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News guides 29 June 2023, 11:39

Story of Seasons a Wonderful Life - How to Get a Seed Maker from Daryl

Getting seeds to plant is essential if you want to have a great farm. In Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life it is possible to get a Seed Maker device from an NPC named Daryl. Let's dive deeper into this topic.

Source: Marvelous Inc.

Story of Seasons is a reincarnation and continuation of old Harvest Moon game series. Its latest part, A Wonderful Life, is a remake of the Harvest Moon with the same subtitle. As every farming game, planting seeds and growing crops is the core part of the gameplay. Getting seeds to plant though is another story. The title offers a machine called Seed Maker just for this purpose. In original game it could have been obtained from a scientist named Daryl. Let’s see if anything changed in the remake.

How to get Seed Maker from Daryl in Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life

As already mentioned, Daryl is a scientist and lives behind the Blue Bar in Forget-Me-Not Valley. You will know you are close to it by hearing a buzzing sound coming from the building. He is in possession of a very valuable farming item – Seed Maker.

To get it from him, you will simply have to become a good friend with Daryl. It can be done through constant visits, chatting, and giving him gifts (he likes fossils and fish).

When you finally befriend him, during one of your visits, he will start rambling about town dwellers stealing the design of the Seed Maker machine he had made. As a proof that his creation is wonderful, he will gift you the device. Be careful, because in original if you did not manage to get it during the year one, the event would not occur. Sadly, we did not have a chance yet to check if this is true in the remake also.

Other way of getting Seed Maker in Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life

It seems like the Daryl was not wrong with his suspicions. If it’s already Summer and you talk to Takakura, he will make Seed Maker available in his leger. This itself is not the problem, as it will make the machine obtainable from other means than Daryl, but if you decide to buy it from Takakura, it will cost 30,000G and takes 3 days to install. Not only is it a steep cost, especially at the beginning of the game, but it will also lock you out from getting the machine for free from Daryl.

If you would like to know more about Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life, check also:

  1. Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life - Heart Events
  2. Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life - Fishing Explained
  3. Story Of Seasons: A Wonderful Life - Where is Dog Food and How to Feed a Dog

Aleksander Kartasinski

Aleksander Kartasinski

Just a random from the depths of the internet who happens to be interested in video games like millions of other people on this planet. By sheer luck he was given a chance to write about them. Worked in IT department and supported users for way too long, but also given a chance to do some IT magic on a large scale in his free time. Interested in technology, games with intriguing mechanics, etymology, and linguistics.
