HQ
    • Jonas
    • Written by Jonas on the 24th of July 2024 at 11:01
    • The world's summeriest game 🇸🇪

    • It was actually one of Gamereactor's excellent readers who told me about The Touryst when I asked for suggestions for good holiday games a number of years ago. It looked promising and I downloaded it to the Switch... and has since then also acquired it for desktop formats (there is a version for just about everyone). 
    • Jonas
    • Written by Jonas on the 23rd of July 2024 at 01:07
    • "Hey you guys!" 🇸🇪

    • It's very rare that we even start our TV box nowadays here at home. We have it mostly because older relatives sometimes visit who want to watch TV, and to watch the extremely few programs on linear TV that we can only watch via linear TV. But sometimes it still happens that we start it after having had a hard time finding something to watch, and zap along between the eternal reprises of Friends, Lyxfällan and Ullared that are available.
    • Jonas
    • Written by Jonas on the 19th of July 2024 at 02:53
    • Now it's time for a well-deserved (?) vacation 🇸🇪

    • Last month Petter went on his vacation and after today it's my turn. So far, the summer has had terrible weather (except in May, when it was high summer deluxe), but apart from the fact that I can't grill, it's really the same for me. I'm looking forward to playing a lot of games I haven't had time to deal with, where I'm currently playing  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate  on Switch, and I know that for some unclear reason I'm always tempted to play a lot of retro when I'm free.

Latest user blogs:

newest commented
    • Conny Andersson
    • Written by Conny Andersson on the 22nd of July 2024 at 12:44
    • Meditative gaming experiences 🇸🇪

    • After a period with a troubled back, I thankfully started to find my way back to a more normal everyday life again just before the weekend. When my body is so bad, my mental well-being also becomes pretty bad, and the urge to play something almost disappears completely. But then I started to turn on my Xbox and play a little more and more every day. I still have a lot left of Banishers: Ghost of New Eden, but needed something a little calmer and since Flock had appeared on Gamepass, I downloaded it.
    • polanskiam
    • Written by polanskiam on the 5th of May 2020 at 12:53
    • Call of Duty: Warzone - Battle Royale and more!

    • The Eclipse mode, the royal battle for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, had only two drawbacks, but big ones. Firstly, it was an appendage to a paid game with a fairly serious price tag, and secondly, after the release, the developers seem to have completely forgotten about it, having stopped updating and finalizing this mode. Well, it seems that the second time Activision decided to do everything right. Meet Call of Duty: Warzone - the free Battle Royale in the Call of Duty series with some interesting new mechanics.
    • Benke
    • Written by Benke on the 18th of April 2019 at 17:19
    • The time has come to say goodbye...

    • Gamereactor has been a huge part of my life over the last 17 years. I started out as a staff writer at the Swedish site / magazine re-launched/launched back in 2002 and soon thereafter I stepped in as an editor. I went on to work on the English site as it launched and the video side of things soon became my domain. I really do enjoy travelling to events and interviewing game developers, getting to know the people who make the games we love to play (and the ones we may not love quite as much). In many ways it's as much about the people as it is about the games, if not more. It's truly been my pleasure. But as I may have given away there in the first sentence I'm no spring chicken and I want to try my hand at other things and that's why the time has come to say goodbye. There's no drama, simply the slow realisation that I need a change of scenery and a change of duties.
    • sjson
    • Written by sjson on the 29th of March 2019 at 14:11
    • Character Development In Star Wars Lego Game

    • Both of their plans were botched so they were forced to work together to escape. It isn't until later in life that they are awarded their own name. Another interesting option available to choose from for this race is tattoos and scars. The extra figures should make this highly appealing for fans. Inger loves stories and loves to write. This guide also gives you really nice walkthroughs of all the levels and quests and shows you where they will take you depending on the paths you decide to take with your character. They could also sport a human-like pale skin sometimes. or backfire completely. It provides extra cups, plates, and everything else you need. Safe and guaranteed.
    • daisyrowley
    • Written by daisyrowley on the 12th of February 2019 at 14:01
    • Mass Effect: Andromeda - Review

    • Andromeda is the fourth entry in the Mass Effect series, but kicks off a brand-new story. In BioWare's new third-person role-playing game (RPG), play as the main protagonist Ryder, a human adventurer who travels through an age of advanced technology. Players find themselves on a quest to help humanity thrive in a new galaxy. The game is massive with a lot of activities, remarkably minimal of which is enjoyable. It's bland at the start and tedious to play at times. Soon after the character's father sacrifices himself, the character is thrown early into the role of Pathfinder. As the Pathfinder, the player is responsible for making planets suitable for colonization, initiating the first contact with new aliens, investigating the remnants of an advanced ancient civilization, and preventing the Kett from destroying everything.
    • roundcube
    • Written by roundcube on the 4th of February 2019 at 09:39
    • Atomic Heart: blamed and justified

    • Atomic Heart is not released yet, but it's one of the most talked about games nowadays. What is the reason for product's popularity? Good gameplay video? Interesting idea?
    • Gamer_X_
    • Written by Gamer_X_ on the 6th of October 2017 at 15:51
    • The next Elder Scrolls setting...

    • The most likely location of the next elder scrolls in my opinion (my three favorite candidates are 1. Black Marsh 2. Summerset Isles 3. Hammerfell, would be overjoyed if any of these turned out to be the next setting)
    • Mike Holmes
    • Written by Mike Holmes on the 13th of September 2017 at 12:39
    • Board games on GR

    • We love games here at Gamereactor (the clue's in the name, right?) and when it comes to the games we play we're looking to expand our scope a little. From here on in we're going to start writing about our experiences wit
    • il-mato
    • Written by il-mato on the 4th of May 2016 at 13:05
    • 5 Retro Games On Steam That Will Take You Back

    • After some digging around the steam store, I have found some retro/strategy titles with a heavy discount. Most of the games listed on here have 70% off the original price... the offers are of course limited so make sure you check them out quick! Do make sure you have your Steam Wallet Credit ready to go too!
    • asherdotsonJJ8
    • Written by asherdotsonJJ8 on the 16th of March 2016 at 00:56
    • Top 5 Star Wars Games I've Played...(so far)

    • Ever since Disney acquired the rights to the Star Wars universe, fans from all over the world rejoiced. Not only did this mean that we get to see a continuation of the beloved saga, but also an even more expanded gaming world in the series. Games like Star Wars Battlefront have undergone reboots, and there's even a standalone Star Wars movie that's coming out this year. With this rekindling of the Star Wars fare, a slew of mobile games related to the universe have also come out. Here's our top 5 picks, in no particular order:
    • Goffer Harrison
    • Written by Goffer Harrison on the 22nd of December 2015 at 08:27
    • Gone Home Review

    • Steve Gayner and the Fullbright developer's masterpiece Gone Home, is a detailed, non-violent first-person interactive that encompasses a profound exploration based game. As the opening credits fade away, thunder and torrential rain overtake a dark summer's night. Katie Greenbriar arrives at her new home from her year long trip to Europe. With no one home, Katie snoops through her own home in order to piece together what happened while she was away.
    • Clover
    • Written by Clover on the 4th of December 2015 at 17:31
    • The game that isn't a game

    • After hearing about Neko Atsume, my inner (slightly crazy) cat lady couldn't resist to grab it from the App Store straight away.
    • Gillen McAllister
    • Written by Gillen McAllister on the 28th of August 2015 at 16:24
    • The Last & Greatest

    • So in a few minutes I'll be signing out of Gamereactor for the last time, as today marks my last heading up the UK as its Editor in Chief. After 5 years of hammering the place into shape, as well as launching and running the print magazine, it's time for me to try something new (real reason: I've got to make some headway with my video game backlog. I've still to play Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI, Metroid Prime... the list goes on).
    • Patrik Severin
    • Written by Patrik Severin on the 15th of June 2015 at 02:16
    • Any dreams for E3 this year?

    • It has been a good year so far in terms of games, and announcements. At E3 starting soon we will get a ton of new games most likely and those that have leaked or announced beforehand. I myself have some hopes to see a few games. This small list is for a few games that arent announced yet to be there, and most likely wont with a few exceptions that might or will show up in some form. I have tried to exclude anything confirmed already like Fallout 4 among others.
    • EsbenKongOrange
    • Written by EsbenKongOrange on the 15th of April 2015 at 14:28
    • Fight between gamejourno and indie developer

    • Heartbeats is a new puzzler from Danish Developer Kong Orange. It got quite a beating in the Danish branch article about mobile games from Gamereactor Denmark EiC, Lee West. He called it "an artsyfartsy mess" that had an array of unintuitive puzzles and did not recommend it. None the less Heartbeats has been quite well received from fans and among other things it was featured in games of the month in Time Magazine and Best New Games in the US App Store.
    • Stiffenjohnson
    • Written by Stiffenjohnson on the 14th of April 2015 at 08:38
    • Legend Bob Marley

    • Right now Im sitting here infront of the computer and listening to the ol' legend Bob Marley. I´m pretty sure that most of you guys (And girls) know who he´s, but for you that has been living under a cave for some years Bob Marley is a rasta-god.
    • Lee West
    • Written by Lee West on the 6th of February 2015 at 15:14
    • The fast, the furious and the zombies

    • I honestly wasn't expecting much on this newly released freemium title, and in a way that is what I am getting: Not much. But what there is, I am truly enjoying.
    • nickholmberg
    • Written by nickholmberg on the 23rd of July 2014 at 08:42
    • Top 10 games of the generation and my jump to next gen

    • So it happened. I just preordered a PlayStation 4. On September 9th I'll pick up my Destiny Bundle with that gorgeous white PS4. I guess my prediction of waiting till 2015 was a bit too much. I have used the ability to play at work quite a bit, and that includes platinuming Infamous: Second Son. But playing at the office is not enough anymore. I want to play at home and I want my own PS4. And I already have a backlog of games.
    • Strategist
    • Written by Strategist on the 10th of October 2013 at 20:13
    • PC builder: The boxes

    • I've decided to get a new gaming computer. And naturally I'm going to build it myself.
    • saso77
    • Written by saso77 on the 1st of September 2013 at 17:28
    • Microsoft: XboxOne is expensive than PS4

    • Although Microsoft has changed a lot of things about Xbox One console compared to the initial announcement, the price of the console will remain the same, and at the company does not care because it is more expensive than the other gaming consoles from the competition.
    • Audacity
    • Written by Audacity on the 3rd of August 2013 at 11:05
    • Bioshock infinite DLC: Burial at sea

    • Anyone else excited for this DLC? Although no specified release date for it I cant help checking the website everyday for updates. If taking a step back into rapture wasn't awesome enough, they have combined everyone's f
    • Verusan
    • Written by Verusan on the 28th of May 2013 at 10:50
    • The "Next" Gen.

    • We love a good console war. Or rather, the internet loves a good rage war in general and the battle between the next gen consoles has provided us with perfect fodder. It always has. "Genesis does what Nintendon't" right?
    • rethrow
    • Written by rethrow on the 15th of January 2013 at 08:08
    • Dark souls: a phenomenon

    • The flames are fading, the age of fire is nearing its end, and the abyss is ever growing. Darkness is approaching, and the gods and giants of anor londo are fleeing, soon the city will be all but abandoned.
    • Baltharan
    • Written by Baltharan on the 23rd of November 2012 at 23:49
    • Playing With Orphans

    • Sometimes a moment in a game can make your day. Playing Assassin's Creed 3 I had such a moment.
    • WHITEDEATH2178
    • Written by WHITEDEATH2178 on the 29th of June 2012 at 14:17
    • sG looking for people

    • sG is the name of the new gears of war clan im in we have over 15 people in it. we are still looking for more if you want to join just message me on xbox live to my new GT sG the BUTCHER or on twitter @sG_the_BUTCHER for
    • Lorenzo Mosna
    • Written by Lorenzo Mosna on the 13th of May 2012 at 17:18
    • Italians do it better #4: False Friends

    • You know them. Or maybe not. But you surely hate them: false friends. I'm not talking about people who claim to be your friends but try to stab you in the back. I'm talking about some foreign words that sound incredibly similar to other words in your local language, but have a different meaning.